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THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, SUN DAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1900. 3 I.ast Days of Pompeii, Bulwer. me until tomorrow morning to think it Last of the Barons, Buhver. over,’’ and the next day brought in Esmond, Thackeray. WOMAN sketches of machinery for making caps The Virginians, Thackeray. which was manufactured and used by the Fairy Land Science, Buckley. IS LIKEA DEUCATE Confederates through the war. Literary Notes. *'*"**' BJllek Beauty, Seawell. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Col. Brooke is now 79 years old, but is King of\the still vigorous and walks from his resi- • Golden River, Ruskin. In good condition she is sweet and lovable, 111 El ¦ H dence on the outskirts of the city the FREE MOVING LIBRARIES. Evans’ History of Georgia. and life’s song on a joyful harmonious to post office at the same hour every morn- of Robinson Crusoe, DeFoe. string. Out of order or unstrung, there is Mr. Hoke Smith, the first citizen ing. He is so regular that the people plan Little Lord Fauntleroy, Burnett. discordance and unhappiness. Just as there can Georgia, has started in Georgia a set their watches by his by Young Marooners, Goulding. one key note all key appearance. UAo is to music is one 1 to adopted so Os education that ought, he there - ... I.Unlfl Mill on the Floss, Eliot. ’’’ I For Infants and Children. in other note to health. A woman might as well try MNNSNMNNMNNMNMSNMMNMMSNNNtMNMMMMNNMNNMNMNNNMMMMMMN public-spirited of means Iloniola, In a recent issue of the New York I Journal tells about Eliot. to fly without wings as to feel well and look States. The Atlanta Swiss Family Robinsrtn, Wyss. World, in an article on “Babists,” a new it thus: well while the organs that make her a woman Little Alcott. Oriental sect, the statement was made 1 hrough' a generous gift of Hon* Hoke Mon, are weak or diseased. She must be healthy Women, Alcott. or that Miss Lilian Whiting, the author of Kind Have the land Little Inside she There The Smith the best literature of has can’t be healthy outside. iYou. “The World of the country Peasant and Prince, Martineau. are of silently all Beautiful,” is a believer in n, the hands thousands women suffering fASTORIA 4 been placed in “Babism,” and to ‘,A f French Revolution, Carlyle. one of the latest re- school children in sixteen counties of over the country. Mistaken modesty urges A With Clive in India, Henty. turn from Syria. As the publishers of Bought their While there nothing more Always# and a started that silence. is J Georgia, movement Scottish Chiefs, Miss Whiting’s books, Messrs. Little, give every rural child in the State a Porter. admirable than a modest woman, health is ! AVegetable Preparatumfor As- t| will Last of the Mohicans, Cooper. Brown & Co., desire to state that this con- __ - part ownership in libraries made up of of the first importance. Every other similating the Food andßegula- 1 . M Surry of Eagle’s Nest, Cooke. assertion is absolutely ungrounded. Miss I some of the world's greatest books. sideration should give way before it. Brad- and Bowels of Rugby, Hughes. Whiting had even heard the name \ ling the Stomachs |: JjQQjg magnificent contribution to the Tom Brown at field’s Female Regulator is a medicine for never tJIC f I This Pilgrim's Progress, Bunyan. of ‘Babisin” until her return from Paris, educational facilities of the State has women’s ills. It is ,-, *• Hiawatha and Evangeline, Longfellow. and she has never been to Egypt or Syria, just been made by Mr. Smith. He has thesafestandquick- Idyls of the King, Tennyson. but divided last winter between P.ome sent to each of sixteen counties an ele- est way to cure ieu- ciyfljki \ Signature //[ Homer’s Iliad, Pope’s Translation -. \ and Florence. She was born and bred I u gant library of sixty selected volumes. corrhea, falling of ffljgn M Les Miserables, Hugo. in the Episcopal Communion, to whose Promotes Digeslion.CheerPuL- !j| why These libraries are to be Itinerants. They the womb, nervous- \ The itinerant library is jßjUi faith she is unfalteringly allied. ness and Rest. Contains neither j!!;,; ¦ will travel into every part of the counties movement an ness, headache, 3 f- JFV experiment by Mr. Smith. He OpiunuMorplune nor Mineral, UL and stop a month or two at every school- hopes that j flirl1/ the school officials in the sixteen | | j THE BAYADERE. i house. In this way every child will be coun- NotN,uicotic. 1 llWiy ties will recognize the great value of li- weird temples, where the given an opportunity to read many of the ’Neath strange, braries to the facilities of 3ixty books of each library. educational Ganges’ tide counties and add books sixty watched, by Each library is strongly boxed in a their to the Bathes domed Lahore, I J&cipe as Old LrSAMUELPITCHKR j| in the Smith library. Mr. Smith spice-trees hopes fanned ~ 11^1$ beautiful bookcase built for hard travel- Seed* , B H that it will not be long before every Her agile form in some quaint saraband. Mx.Sama * 1 . | ing. The cases were made especially for Ij B county in Georgia has a large traveling A marvel of passionate chastity and Horhelle Satis J a I SB Mr. Smith and are his own invention. I A % library to circulate among the school chil- Jtnisr Seetl *¦ A M Each school superintendent will have pride. Jbpfiertnml - ) :LIj f\ A Ms dren. + ¦¦¦ charge of the library in bis county and Jit CarbonabSoia, J ill 111 to the superb and leopard- %jw- I 1 11 will direct where it shall go. also how Nude loins, Clarified Sugar 1 I JL/ftW ¦¦ long It shall stay at each school. Mr. EUGENE NORTON. A Novel. By eyed. Wnteyrren Flavor. / iW I II A idea have library Anno Shannon Monroe. With fragrant roses in her jeweled Q Smith’s is to a remain Cloth, 12mo. WWU at one place for from one to two months, Price $1.25. Rand, McNally & Co., Chi- hand AperfeclßemedyforConstipa I! I U ,(¥ or as long as the school superintendent cago and New York. Before some kaat-drunk Rajah, mute Ron, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea ft I fir may think it in order that ev- This is a piece of charming and grand. advisable heart- Worms .Feverish- I . Her body bends, white .Convulsions P AI IIham ery school child may enjoy the unusual biography, and well worth reading. flexile her feet ness and Loss of Sleep. I advantages afforded hy the hooks. Os Catharine Musgrave has developed all glide. I Uljk UVul course, it will take some time for a li- the amiable features in her mother’s Facsimile Signature oF brary ito make the rounds of all the character without her timidity; and all The dull ldnoors throb one monotonous |A| schools in a county, but great good will the mental strength of her Scotch father tune. be accomplished all the time where the without his disposition to tyrannize. And wail with zeal as in a hasheesh located. trance; Thirty Years books are Catharine comes upon the scene in RFGUI UOR Her eyes in vague, ecstatic Hoke Smith was born on a farm and Berlin, on the concert platform, where CO. jf scintillant he knows just what is needed to develop she has been placed by her German nlßif charm Orient country music teacher. Possessing a fine voire, Burn like black stars below the the brains and characters of the the Northern or the Southern point of boys and girls. His birthplace makes and thoroughly trained, she is, neverthe- moon, view, have written with candor and good While the suave, dreamy languor of the pMOTfIDIA him feel akin to all those who till the less, about to collapse through stage temper. It is true that one of them Con- COPY OF WRAPPER. soil or who live near to nature in rural fright* The accompanist begins the pre- dance. EXACT B1 jjlfg 11 111 Ml fesses that ’’Reconstruction is still revo- Lulls the grim, drowsy cobra on her homes. He came away from the country lude but the singer cannot make a sound; it iff lutionary matter. Those who delve in it arm. THE CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK CITY. find a banked fire; still hot and fiery with- —Francis D. Saltus. in, for all it has lain under the ashes a whole generation; anil a thing to take THE ARMY OF HEALTH. fire from.” G But without some such examination of The Army in The Philippines Insignifi- the conditions under which the Southern cant Compared With This One. ESTABLISHED 1865. States were readmitted to the Union, it If all the people in the United States, is impossible to form a clear opinion of Canada and Great Britain who make dai- the most significant of our internal prob- ly use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets could lems of the coming decade, namely, the be assembled together it would make an movement for the disfranchisement of the army that would outnumber our array FERTILIZERS!! Southern negro. of one hundred thousand by at least five to one. Little, Brown and Company have in Men and women, who are broken down by health, only part of the & press ‘‘The Spiritual Significance,” in are a thou ALLISON ADDISON Lilian Whiting, author of the three series sands who use this popular preparation, of “The World Beautiful.” The argu- the greater number are people who are ment presented in those volumes is con- in fair health but who know that the MANUFACTURERS, tinued in a plea that the future life is way to keep well is to keep the digestion the continuation and development of our perfect and use Stuart’s Tablets as reg- pow- ularly as meal time comes to insure good present life in all its faculties and - - - ers, and that a truer knowledge of the digestion and proper assimilation of food.