INDEX. 223 Bichards, Eev M) —Skeffinj^ton. Bosworth Grammar School—Appleby Magna. Jiiihardb, William—Segi i\t. Breedon School—Meiry Ltes. Riddell, Geffiey—WiiliLilej. Bw ton upon Trent Grammar School — Lea Rid^vav, riuuc.istoii Giangc, Oiton on the Hill Jiidware, Se.ile. Derby Gtammai School—Ashby de la Zoucli. Rtdwa-} e, Thomai,—Seale. Endowed Chanty Schools—Ashby-de-U Zoiich, iiipaiixis, Martin de — Endeib>, Willoughby Bagwoith, B.iikby, Barkston, Barrow upon W.iteilcss Soar, Bar\%ell, Billesdon,Botte'»ford,Bowdeii fiivc, Thomas—Bromkinsthorpc. Magna, Breedon, Long Claw^on, Claybrook, Hoaldx, iio&to—Belvoi\. Coleoi ton, Conge\stone, Croxton Kyi lel, Roaldi, Ihchard—St.ithein. Dise\^orth, Endeiby, Gaithoipe, Gilmorton, Hobprts, Thojnat,—Ihorpe Langton. Groby, Hallaton, Hathern, Hinckley, Hnn Robcits,, William—B<uwtll, Sulton Cheney. cote, Ibstock, Knaptott, East Langton, Lei Hohimon, Mt6—Tliorpc S.itclivilk cestei 111, Leiie, Lockington, Loughborough, Jiohy, Thomas—Hugglescotc. Luttei worth, Medbourne, Melton, Mount Jiohy, Thomoii Bui gin—Battle Flat. SOIrel, Nailstone, NeN^bold Veidun, East Jiotchy, fVilham—Gioby Noiton, Osgathorpe, Owston, Piestwould, Jiodvtlle, VPilliam—Liiidley Ratciifl Cnley, Rearsby, Rotheiby, Rothley, Rogir, William—Wimeswould. Sipcote, Saxelby, Segia\e, Shawell, Eiil Jioyers, John—Eaton Shilton, Sileby, Snarestone, Somerby, Stoke JiolleUon^ Benedict—Garthorpe. Goldinff, Thiussington, Thvircaston, Ihurl is ton, Twycross, Waltham, Wigston Magni, Booe, John—JB.i'^setHouse, NoimantonTui ville. Wj^mondham Boiif John—Hal by, Redinile. Fiee Giammar Schools Appleby Par^ a, A^hby Hos, Isabella—Redmile de la-Zouch, Maiket Bobwojth, Haiborough, Bos, Margaiet—Medbouine. Keg^^olth, Kibwoith Beauchiinp, Leicestti Bos, Mai get y—Lubbenh im, SIa^^ ston, Statliei n 111, Loughboiongh, Melton, Woodhouse. Boi,, Peter—Cold Overton Fernewoith School—Lannd Boi-y Robei t—Leicester97, Melton, Mnston, Cold Kxbumth Grammar School—Kibworth Beiu Overton, Redniile. champ. Bos, Thomas—Phin£?ar, Redmile. Bos, VP alter—Cold Oveiton. Stevenage Giammar School—Whetstone. Bos, William — Baikby, Bark''ton, Bel voir, Stone Gramviar School—Whetstone. Bldston, Bottesfoid, Long CI i\%son, Croxton Uttoxetei Grammar School—Whetstone. Kynel, South Ciovton, Eaton, Hoby, Howes, Hungeiton, Knipton, Medbouine, Muston, Scott, William—Hallaton. fela>\ston, Stathern. Scotton, John—Ltiie. Bos of Hamlake, Bobeit—Bottesford Scotton, Thomas—Blttes^veIl, Claj brook Bos of Hamlake, William — Gieat Easton, Scrope, Elizabeth—Blabton. Hamilton, Haibv, Hiuigeiton, Liibbcnhxm, So ope, Geffrey—Bo\%den Migna, Hirboiougli Noim niton. Cold Oveiton,Plungai,Quenby, Sciope, Henry—Ab Kcttleby, Bowdrn M ign i, Uedmile, Statliein. Edmundthorpe, Harboiough, flicdboiunc. Bothley, Be( tor of—SkefTington Scrope, John—Holwell. Bothhy, P tear of—GAddeshyi Gnmston, Key Scrope, Richard—Medbomne. ham, Wanhp. Saope, Rogei — Edmundthorpe, Medbonrne, Boureby, William—Ratbj. Wymondliam. Bowlett, Balph—Whetstone Scrope, Thomas—Holwell. Bowlett, Thortias—BONN den ISIagna. Scrope, PI'zUtam—Medbourne. Buding, John—Biomkin-'thoipL. Scrope of Bolton, Henry—Mtdbourne, Saxby, Bndmg, Bithard—Bionikinsthoi pe. Wymondliam. Buding, Bogtr—Hiincote, Leicester 104 Scrope of Masham, John—Haiboioiigh. Buding, Walter Bi omkinsthoi pe, Leicester 114. Scrope of Masham, Stephen — Ab Kettiob\, Budupll, Bichaid—Lindlcy. Bowden Magna, H irboroiigh Rugeley, Richard—Knight Thoi pe. Scrope of Masham, Thomas—Haiboiough, Biissel, Alice—Donington on the Heath. Seale, Mis—Biuntingthoipe Rustatt's Charity, Trustees o/—Breedon. Scale, Rector o/"—Appleby Magna. Seaman, Samuel—Rotheib}. Sebley, Joseph—Goad by. s. Sees, Wilham—Bomngton on the Heath. Sacheverell, Henry—Hamilton, Old Hays. Spgrave, Amabel—Great Dalby. Sacheverell, Richard—Saddington. Segrave, Gilbert—Cotes, Mountsorrel, Segn\e, Sacheiieiell, William—Kcaisby. Whetstone. tSadmgton, Robert — Gaithoipe, Gilmorton, Segravp, John—Biirow upon Soar, Bujton on Houghton on the Hill, Humberstone, S id the Woiilds, C ideby, Cotes, Great I) ilb}. dington, Sciaptoft. Little Dalby, Disew oi tli, Grimston, Hatlu T n, Sadington, PVilham—Leicestei 100 Hoby, Ligarsbj-, Kegwoith, Maikfield, Mcl Sahsbury Cathedral—Gaicndon. ton, Monntsonel, Cold Overton, Rtusby, Salter, George—Ainesby. Segi e, Sileby, Somei by, Tiioi pe Satciiville, Saltmarsh, Robert—Ainesby. T,hrii'«smgton, Tlimmaston, Thurnby, Twy iVaniowic, Mrs —Ne\\bold fold, WdUon on the WonWs, Long WhaUon, AVmiome, Thomas—Hnukley, Witheiley Whetstone, Wimeswonld, Witheilcy. !^ap(ote, Warden of—hi.icQi.icx 10^. Segiave, Nicholas—Cotes, Gieat Dalby, Disc Saule, Robert—Waltham. woith, Grob>, Leicctci 97, Melton, Mount- S'aundeis, Ambrose—^Foxton <501 rel. Cold Ovei ton, Segrave, Silebj, Saundeis, Francis—Liiigliton, Shankton. Somerby, Thui nby Savage, (?cor£f<?—Walton on the Woulds. Segiave, Stephen B it iow upon So ir, Bm ton on Saxaqe, TPilhain—Behoir. the \Voulds, Cotes, Gieat D ilby, Disewoith, Savilli, Cenygp—Blaby. Gaiendon, Giimston, Hathern, Hob>, Ktg Sarelbys, The—Saxelbj \\orth, Mtlton, Monntsoiiel, Cold 0\eiioii, Scalei>, Roger—Cotes DeMlle. Qiioindon, Reaisby, Stgi ivt,Thoipc Sat<h- \illc, Thiuf'^inaitou, 1 huvnb> , T%%yftnd, W d SCHOOLS ton on the Would", Long Wliatton, Whet AvP^c^W Grammar Sihnol—Upton stone. Ashby de la Zoinh Grammar S(hool — Ashbj Seipavp, Thomas—Medboui nt. de 11 Zoiich Sede, Ralph—St ik. .
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