Omaha Monitor February 10 1917
.~ . .... .: .~' .': ' : .; :.,." .'.. ---HE····,\ONITO- ':-. .' -. ..''~..."l>"'~; ......, :..1'><:'::'::' . .~;. A Natio,rial Weekly Ne," /()...~~ cr Devoted to'the Interests of the Colored ~.~ .• e· :". • ••• ' 10- :., , ... A~f ~~¥ :' .•... '.' .. .' , J ,of Nebraska and the West .'. ::.,." ... '.~ . ~,l~;~V~ ~.': . JOHN· ALBERT WiLLlAMS, Editor 7 .......-.;.,~-~~...,..-.:.:,;.,.,;,.......;.....,.,... ........._--'-~--" '.. P .' . '.. :$~'~50 ~Ye'ar·.· 5C~C9PY. "( '",maha,Neb'raska, Feb. 10, 1917 . Vol. II. No. 33 (Whole No.. 85) .' '. '. ,.I '. ····:'!fblldaOlentalCivit .' . HEY, YOU ' f.ELFOWS;CUT, JT .qUT! . The JuStice of ······~,~:~Riglltsto:Be'G~arded· God hI History ;.~' ~ '" '.' " .' ...-, : '--.' . , ". .. '. ,'. .... '')lhe ·Shifting·6fpopqlati9i,. From •. 1 By the Very Rev, William R. Inge, ",' NOl:tJi' toSouthJ>re~ellts New D.D. .' :. 'p'~obl~iU&~ DE-an of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, . England. .~. "Behold the Lord stood upon a wall ."R()f"'Nasll;JSt~Jl1arh~s' Important riwde by a plumb-line with a plumb , ' . '... Task to b~As~timed.. by the Na line in his hand, "ti~nal: , :.'1"': '.. : . Association.' "And the Lord said unto me: 'Amos, . ". :'.' .:The'ileW,~yearp~e;;entsthe oppor- . ~;::.~ seest thou?' and 1 said, 'A plumb 'tt'init'y o{ageneration for ad"anc~ Ingthestatus9t colored people. Here-:' . "Then said the Lord: 'Behold, I wil1 '. ' . toforethe' dnlyplacewherethe Negl'o . set a plumb-line in the midst of My .' .;.. ,' .... was sure ofidiving,wasfn the South, people, Israel; I will not again pas' . '. b'" them am.' rnoTe..''' .·.whichn9t only pays .twelve or fifteen J . ,doUars~ ;for ,a mont~ in the" cott,on Amos, a keeper of sheep and ~ ·;pr.tCht 1>utthrows in·IYnchings, in-" dresser of vineyards, in the country sultsand disfranchi~eineJit. for.good about Tekoa, was the first of the li~- . ·nie:a~,ui·e.N~w,'how~~er, .a~aresult erary prophets and one of the prd- of,thest9Ppage of immIgration, over foundest moral revealersof any agJ.
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