The Quill -- December 1, 1969 Roger Williams University
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Roger Williams University DOCS@RWU The Quill Student Publications 12-1-1969 The Quill -- December 1, 1969 Roger Williams University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "The Quill -- December 1, 1969" (1969). The Quill. Paper 126. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at DOCS@RWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Quill by an authorized administrator of DOCS@RWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. uf - Without the ']Yre8s . what ia speech; without 8'PeeCh ... what is freedom; without freedom ..• what is Zife1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~- VOL. IX, No. 10 ROGER WILLIAMS COLLEGE December 1, 1969 Student Council Candidates Speak Out Per order of Mr. Shepard, Stu- 1definition of leadership, for to ask possess. For in the performance Itween these three factors. out his policy will actually feel dent council elections will be held this is to imply that definitions of bis duties, leadership ability is Judy Facovs _ Senior Class they are working on their own are based on an individual's feel- W e d nesd ay D ecemb er 10. The . tested many times, especially On Leadership: Leadership usu-1 program, which is actually how ' . mgs. If you want to know what I Quill has obtamed interviews with my opinions are concerning the when the need arises for the Jead-. ally goes hand in hand with past things should be. People involved many of the candidates. They qualities that make a good leader, er to make colleagues aware of his experience and knowledge. I have i:n doing things in which they can were asked two questions pertain they are: an absolute co·nformity point of view or the view of his been a dorm student at RWC for identify as their own will natur ally do a better job. He shouldn't ing to Student Council: 1) What to the principles of justic~ among support~rs and _w~enever neces- three and one-half years. Within be an authoritative figure. He · d f' T f 1 ad rsh'p? Imen applied by the use of reason sary garn a maJor1ty of support is your e im ion o e· e i . alone and the observation of the from them. Primarily then, lead- this time I feel that I have gained should be an achiever, a co-opera and 2) What, in your opinion are nature of the problems and the ership is that ability which a enough insight into the workings tive person. Actually, I don't be the important issues on the Roger creation of a logical plan to rec- leader must have to effectively of the college to be able to help lieve in "Leader." Williams campus today? They tify them. Tn conforming to these communicate policies, views, and choose the best form of govern The Issues: The major issue now were also asked for further com ideas, I hold as the fundamental whatever else necessary to prop ment. Last year I was on the is the formation of the constitu ments. \Ve feel that the students, principle of justice that no man erly perform the functions of his Guidance and Counseling Commit tion. When this is accomplished therefore, will have a more knowl has the right to initiate the use office. tee. As a result of this committee, students will have more power. RWC has for the first time an eX- edgeable choice at the polls. In no of force against anyone else and The Issues. Candidates chosen ff t· t f "d Also, in order for students to have · · · Itreme 1 y e ec ive sys em o gu1 - particular order, therefore, we I. hold as a fundamental prmc1ple for Student Council should primar- d • power they must take part in all · · , I · ance an counse1 mg. give you the candidates. of reason that emotions are not ily create a sound foundation in stages of activities concerning The Issues: The issue, I feel, their school. In othei· words, stu Dianne Gelineau - Senior Clas!'! tools of thought. order that issues brought before is not any longer the Old -P1·oblem On Leadership: Someone who The Issues: There are some peo- the council may promptly and ef dents are where it is at. The ad ple on this campus who have been fectively be decided upon. Once a of student apathy.. It is the insist ministration has too much power can show people the way, as to 1 how to get involved and support and are now creating men or decision is reached on an issue, I ed offering to the students of a but it is not their fault. The fac your school. Also, they must be shop women, new deal bromides feel the students should know the wide enough range of programs ulty also needs a constitution. on the form of appeals that there outcome. To 11ut it another way and. activities to cover the wide willing to do it themselves. Jack Mahoney - SC - At Large The Issues: People (students) is not enough student control; the students should communicate I variety of tastes. On Leadership: Leadership is should get more involved. there is not enough student in- to members of council their prob Tony Mazza - At Large being the sensory faculties for Comments: R o g e T Williams terest in sports; there is not Iems and the council should com On Leadership: I feel it is to those Jed, i.e., their eyes and ears s"1ould definitely start a placement enough student activity, all of municate to the students decisions inspire people to better them to transmit others' though,ts to which is contained in the worn-out service this year. on issues, so that no one is left selves and to bring out their oest them, and their voice to transmit appeal that 1 here is student apa in the dark. On a new campus qualities. their thoughts to others. Patriria Einhorn - At Large thy. such as ours, there are many is The Issues: What do the stu On Leadership: No organization I nm for student participation sues to be tackled, but the most The Issues: The issue is simple. of any size can exist without lead dents want? Why do they want Shall we take the burden of re- in practically all matters. How important issue is guaranteeing it? What does the administration ers. Someone has to organize ever it is my view that the final that the Student Council is in- feel and why? How can we com- Isponsibility to the students or meetings or determine a consen decision must rest in the hands vested with sufficient power to promise views to satisfy both and shall we leave them to the admin- sus, represent the group and its istration? We >vish to have power; of experienced and qualified peo carry out its decisions. For with to make the school run? Both decisions to other organizations ple. out proper means, proper results . , therefore, we should not shirk it and make the cow1tless small and s~des must respect eaeh others I when it comes. (Mr. Dugan's theses were short can never come about. By the large decisions that are necessary views. ened extremely. W c are sorry if same token .fellow students, with Comments: The only comment to carry out its aims. The lead we have offended him. - Ed.) out your support, proper represen Comments: I see a need for a I can make is: PLEASE VOTE. er should be able to communicate tation can never come into being. new vision - that the students The Student. Council is yom· with its members and control Barbara Cohen - Junior Class See you at the coffee hour. and the instructors should ~e ears, eyes, and voice, so find out channels of information within the On Leadership: Leadership is a things as they really are - usmg who is running and vote for the organization. quality Which enables a person to Jim Alexion - Senior Class good old common sense and rea- best candidate. The Issues: I feel the issue here justly represent_ his constituents. On Leadership: First of all I soning. For reasoning requires a is that we do not have enough But even more than being a good feel a leader should be a person high degree of self-discipline and Gerald Wilson - At Large communication between the stu 1·epresentative, it is important that who is able to understand all the concentration of the ,inte})ectual, On Leadership: Leadership is dent council and the students. We a person be- able to carry forth issues, and be able to bring all rather than the much-used emo the ability of an individual to need able people who al"e willing and carry through the ideas and ideas together to a common goal. tional impressions of many . make the right decisions in certain to give their time and efforts to wishes of those being represented. I also feel experience is of great As I see it, the main purpose of situations in the best interest of represent the student body of The Issues: It is important that importance in leadership. I have the Student Council is neither an his constituents. I believe that J Roger Williams College. The job all students become more active been a student at RWC for four aid to the administratidn nor is it have these necessary abilities to requires individual aptitude and in student affairs on the college yeai·s now, and I feel from my an aid or a tool of the students; I represent my constituents as a knowledge to keep the organiza campus.