PrettyPretty TGirlsTGirls MagazineMagazine February 2007

AnAn interviewinterview withwith …… RebeccaRebecca WatersWaters Pretty TGirls Magazine is a production of the Pretty TGirls Group and is intended as a free resource for the Transgendered community. Articles and advertisements may be submitted for consideration to the editor, Rachel Pastel, at [email protected] . It isPretty our hope TGirls that our Magazine magazine will - increaseFebruary the understanding 2007 of the TGpage world and1 better acceptance of TGirls in our society.Pretty To TGirlsthat end, Magazine any articles and - February notices are appreciated2007 and welcomedpage for review1 ! PrettyPretty TGirlsTGirls MagazineMagazine February 2007 Edition Welcome to the January edition … Take pride and joy with being a TGirl !

Table of contents:

¾Our Miss 2007 Cover Girls ! ¾Cover Girl Rebecca Waters ¾Members’ Then and Now Pics ¾Editor’s Corner - Rachel Pastel ¾Patty’s Powder Room (Las Vegas Edition!)- Patty Cakes ¾Ageless Skin - Felicia Conti ¾The Be All Conference - Leigh Smythe ¾Unforgettable Faces - Carol Deanna ¾Reasons For Crossdressing - Marlena Dahlstrom ¾TG-Friendly Places To Go ¾TG Conferences and Getaways ¾Advertisements and newsy items ¾Our Miss February 2007 Cover Girls ¾Our February and March 2007 Calendar Pages

Magazine courtesy of the Pretty TGirls Group at

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 2 Our Miss 2007 Cover Girls !

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 3 An Interview With Rebecca Waters

Question: When did you first start crossdressing?

Rebecca: Like many young boys, I was dressed up by my older sister, just as a supposedly innocent fun thing. I was 5 at the time, and she dressed me up in her ballerina outfit and got me to learn some dance routines of hers and perform them. It was purely fun and innocent at the time, and she even gave me some make-up and showed me how to pretend to be a girl with it on my own, and I went along with that as if it were just any other childhood game. When my brother found out about it, he strongly disapproved, so I stopped. But later on, once left to my own devices, I started secretly sneaking into my sisters’ and mother’s make-up and clothes again.

Question: Describe your early experiences dressing as a girl.

Rebecca: In many ways, it was completely non-sexual at the time, though in hindsight, I see it differently. I knew nothing about sex that early on in life, but there’s something fundamentally sexual about human beings that many people don’t realize. The real thrill of it at that young of an age was the fact that it was forbidden, that I wasn’t supposed to be doing it and was managing to get away with it. Little boys (or girls, for that matter) do that stuff all the time, and this was just my particular manner of misbehaving. As I got older and started developing sexually in early adolescence, it became more of an actual turn-on, emulating the young girls around me who were also just beginning to develop their identities. I secretly tried to be like them (in fact, sometimes this was to make up for not being able to get together with them, as I wasn’t particularly successful in the dating realm during my early teens), but I kept all of that to myself and was very secretive about it.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 4 An Interview With Rebecca Waters … continued

Question: At what age did you start using make-up and wearing wigs? How did you learn how to apply make up? Any tips for other TGirls? Brand of make up you use?

Rebecca: My very early experiments with my sisters’ and mother’s make-up during the single-digit years were mostly embarrassing and amateur, and I was caught a few times and punished for doing something supposedly so wrong. However, I was blessed with having two very attractive older sisters who prettied themselves up in the bathroom all the time (during their high school years), so I silently observed and absorbed what they were doing. In private, I did what they did and slowly learned how to make myself beautiful, too. I would occasionally sneak away their clothes and put them on along with make-up, and I loved how I looked. (Being petite like them certainly helped.) Years later (late teen-age years), I started buying my own dresses, make-up, and such, and I loved being a girl to the point that I had to go out driving to places out of town just to be seen.

I’m not really a good source of advice or tips for other T-girls, though. All I can say is pay attention to what other women are doing around you. Buying women’s fashion magazines can be a help, but be warned that the majority of those are just there to advertise products and convince you (and all women) that you’re not attractive enough and must buy more stuff in order to be so. And I’d definitely say that if you’re looking to pass as a woman, go for a scaled back, simple look, not an over-the-top too-much-make- up and fancy dress kind of thing. The point is to blend in, not stand out. Again, pay attention to what other women (G-girls) do.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 5 An Interview With Rebecca Waters … continued

Question: If you had your choice, what do like wearing the most when being a girl?

Rebecca: That’s an easy one: black pantyhose. I absolutely love the way that looks on a woman’s legs and have since I was about 12 or 13 and saw this commercial on TV in which a gorgeous woman is getting ready for a date with her boyfriend and puts on all of her make-up, clothes, and everything, and the guy (driving the car the commercial is advertising, of course) picks her up and she gets so damn pretty and dressed up for him. That commercial defined a lot of my sexual identity, I’ll freely admit. Little black dress, black pantyhose, black high heels, long brown hair, perfectly made-up face: that’s the way to be.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 6 An Interview With Rebecca Waters … continued

Question: Now a bit of personal information ... What is your marital status? A sensitive area for some girls, but ... how old are you now? Does anyone know you are a TGirl? What country do you live in?

Rebecca: Single. I haven’t yet managed to land a “life partner,” male or , who is okay with me. I’ve dated a lot, but nothing has every worked out long-term. For the most part, I’m still looking for that perfect woman, that is, some probably impossible imaginary woman who is okay with all of my trans fantasies and past and who would like for me to be Rebecca with her from time to time. Maybe I don’t even really want that, but I imagine it sometimes. Although I’ve never voluntarily told a girlfriend that I’m trans, there was one many years ago who figured it out and asked me, so I told her the truth. Things didn’t work out with us, either. Oh, and I’m in my early 30s and live in the southeastern US.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 7 An Interview With Rebecca Waters … continued

Question: Have you ever gone out as a girl? If so, tell us what the first time is like and how you feel being out in the world as a girl.

Rebecca: I first went out when I was a junior in high school, and I just drove around feeling nervous most of the time. As I got older and more experienced (including learning to look more passable), I went out more often and learned to enjoy it more and have fun. I would interact with people at gas stations, fast food restaurants, malls, etc., some of whom probably “read” me and some who I know had no idea that I was anything other than a pretty young woman. I found that I was more nervous being seen by other women than anything else, afraid that they definitely could “spot” me. Men, on the other hand, particularly older ones, tended to like me, and it’s always fun watching them fall all over themselves while at the same time trying to play it cool. Seeing how they acted towards me as a woman gave me some insight on how I should or should not act towards women in my “guy life.” Question: Have you ever gone through a purge of your female clothing? If so, can you tell us why? How did it make you feel? How long before you went back to being a girl?

Rebecca: No, not really. When I was in my teens, I would feel guilty after dressing up and not do it again for months, but I’d always go back to it. I liked to imagine that there was some irresistible supernatural force making me do it, which I think is a pretty common fantasy for trans-people. (Since I was a child, my favorite moments in movies and TV shows have always been when the good guy gets taken over by something and forced to do things they normally wouldn’t.) But no, it was all me, and I came to accept that by the time I reached my 20s.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 8 An Interview With Rebecca Waters … continued

Question: What percentage of time do you spend as a girl?

Rebecca: Less and less the older I get, unfortunately. I had a really good streak going for over a year around 1996-1997 when I dressed up every single night and actually felt that being a guy during the day was the facade. I still lived with my parents and worked part-time, so I had to be a guy part of the time. Once I was out on my own, I always imagined that I’d dress up every second I could manage, but that didn’t happen. Being a grown-up meant that I had to be more responsible, and part of the problem with being Rebecca is that I have way too much fun when I do it and tend to be rather reckless. These days, I’m lucky if I do it once a month, and then I of course want to cram all of the enjoyment I can down into that one weekend.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 9 An Interview With Rebecca Waters … continued

Question: Have you ever considered moving towards becoming more of a girl physically with options like hormones, feminisation surgery, breast enhancements, or SRS?

Rebecca: I did consider it during the above-mentioned “streak.” I’d read a lot of transgendered people’s bios on the internet and had gotten very involved in an online community dealing with issues, but I never could figure out how I’d be able to afford to actually transition. My family definitely would not have supported me, and I wasn’t sure if my friends would or not, either. I gave it a trial run on Halloween night in 1997, going out with them as a girl, but the reaction was not very supportive. They were only okay with it if it was a joke, not if it was something I was really into. It wasn’t long after this that I stopped dressing up quite as often, and I realized over time that this really was just a fetish for me, not a way I’d want to live my life 24/7. Honestly, I think that if I’d done the mandatory psychiatric evaluation that all transes have to go through in order to transition, the doctor probably would have come to the same conclusion.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 10 An Interview With Rebecca Waters … continued

Question: Do you feel more like a boy or a girl now and why?

Rebecca: Well, if you mean right now, I’d say that the pink sweater, short black leather skirt, and black tights are a dead giveaway.

Question: Have you ever dated or wanted to date another TGirl or a man?

Rebecca: I’ve often thought that it would be wonderful to date a TGirl, but it’s never happened. As for regular men, I’m not terribly into that idea. I’ve had three physical (very physical, I mean) encounters with guys (two as Rebecca), and while it felt good at the time, I immediately felt weird about it once out of their presence. I used to consider myself bi and would tell people so, but now I think I’m more “bi in theory.” I love fantasizing about it, but not actually doing it. I think my ideal would be either a TGirl that I was comfortable with or a woman who was comfortable with me in both modes.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 11 An Interview With Rebecca Waters … continued

Question: Do you have any advice for other TGirls, especially ones that have yet to venture out as a girl?

Rebecca: Relax. Don’t overdo it. If you can just have fun and enjoy being you, others will pick up on that. Well, some of them anyway. Avoid situations where you’re more likely to run into intolerant people.

Question: How is your life now as a TGirl? What's gone well and not so well?

Rebecca: As I said, I don’t do it as often as I used to. The older I get, the harder it is for me to see myself as attractive and passable, which to me is the entire point. I’ve never been turned on by what I’ve heard called “genderfuck,” such as looking blatantly like a fat bearded old man in a dress. I used to tell myself when I was young that I wouldn’t keep doing this once I got to my 30s, but hey, what did I know? I’ll probably always do this, if for no other reason than I like how it feels, physically and mentally. Whether or not I do it for show (or even for the mirror) may be another question, but I’m not quite to that point yet. I think my biggest regret is not getting out more when I was younger and finding other trans-people. There just wasn’t a very thriving community for that sort of thing where I grew up. There were times when I was able to go out to the local bar as Rebecca, but that never went well, as going to a bar by yourself rarely does. I wish I could have had a group of TGirl friends to go out with. I bet that would have been a blast.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 12 An Interview With Rebecca Waters … continued

Question: Anything else you'd like to say?

Rebecca: Just that there’s no point in denying who you are. Enjoy it and don’t be ashamed of it.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 13 Pretty TGirl Members Then and Now - (Photos of how we looked when first dressing as a girl and how we look today) Pip Wilson Elika Then Today Then Today

Andrea Tommie Then Today Then Today

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 14 Pretty TGirl Members Then and Now - (Photos of how we looked when first dressing as a girl and how we look today) Diane ???? Then Today Then Today

???? ???? Then Today Then Today

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 15 Editor’s Corner – Rachel Pastel Personal Website:

Welcome to our issue for February 2007!

We still need magazine contributors. Would you like your very own monthly column? Have a story about your experiences as a TGirl? Are you a member of a TG group and would like to tell us about it? Can you put together a TG-related crossword puzzle each month? Really, we will consider anything TG-related that is tasteful, so if you can contribute, please email me at [email protected] .

I would especially love to have a GG or two to have a column and write about their feelings on Transgenderism. Now for some personally exciting stuff … the next page is my display on KC’s Top Ten site ( … Thanks KC!!!

If you haven’t already, and you are a Transgendered Girl, please take a moment to take my TG Survey. The survey is located at … I really want to get to at least 1000 TGirls taking my survey. Results-to-date will be posted in next month’s issue.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 16 Editor’s Corner – Rachel Pastel Personal Website:

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 17 Patty’s Powder Room By Patty Cakes

Vi va L as Veg as!!

Welcome back to the Powder Room once again. This month I will be reviewing my fun holiday trip to Las Vegas!! Wow what a time that was in Sin City!!! My wife and I went for 6 days and 5 nights and stayed at the Monte Carlo Hotel right on the strip. We rented a car for the whole time we were there so we could get out and do some shopping and visit some places off of the main . The Monte Carlo turned out to be a great choice for getting easily in and out off the hotel without a 10 mile hike to park as well as just being a nice hotel. The elevators are very close to the lobby entrance and there is parking available right outside and a second lot across the street. Believe me when you have to do as much walking as you end up doing in Vegas, it is appreciated when you can save some steps!! As an example, we went shopping at the forum shops in Caesars and the hike to the hotel from the parking lot seemed to take forever!! TIP: Caesars Palace is one hotel that you want to take advantage of the valet parking if you have a car!!!!

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 18 Patty’s Powder Room Viva Las Vegas!! By Patty Cakes

So what did we do in Vegas? A ton!!! Before we left I had booked appointments for my wife and I with Paula, the owner of A Harmony Nail Spa, located a short 5 minute drive off of the strip at suite 11a – 953 East Sahara in a little strip mall. Paula is just awesome! She is very personable and thoughtful! She provides a very wide variety of spa services nails, manicures, hair do’s, massage, aroma therapy etc. truly a full service spa without all the trappings and high prices at the strip hotels (Very reasonably priced, TS owned and operated HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!) We had a great chat about the Las Vegas scene; TG friendly places to visit and just plain old getting know each other. She really is a gem and if you are going to Las Vegas start off by visiting Paula and get a manicure/pedicure or more to set the tone of your visit on a positive course! For more info and appointments go to Photos are of Paula above and Patty on the right getting ready to have her nails done.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 19 Patty’s Powder Room … Continued By Patty Cakes

After you have had your nails done and any other of the great professional services Paula offers it’s time to head to the back of the strip mall to Serge’s Showgirl Wigs. Serge’s Wigs actually has two locations in this same strip mall. The larger store (as shown in photo) is at the front of the mall right on Sahara (full price store). The store at the back of the mall is their sale location with wigs starting at $24.95 and up. The store employees were very helpful and pleasant at both stores. I found the main store quite pricey however. I purchased a really nice long brown wig with nice natural looking curls for just $65 at the sale store and it is perfect to be made into an up-do for a ball we have coming up in March! For more information and location addresses etc. visit their website at:

While you are in the neighborhood you should also go visit the Glamour Boutique West! A store made for crossdressers and they are just down the street from A Harmony and Serge’s located in the National Title Company Building towards the back and upstairs at #250 – 714 East Sahara. They had some great sales while I was there. I picked up a pair of beautiful shoes for just $10 and some glitzy Las Vegas gloves for $15.95 a pair. They had the most realistic breast forms I have ever seen in the store also. They carry a wide range of shoes, boots, lingerie, bum and hip pads, dresses and more. It is a little bit of a cramped space but well worth the visit and the key is not be shy in fact be brave, look through everything and ask lots of questions if you are looking for something in particular. They also do complete transformations in case you wish to use those services. Amy was very helpful and easy going so feel comfy when you go there.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 20 Patty’s Powder Room … Continued By Patty Cakes

If you head west on Sahara across Las Vegas Blvd and drive away from the strip 10 mins or so you will find Studio Lites at 4000 west Sahara. This is a very TG friendly store with a large variety of wigs, dresses, club wear type clothing, accessories, shoes and Ben Nye makeup. There were very pleasant. There is also a smaller store across the street called Bare Essentials and they sell costumes and a variety of other items. There is also a leather fetish store 3-4 doors down in case that is your thing but I can’t remember the name of it. So it provided lots of shopping and all close by.

Keep heading West on Sahara and you will run into Decatur Street. Turn right I believe and head down several blocks and there you will find the home of The Fantastic Indoor Swap Meet located at 1717 Decatur. It is an absolute must go see and experience for the bargain hunter! There are over 600 booths there. That is a lot of shopping!!! You can find just about anything here. They only sell new merchandise such as wigs, clothing, glitzy jewelry, healthcare products, shoes, paintings, ornaments, watches, electronics and a ton more!!! They have 3 wig stores and one has wigs starting at $24.95 ( I bought 2) and they were actually very good quality and nice styles. They are only open Friday, Saturday and Sundays however so plan accordingly. For more info please go to:

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 21 Patty’s Powder Room … Continued By Patty Cakes

Well, it’s show time! What is a trip to Vegas without seeing a great show? An absolute must to see is LaCage!!! La Cage features the most accomplished female impersonators in the world, highlighted by Frank Marino as a memorable Joan Rivers, in the cosmopolitan tradition of the Parisian cabaret. This show is truly amazing. The show included fabulous impersonations of Joan Rivers, Cher, Madonna, Britney Spears, Judy Garland, Bette Midler, Dianna Ross, Celine Dion and many others. This was one of the best shows we saw on the strip!!! TIP: I found two for one show tickets on the web and printed them off and took them with me. You can use your savings to purchase a LaCage T-shirt, poster, program or DVD of the show! Believe me you will want to! I got to meet and greet the star of the show Frank Marino (Joan Rivers) and have my photo taken with her afterwards! We chatted for a bit and I ended up with a copy of the show program and DVD and what a treat it is to have the DVD of the entire show!!! Info:

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 22 Patty’s Powder Room … Continued By Patty Cakes

Other shows: We went to a lot of shows as we actually don’t gamble very much at all. We saw a lot of the magic shows on the strip and also went to the musical “Menopause” which was really well done and very funny. My wife absolutely loved this show….hmmm I wonder why? LOL. We didn’t attend one show on the strip or off that was not awesome and well done. The only tip I have is to search the web for coupons before you go to Vegas and when you get there pick up the local magazines and take advantage of the coupons you will find scattered throughout the publications. We got a coupon at Harrah’s Information desk to attend the Mac King Comedy Magic Show for free! All we had to do was buy a drink each! It was a hilarious show as well!! Such a deal!!! You just about can’t go wrong no matter what show you attend!!!

What about Nightlife for TG’s in Las Vegas? I did a fair amount of research before I left home to see where the comfy spots for TG’s/CD’s were and I got to visit several of them. However I will say up front that I did not really get to see them in full on state as I was there Sunday to Friday afternoon. They were fairly quiet when I made the rounds due to me not being their on the weekend. The place I really wanted to go to was Zingers, it was touted as THE TG club in town that was a must see! However sadly when we arrived it was closed down. I hope this is a temporary thing as it had the best reputation of all the places I heard and read about for nightlife for TG’s. Friends of mine Adrien and Laurie had been to Zingers and said it was really nice there. I was sad to have not got to experience it. The “ loop” area kept showing up in my internet searches as being the comfy area to visit in Las Vegas in the 4600 block on Paradise Road. We made the rounds to this area and found Suede which is nice place to go to for some dinner and drinks with a lounge type atmosphere. The TUG chapter of Tri-Ess local Las Vegas TG group meets there every Wednesday. We were late getting there and missed them. The TriEss website is: I emailed Nora of this group and she was extremely friendly and helpful in pointing me in the right direction for things to see and do in Las Vegas. We also dropped into the Freezone and checked it out. They have Drag Shows on Friday and Saturdays. There is also the Gipsey, 8 ½ Ultra Lounge and Piranha Clubs all in the same area and are noted to be TG friendly. The two places we did not get to visit was the well known TG hooker bar called the Las Vegas Lounge and Lucky Chengs Drag Cabaret (well we had to save a few things for our next trip to Las Vegas!!!). Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 23 Patty’s Powder Room … Continued By Patty Cakes

If you are thinking of going to Las Vegas another thing to consider is the Diva Las Vegas event. This year it will be held April 23rd thru April 28th in Las Vegas. It is called a vacation and not a convention and yes there are some planned activities. They say that the best way to describe Diva Las Vegas is to say it's a great opportunity to get away and be you for a while. There are no speakers, no seminars, no talent contests, and no big communal closet feeling. However, they have a complete schedule of activities of all types. Some might be what you would expect at a gathering such as this, many are not! Follow this link to find out what it is all about . Had my wife been able to get away in April we probably would have waited and made it to this event. However it was not to be this year maybe next? Hmmmm something to ponder….I know at least one of the girls, Zia, from here in Vancouver is planning on attending.

One last comment on doing some shopping in Las Vegas, we found many of the malls over priced on the strip. However, out south just past the airport 2 miles away from the strip you will find the Las Vegas Outlet Mall. We found some really good deals in here on shoes, clothes and more. There are over 130 stores in this enclosed mall. It is well worth the 10 minute drive south.

Before we left for Vegas I did several internet searches looking for info for TG friendly places to visit while we were in town. Here are a couple of sites that proved useful in my quest. This is where I found the list of car rental places at the airport; you get a way better deal if you book one ahead and online. Once again that is it for this visit to the powder room. All the best! Please feel free to email me with any of your thoughts and feedback to [email protected].

Cheers … Patty

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 24 Ageless Skin Review on Dr. Denese’s (2005). Secrets For Ageless By Felicia Conti Skin. Berkley Books: NY

Many in our community are at an age when we need to be concerned with good skin care and preservation and restoration of our youth. Ideally, good skin care begins when we are young and becomes a habit that we cultivate throughout our lives. But few of the current products and technologies were available during the days gone by when we spent hours under the sun perfecting that perfect tan.

Adrienne Denese, M.D., Ph.D., is a specialist in anti-aging medicine. Dr. Denese’s anti-aging book is a top seller and for good reason. She first evaluates those skin care methods, including nutritional supplements that women spend billions of dollars on a year that are ineffective. She also reviews those products that work. Dr. Denese ultimately arrives at what she calls a “6-Step Program for Flawless Skin”. Her first and perhaps most important bit of advice is to “stay out of the sun” or “if you do go in the sun, at least wear a sun block with SPF 15 or higher”. Her book is a wonderful source of information and is very readable and is a worthwhile purchase. She does recommend her products but also recommends others as well. Dr. Denese’s emphasis on serums as the only substances that can penetrate through the layers of skin is a revolutionary concept. We waste so much time and money on lotions and expensive products that just do not work.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 25 Ageless Skin … Continued By Felicia Conti

Trying to put together a plan that incorporates Dr. Denese’s steps was not an easy task. It required me to take a close look at her recommended steps and to realize there were actually more steps than she reports. She also includes separate but related programs for daytime and nighttime. The product information she promotes is embedded in the text so the reader has to dig out and compile the information in order to put it to use. With research, you will be able to find some products that are of similar quality but that are less expensive than those she recommends.

What follows is a summary of Dr. Denese’s “6-Step Program for Flawless Skin” that is actually an “8- Step Nighttime Routine” and a “4-Step Daytime Routine”. I have included all those products recommended by Dr. Denese in her book as well as some from her site and a few others I found along the way. Following my summary of Dr. Denese’s routine, I match the products I actually purchased for the various phases of Dr. Denese’s plan, along with the prices, the company name, and the website where the product can be found.. If you want to find out about recommended vitamin supplements, those are included in Dr. Denese’s book as well. I hope that my research will make your skin care program easier for you.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 26 Ageless Skin … Continued By Felicia Conti

Night Time Routine

1. Cleaning phase •Alpha-hydroxy acids or Beta-hydroxy acids •Vitamin A, Vitamin C, CoQ10 •Key not just ingredients as you rinse off quickly •Dr. Denese’s Exfoclean Cleanser. 2. Cleaning with Toner •Toner with cotton ball •Has gentle astringency, leaves skin feeling soft, not pulled •Dr. Denese’s Cellular/Pore Refining Toner. 3. Daily Exfoliating phase •Glycolic acid cleanser pads 8-10% •Needs enough acidity - should feel as slight tingling on face •DR. DENESE’SF Glycolic 10% Daily Cleansing Pads •*10% glycolic pads on, and they were only $12 for 60 pads, versus the ones she sells which are about triple that price.

4. Weekly Exfoliating phase •Once or twice a week, use microdermabrasion cream with very fine granules. •Ingredients include aluminum oxide or pumice •Estee Lauder So Polished Exfoliating Scrub •Botanical Microdermabrasion Cream •Dr, Brant Exfoliation in a Jar •L’Oreal Refninsh Microdermabrasion Kit •Dr. Denese’s Doctor’s Microdermabrasion Cream •Dr. Denese’s Facial Firming Pads •Dr. Perricone’s Pore Refining Toner Pads •DR. DENESE’SF has a weekly peel called Radiance 7-Day Peel Kit •Dr. Denese’s Triple Acid AHA/BHA Weekly Peel

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 27 Ageless Skin … Continued By Felicia Conti

5. Skin-stimulating phase •Thin water-based serum, water is one of the first ingredients, could contain carnosine, resveratrol, bioactice oligopeptides, copper, vitamin C, Vitamin B Complex, hyaluronic acid, grape seed extract •Having glycolic acid will increase effectiveness. •Dr. Denese’s Age Control Serum, Cellular Firming Serum, Growth Factor Serum, 15 percent Vitamin C Serum •Skinceuticals Serum 15 •Cellex C High Potency Serum •Avon sells a 10% Vitamin C serum which is similar to her 15% serum at $20 versus around $50. •Apply and rub in Dr. Denese’s Growth Factor Serum #2 •Apply Dr. Denese’s Line Erase/zer0-TOX around eyes upper lip. Wait till dry. •Apply Dr. Denese’s Wrinkle Smoother over whole face. •Apply Dr. Denese’s Triple Strength Eye Wrinkle Smoother to eye area.

6. Skin-building phase •A lipid-based serum, does not contain water until the end if at all, thicker and more moisturizing •Ingredients such as retinol, Vitamin E, Vitamin, A, essential fatty acids, linoleic acid, Omega 3, and ceramides. •Elizabeth Arden’s Bye-Lines Anti-Aging Serum •Dr. Denese’s Hydro Shield Ultra Moisturizing Serum •Apply Dr. Denese’s Hydroseal or Hydroshield Ultra Moisturizing Serum and/or Hydroshield Eye Serum and/or Neck saver Serum. Wait 5-7 minutes to absorb. •Apply Dr. Denese’s Body Serum to body parts that are dry. After it absorbs, follow with a moisturizer like the Eufora Body Blends.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 28 Ageless Skin … Continued By Felicia Conti

7. Eye and Forhead Relaxants •Ingredients include argireline that is a crease relaxer ingredient. •Lancome Resloution Wrinkle Concentrate D-Contraxol •Avon Anew Clinical Line & Wrinkle Corrector •Gatineu Defilift 3D Face Tensor •DR. DENESE’SF Wrinkle Relax •Dr. Denese’s Zero Tox 2 •Dr. Denese Instant Wrinkle Press (apply after SPF 30, use like a concealor)

8. Skin-sealing phase •Any cream that feels good to you and is not too heavy on your skin, purpose is to seal. •Best ingredients include ceramides, EFA’s retinol, Vitamins C and E, hyaluronic acid are all excellent •Use Dr. Denese’s Doctor's Night Recovery Cream

Morning Routine

1. Cleaning with Toner •Toner with cotton ball •Has gentle astringency, leaves skin feeling soft, not pulled Tone face and neck with Dr. Denese’s Cellular/Pore Refining Toner.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 29 Ageless Skin … Continued By Felicia Conti

2. Skin-building phase •A lipid-based serum, does not contain water until the end if at all, thicker and more moisturizing •Ingredients such as retinol, Vitamin E, essential fatty acids, linoleic acid, Omega 3, and ceramides. •Elizabeth Arden’s Bye-Lines Anti-Aging Serum •Dr. Denese’s Hydro Shield Ultra Moisturizing Serum •Apply Dr. Denese’s Hydroseal or Hydroshield Ultra Moisturizing Serum to face and Hydroshield Eye Serum around eyes and Neck Saver Serum onto neck. Rub on; do not rub in and wait 5-7 minutes for it to absorb. •Apply Dr. Denese’s Body Serum to body parts that are dry. After it absorbs, follow with a moisturizer like the Eufora Body Blends. •As one of the only "treatments" to do during the day, now is the time to apply the Dr. Denese’s Hyaluronic Wrinkle Filler Serum and Cream Duo. As a time saver, I suggest you apply step 1 first, then apply the Body Blends to your body so step one can dry. By the time you have finished you can go back and apply step 2. If you are using this duo, you most likely do not need to use the Hydroseal prior.

3. Skin-sealing phase •Any cream that feels good to you and is not too heavy on your skin, purpose is to seal. •Best ingredients include ceramides, EFA’s retinol, Vitamins C and E, hyaluronic acid are all excellent •Gently apply Dr. Denese’s Baggage Lost Puff Reducing Eye Gel to the bags under your eyes. •Place a tiny amount of RestorEyes on the dry areas around your eyes. Tip: Use RestorEyes on any VERY dry areas of your face. •Apply Dr. Denese’s Vitamin C Radiance Cream to face.

4. Skin-protection phase •Use a day cream that contains SPF 30 daily, at least SPF 15 •Ingredients include zinc oxide •Dr. Denese’s •Apply Dr. Denese’s SPF 30 Defense Day Cream to face and neck.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 30 Ageless Skin … Continued By Felicia Conti

Products I Was Able To Purchase Following Dr. Denese’s Plan.

1. Cleaning phase & 2. Cleaning with Toner •Product: A00340 Dr. Denese Cleanser 8 oz and Toner Duo 8 oz •Cost: $35 for both •Company: QVC •Website: h.6285-B341?tmp=ddsn&cont=B341&cm_re=PAGE-_-BRANDSHOPS-_-DRDENESE

3. Daily Exfoliating phase •Product: 16420 Glycolix 10% Glycolic Acid, 2% Salicylic Acid, 60 Pads •Cost: $16.20 •Company: Dermatologist Rx •Website: 4. Weekly Exfoliating phase •Product: A06615 Dr. Denese Microdermabrasion Cream, 4.0 oz •Cost: $34.90 Company: QVC •WebSite: h.6285-B341?tmp=ddsn&cont=B341&cm_re=PAGE-_-BRANDSHOPS-_-DRDENESE

5. Skin-stimulating phase •Product: Neova Night Therapy, 1.7 oz •Cost: $56 •Company: SkincareRx •Website:

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 31 Ageless Skin … Continued By Felicia Conti

6. Skin-building phase •Product: Elizabeth Arden Bye-Lines Anti-Aging Serum 1oz. •Cost: $53.90 •Company: Beauty Rose •Website:

7. Eye and Forehead Relaxants •Product: Faitox-25, 1 oz each; •Cost: $59.95 or three for $119.95 •Company: Synovial Labs •Website: 8. Skin-sealing phase •Product: L’Oreal Age Perfect Day Cream with SPF 15 •Cost: $ 15 •Company: Walgreens •Product: L’Oreal Age Perfect Night Cream •Cost: $ 15 •Company: Walgreens 9. Lips •Product: 878819 Fusion Beauty/LipFusion XL/LipFusion XL •Cost: $50.00 •Company: Sephora •Website:

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 32 The Be All Conference in Chicago … A very special celebration for special friends by Leigh Smythe

An interview with Olivia Connors, Chair; by Leigh Smythe, a Minnesota TG

I have the distinct privilege of speaking with Olivia Connors, the Chair of the group of people who have worked so hard to plan and bring this Transgender convention to us all. It is open to all Crossdressers, transexuals, M2F, F2M, wives and partners. It will be held at the Double Tree, in Downer's Grove, Illinois, from May 29th through June 3rd. (Tue. through Sun.) There is still plenty of time to register - come join us! Here is the website: Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 33 The Be All Conference in Chicago … A very special celebration for An interview with Olivia Connors, Chair; special friends (Continued) by Leigh Smythe, a Minnesota TG by Leigh Smythe

During these few days attendees can choose from an impressive array of seminars on make up, hair, and dressing, various surgical options, health and hormones, cultural aspects of transgenderism, and philosophical spiritual ideas about being trans.

There will be vendors with shops and booths in the main atrium of the hotel with a variety of wares you may need, or decide that you want to try.

L: Hi, Olivia. You have been involved in the Be All for quite some time, is that right?

O: I'm the chair of the Be-All Conference. I, along with Julie Johnson oversee the committees and volunteers for the conference...among so many other things. I have been involved since the Be-All became a permanent part of Chicago in 2002. At that time, I was president of Chicago Gender Society and we were asked if we could help out Chi Chapter Tri-Ess with the conference. We agreed with some stipulations and now the Be-All is it's own entity and certainly one of the best transgender conferences in the country. It's been a great opportunity and a great success for everyone.

L: This is to be the 25th anniversary and the 6th year in Chicago. What special plans do you have for this conference?

O: The Be-All has grown tremendously over the last six years because of the committees and volunteers and what we have to offer. This year we are focusing on the 25th Anniversary Celebration, and a celebration it will be! This is a huge mark for any conference, relationship, business, etc.. we also have to keep in mind all the past organizers of the Be-All who have kept this conference afloat for soooo many years. They built it, we've enhanced it.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 34 The Be All Conference in Chicago … A very special celebration for An interview with Olivia Connors, Chair; special friends (Continued) by Leigh Smythe, a Minnesota TG by Leigh Smythe

L: How do you, personally, feel about being involved with this kind of a project?

O: I joined the gender community in 1987 and have loved every minute of my involvement. Some of my very best friendships have been formed in this community. Being a part of the community is rewarding in itself, but digging in deeper is the best. I have been involved for the last 11 years acting as Vice-President and President of Chicago Gender Society and am currently part of the Be-All. One of my good friends said I do this because I have an ego. Initially, I was taken back by her comment because I never considered myself as having a huge ego. But we all have to have some ego otherwise we wouldn't exist. Just like cholesterol levels, there is good ego and bad ego. If one is so full of themselves, it's their responsibility to lower their bad ego.

L: I understand that you have committed to the entire hotel, how many attendees do you expect?

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 35 The Be All Conference in Chicago … A very special celebration for An interview with Olivia Connors, Chair; special friends (Continued) by Leigh Smythe, a Minnesota TG by Leigh Smythe

O: That is so hard to predict. We have grown at a pace of 10 to 15% each year. Last year the total registered number of attendees was over 400. If we stay on that scale we may have close to 500. The numbers are important but the larger you get, as co-coordinators, you risk losing that personal touch. You can't control it. For the last five years, we have tried to treat all the attendees with warmth and friendliness. We never want to loose that personal touch with the attendees. We have committed to the entire hotel and it is a beautiful property. It's a little different than most in design and we are sure everyone will be pleased. Wait till you taste the cookies.

L: Do you know if you will have any special attending guests? Do you expect people from other conferences?

O: Over the years we've had many guest speakers from all walks of life. We only do one keynote speaker each year at one of the luncheons. We try to entertain at our luncheons and we've done everything from American Idol contest to Trans-Jeopardy to the ever so standard fashion shows. We believe the luncheons should be a break from the seriousness of some of the seminars so we try to keep them light. We will be having key people from other conventions this year as we've had in the past. This is a standard.

L: Anything special planned for the banquets? I remember last year we enjoyed the by Stella Productions on one of the evening dinners. Another night we all packed up and went to see the band of the president of CGS, Stevie Condon, Barely Standing, at a local club.

O: Saturday night will knock you out. The banquet space we have reserved is unbelievable. The best I've ever seen. We were very lucky to get it because it's normally booked for years. This will be the red carpet treatment from beginning to end. Seriously, wear the best gown you have and when you arrive, just imagine you're a Hollywood star at the Golden Globes or Oscar night. It's going to be very cool!

L: I know this is on the website. but can you give us an idea of the schedule outline for the conference?

O: Well, here are the bullet points with a little more detail. Of course, the first obligation is to register, you can't attend any of these functions unless you have your official credentials.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 36 The Be All Conference in Chicago … A very special celebration for An interview with Olivia Connors, Chair; special friends (Continued) by Leigh Smythe, a Minnesota TG by Leigh Smythe

*Tuesday - Welcoming reception in our hospitality suite...great food, great drinks, great conversations, seeing past friends and making new a raffle to win back your registration fee.

* Wednesday - Vendors are open all day. Optional Arlington Park Horse Racing Day Excursion-Gala Pool Party and swim-wear fashion show from vintage to current styles - Hospitality suite - Evening entertainment in lounge.

* Thursday - Seminars start - Lunch with day to evening Fashion Show - Optional golf outing at local course - Optional off Site trip to Drury Lane Theater with dinner, Late night excursion to club featuring Stevie Conlon's Barely Standing Band, sponsored by Dr. Zukowski

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 37 The Be All Conference in Chicago … A very special celebration for An interview with Olivia Connors, Chair; special friends (Continued) by Leigh Smythe, a Minnesota TG by Leigh Smythe

* Friday - Lunch in the Atrium. Seminars- Hospitality suite - Evening Buffet Dinner, Entertainment and Dancing

* Saturday - 25th Anniversary Celebration - Red carpet photo op, limousine service to beautiful banquet space on Lake Esplanade, Formal Dinner, Group Photo, Professional Entertainment and dancing til you drop.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 38 The Be All Conference in Chicago … A very special celebration for An interview with Olivia Connors, Chair; special friends (Continued) by Leigh Smythe, a Minnesota TG by Leigh Smythe

L: I understand the banquet on Lake Esplanade is in a round, glass enclosed pavilion over looking the lake. A very spectacular setting, just made for pictures! Are you going to have the services of the same group of technicians, who have done such a wonderful job in the past with all the technical arrangements?

O: Our technicians are never leaving us. It's a pact we've all made. Actually, the Be-All has the best group of committees and volunteers anyone could ask for. I've said it before and will never stop saying corporate America would pay huge for this pool of talent and energy. Julie Johnson is my partner on the board and many in the community know her very well. Julie and Robin Paepcke, along with all the others are a true delight to work with. And once again, the banquet space for Saturday night will be memorable...that's a promise.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 39 The Be All Conference in Chicago … A very special celebration for An interview with Olivia Connors, Chair; special friends (Continued) by Leigh Smythe, a Minnesota TG by Leigh Smythe

L: To sum up, you are expecting this to be a very special year.

O: Yes, Leigh. Again our focus for this year is the 25th Celebration. We will be having the regularly scheduled seminars for attendees and their significant others. We have always been inclusive of everyone on the gender spectrum and their supporters and we will continue to do our best to keep it that way. We have a scholarship program which is sponsored by the doctors who specialize in our community. They are very giving people and we should all be thankful for their help and services. We have some corporate sponsorship and also have assistance from several of the local clubs. They are primarily responsible for our on-going hospitality suite which we consider hi-end. It's open daily and into the evening offering great appetizers and fine liquors and wines. This is open to all registered guests of the Be-All and it's like nothing I've ever seen at any other conference. I like it when I hear others refer to the Be-All as 'our conference'. This is not a phrase used only by our committees and volunteers and local people. I've heard this so many times at other events from people from all over the country who have attended a Be-All conference. They are claiming an ownership of sorts and that's a good thing. It's very positive and it tells me we are doing something very, very right.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 40 Unforgettable Faces by Carol Deanna

I just wanted to take a moment and introduce myself to everyone. My name is Carole Deanna and I’m a professional make-artist I work in the Film and TV industry in Vancouver BC. I am a proud T-girl and have been dressing for over 20 years. I would like to take some time every month to give everyone a few tips and tricks and discuss one of our most challenging arts, proper make-up application.

Let me start out by defining the very first rule of make-up……there are no rules. I know this sounds backwards but it is true, there is no right or wrong way to do make-up its all in personal taste. There is no concrete rule on how make up must be applied, everyone does if differently. I have my own personal style that will differ from yours and will differ to the next girl and so on. The second rule is there is no perfect product and everyone has there personal favorites. That being said lets get down to business.

Everyone asks how do I make myself look great, what tricks can I do to make my face look more feminine in appearance. What product can I use to achieve this look? How do you use foundation to achieve this look? What people forget is the most important step to achieving this look. If you want your skin to appear more feminine, smoother and softer, you need to practice skincare. Women who use skincare products on a daily basis generally have smoother, healthier and cleaner skin. I know some of you are saying “Hey I don’t wear Make-up on a daily basis, so why would I need this?” Take a cleanser apply and apply it to a cotton pad and clean just the top of your brow after taking a walk outside for 45 min and you will be surprised how much dirt and pollutants you will pull off your skin.

You don’t have to spend a lot on products, you just need three simple product and a dedication to using them on a daily basis. Trust me in a month you will see the difference. The first step you need is a good cleanser to get all the grime and grit of every day life out of the skin. This will raise the PH balance on the skin but will leave the skin feeling healthy and feeling fresh. Step 2 apply a good toner. This will help reduce the higher level of PH on the skin brought on by the cleanser and kill off any bacteria build up. Step 3 Moisturize the skin with a cream or liquid, there are a number of fantastic product out there. Please do not be sucked into all the hype of reducing lines….preventing age, these are all marketing ploys to get you to part with your hard earned money.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 41 Unforgettable Faces … Continued by Carol Deanna

3 Steps its that simple and you can get all these products at your drug store with out raising an eyebrow. Now comes to the question why do I need to do this? Well lets think of your face as a canvas if you have a cleaner and smoother surface the better the products will go on when applied. …… Try it out for just one month. What do you have to lose?

If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to Email me at [email protected] or if you have yahoo id feel free to add me my user name is Jyslincdr . Please just leave a quick note as Hi I saw your article and I want to chat.

Well until next time please remember that practice does make perfect.

Carole Deanna

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 42 The following is a publication found on GenderEvolve. My thanks to Michele Angelique for her permission to use valuable TG information found on GenderEvolve!

Reasons For Crossdressing By Marlena Dahlstrom

I have had some thoughts on the various reasons why we dress, which I'd originally posted in reply to the SO of a TS who is transitioning and who was -- understandably -- upset and puzzled that it took her husband until his 30s to realize he was a TS rather than a CD. I think it's more useful to think in terms of motivations rather than labels, although I think the type and strength of each person's motivations leads them to a different place along the transgender spectrum. It's unfortunate the terms have gotten muddied, not that I want labels to put people into little boxes, but rather as a way to understand our differences as well as our commonalities.

Much probably has to do with the still-unequal gender roles in society. If a woman acts manly, she is just trying to assert herself into a man's world. If a man acts feminine, he is surrendering his place in the world. Personal circumstances also probably make difference, depending on your family's and culture's attitude toward sex roles. It's not uncommon for "late" transitioners to have been hyper-masculine in earlier years in an effort to convince others -- but mostly themselves -- that they are really male. This is in contrast to "early" transitioners who are typically are overtly "girly" in childhood and transition as early as they can. For the "lates," CDing is transition period while they struggle with their true identity.

But not everyone becomes a TS. Myself, I reflexively cross my legs protectively at the thought of SRS. From what I've seen you're either born TS or you're not. But there are some CDs who probably do have mild gender dysphoria. As I mentioned there's "early" and "late" transitioners, which to me this suggests that the gender dysphoria of "lates", while no less real, isn't as quite as strong as the "earlys." Anne Vital, a psychologist who works with transgendered folks, speculates that first group has minimal prenatal androgenization leaving the default female gender identity intact, while the second group have some partial prenatal androgenization, which enables them to appear and act normally as males, even it doesn't feel "right." (See Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 43 Reasons For Crossdressing … continued By Marlena Dahlstrom

Taking that a step further along the spectrum, it seems reasonable that there are those who feel partly- to wholly-female, but not strongly enough to do HRT or SRS. These are likely girls who constantly feel the need to dress and might dress most or all of the time if they could. Or to put it another way, these are the folks that Virginia Prince originally referred to as "transgendered" before that became an umbrella term encompassing all of us.

Maybe the difference between them and "conventional" TSs is how they feel about their male bodies -- they may not be fond of it, but they don't regard it as an unbearable birth defect or deformity. Again if there's a spectrum, then it also explains why some TSs do HRT and may have facial surgery and implants, but don't feel the need to do SRS (assuming they aren't skipping SRS due to other reasons, such as finances, family situations, etc.) From what I've heard from these individuals, they regard their male genitalia as an annoyance, but not something completely alien.

GWs who fall into this "lesser-end" group probably just resolve their mild gender dysphoria by being manish women or butch , since there's are pre-existing groups they can find a niche in. (Note: I'm _not_ saying all butch lesbians are gender dysphorics, I'm just saying that since there's a visible group that a mildly trans-woman can slot herself into and satisfy some/most of her gender discomfort, she may not consciously think of herself as having gender dysphoria. (digression) Interestingly I've heard of one FTM who was a bit disappointed after her transition because he went from being the most macho around to a short, slightly-built, "wimpy" (his words) guy. (digression) I suppose maybe there's a similar dynamic for some of those who are "" gays and effete straights.

Since those in the "mild to middle" group probably doesn't goes in much for counseling with TG-specializing psychologists (at least compared to TSs seeking to transition), they fall under the radar and therefore aren't accounted for in their theories.

In my case, I've had issues with men's gender role, but I've never doubted my maleness, nor would want to change sex except in a fantasy situation of being able to switch back and forth. (I suppose I might consider myself a "twin spirit" since if various online personality tests are to be believed, I've got a fairly androgynous personality. If I was braver and society were a bit more accepting, I might do the Eddie Izzard "tough androgynous" look, being more on the male side than female side compared to "twin spirits" I know who choose to present as women. but don't do HRT, etc. OTOH, I have to say I _do_ like being in full guy mode, as well as being in femme mode. So call me flexible, or maybe I am just exercising a women's prerogative to change her mind.... g) So how to you account for folks like me?

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 44 Reasons For Crossdressing … continued By Marlena Dahlstrom

My own speculation is that men cross-dress for a variety of reasons. (And it's generally men, since women can be "masculine" in everyday life without overtly stepping out of society's gender role.) The reasons include:

- Submissives -- They're most visibly prevalent in the BDSM scene. Their primary kick is submission and what could be more "humiliating" than being emasculated. However, forced femme is a pretty common fantasy among both CDs and TSs, and I think that it's way for T-girls to avoid guilt and shame (similar to women who have rape fantasies to cope with anxiety about their sexuality), and it may also be a wish- fulfillment rewriting their childhoods where they were forced homme.

- Fetishism -- Since most of us start dressing around adolescence, I think that's probably a common spark, even if the tinder was laid by other causes. (Some CDs do start in childhood and I can't really speak to what starts it for them, since that's not my own story.) Not surprising, since given my teenage hormones _anything_ having to to do with girls had sexual overtones. But there's studies showing this driver often fades over time.

However it does seem like a number of girls do have an "embracing their inner slut" aspect. This might have a couple causes. First, underneath the dress, we've still got testosterone-fueled sex drives. Second, since of lot of girls only get to come out occasionally, they're still teenage girls emotionally and strutting their stuff the way some of the GWs did at that age. Just like the over-done make-up corresponds with the Bozo years of teenage GGs. Especially since there's no parents to say "You're not going out dressed like that!", nor the peer groups who might label you the school slut, both of which cause most GGs to tone things down sooner or later. Third, women still generally control how far things go. So it's a fantasy projection of "if _I_ were a women I'd never say no."

- Sensuality/Feeling Good -- Let's face it, silk feels nicer than denim. If this is the main driver, it may be enough just to wear some panties under their guy clothing and they don't feel the need to appear as a woman. In a similar vein, getting a manicure or facial feels great, and fortunately it's now acceptable for men to do that sort of thing, whereas it was considered odd only a few years ago so you had to be a "women" to enjoy it.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 45 Reasons For Crossdressing … continued By Marlena Dahlstrom

- Looking good -- Women's clothes can be more fun -- shoes, shoes, shoes! -- especially if your guy clothes are drab by comparison. And while I'm not sure if I'm more attractive wearing make-up than in guy-mode, I'm certainly prettier, since make-up by definition helps improve your appearance. It'll be interesting to see if the metrosexual revolution satisfies this urge for some.

- Showing off -- Men in our culture don't have license to be exhibitionistic the way women do. For example, I used to work with a GW who just loved showing off her body in a tight summer dress and heels. A guy who did the equivalent would probably get hauled into HR for a talk about sexual harassment. It does seem like a lot of CDs go through a phase of acting like 14-year-girls who've just discovered womanhood -- too much make-up, too much on display, etc. But you'll also find some GWs who enjoy being exhibitionistic -- as you'll see at any fetish event or nightclub. 'Course if you're _expected_ to constantly be on display that's not necessarily fun. But I think CDs are generally acting out an idealized version of what being a woman would be like. Dress up doesn't include bloating, cramps, doing the second- shift of housework after a long day at the office, pay discrimination, etc.

- Expressing your "feminine" side -- It seems like there's a lot of girls who in guy mode are in either macho or logical professions/cultures. The Myers-Briggs personality theory has the idea that everyone has a "shadow self" that's the opposite of your dominant personality traits, i.e. if you're extroverted, you've got a introverted part of yourself, if you're natural temperament is intellectual, you've got a feeling-oriented "shadow self" as well. MB argues these "shadow" parts tend to surface more as we age, developing a more rounded personality. For guys who's personality is macho or Spock-like, I think CDing may be a way of dealing with parts of themselves that they've compartmentalized off, but that are "leaking" out. For guys who with more androgynous personalities, it's a way of letting out the more sensitive parts of their personalities that they don't feel comfortable doing so en homme for fear of being labeled wussy.

- Being someone else -- A fair number of CDs dress as a form of stress relief according to various studies. And what could be a better way to get away from yourself than to be someone else, especially some who's even a different gender (and perhaps a different race in our fantasies). For me, I think that's a significant reason why I started since I didn't really fit in during high school. In this sense, putting on a dress ain't that different than putting on a Starfleet uniform or being a hard-core Ren Faire participant. (Again, has anyone else noticed that these kinds of "alternative" activities, tend to attract a lot of engineers and programmers? It's as if putting on the costume allows them enough distance to act out parts of their personalities that they wouldn't do otherwise.) What's different is we're explicitly stepping away from some of the pressures "to be a man." Instead of getting up the nerve to ask someone to dance, we can be the ones who can sit back and choose who we accept. Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 46 Reasons For Crossdressing … continued By Marlena Dahlstrom

- Mastery --The desire to become skilled and competent at what one does. I don't think this is something that starts men cross-dressing, but it's a reinforcer that can develop over time, similar to any other hobby. Once I decided I wanted to be able to leave the house, I realized I need to improve my dressing, make-up and voice skills, and did so with a vengeance. I'm not obsessed with , since I know I'll be read part of the time, but when I do blend in there's a certain satisfaction in having pulled it off.

I suspect in most cases, there's probably more than one driver -- since there needs to be enough momentum to overcome the self-knowledge that we're about to do something society generally considers strange at best -- and also the main driver depends on circumstances. For example, if I'm out clubbing, it's probably more about looking good/showing off than expressing the softer part of my personality. And I'm sure there's probably other motivations that I've missed. If anyone's got suggestions about other motivations, I'd love to hear about them.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 47 TG-Friendly Places To Go Ok, you’re a TGirl and you want to go out as a girl, but want to go to a TG-friendly place. Here are some suggestions offered by our members. We take no responsibility regarding the places listed, but they are or have been known to be accepting of TGirls. This is in process with places to be listed in future editions. If you know of places in the U.S. that are TG-friendly, please let me know at [email protected] Thanks!

State Name Address Phone Website/Comments CT The Polo Club 678 Maple Ave. - 860-278-333 Hartford

CT Chez Est 458 Wethersfield 860-525-3243 Ave. - Hartford

CT Triangles Cafe 66 Sugar Hollow 203-798-6996 http://www.triangles Rd. - Danbury

MA Friend’s Landing 85 Water St. - 978-374-9400 http://www.friends- Haverhill

MA Jacques 79 Broadway St. - 617-426-8902 http://www.jacquesc Boston

MA Manray 21 Brookline St. - 617-964-0400 http://www.manrayc Cambridge

NH Amanda Thomas 135 State Route 603-595-9447 http://www.amandat Boutique 101A, Carriage Depot Plaza, Amherst OH Designs by Victoria 5712 Detroit Ave. - 216-961-7324 Clothing store and Cleveland hosts TG parties

OH Somewhere Else 1312 S. Highland 614-443-4300 Hosts Miss TGirl St. - Columbus Ohio contest

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 48 Transgendered Conferences and Getaways Ok, you’re a TGirl and you want to go out as a girl and be part of the community. Here is a listing of some of the conferences and getaways available that are designed for TGirls! We take no responsibility regarding the places listed, but they are or have been known to be designed for and accepting of TGirls.

This is in process with more conferences to be listed in future editions. If you know of conferences/getaways that are TG- friendly, please let me know at [email protected] Thanks!

Date Name Location Website 1/17/07 First Event Burlington, MA

1/27/07 TGSF Cotillion/Annual San Francisco, Debutante Ball CA n.html

2/22/07 Colorado Gold Rush Denver, CO

4/11/07 Transgender 2007 Philadelphia, PA http::// e/index.shtml

4/19/07 California Dreamin San Jose, CA

4/23/07 Diva Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV

4/25/07 Eureka En-Femme Eureka Springs, Getaway AK dex.html

5/13/07 Esprit Port Angeles, WA hp

5/29/07 Be-All Chicago, IL

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 49 Transgendered Conferences and Getaways … continued Ok, you’re a TGirl and you want to go out as a girl and be part of the community. Here is a listing of some of the conferences and getaways available that are designed for TGirls! We take no responsibility regarding the places listed, but they are or have been known to be designed for and accepting of TGirls.

This is in process with more conferences to be listed in future editions. If you know of conferences/getaways that are TG- friendly, please let me know at [email protected] Thanks!

Date Name Location Website 6/22/07 Sparkle Manchester, UK 2007.htm

9/11/07 Southern Comfort Atlanta. GA Conference

October Defying Gravity Louisville, KY http://www.transfamilydefyinggrav Conference

October Provincetown, MA ndex.htm

October GLBTIQ Conference Worcester, MA http://www.transcendingboundarie

November Tri Ess Holiday En- Varies Femme e/

November Lake Erie Gala Erie, PA

November Fall Harvest Omaha, NE

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 50 Upcoming TG Events


Located in "Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada", we are a Social Club for Crossdressers, the Transgendered, and their Wives/Girlfriends! Where... - BOYS have FUN being GIRLS!! -

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 51 Upcoming TG Events

Saturday 3 February Valentine's Day is almost upon us so give your partner what they want 9pm to 3am most... You. In your sexiest underwear. And a night out at Trans-MISSION :: London!

Venue: The Masque Bar, Barbican, London

Saturday 3 March Forget the Total Lunar Eclipse today, it's Jessica Biel's Birthday (who? -

9pm to 3am who cares?) so join us at Trans-MISSION in London to celebrate at the party to eclipse all others!

Venue: The Masque Bar, Barbican, London

Saturday 31 March Easter is almost upon us. So come and join the sexy Easter Bunny Girls

9pm to 3am at Trans-MISSION (bring your own chocolate - bunny girl costumes optional)


Venue: The Masque Bar, Barbican, London

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 52 Upcoming TG Events February 8, 2007

8pm - 12am FemmeFever Valentines Party! Private Party; CD's, TG's, TS's, S/O's & Approved Admirers. NOT open to the public. Great People, Bar Service, Full Buffet, Dancing, Contests, DJ, Prizes, etc. Always GREAT turnout! Pre-party reduced makeovers by appointment. Come drab/dressed/change there 7pm on. Always a FUN, Friendly, Discreet, well attended PARTY! Pls (requested but optional) Dress in Valentine Theme: Wear Red,Pink - Hearts etc Naughty or Nice! Optional - wear what you want but sooo much nicer when dressed in theme @ Characters Private Party Room: 419 Great East Neck Road - West Babylon front & rear parking w own entrances to party room. (in case you get lost only 631-661-3234 ). Bar next door LOVES us - as well - Very friendly location! For Party Information or to RSVP: EMAIL [email protected] or Call: 516-520-0380. Join us, we always have a great time! $25 pay there. Directions w your rsvp. Hotels below:

Hotels - Closest hotel is Pines however some are still choosing to use the hotel Best Western we use to use for other party location (10 min more away). See info below re both hotels. Both provide park at room (no lobby) ..


636 Route 109 N. Lindenhurst, NY 11757 631-957-3330


"Bar Harbor" Best Western. 5050 Sunrise Highway Massapequa Park, NY 11762 Main Phone: 516-541-2000 Toll-Free: 800-528-1234

See You then! Karen 516 520 0380

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 53 Advertisements and Opportunities Want to advertise your TG-friendly store, service, club, group, or your own personal items here? There is NO charge for this … just email the editor [email protected] .

The Glamour Boutique is a terrific TG store. The original retail location is in Auburn, MA and now has a Las Vegas retail locations! You can also order online. Can’t say enough about this lovely store! A discount is available to Pretty TGirls members and to visitors of my personal website!

Crazy 4 Clipons is a terrific online place to discreetly buy clip on earrings at a very reasonable price. They have a large variety to choose from and love to have TG customers! A discount is available to Pretty TGirls members and to visitors of my personal website!

FemmeFever : Karen has developed a wonderful site and TG resource! Along with coordinating many TG events in the lower NY area, she has a store full of shopping opportunities online.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 54 Advertisements and Opportunities Want to advertise your TG-friendly store, service, club, group, or your own personal items here? There is NO charge for this … just email the editor [email protected] .

Austin’s Angels … by Jamie Austin

I can’t say enough really terrific things about Jamie. Simply put, he works wonders. Careful though, he has done such a wonderful job that several girls have seen how wonderfully beautiful they can be that they have become full time girls! Jamie offers several different makeover packages … well worth every penny girls !


This is a fabulous place for GG’s and TGirls alike. Countessa is a GG, former model, and a terrific supporter of the Transgendered Community ! There is an online store and a physical location in Studio City, California. More to follow about this great Lady and her offerings.

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 55 Advertisements and Opportunities Want to advertise your TG-friendly store, service, club, group, or your own personal items here? There is NO charge for this … just email the editor [email protected] . Weave of Dreams is a terrific is a very new online TG store carrying many items for us Tgirls.It is run by Carol Deanna. It is worth the visit !

AngelWings Designs by Mary Beth You really should checkout Mary Beth’s products. She hand sews everything and has lovely lingerie items and dresses, plus she is a doll and very supportive of us TGirls !

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 56 Our Miss February 2007 Cover Girls !

How about joining us? Just go to … We’re a tasteful, fun group of girls and we m/group/prettytgirls love new friends!

Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 57 Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 58 Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 59 Pretty TGirls Magazine - February 2007 page 60