Emmie Schrader Adams, Casey Hayden
Constance Curry, Joan C. Browning, Dorothy Dawson Burlage, Penny Patch, Theresa Del Pozzo, Sue Thrasher, Elaine DeLott Baker, Emmie Schrader Adams, Casey Hayden. Deep in Our Hearts: Nine White Women in the Freedom Movement. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2000. xv + 400 pp. $29.95, cloth, ISBN 978-0-8203-2266-7. Reviewed by Jennifer Ritterhouse Published on H-SAWH (June, 2001) Telling Their Own Stories civil rights organizations during the frst half of Joan C. Browning, Dorothy Dawson Burlage, the1960s. Each woman expresses her deep faith in Penny Patch, Theresa Del Pozzo, Sue Thrasher, the values of equality and human fellowship that Elaine DeLott Baker, Emmie Schrader Adams, and characterized the student movement's early Casey Hayden years, as well as her gratitude for having once been part of a beloved community. And each dis‐ Deep in Our Hearts: Nine White Women in the cusses her response to SNCC's ideological shift Freedom Movement recounts the "costly times" of away from interracialism and toward Black Pow‐ the civil rights struggle that the book's nine co-au‐ er. For some, this transformation and the eventual thors "wouldn't have missed for the world" (xiii). expulsion of whites from the organization were >From intimate personal essays, we learn how a devastating. But most had left SNCC before inter‐ handful of very young white women from varied nal racial tensions reached the breaking point, regional, cultural, and class backgrounds crossed and several managed to remain active in social racial boundaries and defied social conventions justice efforts through other organizations and in by dedicating their lives to a movement to eradi‐ other areas.
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