Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 The oJ hnsonian 10-30-1942 The ohnsoniJ an October 30,1942 Winthrop University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1940s Recommended Citation Winthrop University, "The oJ hnsonian October 30,1942" (1942). The Johnsonian 1940-1949. 48. https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1940s/48 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The oJ hnsonian at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 13 WEEK: Initiate NEXT WEEKtChinese Book and Key Tontor- Exhibit In Johnson hall , .Motor C o r p 8 ... FBI In Assembly... Holds First Class. Reverend Way at Ves- Myer to Be Teacher- pers . .. M i d - T e r m Exchange Speaker. "Sweat" Begins. TheTH E JOFFICIALd PUBLICATIO N OF WINTHROP COLLEGEma n ROCK HILL. SOUTH CAROLINA. OCTOBER SO. 1142 Walter Myer To Speak At Book and Key 300 In Campus Victory Role Teacher Exchange Week To Initiate November 30-December 5 Six Saturday A High Moment In WA AC Interview Girls Help Four Day Meet Has Three Fold Purpose; Esther Bailey Heads With Farm "Class Room Teachers In Present Crisis" Honor Students; Is Central Theme; 100 Seniors Go Out To Teach '42 Members Invited Walter E. Myer, director of Civic Education Service in Food Data Washington, will be the featured speaker of Teacher Ex- The six naw members of change week, November 30-December 5, 0. M. Mitchell, head Book and Key will be initiated Sociology Students of the project, announced this week. tomorrow night at 7:30 in Praised By Agent— Mr. irfyer, who is owner and ed- ceremony in Johnson hall, Dr. Auto Mechanics Course itor of Ave weekly newspapers for BOOKS ON VICTORY Donnis Martin, sponsor of Going Strong high schools, will be on hand to speak tlo and direct panel discus TABLE this highest campus scholastic With 60 sociology students sions With the 100 visiting teach Introducing Australia — C. honor group, announces. aiding in the food for victory program, 10 Winthrop girls slated to attend the four-day Hartley Grattan President of the group will be beginning an auto mechanics meet. Ramparts of the Pacific — Esther Bailey of Rock Hill, who 1 r course, and 230 enrolled in Teacl « Exchange week, which Hallett A. Bend holds the leading scholarship rank, is held annually on the Winthrop first aid classes, Winthrop's Strategy of The Americas— and therefore automatically re- campus, is centered this year war program becomes more Fleming MacLlesh and ceives the office. around the theme "Class Room coordinated than ever Student Cushman Reynolds Teachers In the Present Crisis. The initiation to be conducted Chairman Anne Hetrick an- ' However, its purpose is three-fold Man of Europe — Andre Si- by three faculty members, nounces. in that I* benefits the teacher, prac mone Margaret Dukes, Miss Julia Ray Sociology students are aiding the tice teaching students, and under Mr. Churchill — Philip Gue- Nettles, and Miss Chrystal Theo- Department of Agriculture • in gradual®* who plan a career in ed- dalla dore, will be followed by a social Washington in making a survey of ucation- Exchange week is part of hour with Dr. Martin as hostess. the amouni of food produced on the whole Winthrop teacher train- Guests will include Dr. Shelton York county farms. L. W. Johnsi n, ing program directed by H. L. All Absences V Phelps, honorary member of Book Women Cannot Go On "Living as Usual" county farm agent declared that Frick. and Key, and members of Phi Beta the fcirls did the survey in one An invitation has been extended Kappa. Last year's Book and Key hour and a half, work that would to all v»omen teachers in this im- Must Be Filed members are invited back for the Lieut. Puhr of WAACS Tells Winthrop otherwise have required three mediate to come to Winthrop Initiation. weeks of office time. The girls and, through demonstration teach- worked in pairs, recording their Those to be initiated are Esther Points Out Need For ' ing at the Winthrop training By 5 Monday survey of food supply and all farm Bailey, Mary Elizabeth Beaman, Girls In Army; Ex- school, check up methods of ma- Will Review May Change produce, transposing figures of Written excuses for all ab- Ella Elizabeth Lindler, Mary Eve- terial, techniques, and class room plains Uniform, 2,600 farms from county charts to sences and tardies should be lyn Lott, Sarah Thomas Parks, and procedure, and group round table national charts. filed in the letter box in tne Ruby Pauline Young. Winthrop Dating Regulations Music Meet discussions, to formulate her pro- Auto Mechanics Begun door of the Registrar's offlce gram of methods for meeting her By MARTHA AZER The auto mechanics course, spon- before five o'clock of the Mon- responsibility of training boys and Rating Soon Managing Editor, The Johnsonian In Spring sored by the Young Democrats, day afternoon following the girls best to meet the present cri- Art Girls Win Women must realize they cannot met at Neely's Motor company absence, according to an an- The question of Winthrop's rat- Tentative plans for changing the sis. Too, she takes part in a "re- go on living their lives as they Monday night. Ten girls who con nouncement sent out by Regis- ing with that organization will be annual Winthrop spring music con- fresher" program by brushing up Fourteen Prizes used to live them ... they must do drive'a car, and have had first aid, trar John G. Kelly.. reviewed at a meeting of officers test into a festival were made last on the latest teaching methods. something to win this war, Lieu- are working toward a passing The first absence reported of the American association of Uni- Saturday at the music clinic con- At the same time, over a hun- At County Fair tenant Elizabeth Puhr told a class grade to make them eligible for the against a student for which versity Women with trustees and ducted by Dr. Edwin Hughes and dred Winthrop seniors will be sen! in journalism Tuesday. She'd come Red Cross Motor Corps. there is no acceptable excuse Fourteen prizes in the art ex- •rs of Winthrop, in New York sponsored by the South Carolina into the homes vacated by the vis- to Winthrop for an assembly ad- Back at Winthrop nine classes of will be recorded as a permis- hibit at the York County fair last on November 15. Association of Music Teachers. It iting instructor, and for a week will dress in which she was to explain first aid have been started and 173 sible excuse. Unexcused ab- was pointed out that .transporta- week were won by Winthrop stu- Angus H. Macaulay of Chester, all about the WAAC'S to the 1560 students have enrolled, bringing have complete charge of the absent sences in excess of one from dents. The entries, which included a member of the Winthrop board tion will keep schools from send- the total number of students en- teacher's classroom. In this way, each class and one from as- girls here, and whether she knew wall-hangings, block prints, sil- made the announcement Tuesday, ing their usual representation, and rolled in first aid to 230. Plans are valuable teaching experience may sembly will be considered de- It or not, her snappy uniform and houettes, posters, and novelties, according to an Associated Press that through a change of plans, the underway for other interested stu- be gained by direct contact with linquencies. Three unexcused pleasing appearance did a lot of were done by students In art class- dispatch, after officials had present- contest may still be held on a dif- dents who are not taking first aid the students. tardies in a class will count as her talking for her. es last year. ed the school's budget request for ferent basis. to roll bandages and knit. Chair- In addition, through the meet- one unexcused absence. "That's the real reason for the In wall-hangings, Annie Parker next fiscal year to the State Centering its business around the man Jo Berly urged all interested ings and demonstrations at the col- Students will not be re- Women's Army Auxiliary Corps." budget commission in Columbia. music credit systems now observed knitters to begin working at once lege, Winthrop is making a definite quired to file excuses for ab- Holroyd won first place and Sara Lieutenant Puhr followed up hex effort to give an opportunity for The whole matter will be dis- by high schools and colleges, the on some garment. sence from college duties be- Edwards second. In block prints, statement "to train women to do cussed at the New York meeting- association appointed a committee, Collect 790 Pounds of Scrap service training to undergraduate cause of illness, if they stay in Annie Jo Berly came first, Louise army things the army way ... and tenure, curriculum and everything. headed by Miss Florence Smyth, The salvaging committee reports students who plan to teach by al- the Infirmary over-night. If a Schwartz second, and Mary Tel- to someday relieve a soldier for If we have been remiss in any way president of the association, to 790 pounds of scrap metal. Boxes lowing them to attend the sessions student is too sick to attend ford third. active combat duty. If that isn't we are going to try to find out make further research on having have been placed in the dormi- and take part In the Exchange class, she must report to the Mary Livingston won first, sec- doing something worthwhile, then Week program.
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