Forest An American Service Sugar Department of FS-246 Sugar maple is a wide-ranging and im- portant -a component of 23 forest types in the United States and . It provides a considerable source of food and cover for wildlife, but is not particularly susceptible to animal or bird damage or the ravages of insects. The sugar maple (fig. 1) is the most consequential of the 13 maple native to the United States. The heartwood is normally a light reddish brown, hard and strong. It takes a high polish and stains well, thus making it suitable for hardwood floors and fur- niture. The wood is also used for many varied purposes ranging from scientific instruments to clothespins. and sugar are also valuable pro- ducts.

Figure 1.—An open-grown sugar maple tree. F-481314 NOTE: This publication supersedes the sugar maple portion of “Maple.” unnumbered American Wood leaflet 1959 An American Wood

Sugar Maple ( Marsh.) Edwin Kallio and Carl H. Tubbs1


Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) is an important hardwood tree of the Eastern United States and Canada. Its northern range limit closely parallels the 35th mean annual isotherm, which runs through southern and On- tario and northern New Brunswick. Its southern limit is less well defined; however, the species is seldom found as far south as the South Atlantic States or the Gulf Coastal Plains (fig. 2). The greatest concentrations of sugar maple are found in the northern part of its range in , , Penn- sylvania, , the New States, and southeastern Canada. In the United States, New York and Michigan have the greatest volumes of sugar maple. Concentrations of sugar maple in the South are confined to the Appalachian Mountains.

Description and Growth

Under forest conditions, sugar maple develops a clean, straight stem and, at maturity, attains a height ranging from 70 to 110 feet. The branch-free portion of forest-grown tree stems is common- Figure 2.–Natural range of sugar maple. F-452056 ly 30 to 40 feet high, but can reach 70 feet. Crowns of isolated may start maple ( L.) have serrated as low as 4 or 5 feet from the ground. lobe margins and reddish, rounded In mature trees, the diameter at breast buds. Black maple ( height (d.b.h.), which is 4-1/2 feet Michx. f.) are usually three lob- from the ground, ranges from 2 to 3 ed and pubescent. The bark of sugar feet. Trees with diameters as great as 5 maple is grey and becomes deeply feet have been found. systems are fissured on mature trees (fig. 4). shallow and widespread. Mature trees Both perfect and unisexual are commonly live for 200 and some found on the same tree. These yellow may live for more than 400 years. flowers are generally pollinated by and other insects. The , a double The leaves of sugar maple are 3 to 5 in- samara (fig. 3). ripens from late sum- ches in diameter and usually five lobed. mer to early fall and is dropped during The lobe margins and surfaces are fall. Usually, only one of the smooth (fig. 3). Twigs are brownish samaras in a pair produces a viable and shiny. Both lateral and terminal . Good seed production occurs at buds are sharply pointed and brown. 2- to 8- intervals. Lateral buds are on opposite sides of the twig. The leaves of the similar germinate during the spring

1 following dispersal. Seedlings are very Research foresters for the U.S. Department of shade tolerant and often survive dense Agriculture, Forest Service. North Central Forest Experiment Station, Duluth, Minnesota, forest conditions for many years. They and the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, grow rapidly when overstory trees are Figure 3.–Sugar maple leaves and Durham, New Hampshire, respectively. cut or die. seeds. F-490971

2 An American Wood

Its long life, tolerance of shady en- vironments, and prolific seed produc- tion make sugar maple a prominent species in both overstories and understories, particularly in com- munities in the latter stages of succes- sion. Sugar maple is a component of 23 forest types. In six of these, it is a major species. Commonly associated species are American , yellow , basswood, black cherry, red , and eastern hemlock. In southerly areas, sugar maple grows with and other species of the mixed-hardwood forest.

Sugar maple is genetically highly variable. Two ecotypes or physio- logical races of sugar maple are known. One ecotype occupies the Cen- tral States and is more resistant to high temperatures and drought than the ecotype found over the rest of the range. Continuous variations in some characteristics have also been observ- ed. For example, growth of northern trees starts earlier and ends earlier than growth of trees of southern origin. hardiness is an example of a characteristic that is relatively uniform throughout the range.

Because sugar maple has such a wide range and grows in such a variety of communities, it is difficult to generalize about its relationship to soils and topography. Generally, sugar maple reproduces and grows well in a wide variety of soils and topographic situations, but is usually most numerous on well-drained soils. It is virtually excluded from the wettest and driest sites. Further north, it is more common on warmer sites. To the south, it is more common on cooler, less exposed sites or at higher eleva- Figure 4.–Mature sugar maple tree on the Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin F-401469 tions. growth, bud miners can cause forking, but only account for minor losses. Insect attacks and diseases seldom kill and boring insects can cause defective Diebacks of crowns are fairly common sugar . Occasionally, however, logs. in both forest and shade-tree areas. In combinations of unfavorable weather forests, diebacks are caused by varia- and defoliating insects have caused Many organisms that cause discolora- tions in the weather, animal and bird severe mortality in limited areas. tion, decay, and cankers infect sugar damage, or exposure; but such Generally, the greatest impact of both maple; however, these organisms are diebacks seldom result in mortality. insects and diseases is on quality or seldom direct causes of mortality. Wilt Shade trees are susceptible to damage growth. Defoliating insects can reduce diseases are direct causes of mortality, by road salt, soil compaction, nutrient

3 An American Wood

deficiencies, restricted root zones, and acres or 9 percent of all hardwood- sugar maple timber for sawlogs and air pollution. Dieback and mortality of forest land in the Eastern United . Although no statistics are trees may result from one or several of States. New York and Michigan each presently available, the use of sugar these factors. have about one-third of their forest maple for fuelwood also increased cover in this type; Maine has about substantially between 1976 and 1979. Sugar maple is an important source of one-fifth. The net volume of sugar food and cover for wildlife, but is not maple sawtimber is about 26 billion Characteristics and Properties seriously damaged or killed by either board feet or 6 percent of the total animals or birds except in limited situa- sawtimber volume in the Eastern The sapwood of the sugar maple is tions. Attacks by the yellow-bellied United States. Michigan has about 6.5 white with a reddish tinge and 3 to 5 or sapsucker can cause serious degrade of billion board feet, New York has 4 more inches thick. The heartwood is a logs. billion, Maine about 3 billion, and uniform light reddish brown, but Wisconsin about 2 billion. Nearly all of sometimes is considerably darker. The Young sugar maples are sensitive to the better quality timber is found in the wood is without characteristic odor or spring fires, which cause severe mor- Lake, Mid-Atlantic, and taste and is generally straight-grained tality. However, wildfires are not com- States. The total volume of all live mer- with a uniform texture, but can also mon in sugar maple stands because of chantable sugar maple trees larger than have “birdseye,” “curley,” or “fid- the high moisture content of the forest 5 inches d.b.h. is about 12 billion cubic dleback” grain. The wood is heavy litter. feet. The States of New York, (specific gravity = 0.52 green, 0.62- Michigan, and Pennsylvania contain 0.68 ovendry), hard, very strong in Common Names half of this volume. bending, and strong in endwise com- pression. It is high in shock resistance, Acer saccharum Marsh. is usually Production works well with , and is resistant called sugar maple although hard to wear. It can take a high maple and rock maple are also com- In 1976, 172 million cubic feet of sugar polish; takes stain satisfactorily; and, monly used names. maple growing stock was harvested in although high in -holding ability, it the United States, including 640 splits readily. The gluing qualities of Related Commercial Species million board feet of sawtimber. This sugar maple are intermediate. It dries was 4 percent of all hardwood growing easily, shrinks moderately, and is Other than sugar maple, the red maple, stock cut that year. More than half of below average in ability to stay in silver maple, black maple, box elder, the sugar maple cut came from the place. It has low resistance to decay. and bigleaf maple are of commercial Northeastern Region (New England importance. Except for bigleaf maple, and Middle Atlantic States). Principal Uses which grows only on the West Coast, these maples grow in the Eastern The harvest from sugar maple growing About half of the sugar maple that is United States and southeastern stock for all products in 1976 was 6 cut is used for . Most of this Canada. The ranges of the eastern percent more than in 1970. The lumber is manufactured into hardwood maples are fairly similar in extent ex- sawtimber harvest decreased 3 percent dimension, flooring, furniture, toys, cept for black maple, which is most during the same period, with most of and sporting goods. The remaining abundant in the Central and Mid- this decrease occurring in the North lumber is used mostly in the manufac- Atlantic States. Central Region (Lake States and Cen- ture of machinery (textiles, printing, tral States). The trend during the past food products, agriculture, etc.), in- Supply 14 years has been to increased use of struments and related products

Sugar maple is the most important Sugar maple growing stock and sawtimber harvested on commercial forest land commercial species of the 13 maples of in the United States in 1962, 1970, and 1976 the Acer that are native to the United States. Black maple (Acer Timber Volume of sugar maple harvested nigrum) differs so little from sugar supply All growing stock Sawtimber maple that most foresters treat it as a region (Million cubic feet) (Million cubic feet) variety of sugar maple. The statistics in 1962 1970 1976 1962 1970 1976 this publication will cover both species because they are often combined into Northeast North Central one category (bard maple). The maple- South beech-birch type in which sugar maple Total is most numerous covers 31 million

4 An American Wood

(professional, scientific, and control- sporting goods, musical instruments, the past 10 years. Minor uses of sugar ling instruments; photographic and op- and millwork. maple include posts, mine tical goods; and clocks), musical in- timber, and piling. struments, footware cut stock, boxes Some of the specific applications for and crates, woodenware, novelties, sugar maple veneer are bushel baskets, Maple syrup and sugar are important butcher’s blocks, clothespins, knife bass fiddle backs, panels, products from sugar maple trees, racks, ladder rungs, rulers, surveying drums, pins, auditorium seats, especially in Vermont and other New rods, general millwork, handles, golf club driver heads, die blocks for England States. Athough production and railway ties. printing presses, pattern stock for shoe of maple syrup is only a fraction of manufacturers, candy and gum racks, what it was in the early 1900’s, yearly During 1976, about 25 million board table tennis paddles, and tennis production has been relatively uniform feet of sugar maple logs were converted rackets. Sugar maple is also for the past 15 years, even though there into veneer in the North Central and used for furniture manufacture, wood are fewer producers. With improved Northeastern Regions. This was a 30- containers, professional and scientific production techniques and the number percent increase from 1972 production. instruments, and millwork. An increas- of large producers increasing, the Data for 1965 shows that about one- ing amount of sugar maple is being maple industry can be expected to con- fourth of all the maple veneer produc- used for home heating fuel. In general, tinue to utilize at least 3 percent of the ed in the United States went into wood the use of sugar maple for chemical sugar maple resources for sap produc- household furniture. Other important wood has been declining and the use tion. uses were for containers, toys and for pulping has been increasing during


5 May 1980