1 .. If 1 : i 1 If WW - VOL. III.--N- O. 311. HONOLULU. HxVWAILVNclSLANDS, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1885. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY A LANGUID LORD. Susitttss (Cards. Pacific Commercial Advertiser A NOBLEMAN WITH POETIC FACE CONOVER BROS'. AND M. THOMPSON, S. L. STANLEY. JOHN" SPBUANXK. DUDISH LEGS. , 0. J. WALLER, PETER DALT0N-- TiaORNEY-AT-LA- and solicitor in IS PUBLISHED Chancery. Office Campbell s Block, second Spruauce, Stanley & Co., PIANOS, "Gumboil" In New York How Ml FortAf story,j. rooms 8 and 9. Entrance on Merchant 4l7-ap6-- tf Importers and Jobbers of Fine Every Morning Except Sundays. cue's Love Letters Were Identified street, Honolulu, II. I. BUTCHERi 105 EAST 14TH ST., NEW YORK. The Lord a "Maher" of the ISTo. 91 Kino: St. WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, TO TIIE FRONT. English Type. Once more solicits the patronage and support of 410 Front St.. San Franelseo. SUBSCRIPTIONS : those w bo for twenty years knew and MACFARLANE & C0-- , 473 tf w A GREAT BOON TO THE j Daily P. C. Advertiser, one year..... $G 00 Daily P. c. advertiser, six months 3 00 BlakeJy Hall in Brooklyn Eagle. dealt with hlru D KALE It AM (JKV Item Daily P. C. Advertiser, three months. 1 50 Lord Garmoyle, who is now floating WHOLESALE in WINKS nri't LIQUOU. ! j Daily P. C. Advertiser, par month SO about town with an air of melancholy Honolulu Public Weekly P. C Advertiser, one year 0 00 Plain Talk Pays Always. o. 12 Kaahiunauii Street. - -- languor, the face of a poet, the . Lending Foreign Subscription, W. P. C. A. (including- --. hs legs of HOXOLKLT-- 375-t- f Tho Fashionable Tailors postage; 6 50 a dude, and the manners of a much bored ' OF SA" I'IIAC'IS1'0. Beer, Veal, Mutton. Pork and Flh and sought Bell-Colema- J'ayable Invariably in Advance. alter, nobleman. When I say kept for FOL'R HAYS after belny killed, by that his face is poetic, I mean that he has H. HACKFELD & CO., No. to'lO Maikft St., Opposite Palace Hotel. a high forehead, big eyes and a melan-- Peter has for many ytars worked for ami en- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guaran- Having already a large trade with Honolulu, they BRILLIANTS. choly droop of the mouth, which accon: deavored to please every class of the community C L'XKIt AL COMMISSION AtiKXTS. teed to keep longer after delivery than with the traditional ideas of what a T Mitf wneen St., Honolulu, 11. 1. respectfully solicit further Island patronage, and poet's from the highest in the land down to the humblest are prepared to complete orders at one day's no- it Tig more brave face should be like. There is a suspicion tice. lVrfect satisfaction guaranteed, and tiie FRESH KILLEO HEATS. of working can say durins; the classes, and he that V. BANNING. W. ! iinest of latest goods constantly on hand. -- To Jive than to die. caving at the back of his lordship's head, MAKHTfcNb. OITKUWKl.T stork To be had in auy of Mr. Waller's Markets. tO wan Meredith. and his long legs are indubitably weak. time he never made an enemy or lost a cus- 4'U tfifcw that ! As ho dresses W the very height of dudish El). HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., The most artistic Upt ltfht Pianos ever produced, Lore, dear girl, is very fleet; tomer. Now he hus again put his hand to tiie - Market, fashion, hi3 appearance invariably at- ters A CoMiraistloii 9Ierhaut. Metropolitan both for quality of tone and wonderful and elastic Soon he'll be before your feet; plow , is as well and willing to give honest 11. ' 3i-- tf JOHN UTSCHIG, f tracts attention. He stands, at least six-fe- et and able 1iuior Street, Honolulu, I. On KiuK Street. actions. The coming upright pianos of the world. : Give the little wretch a start, v. He'll go faster than your heart; two inches in height, and is as thin a work, good material, and tair value for money . Fashionable Boot 3Iaker, MEAT FOR SALE ALL DA V. Send for Illustrated catalogue," iesorlpllon' and Yet, though beaten, when 't is done, man as one would care to see. Miss For- - ever yet was done iu the Hawaiian Islands. Ha A. S. CLEGH0RN & Co., prices to Tis the sweetest race you've run. tescue, to whom hi3 father paid $50,000 No. 3-- (i Hush fet., N;m Francisco, C'al. always on hand und Wholesale audi Retail Gath. in London a short time ago, on condition , Importer ' City Market. that she wofald release the precocious ' Will fill orders in his line at the shortest possible F. H'. SPENCER 0., There's always a river to cross. Single and Double llarne, General Merchandise, notice. Planters will find it te their advantage to On Hfuuann SI. Always an effort to make, young lord from his engagement to marry call on MR. UlssCHIG before going elsewhere. Pacific Agents, ! Coast 1 ':. lean, KxproH Corner Queen 3 !i- -t ' If there's anything good to win, her, is also and lank. The whole Harness, and Kuahuinunu Sts. ?t tf&w Any rich prize to take; world was interested in the suit for a time Plantation Market. 23 and 25 Fifth Street. SAN FRANCISCO. Yonder'a. we and then it suddenly dropped sight HariM', M. & Co., w OKO. WOOD. Hotel Street the fruit crave, out of Whip, PHILLIPS hinoli:y. OtttIotel Street. 75tfw Yonder the charming scene; on payment of the damages, only to be lnr. ami Wholesale Dealers lu ; Importers But deep and wide, with a troubled tide, recalled by the presence of the young Lo OiamoiH, ponsre, Jtoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish J. W. HINGLEY & CO. la the river that lies between. thario litre. lun and Fancy Goods. So. 11 Kaahumaiiu Ktrcet IlruIie. Honolulu, 11. Witf-wt- f Manufacturers of Anon. most amusing of the whole. m I. ureka Zlarket. The feature Tor trial, and one which I believe has not re- - j Anil everj ililnjy requisite the At Fish Market. Why Country Lads Succeed. : ; :' HAVANA OIGAKS, 65,000 of Lilian Whiting's Letter. ceived much publicity, was the beautiful Stable. S. J. LEVEY & CO., Kot letters witn exalted sentiments and well J . i; , One great source of culture in the coun . .,. U "' u Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hawaiian Market. f rounded periods, which Miss , and Provision - Fortescue. v T m , J.roeers JH'aler. .!.. try are the evenings, and it is not irapos- was Sa,uie tloths' f V 7 VX Family Grocery and Feed More. On Mauuakea St. whose real name Finney, wrote ti Orders entrusted to us from the island will Galvanized Iron Pipe siDie mucji 01 the success m i Vlmthel.ua not got he can make. other & inai the loVOT, Who Was popularly known al be promptly to. 5a Tobacco. Cigarettes Smoiers'Articles life has attended boys, country aao myvua&w attended Fort St., Honolulu Market, that 3i7tf-vi- GumbbiL was discovered, ; f Chinese bred, oppor- It after the -r A born and with limited early trial was all over and the money paid ovei ! tiiv oi;r On Meek Street. tunities, is largely due to the fact that ! to the mercenary plaintiff, every one , BEEF AND PORK. and evenings were devoted to intellectual cul- that . JOHN RUSSELL Home ITittins of these letters was copied from an old II W 4 II V MTV W Manufactured Cigars. ture. The isolation of a country home . Vt 1. 114 and IS Inch. ttorney so-lic- covered ' book, which flourished in UA U llUlLiL at Lai. I it leads to this far more than the homes in paper lllru OldULLO, Xo, 39 Fort St.. in Campbell's New the public for past favors. England several years, ago under the title a continuation of the same. "a city, "where entertainments and amuse- to " lit- No. 41 M KUCHA NT STREET, NEAR FORT ST Fireproor Dmldlugr, . and 'o. ments "How Write Love Letters. This (Cor. Hotel and Kichard Streets, Honolulu. H. I. 397 tf O. J. WALLER. 'of all kinds from the dime museum tle book was sold for G pence at the news 7H Hotel Steeet. For sale, at very low figures, by to the opera, or from the skat- stands when it first came out, but it had 410-w- tf lec- Royal Hotel, CLAl'H shKltCKkl.; M. U. IHVI.1. HONOLULU, H.I. ing rink to a Lowell institute grown rare at the date of the beginning Opposite Hawaiian . A. ture, attract the family to out- of the trial, and the source of beautiful JAS, IIOPPKR. side festivities. the quiet evening the WM. G. IRWIN & Co., ONTARIO" In fact letters which Miss Finney wrote to Gum-bol- l at home Is almost unknown in city life. Wish to notify the public that they are prepared FRANK GERTZ, remained a mystery until a newspaper ' - FACTORS anil 4'OIUDliMNloil to furnish SI tail 11. 3tM-tfM'- Through all grades of society through man, who was rummaging among AUfcNiS. Honolulu, 1. the circles of culture, fashion, middle tho BUGGIES,- - Importer and. Manufacturer Jj &. books at an old London shop, suddenly NEVIL.L.E CO., 1 class or lower life runs this tendency to v? -. of found a number of sentences on one of the ' J . 4.VON- J. I.KTKV. Of all Descriptions i such evening entertainment outsida the 'ages which struck him as being familiar, PHAETONS, SOLE AUENTS. EUEEKA home. I fe bought the book, compared it with the fc j SAN FRANCISCO In fact, to an increasing number of Finney 4etters and the result was a com1 WAGONETTES, ETC.
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