Abjection, 14–15, 166 Académie Française, 175, 176 Adam, Antoine
Manning the Margins: Masculinity and Writing in Seventeenth-Century France Lewis C. Seifert http://www.press.umich.edu/titleDetailDesc.do?id=354488 The University of Michigan Press, 2009. Index abjection, 14–15, 166 118–19, 120, 122, 123–24, 132, 135, Académie Française, 175, 176 138–39, 141–42, 145, 277n6, 278n8, Adam, Antoine, 185, 204, 289n109, 278n14, 279n33, 279n37, 280n55. See 291–92n136, 292n144, 293n153 also Scudéry (Madeleine de) affectation, 110 art de plaire, 11, 25–26, 41, 45, 87 affectivity: gender and, 119; male body Art poétique (Boileau), 55 and, 146; men and, 123–24. See also ataraxia, 26 melancholy; tendresse Aubignac, Abbé François Hédelin d’, 81, aggression: civilizing process and, 8–9, 92 256n19; galanterie and, 89; honnêteté Auchy, Charlotte des Ursins, d’, 79 and, 9 Augustus (Gaius Julius Caesar Octa- agrément, 44, 112, 260n27, 261n32 vianus), 30 air galant (Scudéry, Madeleine de): authorship, 17, 186, 192, 289–90nn110–12, de‹nition of, 118; men and, 118–19; 232–33, 273–74n10, 300n73 men vs. women in, 120–22; power in, 121–25; tendresse and, 127; women and, Badinter, Elizabeth, 278n21 120 Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez de: career of, Alcibiades, 30, 38, 50 290n118; Voiture and, 108, 110–11, 115, Alexander the Great, 30, 38 271n117, 275n23; writer in Rambouil- Aligre, Marie d’, 90 let’s salon, 81 Amadis de Gaule, 104 bardache, 164, 171 anagnorisis, 239–41 Barthes, Roland, 271n116 Angennes, Julie d’, 105 Baudelaire, Charles, 184 “Apologie de Théophile” (Viau), 189, Baverel-Croissant, Marie-Françoise, 193–96, 292n37, 292n150
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