REPORT No. 37 IGBP Northern Eurasia Study
REPORT No. 37 IGBP Northern Eurasia Study: Prospectus for an Integrated Global Change Research Project The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme: A Study of Global Change (IGBP) of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) Stockholm, 1996 ----------~----.-~~~---- GLoBAL CHANGE REPORT No. 37 IGBP Northern Eurasia Study: Prospectus for an Integrated Global Change Research Project Edited by W.L. Steffen and A.Z. Shvidenko With contributions from H. Bugmann, F.S. Chapin Ill, J.G. Goldammer, S. Hahn, R. Harding, P. Hogberg, G. Inoue, P.G. Jarvis, P. Kabat, A. Krenke, P. Kuhry, H. Lee, J.S. Levine, S. Linder, S. Nilsson, T. Ohata, A. Pszenny, W.S. Reeburgh, R. Rosenberg, E.-D. Schulze and K.A. Smith The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme: A Study of Global Change (IGBP) of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) Stockholm, 1996 The international planning and coordination of the IGBP is supported by IGBP National Committees, the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), the European Contents Commission, the National Science Foundation (USA), The Federal Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF, Germany), Deutscbe Forschungsgemeinscbaft (DFG, Germany), Governments and industry. This report is also available in Russian. Executive Summary 5 Preface 9 Background 10 Goals of the Study 17 General Biogeography of Northern Eurasia 19 General Organisation of the Study 22 Design of the Transect Component 24 Design of the Network Component 29 Design of the Water, Energy and Carbon Flux Component 31 Design of the Fire Component 34 Modelling, Integration and Data 35 Global Change Impacts on Managed Forests 41 Interactions 42 Resource Requirements and Priorities 46 Next Steps 47 References 50 Glossary 54 Appendix 1: Site Characterisation: Required Data on Vegetation, Soil, Land Use and Climate for Trace Gas Flux Measurements.
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