Hl'STORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF LEICESTERSHIRE. lands arid rents, with the appurtenances, are held of Green, Henry Bond, and Richard Sharpe. the king in capite, as parcel of the hbnou'r, castle, At the general election in 1722, 24 freeholders and manor of Belvoir \ polled from this parish; and 17 in 1775. In 1393, it appeared thftt John de Ros, of Ham- Nett expence of she poor in 1776, was £.22. 6s. Sa\ lake, deceased, was seifed of one park, called Belvoir Mediuhiot three years, 17^3—1785, £-34- !£*• bV; Park, in Redmile, and of one croft, called Leycrofr, The earliest register begins in 1653. and of a pasture, called Blakebergh Hill, in the fame In the first twenty years are 10 marriages, no parish, held of the king in tapite, by knight's service, baptisms, and 131 burials; and, in the twenty years as of the honour of Belvoir; that the said John de ending in l'j'dS-, are 47 marriages, 182 baptisms, and Ros gave to Richard de Schropjhdre, for his good ser- 116 burials. vice, fifteen messuages, one windmill, and five bovates In the register is this observation : and an half of land, with the appurtenances, in Red- " George TopSin and Jone Harrison had the baines mile, which are held of the king 111 capite •, and that of matrimony published three several Sabbaths in the William de Ros, knight* is the brother and next heir parish church of Redmile, and was married before of the before-mentioned John1. the alderman of Grantharti, upon the 13th of Fe* In 1394, Mary the wife of John de Ros, brother bruary, 1654." and heir of John de Ros, died seised of a thirty-third Richard Reave appointed register 1653^ part of one knight's fee in Redmile, which the heirs Richard Reave, the elder, late clerk of the parifli, of John Petit held K buried Jan.
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