Resonance-Assisted Intramolecular ± Chalcogen Interactions?

Pablo Sanz, Manuel Ya¬nƒ ez, and Otilia Mo¬*[a]

Abstract: High-level B3LYP/6- independently of the nature of X and Y. nonbonding interactions involving 311‡G(3df,2p) density functional calcu- For X ˆ O, S, Se and Yˆ S, Se the most chalcogen , mainly Se and Te, are lations have been carried out for a series stable conformer b is the one exhibiting not always strongly stabilizing. This of saturated chalcogenoaldehydes: aYÀH ¥¥¥X IHB. Conversely when Yˆ conclusion is in agreement with the fact ˆ CH(X)-CH2-CH2YH (X, Y O, S, Se, Te, the chelated conformer d, stabilized that intermolecular interactions be- Te). Our results indicate that in CH(X)- through aX ¥¥¥YH chalcogen ± chalco- tween Se and Te containing systems ˆ ˆ CH2-CH2YH (X Y O, S, Se) the gen interaction is the global minimum of with bases bearing dative groups are XÀH ¥¥¥X intramolecular the potential energy surface. Systemati- very weak. We have also shown that bond (IHB) competes in strength with cally the IHB and the chalcogen ± these interactions are enhanced for un- the X ¥¥¥XH chalcogen ± chalcogen in- chalcogen interactions observed for sa- saturated compounds, through an in- teraction, while the opposite is found for turated compounds are much weaker crease of the charge delocalization with- the corresponding -containing than those found for their unsaturated in the system, in a mechanism rather analogues. For those derivatives in analogues. This result implies that the similar to the so call Resonance Assisted which X=Y, X being the more electro- Hydrogen Bonds (RAHB). The chalc- negative , the situation is more ogen ± chalcogen interactions will be Keywords: density functional calcu- complicated due to the existence of two also large, due to the enhancement of lations ¥ chalcogen ± chalcogen in- non-equivalent XÀH and YÀH tauto- the X ! Y dative bond, if the molecular teractions ¥ hydrogen bonds ¥ reso- mers. The YÀH tautomer is found to be environment forces the interacting nance assisted interactions lower in energy than the XÀH tautomer, atoms X and Y to be close each other.

Introduction basicity and/or acidity of the system. Chalcogen ± chalcogen attractive forces also play an important role as far as the Weak interactions play a crucial role in the structural preferred conformation and reactivity of some chalcogen organization of chemical and biochemical systems and in derivatives is concerned, as it has been shown many years ago molecular recognition. Many of these weak interactions are by Adcock, Angyan et al. and B¸rgi and D¸nitz,[14±16] and directly associated with the formation of inter- or intra- more recently by Minyaev and Minkin.[17, 18] Also recently, molecular hydrogen bonds (IHBs),[1±3] while others are due to Komatsu et al. [19] showed that 17Oand77Se NMR spectro- nonbonding interactions between heavy atoms. Among the scopic data provide strong evidence for intramolecular non- latter chalcogen ± chalcogen interactions have received a bonded interaction between Se and O in hydroxy-selenenyl particular attention. These weak bonds are responsible for compounds. These interactions seem to play also an important the enhanced stability of chelated structures with respect to role in some reaction mechanisms.[20] open ones, as it is the case for instance in malonaldehyde[4±8] Very recently, using b-chalcogenovinylaldehydes as suitable and in thiomalonaldehyde (TMA),[9, 10] and modulate their model compounds, we have investigated[21] the competition intrinsic reactivity. Tropolone,[11] resorcinol,[12] and acid anhy- between XÀH ¥¥¥Y (or X ¥¥¥H-Y) IHBs (structures a and b in drides[13] are paradigmatic examples of systems where the Scheme 1) and Y! X (or X ! Y) chalcogen ± chalcogen existence or the formation of IHBs affects the intrinsic nonbonded interactions (structures c and d, respectively in Scheme 1) on the stability of these systems. A possible mixture of rapidly interconverting tautomers a [a] Prof. Dr. O. Mo¬, P. Sanz, Prof. Dr. M. Ya¬nƒ ez and b through the IHB is another important characteristic of Departamento de Quimica, C-9 this kind of compounds. As a matter of fact, for thiomalo- Universidad Auto¬ nomade Madrid naldehyde high level ab initio calculations predict both Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid (Spain) tautomers to be very close in energy,[9] and thiomalonalde- Fax : ( ‡34)91-3975238 E-mail: [email protected] hyde and its derivatives have been successfully used as model Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW under systems to investigate ultrafast hydrogen transfer through [22±24] http://www.chemeurj.org/ or from the author. pulsed lasers. Also, the existence of both forms a and b

4548 ¹ 2003 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/chem.200304891 Chem. Eur. J. 2003, 9, 4548 ± 4555 4548±4555

6-31G* basis set expansion was used for the geometry opti- mization and harmonic vibra- tional frequency calculations for all compounds, except for those containing Te. For tellu- rium derivatives, we have em- Scheme 1. Tautomers for X ˆ O, S and Yˆ Se, Te. ployed amixed , which includes aSKBJ relativistic po- tential of Stevens et al.[45] for has been well established by means of UV,[25] UV photo- Te, which accounts for the most important relativistic effects, electron,[26] IR,[25] and 1H NMR spectroscopy.[27, 28] However, together with the [4,1]‡d basis described in ref. [21] and a our results indicated that, although selenovinylaldehyde and 6-31G(d) basis set for the remaining atoms of the system. selenothiovinylaldehyde resemble closely thiomalonalde- Hereafter, for the sake of simplicity this mixed basis set, will hyde, in the sense that the O-H ¥¥¥Se and the S-H ¥¥¥Se be named for extension 6-31G(d). intramolecular hydrogen bonds compete in strength with the Final energies were obtained on single point B3LYP/6- O ¥¥¥Se and the S ¥¥¥Se interactions, the opposite is found for 311‡G(3df,2p) calculations on the aforementioned optimized the corresponding tellurium-containing analogues. These geometries. It must be indicated that for Se the dissimilarities are due to dramatic differences between Se 6-311‡G(3df,2p) basis set corresponds to that reported by and Te as far as the X ¥¥¥Y(Xˆ O, S ; Y ˆ Se, Te) interactions Curtiss et al.[46] are concerned, which for Se derivatives are rather small, while For Te-containing compounds, again a mixed basis set was for Te compounds are very strong. As a consequence, while used. It combines an all-electron 6-311‡G(3df,2p) basis set for containing compounds the global minima of the expansion for all atoms except Te, for which the SKBJ potential energy surface (PES) correspond to a-type tauto- effective core potential is combined with the (6s,6p,3d,1f) mers, for Te containing systems the global minima correspond basis set developed in a previous paper.[21] Again for the sake to d-type tautomers. In a recent paper,[29] we have also shown of simplicity this mixed basis set will be named hereafter as that these weak interactions play a crucial role in the intrinsic 6-311‡G(3df,2p) basis. In a previous paper[21] we have shown, basicity and acidity of these systems. for the set of b-chalcogenovinylaldehydes that this approach The enhanced stability of the IHB in thiomalonaldehyde yields results in good agreement with those obtained by has been often associated with the so-called Resonance means of high-level G2(MP2) ab initio calculations, but at a Assisted (RAHB) phenomenon,[1, 30±32] that much lower cost. is, the stabilization resulting from the charge delocalization The bonding characteristics of the different tautomers were triggered by the formation of the IHB. An open question, is analyzed by using two alternative procedures, namely the whether similar resonance effects may be responsible for the atoms in molecules (AIM) theory of Bader[47] and the Natural enhanced stability of d-type tautomers in the case of Se- and Bond Order (NBO) analysis of Weinhold et al.[48] The first Te-containing compounds, that is, whether chalcogen ± chalc- method is based on a topological analysis of the electron ogen interactions observed in b-chalcogenovinylaldehydes charge density and its Laplacian. Within this approach we containing Se and Te are enhanced by a possible charge have located for each bond the bond critical points (bcp) the delocalization effect. In order to analyze this possibility we charge density of which is a good indication of the strength of will compare along this paper the structure, stability and the linkage. bonding characteristics previously reported in the literature[21] The NBO analysis will allow us to obtain reliable charge for b-chalcogenovinylaldehydes, with those of the corre- distributions, as well as to evaluate quantitatively the intra- sponding saturated analogues, namely CH(X)-CH2-CH2YH molecular attractive orbital interactions which would be (X, Yˆ O, S, Se, Te), where delocalization effects are absent. responsible for the stability of c- and d-type structures (see Scheme 1). These analyses will be complemented with those carried out in terms of the lengthening or shortening of the Computational Methods bond lengths and in terms of the shifting of the corresponding stretching frequencies. We have carried out also a Natural [49±51] The geometries of the different conformers of CH(X)-CH2- Resonance Theory (NRT) analysis to estimate the weight ˆ CH2YH (X, Y O, S, Se, Te) species were optimized using the of the most important resonance structures that may contrib- B3LYP density functional theory (DFT) approach, as it is ute to the enhancement of the strength of the IHB or that of implemented in the Gaussian 98 suite of programs.[33]The the chalcogen ± chalcogen interaction. B3LYP method combines Becke×s three-parameter nonlocal hybrid exchange potential[34] with the non-local correlation functional of Lee, Yang and Parr[35] and yields optimized Results and Discussion geometries in fairly good agreement with experimental ones[5, 36±42] and, harmonic vibrational frequencies that are Since the main goal of our study is to analyze in detail the closer to experiment than those obtained by using other strength of IHBs and chalcogen ± chalcogen interactions, we correlated methods such as the MP2 formalism.[43, 44] A shall restrict our survey to tautomers a ± d (see Scheme 2).

Chem. Eur. J. 2003, 9, 4548 ± 4555 www.chemeurj.org ¹ 2003 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 4549 FULL PAPER O. Mo¬ et al.

not change significantly on go- ing from to selenium, but in general the CˆSe is slightly better proton acceptor than the CˆS group. For Te- compounds, both the proton donor ability of the Te-H group and the proton acceptor ability Scheme 2. Tautomers for X ˆ O, S, Se, Te and Yˆ O, S, Se, Te. of the CˆTe group decrease and the Te-containing compound exhibits the weakest IHB. Con- Furthermore, in preliminary calculations carried out at the versely, the XÀH(Xˆ Se, Te) s* antibonding orbitals are B3LYP/6-31G(d) level we have verified that, in the gas phase, lower in energy than the XÀH(Xˆ O, S) s* ones, favoring the conformers a ± d are systematically lower in energy than other formation of dative bonds. As a matter of fact, a second order conformers in which the aliphatic chain is more extended. In perturbation NBO analysis shows that in both (SeSe)c and order to make more systematic our discussion the following (TeTe)c tautomers there is a dative bond from one of the nomenclature will be adopted hereafter. The different com- lone pairs of the chalcogen atom in the CˆX group to the s* pounds will be identified by naming the two chalcogen atoms antibonding XÀH(Xˆ Se, Te) orbital, while no similar orbital XY followed by the letter which identifies each tautomer (a ± interactions are detected for (OO)c and (SS)c. The energy d). In all cases Y designates the less electronegative of the two associated with these orbital interactions is, as expected larger chalcogen atoms. It must be noted that for the particular cases (10.6 kJmolÀ1) for the Te derivative than for the Se-contain- in which X ˆ Y, tautomer a is identical to tautomer b and ing compound (7.0 kJ molÀ1). Consistently, whereas for the Se- tautomer c is identical to tautomer d. It is also important to derivative tautomer a lies lower in energy than tautomer c, for realize that, although for the unsaturated compounds, tauto- the Te-containing compound is the other way around. This is mers a and b are directly connected through a hydrogen also reflected in the SeÀHandTeÀH bond lengths. Although transfer through the IHB, that is not the case for tautomers a in conformer a the SeÀH(TeÀH) bond is involved in the IHB, and b of the corresponding saturated analogues. its is shorter than in tautomer c, reflecting the The optimized geometries of the different conformers of population (occupation number 0.02) of the s* antibonding the compounds under investigation have been schematized in XÀH through the chalcogen ± chalcogen interaction men- Figure 1. Their total energies are given as supporting infor- tioned above, this difference being greater for the Te than for mation. Figure 1 includes also their relative stabilities for the the Se-derivative. Consistently, the SeÀH(TeÀH) stretching sake of a better comparison. frequency for tautomer c appears at lower values than for tautomer a (2387 vs 2243 cmÀ1 for the selenium derivative and Relative stabilities of compounds with X ˆ Y: From the values 1980 vs 2036 cmÀ1 for the tellurium derivative). in Figure 1, it can be easily observed that for O, S and Se- containing compounds the chelated structure stabilized through the XÀH ¥¥¥X intramolecular hydrogen bond is the Table 1. Charge density (1(r)ineauÀ3) at the bond critical points global minimum of the PES, although the energy gap between associated with the IHB and the chalcogen ± chalcogen interaction in ˆ conformers a and c decreases steadily from O to Se. For the CH(X)-CH2-CH2YH (X, Y O, S, Se, Te) compounds. Te derivative the structure exhibiting a Te ¥¥¥Te nonbonding Tautomer 1(r) IHB[a] Tautomer 1(r)X¥¥¥X[a] interaction is more stable than that with a Te-H ¥¥¥Te IHB. X ˆ Y These results are consistent with the bonding characteristics (OO)a 1.485 OOc * obtained either through the use of the AIM or the NBO (SS)a 0.7999 SSc * partition techniques. A topological analysis of their charge (SeSe)a 0.9457 SeSec 1.047 density reveals the existence of a bcp associated with the IHB (TeTe)a 0.5364 TeTec 0.8472 = in all conformers a. However, as shown in Table 1, the charge X Y (OS)a 1.329 OSc * density decreases on going from O to Te, even though the Se (OS)b 0.8671 OSd * derivative has a value slightly larger than that of the S (OSe)a 1.469 OSec * containing compound. More importantly, only for Se- and Te- (OSe)b * OSed * [b] derivatives a bcp exists between the two chalcogen atoms in (OTe)a 1.057 OTec * (OTe)b * OTed 1.514 conformer . As expected, the strength of the IHB depends on c (SSe)a 1.078 SSec * the donor and acceptor proton ability of the heteroatom. In (SSe)b 0.7999 SSed * the containing compound the O-H group is a good (STe)a 0.7736 STec * proton donor reflecting the high of the (STe)b * STed 1.074 oxygen atom, while the CˆO group is amoderateproton (SeTe)a 0.7112 SeTec * (SeTe)b 0.5545 SeTed 1.099 acceptor. The CˆS group is a better proton acceptor than the CˆO group, but in contrast the S-H group is a much poorer [a] All values have been multiplied by 100. * denotes that the correspond- ing bcp does not exist. [b] This tautomer is not a stationary point of the proton donor than the O-H group, due to a much smaller PES. electronegativity of the sulfur atom. This donor ability does

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Relative stability of compounds with X=Y: The situation is Among the most stable tautomers conformer b, stabilized obviously more complicated when both chalcogen atoms are through the YÀH ¥¥¥X IHB (see Figure 1), is the global different, because the four conformers a ± d are different. The minimum of the PES, for compounds in which X ˆ O, S, Se first conspicuous fact of Figure 1 is that the YÀH tautomers (b, and Yˆ S, Se, while for all systems in which Yˆ Te d) are systematically more stable than the XÀH tautomers (a, structure d, stabilized through a X ¥¥¥YÀH chalcogen ± chalc- c). As illustrated in this figure, the energy gaps between these ogen interaction, is the most stable conformer. two sets of conformers depend strongly on the nature of the Let us analyze in more detail the bonding of these systems. chalcogen atoms involved. When X ˆ O, the gap increases As shown in Table 1, the XÀH ¥¥¥Y IHB in tautomers a is from about 13 kcalmolÀ1 if Yˆ S, to about 20 kcalmolÀ1 if systematically stronger than the YÀH ¥¥¥X IHB in tauto- Yˆ Te. Conversely, these energy gaps decrease dramatically mers b, as measured by the value of the charge density at the when X ˆ S and Yˆ Se, Te or when X ˆ Se and Yˆ Te. corresponding bcp. Actually, for some compounds, such as Similar stability trends were observed before for some (OSe)b, (OTe)b,and(STe)b the interaction is so weak that no unsaturated analogues, such as thiomalonaldehyde and some bcp is found associated with the possible IHB. This result b-chalcogenovinylaldehydes containing sulfur, selenium and could be qualitatively anticipated if one takes into account tellurium. However, for the unsaturated systems, the energy that, on the one hand the XÀH groups should be better proton gap between YÀH type and XÀH tautomers is canceled out by donors than the YÀH groups, because X is more electro- the existence of strong IHBs or strong chalcogen ± chalcogen negative than Y, and on the other hand, the CˆY groups are interactions.[29] Apparently, this is not the case when dealing more polarizable than the CˆX ones, because they involve with the saturated analogues, and therefore a more detailed bulkier atoms and therefore they behave as better proton analysis is needed. As suggested in previous papers, the acceptors. However, the enhanced strength of the XÀH ¥¥¥Y relative stability of XÀH versus YÀH tautomers can be IHB, is not enough to counterbalance the intrinsic greater analyzed through the use of the isodesmic reaction: stability of YÀH versus XÀH tautomers. This is at variance with what was found for the corresponding unsaturated ˆ ˆ ‡ ! ‡ ˆ analogues, where for compounds in which X O, S, Se and H2C X CH3YH CH3XH H2C Y (1) Yˆ S, Se, tautomer a, stabilized through a XÀH ¥¥¥YIHBis the most stable one, in spite of the fact that also for (X ˆ O, S ; Y ˆ Se, Te) unsaturated compounds the YÀH tautomers are intrinsically more stable than the XÀH ones. We shall come back later to The results obtained (see Table 2) show that Reaction (1) is this point. systematically endothermic reflecting the larger stability of A similar analysis permits to explain the stability of those CˆO and CˆS bonds as compared with CˆSe and CˆTe ones, species which do not present IHBs. As shown in Table 1, a bcp between the two chalcogen atoms was located only for (OTe)d, (STe)d,and(SeTe)d species. Consistently, asecond Table 2. Calculated enthalpy [kJmolÀ1] for Reaction (1), showing that systematically the YÀH-type tautomers are more stable than the XÀH-type order NBO perturbation analysis shows that only for these ones. three species there is a dative bond from the lone pairs of the ˆ s À XYDH 8 X( O, S, Se) atom towards the *Te H antibonding orbital (see Table 3). The existence of this stabilizing chalcogen ± ‡ OS 54.6 ˆ OSe‡ 65.5 chalcogen interaction is mirrored in shorter X ¥¥¥Te (X O, OTe‡ 81.8 S, Se) distances (See Figure 1) than those estimated for the SSe‡ 10.8 remaining tautomers. Also the population of the TeÀH STe‡ 27.2 antibonding s* orbital is reflected in a clear elongation of ‡ Se Te 16.4 this bond (compare structures d and b in Figure 1), and in the red-shifting (63, 59 and 71 cmÀ1, respectively) of the corre- sponding TeÀH stretching frequency. which is not counterbalanced by the greater stability of OÀH Why chalcogen ± chalcogen interactions are quantitatively and SÀH linkages as compared with SeÀHandTeÀH ones. significant only for Te containing compounds can be under- The enthalpy values calculated when X ˆ O are much larger stood, as explain elsewhere,[21] as the result of several factors, than those obtained when CˆS, showing the enhanced associated in general with the low electronegativity of Te and stability of a carbonyl group as compared with a thiocarbonyl with its size. One of these factors is the electrostatic group. More importantly, and in contrast with what has been interaction between the negatively charged X chalcogen and found before for the unsaturated analogues,[29] these enthalpy the positively charged tellurium atom, which tends to bring values are rather similar to the calculated energy gaps between (b, d) and (a, c) tautomers (See Figure 1). This À seems to indicate that, for saturated compounds, the relative Table 3. Second order orbital interaction energies [kJmol 1] obtained by means of a NBO analysis. stability trend is given primarily by the fact that the YÀH ! s * ! s * tautomers (b, d) are systematically more stable than the XÀH System LPX(1) TeÀH LPX(2) TeÀH ones (a, c), and that the possible role of IHBs or chalcogen ± (OTe)d 6.2 7.3 chalcogen interactions is very small. We shall discuss this (STe)d 2.8 9.5 particular point later. (SeTe)d 3.1 12.8

Chem. Eur. J. 2003, 9, 4548 ± 4555 www.chemeurj.org ¹ 2003 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 4551 FULL PAPER O. Mo¬ et al. both atoms closer favoring the dative bond between the occu- pied orbitals of X and the empty orbitals of the YH group. On the other hand, the size of the Te orbitals also favors the overlap with the orbitals of X[48] and, finally, the s*TeÀH antibonding orbital is lower in energy than s* YÀH(Yˆ S, Se) orbitals and behaves as a better electron acceptor. It is also worth noting that the second order interac- tion energies reported in Table 3 are significantly smaller than those reported in ref. [21] for the corresponding unsaturated analogues.

Saturated versus unsaturated compounds: The next important question to be answered is why the IHBs as well as the chalc- ogen ± chalcogen interactions are significantly weaker for sa- turated compounds than for their unsaturated analogues. As far as the IHB one can invoke the so called RAHB effect. A quantitative way to measure this effect is by means of isodesmic reactions (2) ± (5). These reactions allow us to compare the strength of the IHB in unsaturated compounds [Re- actions (2) and (3)] with that of the IHB in the saturated ana- logue [Reactions (4) and (5)]. The results obtained are sum- marized in Table 4. It is appa- rent that IHBs are extremely weak for saturated compounds. Actually, only for X ˆ O the O-H ¥¥¥Y(Yˆ S, Se) are slightly stabilizing, while not net stabili- zation of the system is found when aY ÀH ¥¥¥XIHBis formed. Most importantly, for the unsaturated compounds the relative energy associated with XÀH ¥¥¥Y IHB is rather similar to the energy gap between XÀH and YÀH-type tautomers. Ac- cordingly, even if in general the latter are intrinsically more sta- ble than the former, the possibil- À ity of forming astrong X H ¥¥¥Y ˆ Figure 1. Optimized structures of CH(X)-CH2-CH2YH (X, Y O, S, Se, Te) compounds (bond lengths [ä], bond IHB tends to cancel out this angles [8]). Relative energies with respect to the most stable tautomer are in kJmolÀ1. For X=Y, the more difference and both, a and b electronegative chalcogen atom (X) is always the one on the left.

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constrain. To gain some insight into this problem we have car- ried out a NRT analysis of both a-andb-type unsaturated com- pounds. In this analysis we have considered only those reso- nance structures whose weight is larger than 5%. These reso- nance structures have been schematized in Scheme 3 and their weights in Table 5. It can be observed that for a- type tautomers stabilized through aO-H ¥¥¥Y IHB the degree of delocalization is sig- nificantly high, the classical al- ternated structure I weighting only about 33%. Also interest- ingly, when the system presents amuch weakerY ÀH ¥¥¥OIHB (b-type conformers) the degree of delocalization significantly decreases, and the resonance structure I clearly dominates. These results indicate that al- though RAHB phenomenon is Table 4. Enthalpies of Reactions (2) ± (5) [kJmolÀ1] that allow to estimate present in both O-H ¥¥¥Yand À the relative stability of XÀH ¥¥¥Y and YÀH ¥¥¥X IHBs. Y H ¥¥¥O IHBs, the delocalization is more favorable in the Unsaturated compounds Saturated compounds former than in the latter case, contributing to strengthen the À X Y (2) (3) (4) (5) O-H ¥¥¥Y bonds with respect to the Y H ¥¥¥O ones. A similar strategy can be carried out to analyze the strength OS ‡ 56.6 ‡ 20.6 ‡ 1.6 À 0.7 OSe‡ 59.4 ‡ 17.6 ‡ 1.6 À 2.5 of the chalcogen ± chalcogen interactions. In this case we will OTe‡ 53.6 ‡ 6.6 À 0.2 À 2.8 limit our analysis exclusively to Te-containing compounds for SSe‡ 30.7 ‡ 19.5 À 5.0 À 6.3 which these interactions are quantitatively significant. To ‡ ‡ À À STe 29.7 4.5 6.5 6.4 compare the strength of these interactions for unsaturated Se Te ‡ 25.7 ‡ 9.0 À 7.1 À 5.5 and saturated compounds we can used similar isodesmic reactions to those employed to analyze the relative strength of the IHBs by simply replacing tautomers a and b by tauto- tautomers, are very close in energy.[9, 21] This is not the case for mers c and d in Reactions (2) ± (5). saturated compounds where the extra stabilization associated The results obtained (see Table 6) show that again, the with the IHB is so small that it cannot affect, in a significant intramolecular chalcogen ± chalcogen interactions are ex- way, to the relative stability of the tautomers, being the YÀH- tremely weak for saturated compounds, while they are much type ones systematically lower in energy. The question now is whether the greater strength of the IHB for unsaturated compounds is a direct consequence of charge delocalization process (RAHB effect) or it is simply aconse- quence of the greater rigidity of the unsaturated compound that, on the one hand forces the whole system to be planar, and on the other hand forces the X ¥¥¥Y distance to be small- er than in saturated compounds where the flexibility of the system does not impose any Scheme 3.

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Table 5. Weight [%] of the most important resonance structures for b- used the (OTe)d unsaturated derivative. When the OÀTe chalcogenovinylaldehydes as obtained through a NRT analysis. distance is forced to be equal to 3.1 ä, which is the distance Compound I II III IV obtained for the optimized structure of the saturated ana- À1 (OS)a 34.7 20.3 12.7 9.2 logue, the stability of the system decreases by 10 kJmol . (OSe)a 33.0 20.4 13.3 9.6 However, the second order orbital interaction energies (OTe)a 32.7 19.3 14.8 10.3 associated with the dative bond from the lone pairs of oxygen (SSe)a 47.8 20.8 5.6 9.7 s to the TeH* antibonding orbital decrease dramatically from 20 (STe)a 33.4 20.4 11.8 9.5 À1[21] À1 (SeTe)a 46.6 18.9 6.1 10.7 and 38 kJmol to 3.6 and 9.0 kJmol , respectively. It is (OS)b 60.9 18.7 ± 7.1 worth noting that these new values are similar to those (OSe)b 69.5 11.2 ± 7.7 reported in Table 3 for the saturated compound. This seems to (OTe)b 74.2 8.2 ± 6.7 indicate that this dative interaction depends strongly on the (OS)d 71.2 10.1 ± 7.2 chalcogen ± chalcogen distance. Conversely, changes in the (OSe)d 69.8 10.7 ± 7.8 (OTe)d 61.9 9.9 ± 8.9 delocalization are much smaller. As a matter of fact the (SSe)d 56.1 19.1 ± 8.5 weight of resonance structures II and IV remain almost (STe)d 38.8 14.6 10.7 7.0 unchanged (9.2 and 7.9%, respectively), while that of (SeTe)d 34.8 14.3 11.7 7.4 resonance structure I increases (70.9%). The fact that the dramatic change in the strength of the O ! TeH dative interaction is not reflected in a parallel change in the stability Table 6. Enthalpies of Reactions (2) ± (5) [kJmolÀ1] involving tautomers c of the system us to conclude that resonance is an and d, that allow to estimate the relative stability of HÀX ¥¥¥Y and X ¥¥¥ important factor behind the strong chalcogen ± chalcogen YÀH chalcogen ± chalcogen interactions for tellurium containing systems. interactions observed in unsaturated compounds. This con- Unsaturated compounds Saturated compounds clusion would also explain why similar intermolecular inter- X Y (2) (3) (4) (5) ˆ actions, such as those calculated between H2C OandCH3- OTe ‡ 8.4 ‡ 43.8 ± ‡ 1.5 TeH, are much weaker[21] than those observed in b-tellur- STe‡ 19.7 ‡ 58.4 À 13.5 ‡ 0.6 iumvinylaldehyde [(OTe)d]. For the intermolecular case the Se Te ‡ 27.7 ‡ 64.0 À 8.1 ‡ 2.0 repulsion between the electronic distributions of both neu- ˆ trals, H2C OandCH3-TeH, prevents them to be very close each other. As a matter of fact, the O ¥¥¥Te distance in the stronger for the unsaturated systems. In both cases the X ¥¥¥ corresponding complex[21] is rather similar to that calculated YH interactions are much stronger than the Y¥¥¥XH ones. As for the saturated (OTe)d compound. The consequence is that a matter of fact, for saturated compounds, the latter do not the dative O ! TeH bond in the intermolecular complex is contribute to stabilize the system. very weak (2.8 kJmolÀ1), and the lack of any resonance A NRT analysis (See Table 5) indicates that for d-type stabilization leads to a rather weak interaction energy tautomers the delocalization is also sizably large, and there- (5.2 kJmolÀ1) between both molecules. fore, similarly to what has been postulated for IHBs, we can speak of resonance assisted chalcogen ± chalcogen interac- tions. A closer analysis permits to realize that this resonance Conclusion stabilization depends on the nature of the electron donor and/ ˆ ˆ or on the nature of the electron acceptor. If we take for Our results indicate that in CH(X)-CH2-CH2YH (X Y O, example, the (OTe)d, (STe)d and (SeTe)d systems, in which S, Se) the XÀH ¥¥¥X IHB competes in strength with the X ¥¥¥ the acceptor group is systematically the Te-H group, it can be XH chalcogen ± chalcogen interaction, while the opposite is observed that while the oxygen derivative is not very found for the corresponding tellurium-containing analogues. delocalized, with a large weight of the resonance form I, the For those derivatives in which X=Y the situation is more degree of delocalization increases significantly when O is complicated due to the existence of two non-equivalent XÀH replaced by S or Se. As a matter of fact, due to the great and YÀH tautomers. The YÀH tautomer is found to be lower stability of the CˆO bond, in the (OS)d, (OSe)d,and(OTe)d in energy than the XÀH tautomer, independently of the tautomers, in which the oxygen of the carbonyl group is the nature of X and Y. For X ˆ O, S, Se and Yˆ S, Se the most common electron donor, the charge distribution is quite stable conformer b is the one exhibiting aY ÀH ¥¥¥XIHB. localized through a high weight of resonance form I. Hence, Conversely when Yˆ Te, conformer d, stabilized through a we can conclude that although delocalization also contributes X ¥¥¥YH chalcogen ± chalcogen interaction is the global mini- to stabilize tautomers with chalcogen ± chalcogen interactions, mum of the PES. these effects are more pronounced as the electronegativity Systematically the IHB and the chalcogen ± chalcogen difference between the two chalcogen atoms involved de- interactions observed for saturated compounds are much creases. weaker than those found for their unsaturated analogues. This An alternative way to assess the importance of the result implies that the nonbonding interactions involving resonance assisted phenomenon would be to analyze what chalcogen atoms, mainly Se and Te, are not always strongly changes appear in the unsaturated system if the chalcogen ± stabilizing. This conclusion is in agreement with the fact that chalcogen distance is forced to be equal to that of the intermolecular interactions between Se and Te containing corresponding saturated analogue. For this purpose we have systems with bases bearing dative groups are very weak. Our

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