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10-30-1942 The ohnsoniJ an October 30,1942 Winthrop University

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TheTH E JOFFICIALd PUBLICATIO N OF WINTHROP COLLEGEma n ROCK HILL. SOUTH CAROLINA. OCTOBER SO. 1142 Walter Myer To Speak At Book and Key 300 In Campus Victory Role Teacher Exchange Week To Initiate November 30-December 5 Six Saturday A High Moment In WA AC Interview Girls Help Four Day Meet Has Three Fold Purpose; Esther Bailey Heads With Farm "Class Room Teachers In Present Crisis" Honor Students; Is Central Theme; 100 Seniors Go Out To Teach '42 Members Invited Walter E. Myer, director of Civic Education Service in Food Data Washington, will be the featured speaker of Teacher Ex- The six naw members of change week, November 30-December 5, 0. M. Mitchell, head Book and Key will be initiated Sociology Students of the project, announced this week. tomorrow night at 7:30 in Praised By Agent— Mr. irfyer, who is owner and ed- ceremony in Johnson hall, Dr. Auto Mechanics Course itor of Ave weekly newspapers for BOOKS ON VICTORY Donnis Martin, sponsor of Going Strong high schools, will be on hand to speak tlo and direct panel discus TABLE this highest campus scholastic With 60 sociology students sions With the 100 visiting teach Introducing Australia — C. honor group, announces. aiding in the food for victory program, 10 Winthrop girls slated to attend the four-day Hartley Grattan President of the group will be beginning an auto mechanics meet. Ramparts of the Pacific — Esther Bailey of Rock Hill, who 1 r course, and 230 enrolled in Teacl « Exchange week, which Hallett A. Bend holds the leading scholarship rank, is held annually on the Winthrop first aid classes, Winthrop's Strategy of The Americas— and therefore automatically re- campus, is centered this year war program becomes more Fleming MacLlesh and ceives the office. around the theme "Class Room coordinated than ever Student Cushman Reynolds Teachers In the Present Crisis. The initiation to be conducted Chairman Anne Hetrick an- ' However, its purpose is three-fold Man of Europe — Andre Si- by three faculty members, nounces. in that I* benefits the teacher, prac mone Margaret Dukes, Miss Julia Ray Sociology students are aiding the tice teaching students, and under Mr. Churchill — Philip Gue- Nettles, and Miss Chrystal Theo- Department of Agriculture • in gradual®* who plan a career in ed- dalla dore, will be followed by a social Washington in making a survey of ucation- Exchange week is part of hour with Dr. Martin as hostess. the amouni of food produced on the whole Winthrop teacher train- Guests will include Dr. Shelton York county farms. L. W. Johnsi n, ing program directed by H. L. All Absences V Phelps, honorary member of Book Women Cannot Go On "Living as Usual" county farm agent declared that Frick. and Key, and members of Phi Beta the fcirls did the survey in one An invitation has been extended Kappa. Last year's Book and Key hour and a half, work that would to all v»omen teachers in this im- Must Be Filed members are invited back for the Lieut. Puhr of WAACS Tells Winthrop otherwise have required three mediate to come to Winthrop Initiation. weeks of office time. The girls and, through demonstration teach- worked in pairs, recording their Those to be initiated are Esther Points Out Need For ' ing at the Winthrop training By 5 Monday survey of food supply and all farm Bailey, Mary Elizabeth Beaman, Girls In Army; Ex- school, check up methods of ma- Will Review May Change produce, transposing figures of Written excuses for all ab- Ella Elizabeth Lindler, Mary Eve- terial, techniques, and class room plains Uniform, 2,600 farms from county charts to sences and tardies should be lyn Lott, Sarah Thomas Parks, and procedure, and group round table national charts. filed in the letter box in tne Ruby Pauline Young. Winthrop Dating Regulations Music Meet discussions, to formulate her pro- Auto Mechanics Begun door of the Registrar's offlce gram of methods for meeting her By MARTHA AZER The auto mechanics course, spon- before five o'clock of the Mon- responsibility of training boys and Rating Soon Managing Editor, The Johnsonian In Spring sored by the Young Democrats, day afternoon following the girls best to meet the present cri- Art Girls Win Women must realize they cannot met at Neely's Motor company absence, according to an an- The question of Winthrop's rat- Tentative plans for changing the sis. Too, she takes part in a "re- go on living their lives as they Monday night. Ten girls who con nouncement sent out by Regis- ing with that organization will be annual Winthrop spring music con- fresher" program by brushing up Fourteen Prizes used to live them ... they must do drive'a car, and have had first aid, trar John G. Kelly.. reviewed at a meeting of officers test into a festival were made last on the latest teaching methods. something to win this war, Lieu- are working toward a passing The first absence reported of the American association of Uni- Saturday at the music clinic con- At the same time, over a hun- At County Fair tenant Elizabeth Puhr told a class grade to make them eligible for the against a student for which versity Women with trustees and ducted by Dr. Edwin Hughes and dred Winthrop seniors will be sen! in journalism Tuesday. She'd come Red Cross Motor Corps. there is no acceptable excuse Fourteen prizes in the art ex- •rs of Winthrop, in New York sponsored by the South Carolina into the homes vacated by the vis- to Winthrop for an assembly ad- Back at Winthrop nine classes of will be recorded as a permis- hibit at the York County fair last on November 15. Association of Music Teachers. It iting instructor, and for a week will in which she was to explain first aid have been started and 173 sible excuse. Unexcused ab- was pointed out that .transporta- week were won by Winthrop stu- Angus H. Macaulay of Chester, all about the WAAC'S to the 1560 students have enrolled, bringing have complete charge of the absent sences in excess of one from dents. The entries, which included a member of the Winthrop board tion will keep schools from send- the total number of students en- teacher's classroom. In this way, each class and one from as- girls here, and whether she knew wall-hangings, block prints, sil- made the announcement Tuesday, ing their usual representation, and rolled in first aid to 230. Plans are valuable teaching experience may sembly will be considered de- It or not, her snappy uniform and houettes, posters, and novelties, according to an Associated Press that through a change of plans, the underway for other interested stu- be gained by direct contact with linquencies. Three unexcused pleasing appearance did a lot of were done by students In art class- dispatch, after officials had present- contest may still be held on a dif- dents who are not taking first aid the students. tardies in a class will count as her talking for her. es last year. ed the school's budget request for ferent basis. to roll bandages and knit. Chair- In addition, through the meet- one unexcused absence. "That's the real reason for the In wall-hangings, Annie Parker next fiscal year to the State Centering its business around the man Jo Berly urged all interested ings and demonstrations at the col- Students will not be re- Women's Army Auxiliary Corps." budget commission in Columbia. music credit systems now observed knitters to begin working at once lege, Winthrop is making a definite quired to file excuses for ab- Holroyd won first place and Sara Lieutenant Puhr followed up hex effort to give an opportunity for The whole matter will be dis- by high schools and colleges, the on some garment. sence from college duties be- Edwards second. In block prints, statement "to train women to do cussed at the New York meeting- association appointed a committee, Collect 790 Pounds of Scrap service training to undergraduate cause of illness, if they stay in Annie Jo Berly came first, Louise army things the army way ... and tenure, curriculum and everything. headed by Miss Florence Smyth, The salvaging committee reports students who plan to teach by al- the Infirmary over-night. If a Schwartz second, and Mary Tel- to someday relieve a soldier for If we have been remiss in any way president of the association, to 790 pounds of scrap metal. Boxes lowing them to attend the sessions student is too sick to attend ford third. active combat duty. If that isn't we are going to try to find out make further research on having have been placed in the dormi- and take part In the Exchange class, she must report to the Mary Livingston won first, sec- doing something worthwhile, then Week program. where," Mr. Macaulay said. credits for music recognized by tories, and chairman Maria Moss Infirmary; otherwise the ex- ond and third places in the silhou- tell me what is." The four largest high schools. insists that girls contribute all sal- cuse will not be considered. ettes. Prizes for posters were won Among those who will attend the fields for which women could ap- agcable material, such as lipstick ?e If students are late to class by Lucile Beckham, who won first New York meeting, the story said, ply and be used as trained persons, At other meetings, Edwin tubes and light bulbs Y" Committee because of being kept over- and second places, and Willie Faire are Dr. Shelton Phelps, Dean Mow- she pointed out, were clerical, mo- Hughes played all the selections ' time in a previous class, ex- Eubanks who won third place. An- at G. Fraser, Governor R. M. JeB- tor transportation and communi- that will be judged in the spring Makes Plans cuses submitted by this group nie Parker Holroyd won first and eries, ex-officio chairman of the cation. mess management, and contest, and gave information on Will Hold Poster Clinic of students must be signed by third places for novelties, «nd board, and the following trustees: company work. the interpretation of the pieces. For Publicity Chairmen the teacher keeping them. Mary Livingston won second place. Angus Maca day of Chester, J. A Qualification For WAAC Miss Smyth played the ducts with Spruill of Cheraw, C. L. Cobb of him. A talk on the "Importance of A poster clinic will be held each For Playing Qualifications for a WAAC, Lieu- Rock Hill, Mrs. Louise Y. Earle of Technique" was given by Dr. Wal- Saturday morning from 11:30 to A program of play and enter- tenant Puhr explained, were that Sumter, and Mr. H. L. Tilgman of ter B. Roberts, who answered all 12:30, Mill Crystal Theodore of the tainment that will help Winthrop a girl be between the ages of 21 From Stuffy Buses To Game Marion. questions on problems that arise art department announces. A no- girls relax is the latest project and 45, pass the mental test, pass r 9 in teaching. tice has been sent to the chairmen of the Recreation committee of the her physical examinations, be a of all organisations that posters YWCA, headed by Margaret Man- It Was All Ragged But Right Nine Press Execs citizen of the United States, and Approximately 40 teachers and must be approved by the advertis- prove in her training that she is 50 high school students were pres- ning. By ALICE TURNER she, like that traditional school ing class under the direction of mentally alert. All girls go in as ent at the music clinic. College mu- The committee feels that periods Loaded buses, football yells, teacher gifted with eyes in the Go To Newberry Miss Theodore before they bf used sic majors also attended the meet- of relaxation are essential follow- sticky red apples, "caterpillars back of her head, described your (Continued on page 4) in the halls or on bulletin boards. Nine press executives will rep ings and discussions of the clinic, ing tremendous strains on the stu- bingo stands, fortune tellers, and clothes and jewelry, called you by All chairmen of publicity are resent Winthrop at the South Caro which was sponsored by the South dents' physical and mental powers. crazy houses climaxed the "rai name, told you the color of your asked to attend this clinic. Funda- lina College Press association at Carolina Association of Music The right kind of recreation is just but right" Winthrop day at State eyes, and Just for good measure mentals of good poster-making will Newberry College, November 20-21 Sanders Declares Teachers under the auspices of the the thing to relieve taut nerves and fair last Thursday. added your birthday. All this called be stressed, and posters will be dis- as guests of "The Indian." Winthrop music department. to bring about an "abundant life." After days of anticipation, 5:30 for a trip through the crazy house, She Owes Everything cussed and criticised. Suggestions include music, litera- Thursday morning found anxious if nothing else but to prove that The Johnsonian representatives ture, and art fair-goers (who couldn't leave it was only the subject's mood and selected to go are Jane Harney. To "Time" Purchase A room is being furnished in the Frances Payne, Martha Azer, Wednesday afternoon) boarding that no one could really know what The best way to get places basement of Johnson hall where Kathryn Kerhulas, Betty Wanna- Lieutenant Peter Likes Army; buses by starlight, assuring them- another one was thinking. these days is to buy Time, table games, board games, skittles, maker, and Martha Sheely. Three selves of a seat on the Greyhound. Exhibit! Had Everlhlag thinks junior Betty Sanders of deck tennis, ping-pong, indoor box consecutive issues of The John- Columbia buses gained popularity The gay tempo was slowed Anderson- .ho says she ought Declares Winthrop Still Tops hockey and other games will be sonian will be entered to compete during the morning, and by game down a bit in the "steel building' to know. By DOROTHY HART men, and athletics outside of the found. time at 2 o'clock Winthrop daught- where soldiers exhibited and ex with other college publications for Her story goes like this. Get- Breezing Into The Johnsonian of- regular drill. "It is a new duty, de- On Sunday afternoons there will ers loaded both grandstands, plained models of warfare the na awards. ting a ride to Ballon, only 10 fice while on the Campus during signed to replace the old morale be group singing, book and poetry slightly favoring the Clemson ca- tion is now preparing. A victory Dorothy Hart, Wanda miles from Anderson, Betty a 10-day leave, Lt. F. Darrell Peter officer," he explained. trails, and periods of art and mu- dets, although there were enough booth selling war stamps and Meintzer, and Beverly Turner are discovered she had an hour's stated that the army may come and Lt. Peter was enthusiastic about* sic appreciation. The first feature on the Gamecock side to keep the bonds accompaiilod farm exhibits, selectees from The Journal staff. wait before a bus headed for the army may go, but Winthrop this new idea, which the army in- of entertainment will be a "Harv- argument in full swing. art and flower shows; and moving the ol' home stretch. The re- stituted just a little over a year est Festival" sometime around Left Navy Blua Behind picture reels showed the services would always remain among his membrance of a current events ago, in order that the men would Thanksgiving. Hardly recognizable were Sister of the United States forces. favorite places. "But," he added, Evelyn Culler Head test on the following Monday not have to depend so much on out- Winthropians gaily dressed In orig- After the exhibits, "one last1 "you'd better r.ot quote me on morn caused her to buy a side entertainment. inal models and unchaperoned, ex- glimpse around the fair claimed that." So we didn't quote him. Dr. Buchner Will Address J.H.A. Freshmen Time magasine. Leaving the After finishing officers' training by the Big date, who excited- many nlckles and dimes on unsuc- "Seriously, though," he con- IRC Girls Monday, 4:30 Evelyn Culler was elected presi- corner drug store with her school at Fort Benning, Georgia, in Dr. Margcret Buckner, assistant ly embraced the nearest of the 20,- cessful bingo game*; but the girls tinued, "The army is all right. dent. of the freshman chapter of the purchase, Betty and her travel- July, Lt. Peter was sent to Fort professor of modern languages, 500 spectators as the Tigers drub- profited when the guessers were What am I doing there? Well, af- Junior Homemaker's association at mate. Carolyn Coleman, Meade, where he was placed in will be the guest speaker of the In- bed the Gamecocks 18-6. fooled about the weight value of ter all, that's what a lot of soldiers a meeting held last Wednesday in paufed to cross the street, only three different companies. "It ternational Relations club's regular After a fair game—-literally and Winthrop iood. Girls holding tight the J.H.A. room of Thurmond hall. to be stopped by a lady driver, would like to know." looked as if they were trying to meeting Monday afternoon at 4:30 figuratively—the exhausted mcb, to "rag dolls," drooled out of the Other officers elected were Tumpy who asked if they were going Darrell Tries Explaining decide what I was good for. Finally receiving their second wind, toured fair gates, squeezing two life-size in Clio hall. Her subject will be somewhere along the Green- Lt. Peter's official position, he they gave up and sent me to a the Midway. The results of Wln- fuzzy teddybears to remind them Adams, rice-president; secretary, "France, Then and Now." Olive Shelor; treasurer, Martha wood route. The lady driver stated, is special service officer of training school for special service throp's cotton picking bestowed a the next morning that it was Dr. Buclpier, who attended Leonard; program committee chair- turned out to be a history the 385th Infantry battalion. 76th officers at Fort Meade for a month. sentimental touch to the machine "swell while it lasted." school in France at one time, will teacher in Greenwood, who division at Fort Meade, Mary- After that I was assigned to the whirring cotton candy; and when Just how many girls experienced man, Marilyn Lefvendall. give her impressions of the coun- says "anybody who Nads Time land. In reply to our bewilderment staff of the 385th as special service these campus gals started on "fair" this "day after the day before" Assisting the freshmen in or- try before the war, and then tell magasine is oJt." as to exactly what such an officer officer." feeling is Utile vague, befause as ganizing the chapter were Emily the changes that have come about food—well the announcer's stand "Jack of AU Trades" Betty and Carolyn, now con- did, he explained that he was In since the invasion. Frances Payne, could well have ordered MB.'s in Mrs. Gibson In the Dean's office ex- , president of the mass J.H.A., firmed readers, are wondering charge of recreation for his battal- The job is something of a jack- president of IRC, invites any Inter- advance. plained, to her knowledge only Mary Pierce Rainwater, vice-presl- how far one can on Har- ion. He arranges soldier theatri- of-all trades," he laughed. Among ested students to attend the talk A blindfolded, gray-haired wom- three seniors went to the fair—the and Carolyn pers and Atlantic Monthly. cals, community sings among the (Continued on page 4) to be given by Dr. Buckner. an was the center of attraction as others "just went home." THE JOHNSON EDITORIAL PAOE Friday. October 10, INt When The Trees Turn ... What We Live By: A Forum For Dissemination of Campgg Opinion At this tiiae of the year, when late It is the season when primitive peo- Tki Johnsoa summer ripens into fall, comes an odd ple, recogniiing the bounty of the earth feeling;—almost an inspiration. It comes and thiinkingtheir gods for it, held their Ike Campu s I own Hall in covering the Winthrop caUsgs < , You from "October's bright blue weather" harvest festivals and celebrated the Conducted by MARY KAY MARTIN . and the indefinable purity of October's fruitf ulness of the year. For them it was do us a fara sunshine. It comes from the red-tinged the logical end of the year. It means From Hie Army "Hidden Paradise," reputedly inhabited by the up to any of lheae "class" of Chinese and tourist trade. We en- leaves and chilly mornings, and it brings their work was done and the time for e< good nawspapsriag. the desire to hike miles in tka country relaxation and fun had come. Two very interesting letters were re- tered the bar, immediately were seated, and and let the wind blow in your face. It In our urbane, our unthinking way, ceived by different people on the cam- impressed by the service in the place. . . . carries a feeling of awe—a feeling that we still look on autumn as a time for re- pus last week. The first letter told of During the course of the dance music, I noticed makes you pick up the red leaf of the joicing. Only the method, not the spirit CASUALLY an army boy's impressions of San Fran- a Chinese girl of about twenty standing alone maple and yellow of a poplar and wear of celebration has changed. It is still By JAKE HARNEY cisco's Chinatown where he spent his in a corner of the bar, looking in my direction. them like a crown in your hair. It bring* recognized as the successful termination last furlough before being shipped. Part Guess I was in the mood to dance just then, the veneration you have for a warm fire of summer rather than the mild pre- Let's Get "Pep" of his letter follows: because I asked her to dance and she said yea, Now that the weath- October 12,1942 which amazed me too. and the nostalgic memory of burning cursor of winter. er has settled down— And still the leaves turn to gold San Francisco, California I guess the next hour or so that I had the we hope—to really be- Dear Joann: pleasure of talking to this Chinese girl really The Crooks' Concert Was Superb ing fall, we can start ... I decided to hit "Fisco" once more, flew by. Joann, it will always be a memory our thinking about the knowing lt would be the last time, and I got for this boy to think back to that incident and In a generation of four years at Win- Not only was Mr. Crooks' part of the hockey tournament there about two Sunday afternoon. I maneuv- I can't explain why it should be, but I guess throp we have not seen or heard a bet- program good, but the audience is also and class pep meet that ered over into Chinatown, and I guess I Just I will never forget it. Maybe it's because lt ter program than the Richard Crooks' to be congratulated on its good taste. is going to come off in stayed there, because I had never before seen changed this boy's old-fashioned ideas aboet concert Friday night It had everything They did not expect too much of the ar- November. The teams anything like it and lt was really Interesting have been getting to- the Chinese people, and made him think a lit- an audience of some 1500 girls and a tist; still, they were eager in their ap- I think I stopped in a hundred and one tle about it aU. This girl was really educated, number of faculty and towns-people plause. The student audience was a lit- gether for regular shops, just gazing around in general. ... I brilliant, and a grand talker. She had ben could want. practices several weeks now, and pretty decided to stop in and partake of some Chinese tle less articulate with its murmums and soon we'll begin work on the "pep." through college, and had a job working in a Mr. Crooks was in rare voice. He was sighs, a little more aware of where and t edibles. We dropped into a place called "The business place In town. In the course o! the Class meetings will be starting to roll, generous with his encores and gracious when not to applaud. Seven Candles," and rightly named. Had it conversation, she told me of her folks, the in the reception of his applause. Fur- and when they do, let's all be ready to been late at night I never would have been Personally, we would be willing to get in there with plenty of spirit hardships they had been through, and all thermore, his balance of composers waa • e e e able to see what I was eating, although I never about her life. It made me think about a let excellent There was just enough of have fewer artist courses if by doing so did find out what it was anyhow! After a brief of things then, and I am glad that I had the this and that to make a mixed audience we could have all numbers as superb as it's Nat Maybe "it" just all worked Conceit t that way, but it is nice to stop in there, we pulled out and visited a appreciate the music. was the Richard Crooks' concert. ou theatre in the heart of the Chinese district. A said that she was afraid that people would feel that you were in some small Chinese picture was feature, and, had it not way responsible for getting something stare when she danced with me on the floor Assemblies Build Morale, Too done that you had been wanting for been for a kind interpreter sitting on the side and thought that I wouldn't like it Guew lt years. I'm talking about the name plates of me, I guess I would have been at a com- was just a complex, and I straightened ft oat Among the several factors building could do to really make ourselves useful plete loss in the place.. I think I was anyway, for her. . . . morale on the Campus, the one this year in the war. Or there was the travel-talk that were put on the "hall portraits" but my pride wouldn't let me show it on the gardens of England—a talk that last week. You know, a couple of weeks which we cannot overlook is the assem- ago The Johnsonian published an edi- . .. We ran into a victory parade being put helped us escape for a moment the strife on by the Chinese for the benefit of their na- ... And The Governor bly programs. . . . And how they are of the war. The community sing was torial about how we'd like to have our helping us to live a more well-rounded tive country. I had seen these parades in the The other letter was written by Gov- still another type of program, a kind portraits identified. Well, "they" fixed newsreels before, but this was the first time life here at Winthrop. that has a definite place in our variety them up 'right' last week with brass tags ernor R. M. Jefferies in praise of "Snee- and engraved names. Even if the edi- I had ever actually witnessed one from the zy" Sheely's photograph of him during Perhaps the best quality of the pro- of things. street corner. I guess there must have been a grams is their variety. There was Mr. And more are yet to come. The as- torial had nothing to do with it, even if his recent visit to the Campus. they had had the tags f disseminate College news. <2) provide a laboratory for WINTHROP REALLY EVACUATED LAST to the latter. students of journalism, and (3) promote generally the welfare of the whole College throp girls, and only about eight of those. . . . community. WEEK-END—or practically in the middle of That same train that makes washing your hair the week. There's nothing like a nice, long and airing your clothes a social responsibility. Despite aU tl'at, we frankly like this going JANE HARNEY -Editor MARY WOOD..._ Sports Editor holiday to make you appreciate—er—home, off on wetfc-end business and are in favor of FRANCES PAYNE. Business Manager SARAH WnSON KEELS ...Society Editor and—er—all the conveniences and et cetera. • • • • more of it Oh sure, we know we came to MARTHA AZER ..Managing Editor MARTHA SHEELY Photographer Now, why bring that up? Shut up, Moss. WITH THE APPEARANCE OF WAAC OF- college to learn, to apply ourselves, to prepare, MARY KAY MARTIN ...Associate Editor VIVIAN PEACE Circulation Manager FICER, Lt. Elizabeth Puhr, in chapel, a lot of BETTY WANNAMAKER. .News Editor KATHRYN KERHULAS Bookkeeper • e e • and can we do it if we run off every week-end. RAY A. FURR, Manager and Director of Coiirses in Journalism WEEK-END RAMBLXNOS PRODUCED Winthropians have expressed serious inten- To which we reply that it is Just about a phys- THIS among other things: tions of trooping to the colors. Whether it's ical impossibility to run off every week-end just a passing fancy or whether the girls are and make that well known remark about get- really in earnest—and some of them are—it's ting in a rut. It's perfectly possible, you know, not a bad idea. From all we can learn, our to get in a 0,1>Q

The "Twelve" Alight From Their Commuting Bus Army Air Corps Cadets Of People . Train . From Sunrise On Second Class Has Half Completed Training: BRIEFS Typical Day Begins At 5:30 With ... And Things Housework and Ends With 10:30 Taps MISS ANDHEWS IH TALK FACULTY SWIM AT • PJ*. By HARRIET CARTER Miss Florence Andrews talked to The faculty swimming class will Winthrop, traditionally a feminine school, has been, in a the consumer's group Tuesday af- meet at 9 o'clock this Tuesday Wfly» invaded by Army air cadets who are taking their basic ternoon in the merchandise room night instead of at 8:30, Miss Fran- training here and at the Rock Hill air field. They are mem- in Thurmond hall on "Consumer's ces Cake notifies The Johnsonian. bers of the Army Civil Pilot Training program and are under Problems in ." In line with army regulations. her discussion she prepared an ex- TBI BETA MEETS TUESDAY A typical day in the life of these ground training and provides a hibit on materials for clothing, Members of Tri Beta, national air cadets is strenuous and exact- home for the cadets. A house in with suggestions for use. honorary biology fraternity, will ing. They get up in the morning at town has been rented, with Mrs. meet at 4:15 Tuesday afternoon 5:30, do their own housework, and C. J. Walker as hostess. The army ATTEND KIWANIS MEET with Dr. Margaret Hess. Mrs. Eu- until 7:30 have various drills under pays all bills. Ee ne Link R. R. Blankenshlp. Dean Mowat G. Fraser and Ray! . will be the guest, and will lead a discussion on "War and Breakfast is from 7:30 to 8:30. Flight training is under the di- A. Furr were among the four Rock Marriage." From breakfast, the cadets go out rection of Jimmy and Jessie Woods Hill delegates attending the an- to the Rock Hill air field for flight who have contracted for flight nual Kiwanis convention at Pine- DEAN FRASER IN YORK training under the Jimmy and Jes- training. "We could not have got- hurst, N. C., Sunday, Monday, and sie Woods Flight School. Lunch is ten better flight trainers Tuesday. Dr. Fraser, incidentally Dean Mowat G. Fraser spoke to sent to' the air field. At 3:00 they they," Dr. Rogers said. They give found time to play golf on the fam- the York county teachers' associa- come back to town and begin the cadets 35 hours, of flying which ous Pinehurst course. tion at the York high school last ground instruction at Winthrop is equivalent to a private certifl Tuesday night on "Understanding Training school. Instruction lasts cate. Too, the cadets maintain and MUST HAVE DICTIONARIES Our Allies, Russia and England." until 6:00, when there is an hour take general care of a plane. There comes an urgent message off for supper. Classes begin again Winthrop is helping in still an- from the English department that LOST: ONE CAT at 7:00 and last until 9:30. The ca- other way to aid the war effort the deadline for dictionaries is No- "Sandy." the beautiful sandy- dets then have an hour oft until vember 1. All students taking a colored cat, of Dr. Celeste Wine's 10:30. course in English must possess a household has disappeared. Dr. He Called Her'Sniffy' dictionary, passed by the head of Wine is very much concerned over Dr. W. W. Rogers, coordinator York Winthropians Travel Back 'n Forth the English department as "satis- the whereabouts of her charming of the program, laughingly said, - - and She Blushed factory." pet. but. as she says. "You can nev- "The only thing worrying us is er tell about cats. They always will wander off from home!" that we have nothing for th< tographing pen in mid-air. In Station Wagon Built For Twelve GIVES TALK IN CHARLOTTE do until taps at 10:30." threw back his head, and the of these dozen York Winthropites ing, the York station wagon has Dr. P. M. Wheeler will speak to HOME EC. STAFF MEETS The first class of Winthrop air spontaneous laughter of his 'Old Faithful' Grew who wanted to live at home and caused plenty of talk. The biggest the officers of the National Weav- The monthly staff meeting of the cadets has graduated and gone on million-dollar voice filled the drive to classes. An SOS, sent via mystery to onlookers is how they ing association at their banquet at home economics department was to advanced training. The second room. "Photo by Snooty, did Out of Gas Shortage; Sophomore Barbara Dunlap to her all get into the car. The "insiders' the William Barringer hotel in class is about half through their you say? Why that's the best father, who owns a repair garage, say they have a big time on com- Charlotte tomorrow night. Dr. held Monday evening in the fac- ulty conference room of Thurmond training and a third class began I've heard in a long, long Gets to Class 8:IO resulted in the wine-colored Ford ing and going, adding that their pet Wheeler will speak on "A Philos- hall to gather material to be dis- work last week. These cadets from time." By ELIZABETH BETHEA V8 station wagon-bus. "livener up" is arguing over ophy for a World at War." cussed with Miss Marie White of 18-38 are studying to be instruct- And after it was all eve* Ranging from Us 1»J7 be- whether it's best to be "awfully One of the most recent incidents Washington, regional supervisor of ors, instrument instructors, ferry . . . picture, interview, auto- ginnings to the latest IMS simple" or "simply awful." LINK HEARD AT LUNCHEON of the war on the Campus these vocational home economics. pilots, and glider pilots. graphing, and The Johnsonian days is a station-v. igon-built-for- trappings, the York special Editor's note: the score to date Dr. Eugene Link spoke to the Before a man can become a- ca- was a rebuilt job from top to is 10-2 in fa*or of being limply aw- Kiwanians at a luncheon at the . . a bit beaten, perhaps, but MASQUERS TO MEET det he must pass the'Civil Aero- leave of him. he called after bottom. A carpenter rigged up ful. Andrew Jackson hotel on "The ever like "old-faithful", ready to Masquers, campus dramat: lub, nautics examination. This exam them. "And don't forget... I Riders Have One Rule Bill of Rights for the Post-War bring 12 commuters to Winthrop a wooden body; a new motor will hold its regular meeting embraces personal reactions, me- want a "Photo by Sniffy"!" was installed; Dunlap machin- The York riders' only car rule, World.' every morning. Thursday, November 5, in the chanics, mental aptitude, and avia- that the station wagon be used Probably for the first time since ists used spare moments doing tion. Candidates either pass or fail. only for York-Winthrop trips, STAIR AT VESPERS Green room of Johnson hall, an- rs began to take over the high- odd jobs here and there. The nounces Miss Florence Mims, fac- Two-thirds of the candidates tested interior was fitted with two a voluntary pact made among Lieutenant Fred Stair of Camp ways, York day students now are ulty sponsor. The new members so far have passed, Dr. Rogers said. themselves. They have a Class C Croft will speak at Presbyterian Wheeler's Letter In driving the 18-mile stretch to meet extra seats adjacent to the will be in charge of the program. Those passing this exam take a gas card. Winthrop's classes in only one ve- back seat And in the mean- Student vespers Sunday at physical examination given by a Only one complaint about their o'clock. EnglishPubli cation hicle, instead of the usual five or time. the 12 scheduled pas- OUTZ URGES CONTRIBUTIONS selected medical man. The C.P.T. mode of transportation is regis- six. But they aren't complaining. rs i Ruth Outz, recently named chair- takes men who are unable to do A letter from Dr. Paul M. Wheel- portatlon tered by the 12 fem passengers. FRASER GIVES WAR TALK They think this driving to school man of the art commission of the combat duty because of a' minor r, head of the English department and came around to the Dun- The doors have a tendency to stick, Dean Mowat G. Fraser will in such jam-up style is in tune B.S.U., urges all members to con- physical defect After passing the was recently published in "The lap garage, from time to time, especially in rainy weather, and speak to the Rock Hill and Win- with the times and is lots of fun. tribute ideas concerning publicity physical, they enlist in the Army News Letter," a publication of The for fittings. the only way to get out is banging throp alumnae this afternoon at 4 Owned and driven by the Dunlap to this commission before Wednes- air corps. College English association, of and kicking. The first one out has o'clock on "What I Can Do to Help sisters, Barbara and Katherine, the Generally arriving at the Col- day each week. Cadets Train For • Weeks which Dr. Wheeler is a member. to go around and pull at the other Win tjie War." station wagon's passerger list in- lege at ten minutes after eight, the Ground school is directly under doors. The letter, appearing in a sec- cludes Madeline Brown, Carol York students claim they have a B.T.U. PLANS PROGRAM the supervision of Winthrop. In So, if you see 12 frowning faces . FBI AGENT HERE TUESDAY tion "Here and There," designed to Burch, Mary Frank Edwards, Sara running schedule that's hard to The Winthrop B.T.U. has charge this school the cadets take 240 in a packed "wagon-bus" trying Edward Scheldt, special agent in show the impact of the defense ef- Edwards, Jane Ferguson, Ethel of the program for the association- hours of work in 8 weeks, - beat. By having each girl meet at to exit in front of Main around charge FBI. will be the chapel fort upon college English courses, Jenkins, Margie Miller, Wlnslow the most convenient corner for the al B.T.U. rally which is to be held hours a week. Physics is taught by 8:10 in the morning, don't be speaker Tuesday. described how the "Appreciation McCorkle, Lorene Parrott, and next month in Rock Hill. W. B. Moore of W.T.S. Mrs. Mary Rock Hill route, the bus gets 'em alarmed. It's the York station- of American Literature" course at Mary Stroup. here so early they usually get to S. Garvin, an alumna of Winthrop, wagon-built-for-12 reporting for KELLY IN WIN8TON-SALEM Winthrop chose its selections in re- Result of Gas Shortage classes several minutes before AGNEW SENATE TYPIST teaches mathematics. W. W. Wis- duty. Registrar John G. Kelly attended lation to the demands of the pres- It all started when the gas and dorm students. Betty Agnew of Starr was elect- ner, employed especially for this Incidentally, you might give 'em a meeting of the Education and ent day. tire situation put a check on plans ed typist for the Senate at a recent purpose, teaches navigation, me- Parked in front of Main build- tug. Industry conference of four south- meeting. Other candidates were terology, air craft identification, ern states in Winston-Salem Tues- Emily Dillard, Juliette Hines, and eivil air regulations, theory The Johnsonian and through the all high schools in the State. The day. In reply to questions concern- Carolyn Coleman. Betty is typist flight, and general servicing. Radio Winthrop Laboratories Offer Winthrop News Service, which psychology lab uses pre-arranged ing the meeting, Mr. Kelly soys for The Tatler, is member of the code is taught by Morris Elbert sends out releases to weekly and experiments which correspond to that the general opinion was that Executive council and of the Sen- Hall, Rock Hill policeman. R. R daily papers throughout the State the theory studied that week. The more such conferences between ed- Practice In 9 Departments ate. Blankenship is in charge of mili- and nation. Field work for social army needs good psychologists for ucation arid the business world By FANNY LOU SITTON To meet requirements of techni tary and physical training, drill case study gives concrete applica- army personnel, for testing, and for should be held. As any one of "these 1581, cians and medical schools, the bi tactics, and discipline. tion for all the theory in that grow- retraining in abnormal behavior, tightly holding a letter from Clem- ology department has added four Faultless Cleaners Winthrop is the contractor for ing Winthrop field. which may be the results of in- SPEAK AT VESPERS I son, cantors in the vicinity of the four-hour courses. There are ,11 SEND YOUR DRY CLEANING There are 24 courses in the home juries in action. Reverend William Way of the Tillman No. 308, courses in the biology department economics department. All require A central lab at Winthrop is its Episcopal church in Charleston TO US aroma takes her mind off the nice —eight require lab work. Biology lab work. In Thurmond hall, con- Carnegie library. Here books and will be the speaker at vespers Sun-1 Phone Ml things she has Just read. mny be learned without lab, but structed in '39, the Nursery school, magazines arc made available to day evening. I tion drags out a klenex to cover for the soundest learning the prin. and in two home management students on every subject at Win- the mouth and nose, while the in- ciples applied in a laboratory pay houses, well arranged suites of throp college. structor in the nearby room ex- extra satisfaction dividends. rooms are designed to provide fa- Winthrop girls no longer try to plains along, oblivious to what Accounting and office manage- cilities for teacher-training, and dodge labs. They are finding these might be happening to an innocent ment a»e the two lab courses in the for instruction in food and nutri- practice stretches more interesting by- commerce department. In these tions, clothing and textiles, con- and more productive of real satis- This unsuspecting traveler is in classes students get used to the sumer education, home manage- faction than rumor has had it in the vicinity of a chemistry labora- materials in a business world set- ment, child care, marketing, in- the past. tory, only one of the nine depart- up, which enables them to cut terior decorating, social efficiency,! ments of study offering practice short the cub part of their CJ graceful living, and specified PATRONIZE DONT FORGET! with theory in one or more of their Practice teaching is the lab in the and crafts. I For Better courses at Winthrop. education department. The seniors In the administration lab of the FATTERREE'S It is quite in the trend of things who have planned teaching as a library science department the Drug Store Cleaning Service —this fixing - learning - by - doing career are placed in a real situa- girls mend books and magazines, idea. To see is to believe and to do tion for one semester as teachers classify, letter, and shellac books, MAIN STREET Call is to remember. Lab work without in Winthrop Training school and and send out circulation records to theory, and vice versa, is half- Rock Hill high school. learning, some say. Technique Rock's must be acquired, and u a Practical Work In Art sary accomplishment. Experiences Art theory without manipulation and adventures in the application of materials leaves the job half of theory develop what's termed done. Eleven out at the 16 courses "good lab technique." in art have out of the 18 courses Facts about Chemistry Has 5 Labs creating and appreciating good GIFTSI The chemistry department offers things. In journalism, rules and theory are necessary, out it takes FN Slips five courses, each of which has two wartime" lectures with one lab, and three more to be a working journalist. courses having two labs with one Three of the six journalist) courses hour of theory each week. Chemis- provide application of all theory on try lab stresses understanding ra- 1 ther than memory. Four 1942 r-i k chemistry majors walked from the Winthrop college lab into big com- ECKERD'S mercial labs; the department has LAST DATE OF MAILING. OCTOBER 31, 1842 FOR CUT-RATE DRUGS d'dn » cherish Hie vory thought of already received two commercial n pause with Cocu-Colo. That SWINSON FOOD offers for the coming June gradu- N. Try on Street. Charlotte. H. C. BARRY'S CREDIT JEWELERS PRODUCTS ates. goes for workers in fee lories, loo. Ice-cold Coke is something more than FOR QUALITY DRY CLEANING the drink that answers The R. L. Bryan WINTHROP GIRLS Company AND thirst. It adds the feel of YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME refreshment. 14414400 1MAI M STREET QUICK SERVICE at In war. Uncle Sam •tricts the supply. But i COLUMBIACOLt , S. C. CALL •Printing. there's still enough for THE CATAWBA LUMBER CO many refreshing pauses. SHERER'S PHONE 148 •OTTltD UNDER AUTHORITY Of THi COCA-COtA COMPANY SY ROCK HILL COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY THE JOHNSONIAN Friday, October 80,1N1 War Arts A Friendly Disposition Plus A Hand That's Always Ready Heading War Programs Nothing w 99 ToHelp Reflected In Familiar Credit Line Photo By Sneezy New To Enthusiastic Hetrick On Exhibit By MARIA MOSS and maybe a scrapbook or two, fill By BETTY WANNAMAKER professor she portrayed last spring A small, sturdy girl, with a lock Photo Not By But Of Sneezy the shelves of the bookcase — for Insisting that her likes consisted in the Junior production, YE of uncontrollable brown hair fall- both Sneezy and her beloved room- of mountain music, mountain peo- GODS. Sunday Eve ing down over her tortoise shell mate, "Hewen", love good poetry, ple, potato chips and popcorn, Win- This summer Anne did her part glasses—painted blue in the best m good books, and good music. throp's "War Head," Anne Hetrick in keeping up morale at Fort Bragg Handwork and Pictures college fashion—softly closed the Tacked around at interesting an- refused to say another word. by going to all of the dances there. Of European Prisoners door of the "dark room," tested it gles are small bits of verse, phi- Her redeeming characteristics We'll tell a little story on her, but On Display In Johnson to be-sure, and, camera in hand, losophy, or just plain sayings that were told to us by Virginia Black, remember, it could happen to any Hall walked out on the Winthrop cam- appeal. You'll probably find a copy the obliging roommate. Last year, of us—that is if you wear glasses. pus to take her well-known shots, of "Time", a paper, and maybe a as president of the Young Demo- Hetrick's pet delight is going with- An exhibit of handworks hailing passers-by and friends on Reader's Digest, crats, Anne saw to it that worthy out her glasses — especially to and pictures of European her way. elle, for "Snee2y" believes in keep- projects were planned an-! carried dances. She had a very bad habit prisoners of war will be shown The next week The Johnsonian ing up with through, and interesting speakers of asking people over to Walhalla in the lobby of Johnson hall brought to the campus. An active comes out, carrying the picture the She'll do anything she can for without her glasses, and then Sunday night after vespers, member of Debater's League, she's small, brown haired girl made that you or anybody else that needs meeting them at the door with her Miss Elizabeth Stinson an- "up" on all current problems, and afternoon. Perhaps some state pa- help, and she'll go out of her way glasses, and demanding of them nounces. she heads the Public Affairs of the pers carry it, too. Underneath, with to do it. She wouldn't think of en- just who they were and what they Among the exhibits will be wood Y.W.C.A. cabinet the cut line, is the usual "Photo by tering a door before anyone, or be- wanted. And this isn't usually like carvings typical of soldiers with red Sneezy." Old Hand at This her so well blame it on the glasses. paint symbolizing the cloth sewn ing impolite or heedless or "Sneezy" got the "picture bug", thoughtless in any way. That just Heading War Programs doesn't Gives Credit to Others on the prisoner's garments as iden- several years ago. A summer I wouldn't be "Sneezy." seem to be new at all to "Hetrick.' There hasn't been anyone or tification. course at Winthrop polished up As president of Le Cercle Fran- anything in which Anne hasn't Straw sandals with leather toe- her techniques and initiated her in- Has Leog List of Houses ca is last year, she introduced top- been able to find at least some pieces, made by students for their to all the intricies of camera an- ics and stimulated much interest good; and she insists that the peo- She works with the Student Gov- own use, costing less than two gles, developing and printing pic- "War-Torn France." And she's ple "behind her" in the war effort nment association as house pres- cents a pair, will be shown. A can tures, and what constitutes a-"good really done her part in dramatics have done everything. ident of North; she's associate ed- vas suit of a Chinese student wov shot." For two years, she's been the on the campus, for many a Masquer Winthrop couldn't have a bet- itor of The Tatler; she's solely re- en by young girls will display the official campus photographer, and play has been livened by her wit ter person than Anne Hetrick to sponsible for the picture work in work that is going on in Chengtu, this year, her pictures have hit the None of us can forget the lovable head her War program. Her un- The Johnsonian and a lot for the Szechuan. One prisoner of war was "big time." They've been bound] ess enthusiasm is am incen- Winthrop News Service; she's a commercial purse maker and has pared to those of any commercial tive for every Winthropian to keep twice a class officer; an active taught the prisoners his trade photographer by people who ought Training School buying stamps and bonds, and to member of the Athletic associa- that they might run a small indus- to know. Every picture she's taken take some active part in Win- tion, and plenty more. In fact, there try in the camp; his purse is among this year has made the paper, and throp's campaign. "We've got to aren't many cherries in Winthrop's the arts. have met with the approval of the keep it moving forward," says pie that she doesn't have a hand BRIEFS Towels woven by Indusco, the subjects as well as the "seeing" Anne, "and it must reach every- in. She's busiest most, though, with Chinese Cooperative, provide work public. body." Photo by Jim Allen having fun, "cutting fool", for the Cooperative during the Her pictures are known from TO SELECT CLASS PLAY giving a helping hand, being "one summer. Among other things will le campus to another. She, her- that she's a tireless worker, a nev- Characteristic of her personality Mrs. Solon Gentry announces fine girl." be a sewing box, a lamp, a self, is one of the best known fig- er-complaining associate, a "swell" is her room—compact, neat, devoid that the junior class play is in the wood madonna, a brief case, and ures on the campus she portrays all-round person. Even girls who of any of the cluster and unneces- That small, s'urdy girl will be process of being selected by a play- a nick-nack hanger. well. But as some one asked re- know her slightly, who have only sary items that make up so much remembered at Winthrop for a reading committee from the speech Pictures which will reveal the cently, "What sort of a girl is this a speaking acquanitance with her, of the life of the average college long, long time as an ace photog- es with the aid of Miss Nell lives of Greek, Chinese, and Rus- person, "Sneezy"? will testify to her friendliness, her girl. Around the walls are pictures, rapher, an outstanding personality, D. Ingram, former sponsor of the sian students in war time include An All-round Girl It "Sneesy" constant good-*" imor, her amazing, most of which are more photos by and "a heck of a swell person"— class play. The tentatively set date the bombing of printing pre Sneezy's friends will tell you even disposition. "Sneezy." Small volumes of poetry. if she'll only stop biting her nails. for the play is the first week in De- homes, schools and hospitals. cember. Tryouts will be held neat week. The comedies being consid- UP AND AT *EMI ered are "One Wild Night," "Don't Wheeler Says Take My Penny," and "Me and The Wildcats, with no schedule '42 Senior Order Brings Nine Members KEEP 'EM HAPPY Shakespeare." for last Friday afternoon, played a . WITH MAIL . practice game with Training Next Time He'll • • • FACULTY ATTENDS DINNER School alumni. ""his afternoon they Into Winthrop's Leadership Society Getting Mail Is The Winthrop Training school meet Fort Mill's squad in Fort members their pins, was on'y the Crouch, Polly McGill, and Caroline * High Spot of Day Deliver Goods faculty held their regular weekly * In Any Military Post 4 Mill. Coach Bill Moore is counting Eight of TheTwelve' highlight of a week-end filled with Marion left their pupils in Bam- on them to redeem lost pride and all the thrills of getting back and berg, Florence, and Orangeburg, meeting after a delicious dinner By MARTHA BEE ANDERSON * Remember your friends seeing old friends. The rest of the "Lib" Jordon let the F.B.I. in last Thursday evening at Training Back, Kinard Gives in the Service with a times was strictly fun, snd there's Charlotte run itself for a' little Last Spring Miss Dema School. In charge of the dinner was Pins To *43 Order nothing dignified about a bunch of while; "Sooky" Littlejohn escaped Lochhead placed into the Maurlne Biggs, assisted by recent alumnae back for a lark. hands of Dr. Paul Mowbray the home economics student teach- ./HALLMARK Everybody Like* Flower* For By MARIA MOSS from her doctors office in Gaffney, Eight Got Back and Marguerite Thomas decided Wheeler the goldfish from the ers and students. All Occasions It's an old, old Winthrop Eight of "The Twelve" got back. that the bank in Aiken could do aquarium in her classroom in • • • custom for the old to come Kinard hall. BOY SCOUTS MEET From Nancy Coggeshall's job with In- without her for a while. back and swear in the new, ternational Business Machines in This Fall when she decided The Boy Scouts, headed by and they always do. Despite New York and Margaret King's All In Rare Form she wanted the "little ones" George Mozingo, are making plans REID gas and tires and train and with the Tennessee Valley Au- They wore their best clothes, back, she appointed a commit- for reorganizing their troup, and bus schedules, most of the thority—plus a lot of transporta- looked their best, and told their tee from her education class to renewing the charter. Faculty ad- London Printery. Flower Shop 1942 Senior Order, unscathed tion difficulties — kept them from favorite stories. The cares of the investigate the matter. Dot viser is Bill Moore. and undaunted by the world coming. "Doty" Gruber's friends— ("Red") Green beaded the • • • 125-127 Hampton Street 129 HAMPTON ST. world have weighed lightly on situation, school teaching, of- especially anxious to congratulate group, and it was from her FRICK IN COLUMBIA ROCK HILL, S. C. PHONE 193 their shoulders; they take their fice work or what-are-you-do- her on The Tatler's AU-American work in their stride, and have fun that Dr. Wheeler received his Herman L Frick attended a "Say It With Flowers" ing, got back S.O. week-end to rating were disappointed by "un- as they do it. In other words, instructions to return the fish meeting in Columbia Thursday of bring the nine new members expected difficulties." they're typical Winthrop girls who pronto. State high school principals and into the Winthrop's highest Tl\£ rest were back with flying Immediately, the professor superintendents to study the estab- COMPLETE LIKE OF go out and decide working iSn't so leadership organization. colors. "Lib" Cunningham came bad after all—and neither is Win- went "a flshin'." Much to his lishment of Victory corps in the GOLDSMITH The formal initiation Saturday down from her paper mill in^ Bre- throp. They were glad to get back, dismay, however, the cold- high schools. The meeting was ght, when President-Emeritus vard and picked Peggy Howell out a fact they readily admitted and blooded animals objected to called by E. R. Crow, State high SPORTING GOODS James P. Kinard gave the new of her Pickens mountains. "Sis" showed. leaving their happy home. Er- school supervisor. CALL ON US TENNIS RACQUETS 30, it took Dr. Wheeler exactly girls getting married while in serv- six days to capture five fish. ART CLUB PROGRESSING AND BALLS ANY TIME More About ice. More About Carefully placing them into The fine arts club, under the di- Lieutenant Puhr doesn't know a pail, he gave them to the rection of Miss Crystal Theodore, ROCK HILL WOMEN who designed the attractive olive LT. PETER jfenitor and told him to deliver plans to give an exhibit in the near them to Miss Lochhead's class- future. The 12 students are work- (Continued from page 1) tailored WAAC uniforms . . . and (Continued from page 1) DICKSON'S HARDWARE wishes someone would tell her. room. ing on such projects as charcoal auxiliaries, and officers are chosen And while on the subject of clothes, the other activities of which he has The pail was not returned, drawings, dress design, plaster carving, architecture, puppet man- SERVICE STATION after a basic training of four weeks. she mentioned WAACS are free to charge is publishing a weekly bat- and Dr. Wheeler, becoming "In that way, any girl who can very uneasy about the fish, ufacture, and clay modeling. wear any out-of-uniform clothes talion paper, "At Ease." The paper both command and give respect they wish while not on duty. Make- went up to see if they were in is one page and prints mainly an- 'Best By Taste Test' has a chance to become a commis- up is limited only in that it must the aquarium. Finding no fish FRASER IN ASSEMBLY nouncements of things of interest ioned officer." Basic pay for a be in good taste; hair should be there, but only Dot Green in- Dean Mowat G. Fraser spoke at to the battalion—meetings, shows, private" is $50 a month, clear. worn above the collar, and may stead, studiously engaged, the assembly Wednesday on "Under- marriages of officers and men. Naturally enough, early in the be drawn up with a hairnet. Lieu- two began the search for the standing Our Ally, England." The TIRE "Then there arc also odd jobs like interview the business of dating tenant Puhr wore rose fingernail fish.' They combed Kinard mixed chorus sang several num- came up. Officers cannot date priv- polish. arranging for tickets for men who from the janitor's cubicle in the VULCANIZING ates . .. auxiliaries cannot date of- want to see football and baseball basement to the ventilators In ficers. . . . "That's the way it Is," WAACS may be sent abroad, but games, and other entertainments the attic: No fish. 34,000 POUNDS OF SCRAP smiled the Lieutenant, and after it isn't likely that they will. As off at the post. We also have charge Dot, getting a bright idea, A final report of the scrap drive you're in awhile, you understand she put it, "Ninety per cent of the of war ballots which enable men to suggested they search Tillman committee shows that 34,000 the reason why." "Reasons why" women in uniform want to be sent vote in national elections. One day hall. They did Tillman—every- pounds was the amount of scrap MARSHALL OIL CO. involve the theory that if you're abroad; and 30 per cent of them I got an order to secure ten officers thing but the freight elevator collected by the Training School. never will be." for a dance in Baltimore given by to take orders from someone and the observatory. In the This makes an average of around next day, or to give orders to si the Backers' association. That process they solved several eighty pounds per pupil. Miss Puhr feels that a girl can wasn't hard, though." one in a few hours, it's much more best serve by taking some part in mysteries; they found every- difficult if you've been out on a the war ... including single school November 11 marks Lt. Peter's thing from skeletons to frogs. social basis the Evening before. teachers, whom she says should be anniversary for one year in the At last, just before giving up in And the army has no objections to replaced by married teachers. army. During that year, he served despair, they sighted the fish, "WE KEEP A PICTURE" ^ k/^-A i "Married women are accepted only in the ranks at Camp Croft and still reclining in the pail, wait- if they have no children under 14 Fort Jackson. He received b; ;om- ing for a rescue. Dr. Wheeler If our Winthrop patrons and friends ever find it years of age." mission after training in officers' shriekied in horror. . . . The necessary to know about their bank accounts at this QUALITY pail was on a laboratory table, training school at Fort Benning, financial stronghold due to misplacing or losing state- Her voice wis pleasant, even, and is now at Fort Meade. "After evidently just before becoming SPORTS EQUIPMENT ments. cancelled checks, duplicate deposit tickets, notes, relaxed. She was pretty. She was four posts, I was beginning to feel "has-beens." it about 5' 6" tall and everybody like the all-American soldier, "Yes sirree," declares Dr. etc., this is to advise that the Recordak System of this ijff liked her immediately. She finished Wheeler, "the next time I'll Call For It At Your touring the country, so to speak." institution within a few minutes' notice will reveal a college two years ago, and did per- "Y" CANTEEN ROBERTSON'S deliver the fish in person." sonnel work in a large department complete picture of the instrument or instruments, ROYAL CROWN Sporting Goods store in Wisconsin, after which she including monthly statement sheet. This means that we was in the second class to enter the keep a picture of all banking transactions. BOTTLING CO. HAMPTON STREET WAAC training. She's at Fort PHONE 217 TENNIS RACJTETS Jackson with Lieutenant Cooper to This bank was among the first institutions in this recruit WAACS for the 500,000- You section of the country several years ago to inaugurate force for which they're driving. will be pleased with our collection Anyone interested might apply to this novel method of bookkeeping. It has saved many the WAAC Recruiting Division at of this bank's patrons many dollars in various ways. Fort Jackson. —of gifts with universal appeal. WALDROP KEEP UP TO DATE SUPPLY Accompanying Lieutenant Puhr, We have exquisite diamonds, slen- We invite our Winthrop friends to come in and let were Captain Morris, post judge us show them this unique yet simple installation, a COMPANY, INC. advocate at Fort Jackson, and Cap- der, lovely wrist watches and picture of some of their own transactions, if they tain Wye, director of public rela- please! The management wants you to use this bank LATEST READINGS tions at Fort Jackson. In assembly, patriotic ornaments! Captain Morris told the girls they through its several Departments. Electrical Supplies should stay in college and finish ROCK HILL their education until desperately I 67 Oakland Am needed by their government. Cap- Peoples National Bank BOCK HILL NEWSSTAND tain Wye expressed the pleasure Tucker s Jewelry Co. of the three over coming to Win- ROCK HILL, S. C. frifey.OcMMr H, IMS

SHOWING A WAAC AROUND TOGS and TRAPPINGS Kay Kyser, Orchestra A Column on Clothes and Manners on the Campus Star In "Playmates" "Playmates", starring Kay By ROSALIE SALVO Kys*r and his orchestra. will By SARAH W. KEELS Never a week end passes that Winthrop girls aren't b* shown tomorrow night at Fears of spooks 'n' goblins come to seen in the best o' places and wearing the best o' things! 7:30 in th* new auditorium. campus again tomorrow night for 'tis Makes ye ole "clothes describer" wish that the battered Others in th* cast include John Hallowe'en. The frosh will danc up typewriter were on hand so all could be done while Barrymore. Lup* Voles, Ginny away their fears at the Saturday the subject is there for inspiration instead of waiting un- Sims and May Robson. night informal, and already the Hal- til memory picks at the keyboard. But anyhow, let's The plot revolves around a lowe'en spirit is here in full force, for try a few State Fair glimpses publicity stunt cooked up by Roddey had its Penny Fair on Wed- the press agents of Kyser and nesday, and Breazeale has its Hal- LOOKING "FAIRLY" NICE:—KATHRYN DOUGLAS Barrymore. As in all of th* lowe'en treasure hunt tonight at '7 roamed around the fair grounds in the goldest of the Kyser series, ther* is the usual o'clock. gold coatsuits. The holds to the popular pattern of amount of fun. comady and three plaits, back and front, and the has a minia- •ongs with a touch of fire ad- ture split tail plus unbalanced symmetry in the front ded by Lup* Voles, a Latin KL/J- \Lsacauon± ... with one pocket on one side and two on the other. Color bull-tighter. Love complica- i ontrast came in the form of a dark green slip-over cardigan. HELEN PENNY FAIHi A Penny Fair came to the tions present themselves this HcGILL loked over the midway and the Clemson-Carolina pigskin in tim* in a quadrangle between citmpus and opened its midway in the baM . gray-blue wool jersey dress. The v-flap neck line made its way to Kyser. Ginny Sims. Barry- ment of Roddey Wednesday night at 9 J . full bodice, which in turn gave to a wide fitted midriff. From this a o'clock. Residents of Roddey, dressed in festival costumes, for the smn j more, and Lupe Voles. lull skirt fell in plaits in the front. The tie belt looked really nifty of one penny were admitted to the midway which consisted of fortun. iecorated with a long narrow hobnail type of ornament. Luggage shoes tellers, a house of horrors, a freak show, a penny pitching booth, an Nelson Rockefeller, the federal did their bit to completing the comfortable, neat ensemble. apple bobbing booth, and a grand stand show. During the evenin;: j government's inter-co-ordinator of dance music was furnished by the Swanks, and hot dogs and lemon - inter-American affairs, is a gradu- ELIZABETH FULMER and LOUISE PENINGTON saw to it that ade were served. Those helping with the fair were Margaret Manning ate of Dartmouth. and got their peek at the fair. "Bebe" wore a plaid Doris Rabbet* Nell Garris. Mary AM Henry. "Yen" Taylor. Louise skirt and light blue pull-over , and nine chances out of ten she Bosch, "Tumpy" Adams. Hrien Harfey. Betty Agnaw. and Mary Ross lelt as good as she looked! "Beezy" went for a plaid in a brown, white i'md red way. She chose red for the favorite, though, and did it up iiroud with a slip-over cardigan of that very same color. PRESS CLUB MEETS: Members of the Press club were entertaine 1 at the regular semi-monthly meeting by Naacy Jeaes and Harriet Qua! - Coming back to the campus is always hard to do, but FRANCES STEVENSON ilebmm at a spaghetti supper at the Home Management cottage Mor - PAYNE made it look easy. The dress was one of those that anyone day night. With the spaghetti, members were served huge pickles and — OPENS WEDNESDAY would give an eyetooth to see on their own clothes hanger (or them- brown bread. e e • • elves for that matter). Black silk crepe was given a new version by 'he splash of aqua crepe and spangles at the top of the dress. A v-neck- MISS CODELL FETED: Miss Rosemary Cod* 11. former supervisor oL Student Government President Maria Uoas strolls over line is surrounded by a brilliant aqua yoke and a semi circle of sppngies teacher-training in the home economics department, who is leaving to the campus with Lieutenant Mary Broadwater, Winthrop form the transition to the fitting, long-waisted top which ends in a take a position as state supervisor of home economics in North Caro- graduate of last June, who has just received her commission skirt of plaits. A large black hat, turned down brim, and veil and lina, was feted Saturday night at a desert party in Joynes hall by Miss from the Des Moines WAAC officers' training school. "It's all black shoes are accessories that fashion would vote as just a bit of all Alma Beatley. Miss Mildred Omwake. and Miss Flore ace Andrews. On very thrilling," she says.—(Photo by Sneezy). right. LOIS RHAME WEST "Sundayed" in a yellow wool dress. Sunday a dinner party was given by friends and faculty at Joynes hall, Princess styled did different things with plaits—not to mention the i and Sunday afternoon, Miss Anna Cole entertained Mias Code 11 at an brown leaves blown to a nice resting place on the shoulder and a spot I informal tea at her home on College avenue. DioiM Robert e • e * diagonally opposite on the skirt. Military Jewelry "Takes" Campus; t • • • | BARRYMORE CUMMINGS P-SJt. Going Ons: All Bancroft girls are invited to attend the PSA. »TW tmr b

DOWN ORANGEBURG WAT: Sixteen Orangeburg freshmen and a sprinkling of O'burg upperclassmen hopped the bus headed for home Thursday to attend the county fair highlighted by the Carolina-Citadel game. . .. And as for the frosh, the majority of them are boarding the buses and trains and going home for that long week end. OUSECOATS ENDURING AND BACK FROM TEXAS: Back from • two weeks' visit out Texas way cooes Virginia Wier who dashed out to aee her brother stationed or And 4 9}] QUALITY at Randolph Field. While on the road, Virginia detoured by New Or- Wear a pretty robe while you read, relax and rest! -Smartly Today, when your clothct must HOUSE PARTYING: Off to a Citadel house party at the Bu'i's cabin styled . .. rich with thick fluffy last longer, the reliable Print- near Cameron, S. C, last week end were Phyllis Tisdale, Lib Sims, and chenille in attractive sunburst 'ye ole' Wfnthropite Polly Califl. design! Slim cut waist with full zess label means more than Ro dorlhtgl you aren't likely to meet many admirals— swirling skirt! Soft, dainty pas- ever. Typical of our "Fashions • • • • tels! 12 to 20. TO WED: From Gray Court comes the following announcement: Mr. not your age, anyway. If he hasn't anything on his That Live in Fabrics That Last" sleeve, he's an apprentice seaman. For other ranks, and Mrs. M. R. Hunter announce the engagement of their daughter is this sturdy balmacaan — Florence to Lt GWens Young. . . . The wedding will take place in see the chart (above). But if you want to be the SMARTLY styled to look equally right at November. heart on his sleeve, look below: FITTED attention or at ease. Hare's what you use to Remember To Mako Your Priniuis Fashions—th* favorite HE WANTS YOUR make everybody ad- TAILOHEDI Roommate's Birthday mire your fingernails. of Winthrop Coll*g* girls—ex- PICTURE CYNTHIA Happier With clusively at Friadhaim's in ROSES Avoid the Holiday Rush by Rock Hill. Having Yours Mad* Now SLIPS From At DURA-GLOSS Smooth Rayon THE PRINTZ-BIEDERMAN K J MB ALL'S Cr*p* that won't COMPANY st s*amsl "Flowers Wired Anywhere" Brownie Studio THE JOHNSONIAN Friday, October SO, IMS Sports and Fun on the Campos MANY WOOD. Meets EdUoe THE JOANN WOODS. Assistant The Recreation Roundup By MARY WOOD WOMAN'S ANGLE Ttils is the recreation roundup, and In SPORTS this edition ye editor might be "heading for the last roundup" but—that somebody slipped up last week-end In the planning Golf Club Chairman Plays Hockey Tourney, Pep of the regular Saturday night informal dance, all of us agree.... Meet In Two Weeks It was the fourth informal and was in Local Pro, Walter Reynolds The hockey tourney and the the order of the classes supposed to be Walter Reynolds, professional freshman night for stags. But, as it hap- golfer at the Rock Hill country pened, many freshmen were turned away Club, gave an exhibition yester from the dance because their names were day on Winthrop's four-hole toll not on a certain slip of paper at the door. course which he himself helped t<> And in all, we've only been able to find lay out. out the names of four frosh that were Mary Lou Stubblefield, chair admitted. We took a look or so around, and talked to a few people, man of the golf club, whicl among them president of the Athletic association, Lois Rhus* West, and brought Mr. Reynolds to the cam- tpresident o fthe Senate, June Cannon, and it seems here's what hap- pus, played with him, and conv pened. . . . menting on the prospect of play ing against him she said, "Yon MORE ABOUT DANCING: Complaints from some Winthropians know, he's a professional golfer— about too many stags at the dance caused those in charge of organi- and a really good one!" zation to decide to limit the number to be admitted. An announce- Mr. Reynolds, playing before ment was supposed to have been made in the dining room asking members of the golf club and othei all those that wanted to to sign up and they would be admitted up girls interested in golf, gave s to a certain number. The announcement was not handed to acting din- great many pointers on making ing room chairman Saturday night and, consequently, was not made particular shots and using various at all. Would-be freshman stags went merrily on their way to the clubs. gymnasium only to be turned down at the door, disappointed. "Stub" has announced that the Winthrop golf course, located neai Now, as we see it. two mistakes war* made. In the Gist place, the nursery school, will soon be W.T.S. BAND PLATS if the number was to be limited and it was supposed to be fresh- open for all girls who wish to use The Winthrop Training school band played at the Municipal stad- ium, along with the Rock Hill high school band, at a boxing program Requirements last Saturday night. The affair was And from Pinky Bethea who journeyed to Columbia last week-end sponsored by the men of Rock Hill, came these two quotations from Bub Reynolds, Clemson, and Bill King, For Dancers' who are raising a fund to send The Citadel, "Pink, we're coming back up to your school, because we Christmas gifts to Rock HilJ men sho' do get a good rush at those dances," and "We like it 'cause you MARY LOU STUBBLEFIELD : in various branches of the service. don't have to be a good dancer, for all the girls are nice to you." That Are Lowered just emphasizes the point that the more stags the better the dancing. That the entrance requirements of the modern dance club .>cre too ALL OF OS: make mistakes. And we wouldn't have any use for any- advanced for collcge students was body that could tear everything down but not offer a solution for the decided by Miss Marjorie Brown- problem. It seems that those who were planning the dances for us ing, new instructor in the physical were doing so not because they particularly wanted to, but because education department and adviser no one seemed to be the rightful group to organize the entertainments. for the club, and Louise Birthright, The president of the Athletic association several times had to sweep club chairman. Together they low- the fc/m floor with the help of a few friends, because there was no com- ered the requirements for mem- mittee to do the job or see that it was done. bership. Previously the entrance require- ments were that a girl was sup- under the auspices of a CENTRAL DANCE COMMITTEE (more posed to have had beginners and details upon request) composed of about eight students chosen intermediate modern dance and from the student body. It was no easy job for the Senate to Anally must have also been a member of get the dancing privilege for Winthrop, and we don't want to lose the apprentice dance group. In ad- such a popular entertainment from our own slackness in oxganisa- dition to this background work, the prospective member had to present for the modern dance club THE ROLL OF STEEL: on pavement is again a familiar sound to our an original dance composition. ears now that the weather ieems almost frigid, and we aren't kidding, Miss Browning and Louise Birth- brrrrr!! While strolling to the library on front campus the other even- right decided to abandon all of them and hold try-outs for all in- In addition to their swimming ing we saw Juliet Lofton and Ann Bull wrapped up in p-lllenty of classes, the 10th grade girls in the warm clothing and really having a time. Ann claims that Juliet was terested girls, regardless of their interest group have chosen as an- teaching her the techniques, and the latest one she had acquired was previous experience. Try-outs were held recently in other interest, square dancing. Dcn'kfc** the art of sitting down suddenly without getting hurt. Ann has her This group of 14 girls, who square "MA." in skating, and Juliet's working on her "PhD.", which all means which Miss Browning gave the dance from 2 until 3 o'clock on they're pretty good. We predict that skating will wax as tennis wanes girls exercises in rhythm, footwork, and precision. Also, expression ex- Thursday afternoons, are planning with this kind of temperature. Again we say, brrrr!! a big Hallowe'en square dance ercises were practiced. which will be given for the entire THAT STATE FAIR CAME: turned out to be a true classic. We Take In Seven Members school as a climax to their class know because we had our ears "glued" to the radio. It seems almost work. always a weakness of spectators is to praise the work done by the men Judged from their rhythmic abil- ities, gracefulness, potentialities in According to Marjorie, the girls in the backfield over those hard-working linesmen without whom a really like the directed physical ed- team wouldn't be. But we heard from the announcer the names of modern dance, and general char- acteristics, seven new members ucation and the idea of participa- Ken Roski, Carolina, and Clemson's Butler, more than any others. tion in sports of their own choice. Those two backs really seemed to do a bang-up job. Clemson seemed have been taken into the club. The to have the breaks on their side and ended up on the large end of an club membership now includes Approximately one out of every 18-6 score (as if that's news), but we've got to say this for that Carolina Jane Blackwell, Ruth Burkett, three students at Hamilton college eleven—they didn't give in 'til that last whistle blew, and, if they Fannie Lou Sitton, Frances Sloan, is taking special college work in- hadn't yielded to that long offensive drive by the Tigers in the third Betty Smith, Jo Anne Smith, and tended to prepare him for military Livia Wylie, new members. The quarter, they may have been able to balance off in the final count. .. . service. Lou Sossaman, Carolina center, played a bang-up game that's worth old members are Rae Aull, Louise mentioning in anybody's newspaper; incidentally, that boy is presi- Birthright, Annie Lois Butler, flungry : dent of the student body at his school—uh, huh . . . they always told Marion John, Wanda Lee Meint- us "You've gotta' be a football hero!!" zcr, Ruth E.'llers, and Carol Wil- liams. FOR TASTY FOODS GO TO IN ORANGEBURG: that Carolina eleven will meet the L

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