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THE DAILY A LANGUID LORD. Susitttss (Cards. Pacific Commercial Advertiser A NOBLEMAN WITH POETIC FACE CONOVER BROS'. AND M. THOMPSON, S. L. STANLEY. JOHN" SPBUANXK. DUDISH LEGS. , 0. J. WALLER, PETER DALT0N-- TiaORNEY-AT-LA- and solicitor in IS PUBLISHED Chancery. Office Campbell s Block, second Spruauce, Stanley & Co., PIANOS, "Gumboil" In How Ml FortAf story,j. rooms 8 and 9. Entrance on Merchant 4l7-ap6-- tf Importers and Jobbers of Fine Every Morning Except Sundays. cue's Love Letters Were Identified street, Honolulu, II. I. BUTCHERi 105 EAST 14TH ST., NEW YORK. The Lord a "Maher" of the ISTo. 91 Kino: St. WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, TO TIIE FRONT. English Type. Once more solicits the patronage and support of 410 Front St.. San Franelseo. SUBSCRIPTIONS : those w bo for twenty years knew and MACFARLANE & C0-- , 473 tf w A GREAT BOON TO THE j Daily P. C. Advertiser, one year..... $G 00 Daily P. c. advertiser, six months 3 00 BlakeJy Hall in Brooklyn Eagle. dealt with hlru D KALE It AM (JKV Item Daily P. C. Advertiser, three months. 1 50 Lord Garmoyle, who is now floating WHOLESALE in WINKS nri't LIQUOU. ! j Daily P. C. Advertiser, par month SO about town with an air of melancholy Honolulu Public Weekly P. C Advertiser, one year 0 00 Plain Talk Pays Always. o. 12 Kaahiunauii Street. - -- languor, the face of a poet, the . Lending Foreign Subscription, W. P. C. A. (including- --. hs legs of HOXOLKLT-- 375-t- f Tho Fashionable Tailors postage; 6 50 a dude, and the manners of a much bored ' OF SA" I'IIAC'IS1'0. Beer, Veal, Mutton. Pork and Flh and sought Bell-Colema- J'ayable Invariably in Advance. alter, nobleman. When I say kept for FOL'R HAYS after belny killed, by that his face is poetic, I mean that he has H. HACKFELD & CO., No. to'lO Maikft St., Opposite Palace Hotel. a high forehead, big eyes and a melan-- Peter has for many ytars worked for ami en- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guaran- Having already a large trade with Honolulu, they BRILLIANTS. choly droop of the mouth, which accon: deavored to please every class of the community C L'XKIt AL COMMISSION AtiKXTS. teed to keep longer after delivery than with the traditional ideas of what a T Mitf wneen St., Honolulu, 11. 1. respectfully solicit further Island patronage, and poet's from the highest in the land down to the humblest are prepared to complete orders at one day's no- it Tig more brave face should be like. There is a suspicion tice. lVrfect satisfaction guaranteed, and tiie FRESH KILLEO HEATS. of working can say durins; the classes, and he that V. BANNING. W. ! iinest of latest goods constantly on hand. -- To Jive than to die. caving at the back of his lordship's head, MAKHTfcNb. OITKUWKl.T stork To be had in auy of Mr. Waller's Markets. tO wan Meredith. and his long legs are indubitably weak. time he never made an enemy or lost a cus- 4'U tfifcw that ! As ho dresses W the very height of dudish El). HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., The most artistic Upt ltfht Pianos ever produced, Lore, dear girl, is very fleet; tomer. Now he hus again put his hand to tiie - Market, fashion, hi3 appearance invariably at- ters A CoMiraistloii 9Ierhaut. Metropolitan both for quality of tone and wonderful and elastic Soon he'll be before your feet; plow , is as well and willing to give honest 11. ' 3i-- tf JOHN UTSCHIG, f tracts attention. He stands, at least six-fe- et and able 1iuior Street, Honolulu, I. On KiuK Street. actions. The coming upright pianos of the world. : Give the little wretch a start, v. He'll go faster than your heart; two inches in height, and is as thin a work, good material, and tair value for money . Fashionable Boot 3Iaker, MEAT FOR SALE ALL DA V. Send for Illustrated catalogue," iesorlpllon' and Yet, though beaten, when 't is done, man as one would care to see. Miss For- - ever yet was done iu the Hawaiian Islands. Ha A. S. CLEGH0RN & Co., prices to Tis the sweetest race you've run. tescue, to whom hi3 father paid $50,000 No. 3-- (i Hush fet., N;m Francisco, C'al. always on hand und Wholesale audi Retail Gath. in a short time ago, on condition , Importer ' City Market. that she wofald release the precocious ' Will fill orders in his line at the shortest possible F. H'. SPENCER 0., There's always a river to cross. Single and Double llarne, General Merchandise, notice. Planters will find it te their advantage to On Hfuuann SI. Always an effort to make, young lord from his engagement to marry call on MR. UlssCHIG before going elsewhere. Pacific Agents, ! Coast 1 ':. lean, KxproH Corner Queen 3 !i- -t ' If there's anything good to win, her, is also and lank. The whole Harness, and Kuahuinunu Sts. ?t tf&w Any rich prize to take; world was interested in the suit for a time Plantation Market. 23 and 25 Fifth Street. SAN FRANCISCO. Yonder'a. we and then it suddenly dropped sight HariM', M. & Co., w OKO. WOOD. Hotel Street the fruit crave, out of Whip, PHILLIPS hinoli:y. OtttIotel Street. 75tfw Yonder the charming scene; on payment of the damages, only to be lnr. ami Wholesale Dealers lu ; Importers But deep and wide, with a troubled tide, recalled by the presence of the young Lo OiamoiH, ponsre, Jtoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish J. W. HINGLEY & CO. la the river that lies between. thario litre. lun and Fancy Goods. So. 11 Kaahumaiiu Ktrcet IlruIie. Honolulu, 11. Witf-wt- f Manufacturers of Anon. most amusing of the whole. m I. ureka Zlarket. The feature Tor trial, and one which I believe has not re- - j Anil everj ililnjy requisite the At Fish Market. Why Country Lads Succeed. : ; :' HAVANA OIGAKS, 65,000 of Lilian Whiting's Letter. ceived much publicity, was the beautiful Stable. S. J. LEVEY & CO., Kot letters witn exalted sentiments and well J . i; , One great source of culture in the coun . .,. U "' u Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hawaiian Market. f rounded periods, which Miss , and Provision - Fortescue. v T m , J.roeers JH'aler. .!.. try are the evenings, and it is not irapos- was Sa,uie tloths' f V 7 VX Family Grocery and Feed More. On Mauuakea St. whose real name Finney, wrote ti Orders entrusted to us from the island will Galvanized Iron Pipe siDie mucji 01 the success m i Vlmthel.ua not got he can make. other & inai the loVOT, Who Was popularly known al be promptly to. 5a Tobacco. Cigarettes Smoiers'Articles life has attended boys, country aao myvua&w attended Fort St., Honolulu Market, that 3i7tf-vi- GumbbiL was discovered, ; f Chinese bred, oppor- It after the -r A born and with limited early trial was all over and the money paid ovei ! tiiv oi;r On Meek Street. tunities, is largely due to the fact that ! to the mercenary plaintiff, every one , BEEF AND PORK. and evenings were devoted to intellectual cul- that . JOHN RUSSELL Home ITittins of these letters was copied from an old II W 4 II V MTV W Manufactured Cigars. ture. The isolation of a country home . Vt 1. 114 and IS Inch. ttorney so-lic- covered ' book, which flourished in UA U llUlLiL at Lai. I it leads to this far more than the homes in paper lllru OldULLO, Xo, 39 Fort St.. in Campbell's New the public for past favors. England several years, ago under the title a continuation of the same. "a city, "where entertainments and amuse- to " lit- No. 41 M KUCHA NT STREET, NEAR FORT ST Fireproor Dmldlugr, . and 'o. ments "How Write Love Letters. This (Cor. Hotel and Kichard Streets, Honolulu. H. I. 397 tf O. J. WALLER. 'of all kinds from the dime museum tle book was sold for G pence at the news 7H Hotel Steeet. For sale, at very low figures, by to the opera, or from the skat- stands when it first came out, but it had 410-w- tf lec- Royal Hotel, CLAl'H shKltCKkl.; M. U. IHVI.1. HONOLULU, H.I. ing rink to a Lowell institute grown rare at the date of the beginning Opposite Hawaiian . A. ture, attract the family to out- of the trial, and the source of beautiful JAS, IIOPPKR. side festivities. the quiet evening the WM. G. IRWIN & Co., ONTARIO" In fact letters which Miss Finney wrote to Gum-bol- l at home Is almost unknown in city life. Wish to notify the public that they are prepared FRANK GERTZ, remained a mystery until a newspaper ' - FACTORS anil 4'OIUDliMNloil to furnish SI tail 11. 3tM-tfM'- Through all grades of society through man, who was rummaging among AUfcNiS. Honolulu, 1. the circles of culture, fashion, middle tho BUGGIES,- - Importer and. Manufacturer Jj &. books at an old London shop, suddenly NEVIL.L.E CO., 1 class or lower life runs this tendency to v? -. of found a number of sentences on one of the ' J . 4.VON- J. I.KTKV. Of all Descriptions i such evening entertainment outsida the 'ages which struck him as being familiar, PHAETONS, SOLE AUENTS. EUEEKA home. I fe bought the book, compared it with the fc j SAN FRANCISCO In fact, to an increasing number of Finney 4etters and the result was a com1 WAGONETTES, ETC. , LYONS LEVET, BOOTS & SHOES We have received a consignment of the mout people, there is no home life, in the former BOTTOM COTTON, plete identification. , I lO tlOriOeiS tOrders from the other Islands solicited. MADE FROM ALABAMA Economical and Valuable Feed for all acceptation of the term. Hotel boarding, Gumboil is painting the town red, after kinds of Stock, via.: apartment houses, the living in fiats and With Stylish, Gentle Horses. AND- ! FREE FROM SIZING i 1 a solemn and heavy fashion. He wanders No. 114 Fort St., Honolulu. other "modern conveniences, " have alto- tf about from one play house to another of General Commission Merchants TO MOULD. COOKED LINSEED MEAL. gether superseded the houses of the past, an evening, dines &f the Brunswick or f i AND NOT LIABLE and social life undergoes a corresponding Delmonico's, where he often holds by day or month. Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. j hi the greatest Flesh former, Milk and , ft his Horses boarded It T change. it is gayer, brighter and fuller " Ft REST MARKET. If knife and fork poised in the air for some Saddle Horses to Let. - WARRANTED Butter producer In use. of pleasure, it lacks somewhat of the ' of Furniture. Stoek, Real Ittate minutes, while he stares at some beautiful norses Bought and Sold. . . Sale Jeniral Merchandise properly attended to j Corner Hotel and Union Streets. seriousness of endeavor which contrib- ' The Ret and iuot'luratle Sail Iuek woman who catches his attention. He is i uted to form an atmosphere where aspira- Hacks at all hours day and night. . SoIa AureutM for: Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per rent, of nu not a great man in his own country by Any incivility, reckless driving, overclianynir. IN THE WORLD. tritive matter; this nearly SO per rent. inspiration, its sway and d liKAxn of tion if not held any means, and the woman Finney, when etc., by drivers emplos-e- by this Company Vtll & i:nu:ui hakuet. American European Merchandise. 100 of In equal to influenced growing life. . The men who she was here as a chorus girl at the Standi please be reported at the office. For Sole in Honolulu. tv thSmeai 300 ls. of oats, 372-tfw- have impressed their piwer upon the age sti-pen- d tf oe 31S fcs. of corn, or to 767 ts. of wheat bran. ard theatre, earning the magnificent will open this- - new are not, as a rule, those whose evenipgs in of $15 per week, attracted attention Tue undersigned market were 10 me MILES & MACFAHLANE. with the choices: beet, veal and mutton. Also G PATENT For Sale in Lota to Suit. Doyuoou uevoieu ouiiue only by reason of her stiffness, angularity . ANDY'S attractions of city streets. J. Al. M0NSARRAT. . and stupidity on the staga He, too, was Telephone No. 32. . Fretli I'ork SaiiHasren made every day Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, m will u Sewage as. Food for Fish. thin and tall, and I imagine the love our usual supply of the bsst kinds of ! v. making between her and his imperial ATTORNEY AT LAW Rlood and Liter Kaunas e aud Ro . Journal. J Made trovd the'Very Best nibs,- - Gumboil, ..must have been rather a Notice to Tublie. a Specialty. Hay, Oat, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc. A new light has vbeen thrown upon the " the lorua lank affair. An English gentleman- - whq NOTARY PUBLIC. Hard Wore Cotton Duck. sewage question in England, and it is now knew Garmoyle slightly in London, and All orders promptly attended lo TjATNK believed that the discharge of the Im- who is a man of wide acquaintance iq 1TT TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING Rotate iu'au.r part oi the & CO. mense sewage of London into the Thames 'l to the .public that, titowrfcddition to our Keal Bought, Sold and Leased on Commisaiou Respectfully, & CO., 373 tf 9 every great city on the globe, said a nighti PASTRY AND CONFECTIONERY business we Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents NEVILLE is the best disposition that could be made , Drawn. or two ago up town, "Lord Garmoyle be- wlQ.pen-an- .' EO. I. SOIIUAEDEIt. AUENTN. of it. The reason for this belief is found longs to a class of in London who o. '27 MERCHANT STREET, SOLE in the extraordinary abundance of fish on men. California Rose Company. are known as mashers. term thera Ice-O- r (iazette Block, 371-t- f the southern and eastern coasts. The The ..: earn parlor, Honolulu. has a much higher significance than it has-o- ."Market, Telephone SAN FRANCISCO. west coasts of England and Scotland, to- (Whiclj has been fitted to suit the requirements Frest No. 363. this side of the water. A masher here, first-clas- gether with the whole of Ireland, only of our s trade), on Eureka Market, Telephone No. li t. THE REST 434-apl- - I take it, is a man who may be in any Dr. E. Cook Webb, O C. M'. MACFAiiLANE TAKE.S I'LEAH- produce 4 per cent of the catch of fish of vfp,. position in life, from a street lounger SATURDAY, APRIL 25TH. B-.L- M, ire in announcing tie nan nen ap e T, tbat Great Britain, the waters of the North sea P.esidf-r.c- and Office, cor Richards dt Bcretania St and who walks along the street ogling tht DRIVING pointed HOLE AflENT of the and the English channel supplying the women, or Our Creams will be of SUPERIOR QUALITY ALVIX II. KASEMAX, 3 rest. devotes all his attention trying only, being mude of Genuine Cream, a supply of Neither Heat or Danpnei nfreetn to make feminine conquests. which we have secured from the Woodlawn Special Attention givfn to Diseases of the The cause of this exceptional fertility 1-i-O CALTFOltNIA ROSE COMPANY In England SUCh. a man might be (ligni- - Dairy. From samples furnished us. we are nble K'ulney and Urinary Organs iv them. of the fish in the south and east is sup- lied bv a number oi names, but never bT to guarantee me oerti nuauvw -- The BIN0DEE, posed to be an abundant food supply. It " following assortment of Ice Creams and Sherberts Ruler Rlauk Rook They do not Streteh. For the Hawaiian Island. Parties who desire the title of masher. Most men hero on opening day,'"SATUR- Okfick Huvkh: Saier anl c will be furnished our hoice beautiful varieties , evident r to add and of is from the constitution of the fish resent being by name, 8 to to. Manutaof urer. Sti-oue- i ! woukl called tnat DAY, APRIL 2iTU: than leather, themselves that they attain from some- is so on the other side, I to 4, Telephone No. :t. ' ' but it not where Vanilla, Lemon, Chocolate, 7 THE QUEEN OF FLOWERS thing or somewhere considerable quanti- band of men as masherg ICE CREAMS to Retter than Rubber, the little known i ties of nitrogen, phosphoric acid ana pot- Coffee, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Coffee Glace. 0tT Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly and OUTLAST is composed of the fastest livers in Great j promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. WILL BOTH. To their flower gardens will be furnlnhed with ash in excess of what is obtained in sea Britain. Most of them arc titled, several SHERBERTS Orange, Strawberry. water. These arc precisely the ingredi- CATALOGUES containing names, prices ana are clever in various ways, and all of We are also prepared to furnish Ice Cream to M. & For Sale in Honolulu. concerning- - over 250 Oat, Co., Gazette Building, 155-t- other Information Tarietle, ents which are found valuable in sewage them spend their money recklessly. They parties, dinners, etc., and to customers at their J. Jr., f rny used as manure, and which restore the i homes. Our Parlors will be own every day and :2tf MERCHANT STI5EET. are the most steadfast patrons of the music evening, except Sunday. Parties desirinsr Ice GROWN ON THEIR OWN ROOTS. fertility of exhausted soils. Hence it is ' STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, halls and the light opera, and they are tho Cream on Sunday must give their orders for the concluded that the enormous quantities of jj 9 M. r most fashionably clad men in all London, same on Saturdays before o'clock P. The 3 J. i. WILLIAMS sewage which are poured Into the Thames No man seems to be eligible to the masher Cream will be delivered before 10 A. M. Sunday are not wasted, but are most profitably mornings, packed so as to keep hard eight hours, Hawaiian Gazette Mock. FIRE OFFICE S Prices astonishingly low lor guarunteed brigade who has not had some sort f ij No. 102 FORT STREET, m used in converting it into an immense HopinK to get a share of public patronage in varieties. one j thanking piblio O F affair with of the favorites of the light this line of our business, and the i LONDON. ! C. V. MACFARLANE, AenL spawning and feeding bed for the fish opera stage. The mashers themselves a q for their liberal favors iu the past, we remain 27 .Merchant St., Honolulu. II. I. Leaiiii PSetozraplier 'of Honolnln. 1BH5. tnar2-22-dw- lf which swarm into the neighboring seas. an dissipated languid 1 t : respectfully, ti Honolulu, March 27, enervated, and WORK FINISHED IN ESTABLISHED 1710. How Gould Is Festered. of men who carry the marks of their high MELLEH & HALBE, living in their round shoulders and hca Water Colors, Crayon. Chicago Herald. Lincoln Jilock, King street. WENNER & CO. Somebody in Mr. Gould's office has been ily seamed faces. They never move u THOMAS Inula Ink, or Oil. EFFECTED UPON EVERY good society, but they are all well clubb d LINDSAY INSURANCES property at the current rates J the press an idea of the great Ac. f2 Fort Street, f;iving and their favorite expression is ict ua Vlioto. Colored, of premium. correspondence. More than one-hal- f NOTICE. Hare on hand New Foreign and Hainemad live well we ' Manufacturing J eweler, The only Complete Collect i of of the letters which he come while liva 1883 - - .310,421,000. receives Views Total sum Lutured in Jewelry. from beggars or cranks. One man wanted IJemand for Lncifer Matches. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE - No. H Nuuaii ii Island VOIICE of rice Street, r.'u ns, - Claims urranijed by the local agents, and paid JJracelcts, Necklets, him to make him a present of $30,000 in Exchange. J undersigned, having leased part the Shells, Watclukst 4 per pro- landi in Palamu from the Wo Sins Company, all (Opiusite Ho:iis: r Jt Co &c. with promptitude und liberality. cent bonds because they would A large dealer' in lucifer matches says trespass en said land, Curiosities. Tins, Lockets, Clock, parlies are warned not to - duce an income sufficient to maintain him upon s Ud of Local Tribunul.1 the dull season in this line of business "is or allow any animal or fowl to no land. Honolulu. II. I. CHARGES MODERATE. The Jurisdiction the recJKiii:d. Aii'l ornaments of all klndx. in idleness, and he thought Gould could Dec. 1 All violators of this notice will be prosecuted ac- 5tf between and March b lie adds: AH SAM, spare the money easily enough. A man population of the United States ia cording to law. Particular attention paid to repairing. G. W. Macfarlane Sl Co., ' "The Plato, .1 AH HA. Silver and Gold in Central New York 6ent him photo- 93-- stated at about 53,000.000 persons. Of Honolulu, II. I.. April 2:t, ls$5. Klegrant Solid Silver Tea Hat. graphs of himself, wife and eleven chil- only 20,000,000 live in cities, leaving TELEPHONE 55 333 tf Agents for the Hawaiian Inland. dren, and asked permission to an those Suitable for Presentation. take 35,000,000 in country places. During tha f. M. 1I1CKIXU. JOf. Hl'BASH. excursion in his yacht One man wanted A. KOSA, rpKr S ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY summer time the men work in the fields, AT LAW AND NOTARY T E S P the capitalist to cover a particular stock l'l Jewelry I'aetory, SI A Specialty. and when they want to light pipca VTTORNEY Alii Hawaiian and another besought him to depress the their with the Attorney General, C. BIKK8 & CO.. they use a match. In the winter the fires olani Hale, Honolulu. H. I. mr251J-t- f No. 30 Merchaut Street, Honolulu, H.I. PLANING MILL. Repalriiifc In all Its braoche. price of a certain class of securities on a arc up, and few matches are needed. certain day. Everybody who calls on kept IIKill' STREET. Sde AgtUls for King's Eye Preservers. Jsow, the non-us- e or, say, ten matcnes a Alakea, near lHeen St. r his name, j KUKUI JEWELRY, Gould must state address and day for four months'in perhaps 3.000.C 0 Q LAN E Peek ham, IOikIoii, S. E business. V. M AC FAR & CO., -- C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. i houses will alone cause adu time in t ie FINE DIAMOND SETTINti a Specialty. A clergyman presented himself the - business, 5,- j other day, and was promptly admitted. match for it will amount to 000.000,000, to say nothing about those ; to and re- Contracting & Builtliiio;. When out All kiii'ls of Jewelry made order i he had seated himself he took not used by the men. But the country' paired. Watches carefully repaired and war- ' Colonial Merchants. ST. MATTHEWS HALL, 2,000 in currency and asked that it be people do not cause the only losses jo ' ranted. Oeneral enraviny and fane' monocraiiis MOULDINGS AND FINISH Invested along Gould's money In his in.t neatly executed. All done at moderate prices. with trade; for there are less used among city ALWAtS ON HAND SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA. next "whirl" in ibe the street, and that " 530 tf people in winter than summer. : the speculator keep it until it had FOR SALE Hard and tfoft Stovewuod, C'u Iudcntd tiecuted for.allikinds of English; . amounted to 20,000. The proposition Gall Hamilton's Appearance. . , and Split. Goods, against Dank ; was refused, y77-t- and Continental and the preacher withdrew Chicago Journal f SdlOOl for TQy. in disgust dc-sc- uGail Hamilton" (Abigail Dodge) is r THE CUKBEXCY ACT Credits or Produce, facilities fof drawing A Young Lawyer. ibed as quite tall, with a very good UNDER MILITARY DISCIPLINE. ' against tbe latter. Agencies accepted at 1 Exchange. figure, but not a very pretty face. In re- MONTHLY PAYMENTS. The New Gold Law. per cent on net amount of BEAUTIFUL VILLAGE Bobby begged his mamma to buy him pose she has rather a frigid . look, but manufacturer's rOCATED IN THE a drum. when in conversation her lace lights up on the Southern Pacific Rail- is . FEW COPIES OF THE WEEKLY invoices, including cash discounts varying road. 21 miles from San Francisco. Established "I am afraid, Bobby, " she replied, "that with an intelligent smile that pleasing in 1865. Fourteen instructors of reputation and She is very talka- Coiuiuerelal Adtertlser from H to 3 per cent. Purchased in ini-- r heated If I were to buy a drum grandpa mleht and inviting. usually IaeIGe All accounts for Advertising and Job Printlug j ability. The buildings are extensive, are " and familiar; and, when an idea or 29th July. 1884, containing: by steam, and are In every way arranged for the not like it very welL tive the at the ter's own name. Trinity Seanlon her, she seems to. hesitate a mo- - TEXT or the Currency health and comfort of the cadets. "That wouldn't make any difference, strikes Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., the FILL began July 24th, and the Easter Session w ill com- mamma, " Bobby anrued, cos, you see, ment, squint her eyes slightly as if com Aet, can be had on application to Twenty years' buying experience for mence January 8, 185. the drum ain't for grandpa; it's for me. " pressing the thought into tue brieiest ana HONOLULU, H. I. the C. Advertiser" Office. Paeilie Commercial Advertiser I. export. Information and catalogue. Just choicest language. Some ladies call her Sole-Agen- t For further This conversation occurred a good for this Favorite Rrauil ot out, address many years ago, "queer. " She is no more so than a middle- 25 be preseiited for pay- - Reference: 79 and Bobby, who ia now Price cents each. Office will from thUdate Continental Bank, Lombard REV. ALFRED LEE BREWER, M. A ., a man. is practicing law successfully In -aged lady of a literary turn of mind SHAMPAGNE. meut monthly. be, give her individuality. 470tf4w Publisher C. ADVERTISER. Honolulu, farch 2. Is 55. Street, E. C. 463p2 59ap9-dw-Jy- 9 Principal. 1 V ought to to I. THE DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER.

THE DAILY IMMIGRATION ITEMS. There is trouble in "old Harvard,' FIFTY CENTS PER MONTH. 2U)bfnisfBunts. and no one knowet'u where it may to 1st f May, What this country needs above end. According an Eastern From and after the day paper, of are proximo, the price Pacific Commercial Advertiser everything is immigration of a char- the students Harvard cf the Pacific & of Commercial, be CO., self-supporti- ng still far ahead the faculty in their Advertiser will FIKE-1'KOO- BUILDING'. LEWIS'. ST U (CA M T R E LL'S acter will be 7 E ET that and defiance of college AND HOTEL provide an of the traditions of FIFTY CENTS PER MONTH, IS PUBLISHED abundance future labor life large to dcvelope its resources. occurs and the curriculum. A It number of students in the medical For the daily issue, with prompt "Wholesale Retail Grocers. and on tho way. to us that sufficient inducements may collections, complete of Choice Groceries always onhand. Fresh Goods continually school have been guilty of an act of)monthly A line - EVERY MORNING. in time be held out to very desirable ur ODJect in making this reduc-b- y Iln.l nutter alwavs on hand, lowest povJbie r rices. Kerosene Oil aspei umj. v.wu heresy that has set their professors 77apn-?6-i- n classes both in the States and Europe. tioQ of 50 Per cent in tne Price of the free of charge. Teleph&ue No. 210; 1. O. Box -- :7 The following items furnished by the the ears. They have combined in a request to a prominent member of. Advertiser to monthly subscribers, BANKING NOTICE. Secretary of the California Immigra- is to TERMS OF SUB3CRIPTIOX. the homeopathic school, inviting brinS lt within the means of tion Commission a purely voluntary ' one to procure fljrst-cla-ss him to deliver before them a series of eYer' a The undersigned have formed a co- body, by the way, which is main- The-prvaili- ng CO. Ferannara w newspaper. & lectures upon the theory and practice , daily partnership under the firm name of HOLLISTER Hix months 3 00 tained by private subscription will dullness in business is recognized, P month J0c of homeopathy. It is needless to say Clacs Spreckels & Co., for the explain what we mean. copy I p- o We old school professors refused aud he - c- - Advertiser Is pre-t- purpose asrSubscrlptlon Payable ninny In from the Alia of a recent that ths of carrying on a Bank of California allow the lectures to be given in Pared to meet the tim"e? by tne Pub" Savings Deposits, trans- AdTKnce. f- and and for date the annexed, which is a -ir a uUU Communications from all parts of the Kingdom the college building, and they will "cauon oi inoroug0iyfequiiipeu acting a general Banking and Ex- sample of this class of publication : Drugs, will always be very acceptable. i renu u ywee nmu. A man in Oneida county. New York, be delivered in an utside hall. newr change business at Honolulu, and any will bring it within the range oi all Persons residing In part of tbe United States writes that many families in this section such other place in the Hawaiian can remit tbe amount of subscription due by Post classes. want information regarding California, with The Alameda sailed with the Kingdom as may be deemed advisable. DIHce money order. making this announcement, the a view to settling here. largest nassencer list in manv In Claus Spreckels. Tobacco Hatter Intended for publication in the editorial p- - c-- can refer with A is regrettable so Advertiser Wat. G. Dakota man writes that he has been months It that A 1 A 1 - Irwin. columns sbould be addressed to connaencef 1 10 uus J. Iuem peo-ledj- to wuai aireauy 15, 1885. Editob Pacific Commercial a dvkrtjmrr." deputized by a large colony of German many former residents should be Honolulu, April - find the best place for agriculture and leaving the Island, but with a revival accomplished under the new man Cigars- Business communications and advertisements agement of paper, as a guarantee should be addressed simply stockmitfing. He concludes that California in the sugar industry and new devel- the Referring to the above, we beg to P. C. Advkrtisf.r." is the place they are looking for. opments in production, which may that all pledges for tLe future will be inform the business public that our Gringer .A.le and not to Individuals. A orchard and garden com- be reasonably counted on, we shall honestly redeemed. It is not too Banking establishment will be opened pany of Colorado asks for information re- doubtless see many old faces back much to say that the P. C. Adve- for the transaction of business on garding the success of such business i3 to jour- - here. again, as well as be called upon to J rtiser a credit Hawaiian Monday, May the ith, when we will A long i letter has also been received from welcome new arrivals. nalisui, or that it represents in the be prepared to receive deposits in our Soda Water. THE j a colored merchant of Mississippi, stating fullest sense the progress aud intelli Savings Bank. that there are many colored laborers there Pacific "Commercial Advertiser to- gence of the tountry. It is not pub will also be prepared to make who wish to come to California in search of The departure of the Alameda We Iished in the interest of a clique or loans, approved notes, and employment, who would make good citizens. day was much less interesting than it discount Co., anartv.w but in the interest of all. Js low for sale daily at the Following Places : Also, that there is a large might otherwise have been, but the It purchase exchange at best maiket The Hartford Fire Insurance number who will to build up and consoli- would sell their homes and immigrate thence period of court mourning for the endeavor rates. M. OAT fc CO Merchant date, instead of pulling down and J. street if they can better themselves as citizens. death of the Dowager Queen Emma We will receive deposits on open OF1 HARTFORD, CONN- - The would-b- e destroying. account, make collections and con- T. O. THRUM .. Merchant street residents include school- prevented the appearance on the ORGANIZED 1791. teachers, lawyers, doctors, and representa- wharf of Professor Berger and the Having opinions, it will express duct a general Banking and Ex- THE FOUNTAIN Fort street tives of all the trades and callings. Printed Royal Hawaiian Band. As there was them fearlessly; being without pre- change business. N. F. BURGESS King street matter descriptive of the resources, climate, a. distiiiD'iiishnd rmrtv on hoard the judice, every question will be treated Our arrangements have been com ASSETS tM.U 0 etc., is Bent to ; a repu - 00 all those correspondents. Alameda, the absence of h!U1(i upon its merits and having pleted, so that we can draw exchange SURPLUS AS TO POLIC Y HOLDERS 2,479,400 ' the a . : . : i r. . 1 Five Cents per Copy. tt We suggest i . l whether it might not was the more regrettable. j luu" lu s.s " " on the principal parts of the world. be possible to interest the classes of oi me reputation oi omers. 105-t- f Claus Spreckels & Co. people, to As a of events Having established an Agency at Honolulu for the Hawaiian Islands, the undersigned is prepared whom reference is made our local columns we print a faithful chronicler on most favor NOTICE. In U acpt risk against lire on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and Machinery the in the foregoing extract, in these do- the P. C. may always detailed statement of exports of Advertiser able terms. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAYABLE HERE. Mr. A. M. Mellia has secured the exclusive right islands, with a view to inducing vol- mestic produce during the month of be relied upon. It will neither Sup- to the city routes for the P. C. Advertiser, daily untary immigration, press facts nor distort them. is a and weekly, and Is now authorized to collect sub which is the April, from which it appears that the It C. O. BERGER, in an m Islands. scrip tions therefor. most valuable kind of all. It would total value was 894,754 41. This is a believer "eternal verities,'' and mar27-l4-dw2- Agent for the Hawaiian Payments on account of subscriptions may also be essential to have land available for very large output, averaging over irreconcilable enemy of sham and be made at the Publishing Office, Merchant street, occupation and settlement in small $10,737,000 for year. Considering false pretense. Its columns may al- orders for subscription, and of the upon where notices lots, as as to posi- ways be relied to present facts, chance of address, etc., will also be received. farm well be in a our small population, this fact speaks tion to furnish accurate information just as they are, and in this way it TEL. Mclntyre & Bro., Subscribers will please report any complaint for volumes for the wealth and resources will endeavor to build up a healthy E. non-deliver- y, or cause, this office. as to climate, resources other at soilcrops and of these .islands. Rouge" IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN L. MONTGOMERY MATIIEK, generally., weuo not mean tnat a and robust public opinion which "Cordon Business Manager P. C. Adtertisek. start should be made at once on any Tiie arrival of the U. S. flag ship should be potential in the correction of April 0, 1885. tf settled scheme, but we certainly do Hartford, carrying the flag of Ad- abuses aud an incentive to the faith- Groceries Provisions and Feed think that means should be adopted miral Upshur, will fill the social gap ful performance of public duty. EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. CORPORATION NOTICE. created by the departure of so many The P. C. Advertiser should go Kew Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe. ?resh CulifornU for adequately and judiciously pre by every steamer. All order faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part ot the into every household, because it is a Produce 145 ; senting the attractions of these English and American tourists, city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postofflee Box No. TO ALL "clean sheet." It does not sell its Telephone No. 92. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN islands to the industrial classes whose presence added so much of late at a meeting of the shareholders for of abroad. may probably com to the gaiety of the season. columns the dissemination of the PACIFIC COMMERCIAL. ADVERTISER It not vicious advertising notices, neither COMPANY, held on the Uth day of April. 1385, port with the dignity of an embassa- in does it publish anything which the It was rated to accept the Charter of Incorpo- dor to act as an emigration agent, but The announcement of reduction C. most fastidious could object to. In ration granted to them, and their associates and we do think that the time of our rep the price of the P. Advertiser successors, under the corporate name and style was responded to yesterday by a con- this important particular, as well as of the resentatives abroad diplomatic and very siderable addition to our subscription in honest reporting and unprejudiced PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER consular might be much less comments, P. C. profitably occupied. list. the Advertiser ii COMPANY, stands alone among Honolulu news- 11 race himI Beauty Conquer. And that the Corporation, under said Charter, was got papers. following-name- d A brilliant young society girl duly organized, and elected the ROYAL HAWAIIAN AGRICULTURAL Furthermore, it is our settled pur- omcers, viz: married into a Quaker family. It K SOCIETY. pose that the daily or weekly publi- L. B. ERE, ROBT. CREIGHTON was an impossibility to give up. her President. J. shall be Secretary and Treasurer L. M. MATHER crimps or her pretty dresses; she cation of the Advertiser . every English-speakin- g EXTRA DRY Auditor..... W. M. GIFFARD We have received a letter from Mr. must win them over to accept her found in the home of gtven family in the Kingdom. AND Notice is also that, pursuant to the terms A. Marques, commenting on our re habits of life, and to cause them to It MEEOHANT TAILOE, of feald Charter, no shareholders shall be individu- is a question of a very short port of the last meeting of the R. H. come to her standpoint at the very only ally liable for the debts of the Corporation, beyond when this will be the case, upon Agricultural Society, which is too On afternoon of her time the amount which shall be due the share or beginning. the through the admitted superiorit3' of s hares owned or held by himself. ap25-t- f lengthy for publication. In brief, out of her room to arrival, she ran our paper over all rivals. PORIAIIOlH GAZETTE BUILDING, w S Mr. Marques states, as his opinion, her sister-in-la- with the request: - copi-- A GREAT NEWSPAPER. that the R.- II. A. Society has not We shall continue to furnish Has Juwt Iletarued from Eurie adopted any of the methods calculated match? My hair is all out of curl, ! "us "l " Tub Wkkkly P. C. Adtkbjweb is the best i ilia .irr vsil nfpuprv sfonmpr and vessel 04.423 complete paper published In King- to insure success, and that in his and want to light the gas to heat a and most the I from Pacific Coast bringing later WITH A LARGE STOClt OF dom. Having been thoroughly remodeled hi all judgment also there is great danger of pencil." The family waited the slate dates. Our local reports, now so full Its departments, It will be found to be uniformly a total collapse, without leaving any for the coming curls with a stern dis- Might, newsy and reliable. Being intended speci- permanent trace of its existence.. Fre- away complete and comprehensive, will be rendered, ally for the family circle, it will contain nothing pleasure, that melted G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., quent meetings for the communica- evening was if possible, still more elaborate; while offensive to morals or refined taste. Arrange- ly and forever before the perfected for New Goods and Materials perfected for giving a complete of ideas experience by writ- arrangements are nearly ments have been tion and - Cor. Fort& Queon Sts., up tvZ giving local character to our illustra- digest of tbe world's news to latest date, in ten papers and discussions are of far lady's added prettiuess, aud i to all local and general news of now confined to re-- HONOLULU, 11. I. addition the the greater importance, in the opinion of The t ons, which are . Kingdom. Correspondence, detailing Is in- brightness of her conversation. Of Styles and Patterns, facts, i productions from best work of the the Latest our correspondent, than annual warned her that some of the the Sole A;eiit;ior thitt Favorite Brand ot vited from all parts of the Islands. Orders for husband American Comic Press, the exclusive subscriptions should be addressed to Manager. shows, however successful they may to re- - i the elders of the church would call se-- Ths Weekly P. C. Advertmkb is mailed to be, and he illustrates this point by an mar- - i right to publish whsch has been CHAMPAGNE. Which he is Prepared ti Muke up In the monstrate with him on having 469 tf A W subscribers at ?3 per annum, payable In advance. to hi3 experience. , cured for the P. C. Advertiser. appeal home It ried among the "world s people." ' Remittances may be made by P. O. Order. Yxrt With these inducements, which no Try a q "tn" "NIT occurs to us, however, thot the condi- one afternoon three of them . T When , . . Kingdom tions do not exist in this country to ... A, rival nubhcation in the can LATEST - appeared, sue swept into tue parior May 2d. render such a method feasible. In one or two offer, and with a newspaper con AND FOR THE with her longest train and pub- - point of fact, if we exclude sugar and - ducted upon the highest plane of bangles, so radiant, so charm- t extra l!n v ami III it 1 nSriinlof (ati rf tVio ; PASSPORTS AND HOSPITAL TAX. rice, which are in the nature of lng, so delighted to see them, that ! t 71 T NOTICE. ' P. C. should C largely specialities, there is no agriculture in they stayed an hour. The only re-- i Advertiser A Cf rroanAii(1oiif- anropafa t liar IiiAWMnon'l linn f II r"V.TWl thd 1Arfl1 4 LL APPLICATIONS FOR BOOTHS AT LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE OB nn. the country to speak of outside the . h A IlSPfl husr;L2ld I Kapioiani Park for the 11th of Jnne will now f" tYinncrrntio flin - ad- - hospital be 1 As a medium for bel by undersigned at his office. pot la and tbe tax abolished. raising of live stock. The Planters' ceived, as followed to the received the .133 my II he them ; beyond J. E. WISEMAN. It certainly does work a hardship and Labor and Supply Canipany occupies one, vertising it will stand far tbe By order of the Executive Committee of JCapio- - door, was the observation from iani Park Association. inconvenience upon strangers visit- the sugar field, and publishes a very . , . , , 4I , range of competition, and all who Ul vnuwci', n r- mmr islands to be taxed $2 for lliclil. riicuu nice r Sil ilv O sill fa CO ing these useful monthly journal or magazine, married exceedingly well." permission to land, and $1 for the this way must of necessity use its col- - H while the Chinese have a practical cott'e Magazine. ANHEUSER-BUSC- privilege of leaving, if he should hap- monopoly of rice cultivation, and do mmmmmmmm umns for that purpose. JOHN COOK, pen to live thirty consecutive days in not need any points upon it. The Harmony of Color in re. j Now is the time to subscribe for the developed C. Monthly BREWIjS7 G A . the country. The original intention only thing, therefore, that is left for Oscar Wilde has recently j daily P. Advertiser. Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea St. ASSOC I TION i copy, of the passport sj'stem was to facili- the R. H. A. Society to do is to en- a tendency to talk profound sense, subscription, 50 cents; single tate the collection of small debts, and courage the introduction and breed- Referring to the statement that so!5 cents. Will attend and contract for all kinds of work In In that light it had some degree of fashion journals his line. ing of live stock. Whether it has met frequently appears in or REPAIRING old although we very much doubt be REMOVING, RAISINO merit, as frequently or has accomplished as that such and such colors would VITAL STATISTICS. or new buildings. the policy of compelling shipping much as it might have done, are the fashionable ones for the coming Work to be paid for when complete. offices and the Custom House to act which we shall not discuss, season, Wilde remarked with some !.1or(nary Iteport for Mouth Fiitllu Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. questions April 30th. Charges as low as the lowest in the town. as special agents for persons who because we have not tbe facts before scorn: " Think of a musical paper abuse the credit system by taking us to form a correct judgment. It announcing that B flat or A natural j The total number of deaths reported for the I'ost Ofliee box 135. 29-e- pt 30 was 47, distributed as follows: CO-- chances in their business. At all does appear to us, however, if we would be the fashionable note for the month of Mh rpiIIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT WE ARE J that 5 partners in trade, doiug business in Hono- events, now travel has so is " K- that tourist can have a first-clas- s show of horse music of this Winter!" The idea -n EEfe..:.. lulu, Island of Oahu, at No. 41 Nuuanu street, as .mm very greatly increased of late, and color, whether TZZ t boot and shoe manufacturers, that our tirm name i t stock this year, and another show of suggestive. Beauty in s2!olfc is Wo Chong, and that we reside In said Honolulu with the knowledge that it is likely applied to painting or to dress, is the prom 30 to 40 Dated Honolulu, March 18, Iis . horned cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, ' tr. LAU TIM. to still further increase, we certainly why a lovely ( etc., season, as much will have effect of harmony. And Males :J0 Ft.maie!) it 2t LBONG KIT. -- next Ill SXTEA FAMILY this vexatious impost should be more ..." think been accomplished as could reasona- combination of shades should Hawaiian uta s,ft Island3.. j be abolished. If people choose to bly be expected under the circum- appropriately Worn at One Season Chinese .i Other nationalities 1 LOTJIS offer undue facilities for getting into to dis- - ST. LAGEE BEER stances. It is idle to spend time dis- than another is not clear the CAl.SE OF DKXTH. Notice of Copyright. debt, they should be compelled to pay passionate admirer of art who is not Accident i Dysentery 3 cussing something which exists ArodIpiv ... 1 Dropsy - the penalty of their imprudence. somewhere else, but which does not enthralled hy tne tyranny 01 lasnion. Anerism ;;;;;; -- dis- Asthma a iF:Jangrene 1 Be it remembered that on the 15th day of April, Our institutions are gettijjg into ! York Tribune. 1 exist here. We have no doubt the A'cw Beriberi- - 2 Hemorrhage ... A. D. THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL,. AD repute abroad in consequence of this Consumption 7 I.oprosy ... 1 VERTISER COMPANY of Honolulu, Inland of members of the Royal Hawaiian Convulsions 3 Old age ... 1 Oahu, in accordance with section 3 ol "An Act to paltry device to capture knaves. 2 Pneumonia...... 1 encourage learning in this Kingdom by securing Agricultural Society are very much The play of " Keutuck" was given at the Congestion and Croup 1 Paralysis the copies of chart and books to the authors With respect to the hospital tax, 1 on 31st in earnest, and that their decision in Music Hall last evening to a fairly good Childbirth 1 sypliiilis ... proprietors of such copies, approved the ... 1 D. 1864," have deposited in this there is really not so much to be said: dic- by San Francisco Dramatic Disease of heart 4 Tumor of December, A. regard to the coming show was audience the Debility a. Unknown ... 1 office the title of their book. ntuld "THE be if all, - STOCK BOOK AND REG- but it should collected, at tated by sound judgment and intelli- Company. The horses introduced upon - HAWAIIAN LIVE be Total ...:4- ISTER," contaiuing the names, ages, pedigrees from the ship. It would then the stage were quite a novelty. The per- 20 and other particulars concerning foreign and do- l'li:itt.lxi. mestic live stock within Oie Hawaiian charged in the passenger ticket, and formance passed off satisfactorily. This by lllMl'AHATIVK MONTHLY MORTALITY. Kingdom, compiled from information given would excite no comment. It may dramatic company will present a number of owners, tbe rights of which they claim as owaera April, , ilfatlis... .rjApnl. 13S4, deaths.... .46 away a great re- l''! , and proprietors. rain washed plays during the . 18n-'- .47 well be open to question, however, TiiElate new and attractive April. ...47 April, deaths.... In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my deal of clay and sand which had been mainder of their season here. April, !"'(. ilfutlis t"V hand and caused the seal of the Interior Depart- whether the Queen's Hospital cannot affixed thij 16th day of car- night on an MONTH. ment to be at Honolulu shave deposited on the roadways, and "Jack" was ashore last IKATH BY WARDS FOR April, A. D. 188.J. be maintained without this 11 12 13 ried it into the harbor. There is exploring cruise. lie found the town very Wards j 1 2 3 4 5 j B 7 8 9 10 (Signed) CHAS. T. GULICK, upon visitors. is exceeding bad j 1 3 ap21-2md- Minister of Interior. It so. Deaths j 5 6 6 6 J 0 ( 0 i 0 6 I 0 l material for road building quiet, and to his credit be it said left it 11 17C; policy to create an unpleasant abundant Outside Gold Medals and Premiums awarded Philadelphia, , 178; and Amsterdam, 183, morning the April term Of non-residen- t. land- in the immediate vicinity of Hono- At 10 o'clock this Note. these, six were Impression upon visitors before close. A large Annual death rate per 1,000 for month, 23.20. lulu, and there is really no excuse for of the Supreme Court will John H. Brown, MEETIXU THIS EVEXIXU. ing; but thi3 is inseparable from the of & very dilapidated condition of our amount of work has been accomplished Agent Board llealth. MACFARLANE CO., demand and compulsory payment of the session, and some important streets and thoroughfares. An intel- during the KAPIOLANI BOAT CLUB. A MEETING $2 at the end of the voyage. It is matters settled. The Adveetiseb r?turns The missionary brig Morning Star will of this fluh will he held THIS fSaturdav) SJVEN- - should be made to put Clerk Foster and Deputy Clerks nt o o'clock, at lot Fort street, at which Street, Honolulu, I. ligent effort to to-da- y. ser- sometimes inconvenient; but it is thanks sail for Micronesia Farewell tR brought forward. Kaahumanu leading drives into a Poor for courtesies extended business of Importance will be SOLE AGENTS FOR THIS CELEBRATED DEER. 47ltfftw always calculated to irritate and our streets and Smith and vices will be held on board. T. B. MURRAY, Secretary. first-clas- s permanent condition. daring the session. annoy. r ttg9m A.tA vj


Criminal Record for April. BY AUTHORITY. ARRIVAL OF THE U- - S. FLAG SHIPi LOCAL AND GENERAL. tH'frttjSfrafiitjs. following is a summary of HARTFORD. Tho the criminal AmoDi' the departures yestorday was mine cases huard in the Police Court before host of the Hawaiian Hotel, genial Joe Til-de- n. List f Officers, Armament ami Ie-tni- l Justice Uickerton during the mouth of of Cruise. He goe3 to San Francisco on business April: connected with the hotel, aud intands re- The United States corvette Hartford, turning immediately. Kok'ux.: U a WAN- CHIN' PIC fourteen gun3, carrying tLc flag of Hear Ad- Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hayseldeu and fati.tly miral John H. Upshur, U. S. Navy, arrived in Honolulu from Lar.ai on Friday (!K tt tS. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., of the Pacific squadron, OniCK, lOLANI PALACE, ) last. Mr. Hayseldsn reports abundtut C'HMlBUIN'b arrived in this port yesterday, forty-fiv- e April n, i5. rains on the island of Lanai and at Lahaina, The Court will go Into mourning days from Valparaiso, Chili. The following for her late Maui, and stataa that the country is lock- Adultery Majesty Queen Dowager Kmma Kaleleonalani, is a list of her officers : Assault and battery... 4 !.... AGENTS FOJi G'ommander-in-Chip- ing very .promising. Attempting to leave .PACIFIC. from the date of this notice until two weeks from Hear Admiral J. II. Upshur, f ... Kingdom without: the day of the funeral. C. H. JUDD, Pacific Squadron. The following books have been lately license j His Majesty's Chamberlain. added to the Honolulu Library: "Hawjii." Cruelly to animals Captain, George II. reikin. Commanding Pisturbini; quiet of -- and Chief of Staff. Manly Hopkins; "Famous Americans of night I Virrlees, Watson & Co., Glasgow, Drunkenness 20 Modern Times," Parton; Planters' Monthly, 1- -i Commercial Staff Lieutenant, J. A. II. Nichols. Disorderly conduct.... 11 Advertiser AND Phases of the Moon Dunug April, Staff Lieutenant, Edward F. Qaaltrough. three volumes; Hawaiian Government Doc- Disobeying- parents. ...j l two Vmhpzzlprnent Staff Midshipman, Edward Davis. uments, volumes. Furious driving 3 H. M. Lieutenant Commander, C. H. Thomas. Dr. McEibbin had on exhibition yester- (ianiing 14 & Co- - Full Moon 6 10 II V. Having opium in pos- STEAM BOOK AND JOB John Fowler JLeeds, Lieutenant Commander, James Marthen. day a superb flower taken from a tree grow- session V. ing iu the grounds of the Queen's Hospital. Larceny 2 Lieutenant, J. B. Bleekerr Malicious injury Have. on hand, for immediate delivery, The Rising and Setting or the Nnu. Lieu tenant, C. E. Vreeland. The blossom was made up of a great num- Truancy Vagrancy ONE EFFECT G feet pans, 3,435 square feet of heat- The sua rises mornlnj at 5:29 o'clock. Lieutenant, William C. Babcock. ber of delicate crimson stamens, each about 'Violating Kxpress PRINTING 0FF1 TlilPLE The aun sets this evening at 6:25 o'clock. Lieutenant, J. C. Fremont, Jr. four inches long, clustered about a central Kules ing surface, with pumping engine complete. Lieutenant, Hamilton Hutch ins. pistle, the whole arrangement somewhat re- Total 45 32 0 PORT OF HONOLULU, II. I. Ensign, Hugh Kodman. sembling tho flower of the night-bloomi- ng It irepured to do all kinds of ONE DOUBLE EFFECT feet pans, 2,290 square feet of Lea Paymaster, Pay Inspector T. T. Caswell. Cereus in shape. There were but four blos- One insane person was sent to the Lunatic ing surface, with pumping engine complete. ARRIVAL. Surgeo, J. H. Clark. soms that perfected themselves this year. Asylum. Iron staging for either of tho above apparatus. 1. & Friday, May Passed Assistant Surgeons, J. R. Wag-gen- er Commercial Legal Work L' f Hartford, Perkins, 43 days from Valpa- The members of Kapiolani Boat Club will Chili, a A and J. M. Murray. Kxports Tor April. ONE 26x54 MILL, with engine, gearing, cane and megass carriers raiso, meet this evening at 101 Fort street, next Htmr Waimanalo, Neilson.from Wainianalo Chief Eng ineer, Thomas M illiamsou, The exports of domestic produce during COHBECTLT A.ND WITH DISPATCH. complete; one spare 26x54 roller. 8cbr Mile Morris, from Molokal door above A Co. at 7:30 o'clock. Assistant Engineers, J. L. Gow, E. O. C the month of April were as follows: Sugar, Ehkrs The band on board the United State SPAIiE .PINIONS, wheels ami segments for 26 inch mills. DEPARTl'RflS. Acker and F. C. Bowers. 14,034,399 pounds, valued at $S45,817 43; Captain of Marines, W. It. Brown. lice, 732,353 pounds, valued $33,851 steamship Hartford was playing last night, FbjoaT. May 1. 97; ONE OF COMPOUND of W. and the music, with the numerous lights Having just Received a Complete and New PAIR BOILEKS, 6x19.6 feetand 15.9 Steamship Alameda, II (J Morse, for San Lieutenant Marines, H. Staytou. bananas, 6,898 bunches, valued at $5,959; at noon Midshipmen, C. S. Williams. F. hides, 1,299, valued $5,178 30; sheep from the vessel, gave quite an animated ap- Assortment of feet; coinjleto mountings and spare boiler tubes. y. skins, btmr Molcoui, Mcuregor, lor ihoiomju, m a uj. Loomis, Hayes V. pearance to the harbor. Am brrtne Claus Hnreckels. Drew, for 8an C. H. and McPherson. 1,344, valued at $202; goat skins, 107, ONE 2i INCH GAUGE LOCOMOTIVE, 6 inch cylinders. Francisco Assistant Paymasters, J. G. Sankey and valued at $34;' betel leaves, 29 boxes, valued Three young Hawaiians Keoki, Kea- Job Types and" Ornaments B. V. Barray. at $150; kaawa roots, 10 bags, value $25; loha and Mahiai were passengers by the PERMANENT AND PORTABLE RAILROADS, 10 and 14 pound Vessels Leaving This Day. Boatswain, Francis A. Dran. sugar cane, 4,160 sticks, value $105; oil Alameda yesterday for San Francisco. Mr. missionary Morning Star, for Micro rails. Am packet Gunner, J. G. Foster. (transhipped), 3,297 gallons sperm; 13,052 Fred Wundenberg obtained permission from nesia, S W I, at 4 p m Of the Latest Styles, from the most Cele- Stmr James Makee, Weir, for Kapaa asd Hana Carpenter, Solon II. Maloon. whale; 687 pounds whalebone; value, $13,-20- 7 the Government for them to go to the Coast WESTON CENTRIFUGALS, single and in sets of two and four lei. Kauai, via walnnae at 8 a m purpose of brated Foundries of the United States, Schr Waioli for Maliko Sailmaker, G. Van Mater. 10. All of the above were exported to for the assisting in bringing with Mirrlees, Watson & Co.'s now and improved arrangement of mixer Scar Mile Morris, for Molokal Of the above officers, some of them have San Francisco in two steamers and seven down his small steamer, which will proba- and employing only Experienced Schr lialaakala, for Pepeekeo and framing. Spare spindles, bushes, pulleys, etc., for centrifugals; cen- visited Honolulu before. Captain B. Per- sailing vessels. There was also a small bly reach here this month and be placed on and Tasty Workmen, we are kins was here in 18C8 in the Lackawana, quantity of coflee, sugar, the Molokai route. trifugal linings, rubber buffers, Helvetia belting, sugar carrying rubbar Vessels Expected from Foreign Ports rice, taro fionr, prepared to turn out O 8 S Mariposa (Am), H M Hayward, from San seventeen years ago, and warmly greeted his etc., sent on the Morning Star for Micro Captain Perkins of the United States bands. i'u Francisco, due May 8 old friends, Hon. S. G. Wilder, Colonel nesia, an invoice of dried bananas, valued steamer Hartford dined with Colonel G. W. Letter Heads. R M 8 8 Australia (Brit), K C Ohest, from San IRON CANE CARS. Francisco, flue May 17 Macfarlane, Mr. John Patey and Mr. Henry at S30, sent to the Colonies, and a few pota Macfarlane last evening. Many of the other Bill Heads. Bark Ceylon (Am;, Barstow, from Departure Macfarlane, who went off to call on him " 10-- at toes taken away by whale vessels. officers were ashore visiting their old Bay, due May 15 The tola and Circulars, BOGIE CANE CARS. Am bark Autumn, from Newcastle, H H W, due the earliest possible moment. He spoke of value of the domestic exports for the month new friends in Honolulu. fote Heads. May a iu the great changes that had taken place in was TIPPING WAGONS, for excavating and road making. Brit bark Orieute, Hughes, from Liverpool, due $894,754 41, exclusive of the oil and Statements. May 20 the appearance of Honolulu since he was bone transhipped. Deal Gently With the Hluuer. Lading:, PLANTERS studying economy should inspect the Glasgow Filter Am bktne Mary WInkelman, Bachus, from San here in the days of Eamehaueha V., but to Bills or Francisco, due May 25 30 Contracts, Cane-to- p BV ALICE CABY. Presses, Cutters and Drilling Machines. U t Steamship Zealandia, It Webber, from the Col his friends he did not appear to have The Alameda's Mall. Mortjfajfe Blanks, onies, due May 10 changed The mail for the United Brit bark Tycoon, from Sydney, due Maj 25 30 at all. States by the O Christian man, deal gently with the sinner. Leases, :o: Lee, Francisco, Alameda was 3,852 Am bktne Kureka, J from San Staff Lieutenants Nichols and Qualtrough, yesterday letters, weigh Think what an utter wintry wnste Is his - due May 2025 46,205 grammes, Shipplug- Contracts, Brit bark Jupiter, from Liverpool, due July 110 Lieutenant Commander Marthen. Lieuten ing equal to 101 pounds 14 Whose heart of love hath never been the winner, (In Hawaiian A Kngllsh) T- - G. VESSKLS OVERBITE. ant Hutchin?, Ensign Bodman and Assistant ounces, and 1,574 papers, weighing 93. COS know how sweet it is W. Macfarlane & Co. He pitiful, O Christian, to the sinner; Bark Forest Queen (Am), Nellson, from San Engine jw were all here in the Hartford grammes, equal 213 pounds. . Calendars. Francisco, due April 23-- 30 Thiuk what a world Is his ! in 183i .8 well as the present For the other countries in the Universal Blank Bark Ferris H Thompson (Am), Mat son, from warrant Checks. Also offer for sale San Francisco, due at Kahului April 2810 officers. Postal Union there wa3 dispatched 2,036 He never heard the lisping and the trembling Bonds. Bark CO Wbitmore (Am), Calhoun, from Port weighing 28,674 Of Eden's gracious leaves about his head 27-- 30 Lieutenant Vreeland was here in the Ti letters, grammes, equal to Stock Certificates. Townsend, due April His mirth is nothing but the poor dissembling Clariiiers, Flat Coolers, Tipping Coolers, Cooler Wagons, Crab Winches, Bark Chasca (Brit), from Liverpool, due April conderoga six years ago, and Paymasters 63 pounds 3 ounces, and 771 papers, weigh 10-- 15 Of a great soul unfed Business Cards. ing 48,351 grammes, equal to 106 10 Chain Blocks to lift 10, 20, 30 and 40 cwt., Bourdon Pressure and Bark Mendota. from New York, due March Caswell and Sankey were in the Pensecola pounds Oh, bring him where the Eden-leave- s are trem. 25-- 31 in 1875. ounces. Ming, Meal Checks, Vacuum Brit buik James O Blaine, Irom San Pudro, due Gauges, Rubber Valves for Vacuum Pumps, Steel Sleepers and This is A ml March These gentlemen are looking forward with the first time that the Hawaiian give him heavenly bread. Milk Tickets. Clutch Bolts for Portable Track, Car Springs, Railroad Spikes, Brit bark Birmah, Witt, from Glasgow, due pleasure to renewing the many acquaint Postmaster-Genera- l has been obliged to re Flate April 30 Bank Checks, Am bark Amy Turner, Newell, from Boston, ances they made here on previous visits, port the weight of mail matter in grammes. A Wheel From a Skate. Orders. Layers, Spares and Tools, Hammers, Rail Benders, Rail Tongs, Files, due April 30 and in addition, he has to make up separate Am bktne Beulah, from Newcastle, N S W. and with their companions in the ward in etc., etc., and they would call particular attention to some Saccharomctors parcels The music rolling, Kecelpts, Due May 15th, room, to a brief but pleasant visit to this for about forty different offices in the And, rapidly bowling, Bktne W II Dimoud (Am), Houdlett, from San Marriage Certiticates, and Thermometers, imported specially, for boiling-hous- e use. 28-- among foreign men- - Postal Union, and report the whole to the Francisco, due April 30 prims favorite ports for The skaters all fly o'er the big noisy rink; of-wa- r. United States postal authorities, with whom Some awkwardly prancing. Diplomas, Also, to a few samples of Iron Fence Railing. FOREIUN VESSKLS While outside the harbor the nartford all our postal accounts abroad are settled. Sonic gracefully dancing, IN PORT. Some dying, so fast that they've scarce to Catalogues, S Rear-Admir- al Upshur, from Val- time Estimates furnished for any machinery or ironwork on U Hartford, communicated with the outgoing steamer r - application to paraiso Fine Art. think. Blotting- Pads, i Schr General Siegel (Haw), A Lev II, from Alameda, and by her sent a mail to the Druggists' Labels. South Sea Islands Coast. Pilot Mclntyre and some gentle Mr. Julos Tavernier has finished an ad- The bright lights ar blinking. Am Katie Flicklnger, C Young, from mirable picture of Diamond Head Envelopes. bktne J men who went out to see their friends off spanned And bright eyes are winking. Newcastle, NSW by a rainbow, is very effective and true Now oau one is falling with terrible thump; Am Missionary steam-bktn- e Morning Star, I. were given a tow back into port, the Hart j It Shipping Kecelpts. G. & Co., Bray, from Boston to nature, the artist having been at Waikiki Then soaie one is squealing, W. Macfarlane Brig AUie Kowe, J B Holland ford coming to anchor at 1:30 p. m. And carefully feeling Ball Programmes. Bktne John Smith (Am), Kustel, from New- Staff Lieutenant Nichols was immedi recently, when the beautiful natural arch castle, NSW which he has transferred to canvas attracted And most melancholy, conspicuous bump. Theatre Programmes, Bgtne John D Mpreckels (Am), Friis, from San ately ordered ashore to report to United rNew York Journal. 4G-- Francisco general attention by its surpassing beauty And in fact evervthinq which a First- - Fran- States Consul McKinley, and that gentle Bgtne W H Meyer (Am), Paul, from San and symmetry. Mr. Tavernier and Mr. t. Honolulu. cisco man accompanied him on board to call on Strong have also forwarded of Class Office octn do. Bark Neptune (Am), Cozens, from Newcastle, the Admiral. Tho Hawaiian flag was J. sketches the NSW lying-in-sta- te of the late Queen Dowager, Bark Thos R Foster (Uaw), Rugs, from New. saluted as soon as the vessel anchored, and and scenes in castle, N S W Snother salute, soou after, announced Con and around the house of the royal lady, Lon- sul McKinley'a arrival on board. which are intended for the don Graphic Weekly. P. C. A. Job Office, PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPANY, EXPORTS. A huge mail that had accumulated here and Harper's Letter Printing For Sua Francisco, per s s Alameda, May 1st press articles accompany these sketches. W O Irwio A Co, 10,233 bags sugar; Theo U Da-vi- es for some weeks was sent on board and (LIMITED), A Co, 10,853 bags sugar; Castle A Cooke, quickly distributed. 5,178 bags sugar; H A Widemann, 1,711 bags Kalniall. augar, fe - F A Schaefer Co, 2,928 bags sugar; M The representative of the Pacific Com to V- Co. Phillips A Co, 433 bags sugar; M S Grinbaum , Tho total rainfall during the late storm Successors Dilliuiflium aud Samuel ott. A Co. 1,028 bags sugar and 1,000 bags rice; mercial Advertiser was received very cour of 48 hours as reported from the different UHICH FEED CO, Uyman Bros, 34'J bags sugar and 290 bags rice; teously by all on board, and easy facility 0 & localities was as follows: C. J. Lyon's resi- C Brewer Co, 3,5so bags sugar and 3,02s goat Qufcn ,t: L'tliitburyli 1. and sheep skins; M W McChesney fe Son, 747 was afforded him for obtaining information dence, Punahou, 4 inches; Dr. M dubbin's, Street, Mu.le from our hides, 53" goat and sheep skins and 115 bunches concerning the vessel and C K 839 her late cruise. Beretania street, 3.3 inches; J. K. Wilder's VIJilLMALK . It KTA1L putternn. bauanus: Ilenson, bunches bananas; K L loiihl"- - Marshall, 978 bananas; 177 The Hartford left Valparaiso March 17th, furrow bundles Brown A Co, ico work, luuanu Valley, 4. VI inches; Dr. ROYAL :il. i.. bunchM bananas; M Mclnerny, 278 bunches ban. way IP 1 J l. JS anas; 404 and made her directly to these islands. t he- Knos A Aloes, bunches H McEibbin reports the total rainfall for f AND Davis, 1,112 bunches bananas; Woiif Leoug, 60 t had been the Admiral's intention to visit 11 A I AM) (iK.VI., bunches bananas. Sundries Three cases bacon, month as 5.71 inches. 0 EaBter and Pitcairn Islands on scientific Telephone Xn. 17."). 12 cases household effects, 21 boxes betel leaves Liiflit NUil PIoas. and 6 bags potatoes. Total 35,302 bags sugar, duty, and go thence to Tahiti, afterwards 3,1)61 llethel liiion Church Kervlees, (iixxU 1,20 bags tice, buuehes bauanas, 2,245 ton- touching here and then reporting at San deliver"' promptly. nage; foreign value, $30o; domestic value, f 210,-3U- 4 There will be services with preaching, 73. 2 1 1,194 73. Total value, f Francisco. He has asked to be placed on ol morning und evening. Sunday-scho- at Inland Orders Solicited. "They are the HEST 1XJUULK Fl'ltltoW l'LOWS we used." C. A. C'JiAI'IN, Manager the retired list upon his arrival in the 9:45 o'clock. E. C. Oggtd, the pastor, Kohala Plantation. siuppixu United States. Ic la the BKST BltEAKlNO I'LOW I ever used." ;J. L. HICHAKDSON, Manager WaUnae xorts. will preach in the evening the third of a i Plantation. Owing to detentions in Valparaiso, on iu or any WM Y. From WaUnaualo, per steamer Waimaualo, 400 series of sermons on the Lord's Prayer. "The VERY BEST BUEAKINO I'LOW I ever used this other country." bags sugar. account of Court-martia- ls being held there, HORNER, lAbaiua, Maui. Subject: V Thy Kingdom Come;" A cor- Irtlif :o:-- From Pepeekeo, per schooner Huleakala, 1,584 the cruise to the other islands was omitted, tgil w Goods received per "Morning Star" and other late arrivals: Silver Plated Ware. Btoves. bags of suar. and the Hartford, with pleasant weather, dial invitation is extended to these ser Ranges and Tinware ; Refrigerators and Ice Chests ; House Furnishing Goods, Chandeliers, Lamps iSoap very From La:iai, per schooner Mille Morris, May 1st, came direct to Honolulu. If possible, the vices. and Lanterns; and Caudles. Balauce of consignment of Clocks low. 300 goat skins. Admiral will remain with the flagship until OIL ! OIL ! OIL ! OIL ! OIL ! OIL ! OIL ! Siegel The schooner General has been hauled Monday A Free Port. to the fish market wharf. the 11th instant. Pantheon Stables, Skldgate, Genuine Albany Cylinder, Lubricating, Lard. Peanut, Cabtor and Neatnfoot. Paints, Ed. P. C. Advertiser Sir: Thanks for Paint Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes. California Wind Mills, the best iu use. A very complete itoclc of steamer Kinau will be hauled upon ma The the Passengers by the Alameda. explanation of what you claim for a ''free Hardware and Agricultural Implements. Correspondence solicited. riue railway this afternoon to cleaned and re Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets. suw-apM- y painted. The following passe ngers sailed for port." The five items to be removed to PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPANY, Honolulu. San Francisco by Alameda on May gain the object amount to $38,513 85 per a 8 the The steamer James Makee sails at o'clock ti i this morning for Kauai, and the Morntng Star at 1st : Lord Elphinstone, James Ashbury, annum. m 4 o'clock in the afternoon for Micronesia. G W Wolff, C Schofield, J B F Davis, There used to be an old saying, "abol Absolutely Pure, LIVERY, BOARDING, dis- Newton Booth, Colonel L a The brigantine J. D. Spreckels finishes ish tne tonnage dues ana mate lree This nnwder never varies. A marvel of purity. charging her cargo this morning, and will haul S Adams, Mrs J M Damon, E C port.'' We have no tonnage dues in this strength and vholesomeness. More economical K. O. & SOIST (Limited), alongside tne W. G. Hall to take in sugar. Damon, F W Damon, Miss. Eising, iliss than the ordinary kinds. and cannot bo sold in com AND SALE STABLES. EtLL country; and presume you mean towage. petition with tho multitudo of low test, short The steamers Iwalani, W. G. Hall and Liko-hk- e, Yerington, Hon W O Smith, Mrs E W Ful- Have Just received from Boston, ex. steam barkentine MORNING STAR, and by other lat am ports of . . - . . . 1 . VU.Jl rr If I not mistaken, the the " . VU.i arrivals, the following, and the schooners Nettie Merrill, Kaulke-aoul- i. ler and child, Mrs A W Smith and two chil- CAKH. AOlAL UAbiVi rUWVU nwwt vii: world who come the nearest of being free N. Y. Carriages of Malolo and Haleakala will sail on Monday. dren, Miss Green, M Green, wife and three for hire at all hours the dry or 280 tf night; also, oonveyancen of parties KEItOHESfE OIL, A PAINT OIL, now anchorage have pilotage as one of the charges. all kinds for IOUXE'f Tl'BPEXTIE The bark T. R. Foster, at in the children, C Brenig and wife, S Cohn, J P going around the Island. BOSTON lAKD MATCHES. HI'XT'N IFnL'D AX EH, stream, will be hauled near the P. M. S. S. Co.'s Mendocna and wife, B B Silvirena and wife, Towage and wharfage are generally pri HINT'S HATCHETS (All Kinds,, NORWALK LOCKS, discharge soon Excellent Saddle Horses lor Ladles wharf to her coal as as the John M Ash, J W Girwin, wife and three children, vate enterprise, always a charge in ship- if Smith finishes discharging. and Gentlemen. Guaranteed Gentle. ICE CUF.AM FREEZERS, REFRIGERATORS, 1 Mrs D Center, sister and child, Geo Crowter, ping. It is quite true this Government FOR S.1LE! $ The following vessels are fully due at this port; Xos. 3. 24, 46, 47, AS, 49, ERASIVE SOAP, COLGATE'S TOILET SOAPS, J E LeConte, Mrs A J Blackburn, P G Arm- own nearly all the wharves, and have in TIIF--. Carriax? YELLOW LAl'XDKY SOAP. CASTILE AND HARNESS SOAP. 1 he barkentine Kitsap, from Puget Sound, is 23 50. 31. 32 aud 53. y; some measure days out to-da- the barks Birmah and Orlente, strong, Mrs II F Lewis child and servant, discriminated in favor of Double and single teams always on 7 V ' both from Liverpool, are 120 and 110 days out re- Mrs Hamilton, son and servant, T A Thrum, the steam lines ty granting free wharfage. to le had Honolulu Almanac livery at the most reusonaljle rates. spectively; the bark Mendota, from New York, is Mrs M D Merritt, A H Smith and child, or nearly so. The only other items are Stoves and Rariges LislricatlDi Oils, '1 :J Large 135 days out; the barkentine W. II. Dimond and Mrs Welch and child, Mrs B Mr G7 and small omiiibux for picnics and excur- i J J Fester, ights aud buoys, $1,509 per annum, , the bark Forest Queeti, both from San Francisco, sion partit-s- carrying from 10 to AO passengers, can OF ALL S1ZK.S. Largest and Mrs J A McCarthy, Mrs C C Coleman which a mere The Htock in the are 18 and 17 days out respectively. is trifle. always he secured uy special and child, Jos Tildon, Miss Rosenberg, Mrs Hrrunemeiiis. And Kitchen Furi.ilure Market, Including There are two charges connected - t;- - g will: DTliKCTORY. OiDiUuus tirnt- tublcs cun nhtuint-- iy uppiy-in- S W Lederer and two A Hopper Of Inscription. Lard Oil, In ?tse and bbU., children. J our port that, iu my opinion, should at lhe nflif-- . Kverv Police Court. if I'.lack Oil, :.i barrels, and daughter, Miss N Allen, Miss E Sharon, ' AN OFFICIAL AXD BEFORE POLICE JUSTICE BICKF.BTOX. removed. First is the '' pasbport;' tLa! Iron, Granite Ware, M de Souza, Mrs :.I Kohm, Mrs G Dellex Tiie Lonx IJrancli 1i tiling House Skidegute Oil, in cases, May seeonu i can alA.iys he secure,; for picnic or excursion Cylinder Oil, in cases, Friday, 1st. should be abolished. lhe Wire Cloth i all siz-- s , r . and two children, J Schuler, F Dualt, M G parties by applying fit tLie olKce. : t Kauinau, Keo, Kelaweau and F. Cortell tax." It should be put oi, the Basiiifss biit'dory of Honolulu, 1'uraUne Oil, in cases, Cornanch, P . Johnstone, J F'arpenter and Cotton Waste, sperm Oil, in drums were each fined $3 and $ 1 costs for being wife, E Bell, Mrs J Johnstone, A Costa, A S vessels, and not on the passengers, Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. Tacking, all and barrels, drunk. Thome, Mahiai, J Kealoha, Keoki, J Smith, SfBAXOEfi. TOUF.TIIF.R WITH FI LL Telephone No. 31. kinds. T. Kenan, charged with larceny of a W H Pedlar, S Sevigee, W Powell. G Groves, Our correspondent is correct. "Tou-uage- " JAS. D0DD, Proprietor. to was re- S Green, A McDonald, D McDonald and was printed in error for ' towage." GREASE. Also, Neat's Foot and Peanut Oil by the case or gallon watch belonging D. McDonald, Statistical k Geneal Information 3fltf AXLE manded till the Cth instant, by request of wife, B Mason, F W Matthews, W Morton, Cut it practically amouuts to the same C J Rothson, D J Lyons, J C Steinworth, towage rate is charged the prosecution. J thing; the according Relating to the Han'u Islands. Just to hand, a new lot of Hall's Celebrated Plows and Breakers, and about two Condon, J Oliver, A Flohr, J Foster, Miss G Goo Duck, charged with disorderly con- to the tonnage, and not on any arbitrary hundred pairs of Plow Handles of all sizes. Also, extra Plow to fit all our plows. Green, William Chase, C C McWongale II Shares duct, was discharged on a nolle pros. rule. We would abolish every charge by J.M.Oat, Jr., & Co J. D. JNlarlin, All kinds of needed for rice or cane T For Sale Plow Reams. Agricultural Implements culture. Kau, Bradley, C Burnhardt and P Mclnter. now levied upon shipping, and make the Retail Dealer iu Wines and Liquors, Chun charged with embezzlement, AXD AT A Fine Stock Constantly on ' of Shelf .Hardware Hand. Fort-stre- et of absolutely to every WAILUKU, MAI L it was remanded until the 2d instant. Church Services. port Honolulu free We make a specialty of rilling orders "or country stores and plantations, and with our superior i A Japanese, Ogure Guezo, was charged At 11 o'clock a. rn. the usual services flag of the world. The cost of maintain- The P.C. Advertiser Office. MARLIX BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT ) harbor establishment be MR. is now prepared to open his house to the facilities and long experience, can do so with the greatest dispatch. with deserting bound service. He had no will be held at this church. At 730 ing our would public, and will conduct the same as a thoroughly complaint to make, or reason to give, ex- o'clock Rev. Mr. Cruzan will deliver the trifling compared with the profits to be PRICE. first-cla- ss establishment. A Refreshment Saloon All our Good are of the Best Quality, r.nd are sold at Lowest Market Rates. and Lodging Accommodations connected with the cept that he wanted to get out of his con- fourth lecture to young men. Subject : derived from the increased trade which premises, and no pa!ns will be spared fo the : A V. A ' . rm flirt. et crnncla. T . V V .n .fcnecArrniAnf rtf loo A fpnernl to CTS. COPY w.u.v. lt II. I V till' ... V. .1 i tract. He was ordered to return to his TVia Test Vnnn7 Man." would be attracted our port under such FIFTY PEE Wines, Liquors and Cigars constantly on hand. employer, and to pay $2 costs. invitation. a system. Ed. P. C. Adyeettseb. . Honolulu, January 21 1S35. E. O. & SOIST. 2 mayS9 -- 1 HALL THE DA1L PACIFIC COMMERCIALAD VERTISER.

FACTS FOR SKATERS. W illiam M. KvartV Wit. gMi'rrtUramtjff. .v York Tribune. .3MtrttsfmtMs. A story illustrating the great lawyer's quick- The Dangerous Results of Injudicious Ex ness is a favorite, in circles of "applied fi- erciae on Rollers. nance." Not long since he stood with a party Minneapolis Tribune. I, the day, of of friends on the soil of Virginia near the Said other to one our KAMEHAMEHA DAY. INTER-ISLAN- famous Natural Bridge. There is a legend leading physicians: "Doctor, what do D Notice to g Public. roller-skatin- the that once on a time George Washington threw you think of the present Kinjj JHchartl. a silver dollar from the stream to the surface mania?" A Horse! a I Torse! My Kingdom for a Horse. of the bridge. It ia a big throw, so big in "Well," he replied slowly, 44 it's a very Co. fact that some of the tourists were inclined to good thing for the doctors, surgeons, and Steam Navigation disbelieve the legend. Mr. Evarts being ap- specialists, too. Oh, yes, . indeed. It hih-price- pealed to for his opinion instantly replied as brings on a d class of com- (LIMITED.) Tlie Elite The Fast Trottiner Stallion he measured the distance with a twinkling plaints, much more lucrative than com- eye: "Well, we must not forget that a dollar mon measles or rheumatism. In went a good deal further in Washington's day the first place, it Ls a sort ICE CREAM PARLORS ! than it does now." of motion quite unnatural, and STEAMER W. G. HALL. different to entirely from anrthjng which (HALCUSI,) Senator-Kle- ct from California. a girl is accustomed, calling into most violent play muscles-whic- are but little BATES. ..Commander used. it were not a wWcb seems If 'craze' Will run regularly to Mr.alaea, Maul, and Sons Ice Cream will be served at the SARATOGA to admit of no moderation, no gradual and Kau, Hawaii. inuring of the muscular system which HOUSE, on Hotel Street, untU Further notice. might grow tolerant of the exercise, the case would not be so bad. But this is not, KTOptn Dally until lO P.M. after all, the worst feature. The prevalent, Programme of the' Races STEAMER PLANTER, and all but universal mode of dress, ia Orders received and carefully attended really the greatest cause of trouble. The (LILINOE.) to. average girl-thoug- h you may be sure she CAMERON Commander Weddings and Parties supplied. will indignantly deny it could not get a every 5 p. real, Leaves Tuesday at m. for NawllIwLU, full, free breath inside her corset to TO BE HELD AT KAPIOLANI PARK ON Koloa, Eleele and Walmea. Returning, will leave save her life. Oh, yc3, she thinks she Nawillwlli every Saturday at 4 p. m.,artlviog at Telephone 181. does, because she doesn't know what Honolulu every Sunday at 5 a. m. it Is a full, free breath, which reaches clear down to the waist line, and demands a free play of the abdominal 11, STEAMER IWALANI, Our cart with Celebrated Ice Cream will make VENTURE.IIKCOIU), 2:27. muscles. Those muscles, and others so Thursday, June 1885, its usual route In the evening. 393 tf Ml!. JAMES CAMl'BELL, I herebj important to locomotion, are cramped FREEMAN Having purchased this celebrated Stallion from Commander notify the public that he will stand the present season at my headquarter, corner of and restricted, while all the time trying ; e, season, $50 toinsure, to respond to to the violent and unnatural Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maul, and Knkul-hael- runchbowl and Queen streets (Captain Clunev's). Terms for the strain upon them, and as a result some of r.NDF.It THE AUSPICES OF THE Honokaa and Paauhau. Hawaii. $100. the more delicate organs of her complex Win. G. Irwin & Go. system are sure to suffer, and suffer se- Description. STEAMER C. 1 lii-'ll- . IH'Undd. LELAXD STANFORD. verely. It ts with physicians no secret R. BISHOP, VDnturu a rir-l- i rdifw t mi t !(, r C luili.ls and WeisllS about 1,100 In ex-G- that there is a great increase of maladies in appearance, temperament and The election of o v. Leland Stanford, HACAl'I.EY ...Commander OFFER FOR NALK structure he in the picture of groat muscular power, and ia California, will be a surprise to many, and weaknesses among girls directly Hawaiian Jockey Club. disposition, he in faultless. Full f lire and s.-nt- ness, he is without speck or blemish. traceable to this sport. T would rather Leaves every Suturduy at 8 a. m. for Walanae, Aa he is having extraordinary Mice. ; his numerous progeny, both in Cali- but is a natural recognition of the public g, a stock horse my daughter should run up and down Oabu, and Hanalei and Kllauea. Kauai, Return-n- fact, several of tl.em being able to trot low down, spirit and faithful and able public services of leaves Hanalei every Tuesday at 4 p. m., sud fornia and in this countrv, attest this stairs from cellar to attic forty times a and one of his daughters (Venus) e.ni in 2:23. Venus is also the dam of Jrausit, one California's richest men. Gov. Stan- touching at Waiuluu and Walanae Wednesdays, ti.t H- - of two-year-ol- in California. trotted a mile laft so as we can judge by the day than become a devotee of this kind of and arriving at Honolulu same day at 4 p. m. which is said to be the most promising ford baa not, far amusement. The consequences are similar, Sugar! Sugar! Sugar! season, as a yearling, in 2:15. so able ormid-abl- o California papers, beaten and f but worse in the latter case. " an antagonist as ex-Sena- and Jredigroe. to Germany Sargent by reason of his "But do you consider it worse than STEAMER JAMES MAKEE, on ; 1 l'.v Henry Williamson, Esq., Oakland. wealth or of its power, but rather In spite of skating ice?" GRAZIER'S PLATE. Venture, chestnut horse, foaled in IStf;, bred "Skating on ice is not a good thing for WEI It Commander California ; by Belmont, he by American IV. .y, he b Sea-ul- l. he by Import Expedition. it. Californians appreciate what Gov. Stan- Running Race ; half-mil- e dash open to all ; many girls for none but the heartiest age. Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai. 1st dam, Miss Mostyn, by American Boy, Jr. ford has done for the interests of the state. who are accustomed to vigorous exercise weight for They know how broad have been his ambi- HILEA PLANTATION Wa8hed" Sugar 2d dam, by Kenner's Oray Medoc. and not for . them unless properly 2 QUEEN'S PLATE. 3d dam, Imported Lady Mostyn, by Teniers. the development of agriculture, of T. R. FOSTER, President. in-- tions for dressed. But the outdoor is, of course, ; kegs. by stock raising, of education and Trotting Kace ; mile beats, to harnea best 2 In 4th dam, Invalid, Whisker. viniculture, of an improvement on rink, not 3 ; for Hawaiian bred homes only. J. Ema, secretary. Helen, by , California that of the 5th dam, llambletonian. of all that would tend to make only because of Its purity and invigorat- CALIFORNIA SUGAR REFINERY 6th dam, Susan, by Overton. - more than a mining camp and unattractive ing qualities, but because the cold puts a 3 HAWAIIAN JOCKEY CLUB CUP. 7th dam, Drowsy, by Drone. hacne of the very rich and very poor. Since limit to the number of hours devoted to A Sweepstake of $ 50 added ; cup to b Cube Sugar in 25 lb. boxes. 8th dam, by Old England. , tha death of his son, over whom it will be re- the amusement ' Then, too, there is usu- won by the same person twice, tlie second win- 9th dam, by Cullen Arabian. Newman, Gen. Grant's ning; to be at anaJTuture annual meeting : one-mil- e OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. Dry Oranul&ted, in barrels'and keg. membered Rev. P. three-year-old- Miss Cade, by Cade. J. ally plenty of room, and, consequently, dash ; open to all s. Sealed 10th dam, former pastor, preached that $20,000 oration, less llablility to accidents of one sort and nominations, inclosing a fee of $10, to be sent to "A" Crushed Sugar, in barrels. 11th dam, Miss Makeless, by sou of Greyhound. Gov. Stanford has arranged to leave his for-fcur- ne another. But, the one fact is, that girla the Secretary of the Hawaiian Jockey Club, on or Belmont, by American Boy. of $15,000,000 to the state of California. can never profit by the present popular before 2 P. M.on the 4th day ot June Final ac- "D" Coffee Sugar, in kegs. 1st dam, Imported Prunella, by Com us. The state debt of California, 13,000,000, is to ceptances us to the balance of sweepstakes on or 2d dam, by l'artisan. rage for physical exercises and pedestrian before 2 P. M. on Ae 10th of June. AND' Golu u Syrup, in gallon tin. by be paid, and the large balance is to be used to sensibly THE NEW ELEGANT HTEA3HSHIPS 3d dam. Pawn, Trumpator. feats until they conclude dress DC-MINI- by Highflyer. as a thorough system of popular CUP. 4th dam, Prunella, a fund for so as to allow the free use of the muscles 'MARIPOSA' & 'ALAMEDA 5th dam, Promise, by Snap. education. they are ostensibly seeking to develop. A Sweepstake of $ 50 added. Running Kace ; by V -- mile dash; open to all two-ye- ar old Hawaiian-bre- d 6th dam, Julia, Blank. It is perfectly absurb otherwise, and ; Will !Suu on ICallroad Magnate. horses entries closed on August 1, 18S4. leave Honolulu and Francisco the Coils Rope, nizt 7th dam, Spectator's dam, by Partner. A Pacific nothing can prevent its working an in- Manila 'all r. 8th dam, Bonny Lass, by Bay Bolton. " 5 KING'S PLATE. FIRST and FIFTEENTH of each mouth. jury. Coils Sinai Rope, 6 thread to 2 inch. 9th dam, by Darley's Arabian. Trotting Race ; mile heats, best 3 in 5 : open 10th dam, by Byerly Turk. Collecting with a Hot Poker. to all. PASSENGERS may have their names booked Coils Rale Rope and Banana Twine. 11th dam, by Taffolct Barb. (Ga.) Dispatch. Hawkinsville 6 KAIIUKU CUP. in advance by applying at the office of the Agents. 12th dam, by Place's White Turk. One Hawkinsville guano deader has a Itunnin Uuce ; mile dash; open to nil Haw- PASSENGERS by this line are hereby notified 13th dam, Natural Barb Maiv. novel but effective way of enforcing pay- aiian-bred horses ; weight for age. that they will be allowed 230 pounds of baggage In offering the services of this horse to the pub'io I make one claim for him, which ments. Occasionally a pu.scb.aser of gu- FREE by the Overland Railway when traveling 7 RECIPROCITY CUP. is that he is tho highest bred trotting stallion in tlie world, living or dead, and in support ano may delay paying for the same, but East. Reed's Patent Pipe and Boiler of this claim I am willing to submit it to any authority that can be obtained, and if he is he won't deny the debt or defer settlement Running Race: l1 mile dash; free for ull ; EXCURSION TICKETS for round trip, ?r.5. not, then I will forfeit all my claims l. horse knowledge. It will bo seen that his pedigree weight for age. Good to return by any of the Company's steamers Covering when the new method of collection is ninety days. All Sizes. represents a union of the purest blood of the Englitdi and American thoroughbred racer, within Eng- brought into requisition. Recently a 8 GENTLEMEN'S RACE. MERCHANDISE intended for shipment by this one of his grand dams, as also one cf his great grand dams, being imported from to United States. When Venture was on the turf, about eight years ago, he Mas misunderstanding occurred between the ; ; open Hue will be received free of charge, in the Com land the Trotting or Pucing mile and repeat to for the horse of Coast, and the papers in the dealer in question and a tardy purchaser. all horses that have never beaten three minutes ; pany's new warehouse, and receipts issued at that time sensational the l'acilic sporting The agent insisted that he had sold the owners to drive, to road wagon. same. Insurance on merchandise in the ware- East, that were always so much opposed to running blood in the trotter, commenced house will be at owners' risK. picking away at his pedigree, trying to liiul a cold cross in it, at the same time declaring party last spring nine sacks of guano of a 9 MANILA CIGARS. certain brand. PONY RACE. WILMAN CJ. IltWIN CO.. that it was simply impossible for a strictly thoroughbred horse to trot aa fast aa he was Ji4-t- ; they to give up, he w a "But I never got that guano. " ltim. ing Race ; mile dash ; open to ull ponies of l then trotting but at last had ii and admitted the fact that " You get it, and can prove it to 14 hur.ds or under. atrictly thoroughbred horse, but declared him a phenomenon, and were unable to account did 1 for his great speed at the trotting gait. But the fame of his hire, old Belmont, is almost you. " 10 KAMEHAMEHA PLATE. well-know- Salmon, Beef and Port, in barrels. world-wid- e, and it is a n fact his blood nicked better with the trotting families "Well, bring up your proof, and if I ; 2 open as, to two " .Running Race mile dash; to all; IMliM MAIL STEAMSHIP (0 than that of any other thoroughbred horse ever known, in addition Venture, got it I will pay you for it. weight for age. other thoroughbred sons of his, Capt. Webster and Owen Dale, were said to have pos- At that juncture one of the guano sessed great speed at the trot. Besides these, he bind the dams of Belle Echo, 2:20 ; Flora agent's partners pulled out of the fire a Admission within the fence 50 Cents Shepherd, 2:30 ; Monarch, 2:28; Nelly Patchen, 2:27 'i ; Bustic, 2:30 ; which is a showing red hot poker three feet long, and giving Admission to the Grand Maud -- .50 (.rents One 4 1.2 foot Smoke fttark, &3 feet that a tJleat many of tho best trotting bred horses cannot equal. Mr. Patrick Farrell, flourish, as- - scattered sparks, Admission of horses to the euclosure, 50 cents most experienced on Pacific me time it a it the for each horse. High, will be Koltl Cheap. who ia one of the drivers the Coast, told the last swore that the man did get the guana No charge made on the bridge for entrance to that I saw him, that Venture was the fastest trotter that he ever pulled a line over, and "Yes, sir, I got that guano, and I am the Park Grounds. 674-Ju- e that if his temper had not been soured in his youth by bad handling, he believed that he " C. P. HT7NTINGTON. ready to pay for it, was the response. would have equaled, if not surpassed, all the records ever made, and that he could show was We happened round the other morn- Applications for stalls to be made to the Secre- a two-minu-te gait with him to a wagon, but in company he would become wild, on ac- Mr. Collis Potter Huntington born tary. blood, was often by horses could as a some 65 years ago on a Connecticut farm, ing, and picked up the item, and looking .MAIL count of his hot and beaten that hardly run fast into the fire we discovered three iron Amount of purses will be given on or before PACIFIC S.S. CO. he could trot. His record of 2:27 which was no measure of his speed, was made at the where every farm is blest with stones enough June 1, 1885. Oakland track in 1877, in a race which he won, beating Alexander, Gus, General lteno and to fence in the entire state, though he has pokers being heated for use during the All running races to be under the rules of the day. Hawaiian Jockey Club. Billy Hayward, this being his last public performance. since risen to be more than fifty times a mil- All trottiHg races to be according to the rules of For Sau Francisco lionaire, is authority on "How to run National Trotting BEAVEn It is thought by some people that an aged horse is not as good a producer as a young and an Remarkable Success by Irrigation. the Association. Zeaiandia On or about May 10th SALOON. greater mistake could possibly bs made. Indeed, the opposite is claimed by a congress." He, began life as chore boy on a Entries close at 2 P. M. on Monday, June 8th, one, but no Atlanta Constitution. at the office of C. O EERGER, Secretary, with SO. T FORT many large breeders, and instances are so numerous of horses siring their best foals at an farm. At 24 he was in partnership with his 3 STREET. At the recent meeting of the ensilage, the exception of races No.'s and 4. For Auckland and Sydney : advanced age that the above theory, has long ago been exploded. Imported Diomed was 28 was a prosper- be-s-t brother as a trader, and at congress, in New York, Mr. A. K. Cole, C. O. REItaER. secretary. Opposite Wilder twenty-seve- n years old when he shed Sir Arcli3r, his son ; Bonnie Scotland, who died California, was 1856 On or May 17th t Co.'sl ous merchant in It in of Wcllsville, in that state, told some re- Australia about only a few years ago, sired Luke Blackburn and George Kinney, by far the best of his get, of 33:l-tf- tf that he first began to talk of the feasibility markable stories of his success ia farming, after he was twenty-fiv- e ; Imported Leamington sired Iroquois, his best son; the last year GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, twenty-five- . a railroad over the Sierra Nevada mountains, lie ignores phosphoric acid, ammonia, A Hltillt'ul Kurffieml Operation. II. J". Nolto, Propr. that he lived, at Among trotters may be mentioned Volunteer, the sire of which was afterwards consummated in the potash and other standard fertilizers, and St. Julien, who is thirty-on- e years old this spring, and is said to be as lively and vigorous St. Louis. Mo. 3 10 M completion of the Central Pacific, over which regards pure water, as a cure for every OPKX rOU A. M. TILL F. as he evtr was, and his young foals as promising as any that he ever got. Old llamble- was the controlling Supply of tonian died in March, 1876, aged tweuty-- vtn years, but tortd two foals the last daya of Mr. Huntington ill? Cole has constructed Manufacture and all kinds FIRST-CLAS- agricultural a S LIXCUKS. COFFEE, one of them, called llambietoman's last, made a of 2:25Vj spirit and financier. He.is still in active lake on top of a hill, and the water is con- his life, and trotting record the business life, expending his winters usually Hook. es, W11MS STEAMSHIP CO., past Beason, and the other one is said to be equally iss fast. ducted from thi3 by means of subter- Flat aurt Isabel Papers. TE1, S0U1 VFiTEB, QISLV.U. ILK, these facts before us, it is plain that the age of a has nothing to do with In. Washington, overlooking the interests of ranean pipes to the roots of his plants With hoic the control of It Hinders' lioard. his success as a sire. I think myself that there is a yr ut deal in the condition that a the several corporations with i3 said that the world never saw such Twines, Etc. is sys- (Uniiteu). Cigars horse ia kept, for an animal that well fed and cared for, with plenty of exercise, will Which he is still associated. His railroad plants as this system of irrigation pro- and Tobaccos one that is turned loose and never stabled or from San Francisco nearly to OF BEST BRANDS beget better foals than fed grain. tem extends duces. Strawberries the size of peaches, RICHARDSON, Venture is twenty-tw- o years old this spring, and with the caie that I intend to give Mexico, thnce across the desert and Texas and peas the size of frost grapes in pods W. G. Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from him, I expect him to sire better foals than he ever has before. He is a remarkably sure to New Orleans. He has finished his railroad six and seven inches long are among the RESIDENT AGENT, KINAU, breeder. Mr. Campbell assures me that he Iuh never bred a mare to him yet did STEAMER the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety that from Hampton roads to Memphis, and is results. 205 I,eIdesloriT Street. not produce a foal, and his many beautiful colts, now on Mr. C.'s ranch, are worth a lonfj thought to be the controlling spirit in the is objected that vegetables produced (King, Commander), OI QUALITY journey to see ; and now as he is to be kept so convenient to the general public, no one It Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. BKST new railroad from Memphis to New Orleans. by Mr. Cole's system will be lacking in Will leave Honolulu each Tuesday at 4 p. u. for owing a good mare should be so, blind to their own interest as to neglect the opportunity Therefore, he is the only American who con- substance, and of a coarse, watery flavor, Lahalna, Maalaea, Makeiia, Mahukona, Kawaihae, of obtaining his blood while they have the chance. Ial SMOKERS' trols a line from ocean to ocean." caused by too much acid and too little X. Atteutlou teiveu to "Laupahoehoe and llllo. Leaves Hllo Thursdays at ARTICIES. For any additional particulars apply at Punchbowl and Queen streets. 474 tttw noon, touching at the same ports on return, arriv- Presides all this he owns the American line sun, but there seems to be no doubt that tarjje Contracts. ing back Saturdays. 13. - of steamers from New York to New Orleans, great size can be attained by the products PASSENGER TRAIN from NiulU will have Lovers of BILLIARDS will find an Klegant C. MILKS, Proprietor- thirty vessels. His As vege- 1 Honolulu, April 10, 1885. tf consisting of about of this liberal irrigation. big NOTICE. each Friday at i M., to connect with the Kinau present residence is in . tables are in demand, and bring fine prices at Mahukona. ES CO. :iLL!i'D TABLE it is likely that many farmers will follow The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokaia and I AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL W.'K Paauhau on down trips for Passengers if a signal is on the'Premises. Senator from Virginia. Cole's methods. ON accounts will be rendered monthly instead made from the shore. of quarterly, as heretofore. Breathing Illuminating Gai. S. J. LEVET 4t CO. The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a cal I I Nr Honolulu, Feb. 2nd. 1385. 4!7 tf IS Scientific Journal. STEAMER LIKELIKE, om his Friends and the Public generally O O T T Injurious! tefCect produced by illu- The who desire a J minating gas is due, according to Grube's (Lorenzen, Commander), mar & A SMOKE, researches, not to the 'continuance of its Benson, Smith Co., Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 4 p. u. for M'XC'lf. OR A UAME OF action, but to its concentration, or the Kaunakakai, Kahului, K ali;ie. every other week: BILLIARDS. percentage of it in the air. It is asserted Huelo, Huna, Kipuhulu an. I Nun. Returning, will JO Hill NO AMIR ETA 1 1-.- stop at the above ports, arriving back Saturday that air containing five parts in 10,000 can mornings. be breathed by men and animals for For mails and passengers only. hours, and even days, without any in- jury to the health; from seven to eight THE CASINO parts in 10,000 cause indisposition; twenty DRUGGISTS. STEAMER LEHUA, AT PARU parts cause difficult breathiug, loss of THE . MA J power, and uncertainty of motion; with PROPRIETORS OK THE I iavi-s- Coin nutnden IS OPEN EVEHY DAY. twenty to forty parts drowsiness begins, Will leave regularly for Pauiihuii, Koholalcle, and, when there is still more carbonic ox- Ookala, Kukuiau, lloriohinu, Laupuhoeboe, Huka-la- u ide in the air, the poisoning is attended jVlaile and Onomea. KjTTbe only Ken-Mld- o Reort In the with violent symptoms; brain and spinal Cologne, H ntr1oiH. II. J. XOLTE, column are especially affected, cramps 1H AND ll. FORT STREET. :i6-t- f .. v - STEAMER KILAUEA HOU, '".'-.- 4' seize the victim, yet he may recover if mar27- - IS-tl- m I brought quickly into fresh air. Breathing air heavily charged with carbonic oxide I W isbarth. Commander). AVEKY & PALMEK, for a long time may likewise cause death. V.'iU leave regularly for same ports as the S. Commercial Lehua. General Btiftiuess aad HARRISON I.. RIDIJLKBERGER.- - The Chloral Habit and Life Insurance. Real Estate Aneul. Baltimore Underwriter. steameiTmokolii, Senator Riddler rger, who Las long been TRANCE COMPANY, Prompt Attention given to Collections. as one of the most fearless of men, The chloral habit is steadily on the in- Commander), At Old No. 8 known Offiee. Xo. 68 Fort Street, Honolulu. the Stand, Kaahumanu Street; Honolulu, considerable attention recently by crease, not only among sufferers from i, aracted Leaves Honolulu each Wednesday for Kaunaka-ka- 589 tf his speech in opposition to Senator Bayard's constant insomnia, but among persons OF CALIFORNIA. Kamalo, Pukoo, Moanui, Halawa, Wailau, resolution in the Ui lied States senate, express- subject to milder forms of nervous irrita- Pelektinu and Kalaupapa ; returning, leaves Pukoo IMlOKTKK ANK 1 K.W.I :l: FN All. 1IIK 1 A'l 1T IMIT.OVKH ing ''profound sorrow" at the attempt to de- tion, to tbe'strain and excitement of spec- Friday a. m. for Lahaiua ; leaves Lahaina Saturday venture or to the wear and for Piikoo, remaiainiu'g Sunday, and arriving at stroy by dynamite some of Great Britain's ulative tear Honolulu Monday evening. 0250 REWARD. p blic buildings. The senator is a Virginian, of late hours and fashionable dissipation. bat 39 years old; his served as an officer in This nepenthe is more seductive to atif The Company will not be responsible for REWARD OF Z50 WILL BK PAID FOR a,xicl army. Since the war he has people of refinement than the juice of the FIRE AND MARINE. any freight or packages unless receipted for, nor information that will lead to the arrest and Ganges, the confederate A Stoves of delegates, poppy; and habitual surrender to its dom- for personal baggage unless plainly marked. Not conviction of the party or partieii who, on the l.e?n four years in the house and resixiiisible tor money or jewelry unless placed in evening of the 23th Instant, tampered with the Urauite Iron Ware, I'lttin unil ; Kublicr Hose ; 3 opium four years in the stat-- striate. Besides the ination is harder to break than the charge of the l'urser. calling- wires of the Hawaiian Bell Telephone. habit To the usual questions in the ap- Tin 'Ware, of all kinds; (ialvaiiizcd Iron ami l.cud I'lpe; he has takeif in politics, he Stock, Ia-iu- prominent part All possible care will be taken of Live but GODFREY BROWS, Chandeliers ; Sln' t I und Copper ; 1870. edited newspapers. He plication for life insurance as to the use or Capital, paid in full $200,000 t Company will not assume any risk of accident. three the Bell p has, since President Hawaiian Telephone Company. ron-Ntoni- drinks, tobacco and Assets. December!:?!, 14 443,381 05 Lamps and Ijinterns ; I I)rin ripe. to the United States senate as a abuse of alcoholic organ-- hAM'L G. WILDER, President, 27 30-t- f was elected Losses paid since Company was March 30. 1S85. mar I'limps ; , s.-a-t scrutiny as to s. B. ROSE, Secretary. re&dji-ster- and took his Dec. 3, 1SS3. opium, may well be added ized 1,133,534 80 hydrate of chloral, for many persons who OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets. never use former would have to plead C. O. UERGER, Resident Agent, j 23--ly Mar Youkers StiUe-ma- i: They are going down the :, P. P. GKAY, M.D., to dinner. He: "May I sit on j our right guilty to more or less frequent recourse Ollice No. 24 Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. ) fcandr She: "Oh, better take a chair." He to the latter. PHYSICIAN AND SIRtiEOX, tkaaone. Drifted Snow Flour. Office to IIONOLLXU LIBRARY, A vain man's motto is: " Win gold and "ITrANTED, BY A YOUNO GENTLEMAN next door the Plumbing, Tin, Copper luid Sheet Iron Work, y having been some years in the Government (ROLLER PROCESS.) wear it;" a generous man's: "Win gold Tax Otlice, also in the General Banking and Mer- - ' ' 9 10 The Orange Trade. and share it; a miser's: Win gold and cantile Business in England, and having left on LEASED THE SALINAS MILLS, to A.M. ALT. TK1 TO. HAVING OyriOE 2 4 OF KINIs, ATTEN One of the uncertainties in the Florida spare it;" a profligate's: ' Win gold and account f health, a position where bis service now prepared to supply, in quantities Hours: to P.M. ami some money, if agreeable to both parties. i suit, all orders, with the celebrated family 7 to 8 P.M. in the fact that the " 11 orange trade consists spend it;" a broker's: Win gold and lend win secure mm an interest. Flour, DRIFTED SNOW, and also the A No. 1 Sundays 9 to A.M. as soon as it matures V add all fruit must be sold it;" a fool's: in gold and end it; "a Address, appointing interview, bakers' brand, RI SI NO SUN. Please resi HEIDEXCT Cor. Kinau and Peosacola Sta. stored, like the apple and gambler's: "Win gold and lose a wisa ERNEST CLIFTON, orders to C. L. DINOLEY, A Variety cf House Furnishtn? Goods, too numerous to mention. ap2 37-o- cl It cannot be it;" mB24-7-3- 13 531 myir 7 2 Fest Office, Honolulu, H. I. Ne Bteuart St., San Francisco. pe&r, for future use. man's: "Win gold and use it "