Copyrighted Material
INDEX action theory, 23–26, 82, 84–85 Banks, Darryl, 240 Acton, Lord, 187, 189 Barkman, Adam, 187 Adams, Neal, 106, 122–25, 129–34 Batman, 21, 82, 84, 89–90, 98, 114, advanced technology, 264, 272–74 125, 155, 183, 229, 232 aesthetic admiration, 69–79 Baumeister, Roy, 28, 29 Aga’po, 40 Berg, Terry, 175–85 agent-centered prerogative, 112 Berkeley, George, 32n5 Alpha Lanterns, 64–65, 78–79, biological ontology, 203–11 152, 168 Black Canary, 98, 107, 116, 119 Amnee Pree, 141 Blackest Night, 7, 14, 46, 47, 48–49, Anaximander, 213n15 74, 76, 223, 271 Animal Man, 170–71 Blackest Night prophecy, 45, 59, Anti-Monitor, 17, 262 222–23 Arisia, 1, 47, 100, 140, 151–52 Black Hand, 272 Aristotle Black Lantern Corps, 46, 223 biological ontology, 205, 206, 210 Blue Lantern Corps, 7, 10–11, censorship debate with Plato, 123, 17, 30, 273 126, 128–29, 134 Bolovaxians, 140 emotions, 11–15, 17–18 Bolphunga the Unrelenting, 202 just society,COPYRIGHTED 185 Boodikka, MATERIAL 171 monism rejection, 204 Book of Oa, 8, 15, 38, 42–43, 45, 59, Pythagorean table, 39 152, 215, 218–21, 222 artistic creation, problem of, 245–47 brain, 22–23 atonement, 99–100 Brightest Day, 76, 271 Atrocitus, 8, 9–10, 13, 14 Brother’s Keeper, 175–85 autonomy, 27, 137–44 Buridan, Jean, 213n18 avarice, 7, 10, 30 Bzzd, 215, 216 283 bbindex.inddindex.indd 228383 33/14/11/14/11 88:41:59:41:59 AAMM 284 INDEX categorical imperative, 26–27 Dawkins, Richard, 210 catharsis, 123, 129 Day of Judgment, 84, 97, 98 causal determinism, 227 DC Comics, 2, 123, 125, 187 censorship, 124–29 Dearden, Mia,
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