The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library

Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions)







For the Year 1902.







1901 and 1902.

Transmitted to the Legislature, January, I903.





PAGE Organization ...... 2 Report ...... 5 Growth ...... 5 Traveling library ...... 5 Use by study clubs, etc ...... 6 Exchanges and distribution of documents ...... 7 Permanent acquisition ...... 8 Room needed ...... 8 Clerk hire ...... 9 How to organize and establish a free library ...... IO How to obtain a traveling library ...... II Directory of Ebraries of Maine ...... 12-15 Libraries and population, by counties ...... 16 Executive departments, offices and bureaus ...... 17-22 Additions to library: Books purchased ...... 23-71 Exchanges ...... 72-127 Donations ...... 128-152 U. S. documents ...... 153-182 Traveling libraries. 1901-2 ...... 183-224 Summary ...... 224 Directory of Woman's Federation Clubs ...... 225 Towns drawing money for free libraries ...... 234 Financial statements ...... 235-237 Bowdoin College library, sketch oi ...... 238 Lawrence library, sketch of ...... 240





To the Honorable Senate and H ()ttse of Representatives of the State of Maine: In obedience to the requirements of the laws of the State, it becomes my duty and pleasure to lay before you a report of the Maine State Library for the years 1901-1902.

GROWTH 011 THE LIBRARY. It seems fitting and proper at this time to lay before you such facts concerning the State Library as may enable you to under­ stand and fully realize its true condition and immediate needs and wants, and to comprehend more fully the extent and value of its educational work to the people of Maine. The rapidity with which the library has been extended and developed, in all its departments, during the last two years is little known by any one outside its walls, and is scarcely realized and comprehended even by those who carry on its work. Even at this time, in reviewing the work of the last two years, I have been startled and surprised beyond measure at the rapid growth of the library.

THE 1'RAVE;LIN"G LIBRARY. The section of our work which is evidc'ntly of the most interest to the public, though not most valuable and enduring, is that connected with the traveling libraries. vVhen the last Legis­ lature met there were 40 of these libraries containing 50 books each, or a total of 2,000 volumes. There are now 80 of these libraries in active use, or 4,000 volnmes. These books afford entertainment and instruction to about 60,000 readers annually, as indicated by recorcls returned to this office. Their use is increasing in the small towns, neig·hborhoods, and even in the lumber camps of Northern Maine. They are sought after by 6 c-IAIKE S'l'ATE LIBRARY. high schools, and prove very helpful to study clubs and granges. They snpplement the efforts of the local libraries in their attempt to give complete and satisfactory service to outlying districts of the several towns. Connected with the travelin§~ library is the loaning of single volumes on payment of transportation, to individuals all over the State. A~ a matter of fact, about one-half of the books of the Maine State Library are loaned out on call whenever requested. Our local history, reference books, and rare works are not permitted to leave the library, except upon an extraordi­ nary occasion. In most states, I see that the traveling library is administered by a commission, entirely independent of the State Library, but we believe that the work can be clone here at less than one-half the cost elsewhere, as we have all the facilities and are in close touch with the free libraries, and all other organizations through­ out the State.

USE BY STUDY CLUBS AND LITERARY ASSOCIATIONS. In this State there are 325 granges with a total membership of 34,000 people; 105 clubs of the Women's Federation, with a membership of 5,000. Our high schools, academies, colleges, and small libraries represent 500 organizations, containing not less than 30,000. All together there are over 1,000 clubs and associations in the State, representing nearly 75,000 readers each of whom has a free and equal right to demand the use of these traveling· libraries, or of any single volume that can be safely loaned from the library. vVhen we reflect upon these facts, and consider the tendency of all classes of persons and institutions to rely on the good offices of the State to supply their wants, there can be little doubt in our minds that this branch of the State Library is destined to sustain an almost unlimited growth and expansion, and it will be easily apparent to any one who has observed with any degree of care the growth of the loaning department of the library, that the facilities in this depart­ ment will have to be increased roo per cent within the next two years to meet the growing demand of the people. If the Legis­ lature shall consider it wise and just to place limitation upon the use of the State library in educating the people, and shall restrict within a narrow limit the books that may be loaned, and the LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 7

number of traveling libraries that may be sent out to the people, this growing demand upon the time, labors, and resources of the library may be checked and retarded, but I believe that the time is near at hand ,vhen the State mil be called 11pon to furnish every citizen at his home with good reading. This work will have to be undertaken and carried on by the State Library, acting in co-operation ,Yith tht:· Libr~try Commission and the free libra­ ries and literary organizations above mentioned.

THE EX:CHAKGE DltPARTMEN1'. It is not alone in this section of the library work that the department has been largely in(:reased. The exchange of public documents and reports has nearlv doubled since January, 1900. Exchanges have been effected in twelve leading states, whereby Bowdoin College, the University of Maine and the Maine His­ torical Society receive the pnblications of these states, free, in exchange for hke publications sent from this department. Exchanges have also been made with the provinces of , Germany, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and with the leading universities throughout our own country.

DISTRIBUTION OF DOCUMENTS. The distribution of documents has been largely increased and to some extent reduced to a system. Over 200 libraries and other institutions of this State are now receiving regularly every pub­ lication issued. The l\Iaine Historical publications are now placed in these local libraries where they cannot fail to create an interest in the study of the history of Maine, and of her resources and unrivaled beauty. Owing to the large increase in the exchanges it will be necessary to ask the Legislature to set apart for the use of the library an increased number of each publication. Not less than JOO copies of each report should be received for the library, instead of one-half that number now reserved for exchange and distribution. Eig·ht thousand packages have been sent out by express since the last Legislature adjourned, and an equal number of letters and parcels have been transmitted through the mail. Between 40,000 and 50,000 books and pamphlets are distributed annually from this department. 8 MAINE S'l'A~'E LIBRARY.

PER.MANEN'I' .ACQUISITION. The library has grown very rapidly in the permanent acquisi­ tion of books and other works suited to historical study and in its law section. During the past t,vo years there have been added to the library by purchase, 3,190 books; by exchange, 3,36o; by donation, 933 books; by donation from the , r,932 volumes, making a total of 9,415. "\1/hen we add to this amount over 2,000 volumes which have been purchased for use in the traveling libraries, we have a total of over rr,415 books and pamphlets which have been added to the State Library within the past two years. The library now has on its shelves over 18,000 law reports, law journals, digests and statutes, embracing decisions of every court in the United States, Canada, England, Ireland, arn.l Scotland. The reports of and India will complete the decisions of nearly every court in the world which are printed in the English language. The library is now receiving the historical collections of every State and national association devoted to that subject. Many town his­ tories and family histories have been added within the past two years. These have proved very helpful to a rapidly increasing number of students who devote many days and months to the study of these books here at the library. There is not a library east of so fully and completely equipped for the gene­ alogist, historical stndent, the lawyer, and the man of affairs, as is the State Library of Maine.

MORE ROOM NEEDED. With all these valuable collections for the use of our citizens, and in constant use by them, there is not to be found in the library a single room or any adequate space where any one can sit down and consult these books with anv degree of satisfaction . , and without interruption and inconvenience. Every inch of space in the present library where a book can be stored is now occupied. Every inch of shelving is now full to repletion. Every store room outside the library proper is crowded. Under the laws enacted within the past ten years the doors of this library have been flung wide open to all the people. Every citi­ zen has a right to call upon the officers for a single volume or for a traveling library. Every citizen has a right to come to this department and have its treasures placed before him for LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 9 investigation and study. Every citizen has a right to send his questions here for answers. It is well known that the people never give up a right or a valuable privilege once granted to them, but they proceed to increase the privilege and to enhance the powers contained in the original grant. To meet their wants and demands it will be absolutely necessary to double the travel­ ing libraries in the coming two years, and to give the State Library additional rooms in which to transact business and in which to store its rapidly increasing vol11mes.

ADDITIONJ\I, CLERK HIRE. It will also be necessary to supply money to properly remu­ nerate the present corps of assistants and for the employment of two additional clerks beside the assistant librarian and cata­ loguer, now worked beyond the limit of reason. There should be a sufficient number of clerks to carry on the library work faithfully and promptly. The State Library bejpngs tn the people : it is administered in their interest and for their benefit ; it should be suited to their convenience. There shonlct be one or more rooms for study and research for the lawyer and student, and ample space for the storage of books. \re need at once storage room for 10,000 volumes, which will come t8 the library during the next two years. Should the Legislature, in its wisdom, see fit to authorize the erection of a building for library pu,poses, it should be capable of holding 200,000 volumes, which will be collected within this library within the next fifteen yf'ars. Such building should con­ tain in addition to its storage rooms, rooms for study and refer­ ence. It should be constrnctecl for use, and not for the display of artistic fancies. I believe the people and the Legislat11re, if they rightly under­ stood the wants and needs of the library, wonlcl be ready to anthorize such expenditure. A statement of the expenditures of this department will be found on the closing pages of this report. L. D. CARVER, State Librarian. AcGUSTA, MAINE, December 20, 1902. IO :MAINE STATE LIDRARY,


To whom it 1tw31 concern: You ask for advice as to the best method to pursue in order to establish a Free Library in your town. As the conditions in all places are not the same, I can only ventt1re to give you a general outliIIe of procedure. You should first organize a library association un

There are many other suggestions that could be made respect­ ing minor matters that will naturally suggest themselves to your mind as you enter upon this work. The importance of uniting all the different literary societies in your town in support of the library movement should be among your first thoughts. The school, the church, and the women's clubs can be made strong and efficient allies in carrying on your unselfish work. The State Library can contribute much, and when your town is ready to take the library and make it free, the State will give books to the value of one hundred dollars and cash to the amount of ten per cent of the sum the town may raise and appropriate for the support of the library. Whenever or wherever a library association is formed and established, it is of great importance that immediate notice be given to the State Librarian. As secretary of the Maine Library' Commission, he is ready both to furnish printed matter respect­ ing approved methods of library organization, and to visit such places, giving timely aid which will be of most value in the earlier and more difficult period of the library's development.


DEAR Sm: Please procure the signatures of five citizens of your town to the enclosed application and return the same to me with a check or P. 0. order for $2.50. On the receipt of the application and money, I will send, as you ;nay direct? a traveling library of fifty books for the use of your citizens during the next six months. These books are care­ fully selected by the }\faine Library Commission. Each library is made np of works on history, biography, travels, moralsi science, natural history, ancl about thirty volumes of recent fiction. The fee you pay is barely sufficient to meet the cost of trans- . purtation, \\ hich the State undertakes to pay both to and from your place. Enclosed find list of libraries now on hand. Please indicate your first, second, and third choice out of these. It is very important that you should keep a strict and accurate record of all books loaned and of the names of all borrowers. It is also quite as desirable that you should return the library to us promptly at the end of six months. ·

1 Applications from a ,free librar3 , may be signed by the librarian alone or by one of the directors thereof. STATE LIER.ARIAN, Augusta, Maine. ... tv DIRECTORY OF THE PRINCIPAL LIBRARIES IN MAINE.

Name of Library. Place. Librarian. j Free or Subscription.

Alfred Rea

T1leological Serninary ...... < ••••• Bangor ...... Mis8 Carrie S111ythe Green ...... 1!",ree. :,.. Patten Free Library ...... Bath ...... Miss ,1 argaret It. Foote ...... ~'ree. Belfast Free Library ...... Belfast...... Miss Elizabeth M. Pond ...... Free. z Benton J:ublic Library ...... Benton ...... i\liss J,ucyCrosby ...... Subscription. M Bethel Lihrary ...... , ...... Bethel...... Mrs. Lissa C. Barker ...... Subscripti~. U1 llirldeforrary...... Canaan ...... Nornw.n ~J. Rawding ...... Subscription. 6~:~1~>e0 ~~~~itrt:·rrY :: :: . : : : : :::::.: ·:: :: :: :: : 8:~lt~~-.::::::: :: .: ~::: :·.::. ~~·}:·1:~~)i<0e·:::: ~:: ·::::::::.::::::: :: ::: :::: :: : . : : : :~:::

Lawrence Library ...... 1B'airfieh\...... Miss B'rances Kenrick ...... Subscription. Farn1ington Public Library Assochltion ...... lfarnlin~ton ...... F'lora A. Brooks...... , ...... Subscription. ~•ort B'airfield Public Lillmry...... B'ort B'a1rfiern ...... Ulrnrles E. Hoit, ,Jr...... Free. 'l1hompson F'ree Library ...... Foxcroft and Dover ..... ,.... Free. Freeport Library Association ...... Freeport...... Will 0. Hersey ...... Subsc1iption. G-a1·t1iner Public Library ...... , ...... Gar<'hner ...... ~{r~. }Jlizabeth Curtis ...... Free. Gorharn Library Association ...... Gorll:u11,...... :\Ii8s Hattie M. Files ...... , ...... Subscription. t"' Prospect Harbor Library ...... Gouhlsllornugh ...... Miss Alice M. Cole ...... Subscription. H Grafton Library Association ...... ~n-tfton ...... I :\Irs_. Ang·eJa M. ~.,arrar ...... Free. 1:::1 Hubbard Free Library...... Hallowell...... Miss Annie F. !'age ...... Free. t;: Pie rec Library ...... Hanover ...... -1 :\In.;. Viola J. Hussell ...... ·...... Free. Hnrtland Acadeiny ]tree Library ...... Tlartlan ff1r11111 ..•.••..•...•••..•••.. 1 z_ Houlton Public Libmry ...... Houlton ...... Miss Hortense :llillPr ...... Free. U) nicker Classical lnstitutc Lillnuy ...... Houlton ...... Miss Lnc1't II. Morrill ...... , ...... · ... B'ree. 7-l Free Public Library ...... Islarnl ~·ans ...... 8. ~•- l>olloff ...... Free. I'l B'ree Public Library ...... Islesboro ...... Miss Alice L. Pendleton ...... J<'ree. "O ,Jonesport Free Library , ...... Jonesport ...... Mrs. D. D. Kelley ...... Free. 0 Kendusluiag Public Library ...... Kendu~keag ...... Miss Annie Edgerly...... Free. Kennebunk ~'ree Library Association ...... Kennebunk ...... Miss },jl]a A. Clark ...... Free. ; Ternperitnce Free Library ...... \tVest Kennebunk ...... :Hiss h:dith L. Caine ...... Subscription. Talbot Free Library ...... , ...... Kennebunkport ...... , ... .Mrs . .Annie Peabody Brooks ...... Free. Rice Public Library...... Kittery...... Mr.s. Abbie A. P. Goodsoe ...... Free. Lebanon Public Library ...... Lebanon ...... George R. Cate, l\1. D ...... Free. Free Public Library ...... Lewiston ...... Miss Mary A. Little ...... Free. Manufacturers' and Mechanic1:1' Library Ass'n Le,viston...... Miss Mary A. Little...... Subscription. Bates College Library ...... Lewiston ...... Miss C11roline A. Woodman ...... Subscription. Cobb Divinity School Library ...... ,, ...... Lewiston...... Prof. Herbert R. Purington ...... Subscription. Franklin Library ...... Limerick...... Miss Ethel Edna Brown ...... Subscription. Lincoln Library...... Lincoln ...... l~liza C. Clark ...... Subscription. Washburn Memorial Library ...... Livern1ore ...... l\lrs. Nettie R. Berry ...... Free. Woman's Libnuy Club ...... Lovell ...... Miss 1'mily Irish ...... Subscription. Porter l\lemori,il Library Association ...... Machias ...... llliss Mary O. Longfellow ...... Free. l\ladison Public Library...... Madison ...... Charles Oliver Small ...... , ..... , .. .. Subscription. J,'ree Public Library ...... Mechanic Falls...... Mrs. Lizzie Jewett Butler ...... Free. H Sbaw Library ...... lllercer ...... llliss Pboobe Quinby...... •• •. ....•.•. •. . Free. w +. DIRECTORY OF THE PRINCIPAL LIBRARIES IN MAINE-Concluded.

Name of Library. Place. Librarian. / Free or Subscription. I Milbriclge Public Library ...... Milbridge ...... Miss Mae E. Smith .....••...... Subscription. Cunu,ton Public Lil)rary ... , ...... Monrnouth ...... ~tis~ Caroline U. Pierce ...... fl'ree. :S.ortliea,t Harbor Library ...... Mt. Desert ...... )liss L. Belle Smallidge ...... Subscription. Seal Harbor Library...... • .. . •. . . Mt. Desert ...... Mis• Cora A .•Jordan ...... ~'ree. Somesville Public Library ...... Mt. Desert ...... )!rs. Emma H. Keniston ...... Subscription. New Gloucester Public Library ...... New Gloucester ...... Miss Helen A. Moseley ...... •...... Free. New Sharon Lilirary ...... New Sharon ...... Nellie C. Neal ...... ~·ree. Newport Puhlie Library ...... Newport ...... Miss Isabel Dyer ...... •...... ~'ree. ~ Norridgewock ...... , .. ;::; Hamilton Pl:tce Library ...... North Yarmouth ...... B. P. Snow ...... Subscription. Norway PuiJlic Library...... N"'" W. C. T. U. ~'ree Public Library ..•...... Orono ...... , Mrs. A

.... Ul 16 MAINE STA'l'E LlilRARY.

COUNTY LAW LIBRARIES. Androscoggin ...... Auburn. Aroostook ...... Houlton. Cumberland ...... Portland. Franklin.· ...... Farmington. Hancock ...... Ellsworth. Kennebec ...... Augusta. Knox ...... Rockland. Lincoln ...... Wiscasset. Oxford ...... Paris. Penobscot ...... Bangor. Piscataquis ...... Dover. Sagadahoc ...... Bath. Somerset ...... Skowhegan. Waldo ...... Belfast. Washington ...... Machias. York ...... Alfred.

Number of Libraries, and Volumes they Contain, together with the Population of Maine, by Counties. ----- Population I Number of -i--~ County. moo. libraries. Volumes. ! Androscoggin ...... I 57,242 7 45,649 Aroostook ..•.•. , ...... 60,744 6 7,047 Cumberland .... ,...... 100,869 19 88,603 Franklin ...... • .. .. • ...... 18,445 3 ll,526 Hancock ...... • . . .. . 37,241 15 30,422 Kennebec...... 59,117 ll 72,556 Knox . . • • • • . . • . • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • . . . • • • . • • • • 30,40fi fi 20,908 Lincoln .. . .. • ...... • .. • ...... rn,69= 4 3,442 Oxford ...... • ...... 32,238 19 28,093 Penobscot ...... 76,246 13 lll,U72 Piscataquis ...... ,, .. . • . .. .. 16,949 2 3,425 Sagadahoc ...... ,, ...... 20,330 2 15,638 Somerset...... • . . . . . 33,849 11 19,318 Waldo...... • . 24,185 5 14,206 Washington ...... , • .. • .. .. 45,232 14 29,065 York ...... 64,885 19 57,803


Adjutant General. Constitutional office; ( see constitution, Article 7) required to report annually to President of United States and State legisla­ ture. Biennial report since 1881.

Attorney General. Constitutional of-fice; ( see constitution, Article 9, section I I.) Annual report to 1881. Since 188I, biennial report.

Secretary of State. Constitutional office; (see constitution, Article 5, part 3.) No reports.

State Treasurer. Constitutional office; ( see constitution, Article 5, part 4.) Annual rep01:ts.

DEPAR'l'MEN':I'S OF EDUCATION AND SUPERVISION. Agent Passamaquoddy Indians. Office created by Public Laws, 1821, chapter 175. Annual reports to governor and council, printed at irregular intervals.

Agent Penobscot Indians. Office created by Public Laws, 1821, chapter 175. Annual reports to governor and council, printed at irregular intervals. 18 MAIXE STA'n~ LIBRARY.

Bank Commissionfr (State Ballk.) Office established by Public Laws, 1827, chapter 364. Annual reports.

Bank Examiner (Savings Banks, Trust Companies, Etc.) Office established by Public Laws, 1868, chapter 220. Annual reports.

Board pl Agriculture. Established by Public Laws, 1852, chapter 274. Annuar reports.

State Pomological Society. Incorporated by Special Laws, 1873, chapter 297. Reports found in the agricultural reports.

Board of Education. Established by Public Laws, 1846, chapter 195. Displaced by commissioners of common schools. Annual reports.

Comnzissioners of Common Schools. Established by Public Laws, 1852, chapter 293. Displaced by superintendent of common schools. Annual reports.

Superintendent of Common Schools. Office established by Public Laws, 1854, chapter 89. Annual reports.

Board of Registration of Medicine. Established by Public Laws, 1895, chapter 170. Annual reports.

Board of Health. Office established by Public Laws, 1885, chapter 286.

Registrar of Vital Statistics. By Public Laws, 1891, chapter II8. Secretary of board of health is appointed registrar of vital statistics. Annual reports. LIBRARIAN'S RltPORT.

Board of Immigration. Established by Public I,aws, 1870, chapter 173. Two reports only, issued.

Board of State Assessors. Established by Public Laws, 1891, chapter 103. Annual reports.

Bureau of Industrial and Labor Statistics. Office established by Public Laws, 1887, chapter 69. Annual reports.

Inspector o( Factories a11d }Vorlcshops. By Public Laws, 1893, chapter 220. Deputy labor commis­ sioner made inspector of factories and workshops. Reports found in labor reports.

Commissioners o/ Fisheries. Office established by resolves, r867, chapter 78. Merged m commissioners of fisheries and game.

Sea and Shore Fisheries. Office established by Public Laws, 1885, chapter 275. Bien­ nial reports.

Comm,ssioriers of Fisl1eries and Game. Office established by Pvblic Laws, 1880, chapter 208. Bien­ nial reports.

C0t111nissioncrs of Fharniac31. Established by Public Laws, 1887, chapter 204. Reports to governor and council.

Forest Commission. Established by Public Laws, 1891, chapter 100. 1891-96. Duties performed by land agent. Reports irregular.

Inspector of Steamboats. Office established by Public Laws, 1874, ch~pter 172. Reports to governor and council. 20 l\L\INE STA'fF, LIBRARY.

Jn~urance Exami!lcr. Established by Public Laws, 1868, chapter 220. 1\-Ierged in . . . msurance comm1ss10ner.

Insurance Commissioner. · Separate department established by Public Laws, 1870, chap­ ter 156. Annual reports.

Land Agent. Office established by Public La,vs, 1828, chapter 393. Irreg­ ular reports.

L iq11 or Com missioner. Established by Public Laws, 1862, chapter 130. Reports to governor and council.

Railroad Co:n missi1111ers. Office established by Public Laws, 1858, chapter 36. Annual reports.

State Librarian. Office established by Public Laws, 1861, chapter 25. Biennial reports.

Commissioners of Contagious Diseases of Cattle. Established by Public Laws, 1887, chapter 138. Reports to governor and council.

J3F,NEVOLENT, EDUCATIONAL, AND REFORMATORY INSTITUTIONS. Industrial School for Girls, H alloieiell, Maine. Incorporated by Special Laws, 1872, chapter 183. Annual reports.

Insane Hospital, Augnsta, i't1aine. See resolves, 1834, chaptff 53; 1836, chapter 30; 1840, chapter 32. Annual reports. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 21

Military and Naval Orphan Asylum, Bath, Maine. Incorporated by Special Laws, 1868, chapter 163. Reports to governor and council.

State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, now University of Maine, Orono, lvf e. Provisionally endowed by act of Congress, July 2, 1862. Accepted by the legislature by resolve, 1863, chapter 275. Estab­ lished by Public Laws, 1865, chapter 532. First college term opened September 21, 1868.

Commissioner o,f Agriculture. Created by chapter 204, Public Laws of 1901. Annual reports.


Gorham Staff :ti.Torma! Schuol. Established by Public Laws, 1878, chapter 44.

Western State Nor11lal School, Farmington, Maine. Established by Public Laws, 1863, chapter 210.

lvladmt•aslw Training Schon', i1Jarfmmslm, J.1lai11e. Established by Special Laws, 1878, chapter 85.

Portland School for the Dea(. Established as State institution. see resolns 1895, chapter 98.

Reform School, Cape Bli:::abcth, Jfainc. Established by Public Laws, 1853, chapter r9. Annual reports.

2 22 :\!AI?\£ S'.tr\ TF, LJDRARY.

State Prison, Thomaston, Maine. Established by Public Laws, 1823, chapter 226. Annual reports.

Library Commission. Established by Public Laws, 1889, chapter 22. Annual reports to governor and council.

LF.GISLA'fIVI( DEPARTMF,NT, House of Reprcsentafrz:es . .Journal, 1855-1895. (Annual to 1881, then biennial.) Hallo­ well and Augusta, 1855-95. Not printed in 1859, 1862, 1863 and 1864.

Senate. Journal, 1854-95. (Annual to 1881, then biennial.) Not printed in 1855, 1859 and 1862.

ili aine Legislative J.l,f anual. 1820-95. Contains rules and orders of legislature, names of members, organization of both branches, and names of national State, executive and judicial departments, State institutions, political statistics, etc. Issued separately, 1820-1870, but from 1870-96, forms a part of Maine State Year Book.

Maine Register. Containing industrial and political statistics, legislative and executive manual, etc., 1820-1870.

Maine State Year Book. Containing industrial and political statistics, legislative and executive manual, etc. 1870-1902, Portland, 1870-1902 (700 copies yearly purchased by State for exchange and distribution.) ADDITIONS TO MAINE STATE LIBRARY, 1901-1902.

IlOOKS PURCHASED. No. •.>f Vols. Abbot Family. Abie! and Ephraim Abbot. 1847...... 1 About the Theatre. "\1/m. Archer...... 1 Abridged Decimal Classification and Relative Index. M. Dewey ...... 1 Academy. Vols. 59, 60...... 2 After her Death. Liiian Whiting...... 1 Agriculture, Development of, as a Means for Improve- ment of Business. Pam...... 1 Air, Water, and Food from a Sanitary Standpoint. E. H. Richards and A. G. W oo

.',0 0f Vols. American Digest, Crntury Edition. Vols. 21-35...... 15 American Digest, Annotated, U;)OO B, 1901 A, 1901 B, 1902 j\ ...... 4 American Electrical Cases. Vol. 7...... I American I1olk-Lore Society. Officers, By-Laws, etc.,

1894 • • • • • • •. • 0 • • • • •, •,, • • , • , , , •,, 0 • 0 , • • 0 • • • T American Foocl and Came Fishes. D. S. Jordan and B. vV. Evermann ...... I American Genealogist. Joel Munsell' s Sons...... 1 An 11:.rican Historical Recore! and Repertory of Notes and Queries, Vols. r-3, 1872-79...... 3 American Historical Review, \·ols. 6, 7...... 2 American Home lVfagazine, Ang. '96, ( containing article descriptive of Brunswick, -;\1[ e.) Pam...... I American J ot1rnal of Science, Vols. I I - r 3...... 3 American Journal of Sociology, Vols. 6, 7...... 2 American Jurisprudence, Elements of. Robinson .... ,. . I American Kitchen Magazine, Vols. 14-16...... 3 American Law, Two Centuries Growth of, by Members of Faculty of Yale Law School...... I American Law Register, Vols. 33-35...... 3 American Law Review, Vol. 35...... 1 American Lawyer, Vols. 2, 8, 9...... 3 American Naturalist, Vols. r -27...... 27 American Negligence Digest. A. J. Hook...... 1 American Negligence Reports, Vols. 8, 9, IO, I I ...... 4 American Quarterly Observer, Vols. 1-3...... 2 American Review of History and Politics. (Quarterly.) Jan. 1811-Oct. 1812...... 4 American Revolution, Personal Recollections of. Bar- clay ...... I American State Reports. A. C. Freeman. Vols. 75,86 12 American State Reports. Table of Cases, Reported in \.,' ols. 1-72 ...... I American Traits from the Point of View .of a German. H. Munsterberg ...... 1 Americanization of the \i\f orld. \\'. J'. Stead...... l Amherst Student. Vol. 17, Nos. r3, 14. Pam...... 2 Among my Books. Augustine Birrell and others...... r Among the Night People. Clara D. Pierson...... I LIBRARIAN'S RF:POR't.

No. of Vols. Amusements of Old . \Vm. P. Boulton...... 2 Ancient America, Original History of. George Jones. 1843 ...... I Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland. P. Buchan ...... 2 Ancient History. Vol. I. C. Rollin...... I Ancient Inhabitants of America, Researches concerning Institutions of. Humboldt ...... 2 Ancient Spanish Ballads. J. C. Lockhart, tr...... I Andover, Historical Sketches of. S. L. Bailey...... I Andrews, Joseph, Memorial J\Ieeting in Honor of. Report of Proceedings. ;\fay 17, 1873...... i Andrews Family, History of. H. F. Andrews...... I Androscoggin Canal and 1\Iill Corporation. Reports of Civil Engineers Jas. Hall arnl I. A. Beard, 1835. Broadside ...... I Androscoggie County, Me., Atlas of...... I Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books. Rev. Wm. I3eloe ...... , ...... 6 Anglo-American Pottery. E. A. Barber...... I Anglo-Saxon Law, Essays in. Henry Adams and others I Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science. Vols. 17, 18...... 2 Anne. Constance Fenimore \Vilson...... I Annual American Catalogue, 1900...... I Annual American Catalogue, Cnmulated, 1900-01...... I Annual and Analytical Cyclop;eclia of Practical Medicine. Chas. E. de M. Sajous. Vol. 6...... I Annual Cyclopcedia, and Register of Important Events of 1901 ...... I Annual Digest, 1900, 1901. _Tno ..Mews...... 2 Annual Literary Index, 1900...... I Annual Register, 1758- 1856, and Index Vol. 1756-1819.. mo Appleton, Hon. Wm., ;\lcrnoir of, Rev. Chandler Robbins. Pain ... 1...... I Appleton's Annual Cyclopcedia and Register of Important Events, 1896-1901 ...... 6 Arena, Vols. 26, 27...... 2 Anny and Navy Register, Vols. 12-14, 16, 18, 29-31.... 8 Arnold's Expedition to Quebec. J. Codman...... I No. of Vols. Around the Pan. Thos. Fleming...... I Art and the Beauty of the Earth: Lecture at Burslem, r88r. \\'m. Morris ...... 1 Art in Needlework. Lewis F. Day...... I As Seen from the Ranks: a Boy in the Civil \Var. C. E. Benton ...... 1 Ashanti and Jaman, Travels and Life in. Freeman..... 1 Ashburnham Manuscripts, Observations on the Libri Collection. Lp. Delisle. Pam...... 1 Ashburnham l\Ianuscripts · Remarks of American News- papers. Pa111...... 1 Associate Hermits. Frank Stockton...... 1 Astronomical and Geographical Catechism for the use of Children. Caleb Bingham. 1816 ...... 1 Atlantic Monthly, Vols. 87-89...... 3 Atomic Theory. Ad. Wurtz...... 3 Audrey. Mary Johnston ...... ,...... 1 Augusta, Gardiner, Hallriwell, and \Vaterville Directory, 1901-02 ...... I Autobiography of a Landlady of the Old School...... 1 Avery, Captain John, and His Descendants. E. J. Sellers, 1 Ayer, James: In Memoriam. James Bourne Ayer...... I

Babs the Impossible. Sarah Cran cl...... I Baptist Confession of Faith. 1704...... I Back to Christ. Walter Spence...... I Bailey Genealogy; James, John, and their Descendants. . I Bailments and Carriers, Elements of Law of. Van Zile I Bailments and Carriers, Treatise on Law of. Schouler. . I Bakerstown and Poland, Me. Records. J. W. Penney. ( In Mechanic Falls Ledger.,) 6 papers...... 6 Baldwin, Christopher Columbus, Diary of, 1829-1835.... I Ballou, Hosea, Life of. Thos. Whittemore. Vol. 1. . . . 1 Balzac's VI( orks: Les Contes Drolatiqnes. Vol. 2...... I Bangor and Vicinity, Territorial History of. A. \V. Paine. Pan1...... I Bangor Historical Magazine. (Vols. r-9, 1885-1895) ( 2 sets, also Vols. 2, 9) ...... 20 Barnes, Thomas. Memoir of. Mrs. Levisa Buck. . . . . I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT.

No. of Vols. Bachelder, Batcheller Genealogy. Frederick Clifton Pierce ...... I Beacon Lights of History. John Lord...... IO Beattie, James, Poetical \Vorks...... I Bench and Bar of \Visconsin. Parker M cCobb Reed. . . . I Benefactress. By Author of "Elizabeth and Her German Garden" ...... I Bethel, Oxford County, l\le., History of. \Vm. B. Lap- hatn ...... I Betterton, Thomas. Robt. W. Lowe...... I Bibelot. Vols. 6, 7...... 2 Bible. 1832. (Incomplete) ...... I Bible. r86o. ( 3 copies) ...... 3 Bible Heroes: Stories from the Old Testament for Little Folks. Wm. Hardcastle Browne...... I Bibliomania in the Middle Ages. F. Somner Merry- weather ...... I Bibliotheca Historico-N aturalis, ( I863-1870.) Ernest A. Zuchold. Pam...... I Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis, ( 1871-74.) Dr. H. Guthe. Pam...... I Bibliotheca Piscatoria; a Catalogue of Books on Angling, the Fisheries and Fish Culture. J. \\' estwood and T. Satchell ...... I Bibliotheca Sacra, Vol. 58...... I Bill Library, Ledyard, Conn., Catalogue...... I Bills, Notes and Cheques, Law of. M. M. Bigelow.... I Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens of Com- monwealth of Mass...... I Bismarck: Some Secret Pages of his History: a Diary kept by Dr. Moritz Busch...... I Bits of Oak Bark and Meadow Thoughts. Richard Jef- feries ...... I Black Beauty. Anna Se\Yall...... I Black Rock. Ralph Connor...... I Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vols. 169-171...... 3 Blennerhassett, or The Decrees of Fate. Chas. F. Pidgin I Blessed Damozel. Dante Gabriel Rossetti...... I Boardman, Timothy, Log Book of, with Biographical Sketch. Pam...... I l\L\IX-8 S'TATE LlBRARY.

No. of Vols. Boethius. De Consolatione Philosophiae. King Alfred's Old English Version. Sedgefit>ld, ed...... 1 Book Buyer's Manual; a Catalogue of Foreign and American Books in every Department of Literature. . 1 Book for all Readers. A. R. :Spofford...... 1 Dook of a Hundred Houses; a Collection of Pictures, Plans and Suggestions for Householders...... I Book of \Vonderful Characters; Memoirs of Remarkable and Eccentric Pusons in all Ages and Countries; Com- piled from Text of Henry Wilson and James Caulfield I Book Sales of 1895, 1896, 1897, 1897-98. Temple Scott 4 Bookman, Vols. l 2, 13...... 2 Bowdoin College and Medical School of Maine. Cata- logues 1844, ·55, '56, '57, '58; and Pamphlets relating to Literary Societies, etc...... I Bradford, Mass., }VIemorial History of. J. D. Kings- bury ...... I Bradford, Vt., History of. Silas :\kKeen...... I Brattle Square Church, Boston, Records. 1699-1872. . . 1 Bridgton Academy. (No. Bridgton, Me.) Catalogue, 1863. Pan1...... r British Contemporary Artist£. Cosmo l\fonkhouse. . . . . 1 Brown, Moses: His Life and Services. Augustine Jones. Pan1...... 1 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, Poetical Works...... 1 Browning, Robert. Poetical 'A! orks ...... ,...... I Burdett's Hospitals and Charities Annual. 1902. Henry Burdett ...... 1 Burns, Robert. Poetical \Vorks...... 4 Butler, Samuel. Poetical vVorks...... 2 Butterfly Book. \V. J. Holland...... 1 By-Laws of Private Corporations. Louis Boisot...... 1 Byron, Lord. Works. Vol. 5. Poetry...... I

Canada Law Journal (new series), Vols. 1-37...... 37 Canadian Law Titles, Vols. 1-14, 17-21...... 19 Cape Breton, Historical and Descriptive Account of the Island of. J. G. Bourinot...... 1 Capital Punishment; based on Prof. Mittermaier's "Todesstrafe." J. :Macrae Moir ...... 1. • • • I LIBRARL-\N'S REPORT. 29 No. of Vols. Catalogue of a large Collection of Works on Voyages and Travels in Various Parts of the World. Maggs Bros. Pam...... •'• ...... I Catalogue of Books pertaining to all Branches of Art. Maggs Bros. Pam...... 1 Catalogue of Engraved Portraits. Maggs Bros. Pam. 1 Catalogue of Old Time Literatvre. Maggs Bros. Pam. I Catalogue of Topographical, Heraldic, and Misc. Books. Maggs Bros. Pam...... ,. . . . I Catholic and Protestant Countries Compared. Alfred Young...... 1 Catholic World, Vols. 72-74...... 3 Cavalier. Geo. W. Cable...... I Central Law Journal, Vols. 52-54...... 3 Century Book of Facts. Henry \V. Ruoff .... ,...... I Century Magazine, Vols. 61-63...... 3 Chapelmaster Kreisler. Vernon Lee ...... , I Characteristic Songs and Dances of all Nations. J. D. Brown ...... I Charters of Old English Colonies in America; Intro. and Notes by Samuel Lucas...... I Chicag·o Legal News, Vols. 23, 24, 26-28, 34...... 6 Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. Wm. Morris I Child in the Vatican. Vernon Lee...... I Childhood of David Copperfield. Chas. Dickens...... 1 Ching, Lillian, a Native of the Island of Loo Choo, Let- ters of, while resident in U. S. Pam...... I Christian Contemplated. Wm. Jay...... I Churches of North France. William Morris...... I Churchill, Chas. Poetical Works...... 2 Circumstance. S. Vi. Mitchell...... 1 Cleaveland, Parker, Address on Life and Character of. L. Woods. Pam...... I Cobbosseecontee Pilot. D. C. Robinson...... I Coburn, Abner, Life of. C. E. Williams...... I Colby Family, History of, with Genealogical Tables. J. \V. Colby...... I Collection of Curious Discourses written by Eminent Antiquaries upon several Heads in our English Anti- quities. 1775 ...... 2 30 ~\L\lNl( S'l' \TE LI BIL\RY. No. of Vols. Collins, vVm. Poetical Works...... I Col(mial Register. Stanard...... I Colorado Digest. Morrison...... I Combinations, Law of. Arth. J. Eddy...... 2 Commercial and Financial Chronicle and Hunt's Mer- chant's Magazine, Vol. 17...... I Complete Fortune Teller...... I Complete Palmist. Edw. Niblo...... r Comprehensive Guide-Book to Natural Hygienic and Humane Diet. S. H. Beard...... I Confederale States of America, 1861-65. J. C. Schwab I Confessions of a Collector. \Vm. C. Hazlitt...... I Confessions of an American Citizen. Clayton Lernars. . I Conflict of Laws. R. C. Minor...... I Historical Society. Collections, Vol. $. . . . I Connecticut Statutes, Revision of. 1902...... I Constantinople. E. A Grosvenor...... 2 Conqueror, The: Life of Alexander Hamilton. G. F. i\therton ...... I Constitutional Lavv in the United States, General Prin- ciples of. Thos. M. Cooley...... I Constitutional Republicanism in Opposition to Fallacious Federalism. Benj. Austin, Jr. 1803...... I Coolidge, Dr. V. P., Trial of, for Murder of Edw. Mat- the,vs. 1848 ...... I Corinth, Early Gleanings and Random Recollections of the town of. 1792-1883. :~fason S. Palmer...... I Cornwaliis, Chas., First Marquis, Correspondence of. Chas. Ross, ed...... 3 Cosmopolitan, Vols. 30-32...... 3 Count Hannibal. Stanley J. ·,,y eyman...... I Cowper, vVm. Poetical vVorks...... 3 Crimes, 'I'reatise on the Law of. 1:V. L. Clark and vV. L. lvlarshall ...... 2 Criminal Recorder, by a Student of the Inner Temple. 1804-1 l ...... , ...... , ...... · 4 Crisis, The. \Vinston Churchill...... I Critic. Vols. 38, 39...... 2 Cromwell, Oliver. Theodore Roosevelt...... I Crystal Sceptre. Philip Verrill Mighels...... I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT.

No. of Vols. Cudmore, Patrick. Autobiography. Pam...... I Cumberland Association of Congregational Ministers, Centennial of, at Second Parish Church, Portland, Me., l\Iay 28 and 29, r888. Pam...... I Curiosities of Bird Life. Chas. Dixon...... I Curiosities of Law and Lawyers. James Croake ...... I Current Literature, Vols. 29-32 ...... 4 Cushman Celebration, Plymouth, Mass., 1855. Thos. Cushman. Pam...... I Cyclopedia of American He,rticulture. Vols. 3, 4. L. H. Bailey ...... 2 Cyclopcedia of Home Arts. Montague Marks ...... I Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure: \Vm. Mack and H. P. Nash. Vols. 1-5 ...... • 5 Annual Annotations, 1902 ...... I Cymry of '76. Alexander Jones ...... I Cyprus ; its Ancient Cities, Tombs and Temples. Ces- nola ...... • •·· • • • • • · · · · · · · · · · · · · I Dan vis Pioneer. Rowland E. Robinson...... I Danvers, Mass. Centennial, 1852...... I Daughter of Mystery. R. Norman Silver...... I Dead Love and other Inedited Pieces. A. C. Swinburne I Decimal Ciassification and Relative Index. Melvil Dewey I Deer-Stalking. Augustus Grimble ...... I Defense of the Remarks of the Plymouth Company on the Plan and Extracts of Deeds Published by the Propri- etors of Township of Brunswick. Pam...... I Deutsche Lyrik : Selected and Arranged with Notes and a Literary Introduction. C. A. Buchheim...... I Devotional Exercises, chiefly Designed for the Use of Families on the Sabbath. By Gentlemen of the Clergy of Piscataqua River. 1819...... I Dial, Vols. 28-32...... 5 Dickey, Major Wm.: Sketch of his life. F. X. Burque. 3 copies. Pam ...... •· . . . I Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain. Halkett and Laing...... 4 Dictionary of the Bible. James Covel...... I Dictionary of Natural Biography. Supplement Vols. 1, 2, 3. Sidney Lee...... 3 MAINE S'L\TE LIBlnlrY. No. of Vols. Dingley, Nelson, Jr., Life and Times of. E. N. Dingley I Disciple of Plato. Alligood Beach...... I Diseases of N ervons System. Oppenheim...... I District of Colnmbia. Court of Appeals. Reports. \Tols. 16-18 ...... • •. •. • 3 Divorce and Annulment of l\farriage, Treatise on Law of. Nelson ...... 2 Doctrines, Christian Advices and Rules of Discipline of ...... I Domesday Book and Beyond. Frederic Wm. Maitland .. I Douglas, 1-fotory of the House of. Sir Herbert Maxwell 2 Dow, Neal, Reminiscences of...... I Dows or Dowse Family in America. A. M. Dows ...... I D'ri and I. Irving Bacheller ...... I Dryden, John. Poetical Works ...... 5 Dubois, Cardinal, Memoirs of ...... 2

Early American Poetry. Elegies and Epitaphs, 1677- 1717 ...... I Early American Poetry. New Eng-land. Rev. Wm. l\!Iorrell ...... I Early American Poetry. ~ew England's Crisis. Benj. Tompson ...... 1 Early American Poetry. A Poem and Elegy. Cotton lviather ...... I Early English Prose Romances. \Vm. J. Thoms...... 3 Early Mass. Marriages Prior to 1800. Rev. F. \i\T. Bailey. Books I and 2...... 2 Earth's Beginning. Sir Robert Ball...... I Eastern Herald, Sat., June 7, 1794. Thomas Baker Wait, Printer and Publisher...... r Easthampton, Mass., History of. Lyman...... r Eben Holden. Irving Bach ell er...... I Ecce Deus. (Jos. Parker) ...... I Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature. Vols. 136, 1 37, 1 38 ...... 3 Economics, Introduction to Study of. Chas. J. Bullock I Edes, Peter: Pioneer Printer in Maine, Diary of. S. L. Boardman, eel. 2 copies...... 2 Educational Review, Vols. 193-195...... 3 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 33 No. of Vols. Education of the American Citizen. Arthur T. Hadley I Educational Review, Vols. 183-195...... 3 EighteE'nth Century: it;; Institutions, Customs, and Cos- tumes. Paul Lacroix...... I Eighty Years of Republican Government in the U. S. L. J. Jennings...... I Elections to Public Offices, Law of. H. E. Paine...... 1 Elective Franchise in L. S. D. C. l\IcMillan...... I Election Sermon by Jeremiah \Vise. Berwick, 1729. Pam...... I Electric Law, Treatise on. Joseph A. Joyce and C. Howard ...... I Electricity and l\1agnetism, Elementary Book on. D. C. Jackson and J. P. Jackson...... I Elizabeth and her German Garden. ( Countess Von Arnim) ...... I Eminent Domain, Treatise on Law of. Lewis. 2d ed... I Empedocles on Etna. l\Iatthew Arnold...... I Empire of Business. Andrew Carnegie...... I Employers' Liability Acts and Assumption of Risks in N. Y., Mass., Ind., Ala., Cal., and England. Frank F. Dresser ...... 1 Encyclopcedia of Pleading and Practice. Vol. 20-23. . . . 4 England, History of. Sharon Turner: History of the Anglo--Sax:ons...... 3 England during the Yiiddle Ages...... 5 Reign of Henry Eighth...... 2 Reigns of Edward Sixth, l\fary, and Elizabeth...... 2 Eng·land, History of. Ecclesiastical as well as Civil. Paul de Rapin Thoyras...... 15 England, Victoria His Lory of Counties of: Cumberland, Hertford, Northampton, N" orfolk, ·w orcester, Hamp­ shire and the lsle of \Yight, Surrey. (\lol. I for each county.) H. Arthur Doubleday, ed...... 7 English Prose, its Elements, History. and Usage. Jno. Earle ...... 1 English Historical Review, Vol. 16...... I 34 J\L\lNE s·rATE LJBR.\RY. English Law Reports: No. of Vols. King's Bench. Year Books of R.eign of Edward III. Year 17. L. 0. Pike, eel. Paper...... 1 English Reports. Full Reprint. 1900-02. Books 1-21 ...... 21 Scot's Revised Reports. Court of Session: 1st series, Vols. 3-6...... 4 2dseries, Vols. 1-3...... 3 3dseries, Vols. 1, 2...... 2 Privy Council, Indian Appeals. Vols. 27, 28. . 2 Railway and Canal Traffic Cases. Vols. 1-9... 9 Law Reports: Chancery Division. 1901, 1902, Vol. r ...... 3 King's Bench Division, 1901, · 1go2, Vol. 1 ...... 3 Probate Division, 1900...... I Appeal Cases, 1900...... I Current Index. 1900, 1901. . . . 2 Public General Statutes, 1897, 1900, 1901 ...... 3 Law Reports Digest, 1901...... I English Pre-Raph~lite Painters ; Percy Bate...... 1 English Ruling Cases. Vols. 22-26...... 5 Enoch Arden. Tennyson...... : ...... I Epic of Kings: Stories retold from Firdusi. H. Zim- mern ...... I Epictetus, Discourses of. Geo. Long, trans...... I Erskine, Thomas (Lord), Speeches of, at the Bar...... 5 Essex Antiquarian, Vol 5...... I Estes Genealogies, 1097-1893. Chas. Estes, comp...... I Eternal City. Hall Caine...... 1 Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names. \V. Arthur ...... 1 in Africa in 19th Century. E. '\V. Latimer...... 1 European Butterflies and . VV. F. Kirby...... 1 Every Day Book and Table Book. Wm. Hone...... 4 Every Man his own Electrician...... 1 Evidence at the Common Law, Preliminary Treatise on. J. Bradley ...... I Evidence, Handbook of the Law of. McKelvey...... I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 35 No. of Vols. Falconer, \Vm. Poetical \\'orks...... 1 Famous Plays. J. F. l\iolloy...... 1 Famous w·omen of History. \Vm. Hardcastle Browne.. 1 Fancy's Following. "Anodos."...... 1 Farmer's Almanac, 1792-1900. Robt. B. Thomas...... II Fast and Thanksgiving Days of N. England. W. DeLoss Love, Jr ...... I Federal Citations, Table of. Vols. 1--3. M. and Wm. Ash, 3 Federal Reporter, Vols. 104-115...... 12 F e

No. of Vols. Fish and Fishing, Books in Relation to--Concluded: Floating and How to Dress them. F. M. Hal- ford ...... 1 Fly-Fisher's . Alfred Ronalcls ...... I Sketches of British Sporting Fishes. John \Vatson, 1 Sporting Fish of Gt. Britain. H. Cholmondeley Pennell ...... I Treatise on the Management of Fresh-Water Fish. G. Boccius ...... I Game Fishes of U. S. Kilborn ...... 1 Salmon and Trout. Dean Sage...... I Salmon Rivers of Scotland. Grimble...... 4 :flood-Tide. Sarah P. i\IcLean Greene...... 1 Fla. Conventions. Journals of Proceedings: Jan. 1861. Pam ...... 1 Feb. and Apr., r861. Pam...... I Oct., 1865. Pam ...... I Folsom Family. Jacob Chapman ...... I Foreign Quarterly Review. Vols. 1-37...... 37 Forest and Shore; or, Legends of the Pine Tree State. C. P. Ilsley...... I Forest Lovers. Maurice Hewlett...... I Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of North Amer- ica. Sir George Head. 1838...... 1 Forty Modern Fables. Geo. Ade...... I Forum. Vols. 30-33...... 4 Foster Family, One Line of the. Geo. E. Foster. Pam., 1 Four Generations of a Literary Family; the Hazlitts in England, Ireland, and America. \V. Carew Hazlitt... 2 Fourteenth Amendment. Henry Brannon ...... 1 Fourth of July Ode, 1856. Josiah Lord Thomas. Broad- side ...... 2 Fix -hound, Forest, and Prairie. Capt. Pennell Elmhirst, 1 Foxe, John, Acts and Monuments of. S. R. Cattley, eel.. 8 Franklin, Sir John, Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of. Sir F. L. McClintock...... 1 Franklin, Sir John. A. H. Beesley...... I Franklin in France. Edw. Everett Hale and E. E. Hale, Jr...... 2 Frederique. Marcel Prevost ...... I LillRARlAN'S REPO]{T, 37 No. of Vols. From Dreamland Sent. Lillian Whiting...... 1 From Sea to Sea. Rudyard Kipling...... 2 From the Hills of Dream. Fiona Macleod...... I Fryeburg Webster Centenrnal. Jan. I, 1902. Pam..... I Future Punishment, Course of Lectures on, at Cherryfield, Me. Wilson C. Rider. 1836...... 1

Gaboriau, Emile: W arks : Monsieur Lecoq ...... 2 File No. 113 ...... 1 Lerouge Case ...... I Gilded Clique ...... r In Peril of his Life...... I Gallows, the Prison, and the Poor-House. G. W. Quimby, I Garden and Forest; Journal of Horticulture, Landscape Art, and Forestry. Vols. r - IO...... IO Gardiner, Sir Christopher, Knight. Chas. Francis Adams, Jr. Pam ...... I Genealogical Advertiser, Vol. 3, 1900...... I Genealogical Gleanings in England. H. F. Waters. . . . . 2 Geneajogical Quarterly :Magazine. Vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 3, No. 1...... 3 Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New Eng- land. Jno. Farmer...... I Genealogy. Index to American Genealogies and to Gene­ alogical Material contained in all \i\T arks. Joel Men- sell's Sons ...... , ...... 1 Genealogy. List of Titles of Genealogical Articles in American Periodicals and Kindred \Vorks. Joel l\Tun- sell's Sons ...... , ...... I General Orders of 1757, Issued by the Earl of Loudoun and Phineas Lyman in the Campaign against the French ...... 1 Gentleman's Magazine. Vol. 20, r750...... 1 Gentleman's Magazine Library, Classified Collection from 1731-1868 ...... 17 Gern1, The. Nos. 1-4. 18.50. Pam...... 4 Germany's Iron Chancellor. Bruno Garlepp...... I Gesta Romanorum. Rev. Chas. Sivan...... 2 Giddings Family. M. S. Gicl

~ 38 :\IAINE STA'rE LlnRARY.

No. of Vols. Cod of Things. Florence Brooks \Vhitehouse...... I Goethe's Poems, Selections from. Chas. Harris...... I Golden Wings and Svend and His Brethren. vVm. Morris, 1 Goldsmith, Oliver. Pot'tical Works ...... 1 Good Night and Good Morning. Lord Houghton...... 1 · Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, Pedigree of. Rev. Fred'k Brown ...... I Corbam, Me., History of. Josiah Pierce...... I Government; An Inquiry into Nature and Functions of the State. J. S. Crosby. Pam...... I Government of the Thoughts. James \Valker. Pam. . . 1 Gray, Thomas. Poetical Works, with Life ...... , I Great Mysteries and Little Plagues. John N ea!...... I Great Seal of the Conncil for New England. J as. Phin- ney Baxter. Paper ...... 1 Greece, Condition of, 1827-28. J. P. Miller...... I Greece, Rambles and Studies in. J. f'. Mahaffy...... I Greece, Social Life in, from Homer to Menander. J. P. i'vlahaffy ...... I Greek Classical Literature, History of. J. P. Mahaffy. . 4 -Greek Life and Thought. J. P. Mahaffy ...... • I Greek World under Roman Sway. J.P. Mahaffy...... I Green, Rev. Samuel, Memoir of. Rev. Richard S. Storrs, I Green Flag. A. Conan Do:l'le...... I Guaranty Insurance, Treatise on. Frost...... I

Hamilton, Alexander, Life and Times of. Riethmiiller. . I Hamilton, Lady, and Lord Nelson. John Cordy Jeaffre- son...... 2 Hammatt Papers. Nos. 1-3, 5-7. Abraham Hammatt. Pa:n ...... 6 Hampton, N. H. Historical Address at. Dec. 25, 1838. John Dow ...... 1 Hanover, Mass. Copy of the Records of Births, Mar­ riages and Deaths, :incl of Intentions of Marriages, 1727-1857 ...... I Harleian Miscellany. Vols I - I0...... IO Harpers' Monthly Magazine .. Vols. ror and 102 ...... 2 Harris, Dunbar B. Address de!. before Boston Young Men's Institnte, Jan., 1836. Pam ...... I LLCRARL\N'S REl'OR'I'. 39 No. of Vols. Harris Family, 1636-1883. Wm. Sam'! Harris...... I Harvard Law Review. Vol. 15...... I Hayford Family. Otis 1--fayfonl...... I Hazard's u. S. Commercial and Statistical Register. Vols. r-6 (July, 1839-July, 1842, inclusive)...... 6 Hazlitt, vVm. \Vorks: Character of Shakespean·'s Plays...... 1 Lectures on the Euglish Comic VI/ riters...... I Lectures on the Literatnre of the Age of Elizabeth. . 1 The Plain Speaker: Opinions on Books, Men, and Things ...... I The Round Table. Northcote's Conversations. Characteristics ...... 1 Sketches and Essays and vVinterslow...... I The Spirit of the Age ; or Contemporary Portraits. . I Table Talk ...... I Heart Throbs of Gifted Authors. Wm. Hardcastle Browne ...... I Heine's Poems, with Sketch of his Life...... I Heraldry, Introduction to. Hugh Clark...... 1 Herrick, Robt. Poetical Works...... 2 Highland Sport. A. Grimble...... 1 Hinds Family, History and Genealogy of. A. H. Hinds, I Hints to Small Libraries. l\Iary Vv right Plummer. . . . . 1 Historic Duxbury in Plymouth County, Mass. Lawrence Bradford. 2 copies ...... ,. . . . 2 Historical Criticism, Essays in. E. G. Bourne...... I Historical Magazine and ;\I otes and Queries Concerning the Antiquities. History, and Biography of America. Vols. r-10, rst ser.: I-IO, 2d ser.; 1-3, 3d ser...... 18 Hoar, Alfred \Nyman 3nd his Wife Josephine Jackson, Lineage and Family records of. Pam...... I Hogarth, \i\T orks of...... I Holland. Ec!mondo De Amicis...... 1 Holland, History of. Vols. 1-3. C. M. Davies...... 3 Hollow Land. Wm. Morris ...... l 1--Iolls, Geo. Charles; A ll1emoir. Henry Barnard...... I Holmes, Br. Levi, Ode Addressed to. B. J. Kaime. Broadside. 2 copies ...... 2 Holy Cross Purple. Vol. II, July-Dec. 1900...... I 40 J\L-\lNE STXl'E LIBR,\RY.

No. of Vols. Hours in a Library. Leslie Stephen...... 3 Hours with German Classics. F. H. Hedge...... I Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey. Poems...... I Howe, Nat'l, Century Sermon, Hopkinton, Mass. 1815.. I Hull's Surrender of Detroit. 13. J. Lossing. Pam. . . . . I Hymns CollecteJ and Revised, by Asa Heath. 1807. Pam ...... I Hypnotism, Mesmerism, and the New \Vitchcraft. Ernest Hart ...... 1

Iberville, Chevalier d', Histoire de, 1663-1706...... I Idaho Codes ...... · ...... 4 - Digest. J. Kendrick Kinney...... I Imperial Reference Library. Chas. Smith Norris...... 6 In Castle and Colony. Emma Rayner...... r In the Name of a Woman. Arthur W. l\farchmont..... 1 In the Palace of the King. F. Marion Crawford...... I In Umbria: A Study of Artistic Personality. Vernon Lee ...... I Indian Affairs in Maine: Letters of Col. Thos. \Vest brook and Others, r 722-26. 2 copies ...... 2 Indian Pictures. Edwin \Villard Deming...... 1 Insurance, Berryman's Digest of Law of. Vols. 3, 4.... 2 Insurance Law Journal. Vol. 30...... I Insurance, Law of. Jno. 'ATilder May...... I Intercorporate Relations, Treatise on Law of. Noyes... I International Clinics. ·vol. 4, 10th ser., Vols. r-4, nth ser., Vols. r-3, 12th ser...... 8 International Journal of Ethics. Vol. r 1...... I International Law, First Steps iin. Sir Sherston Baker. . I International Monthly. Vols. 1-5...... 5 International Monthly Magazine of Literature, Science and Art. Vols. r-5...... 5 International Public Law, Treatise on. Hannis Taylor. . I International Year Book, 1900. Frank Moore Colby. . . . I Interstate Commerce Commission. Decisions, May 1898- Feb. 1901. Vol. 8...... I Ireland, its Scenery, Character, etc. S. C. Hall and Mrs. S. C. Hall. Vols. r-3...... 3 LILRAlUAN'S REPORT. 41 No. of Vols. Irish Jurist. (Old and New Series.) Vols. 1-18...... 18 Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal. Vols. 1-35.... 35 Irish Reports : High Coitrt of Parliament. Ridgeway's Appeal Cases...... 3 High Court of Chancery. Wallis, by Lyne...... I Schoalcs and Lefroy...... 2 Ball and Beatty...... 2 Beatty ...... I l\:Iollov ...... 3 Lloyd and Goold, temp. Plunkett...... I Lloyd and Goold, temp. Sugden...... I Drury and v\T alsh ...... '...... 2 Connor and Lawson...... 2 Drurv and \Varren...... 4 Drury, temp. Sugden...... I Jones and La Touche...... 3 Drnry temp. Napier...... I Rolls Co1trt. Hogan ...... 2 Sausse and Scuily...... I Flanag·an and Kelly...... I King's Bench. Vernon and Seri ven...... I Ridgeway, Lapp and Schoales...... I Fox and Smith...... I Smith ancl Batty...... I Batty ...... , ...... I Hudson and Brooke...... 2 Alcock and Na pier...... I Cooke and Alcock...... I Jebb and Symes...... 2 Jebb and Bourke...... I Circuit Cases. Crawford and l)ix...... 3 Cases on the Six Circuits...... I Court of Common Pleas. Smythe ...... I 42

Irish Reports--Concluclf'.cl: No. of Vols. Ecclesiastical Cases. l\Iih,·ard ...... I Court of lixchcqucr. Hayes ...... I Hayes and Jones...... I Jon~s ...... 2 Jones and Cary...... r Longfield and Townsend...... I Nisi Prius Repo1'ts. Armstrong, l\Iacartney ancl Ogle...... r Blackham, Dundas and l's borne...... I Registry Cases. Alcock ...... 1 \Velsh ...... 1 Registry Appeals ...... r Reports 1n all the t..,'ourts. Law Recorder, First Series...... 4 Glascock ...... , . . . . 1 Law Recorder. T\' ew Series. 6 vols. in...... 3 Crawford and Dix...... 1 Irish Law Reports...... 13 Irish Equity Reports...... 13 Irish Common Law Reports...... 17 Irish Chancery Reports...... I 7 Irish Reports, Common Law Series...... 1 I Irish Reports, Equity Series...... II Law Reports (Ireland) (r878-1901)...... 48 Ir_ish Statutes at Large...... 20 Index by \Vm. Ball...... 1 Index by A. N. Oulton...... 1 Iron Brigade. Chas. King...... I Iron Trade of the U. S. B. F. French. 1858...... I Irrigation in the U. S. Fred'k Hayes Newell...... 1 Irvingiana; a Memorial of \Vashington Irving...... I Italian Sculpture of the Renaissance. L. J. Freeman. . . . I

Japanese Girls and \Vomen. Alice Mabel Bacon...... I Jefferson, Joseph, Life and Art of. Wm. \Vinter...... I Jesuit Relations. Vol. 71. Reuben Gold Thwaites.... I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 43 No. of Vols. Jesuit Relations. Index. (Vols. 72, 73) ...... 2 Jewish Encyclopedia. Isidore Singer. Vols. I, 2 ...... 2 John Cheap: The Chapman's Librarv. (Dougal Graham) 3 John Hopkins Univ. Studies. Ser. rr, Nos. 3-4; Ser. 12, Nos. 8-9, 11-12; Ser. 13, Nos. r-4, 6-12; Ser. 20, Nos. 5-6, 7-8. Pam...... I2 Johnson's -Universal Cyclop;-eclia. Chas. K. Adams .... . I6 Josephine, Empress. i\lemoirs of ...... 2 Journal of American Folk-Lore. Vols. I-13 ...... 13 Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 9 ...... I Journal of the Franklin Institute. Vols. 151, 152 ...... 2 Judges of England. Edward Foss ...... 9 Judges of King Charles I. Ezra Stiles. 1794 ...... I Juridical Review; a J onmal of Legal and Political Sci- ence. \ 101. 12 ...... , ...... I Jurisprudence, Elements of. Thos. E. Holland ...... I

Karma; a Story of Early Buddhism. Paul Carns. Pam. I Keats, John. Poetical Works ...... ,...... I Keeler, Rev. Seth H., Discourse on Occasion of Death of, 1887. C. G. McCully. Pam ...... I Kennebec County, Me. Atlas of. H. E. Halfpenny ... . I Kennebec River, Map of a Survey of. By Lts. J. H. Findlay, N. B. Bennett and I-I. A. \\Tilson; drawn by Lieut. N. B. Bennett . .,, ...... I Kent, James, Memoirs and Letters of. \Vm. Kent. ... . I Kim. Kipling. (2 copies) ...... 2 Kindred of the \~'ild. Chas. G.D. Roberts ...... I King Philip's \Var, I-Iistory of. Benjamin Church .... . z King's Ring. Zacharias Topelitts ...... I Kittery and Eliot, l\Ie., Record of Services of Commis- sioned Officers and Enlisted Men of, 1775-1883. 2 copies ...... ,...... 2 Knox, John, D. D., Memorial of. 1858. Pam ...... I Kock, Paul de, Memoirs of ...... I

Labrador Coast ; Journal of two Summer Cruises to that Region. Alpheus Spring Packard ...... I Lady of Lyons. Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Pam ...... I 44 M,\INE STATF, LlllRARY. No. of Vols. Lady of Sorrow. James Thomson...... I Lady of the Lake. Sir -w alter Scott...... I Lancastriana. I. i\ Supplement to the Early Records and Military Annals of Lancaster. Mass. Henry S. Nourse· ...... ,_ . I Lancastriana. II. A Bibliography Compiled for the Public Library of Lancaster, lVTass. Henry S. Nourse I Land of Contrasts. Muirhead...... I Land of the Moors. Meakin...... I Laus Veneris. Swinburne. (2 copies)...... 2 Lauzun, Due de, and the Court of Louis XV. Gaston Maugras ...... 2 Lavallette, Count, Memoirs of...... 2 Law, Essay on the Growth of. M. M. Cohn...... I Law of Nations, Summary of the. George Friedrich von J\Iartens ...... ,...... I Law Notes. Vols. I, 4...... 2 Law Quarterly Review. Vol. I 7...... I Law Times Reports. Vols. 79-85...... 7 Laws and Jurisprudence of England and America. John F. Dillon ...... I Lay of the Last Minstrel. Sir Walter Scott...... I Lee, Mr. Richard, Short Narrative of the Life of. 1804 I Leeds, Me., History of Town of. J. C. Stinchfield. . . . I Legal News. Vols. 1-20. James Kirby...... 20 Leighton, Sir Frederic: An Illustrated Chronicle by Ernest Rhys, with Prefatory Essays by F. G. Stephens I Letters from a Self-made Merchant to his Son. Lorimer I Letters of a Portuguese Nun. E. Prestage, tr...... I Letters to Washington. Vol. I, 1752-1756; Vol. 2, 1756- 1758. S. M. Hamilton. ( 2 copies Vol. I) ...... 3 Letters written by a Turkish Spy who lived Five and Forty Years Undiscovered at Paris. 1637-82...... 8 Liability of Municipal Corporations for Tort. W. L. Williams ...... I Library, The. Vol. 2...... I Library Bureau Catalogue, 1900...... I Library Companion. T. F. Dibdin. 1824 ...... :... I Library Journal. Vol. 24...... 2 Library Primer. J. C. Dana...... I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 45 No. of Vols. Library School Card Catalog Rules. Melvil Dewey. . . . 1 Life and Death of Jason. \Vm. Morris...... 1 Life in Early Britain. Bertram C. A. \Vindle...... 1 Life in the Open Air and Other Papers. Theodore Win- throp. ( 2 copies) ...... 2 Life on the Stage. Clara Morris...... I Lincoln, Levi, Memoir of. Emory Washburn...... 1 Lincoln's Speech at Gettysburg, Nov. 19, 1863, Remarks on, by Samuel A. Green. Pam...... I Lincoln Co. Land Difficulties. Pam ...... , ...... 1 Lippincott' s Monthly :Magazine. Vol. 68...... I List of all Places, Pensions, Sinecures, etc., exhibiting a complete View of the National Debt. 1816...... I Literary Digest. Vols. 22, 23...... 2 Literary Pamphiets; Chiefly Relating to Poetry. Ernest Rhys...... 2 Literary World. Vols. 62-65...... 4 Literature of American History; a Bibliographical Guide. J. N. Larned. (2 copies)...... 2 Literatures of the \iVorld. Edmund Gosse, eel...... 9 French Literature. Eclw. Dowden. Bohemian Literature. Count Francis Lutzow. Italian Literature. Richard Carnett. Japanese Literature. W. G. Aston. Modern English Literature. Eclm. Gosse. Russian Literature. K. W aliszewski. Sanskrit Literature. Arthur A. MacDonell. Spanish Literature. James Fitzmaurice-Kelly. Ancient Literature. Gilbert Murray. Little Pilgrim and Little Pilgrim, further Experiences. Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant...... 2 vols in I Lives, Heroic Deeds, and Sayings of Gargantua and his Son Pantagruel. Francois Rabelais...... 2 Lives of the Hunted. Ernest Seton-Thompson...... I Lodging for the Night: A Story of Francis Villon. Robert Louis Stevenson...... I London and its Environs; Handbook for Travellers. Karl Baedeker ...... I London Illus. Times; ·weekly Newspaper. Vols. 1-14; Vois. 1-17, Ser. 2...... 31 l\l Ali'\E S'L\'l'E Lllll

No. of Vols. Louisiana Code of Practice. with Annotations of Henry L. Garland, Jr...... 1 Louisiana Digest. Breaux ...... 1 Lm~1sjana Purchase, History of. Howard...... I Love 1s Enough; or, The Freeing of Pharamond. Wm. Morris ...... I Love Songs of Scotland. Rob't \V. Douglas...... I Lovejoy, Elijah P., Memorial Sermon on, at Dover, N. I-I. Pain...... I 1,ov.-, \Villiam, of Boston, Descendants of, 1768-1890. E. \\·. Barbour. Pam...... I Lowell, James Russell ; a Biography. Horace Elisha Scudder ...... 2 Lower Canada Law Journal, Vols. 1-4. James Kirby. . 4 Lynn, David, and Others, Trial of, for 1\fnrder of Paul Chadwick, at Maita, l\fe., 1809 ......

McClure·s Magazine. Vols. 14-18 ...... ,...... S Macklin, Chas. Edwin Abbot Parry...... 1 Macmillan's Magazine. Vol. 84...... I Macreacly, vVm. Chas. vVm. Archer...... 1 Madonna in Legend and History. Elizabeth C. Vincent I Magna Charta Barons and their American Descendants. Chas. H. Browning...... I Maine, Biographical Sketches of l\fembers of Senate and House of. Vol. 7. 1878. Pam...... I Maine Corporation Law. Isaa, \\T. Dyer...... I Maine Executive and Legislative Departments, Album of. E. C. Bowler ...... I Maine Historical Society. Collections. 2d Series. Vols. 6, 7: Documentary History of Maine. 5 copies each. . IO Maine Historical Society. Index to Collections, Vols. 1-9 ...... ,...... I Maine in the War for the Union. Whitman and True.. I Maine Laws, 1820-1902...... 81 Maine Liquor Laws: Compilation of Revised Statutes of 1871. Pam...... I Laws for Suppression of Drinking Houses and Tip- pling Shops, 1855. Fam...... I Maine Militia Law. Pam...... I LIJJi,, \RIA x' S R8POR'I'. 47 No. of Vols. Maine, Proceeding·s of 31st Legislature of, in Relation to European and North American Railway. 1852. Pam. I Maine Monthly Magazine, Vol. r. 1837...... I Niaine Public Laws, Report of Commissioners appointed to revise. Title VI II. ( Annotations in ms.) 1840. . I i\Iaine Reports, Vols. I-C)5, ...... • ...... • . 95 Maine, Semi-Annual Reg·ister of :\fagistrates of. June 2, 1879-Dec. 1, 1889 ...... , I Maine State Directory and Gazetteer, 1895...... I Malden, Mass., History 0f, 1633-1785. Deloraine P. Corey ...... I The Man from Glengarry. Ralph Connor...... I Manchester, l\1ass., History of Town of. D. F. Lamson I Manchester, Vt., Early History of: Address, 1875. L. l\1 unson. Pam...... I Manitoba Law Journal. John S. Ewart...... 2 Manitoba Law Reports. Vo!. l 3...... I Manners and Social usages. Mrs. John Sherwood.... I Marcus Aurelius Antoninus; his l\1editations concerning Himself. W. H. D. Rouse...... I Marietta, a Maid of Venice. F. Marion Crawford..... I Marius, the Epicurean. \\'alter Pakr...... 2 Mary, Queen of Scots, and \Vho ·wrote the Casket Let- ters. Samuel Cowan ...... 2 Maryland Reform Convention, 1851. Debates and Pro- ceedings. Vols. 1, 2...... 2 Bay, Journal of the Convention for Fram- ing a Constitution for the State of. 1779-1780...... I Massachusetts Constitutional Convention, 1853, Debates and Proceedings of...... 3 Massachusetts, Biographical Sketches of Members of Executive Department, Council, Senate and House of Massachusetts, 1883. Pam...... I Massachusetts Conventiou, 1788, Debates and Proceed- ings of ...... I Massachusetts Digest. Harris. Supplement. Vol. 5. . I Massachusetts Historical Society: Proceedings. 2d Series. 1900-02. Vols. 14-15... 2 Collections, 7Lh Series, Vol. 2...... I Massachusetts Laws: ~o. of Vols. Acts and Laws of Province of l\Jassachusetts Bay, 1726 ...... I Acts and Resolves, 1863, 2d session. Pam...... I Acts and Resolves of the ProYince of :\fassachusetts Bay, Vol. 9. 1902...... I Colonial Laws, reprinted from Edition of 1660.... I Colonial Laws, reprinted from Edition of 1672. . . . I Compendium and Digest of the Laws of Mass. Wm. Chas.\Vhite. 1809-ro. 2 General La vvs and Resolves, 1870. Pam...... I Laws, June 1811; May 31-Jnne 15, 1815; Jan. IO- Feb. 16, 1816; June, 1829. Pam...... 4 Report of the Commissioners on the Revision of the Statutes, 1881 ...... I Report of the Joint Special Committee on the Revision of the Statutes, Pts. 1, 2...... I Resolves, Jan .. 1825; Jan., 1826; Jan., 1828; June, 1825, 1826. Pam...... S Revised Laws of Mass., 1902. Index to Same..... 3 Supplement to General Statutes, Vol. 2, 1873-81. . . . I Supplement to Revised Statutes, l 8 54-59...... I Temporary Index to Revised Laws of Mass., 1902. Pam...... l Massachusetts Year Book and Business Directory, 1900. . l :Mather, Rev. Richard, Lineage of. H. E. Mather...... 1 Matthews, Brander. vVorks: Aspects of Fiction...... I French Dramatists of the 19th Century...... I The Historical Novel and other Essays...... I Parts of Speech : Essays on English...... I Pen and Ink...... I Maxims, Political, Philosophical and Moral. Edw. Counsel. Paper . , ...... l Mayflower Descendant. Vols. 1-3...... 3 Medical Diagnosis, with Special Reference to Practical Medicine. Da Costa ...... I Melvin, James, Journal of, during Arnold's Expedition to Quebec ...... I Memorials of Nature and Art. C. A. Goede...... I LlBR.\RiAN'S Rl':POR'I'. 40 No. of Vols. Mendon, Mass. Proprietors' Records. ( 1667-1816)... I Mexican People, Popnlar History of. Herbert Howe Bancroft ...... I Michigan Digest. Jacob and Chaner. Vol. 4...... I Middlesex County, :\fass., Histqry of. D. Hamilton Hurd ...... 3 Milch Cows, Treatise 011. Francis Guenon...... I Miiitary Diction:ffy. Col. H. L. Scott...... I Milton, John. Poeti~al \\orks. Cambridge Edition, also Edition of 1886...... 4 Milton, J olm, Shorter Poems of, with Illustrations by Samuel Palmer ...... I Milton Cemetery ( l\ Tilton, :\fass.) : Catalogue of Propri- etors of Lots, 1883. Pa111...... I Mimes, done into English from the French of Marcel Schwab, by A. Lenalie. ( 2 copies) ...... 2 Mind Power and Privileges. .-\. B. Olston...... I Minnesota Forest Fires, l\Iemorials of the, in the Year 1894. Rev. vVm. \\ilkinson...... I Miracles, Past and Present. \Vm. Mountford...... I Missouri State Conventions, 1861, 1862, Journal of. Pain...... 2 Mistress Brent. Lucy Mt>acham Thruston...... I Modern Chivalry. H. H. Brackenridge...... 2 Modern Eloquence; Library of Afterdinner Speeches, Lectures, Occasional Addresses. Thos. B. Reed...... IO Modern Painting, History of. Richard Muther...... 3 Modern Political Institutions. Simeon E. Baldwin. . . . I Moliere, Dramatic \\.orks of. Henri Van Laun, Trans. (2 Sets) ...... ,...... 12 Monomia. Justin McCarthy ...... I Monopolies, Past and Present. J. E. Le Rossignol. . . . . I Montgomery, Mass., Vital Records of, to 1850...... I Monthly Cyclopcedia of Practical Medicine. Vol. 15... I Moral Review of Revolutionary War. Sylvester Judd. Pam.. , ...... 1 Morgan Horses. D. C. Linsley...... I Mormons; or Latter-day Saints: with Memoirs of the Life and Death of Joseph Smith. Charles Mackay...... I Morris, Wm., Life of. J. \V. l\Iackail...... 2 50 MAINE: S1'A'fE LilrnARY. No. of Vols. Moses, John, of Plymouth, John Moses of Windsor and Simsbury, and some of their Descendants, Historical Sketches of. Zeb,ina Moses...... 1 Mount Desert. Mrs. Clara Barnes Martin...... 1 Mount of Olives a!1d Other Lectures on Prayer. Rev. James Hamilton ...... 1 Mountain, Stream, and Covert. Alex. Innes Shand. . . . l Mournful Song on Death of Wife and Child of Nat'! Knights of Windham, Me. 1807. Broadside...... 1 Municipal Affairs. Vol. 5...... l Municipal Bonds, Treatise of the Law of. Simonton. . . I Municipal Engineering, Vol. 20. Index, Jan.-June, 1901, l Vols. 21, 22 ...... 2 Mt1nicipal Monopolies. Edward W. Bemis...... l Murray, James. History of Present vVar in America.. 2 Muse, The; or, Flowers of Poetry. Samuel W. Cole. 1827 ...... ; ...... l Mushroom Book. Nina L. Marshall...... l My Sister Henrietta. Ernest Renan. ( 2 copies) ...... 2 My Strangest Case. Guy Boothby...... l

Napoleon at St. Helena. O'l\1eara...... 2 Napoleon Bonaparte, Niemoirs of. De Bourrienne..... 4 Napoleon I., Letters and Dispatches of. D. A. Bingham 3 Napoleon, Recollections of the Private Life of. By Con- stant ...... 3 Napoleon's Expedition to Russia, in the Year 1812. Count Philip de Segur...... '"...... 2 Napoleon's Invasion of Russia. H. B. George...... l Napol eon III., Life of. Blanchard Jerrold...... 4 National Academy of Science. Biographical Memoirs, Vols. 2, 3, 4. Pam. ( 2 copies) ...... 6 National Almanac and Annual Record, 1864. Pam.... 1 National Cyclopcedia of American Biography. Vols. 1-1 l II National Review. Vols. 36-38 ...... , .... • • • • • • • • • • • 3 National \Vorthies ; A Selection from National Portrait Gallery , ...... I Nature. Vols. 63, 64 ...... • .. • • • • • 2 Navy of the U. S. and Marine Corps. List of Officers, 1775-1900. Edw. W. Callahan...... I LlGR.\Rl.\N's RJ~Pmn'. 51 No. of Vols. Kegligence, Commentaries on the Law of. Thompson.. 3 Kelson, John, Extract from Journal of. r 836...... I Nemesis of :\lisgovemrnent. J. \V. Buel...... J Nests and Eggs of ?\orlh American Birds. Oliver Davie 1 New Bedford Centennia1 Celebration. Proceeding-s, 1865, I N cw Bnms,,/ick Supreme Comt Reports, Vol. 34...... 1 New Discoveries in Paimi~try. J.· B. Hargett...... I New England and N cw York, Travels in. Timothy D,vight. 1823 ...... 1...... 4 N cw England Busine;-s Directory and Gazetteer, 1902. . 1 New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vols. 19-39 and 55...... 22 New England Magazine. Vols. 23-26...... 4 New Englander. Vols. 1-56...... 56 New England's Memorial. Nath'l Morton...... 1 New England's Struggles for Religious Liberty. D. B. Ford ...... I New Hampshire Historical Society: Collections, Vols. 1, 2, 1824 . , ...... , .... , , , , .... , . , .... , ...... , • 2 Proceedings, Vol. 3. Pt. 2. 1897-1899. Pam..... I New Hampshire House of Representatives. Journal, 1816, 1819 .. , .. , .. , ... ' , , .... , , . , ... , ...... 2 New Hampshire :Men at Louisburg, Cape Breton, 17;15, Roil of ...... 1 New Hampshire Volunteers, Fifteenth Regiment. His- tory of. Chas. MacGregor...... 1 New . Digest. G. P. 'i\foney...... I New Sweden, Me. Decennial Anniversary, July 23, 1880. l Constitutional Convention, 18n7-fi8. Proceed- ings and Debates. Vols. 1-5...... 5 New York Constitutional Convention, 1894: Documents and Reports...... 1 Revised Record ...... 5 New York, G<.'.neral Laws and Revised Statutes of. 1901. 5 New York Reports : Annotated Cases, Vols. 7-10...... 4 Criminal Reports, Vol. r 5...... 1 Miscellaneous Reports, Vols. 32-37...... 6 MAINE S'fATE LIBRARY.

New York Digests : No. of Vols. Abbott's Cyclopedic Digest, Vols. r-12...... 12 Court of Appeals Reports. Tndex Digest. Camp- bell. 1901 ...... New York State, History of. S. S. Randall...... I Newfoundland Supreme Court Reports, 18r7-28; 1854-64. }\Torris ...... 2 Nichols, J. Address before Portland Association for Promotton of Temperance, 1828. Pam...... I Night-Side of Nature; or Ghosts and Ghost-Seers. Catherine Crewe ...... 1 Nights, The. Giovanni Straparola...... 2 Nineteen Thousand Pounds. Rnrford Delannoy...... I Nineteenth Century. Vols. -49-51...... 3 '98 and '48: !

4 54 MAINE S'rATE LIBRARY. No. of Vols. Paley's Evidences of Christianity. Wm. Paley...... l Palmer, Stephen, Brief Gmealogical History of the Ancestors and Descendants of. Thomas Palmer. . . . . l Paris of To-day. Richard Whiteing...... l Parkman, Francis, Life of. C. H. Farnham. ( 2 copies) 2 Parliamentary Debates in England, 1668-1745...... 22 Parnell, Thomas, Poetical \Vorks of...... ,...... l Partnership, Treatise on the of. \i\T. A. Shumaker l Peace Society of Maine. Constitution and Officers, 1817 l Pecorone of Ser Giovanni. ( Ser Giovanni Fiorentino.) \\T. G. \Vaters, Trans...... l Penal Laws and Test Act. in 1687-8. Sir Geo. Duckett 2 Constitutional Convention, 1837. Proceed- ings and Debates. Vols. l-f4...... 14 Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention. 1873. Debates, Vols. I -8; Vol. 9, Index...... 9 Penn,;ylvania County Court Reports. Vols. 24, 25, 1901-02 ...... 2 Pennsylvania Digest. Pepper and Lewis. Vols. 9-14.. 6 Peunsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vols. 24, 25 ...... 2 Penobscot County Atlas...... r Pepperell, Sir \Vm., Life of. Usher Parsons...... I Philbrick and Philbrook Families. 3 copies .. ,...... 3 Phinney, Clement, Life of. D. M. Graham. r85r. . . . l Pierce, John. Discourse, Brookline, Mch. 15, 1847. Pam...... 1 Pike, John. Discourse. North Falmonth, July 14, 1839. Pam...... 1 Pilgrim Shore. Edmund H. Garrett...... r Pilgrims of Hope. William Morris. (2 copies)...... 2 Pine Knot. VI/. E. Barton...... 1 Pine Tree Balla

No. of Vols. Prince Society publications ...... 29 Andros Tracts. Antinomianism in the Colony of Mass. Bay. Capt. Jno. Mason, Founder of N. H. Genealogy of Payne and Gore Families. Hutchinson Papers, relative to History of Mass. Bay. Jno. Checkley; or, Evolution of Religious Tolerance in Mass. Bay. Jno. Dunton's Letters from N. England, 1686. Jno. Wheelwright; Writings and Memoir. Edward Randolph: Letters, Papers, and Memoir. New England's Prospect.. Wm. Wood. New. English Canaan of Thos. Morton. Radisson's Voyages. Sir Ferdinando Gorges and his Province of Maine. Sir Walter Raleigh and his Colony in America. Sir \Vm. Alexander and American Colonization. Voyages of Northmen to America. Voyages of Champlain. Prior, Matthew. Poetical Works...... 2 Private Corporations, Treatise on Law of. Clark & J\,farshall ...... 3 Probate Reports Annotated. Geo. A. Clement. Vols. 5, 6...... 2 Procedure in England, History of, from the Norman Conquest. M. Madison ...... I Prohibition, History of, in Maine. \ Villey. Pam...... I Prostitution, History of. \Vm. \V. Sanger, M. D...... I Proverbs. \;Vm. Hardcastle Brmvne...... 1 Public Improvements. Vol. 2...... 1 Public Libraries. Vols. 5. 6...... 2

Quarterly Review. Vols. r93, 194...... 2 Quebec Law Reports. Perrault. Conseil Superieur de Quebec...... I Perrault. Prevostt de Quebec...... I Ramsay. Appeal Cases ...... 1 Dorion. Queen's Bench ...... 4 Stuart. Vice Admiralty ...... 2 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 57

Quebec Law Reporis--Concluded: No. of Vols. Stuart. King's Bench and Provincial Court of Appeals ...... ·..... I Montreal Condensed Reports, 1854...... I Montreal Law Reports, Queen's Bench...... 7 Montreal Law Reports, Superior Court...... 7 Rapports J udiciaires Officiels de Quebec. Queen's Bench...... 9 Rapports Judiciaires Ofriciels cle Quebec. Superior Ct. and Circuit Ct...... 17 Rapports Judiciaires revises. Mathieu. Vols. 24-27, 4 Queen of Naples and Lord Nelson. J.C. Jeaffreson.... 2 Quid Mirror-1st Part. Pam ...... I Quincy Adams Sawyer and Mason's Corner Folks. C. F. Pidgin ...... ·...... I

Rab and His Friends. John Brmvn, M. D...... I Railroad Question. \\'m. Larrabee...... I Randall, Elder Benjamin, Life of. John Buzzell...... I Rawlins or Rollins, Records of Families of the Name of. J. R. Rollins ...... I Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. Dec., 1901. Pa111 ...... I Real Property, Treatise on the American Law of. E. \Vashburn ...... ' ...... 3 Recamier, Mme., and her Friends. :\1me. Lenormant. . . I Recamier, Mme. l\lcmoirs and Correspondence of. I. l\I. Luyster ...... I Recollections of a Service of three Years During the \Var of Extermination in the Repnblics of Venezuela and Columbia, by an Officer in the C'olnmbian Navy. Vol 2, I Reference Catalogue of C'l'rrcnt Literatnre. Vols. I, 2. . 2 ReEgious Denominations in U. S., Selected Bibliography of. Pan1 ...... I Religious Liberty in America, Ri,;e of. S. H. Cobb. . . . I Relic1ues of Ancient English Poetry. Thomas Percy. . . . 3 Reminiscences of a Nonagen;nian. Sarah Anna Emery I Renaissance Fancies and Studies. Vernon Lee...... I 58 MAH,_E STATE LIBRARY. No. of Vols. Repplier, Agnes. \Yorks : ...... 8 Books and Men. Essays ill Idleness. Essays in Miniature. In the Dozy Hours. Points of View. Varia. Representative Painters of XIXth Century. Mrs. A. Bell I Revelation, The; Being an Account of the Twenty-One Days Entrancement of Abraham P. Pierce, Spirit­ .Medium, at Belfast, Me., with a Sketch of his Life. Pain...... 1 Revue Legale. Vols. 1-21. Vols. 1-6, New Ser...... 27 Rhode Island, Civil and Military List of, 1800-50. Joseph J. Smith ...... I Rhode Island Digest. E. C. Stiness. 1900...... I Right of \Vay. Gilbert Parker...... 1 Right Method of Addressing the Divine Majesty in Prayer, set forth in Two Discourses on April 5, 1770, at Cambridge. ( Fast Day Sermons.) N ath'l Appleton I Roads and Streets, Law of. Elliott...... I Robert Royalton. John J. Leighton...... I Robertson, David, Romantic Story of, among the Islands off and on the Coast of Maine. Capt. Jno. Pendleton I Robin Rocle, A Lytell Gcste of, with other Ancient and Modern Ballads and Songs Relating to this Celebrated Yeoman. John ]\lat.thew Cutch...... 2 Rogers, John, of Marshfield. J. H. Drummond. Pam.. I Roman Art. Franz \Vickhoff...... I Romance and Reality of the Puritan Coast. E. H. Garrett ...... I Roxbury, Mass., History of. Ellis...... I Runnymede Letters. Disraeli ...... I Rural Sports. \Vm. B. Daniel...... 3

Sacred Biography. Henry Hunter...... 4 Sacred Books of the East. F. }lax '.\Ji.iller, Ed. Vols. 9-12 ...... • . . . . • • . . . 4 Saga Library ...... 5 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 59 .N"o of Vols. Sagadahoc, List of Persons who Took the Oaths of Allegiance to the King at, 1665. Mss. copy...... I Sailor's Log. Robley D. Evans ...... , I Saint Guido, by Richard Jefferies. Queen Mary's Child- Garden, by Dr. John Brown...... I Sanford, History of. Edwin Emery. (2 copies)...... 2 Sandwich and Bourne (Mass.). Celebration of Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary at Sandwich, Sept. 3, 1889 ...... ' ...... _...... I Savage's, Genealogical Dictionary, Genealogical Notes and Errata to. C. H. Dall. Pam...... I Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, Index of. 0. P. Dex- ter. Pam...... 1 Saxe, John Godfrey. Poetical Works...... I Schley Case, The Truth about. "Nauticus." Pam.... I Science. ·vols. 14, 15 ...... ,. . . . 2 Science Gossip. Vol. 7, New Series...... I Scientific American. Vol. 84...... I Scientific American Supplement : Vols. 51, 52...... 2 Catalogue of Valuable Papers...... I Scotch-Irish; or, The Scot in North Britain, North Ire- land and North America. Chas. A. Hanna...... 2 Scott, Sir \Valter. Poetical \\T orks...... r Scottish Clans and Their Tartans. W. and A. K. Johns- ton ...... r Scribner's Magazine. Vols. 30, 31...... 2 Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe: Memoirs of Empress Josephine. :vrme. Ducrest. . . 2 Kapoleon's Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud...... 2 The Royal Family of France During the Revolution. Princess Lamballe ...... 2 Secret History of the Court of Berlin. l\'rirabeau. . 2 Pnvatc Memoirs of Louis XV. 1\1me. Du Hausset 2 :\Iemoirs oi the Court of Austria. Dr. E. Vehse. . . 2 Secret Orchard. Agnes ancl Egerton Castle...... I Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries. C. \Y. Hecke- thorn ...... 2 Seizure and Abduction of American Citizens from Mada- waska. Curtius ...... I 60 MAINE STATE LIBRARY. No. of Vols. Sermon del. at Funeral of Rev. Daniel Crosby, Pastor of Winthrop Church, Charlestown, March 3, 1843, by David Greene. Pam...... I Sermon de!. at Ordination of Rev. J. A Douglas, Con­ gregational Church, \Vaterford, Nov. 7, r82r. By Asa Cummings. Pam...... I Sermon de!. at Ordination of Ceo. W. \Vells, Kennebunk, by Chas. Lowell. Pam...... I Sermon de!. in Bangor, June 24, 1835, by Geo. Shepard. Pam...... I Sermon de!. Bath, Me., March 2. 1828, by J. W. Elling- wood. Pam...... I Sermon de!. in Hallo,vell, June 24, 1840, by Elijah Jones. Pan1...... I Sermon del. in Machias, June 23, 1841, by Geo. E. Adams. Pam...... , ...... I Sermon de!. in North Yarmouth, June 28, 1837, by T. T. Stone. Pan1...... I Sermon de!. in Portland, June 22, 1842, by S. D. \'Yard. Pam...... I Sermon de!. Nov. 29, 1838, Saco, by Samuel Hopkins. Pam...... I Sermon Preached on Fast clay, April 18, 1839, Saco, Me., by Samuel Hopkins. Pam...... I Sermon de!. Saco, June 27, 1838, by Carleton Hurd. Pam. I Sermon de!. at \,Vinthrnp, June 21, 1830, by Silas McKeen. Pam...... I Seven Sermons on the Obligation and Encouragement of the Unregenerate to Labour for the Meat which Enclur­ eth to Everlasting Life . Preached in the First Parish in \Veils, by Moses Hemmenway...... I Sesame and Lilies. Ruskin...... I Sewall, Samuel, and the \Vorlcl he Lived in. N. H. Chamberlain ...... I Shakespeare. Books relating to Shakespeare and his Works: Bankside Shakespeare; Comedies, Histories and Tragedies of Mr. \Vm. Shakespeare as Presented by Globe and Blackfriars Theatres, circa 1591- 1623. Appleton Morgan, eel...... I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 61

Shakespeare-Continued: No. of Vols. Shakespeare, Wm. Poems...... I Shakespeare's Sonnetts. Old World Series. (2 copies) ...... 2 Beauties of Shakespeare. Rev. Wm. Dodd...... I Concordance to Shakespeare. John Bartlett...... I Diary of Master \Vm. Silence: A Story of Shake- speare and of Elizabethan Sport. D. H. Madden I English History in Shakespeare's Plays. B. E. Warner ...... I Falstaff and Equity. C. E. Phelps...... 1 How to Study Shakespeare. 1st and 2d Series. Wm. H. Fleming, with Introduction by W. J. Rolfe ...... 2 In re Shakespeare's "Legal Acquirements." W. C. Devecmore ...... I Law in Shakespeare. C. K. Davis...... I Lectures and Notes on Shakespeare and other Eng- lish Poets. Samuel Taylor Coleridge...... I Lectures on the Literature of the Age of Elizabeth and Characters of Shakespeare's Plays. William Hazlitt. 2 Vols. in I. ( 2 copies) ...... 2 Life of Shakespeare. Si

Shakespeare-Continued: No. of Vols. Shakespeare's Library; a Collection of the Plays, Romances, Novels, Poems and Histories Employed by Shakespeare. Hazlitt ...... 6 Shakespeare's Town and Times. H. S. Ward and C. vV. Ward ...... ,...... I Short Studies of Shakespeare's Plots. Cyril Ran- sorne ...... I Specimens of the Pre-Shaksperean Drama. J. M. lvfanly ...... 2 Study in the Warwickshire Dialect. Appleton Mor- gan...... r William Shakespeare. Victor Hugo...... I William Shakespeare: A Critical Study. George Brandes ...... I Wm. Shakespeare: A Study in Elizabethan Litera- ture. Barrett vVendell ...... I vV m. Sh:1kespeare, Poet, Dramatist and Man. H. W. Mabie. (2 copies) ...... 2 She Stands Alone: The Story of Pilate's \Vife. Mark Ashton ...... , ...... I Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Poetical \\'orks...... I Shelter lsland and its Presbyterian Chnrch, Historical Papers on. J. E. 1Iallmann ...... ,. . I Shepard's Citations of Overruled and Conflicting Cases in Mass, R.~ports, 2d ed...... I Shepard's Citations of Overruled and Conflicting Cases in Illinois Reports. 2d eel...... I Shepard's Citations of Overruled ancl Conflicting Cases in U. S. Supreme Court Decisions. 2d ed...... I Shepard's National System of Adhesive Annotations. Decisions ...... r Shepard's National System of Adhesive Annotations. Maine Decisions ...... I Shepley, Chief Justice Ether. Sermon on Life and Char- acter of, Del. in State St. Church, Portland, Me., Jan. 21, 1877. Rev. Edw. Y. Hincks...... r Short Poems including a Shtch of tlie Scriptures to the Book of Ruth. Jonathan Fisher...... I Simplified Library School Rule~. :'.\Ielvin Dewey...... I LIBRARIAN'S REPOR'l'. No. of Vols. Sire cie Maletroit's Door. R. L. Stevenson ...... :... 1 Six Old English Chronicles. J. A. Giles...... r Slave Insurrections. J. Coffin ...... I Slavery. Wm. E. Channing ...... I Slavery and the Slave Trade, Ancient and Modern. W. 0. Blake ...... 1 Sledge, The. R. V. Risley...... 1 Smyth, William, Address on Life and Character of, Del. before Alumni of Bowdoin College, July 7, 1868. A. S. Packard ...... 1 Snow Baby. Josephine A Peary...... I Social Justice. Willoughby...... I Society for Psychical Research. List of Members and Associates of American Branch. Pam...... 1 Society for Psychical Research. Proceedings. Vols. 1-16, 1882-1901 ...... •'•...... 16 Solicitor's Journal and Reporter. Vols. 44, 45...... 2 Song of a Vagabond Huntsman: Chas. Lever. Pictured by vVm. Anderson Sherwood...... 1 Song to David. Christopher Smart...... I Songs Before Sunrise. A C. S_winbnrne. (2 copies).. 2 Sons of American Revolution. National Register. L. H. Cornish ...... , ...... l Sons of the American Revolution. Mass. Society. His­ torical Memoranda with Lists of Members and Their Revolutionary Ancestors ...... I Songs of the American Revolution, Mass. Society. Soldiers and Sailors whose Graves have been Desig- nated by the ".\forker of the Society...... I Sons of the American Revolution. Old Suffolk Chapter. Register 1900, with addres.~ on the "Battle of Chelsea," at Celebration of the 123d Anniversary of the Battle, May 27, 1898...... I Sound Currency, Vol. 8, Nos. 1-4...... I South Berwick, i\'1e. Congregational Church, Address at 200th Anniversary, J nne 4, 1902. Pam...... I Southern History Association, Publications. Vols. 2-5, also Vol. 6, 3 Nos. (Pam.) and Sup. to Vol. 2. Pam. . 8 Soverane Herbe, The; a History of Tobacco. Vv. A. Penn ...... I MAINE S'I'ATE LIBRARY.

No. of Vols. Spain in the 19th Century. E. \V. Latimer...... I Spenser, Edmund. Poetical "\Vorks...... 5 Spirit of '76, Vol. 7...... I Sport. \V. Bromley-Davenport ...... I Sport with Rod and Gun in American \Voods and Waters. A. lvI. lYiayer ...... I Sporting Incidents; Being a Collection of 44 Plates of Coaching, Hunting, Amateur Races and Horses in the Show Ring. Designs by H. Milford Steele...... 3 Sporting Sooety; or Sporting Chat and Sporting Memo- ries. Fox Russell .. ,...... 2 Stqndard Dictionary of the English Language. I. K. Funk. ( 2 copies) ...... 2 State and Federal Control of Persons and Property in the U. S. Christopher G. Tiedeman...... 2 State Prisoner; Tale of the French Regency. M. L. Boyk 1837 ...... 2 State Trials, Rcp'ts oi. .0'. ew Ser. Vols. r-8. J. E. P. vYallis ...... 8 Stevens·, John L., Remarks of, in Senate of l\Ie., Feb., 1869, on an Order instructing· the Jndiciary Com. to report a bill abolishing Capital Punishment. Pam. . . . I Stoddard's Lecture_s. J. L. Stoddard...... IO Story of Books. Gertrude B. Rawlings...... I Story of David Gray. Robert Buchanan. 2 copies. . . . 2 Story of King Alfred. \Valter Besant...... I Story of Pemaquid. James Otis...... I Story of the Pilgrim Fathers as told by themselves, their Friends and their Enemies. Edward Arber...... I Street Railway Accident Law in l\fass. E. H. Clark.... I Striking Hours. Eden Phillpotts...... I Subject Headings, List of, for Use in Dictionary Cata- logues ...... I Successors of J\fary the First. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps I Suckling·, Sir Jolm. Poetical Works...... 2 Sudbury, Mass., Bi-centennial of. E. J. Young. Pam. I Suits by Attachment, Treatise on Law of. C. D. Drake. 7th Edition ...... I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT, 65 No. of Vols. Sullivan, James, Sermon Preached Dec. 18, 1808, the Lord's Day after the Publick Funeral of, by Jos. Buck- rninster, at the church in Brattle St., Boston. Pam.... I Sumner, Me. Centennial History of...... I Suretyship and Guaranty, Treatise on Law of. Pingrey I Surgical Diseases of ihe Genito-Urinary Tract. G. F. Lydston ...... I Swanzey, N. H., History of. Benj. Reed...... I Swift, Jonathan. Poetical \'lorks...... 3 Sylvia. Evalyn Emerson ...... I Symbolism of the East and West. Mrs. I-I. Murray- Aynsley ...... I

Table Talk of John Selden. S. I-I. Reynolds...... 1 Talcs of Bowdoin told by Bowdoin Men. J. C. Minot and D. F. Sno,v...... I Tales of our Forefalhcrs and Biographical Annals of Families allied to those of !vic Pike, Guest and Dumont. E. F. l\IcPike...... 1 Talks on the Study of Literature. Arlo Bates...... I Talks on Writing English, 1st and 2d series. Arlo Bates 2 Talleyrand, C. M., 1\lemoirs of...... 2 Taxation, Theory and Practice of. D. A. Wells. (2 copies) ...... 2 Technology Quarterly. Vol. 14...... I Temple Bar. Vols. 123-125...... 3 Ten Thousand a Year. Samuel \Varren...... 3 Ten Years at Pemaquid. J. Cartland. ( 2 copies) ...... 2 Tennyson, Alfred. Poetical Works...... I Texas Annotated Civil Statutes. Sayles...... 2 Themis, La: Revue de Legislation. de Droit, et de Juris- prudence, 1879-83 ...... 5 Theosophist, Vol. 21...... I 1'hirty Years of Foreign Policy: Hist. of the Secretary- ships of the Earl of Aberdeen and Viscount Palmers- ton. Thomas Mack-night ...... 1 Thomas, Benj. F. Speeches in 2d and ~d Sessions, 37th Congress and in Vacation. 1863...... I Thomson, James. Poetical \Vorks...... 2 Thoreau, the Poet-Naturalist. \Vm. Ellery Channing. . I 66 MAINE S'l'A'I'B LIJWARY. No. of Vols. Three .:Vlilitary Diaries kept by Groton Soldiers in Differ- ent \Vars, with Introductions by Samuel A. Green.... I Tulstoi, Lyof N. Novels and Other ·works: ...... 22 War and Peace. Vols. I--6. Anna Karenina. Vols. 7-9. Childhood, Boyhood, Youth. Vol. rn. The Cossacks Sevastopol. Vol. Ir. The Invaders. Vol. 12. Russian Proprietor. VoL 13. Death of I van Ilyitch. Vol. 14. Long Exile. Vol. 15. Master and l\fan. Kreutzer Sonata. Dramas. Vol. 16. My Confession. My Religion. The Gospel in Brief. Vol. 17. What is to be done? Life. Vol. 18. The Kingdom of God is Within you. Vol. 19. Essays, Letters, and Miscellanies. Vol. 20. Resurreclion. Vols. 21, 22. Tonkin to India. Henri D'Orleans ...... l Torts, Treatise on the Law of. Bigelow...... r Tory Lover. Sara Orne Jewett...... I Town Officers, Powers and Duties of. 1824...... l Transliterat10n from the Russian (anon.) Pam...... r Travel-Pictures, including The Tour in the Harz, Nor- clerney, and Book of Ideas, together with The Romantic School. Heinrich Heine ...... I Triumphs of Intellect; a Lecture. Oct., 1824, in the Chapel of Waterville College. Stephen Chapin. Pam...... I T.ristram of Blent. Anthony Hope. ( 2 copies) ...... 2 Troiting Horse of America. Hiram \Voodruff...... 1 Troubadours at Home. J. H. Smith...... z Trumbull, John and his Works. J. F. Weir...... 1 Truth Dexter. Sidney McCall...... I

Uncle Terry. Charles Clark Munn...... I Underground Railroad. R. C. Smedley...... I Underwoods. Robert Louis Stevenson. ( 2 copies) . . . . 2 United Irishmen: lheir Lives and Times. Ser. 1, Vols. l, 2; Ser. 2, Vois. 1, 2: Ser. 3, Vols. 1-3. R.R. Mad- den ...... 7 LIBR,\RlAN'S REPORT.

No. •.1f Vols. United States and its New Possessions, Map of, with Map of Maine on Reverse Side...... I United States Catalog, 1889. Pts. I, 2...... 2 United States, Commercial Relations of. 1842...... I United States, Laws of 1st-4th Congresses. 1796..... 3 United States, Acts of 5th Congress, 1797...... I United States. History of Rise, Progress and Establish- ment of Independence of. \Vm. Cordon. 1788. Vol. I, 1 United States Supreme Court Reports, Vols. 179-186.... 8 United States Digest. R:1ssell and vVinslow...... 3 Unknown Switzeriand. Victor Tissot...... I Up and clown the Sands of Cold. Mary Devereux..... I Upland Game Birds. E. Sandys and· T. S. Van Dyke.. I Upper Car.ada Law Jonrnal. (Old Series.) Vols. I-IO IO

Van Dyck, Anthony, Fifty Masterpieces of, in Photo- gravure, with Sketch of the Life of the Artist by Max Rooses ...... 1 Vermont Historical Gazetteer. A. \f. Hemenway...... 5 Verrazano, Voyc1ge of. Henry C. Murphy...... I Villon, Francois. Poems. 2 copies...... 2 Villon, Francois, St11cltnt. Poet, and House-Breaker. Robert Louis Stevenson ...... ,. I Virginia Convention, 1788. Dehates and Other Proceed- ings ...... I Vll'gmia Digest. Hurst's Annotated, Vol. 6...... I Virginia Digest. Hurst's Criminal Digest...... 1 Virgima, l\' otes on. Thomas Jefferson...... I Vivisection Question. Albert Leffingwell...... 1 Vojd Judicial Sales, Law of. 4th ed. Freeman...... I Voodoo Tales as told among the Negroes of the South- west ...... I Voyage5 and Travels. Leo de Colange. 2 Vols. in. . . . 4

W aae Genealogy, Pts. 1, 2. Stuart C. Wade...... 1 Waite, Eliza, Life anri Writings of. 1819...... 1 \Valton's Vermont Registtr and Business Directory, 1901 I vVandering Jew. Eugene S11e...... 3 War in . A. Conan Doyle. Paper...... I 68 MAINE S1'ATE LIBRARY.

No. of Vols. Warren, Dr. J. C. Letter to Hon. Isaac Parker contain­ mg Remarks on Dislocation of the Hip Joint. 1824. Pain...... I The \Vater of the Wondrous Isl~s. Wm. Morris...... I vVater Power of Brunswick Company, Report of Col. l.,,oammi Bald win upon...... I ·waterloo, Battle of, also Ligny and Quatre Bras, by a Near Observer ...... 2 \V aterloo: The Downfall of the First Na pol eon. George Hooper ...... I Watervilie, Centennial History of. 1902. 2 copies. . . . 2 Watteau, Antome. Pieces choisics et gravees par 'vV. l\iarks ...... I \Veekly Notes. Pt. 1, 1900; Pt. 1, 1901...... 2 Weekly Reporter, Vol. 49...... I Westminster Review. Vols. r55-157...... 3 What Happened to Wigglesworth. W. 0. Fuller. . . . . I When a Witch is Young. By 4-19-69...... I Whiskey Insurrection in Western Pennsylvania. H. M. Drackenndge ...... I White, Henry Kirke. Poetical \V orks...... I Whittier as a Politician. Samuel T. Pickard...... I Whittier, John Greenleaf; his Life Illustrated by his Works. E. D. Hines. Pam...... I Wild Life of Orchard and Field. Ernest Ingersoll..... I Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels. Goethe 2 William and Mary College Quarterly. Vols. 7-9, II.... 4 Williams, Veach, of Lebanon, Conn., Descendants of. ,'\. I-I. w· right ...... I Winthrop, Me. Cong. Church Centennial, Sept. 4, 1876. Pam...... I With Rod and Gun in New England and the Maritime Provinces. Edw. A. Samuels...... 1 \Vitty Sayings by Witty People. Wm. Hardcastle Browne...... 1 'vVizard's Knot. \:Vm. Barry...... 1 Woburn Records of Births, Deaths and Marriages, 1640- 1900. Pts. 1--6. Edw. F. Johnson...... 2 'Woman That's Good. Harold Rickard Vynne...... I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 6g No. of Vols. ·woman's Heart. Mrs. Alexander...... I vVood Beyond the World. Wm. Morris...... I World Almanac and Encyclopedia. 1901-1902...... 2 World Beautiful, 3d Series. Lillian Whiting...... 1 World by the Fireside. Mary and Elizabeth Kirby. . . . 1 World of Lit:le Wanders; or, at Home. Rev. J. G. Wood ...... 1 World Politics at the End of the Nineteenth Century. Paul S. Reinsch. ( 2 copies) ...... 2 \Vorld's Best Essays. David J. Brewer, Ed. Vols. r-IO IO \Norld's Discoverers. \Vm. Henry Johnson...... 1 World's Great Classics: Timothy Dwight and Others, Eds...... 6o Advancement of Learning and Novum Organum. Francis Bacon. Ancient History. Rawlinson. Babylonian and Assyrian Literature. Armenian Lit- erature. Classic Memoirs. -2ritiq11e of Pure Reason. Immanuel Kant. Chronicles of England, France, Spain and Adjoining Countries.. F ro1ssart. Decisive Battles of the vV arid. Democracy in America. Alexis de Tocqueville. Dialogues of Plato. Politics of Aristotle. Divine Comedy. Dante. Egyptian Literature. Essays of American Essayists including Biographical and Critical Sketches. Essays of British Essayists incl11ding Biographical and Critical Sketches. Essays of French, German and Italian Essayists including Biographical and Critical Sketches. Federalist, The. French Revolution. Carlyle. Hebrew Literature comprising Talmudic Treatises, Hebrew l\Ieiocl1es and the Kabbalah Unveiled. History of English Literature. Taine.


\tVorld's Grear Classics-Continued: No. of Vols. History of Europe During the Middle Ages. Hal­ lam. ( Vol. 3 contains also Modern History by Jules Michelet.) History of Florence. Machiavelli. History of the Popes. Leopold Von Ranke. Ideal Commonwealths. ( More's Utopia; Bacon's New Atlantis: Campanella's City of the Sun; and Harrington's Oceana.) J eruscJJem Delivered. Tasso. l\1oorish Literature and :!\falayan Literature. Nibelungenlie

Yankee Girl Abroad. J. M. Flagg, Illustrator...... I Year's Letters, A. Swinburne. ( 2 copies) ...... z Yellowstone Nat'! Park. Chittenden...... I York Co., Me., Atlas of...... r No. of Vols. York Co. Notices of Estates to he sold for Non-payment of Direct Tax for \ear 1816...... I Yorktown : Account oi the Campaign. J. H. Patton. . . . 1 Young, Edward. Poetical \Yorks ...... 2 Your l:ncle Le,v. Sherlock...... I

Zeta Psi Fraternity of .'forth America: Semi-Centennial Biographical Catalogue, 1899...... I Zola, Emile: A Biographical and Critical Study. Sher- ard ...... I


No. of Vols. Acton, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Alabama: Acts. 1896-97. (2 copies)...... 2 General Laws. 1900-or. ( 2 copies)...... 2 Supreme Court Reports, Vols. 123-131...... 9 Adjutant-General. Report, 1887-8. Pam...... I Attorney-General. Report, 1900. Pam...... l Insurance Commissioner. Report, 1899, 1901. . . . . 2 Railroad Commi~sioner. Report, 1897, 1899, 1900 (1900 Pam.) ...... 3 Albion, Me.: Annual Reports, 1902, 1901, 1897. Pam...... 3 Alfred, Me. Annuai Reports, 1901, HJ02. Pam...... 2 Alna, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Alton, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... 1 Amherst, Nle. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Amity, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... l Andover, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... 1 Androscoggin Co. Statement of Financial Condition, 1890, 1899. Pam...... 2 Anson, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... l Appleton, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Arizona: Journals of Legislative Assembly, 1901...... 2 Revised Statutes, 1901...... 1 Adjutant-General. Report, 1894. Pam...... 1 Arkansas: Acts and Resolutions, 1901...... I Act Creating State Board of Pharmacy, 1901. Pam., 1 Corporation Lavvs, 18q9. Pam...... l Game Laws, 1900. Pam...... l LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 73

Arkansas-Continued : No. of Vols. Governor's Message, 1901. Pam...... I House and Senate Journals, 1901. Pam...... 2 Supreme Ct. Reports, "\7ols. 68, 69...... 2 Adjutant-General. Report, 18G6 ...... I Auditor of State. Report, 1899-1900. Pam...... I Constitution, 1874. Pam ...... I Bureau of Mines, 1\fanufactures and Agriculture. Report, 1899-1900. Pam ...... I Sec'y of State. Report, 1899-1900...... I Com'n'rs of State Lands. Report, 1899-1900. Pam., I Sup't of Public Instruction. Report, 1899-1900. Pam. ( 2 copies) ...... 2 Railroad Commission. Report 1899-1900. (2 copies), 2 State Treasurer. Report, 1899-1900...... I Deaf Mute Institute, Report of Trustees and Officers of, 1899-1900. Pam ...... I School for the Blind, Report of Trustees and Sup't of, 1899-1900. Pam ...... I State Penitentiary. Report, 1899-1900. Pam. . . . . I University of Arkansas. Report of Trustees, 1898- 99, 1899-1900. Pam ...... I Aroostook County. Financial Statement. 1890, '98, '99, 1900, '01. Pain ...... 5 Ashland, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Athens, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. (2 copies.) Pam., 2 Atkinson, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Auburn, Me. : Annual Reports, 1896, 1900. ( 1896 Pam.)...... 2 Charter and Revised Ordinanr:es...... I Augusta, Me. Annual Reports, 1870, 77, 97. Pam.. . . . 3 Aurora, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Baldwin, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Bangor, Me. Annual Repnrts, 1901, 1902...... 2 Public Library, Annu,!l Reports, 1900, 1901 (2 copies 1900) ...... 3 Belfast, Me. Marnr's .'\

California-Continued : No. of Vols. State Board of Equalization. Report, 1889-90. Pam., I State Library Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 6; Vol. 2, Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. Pam...... 6 Railroad Com'n'rs. Report, 1900. Pam...... I Cambridge, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Camden, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Canaan, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Canada: Statutes, 1901, 1902...... 2 Journal of House, Vol. 35, 1901, and Appendices I, 2, 3; Vol. 36, 1901, Vol. 37, 1902...... 4 Journals of Senate, Vol. 35, 1900; Vol. 36, 1901. . . . . 2 Sessional Papers : Vol. 34, Nos. 1-r 3 ; Vol. 35, Nos. 1-13; Vol. 36, Nos. 1 (Pts. 1, 2) 2-9...... 36 Supreme Ct. Reports, Vols. 30, 31 ...... 2 Exchequer Ct. Reports, Vol. 6...... I Forestry Association. Annual Report, 1900. Pam.. I Geological Survey : Annual Report, New series, Vol. II, 1898. Pam., I British Columbia and Alberta l\lap...... I C"ltalogue of Canadian Birds Pt. 1. Pam. . . . . 1 CatalogT1e oi Marine Invertebrata of Eastern Canada. Pain ...... I Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology, Vol. 2, Pt. 2; Vol. 4, Pt. 2; Vol. 3. Pam...... 3 Eastern Townships l\fap, Pt. J, Vol. l I. Sheet, I Index to Reports 1863-8.i...... I Lake Winnipeg. Sheet ...... I :.\lap of Brit. Colllmbia, Athabasca and Macken- zie District. Sheet ...... I Reli::f Map of Canacla and ll. S. 1900. Sheet, I SupcrintenclPnt ,A Insnrance. Report, 1899, 1900. Parn ...... 2 Departmrnt of Interior: Maps to accompany Annual Rep't, 1901. (26 maps) ...... 26 Descriptive Atlas of Canada...... I Report of Chief Inspector of Timber and Fores- try, 1899. Pa111 ...... I M,\INE STA'rE LIBRARY.

Canada-Continued : No. of Vols. Canada Irrigation Surveys. 1 I Sheets...... I l General Map of North-western Canada. 1 Sheet, 1 Nisutlin and Big Salmon Rivers. Sheet...... I Stewart River Map. Sheet ...... I Canadian Year Book, 1867, 1901. Pam...... 2 Cape Elizabeth, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam., 2 Caribou, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Carmel, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... I Carroll, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Carthage, :\Te. Annual Reports, l()OT, 1902. Pam...... 2 Castine, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Charleston, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Chelsea, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Chester, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... I Chesterville, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. ( 1901, 2 copies.) Pam ...... 3 China, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Clinton, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. ( 1901, 2 copies.) Pam ...... 3 Colorado: Session Laws, 1901. 2 copies...... 2 Acts in Relation to Revenue. 1901. Pam...... I Proposed Act in Relation to Public Revenues. 1902. Pam ...... I School Law, 1897, 1899. Pam...... 2 Rules of Senate and House, 1901. Pam...... I Report to Gen. Assembly of Committee appointed to investigate the State Land Dep't. Pam...... I Report to Gen. Assembly in the Matter of Senate Joint Resolutions. Nos. 7, 9 (in Relation to Coal Strike in Colorado.) Pam...... I Report of the Joint Committee appointed for the Pur- pose of examining and verifying Accounts of Auditor and Treac;urer. Pam...... I Governor: Inaugural Address, 1891. Pam...... I Message of Gov. J. L. Routt, 1893. Pam...... I Message of Gov. J. L. Routt and Inaugural Address of Gov. D. H. \¥aite, 1893. Pam... I LIBRARIAN'S REPOR'l'. 77

Colorado-Continued: No. of Vols. Message of Gov. Waite and Inaugural of Gov. A. W. McIntire, 1895. Pam...... I Bien. Message of Gov. Alva Davis and Inaug- ural of Gov. C. S. Thomas, 1899. Pam...... I Bien. Message of Gov. C. S. Thomas and Inaug- ural of Gov. J. B. Orman, 1901. Pam...... I Message of Gov. J. B. Orman, 1902. Pam. . . . I Colorado Reports, Vol. 28...... I Court of Appeals Reports, Vol. 14...... I Adjutant-General. Biennial Reports, 1893-94, 1899- 1900. Pam ...... 2 State Board of Agriculture and Agricultural College: Annual Rerorts, 1896, I 898. ( Contains also Rep't of Agr. Experiment Station.) Pam. . . 2 Agricuitural Statistics of Colorado, 1893. Pam., I State Board of Arbitration. Annual Report, 1897- 98. Pain ...... I Attorney-General. Biennial Reports, 1895-96, 1897- 98, 1899-1900 ...... 3 Auditor of State. Biennial Reports, 1890-92, 1892- 94, 1895-96, 1898-1qoo. ( 1892-94, 1898-1900. Pan1) ...... 4 State Board of Charities and Corrections. Biennial Report, 1900. Pam ...... I State Dairy Commissioner. Annual Reports, 1889- 90, 1895-96, 1899. (188q-90, 1895-96. Pam)... 3 State Engineer. Biennial Report, 1899, 1900...... 2 State Fish Commissioner and Game Vv arden. Bien- nial Reports, 1893-94, 1895-96, 1899-1900. Pam.. 3 State Geologist. Biennial Reports, 1883-84, 1889-90. Pam...... 2 State Board of Health. Reports, 1894-1900...... I State Board of Horticulture. Annual Report, 1900. Pam...... I Insurance Department : Annual Reports, 1882 ( Pt. 1) ; 1899, 1900, 1901. · (1882,Pan1.) ...... 4 Preliminary Report, 1900. Pam ...... I At.torney-General's Opinion in re. Lloyds Fire Insur. Companies. Pam ...... I l\L\INE s"rJ\'rE LIBR,\RY.

Colorado-Continued : No. of Vols. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Biennial Reports, 1893- 94, 1899-1900...... 2 State Bureau of Mines : Reports, 1897 ( 2 copies, l Pam. and 1 Vol.), 1899, 1900 ...... 3 Bulletin No. 5. Precious Metal Production, 1901. Pa111 ...... I Inspector of Coal Mines. Biennial Reports, 1897- 98. (?. copies) ; 1899-1900 ...... 3 Inspector of Metalliferous Mines. Biennial Report, 1894. Pain ...... I State Board of Pardons. Biennial Report, 1899-1900. Pa111 ...... I Superintendent of Public Instrnction : Biennial Reports, r890, 1000...... 2 Arbor Day, 1897, 1898. Proclamations and act to establish Arbor Dav ...... 2 Arbor Day Notes, with Sugg·estions for Bird D,1y, 1900. Pam ...... I Birthdays of \V ;;shington and Lincoln, 1901, 1902. Pam ...... 2 Lafayette Memorial Day, r 898. Pam...... I Bulletin. Constitution Day, H)00. Pam...... I Bnlletin to County Superintendents of Schools, 1896. Pam ...... I Decisions, 1897-98. Pam ...... I Official Decisions concerning School Boards and Teachers, 1897. Pam ...... I l\Iam1al Training for Eight Years. Pam...... I School Room Decoration. Pam...... I State Course of Stnrly for Common Schools. Pam ...... I Railroad Commissioner. Biennial Report, 1891-92.. I Revenue Commission. Report, 1901. 3 copies. Pam ...... •.•·•••·•·••·• 3 State Board of Stock Inspection Commissioners. Report, 1900. Pam ...... I State Teachers' Association. Education in Colorado, 1861-85. Pam ...... I LJBl{ARL\N'S REPORT. 79

Colorado-Continued; No. of Vols. Treasurer of State. Biennial Reports, 1891-92, 1893- 94, 1895-96, 1899-1900; (3 Pams., 2 Vols.)...... S State Veterinary Sanitary Roard and State Veter- inary Surgeon. Biennial Reports, 1890, 1899- 1900. Pam ...... 2 Commissioner to Pan-American Exposition. Colo- rado: its Resources, its :\fen. Pam...... l State Agricultural College. Annual Catalogue, 1897-98. Pam ...... I Colorado School for Deaf and Dumb. Reports, 1896, 1898, 1quo. ( 2 copies, 189(,) ...... 4 State Home for Dependent and Neglected Children. Biennial Report, I 898- 1900. Pam ...... l State Industrial School for Boys. Biennial Reports, 1895-1896, 1899-H)OO. Pam ...... 2 State Industrial School for Girls. Biennial Reports, 1895-96, 1899-1900. Pam ...... 2 Institution for the Edncation of the Deaf and Blind. Biennial Repo1 ts, 1888, I 890. Pam...... 2 State Normal School, Greeley, Col. : Annual Report, 1899-1900. Pam ...... l C1.talogue, 1899-1900. Pam ...... l State Penitentiary. Biennial Report, 1900. Pam. . . l Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. Annual Reports, 1900. Pan1 ...... 1 University of Coloraclo: Catalogues, 1893-94, 1896-97, 1897-98, 1898-99, 1900-or. Paper ...... 5 Biennial Re1)ort of Regents, 1900. Pam...... l Connecticut : Public Acts, 1895, 1901. ( 1895, Pam.) ...... 2 Special Laws, 1881 ·97 ...... • • • • • • 4 Special Acts and Resolutions, r89q, 1901...... 2 Laws relating to Organization and Management of Private Corporations. 1896. Pam...... I Gen'! Index to Private Laws and Special Acts, 1789- 1897 ...... , .... , , .. , . , . . I Public Documents, 1899, FJOO...... 8 Register and l\1anua1, 1901, 1902, 2 copies each. . . . 4 80 MAINF, STATE LIBRARY.

Connecticut-Continued: No. of Vols. List of Biils, etc., for Public and Private Acts Reported upon by Committees, Revised to June 3, 1901 ...... I Senate Journal, 1901...... 1 House Journal, 19or...... I Supreme Ct. of Errors Reports, Vol. 73...... I Adjutant- General: Report, 1882, 1884, I885, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1897, 1899 ...... 8 Militia Law, 1888, 1893...... 2 Board of Agriculture: Annual Report, 1900...... I Handbook of Connecticut Agriculture. Pam. . . I Dairy Commissioner, Report, 1qoo...... I Board of Education. Report, 1901...... I Fisheries and Game Commission. Fish and Game Laws, 1901. Pam ...... I Insurance Commission. Annual-Report, 1899, Pts. 1-3: r9or, Pts. 1-3...... 6 Burcan of Labor Statistics. Annual Report, 1900, 1901 ...... 2 State Library Report, 1900...... I Railroad Com'1:'rs. Report, 1898, 1899, 1900 ( 2 copies, 1900) ...... 4 Pamphlets Relating to Constitution of Connecticut: Constitution of Connecticut 1818-1901. Pam. (2 copies) ...... 2 Constitutional Convention of Conn., 1902. Pam., I Printed Resolutions of Convention, 1902...... I Journal of Convention, 1902...... I Journal of Convention, 1818. Pam...... I Proposed Constitution, 1902. Pam ...... I Revision of Conn. Constitution, 1902. Pam. . . . I Roll of Delegates to Convention, 1902. Pam. . . I Rules and Orders of Convention, 1902. Pain. . I Historic Notes on Constitutions of Conn., 1639- 1818. Pan1 ...... 1 Debates on Constitutional Amendments, 1901. Pam ...... r LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 81

Connecticut-Continued: No. of Vols. Tables, in Explanation of the Bissell Plan of Representation. Pam ...... 1 The Threei Constitutions of Connecticut. Pam. . 1 The Power Station of Machine Politics. Pam. . I People v. Conveution. Broadside ...... I The Constitutional Rights of the Towns of Conn. are in Danger. Broadside...... 1 Facts in Explanation of the Plan of Representa- tion [ propused]. Broadside ...... I Tabled Resolutions on the Clerk's Desk that have not been acted on, as prepared by Clerks of the Convention ( 1902.) Pam ...... I Corinna, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Corinth, lvle. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 2 Cornish, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Cornville, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Cuba. Commissione· of Public Schools. (1st) Annual Report, 1900. Parn...... I Cumberland, Me. Annual Reports, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902. Pam...... S Cumberiand Co., Me. Statement of Financial Condition, 1877, 1899. Pant...... _.. . 2

Damariscotta, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam ...... I Dayton, Me. Annuai Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam ...... ~ Dedham, Me. Annual Reports, 1900. Pam ...... I Deer Isle, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam ...... I Delaware: Insurance Laws, 1895, 1901. Pam...... 2 Pennewill' s Dela v.;are Reports, Vol. 2...... I Insurance Commissioner. Statement of Condition, Dec. 31, 1899, of Insurance Companies in State of Delaware. Broadside ...... I State Anditor. Annual Reports, r899, 1900...... 2 State Lil:>rary. Catalogue, 1900...... I Secretary of State. List of Appointments to Office. Pam...... I Denmark, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Detroit, ;\le. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... I 82 l\L\IXE SL\rF: LIBR,\RY.

No. of Vols. Dexter, Me. Annual Report,,, ICJOI, 1902. Pam...... 2 Dixfield, Me. Annual Reports, 1898, 1901, 1902. Pam. .3 Dover, Maine. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Dresden, Me. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. ( 1901, 2 copies.) Pam...... 4 Durham, Me. Annual Rfports, r867, 1872-78, 1882-94, 1897-19or. Pam...... 26 East Livermore, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam. z East Machias, l\1e. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. (1901, 2 copies.) Pam...... 3 East Machias Supt. Schools Rep't. 1902. Pam...... 1 Easton, l\Ie. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... 1 Eddington, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam... 2 Eden, Mc. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... r Edgecomb, Me. Annual Reports. 1901, 1902. Pam... 2 Eliot, Me. .'\nnual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Ellsvwrth, l\Ie. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam. . . . z Embden, i\Ie. Annual Reports, I<)OI, 1902. Pam...... 2 Etna, l\Ie. Annual Reports. 1901. 1902. Pam...... 2 Eustis, Me. Annual Reports, r902. Pam...... I Exeter, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2

Faidield, ~vlc. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. Pam. 3 Falmouth, }.'Te. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Farmingdale, Me. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 3 Farrnington, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... l Fayette, Jvle. Annual Re,xts, .1902. Pam...... l Florida: Acts ancl Resolutions, 1901 ...... •· ...... I Governor's Mes sage, 18() 1. Pam...... r .Message and Documents. 1901. Pam...... r House Journal, 1901 ...... : .... ·...... I Senate Journal, 1901 ...... I Supreme Court Reports, Vol. 4 r...... r Sup't of Public Instruction. Report, 1900...... r Railroad Commissioners. Annual Report, 1899.... I Laws, 1899. Pam ...... r Fort Fairfield. Me. Annual Reports, H)02. Pam...... r Foxcroft, Me. Anm,al Repor1°s. 1902. Pam...... I LlllRARlAN'S REPORT.

No. of Vols. Franklin County, Me. Financial Statement, 1899, 1900, 1901. Pam. ( r901, 2 copies 1...... 4 Freeman, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Friendship, Me.. Annual Reports. 18q5-97, 1899, 1900, 1901 ...... 6 Fryeburg, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Gardiner, Me. Annual Reports with Mayor's Address. 1900, 1902. Pam...... 2 Garland, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Georgia: Acts and Re~olmions, 1900, 1901...... 2 Public Acts, 189f5, 1897, 1898...... 1 House Journal, r8q9, 1900, 1901...... 3 Senate Journal, 1899, 1900, 1901...... 3 Supreme Court Reports, Vols. 109-n4...... 6 Adjutant-General. Report, 1895...... 1 Agricultural Department. Georgia Historical and Industrial, 1901 ...... 1 Attorney-General. Annual Reports. 1901. Pam. . 1 Comptroiler-Gencral's Office. Insurance Dept. Re- port, r900 ...... I Railroad Commission. Reports, 1898-99, 1900, 1901 3 Germany: Imperial Hoard of Health. Publications, 1902. Nos. 1-41, 46. Pam...... 42 Annalen des Dentschen Reichs. 1902. Nos. 2, 4, 5, 10. Paro...... 4 Quarterly Book of Statistics of the German Empire, 1901. Pts. 1, 2; 1902, Paper...... 3 Statistical Year Book of German Empire, 1901. Paper ...... I Gilead, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... 1 Glenburn, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Gouldsboro, :Me. Annual Reports, r901. Pam...... I Greenwood, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... 1 Gmlford, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I

Hallowell, Me. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam. . . . 2 Hampden, M.c. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 MAJ NE S'l'A'l'E LIBRARY.

No. of Vols. Hancock, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Hancock County, Me. Financial Statement, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 2 Harpswell, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam... 2 Harrison, Me. Annual Reports, 1901 ... ·...... I Hartland, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Hawaii: Laws, 1901 ...... 1 Hawaiian Reports, Vol. 13...... 1 Chief Justice of Supreme Court. Report, 1898-1900. Pain...... 1 Auditor. Report, 1900. Pam ...... 1 Superintendent of Public Instruction. Annual Report, 1900. Pam ...... I Superintendent of Public vV arks. Annual Report, 1900. Pam ...... 1 Treasurer. Annual Rep01:ts, 1900. Pam...... I Hawaiian Almanac and Annual, 1901, 1902. Paper, 2 Hermon, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Hiram, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam ...... 2 Hodgdon, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... 1 Holden, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Hollis, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Hope, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Houlton, Me. Annual Reports, 1885-1902. Pam...... 18 Idaho: General Laws, 1901 ...... I Insurance Laws, 1902. Pam...... 1 House Journal, 1901. Pam...... I Senate Journal, 1901. Pam ...... 1 Governor's Message, 1901. Pam ...... I State Engineer. Report, 1900 ...... I State Board of Equalization. Proceedings, 1901. Pam ...... I Free Library Commission, Hand Book. Pam...... 1 State Treasurer. Report, 1899-1901. Pam...... I Illinois: Insurance Laws, 1897 ...... I Revenue Laws, 1898...... I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 85

Illinois-Continued: No. of Vols. School Laws, r889-19or ...... 1 Governor's Message, 1891. Pam...... I House J ournai, 1901 ...... 2 Appellate Court Reports, Vols. 90-ro2...... 13 Supreme Court Reports, Vols. r86-r96...... 11 Adjutant-General. Reports, 1882, r884, 1885-86.... 3 Superintendent of Insurance. Annual Reports, r900, 1901 ...... 4 Advance Text of Report, 1901. Pam...... I State Historic~! Association. Transactions, r9or. State Historical Library. Alphabetic Catalogue, 1900, I Biennial Report, 1900. Pam ...... • . . • • . • • • I Territorica:l Records of Illinois. (Pub'n, No. 3.).... I Railroad and Warehouse Commission : Annual Report, 1896 ...... , . . . I Decisions and Opinions, 1889-99...... I Secretary of State. Report, r 896-98...... I Indiana: La,vs, r901 ...... I Revised Manual of Election Laws, r89r. Pam..... I Insurance Laws. r9or ...... r Library Laws, r9or. Pam...... l School Law. r9or ...... 1 Insurance Laws, 1901. Pam...... l Library Laws, r9or. Pam...... 1 School Law. r9or...... I Documents (Reports of State Officers,) 1855, '57, (Pt. 2,) '59-'60, '63, (Vol. 1, Pt. 2,) '64, (Vol. r, Pt. r,) '69, '73, '74-'75, '75, '80, '8r (Pt. r,) ('82, '86, '87, '93, 1900) ...... 24 Report of Legislative Committee on State Educa- tional Benevoknt and Correctional Institutions. Pam ...... I House Journal, 1859. '67, '69, '75 (Vol. 2,) '79, '91. • 7 Senate Journal, 1858, '59, '61, '77, 1901...... 5 Governor's Message, 1891, 1901. Pam...... 2 Messages, Proclamations, Vetoes and other Public Documents issued by Gov. J. A. Mount, 1901..... I 6 86 MAJ;',;"J:; S'l'A'r:F; LIBR,\RY.

Indiana-Continued: No. of Vols. Appellate Court Reports, Vols. 24-26...... 3 Supreme Court Reports, Vols. l 55-157...... 3 Adjutant-General. Reports, 1881-82, 1893-94, 1895- 96, 1899 ...... 4 Board of Agriculture. Report, 1900 ...... l Attorney-Generai. Biennial Report, 1898-1900 .... . l Auditor of State. Report, r9or ...... l Auditor of State. Insurance Dep't. Report, 1901 .. l Building and Loan Association Department. Report, 1901. Pam ...... ,...... l Board of State Charities. Bulletin, Mar., June, 1901, Pam ...... •··· 2 Commissioners of Chickamauga National Military Park. Report, Indiana at Chickamauga, with Map of Battlefield ...... l State Fee and Salary Commission. Report, 1901. Pam ...... l Fisheries and Game Commission. Report, 1899-1900, I Board of Forestry. Bulletin No. 1, 1901. Pam ..... l Department of Geology and Natural Resources. Annual Report, 1900 ...... I State Board of Health. Annual Report, 1899, 1900, 2 Labor Commission. Report, r899-1900 ...... l State Library: Biennial Report, 189q-rqoo ...... I Bulletin, No. I. Bibliography of Taxation. Pam ...... I Bulletin, No. 9. Reading List on Indiana in the Civil War. Pam ...... I State Board of Medical Registration. Annual Reports, 1898, 1899, 1900 ...... 3 Custodian of Public Buildings and Property. Bien- nial Report, 1899-1900 ...... I Department of Public Instruction. Annual Report, 1900 ...... l Superintendent oi Public Instruction. Biennial Report, l 899-1900 ...... I Secretary of State. Biennial Report, 1900 ...... l Department of Statistics. Biennial Report, 1899, 1900 ...... I LIBRARIAN'S RE;POR'l'.

Indiana-Continued : No. of Vols. Board of Tax Commissioners : Annual Conference Convention, 1901. Pam. . . I Report, r 90 I. Pam. ( 2 copies) ...... 2 Treasurer. Annual Report, 1900, 1901...... 2 Academy of Science Proceedings, 1899, 1900. Pam ...... 2 Central Indiana Hospital for Insane. Annual Report, 1900. Pain ...... I Eastern Indiana Hospital for Insane. Biennial Report, 1900. Pam ...... I Industrial School for Girls and Indiana Woman's Prison. Annual Report, 1900. Pam...... I Institute for Education of Blind. Annual Report, 1869, 1900. Pam ...... 2 Institute for Education of Deaf. Annual Report, 1900, Pam ...... I Northern bdiana Hospital for Insane. Biennial Report, 1900. Pam ...... I State Normal School : Annual Catalogue, lC)00-· J. Pam...... I Report, 1899, 1900. Pam...... I Purdue University: Annual Rep0rts, 1899-1900, 1900-01. Pam.... 2 Catalogue, ICJ00-0I. Pam ...... I Reform School for Rovs. Annual Report, 1900. Pam ...... I School for Feeble-Minclecl Youth. Annual Report, 1900. Pam ...... I Solcliers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home. Annual Report, tr 900, 1901. Pam ...... 2 Southern Hospital for Insane. Biennial Report, 1900. Pam ...... I State Soldiers' Home. Annual Report. 1900. Pam., I Indiana University: Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Catalog·ue, H)0I. Pam ...... I Industry, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I · Iowa: Acts and Resolutions, 1902...... • . . . . I Insurance laws, 1897, 1900. Pam ...... , . . . 2 88 MAINE STATE LIBRARY.

Iowa-Continued: No. of Vols. School La,\ s, 1902 ...... I Documents (Reports of State Officers,) 1898...... 6 Documents, 1900 ...... 7 Reports of Joint Committees of the General Assem- bly, 1890: Pam ...... II On Agricultural College and Farm at Ames. On Hospital for Insane at Clarinda. On Hospital for Insane at Independence. On Hospital for Insane at Mt. Pleasant. On .Penitentiary at Anamosa. On Penitentiary at Ft. Madison. On State Fish Hatching House at Spirit Lake. On State Normal School at Cedar Falls. On Soldiers' Orphans' Home at Davenport. On State University at Iowa City. Governor's Inaugural, 18~)2...... I Supreme Court Reports, Vols. 109-113...... 5 Adjutant-General. Reports, 1867 ( Vol. 2), 1876.. 2 Auditor. Annual Report on Insurance, 1900, 1901, (Vol. 2) ...... 3 State Dairy Commissioner. Annual Report, 1897. . I Geological Survey. Annual Report, Vol. l I, 1900; Vol. 12, 1901...... 2 State Horticultural Society. Report, 1868...... I Insurance Commissioner. Annual Report, 1900. Fire Insurance ...... I Bureau of Labor Statistics. Biennial Report, 1899- 1900 ...... I State Library. Biennial Report, 1901. Pam...... I Library Commission. Bulletin, Vol. 1, N Of 3, 4; Vol. 2, Nos. 1-3. Pam ...... ,.... 5 Department of Public Instruction. Report, 1901. . 1 Railroad Commissioners. Annual Reports, 1898, 1899 ...... 2 Secretary of State. Annual Report of Assessed Valuation of R. R. Property in Iowa as fixed by Executive Council, 1897. ( 3 copies.) Pam. . . . 3 Iowa College for the Blind. Report, 1890. Pam. . 1 Iowa and the Centennial : State Address by C. C. Nourse, Phil., Sept. 7, 1876. Pam...... I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 8g Iowa-Continued : No. of Vols. Iowa· Resources and Industries. J. P. Bushnell. Pam...... I Iowa Semi-Centennial, Burlington, June r, 1883. Pam...... I Iowa's VVhite Elephant; Rise and Fall of Prohibition in Iowa. Pan1...... I Island Falls, Me. Annual Reports, r9or, 1902. Pam. . 2

Jackson, Me. Annual Reports, r9or. Pam...... I Jay, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Jefferson, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Jonesport, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. (2 copies of 1901.) Pam...... 3

Kansas: General Statutes, 1901...... I Session Laws, 1901...... I Laws for Common Schools, r901...... I Governor's Message, 1891. Pam...... I Kansas Appeal Reports. Vols. 9, IO...... 2 Kansas Reports. Vols. 62, 63...... 2 Adjutant-General. Report, 1861-65, Vol. l...... I Agricultural Coilege Experiment Station. Annual Report, 1899. Pam...... I Attorney-General. Biennial Report, 1899-1900.... I State Library. Biennial Report, 1899-1900...... I Department of Public Instruction. Biennial Report, 1900 ...... I Superintendent of Insurance. Annual Report, 1900 I Board of Railroad Commissioners. Annual Report, 1897 ...... I Travelling Libraries Commission. Biennial Report, 1900-1. Pam...... I Catalogue of Birds of Kansas. Goss. Pam...... I Kenduskeag, Me. Annual Reports, IC)0T...... • . . . • • • • I Kennebec County. Financial Statement, 18a9, 1897, 1899, 1900, r9or. Pam. ( 188q, 5 copies)...... 9 Kennebunk, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... I Kentucky: Acts, 1900. Extra: Session...... I 90

Kentucky-Continued: No. of Vols. Acts, 1902 ...... 1 Documents, 1897-1900, 1901...... 9 Official Manual, 1902...... 1 House Journal, 1900. Extra Session, 1902...... 2 Senate Journal, 1900. Extra Session, 1902...... 2 Governor's Messages, 1899-90. Pam...... r Report of Commissioners appointed to prepare a Code of Practice. Pam...... 1 Kentucky Reports, Vols. 102-104...... 3 Geological Survey. General Account of Common- wealth of Kentucky. Pari1...... 1 Insurance Commissioner: Annuai Report, 1898, (Pts. r, 2,) 1899, 1900 (Pts. l, 2) ...... 5 State Library. Supplementary Catalogue, 1902. . . . I Superintendent of Public Instruction. Report, 1899- 1901 ...... ·...... I Railroad Commissioners. Annual Report, 1898.... I Kingfield, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Knox Co., Me. Fmancial Statement, 1899, 1900. (2 copies 1900.) Pam...... 3

Lagrange, ~\fr. Annual Reports, 1901. If)02. Pam. . . . 2 Lebanon, l\le. Ann11al Report,;, r9or, H,)02. Pam..... 2 Lewiston, :.\fe.: Ann11al Reports. 1870-19m. (1880-98, 2 copies each year) ...... ro Annual Reports of Receipts an

Louisiana--Contmued ; No. of Vols. State University. Biennial Report, 1902. Pam... 1 Parish of Orleans. Annual Report of Coroner, 1900-01. Pam...... 1 Lovell, Me. Annual Report, 1902. Pam...... I Lowell, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Lubec, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Ludlow, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Lyman, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I

Machias, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. ( 1901, 2 copies.) Pam...... 3 Machias, Me. Supt. of Schools. Report, 1902. Pam.. I Machiasport, Me. Annuc1J Reports, 1901. Pam. (2 copies) ...... 2 Madison, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam. ( 1901 2 copies.) ...... 3 Maine: Public Laws, 1864, 1891...... 2 Public Laws, 1901. (4 copies)...... 4 Laws relating to Agriculture, 1892...... I Provisions of Law 111 Force relating to Organization of Corporations under the "General Law," 1901. Pam...... l Compilation of Laws relating to Sea and Shore Fish- eries of Maine, 1901. Pam...... l Abstract of Health Laws of Maine, 1890. Pam. . . . I Report to Legislature on Survey of European and North American Railway. Morton, 1851. Pam. I Report and Resolves respecting International Lit- erary Exchanges, 1847. Pam...... I Report Madigan vs. Burleigh, 1878. Pam...... l Returns of Treasurers, etc., 1866. Pam...... l House Journal, 1901. (3 copies)...... 3 House Register, 1901-2. (3 copies.) Pam. Also 1870-90, I vol...... 4 Senate Journal, 1901. (3 copies)...... 3 Maine State Year Book and Legislative Manual, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each)...... 6 Governors' Addresses, 186o-75, 1876-1901...... 2 Governor's Message, 1901. (3 copies)...... 3 •

LIBRARIAN'S REPORT, 93 Maine-Continued : No. of Vols. Public Documents, 1900, 1901, 1902. Pts. 1-4 for each year. 3 sets for each year...... 36 Executive Department. Annual Register, 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each.) Also 1870-1890, 1 vol.. 10 Adjutant-Generai. Reports, 1900, r901, 1902. (3 copies each) ...... 9 Board of Agriculture: Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each)...... 9 Bulletin. Vol. 1, No. 3. Pam...... I Survey of Hancock Co., 1878. Pam...... I Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Report, 1890 ...... , ...... I Board of State Assessors: Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each)...... 9 Attorney-General : Reports, 1875. Pam...... I 1859-84, 1885-1900 ... '...... 2 1901-2 (3 copies)...... 3 Bank Examiner. Annual Report, 1900, 1901, 1902. ( 3 copies each) ...... 9 Board of Education. Report, 1850. Pam...... I Commissioners on Contagious Diseases of . Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, I<)02. (3 copies each) ...... 3 Commissioners of Fisheries. Report, 1874. Pam.. I Commissioners of Inlan

94 MAINE STATE LIBRARY. Maine-Continued: No. of Vols. Industrial School for Girls. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each)...... 9 Insane Hospital. Annual Report, 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each)...... 9 Insurance Commissioner Annual Report, 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each)...... 9 Annual Report, 1880-92...... 8 Preliminary Report, 1900. Pam...... I Commissioner to International Penitentiary Con- gress. Report, 1892. Pam...... I Land Agent. Annual Report, 1864. Pam...... I State Library. Biennial Report, 1899-1900, 1901-2 l (3 copies each)...... 6 Library Commiss1011. Annual Report, 1900, 1901. (3 copies each)...... 6 Agent of Passamaquoddy Indians. Biennial Report, 1899-1900. (3 copies) ...... 3 Agent of Penobscot Indians. Biennial Report, 1899- 1900. ( 3 copies) ...... 3 Superintendent of Public Schools. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each)...... 9 Railroad Commissioners. Annual Reports, 1880-90 l 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each)...... 9 Reform School. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. ( 3 copies each) ...... 9 Board of Registration: Reports, 1895-99. ( 2 copies)...... 2 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each)...... 9 Registrar of Vital Statistics: Annnal Report, 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each) ...... _ ...... •. • • • • 9 Secretary of State: Australian Ballot Law as amended, 1894. Pam. I Supreme Judicial Court. Opinion of Jno. A. Peters in Case State vs. Stain and Cromwell on Motions for New Trial, 1889...... I Special Tax Commission. Report, 1890. Pam. . . . I Treasurer: Annual Report, 1877, 1897. (1877 Pam.).... 2 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT.

:Maine-Continued: No. of Vols. Annual Report, 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each) ...... 3 Castine Normal School : Catalogue and Circular, 1890. Pam...... I Annual Catalogues and Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each)...... 18 Farmington Normal School: Catalogue and Circular, 1892, 1893. Pam. . . . 2 Annnal Catalogues and Reports. 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each)...... 18 Gorham Normal School. Annual Catalogues and Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 copies each)..... 9 Madawaska Training School. Annual Catalogues and Reports, 1900, 1901, r902. (3 copies each).. 18 Vniversityof Maine, (formerly Maine StateCollege): Annual Catalogues and Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. ( 3 copies each) ...... 18 Reports, 1868-94 ...... 4 Dedication of Coburn Hall, June, 1888. Pam. 1 Studies, No. I. Effect of Magnetization upon Elasticity of Rods. Pam...... 1 Studies, No. 4. Catalog-ue and Bibliography of Dragonflies of _Maine. F. L. Harvey. Pam. ( 2 copies) ...... 2 State Prison. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. ( 3 copies each) ...... 9 Soldiers' Orphans' Home. Annual Report, l 877. Pan1...... I 1900, 1901, 1902. (3 each)...... 9 Maine; Present Condition of the State, its Agricul- tural, Financia~, Commrrcial and J\Ianufacturing Development. 1885. Pam...... I Maine Reports. Vols. 94-96. (4 copies each)...... 12 Maine Historical Society. Collections 2d series. Vols. 6-8. ( 3 copies each) ...... 9 Board of vVorlcl's Fair :Managers of Maine. Report, 1895 ...... I Manchester, l\Te. A.mmal Reports, 1868, '69, '95, 1901, 1902. Pan1...... 5 MAlNE STATE LIBRARY. No. of Vols. Manitoba. Dept. of Education. Rept. 1900. Pam. . . . I Mapleton, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Maryland: Laws, 1901', 1902...... 2 Laws relating to Insurance and Insurance Companies, 1896 ...... I Documents (Reports of State Officers, etc.) 1902. . I House J onrnal, Special Session, 1901, 1902...... 2 Senate Journal, Special Session, 1901, 1902...... 2 Maryland Appeal Reports, Vols. 91-94...... 4 Adjutant-General. Annual Report, 1896, 1897.... 2 Board of Educat10n. Annual Report, 1901...... I Insurance Commiss10n. Annual Report, 1900, 1901 2 Land Office. Report of Commissioner, 1899-1901. Pam...... I Maryland Archives, Vol. 2:r...... I Maryland Constitutions, 18jo, 1864. (Pam.), 1867 3 Roster of Soldiers and Sailors from Maryland in Spanish-American War ...... I Maryland as a Palatinate. Lippincott. Pam...... I Massachusetts: Acts and Resolves, 1901, 1902...... 2 Election La,,is, 1891, 1895. Pam...... 2 Insurance Laws, 1898, 1900. Pam...... 2 Assessment Insurance Laws, 1897. Pam...... I Militia Law, 1878...... I Railroad Laws, 1882-9;;...... I Public Documents, 1899-l')OO...... 24 Manual for General Court, 1901, 1902...... 2 Governor's Address, 1891. Pam...... I Massachusetts Reports, Vols. 176-179...... 4 Adjutant-General. Annual Reports, 1880, '84, '87, '94, '95, '96, '97, '99 .. · · · .. · ·...... 8 Board of Agriculture : Report, 1896. Pam...... I Report on Extermination of Gipsy , 1897, 1898. Pam ...... 2 Classification and Catalogue of Library, 1899. . I Cattle Commission. Annual Reports, 1897, 1900, 3 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 97

Massachusetts-Continued : No. of Vols. Census, 1895, Vols. 4, 7...... 2 Board of State Charities. Annual Reports, 1898, 1900 ...... 2 Board of Education. Annual Report, 1900-1...... I Highway Commii>sion. Annual Reports, 1896, 1898, 1899. (2 copies, 1899)...... 4 Inland Fisheries and Game Commissioners. Annual Report, 1899. Pam...... I Insurance Commissioner. Annual Reports, 1900, (Pts. 1, 2,) 1901, (Pts. 1, 2,) 1902, (Pt. 1)...... 5 Free Public Library Commission. Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901. ( 1900, 1901, Pam.)...... 3 State Library. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam. 2 Commissioners of Savings Banks. Annual Reports, 1892, (Pt. 1,) 1899, (Pt. r)...... 2 Metropolitan Sewerage Commission. Annual Re- port, 1898 ...... I Bureau of Statistics and Labor; Annual Report, 1884...... I Labor and Industrial Chronology, 1899, 1900. . 2 School for Feeble-Minded. Annual Reports, 1875, 1891. Pam...... 2 Mass. Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution, Vols. 8, 9...... 2 Public Services in .Memory of Hon. Roger Wolcott I i'vlassaclmsetts Horticultural Society. Transactions, 1895, '96, '97 (Pt. 2.) Pam...... 5 Maxfield, Me. Annual Reports, 1900...... I Mechanic Falls, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam. 2 Mercer, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Mexico, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Mexico: Data referring to 2\1exican Mining prepared for Paris Universal Exposit10n, 1900. Pam...... I A Few Facts about Mexico, published by National Commission from U. S. of Mexico to Pan-Ameri- can Exposition, 1901. Pam...... I Geographical anct Exploring- Commission of Mexico. Sketch of its Organization and Labors. Pam. . . . I Official Catalogue of Mexican Exhibits at Pan- American Exposition. Pam...... MAlNF. STA TF. LIBRARY,

Michigan: No. of Vols. Laws, 1900, Extra Session. (Pam.), 1901...... 2 Public Acts, 1901...... 1 Act to Provide for Incorporation of Cities of the 4th Class. 1902. Pan1...... 1 Act to Provide for Incorporation of Villages, 1902. Pan1...... 1 Drain Laws, 1901. Pam...... 1 Election Laws, 1901. Pam...... 1 Game and Fish Laws, 1895, 1901. Pam...... 2 Highway and Bridge Laws, 1901. Pam...... 1 Insurance Laws, 1895...... 1 Laws and Supreme Ct. Decisions relating to the Man- ufacture, Sale and Use of Spirituous Liquors. Pam...... 1 General School Laws. 1901. Pam...... I Legislative Manual, 1901-2...... I House Journal, Extra Session, 1899-1900; Extra Ses- sion, Oct. 1900; 1901, Vols. 1-3...... 5 Senate Journal, Extrc1 Session, Oct. 1900, 1901.... 3 Investigation of Charges Against Milo H. Dakin, 1887. Pam...... 1 Covernor's Inaugural, 1901. Pam...... I Governor's Proclamation for Labor Day,' 1901. Broadside ...... 1 Michigan Reports, Vols. 120-124...... S Adjutant-General: Annual Reports, 1863, 1864-, 1865-66 (Vols. 2, 3,) 1893-94, 1895-96, 1899-1900 (Pam.).... 7 Flags of Mic~higan, 1877. Pam...... I Board of Agriculture : Annual Report, 1899~1900, 1901...... 2 Farmers' Institutes. Bulletins 3, 4, 7...... 3 Agricultural Exper:ment Station: Annual Report, 1890...... I Bulletins 186-200. Pam...... 15 Attorney-General. Annual Report, 1900, 1901. . . . 2 Auditor-General. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. . . . . 2 Board of State Auditors. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901 ...... 2 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 99

Michigan-Continued: No. of Vols. Commissioner of Banking. Annual Report, 1900, 1901 ...... 2 Board of Corrections and Charities. Biennial Re- port, 1899-1900 ...... 1 Dairy and Food Commissioner. Annual Report, 1900, 1901 ...... 2 Dairymen's Association. Annual Report, 1896, 1901 · 2 State Board of Education. Biennial Report, 1898- 1900. Pain...... I Forestry Commission. Annual Reports, 1887-88, 1900 ( 2 copies.) Pam...... 3 Game and Fish \Varden. Biennial Report, 1899- 1900. Pan1...... I Geological Survey; Vol. 7, Pts. 1-3, Geological Report on Monroe Connty; Vol. 8, Pt. 1 (Pam.) Clays d.nd Shales of Michigan; Vol. 8, Pt. 2, (Pam.) Coal of Michigan...... 3 State Board of Health. Annual Report, 1899, 1900. (2 copies each)...... 4 Influence of Sewerage and vVater-supply on Death-rak 111 Cities. Pam...... I Teachers· Sanitary Hulletin (Monthly), Nos. 21, 24-26, 28-33, 35-39, -'P--.'i4, Pam...... 29 State Horticultural Society. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901 ...... 3 State Inspector of Illuminating Oils. Reports, 1900, 1901. Pain...... 2 Insurance Commissioner. Annual Report, 1891 ( Pt. 1), 1899 (Pts. 1, 2), 19or fPt. 1), 1902 (Pt. 1).. S Bureau of Labor and Imiustrial Statistics. Annual Report, 1897, 1901, 1902...... 3 Land Office. Annual Report, 1901...... I State Library : Report, 1898-1900 ...... I Bulletin No. 1, Study Clubs. Pam...... 1 Board of Library Commissioners : Annual Report, IQOI. Pam...... I Catalogue of Rooks suitable for Popular Library. Pam...... I IOO MAINE STATE LIBRARY.

Michigan-Continued. No. of Vols. Women's Ciubs and Public Libraries. Pam... 1 Live Stock Sanitary Commission. Biennial Report, 1899-1900. Pam...... 1 Commissioner of l\lineral Statistics. Annual Report, 1884. Pam...... r Superintendent of Public Instruction: Annual Report, 1900. (2 copies)...... 2 Manual Training. Form No. 1 ; Manual Train- mg in Character Building. Form No. 4; Advanced Kindergarten Courses of Study. Form No. 2; Cost of Manual Training School. Form No. 5. Pam...... 4 Pioneer Day Program, 1902. Pam...... r Commissioner of Railroads. Report, I 898, 1899, 1900, 1901 ...... 4 State Salt Inspector. Annual Report, 1900. Pam. . 1 Secretary of State: Annual Report on Registration of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Divorces, 1897, 1898, 1899 ...... 3 Report on Building and Loan Associations, 1900, 1901. (Pam.) ...... 2 Crop Reports, Nos. 235-244, 246-249. 1901. Pam...... 14 Annual Report relating to Farms and Farm Products, 1900, 1901...... 2 Annual Abstract of Statistics of Insane, Deaf anci Dumb, Blind, etc. 1900. Pam...... I Annual Abstract of Reports of Sheriffs relating to Jails, 1901. Pam. 2 copies...... 2 Annual Abstract of Reports of Supts. of Poor, 1901. Pain...... 1 Tax Commissioners. Annual Report, 1900...... I State Treasurer. Annual Report, 1900, 1901. Pam. 2 World's Fair Managers. Report, 1899...... l Michigan Academy of Science. Report, 1900...... I Asylnm for the Insane. Report, 1899-1900. Pam. I Asylum for Dangerous and Criminal Insane. Bien- nial Reoort, 1898-1900. Pam...... l LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. IOI

Michigan-Continued: No. of Vols. Eastern Michigan Asylum. Biennial Report, 1898- 1900. Pam...... r Home for Feeble-Minded and Epileptic. Report, 1900. Pam...... r House of Correction. Biennial Report, 1898-1900. Pam...... 1 Hoc1se of Correcti()n and Branch of State Prison in Upper Peninsula. Biennial Report, 1900. Pam. I Industrial Home for Girls. Biennial Report, 1899- 1900. Pain; ...... I Industrial School for Hoys. Biennial Report, 1900. Pam...... r Northern l\lichigan Asylum. Report, 1900. Pam. I Public School ior Dependent Children. Biennial Report, 1899. Pam...... I School for the Blind. Biennial Report, 1898-1900. Pan1...... 1 Schooi for the Deaf. Biennial Report, 1899-1900. Pan1...... 1 Soldiers Home. H.eport of Managers, 1890, 1900. Pam...... 2 Upper Peninsula Hospital for the Insane. Report, 1900. Pam...... 1 State Prison. Biennial Report, 1900...... 1 university of Michigan. Calendar, 1877-78, 1901-2, 1902-3. Pam...... 3 Pioneer and Historic2.l Collections, Vol. 29...... 1 Proceedings at laying of Corner Stone of ?\ ew Capi- tol, Oct. 2, 187 3. Pam...... 1 History of the Press of Michigan, Prepared for Cen- tennial, 1876. Pam...... 1 Michigan Legislative Association. Proceedings, 1886, 1890. Pam...... 2 Milford, :Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... 1 Milo, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Minnesota: General Laws, 1901...... I Insurance Laws, 1899 (Pam.), 1902...... 2 Legislative Manual, 1891...... I 7 102 MAINE STA TE LIBRARY,

Minnesota-Continued: No. of Vols. Minnesota Reports, Vols. 77-84...... 8 Adjutant-General. Reports, 1884, 1894. (Pam.) . . 2 Dairymen's Association. Proceedings, 1896...... I Chief Fire Warden. Annual Reports, 1895, 1896, 1899, 1900. Pam...... 4 Forestry Report, 1899. Pam...... I Insurance Commissioner. Annual Report, 1900 (Pts. 1-3), 1901...... 3 Superintendent of Public Instruction. Biennial Re- port, 1899, 1900...... 2 Railroad and Warehouse Commission. Report, 1898, '99 ...... 2 Forest Tree Planter's Manual. Barrett. Pam.... I Minot, Me. Annual Reports, 1894, '96, '98, 1900, '01, '02. Pain...... 6 Mississippi : Laws, Special Session, 19()2. 2 copies...... 2 Department Reports, 1900-01...... I House Journal, Special Session, 1902. 2 copies. . . 2 Senate Journal, Special Session, 1902. 2 copies. . . . 2 Mississippi Reports, Vols. 78, 79...... 2 Missouri: Laws, 1901. (3 copi~s)...... 3 Corporation Laws, 1899 ..... •...... I Insurance Laws, 1897...... I Official Manual, 1889-90, 1891-92, 1901-02...... 3 Missouri Appeal Reports, Vols. 83-91...... 9 Missouri Supreme Court. Reports, Vols. 155-168.. 13 Adjutant-General. Annual Report, 1895-96...... 1 Department of Education. Report on Public Schools, 1900, 1901 ...... 2 State Board of Equalization. Journal, 1898...... I Supermtenclent of Insurance: Annual Reports, 189~), 1900. (Pam.) ...... 2 Annual Report of Commissioner., 1900...... I Bureau of Labor Statistics. Annual Report, 188o. Pain...... 1 State Treasurer. Biennial[ Report, 1901. ( 2 copies) 2 University of Missouri. Circulars of Information. 1901, 1902. Pam ...... , ...... 3 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. No. of Vols. Monroe, Me. Annuai Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Monson, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Montana: Laws, Resolutions, and Memorials, 1901...... I Legislative Manual, 18q_c;. Pam...... I Governor's Message, 1891, 19or. Pam...... 2 Messages a11d Public Dornments of Gov. Rob't B. Smith, 1897-1901...... I Montana Reports, Vols. 24, 25...... 2 Adjutant-General. Reports, 1893-94, 1895-96, (Pam.), 1900, (Pam.)...... 3 Bureau of Agriculture, Labor and Industry. Annual Report, 1900 ...... I State Arid Land Grant Commission. Annual Report, 1900 ...... I Attorney-General. Biennial Reports, 1899, 1900. Parn...... • 2 State Auditor. Annual Reports, 1899-1900. Pam. I Board of Charities and Reform. Report, 1900. Pan1...... I State Board of Education. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 State Board of Equalization. Annual Reports, 1899- 1900. Pam...... I Game and Fish Commissioners. Annual Report, 1900. Pam...... I State Board of Horticulture. Biennial Report, 1899- 1900. Pam...... I State Land Agent. Annual Report, 1900. Pam. . . I State Board of Land Commissioners. Biennial Report, 1898-1900. Pam...... I Register of State Lands. Annual Report, 1900. Pam...... I State Library: Biennial Report of Librarian of the Historical and Miscellaneous Department, 1899-1900. Pam...... I Annual Report of the Law Library, 1899. Pam. I Inspector of lviines. Annual Report, 1900. Pam. I 104 MAIN]; S'I'ATE LIBRARY.

Montana-Continued: No. of Vols. State Board of Pardons. Annnal Report, 1900. Pam...... 1 Superintendent of Public Instruction: Biennial Report, r90T...... I The Truancy Problem, by R. G. Young. Pam. 1 Secretary of State. Annual Report, 1899-1900. Pam. 1 Board of Sheep Commissicners. Annual Report, 1898, and Compiled Laws relating to Sheep Inspec- tion. Pam...... l Board of Stock Commissioners. Annual Report of State Veterina1 ian and Recorder of Marks and Brands, 1900. Pam...... I State Treasurer. Biennial Report. 1899-1900. Pam. I State Orphans' Home. Annual Report, 1898 ( 2 copies), 1900. Pam...... 3 Official Map of Montana, 1901. 1 sheet...... l Dedication of Montana's Capitol, July 4, 1902. Pam. I Montville, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. (1901, 2 copies) ...... 3 Morrill, Me. Reports of Selectmen, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 4 Moscow, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... I Mt. Chase, Me. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam. (1901,2copies) ...... 3 Mt. Desert, Me. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 3 Mt. Vernon, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam... 1 Munroe, Me. 46th Annual Report, 1902. Pam...... I

Naples, Me. Annual Report, 1901. Pam...... 1 Nebraska: Laws, Joint Resolutions, and Memorials, 1857.... 1 Compiled Statutes, 1881, with Amendments to 1901 1 Laws, 1901 ...... 1 Blue Book, 1901-02 ...... ,...... 1 Journal of House, 1899...... l Journal of Senate, 1899...... I Nebraska Reports, Vols. 59-62...... 4 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 105

Nebraska-Continued: No. of Vols. Adjutant General. Biennial Report, 1879-80, 1894 (Pam.), 1895-96 3 Dairymen's Association. Annual Report, 1895. . . . I Insurance Department. Summary of Business of Authorized Companies, 1900. Paper...... I Superintendent of Public Instruction. Biennial Re- port, 1901 ...... I Netherlands : Central Bureau voor de Statistick: Maandeijfers en Andere Periotlicke Opgaven; 1900, Nos. 3, 5. Pam...... 2 Bijdragen tot de Statistick van Nederland, 1900. Nos. 1, 2...... 2 Jaarcijfers voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, 1898, 1899 ...... 2 Nevada: Statutes, 1901 ...... I Governor's Message, 1890, 1891. Pam...... 2 Nevada Reports, Vol. 25...... I Surveyor-General and State Land Register, 1893-94, 1897-98. Pam...... 2 New Brunswick: Acts, 1877, 1895, 1901. Pam_ ...... 3 Chief Superintendent of Education. Annual Report, 1900. Paper ...... I New Gloucester, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam. 2 New Hampshire: Laws, 1901 ...... I Public Statutes and General Laws in force Jan. 1, 1901 ...... I Public Statutes, Chap. 33. relating to Manner of con- ducting Caucuses and Elections, 1893. Pam. . . . . I Annual Reports of State Officers, 1899-1900. Pts. 1-3 ...... 3 Annual Reports, 1899, 1901 ...... _ ...... 2 Manual for the General Court, 1901. 2 copies...... 2 N. H. Reports, Vols. 69, 70...... 2 Adjutant-General. Annual Reports, 1865 (Vol. 2,) 1866 (Vol. 1,) 1887, '88, '96...... 5 106 MAINE S'rATE LIBRARY.

New Hampshire-Continued: No. of Vols. State Board of Education. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901 ...... 2 Forestry Commission. Annual Reports, 1894 (Vol. 1, Pt. 2, Pam.,) 1895-96...... 2 Granite State Dairymen's Association. Annual Report, 1893 ...... I Industrial School. Annual Reports, 1882 ...... I Insurance Commissioner. Annual Reports, 1900, 190T ...... 2 State Library: Biennial Reports, 1898-1900...... I Board of Library Commissioners : Biennial Report, 1900, Free Public Libraries. Pam ...... I Bu11•~tins, Vol. 2, Nos. 1-3. Pam. ( 2 copies of No. 1) ...... 4 Superintendent of Public Instruction. Report, 1900, I Railroad Commissioners: Special Report, 1894, Pam...... I Report, 1899 ...... I N. H. State Papers, Vol. 29...... I New Jersey: Acts, 1901, 1902...... 2 Act to regulate Elections, 1896. Pam...... I Documents, 1900, 1901...... IO Minutes of Gen. Assembly, 1901, 1902...... 2 Manual, 1901, 1902...... 2 Journals of Senate ancl House, 1901...... 2 Journal of Senate, 1902...... I Governor's Inaugurals, 1890, 189I. Pam...... 2 New Jersey Equity Reports, Vols. 59-62...... 4 New Jersey Law Reports, Vols. 64-66...... 3 Adjutant-General. Annual Reports, 1884, '93, '94, '95, '97, '99. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. ·. · .. · · · · ·... 6 CommissionPr of Banking and Tnsurance. Annual Reports, 1899, Pts. 1, 2; 1900, Pt. 1; 1901, Pt. 2.. 4 State Librarian. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. (Pam.) ...... 2 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 107

New Jersey-Continued: No. of Vols. Public Library Commission: First one thousand Books for a Public Library. Pam ...... I Handbook, 1901, Libraries and Library Laws of the State. Pam ...... I Report, 1900. Pam .. , ...... I Quartermaster-General. Reports, 1887, 1894...... 2 Departm·=nt of Rifle Practice. Report of Inspector General, 1894, 1899. Pam ...... 2 Department of State. Instructions relative to Duties of Officers and Voters. Pam...... I Comptroller of the Treasury. Annual Report, 1900, I Digest of Fees, Costs and Salaries allowed or pre- scribed to Public Officers, 1888...... I New Jersey Archives, Vol. 20, 1st series...... I Constitution of New Jersey, 1876. Pam...... I New Mexico: Acts. 1901 ...... 1 Message 0f Governor, 1899. Pam...... I Message of Governor and Reports of State Officers, etc., 1901. P~per ...... I Supreme Court Reports, Vols. 8, 9...... 2 Territorial Anditor. Report, 19or. Paper...... I New Porthnd, Me. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902. Pam ...... 4 New Sharon, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam... 2 New Sweden, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Nevv- Vineyard, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.. 2 New York: Laws, 1901, 1902 ...... 5 Forest, Fish and Game Law, 1901...... I ( Statutory Revision of the Laws affecting Insurance Companies passed 1892 and amended 1893-98) . . . I Assemblv Documents, 1899, Vols. 4, IO, 20-24, 26; 1900, Vols. 1-J4 (Pts. 1, 2), 15, 16, 17 (Pts. 1, 2) 18-29 ...... 39 Assembly Journal, 1900, 1901...... 9 I08 MAINE S1'ATE LIBRARY.

New York-Continued: No. of Volll. Senate Doc1..1ments : 1896, Vol. IO (Pts. I, 2); 1897, Vol. 13, (Pts. I, 2); 1898, Vols, 11, 12; 1899, Vols. 1-3, 6-13; 1900, Vols. r-r8...... 35 Senate Journal, 1900, 1901...... 5 Legislative Manual, 1901, 1902...... 2 Gover.1or's Message, 1891. Pam...... I Public Papers of Gov. L. P. Morton, 1896...... I N. Y. Court of Appeals. Reports, Vols. 164-170.... 7 Supreme Ct. Reports. Appellate Division, Vols. 54-70 ...... 17 Adjutant General: Annual Reports, 1870, 1882, '88, '95, '96, '97, '98. ( 98, Paper) ...... 7 New York in the Spanish-American War, 1898..... 3 Agricultural Department. Map of Butter and Cheese Factories, 1899. Sheet ...... I Agricult11ral Experiment Station. Bulletins 197, 198. Pam ...... 2 Chamber of Commerce : Report of Committee on State and Municipal Taxation, 1900, 1901. Pam., 2 Report of Committee on State .tnd Municipal Taxation, with Draft of an act to amend Tax Law, adopted Jan. 3, r9or. Pam...... 1 N. Y. Civif Service Reform Association. Report, 19or. Pam ...... 1 Comptroller. Report, 1902. ( 2 copies) ...... 2 Forest Commission. Annual Reports, 1893 (Vol. 2), 1894. Pam ...... 2 Fisheries, Came and Forest Commission: Annual Reports, 1898, '99, 1901; also (Pam.), 2 i:opies ...... 5 Adirondack Map, 1900. 4 sheets...... 4 Forest Preserve Board. Annual Reports, 1898, 1900. Pam...... 2 N. Y. State College of Forestry, Cornell Univ.: Announcements, 1898-99, 1900-01. Pam...... 2 Bulletins, r -6. ( 2 copies of 2, 3.) Pam...... 8 Twelve Theses on College Forest Management and Brief Statement of Results. B. E. Fernow. Pam...... I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 109

New York-Continued : No. of Vols. State Historian. Public Papers of Geo. Clinton, Vols. 4. 5 ...... 2 Inspector-General. Report, 1895. Pam...... I Superintendent of Insurance. Annual Report, 1900 (Pts. r-4), 1901 (also H)OI, Pt. 1)...... 6 Department of Public Instruction. Annual Report, 1900 ...... I Railroad Commissioners. Annual report, 1897, (Vol. 1), 1901 ...... 3 Astor Library. Annual Report of Trustees, 1890. Pam ...... 1 School of Journalism. Catalogue, 1902-3. Pam.... I University of New York: Annual Report of Regents, 1898, 1899, 1900... 3 Regents Bulletin, Nos. 46-53, 55-57. Pam.... II College Department. Annual Report, 1900, 1901 ...... 2 Extension Department: Annual Report, 189R...... I Extension Bulletin Nos. 10-12, 29. Pam... 4 High School Department. Annual Report, 1898, 1899, (Pts. 1, 2), 1900 (Pts. r, 2)...... 5 Home Education Department : Annual Report, 1899...... I Bnlletin, Nos. 32, 33, 35-38, 40. Pam..... 7 State Library : Annual Report, 1899, 1900, 1901...... 3 Directors' Report, 1901. Pam ...... 1 State Library Bulletin. Bibliography, Nos. 19-26, 28, 33. Pam ...... 14 State Library Bulletin. Legislation, Nos. 5, 13-17. P,un ...... : ...... 5 State Library School. Annual Report, 1901 ( 2 copies.) Pam ...... 2 State Library Bulletin. Library School, Nos. 6-9. Pam ...... 4 State Museum : Annual Report of Regents 1876, (Pam.) 1898, 1899. ( 2 Vols. each) ...... 5 MAINE STATE LIIlRARY.

New York-Continued : No. of Vols. Bulletin Vol. 7, Nos. 35, 36; Vol. 8, Nos. 37-43; Vol. 9, Nos. 45-51. Pam ...... 16 Report of State Botanist, 1899, 1900. Pam.... 2 Report of State Entomologist on Injurious and other Insects 1885, 1889-97. (Reports 2, .5-12.) Pain ...... 9 Memoir, Vol. 3, Nos. 3, 4...... 2 Official Register of Organized Land and Naval Forces, 1893, 1894, 1895. Paper...... 3 Newcastle, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Newfield, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... 1· Newfoundland. Dept. of Fisheries. Annual Report, 1894. Pan1 ...... 1 Newport, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Newry, Me. Annt,al Reports, H)Ol, r902. Pam...... 2 Nobleborough, Me. Annual Reports, r901, 1902. Pam., 2 Norridgewock, Me. Annual Reports, 1qo2. Pam...... 1 Norway. Offi_cial Publication for the Paris Exposition, 1900. Pam ...... I Norway, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Norway Village Corporation. Annual Reports, 1902. Pain ...... 1 North Berwick, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam..... 1 North Carolina : Private Laws, 1901 ...... I Public Laws, 1901 ...... I Election Law, 1891. Pam...... I Insurance Laws, 1899. Pam...... I North Carolina Reports, Vols. 128-130...... 3 Adjutant-General. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900..... 2 Corporat:on Commission. Report, 1899 ...... I Geological Survey. Bulletin 7, Forest Fires. Pam., 1 Board of Health. Bulletin, April, 1902. Pam. . . . . 1 Insurance Commissioner. Annual Report, 1900, 1901. (1901, Pam)...... 2 Bureau of Labor and Printing. Annual Report, 1900, 1 Superintendent of Public Instruction. Biennial Report, 1898-1900 ...... 1 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. III

North Carolina-Continued: No. of Vols. Railroad Commissioners. Annual Report, 1898. . . . I Secretary of State. Insurance Report, I 898...... I Turner's North Carolina Almanac, 1902. Pam..... I North Dakota: Laws, 1901 ...... I Public Documents, Vols. I, 2...... 2 Legislative Manual, 1899, 19or...... 2 House Journal, 1901 ...... I Senate .Journal, 1901...... I Governor's Inaugural, 1891. Pam...... I Superintendent of Public Instruction. Biennial Report, 1900 ...... I No. Dakota Reports, Vol. 8...... I State Law Library. Catalogue, 1901. Paper...... I North Haven, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I North Yarmouth, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam... I Northwest Territories: Dept. of Education. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam. I Council of Public Instruction. Annual Reports, 1896, 1898, 1900. Pam...... 3 Ordinances, 1899-1902. 1 Vol.; 3 Pams...... 4 Consolidated Ordinances, 1898...... I

Oakland, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902...... 2 Ohio: General and Local Acts, 1900...... I Laws relating to Birds, Fish and Game, 1900-01, 1901. Pam...... 2 Election Laws, 1900. Pam...... I Insurance Laws, 1901. Pam...... I Mining Laws, 1890. Pam...... I Revised Municipal Code, 1900. Pam...... I Laws relating to Public Printing, Libel, Postal Laws, etc., 1900. Pan1...... I Schooi Laws, 1900. Pam. (2 copies) ...... ·.. . . 2 Additions and Amendments to School Laws, 1900. Pam...... I Digest of Supervisor and Ballot Election Laws. 1901. Pam...... I I I2 MAINE S'I'ATE LIBRARY.

Ohio--Continued: No. of Vols. Tax Laws, 1901. Pam...... I Executive Documents, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900. (3 Pts. each) ...... 12 Legislative Manual, 1900-01...... I House Journal, 1900...... 1 Senate Journal, 1900...... I Governor's Message, 1890. Pam...... I Ohio State Reports, Vols. 62, 64, 65...... 3 Ohio Supreme Court: Annual Report, 1899. Pam...... I Rules of Practice, 1899 ...... ,. . . . I Calendar of the General Docket for Jan. Term, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Adjutant General : Annual Reports, 1884, 1885, 1896, '97, '99, 1900, ( 1899, 1900, Pam.)...... 6 Roster of Troops of Ohio Nat'l Guard, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 2 State Board of Agriculture : Annual Reports, 1899, 1901 (Pam.)...... 2 Annual Report of Farmers' Institutes, 1899 .. 1900, 1900-01. Pam...... 2 Bulletin of Farmers' Institutes, 1900-01, 1901-- 02. Pain...... 2 Farmers' Handbook containing Agricultural Laws of Ohio. Pam...... I Official Report of Sec'y on Commercial Ferti- lizers, 1900. Pam...... 1 Division of Commercial Fertilizers. Commer- cial Fertilizers. Pam...... 1 Division of Crop and Stock Statistics. Official Monthly Reports, Dec., 1899; Jan., March, May, June, July, Nov., Dec., 1900; March, Apr., Aug., Oct., Nov., Dec., 1901. Pam... 13 Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletins 97, 98, 102, 108-123. Pam...... 19 State Board of Arbitration. Annual Report, 1899. Pam ...... ,...... 1 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. II3

Ohio--Continued: No. of Vols. Attorney-General: Annual Report, 1900. Pam...... ,. . . . . I Opinion on the Powers and Duties of the State Board of Equalization. Pam...... I Auditor of State. Annual Report, 1899, 1900. (2 copies, 1900) ...... 3 Inspector of Building and Loan Associations. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900...... 2 Canal Commission. Annnal Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 3 Centennial Commission. Report, 1899. Pam. . . . . I Board of State Charities : Annual Reports, 1899, 1900. Pam...... 2 Bulletin of Charities and Correction. Vol. 5, No. 2; Vol. 6, No8. 2, 4; Vol. 7, Nos. l, 2, 3. Pam...... ···········••'••··········... 6 State Commissioner of Common Schools. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam. ( 2 copies, 1900.). . 3 Syllabus on Arithmetic and Ohio Institute Circular for 1900. Pam...... I Convict Labor Commission. Report. Pam...... I Dairy and Food Commissioner. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900. Pam...... 2 Decennial State Board of Equalization. Proceed-

ings, 1900 ...... 1. • • • • • • • I State Fire Marshai. Annual Report, 1900. Pam. . I Fish and Game Commission. Annual Reports, 1896, 1900. Pam...... 2 State Board of Health. Annual Reports, 1898, 1899. Pam...... 2 Chief Inspector of Mines. Annual Report, 1899. Pain...... I State Inspector of Oils. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 3 Department of Inspection of Workshops, Factories, and Public Bmldings : Annual Reports, 1899, 1900. Pam...... 2 Illustrated Pamphlet of Devices for Guarding Dangerous Machinery, etc. Pam...... I I 14 MAINE S'.I'ATE LIBRARY.

Ohio--Continued: No. of Vols. Insurance Department : Annual Reports, 1899, 1900 (3 Pts.), 1901 (2 Pts.) ...... 6 Annual Summary of standing of Insurance Companies, 1899, 1900, 1901...... 5 Bureau of Labor Statistics. Annual Report, 1899. . I State Library. Annual Report, 1900. Pam...... I State Board of Pardons. Annual Report. Pam. . 1 Supervisor of Public Printing. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900. Pam...... 2 Board of Public ·works. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900. Pan1...... 2 Commissioner of Railroads and Telegraphs. Annual Reports, 1898, 1899, 1900...... 3 Secretary of State : Annual Reports, 1899, 1900...... 2 Apportionment of Members of Gen. Assembly, 1901-2. Pam...... I Census of Ohio, 1900. Pam...... 1 Election Statistics, 1899, 1900, 1901. Pam... 3 Federal, State and County Officers, 1900, 1902. Pam...... 2 Department of Soldiers' Claims. Annual Report, 1901. Pam ...... -...... I State and Industrial Exposition, 1899. Bulle- tin. Pam...... I Treasurer of State. Annual Report, 1901. Pam. . 1 Vicksburg Battlefield Commiss1on. Report, 1901. Pam...... r Athens State Hospital. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 3: Boys' Industrial School. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900. Pam...... 2- Cleveland State Hospital. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900. Pam...... 2 Columbus State Hospital. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 2· Dayton State Hospital. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 3- LIBRARIAN'S REPOR'I'. IIS

Ohio-Continued: No. of Vols. Girls' Industrial Home. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 3 Hospital for Epileptics. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900. Pam...... 2 Institution for the Education of the Blind. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901. P11m...... 3 Institution for Education of Deaf and Dumb. Annual Report, 1899. Pam...... l Institution for Feeble-Minded Youth. Annual Re- ports, 1899; 1900-01. Pam...... 3 Massillon State Hospital. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 3 Miami University : Catalogue, 1900-or. Pam...... 1 Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Penitentiary. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900. Pam.. 2 State Reformatory. Annnal Reports, 1899, 1900. Pam...... 2 Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. Annual Reports, 1899. Pan1. .... ,...... 1 Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900. Pam...... 2 Toledo State Hospital. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 3 University. Annual Reports, 1899, 1901. Pam. . . 2 Hundred Year Book. E. H. Gilkey...... l Oklahoma: Session Laws, 1901...... 1 Oklahoma Reports, Vol. ro...... 1 Old Orchard, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam., 2 Old Town, Me. Arnmal Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam... 2 Ont2rio: Department of F:.sheries. Annual Report, 1900. . . . 1 Clerk of Forestry. Annual Report, 1896, 1899 (Pam) ...... 2 Royal Commission on Forestry. Preliminary Report, 1898. Pan1 ...... 1 Inspector of Insurance ancl Registrar of Friendly Societies. Detailed Report, 1900, 1901...... 2 II6 MAINE S'fA'I'E LIBRARY.

Ontario-Continued : No. of Vols. Treasurer of. Ontario. Financial Statement, 1897. Pam ...... I Commissioners for Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park. Report, 1895. Pam...... I Oregon: General Laws, 1901...... I Supreme Court Reports, Vols. 36-39...... 4 Adjutant-General. Reports, 1865-66, 1895-96. . . . . 2 Insurance Commissioner. Annual Report, 1901. Paper ...... 1 Superintendent of Public Jnstruction. Biennial Report, 1900 ...... I Railroad Commission. Biennial Report, 1895-96. . . I Secretary of State. Biennial Reports, 1897-98, (Pam.), 1899-1900 ...... 2 Orland, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Orneville, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... 1 Orono, Me. Annual Reports., 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Otisfield, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Oxford, Me. Annual Reports, 19or. Pam...... I Oxford County, Me. Financial Statement, 1900. Pam., l Oxford County, Agr. Soc. Exhibition, 1892, 1893, 1894. Pam...... 3

Palmyra, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam. . . . . 2 Paris, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... I Parkman, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam..... 2 Parsonsfield, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... 1 Pennsylvania: Law, 1901 ...... 1 Statutes at Large, 1682-18or. Vols. 6, 7...... 2 Insurance Laws, 1895 ...... 1 Official Documents, 1898, 1899...... 19 Smull's Legislative Hand Book, 1900, 1901, 1902... 3 Senate and House Journals, 1901...... 4 Governor's Inaugural, 189r. Pam...... 1 Message of Gov. J as. A. Beaver, 189r. Pam...... 1 Penn. Superior Court Reports, Vols. 10-19...... IO Penn. State Reports, Vols. r93-20T...... 9 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT, rr7

Pennsylvania-Continued: No. of Vols. Adjutant-General: Annual Reports, 1882, '83, '85, '93, '94, '96, '97, 7 Record of Penn. Voltmteers in Spanish-Ameri- can War ...... I State Doard of Bealth and Vital Statistics. Annual Report, 1886. Pam ...... 1 Insurance Commissioner. Annual Reports, 1899 (Pts. r, 2), 1900 (Pt. r), 1901 (Pt. 2)...... 4 Department of Internal Affairs: Annual Reports, 1898, Pt. 4. Railroad, Canal, Navigation, Tele- graph and Telephone Companies...... 1 Railroad Map of Pennsylvania. Sheet...... I State Library. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901. . 3 Board of Military Claims. Annual Report, 1863. Pam ...... 1 Addresses on Occasion of Death of Hon. R. R. Reed delivered in Senate and House, January 4, 1865. . I Superintendent of Public Instrnction, Reports, 1900, 1901 ...... 3 Chickamauga-Chattanooga Battlefield Commission. Pennsylvania at Chickamauga and Chattanooga; Ceremonies at Dedication of Monuments, 1897. . . 1 Penobscot County, Me. Fin:mcial Statement, 1898. Pam., 1 Perham, Me. Annual Reports, 1qo1, 1902. Pam...... 2 Perry, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam ...... 2 Peru, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam ...... 2 Phillips, Me. Annual Reports I<)OI, r902. Pam...... 2 Phippsburg, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.. 2 Piscataqms County, Me. Financial Statements, 1899, 1900,. 1901. Pam ...... 3 Pittsfield, Me. Annual Reports, 190T. T<)02. Pam. . . . . 2 Pittston, Me. Ann11al Rqjorts, 1901. Pam...... 1 Piymouth, Me. Annu:il Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam..... 2 Poland, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... l Porter, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Portland, Me. : Annual Reports, 1891, 1900, H)OT, r902...... 4 Board of Health. Annual Reports, T888. Pam. . . . I 8 II8 MAINE S'I'ATE LIBRARY,

No. of Vols. Pownal, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Presque Isle, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.. 2

Quebec: Statutes, 1901 ...... I Committee on Public Lancts and Forests, Report to Legislature, 1895. Pam...... I

Randolph, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam ...... I Rangeley, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam ...... 2 Raymond, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam .... . 2 Reactfield, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam .... . 2 Rhode Island : Acts and Resolves, 1851. Paper...... 1 Public Laws, 1898-99, 1900-01 ...... 2 Public Laws Jan. Session, 1901: Jan. Session, 1902. Pam...... 2 Laws m relation to Banks, Institutions for Savings and Co-operative Building Associations, 1898. Pan1 ...... I Insurance 1,aws, r897. Pam...... I Militia Law, 1879...... I Act in relation to Negotiable Instruments, January, I 899. Pam ...... I Legislative Manual, 1891--92...... I Report of J. N. Arnold, Commissioner to inquire into Condition of Gov. Benedict Arnold Burial Place and Title thereto, 1901. Pam...... I Report of Joint Special Committee on State Sanato- rium for Consumptives, r9or. Pam...... r Governo,'s Message 1882. r8qo, 1902. Pam...... 3 Supreme Court Reports, Vol. 22...... I Opinion of Supreme Ct. on Question, "Has the Gen. Assembly Power to establish Inferior Courts and to authorize Judges thereof to preside at Jury Trials and instruct the Jury." Pam ... :...... I Adjutant-G•::neral. Annual Reports, 1879, '80, 'Sr, '82, '84, '85, ',87. (2 copies, 1884)...... 8 Arl_1utant-General, Quartermaster General, Surgeon General, etc., Annual Reports, 1893, '.94, '95...... 3 LIBRARIAN'S RltPORT. n9

Rhode Island-Continued: No. of Vols. State Board of Agriculture. Annual Report, 1901. . I Agricultural Experiment Station : Annual Report, 1900-or, Pt. 2. Pam...... I Bi!lletins 74-78. 80-86. Pam...... 12 State Auditor : Annual Report, 1902...... I Annual Statement exhihiting Condition of Banks, Savings Banks, and Trust Companies, 1901 ...... I Board of State Charities and Corrections: Annual Report, 1901. Pam...... I Report on City and Town Almshouses and Pro- bation Work. Pam ...... I Commissioner of Dams and Reservoirs. Annual Report, 1902. Pam ...... I Factory Inspectors. Aunual Reports, 1901...... I Board of Education and Commissioner of Public Schools. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902...... 2 State Board of Health. Monthly Bulletin. Vol. J2, No. I. (Jan., 1901.) Pam...... I Commissioner of Industrial Statistics. Annual Reports, 1898, 1900, 1901, 1902. (2 copies, 1901, 1902) ...... 6 Commissioners of Inland Fisheries. Annual Reports, 1895, 1896, I 1J02. Pam...... 3 Insurance Commissioner. Annual Reports, 1900 (Pts. I, 2), 1901 (Pts. I, 2)...... 4 State Board of Pharmacy. Annual Report, 1902. Pan1 ...... I Railroad Com1111ssio11ers. Annual Reports, 1898, 1899 ...... 2 State Record Commissioner. Report, 1902. Pam. . I State Sealer of W c:ights. Measures, and Balances. Annual Reporl, 19or. Pam...... I General Treasurer. Annual Report. 1902...... I Legislative History and Souvenir of Rhode Island, 1899, 1900 ...... I Civil and Military list of Rhode Island, 1647-1800, 1800-1850 ...... '...... 2 120 MAlNF S'tATE LinRARY.

No. of Vols. Richmond, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam..... 2 Ripiey, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... I Rockland, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902...... 2 Rockport, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam..... 2 , Me. Annual Reports, 1900, 19or, 1902. Pam... 3 Rumford, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Saco, Me. Annual Reports 1889, 19or, 1902. ( 1901, Pam) ...... 3 Sagadahoc County, Me. Financial Statements, 1899, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 3 St. Albans, Me. Annual Reports, r901, 1902. Pam.... 2 St. George, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Scarboro, Me. Annual Reports, 1864. Pam...... I Searsmont, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1962. Pam... 2 Searsport, Me. Annual Reports, 1901 ( 4 copies), 1902 (3 copies). Pam ...... 7 Sebago, Me. Annual Reports, r9or. Pam...... I Sebec, Mc. Annual Reports, 189f-H102. Pam...... 7 Sedgwick, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, ·1902. Pam.... 2 Shapleigh, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, H)02. Pam..... 2 Shirley, Me. Annual Reports,. 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Sidney, Me. Annual Reports, 1886, 1901, 1902. Pam.. 3 Skowhegan, Me. Annual Reports, r9or, 1902. Pam. . . 2 Skowhegan, Me. Public Libra1y. Books for Younger Readers, 1899. Pam...... I Skowhegan Village Corporation. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pan1 ...... 2 Smithfield, Me. Annuai Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Smyrna, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Solon, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Somerset County. Financial Statement, 1897, 1900, ( 2 copies). Pam ...... 3 Sorrento, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... r South Berwick, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam. . . . . 1 South Carolina: Code of Laws, 1902...... 2 Acts and Joint Resolutions, 1901, 1902...... 2 Reports and Resolutions, 19or, 1902. (2 Vols. each) ...... 4 House Journal, 1901, 1902...... 2 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 121

South Carolina-Continued: No. of Vol& Senate Journal, 1901, 1002...... 2 South Carolina Reports, Vols. 57-62...... 6 Adjutant and Inspector General. Report, 1894. Pam ...... I Attorney-General : Report, 1900. Pam...... I Special Report, 1902. Trusts and Illegal Com- binations. Pam ...... I Comptroller-General. Insurance Report, 1900. Pt. 1, I Superintendent of Education. Annual Report, 1900. Pam ...... I South Dakota : Enabling Act and Constitution and Laws, 1901. . . . I Public Documents, 1900, 19or...... 2 Governor's Message, 1890. Pam...... I House Journal, 1901...... I Senate Journal, 190 I. So. Dakota Reports, Vols. 13, 14 ...... 2 Attorney-General. Annual Report, 1899-1900. Pam. I Insurance Commissi0ner. Annual Reports, 1897, 1899, 1900, 1901...... 4 Superintrndent of Public Instruction. Biennial Report, 1899-1900 ...... I South Portland, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam.... I Southport, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam... 2 Springfield, Me. Anmial Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.. 2 Standish, Me. Annual Reports. l()OO, 1902. Pam. . . . 2 Starks, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... I Steuben, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam..... 2 Stockton Springs, Me. Anm1;.,.l Reports, 1899, 1901. Pam...... 2 Stoneham, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Stow, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. 1902. Pam. (2 copies 1901) ...... • • 3 Strong, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Sullivan, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... I Swanville, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... I Swan's Island, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam.. . . . I 122 MAINE S'I'A'I'E LIBRARY.

No. of Vols. Temple, Me. Annual Reports, r893, '98, '99, 1900, 1901, 1902. Pain...... 6 Tennessee: Acts, 1901 ...... 1 Tennessee Reports, Vols. IOI, 104, 105...... 3 Cornmiss10ner of Agriculture. Biennial Report, . 1899-1900. Pam...... I Insurance Commissioner. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900 ...... 2 Superintendent of Puhlic Instruction. Annual Report, 1900 ...... 1 Railroad Commission. Report, 1899-1900...... I Treasurer of State. Biennial Report, 1899-1900. Pan1...... 1 Comptroller of the Treasury. Digest and Explana- tion of Tenne8see Tax Laws, 1899...... I Texas: Early Laws, 1731-1876 ...... 3 General Laws, Special Session, I 879. Pam...... 1 General Laws, 188r. Pam...... I General and Special Laws, 1901...... I General and Special Laws, 1st and 2d Called Ses- sions, 1901 ...... I Insurance Laws. Digest of 1899. Pam...... I House Journal, 1901...... I House Journal, 1st and 2d Called Sessions, 1901. . . . I Senate Journal, 1901...... I Senate Journal, 1st and 2d Called Sessions, 1901. . . I Governor's Message, 189r. Pam...... I Texas Civil Appeals Reports, Vols. 23, 24...... 2 Texas Criminal Appeals Reports, Vol. 41...... 1 Texas Reports, Vol. 94...... I Adjutant-General. Report, 1893-94. Pam...... I Commissioner of Agriculture, Tnsurance, Statistics and History. Annual Report, 1900. Paper. . . . . I Attorney-General. Report, 1899-1900. Pam. . . . . r Insurance Department. Preliminary Report, 1900. Pam...... r Superintendent of Public Instruction. Biennial Report, 1899-1900 ...... r LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 123

Texas-Continued: No. of Volll. Railroad Commission. Annual Report, 1900. Pam. I Report of Ceremonies of Laying of Corner Stone of New State Capitol, Anstin, 188.5. Pam...... I Thomaston, Me. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 3 Thorndike, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam... 2 Topsham, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Tremont, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Trescott, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... I Troy, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Turner, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Unity, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Utah; Laws, 1901 ...... I Public Documents, 1899-1900...... I House Journal, 1899, 1901...... 2 Senate Journal, 1899, 1901...... 2 Utah Reports, Vols. 21, 22, 23...... 3 Superintendent Public Instruction. Annual Report, 1900 ...... I Vassalboro, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam... 2 Veazie, Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... I Vermont: Acts and Resolves, 1900...... I General Laws relating to Insurance, 189.5, 1899. ( 1899 Pam. 2 copies) ...... 3 Reports of State Officers, 1899-1900...... I Legislative Directory, 1900...... I Double Taxation in Vermont; Report of Special Committee to Legislature, 1900. Pam...... I House Journal, 1900...... I Senate Journal, 1900...... I Message of Gov. Edw. C. Smith on retiring from Office, 1900. Pam...... I Governor's Inaugural Message, 1900. Pam...... I Vermont Reports, Vols. 71-73...... 3 Adjutant and Inspector General. Biennial Report, 1895-96. Pam...... I 124 MAINE S'IATE LIBRARY. No. of Vols. State Board of Agricultt,re. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901 ...... 3 Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Reports, 1897-98, 1898-99 ...... 2 Commissioners to establish Boundary Line Mcinu- ments between Vt. and Mass. Report, 1900..... I State Superintendent of Education. Report, 1900.. 1 Commissioners of Fisheries and Game, 1900. Pam. 1 Inspector of Finance. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901 ...... 3 State Geologist. Report on Mineral Resources of Vermont, 1899-qoo. Pam...... I Board of Health. Report, 1898-99...... I State Highway Commission. Biennial Report, 1899- 1900. Pam...... I Insurance Commissioner. Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901. ( 2 copies, 1900) ...... 4 Summary of Business in Vermont, 1900. Pam. I Board of Library Commissioners. Annual Report, 1899-1900 ...... I Railroad Commiss1011ers. Biennial Report, 1900. Pam...... r Soldiers' Home. Report, 1899-1900. Pam...... I Vienna, Maine. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Vinalhaven, Me. Annual Report, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Virginia: Acts and Joint Resolutions, 1901...... I Laws relating to Commissioners and Collectors of Public Revenue, in force, 1860, 1878. Pam.... 2 Annual Reports of Officers, etc., 1900...... I House Journal, Extra Sessinn, 1901...... I Senate Journal, Extra Session, 1901...... I Virginia Reports, Vol. 98...... I Adjutant General. Annual Reports, 1895, 1896.... 2 Bureau of Labor Statistics. Annual Report, 1898-99 l Railroad Commissioner. Annnal Report, 1900.... I Superintendent of Public Instruction. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901 ...... I Waldo, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. ( 1901 2 copies.) Pam...... 3 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 125

N.:, of Vols. Waldo County, Me. Financial Statements, 1896, 1899, 1900, 19or. Pam...... 4 ·waldoboro, Me. Annual Reports, 1898, 1902. Pam... 2 Warren, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 vVashburn, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 vVashington : Se·ssion Laws, 1901 and 1901 Extra Session (Pam.) 2 Governor's Message, 189r. Pam...... 1 ·washington Reports, Vols. 22-26...... 5 Adjutant-General. Biennial Report, 1895-1896. Pam...... 1 Attorney-General : Biennial Report, 19or. Pam...... I Opinions of Attorney-General, 1901...... I Insurance Dept. Preliminary Report, 19or. Paper. l Labor Commissioner. Biennial Report, 1899-1900.. I Washington, Me. Annual Reports, 1897, '98, '99, 1901, 1902. Pant...... 5 Washington County, Me. Financial Statement, 1899, 1900, 19or. Pam...... 3 Waterford, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Waterville, Me. Annual Reports, 1890. 19or. Pam... 2 Wayne, Me. Annual Reports, (1901, 2 copies), 1902. Pam...... 3 Webster, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Weld, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Wellington:, Me. Annual Reports, H)02. Pam...... I Wells, Me. Annual Reports, 1900, I

\Vest Virginia-Continued : No. of Vols. Preliminary Report, May, 1891. Black Spruce. Pam...... I Weston, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 vVestport, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 vVhitefield, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam..... 2 Whiting, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... 1 Whitneyville, Me.: Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Supt. or Schools. Annual Reports, 1900, 1902. Pan1...... 2 Willimantic, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I \Vindham, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Windsor, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Winn, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I Winslow, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam..... 2 \Vinter Harbor, Me. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam... . I "Winterport, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam. . . 2 Winterport Free Library. Catalogue, 1900. Pam..... I \;Vinthrop, :'de. Annual Reports, 1901. Pam...... I \Niscasset, .Me. Annual Reports, 1902. Pam...... I \i\fisconsin: Laws, 1901 ...... I Public Documents, r9oi:...... 4 Blue Book, 1889, 1901...... 2 Wisconsin Reports, Vols. ro6-111...... 6 Adjutant General. Annual Report, 1882...... I Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual Report, 1898 ...... I Dairy and Food Commissioner. Biennial Report, 1895-96 ...... I Farmers' Institutes. Bulletins I I, 12...... 2 Free Library Commission : Fifty Books for Child's Library. Pam...... I How may the Federation and the Commission co-operate to aid our Library Interests? . . . . I Traveling Reference Library on U. S. History for Study Clubs. Pam...... I Insurance Commissioner: Annual Report, 1899 (Local Mutual.)...... I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 127

Wisconsin-Continued; No. of Voll!l. Annual Reports, 1900 (Pts. 1, 2); 1901 (Fire and ·Marine) ...... 3 Superintendent of Public Instruction. Biennial Report, 1900 ...... 1 State Superintendent of Schools: Biennial Report, 1900...... l List of Books for Township Libraries. Pam. . 1 Supplementary List for Township Libraries, 1900. Pam...... : ...... I Tax Commission. Biennial Report, 1901...... I Institution for the Education of the Blind. Annual Report, 1869. Pam...... 1 Woodland, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 Woolwich, Me. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam.... 2 ·wyoming: Session Laws, 1877, 1899, 1901...... 3 Governor's Message, 1890. Pam...... l ·w yoming Reports, Vols. 8, 9...... 2 State Fish Commissioner atic1 Game Warden. Annual Report, 1895. Pam...... I Yarmouth, Me. Annual Reports, 1882, '84, '85, '87, '90- '98, 1902. Pam...... 14 Superintending School Committee. Reports, 1881, '83. Pam...... 2 York County, Me. Financial Statements, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 3

3,36o DONATIONS. No. of Vols. Accidents and Accident Insurance. G. E. McN eill. Donated by Me. Insurance Dep't...... r Alabama State Bar Associafrm. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 2 Alasko-Canadian Frontier. T. W. Balch. Donated by Author. Pan1...... r American Academy of Political and Social Science : Addresses at Annual Meeting, 1900...... r Annals (Supplements to Vols. 16, 17)...... 2 American and Foreign Bible Society. Annual Reports, 1851, 1855, 1859. Pam...... 3 American Antiquarian Soci,ety. Proceedings. Vol. 7. . 1 American Baptist Magazine, Vol. 2, Nos. 5, 6. ( Sept., Nov., 1819.) Pam...... 2 American Bar Association. Reports, 1900, 1901...... 2 American Congregational Association. Annual Report, 1901. 2 copies. Pam...... 2 American Federationist. Extra No. Majority Rule in Combination with Representative Government. Pam. . 2 American Fisheries Society. Proceedings, 1899, 1900. Pam...... 2 American Forestry Association : Proceedings, 1894, 1896, 1897. Pam...... 4 The Capitalist and Economic Forestry: Address at Annual Meeting, 1899. C. A. Schenk. Pam. . . I The Forestry Reservation Policy. Pam...... I American Imperialism. Carl Schnrz. Donated by Reform Club, N. Y. Pam...... 1 American Isthmus and the Inter-oceanic Canal. W. H. Hunter. Donated by Author. Pam...... l American Library Association. Papers and Proceedings, 1901, 1902. Paper ...... 2 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 129 No. of Vols. American League for Civic Improvement. Proceedings, 1901. Pam...... 1 American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin, Vol. IO, 1898 ...... I American National Red Cross Relief Committee. Reports, 1898-99. Paper ...... I American Phannaceutical Association. Proceedings, 1886-89, 1900, 1901. Paper...... 6 American Railway Master Mechanics' Association. Report, 1898 ...... I American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Annual Report, 1898. Pam...... I American State Reports. Brief Digest to Vols. 73-78. Donated by Bancroft Whitney Co. Pam...... I Amherst College. Catalogue, 1900-or. 1901-02. Pam. 2 Amherst College Library. Quarterly Bulletin. Vol. 2, Nos. 3-4. Pam ...... I Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massa­ chusetts: Annual Record, 1899--1900. Pam...... I History, Vol. 4...... I Androscoggin and Kennebec Railroad Company: Charter and Ry-Laws. Pam...... I Reports of Annual Meeting, 1854-56, 1858, 1859, r86r. Pam...... 6 Annual Cyclop::edia of Insurance, r894-1899. Donated by Me. Insurance Cmn'n"r...... S Appeal to People of U. S. to relieve from Starvation the Women and Children of the Island of Crete. Pam. . I Appleton's Universal Cyclop;e

Colby College-Continued: No. of Vols. Reports of President and Faculty, 1900-or. Pam... r Treasurer's Report, 1901. Pam...... I Colby Oracle, 1901. Donated by Ruby Carver...... r College, Fetich: an Address before Harvard Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, 1883. Pam...... r College Ideal and American Life: address at 75th Anni- versary of Colby Umversity. Nath. Butler. Pam.... 1 Co!le~e of the Holy ~arne of Mary. Annual Catalogue, 1897- 98. Pam...... r Colorado Bar Association. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. Pam ...... 3 Conference of Charities and Correction. Annual Pro- ceedings, 1879-1880. P;im...... 2 Congregational Churches, General Conference of. Min- utes, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 2 Congressional Succession: Pamphlet presenting Claims of Gen. H. M. Plaisted as Cancliclate for Re-election to Congress, 1876. Douated by H. \ 1V. Bryant. Pam .... Connecticut Economic League. Preamble and Platform, 1902. Pam ...... Connecticut Historical Society. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam ...... 2 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Schedule B to accompany Statement for 1901. Donated by Me. Insurance Com'n'r ...... Conversation. Thos. DeQuincey. Donated by L. D. Carve;-. Pam ...... Cook County, Illinois. Superintendent of Schools. Bien- nial Report, 1898-1900 ...... Corinna Union Academy. Catalogue, 1900-or. Pam .. . Counsellor. Vol. r, Ko. T. Pnblished at N. Y. Law School. Donated by H. W. Bryant. Pam ...... Cozzens, Fred S., Catalogue of Private Library of ...... Criminal Law of Canada, Manual of. Willan. Pam .. . Cruce, Emeric. Thos. \V. Balch. Donated by Author .. Cumberland County Agricultural and H orticnltural Society. Transactions, 1858, '59. Pam ......

9 134 M AlN I~ S'l'A'l'B L1 DlL\RY.

No. of Vols. Daughters of the American Revolntion. N"ational Society. Reports ( rst and 2d) 18qo-97, 18()7-98. Paper. Donated by Mrs. Nora Grad Rice...... 2 Daughters of the American Revolutinn. Samuel Grant Chapter, G:1rdiner, i\Ie. Ey-laws. Paper. Donated by Mrs. Rice...... 1 Daveis, Chas. Stevvart, Sketch of the Life of. D. G. Haskins. Pam. Donated by E. 1--l. Daveis ...... Dean, Isaac, Genealogy of. Josiah H. Drummond. Donated by Author. Pam...... 1 Denver Union \Valer Co., Denver, Col. Denver's \Vater Supply. Pam ...... 1 Dingley, N elsou, Jr., SiJeech of, 011 1'; ational Banking System, 1882. Parn ...... Speech of, on Protection to American Shipping. Pam. Donated by I-I. \V. Bryant...... 1 Speech, J:muary 7, 1891. Pam...... 1 Distortion of Pebbles in Conglomerates; with Illustra- tions from Rangeley Lake, M.e. Geo. L. Vose. Pam., 1 Dudley, Thomas, Life and Vv ork of. Augustine Jones. Donated by Author...... 1 Dynamics of Social Progress : Address by Albion Small. 1889. Pam ...... I

Early English Pronunciation, with <'Special Reference to Shakespc:are and Chaucer. A. J. Ellis. Pam...... 1 E. C. Seranton Memorial Library, Madison, Conn. Cata- logue. Pam ...... 1 East Corinth Academy. Catalogue, 1900-01. Pam ..... Eastern :Maine General Hospital. Annual Reports, 1895- 1900. Fam ...... 8 Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, Md. Annual Report, 1901. Pam ...... I Estes Family. W. R. G. Estes. Donated by Author. Patn. 2 copies...... 2 European and N. American Railway Co. Prospectus. 8 copies. Pam ...... 8 Everett, Edward, Address of, at Consecration of National Cemetery, at Gettysburg, 1863, with Dedicatory Speech of President Lincoln. Donated by W. P. Quimby. . . . I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 1 35 N0. •.>f Vols. Exemption of ::\fonicipal Bonds. Henry v\Tinn. Pam. Donated by Author ...... 1

Fernald Genealogy. Illustrated Charts. Donated by C. A. Fernald ...... 2 Fiat i\foney: a Review of Decisions of Supreme Court as to its Con·stitutionality. Fs. A. Brooks. Pam. Donated by Reform Club. N. -Y...... r Field Columbian .Mustum. Annnal Reports, 1899-1900, 1900-or. Pam ...... 2 Fifth vVisconsin Volnnteer Infantry Association. Pro- ceedings, 19or. Pam...... r Filipinos, Unlawful and Unjustifiahk Conquest of. Fs. A. Brooks. Pam...... 1 Fiske University, N ashvillc, Tenn. Catalogue, 1900-or. Pa111 ...... r Forestry vs. Lumbering. C. A. Schench. Donated by Author. Pan1 ...... r Forests of Russia and their Proclncts. P. N. \Verekha. Pa111 ...... r Foxcroft Academy. Catalogue. 1900-01. Pam...... r Fraternal Beneficiary Societies, Statistics of, 1899. Donated by Me. Insurance Com'n'r...... I Free Trade Almanac, Il)02. Pam. Donated by Free Trade League ...... r Freemasons : Iowa Grand Lodge : Annals, Vol. I 7...... 1 Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 4, Nos. r, 3. (1901.) Pam., 2 Maine Grand Chapter. 75th Annual Convocation, 1900. (Vol. ro, Pt. 3.) Paper...... 1 Maine Grand Commandery. Proceedings at Annual Conclaves. ( 1901) ...... l Maine Grand Council. Annual Assembly, 1900, 19or. Paper ...... 2 Maine Grand Lodge. Annual Communications, 1901, 1902. Paper...... 2 Massachusetts Grand Lodge. Proceedings, Sept., Oct., Dec., 1900; Jan., l\1ch., J\fay, June, Sept., Oct., December., 1901 ; Mch., 1902. Paper...... 6 Ohio Grand Lodge. Proceedings, 1829. Pam. . . . . I MAINE s'rA1'£ LTBRARY.

Freemasons-Continued : No. of Vol~. Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. :\: orthcrn Masonic Jurisdiction. Proceedings of Supreme Council, 1901. Paper ...... I Friars must stay. J. J. ·wynne. Donated by Publishers of "The Messenger.'' Pam ...... From Court to Court. Eugene F. ·ware. Donated by Author. Pam ...... 1

General Theological Library. Proceedings 1900, 1901, 1902. Pan1 ...... 3 Georgia Bar Association. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. Pain ...... 2 Georgian: Catalogue of Silver Plated \iVare. Donated by Towle M'f'g Co...... 1 Gloversville Free Library, Gloversville, N. Y. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Goel and the State. l\Iichael Ihkownine. Pam...... 1 Golflen Gate Kindergarten Association. Annual Report, 1887. Pam ...... T Government and the Telegraph. Norvin Green. Pam.. 1 Grand Army of the Republic: Journal 0f National Encampment, 1889, '90, '91 (3 copies of 1891.) Pam ...... 5 Offi.ciai Souvenir Program, 34th Nat'! Encampment, Aug. 26-30, 1900. Pam...... I Roll of 34th Nafl Encampment, 1900. Pam...... 1 Unofficial Proceedings in Connection with 24th N at'l Encampment, 1890. ( 2 copies.) Pam...... 2 Department of Maine. Proceedings, 1888, '89, '90, '<;i1, '92, '93, '97, (2 copies of '89, 2 copies of '90, 5 copies of '91, 3 copies of '92.) Pam...... 15 Roster of Annual Encampment, 1893, '96, '98. Pam., 3 Department of Michigan. Journal of Annual Encampment, 1900. Pam...... l Greek Reader. Fred'k Jacobs. 1829. Donated by Col. Fred At\vood ...... 1 Griffin, Rev. Rich. A., Memorial Day Oration of, 1890. Pain ...... 1 LIIlRARlAN'S REPORT. 137 No. of Vols. Groton, Mass., Historical Address, delivered at, July 4, 1876. Sam'l A. Green. Donated by Author. Pam.. 1 Groton, Mass. Centennial Celebration, July 4, 1876. Donated by Groton Public Library. Pam...... 1 Groton Public Library. Annual Reports, 1897-1901. Pam 5 Groton ·water Company. Report, 1901. Pam...... I

Hahnemann Medical College, Chicag·o. Circular of Information, 1901-02. Pam...... 1 Hammond, Geo. Albert, In Memory of. Donated by H. \V. Bryant. Pam...... I Harrison, Benjamin, Memorial Meeting of the Bar of Indiana, on Occasion of Death of, March 16, 1901. Donated by Indiana Bar Association. Pam...... I Hartford, Connecticut, as a l\fanufacturing, Business and Commercial Center. Donated by Hartford Board of Trade. Pain ...... Harvard College. Annual Reports, 1899-1900, 1900-01. Pam ...... 2 Harvard Universitv: Catalogue, H)00-01 ...... l University Publications, New Series. No. 55. Pam., 1 Harvesting :i\fachrnery, OfEcial Retrospective Exhibition of Development of, for Paris Exposition, 1900. Donated by Deering Harvester Co., Chicago...... 1 Healy Asylum, Lewiston, ::Vfo. Annual Report, 1900. Pain ...... 1 Hicks, Rev. Ir! R. Almanac, 1902. Donated by \Vorel and Work Pub. Co., St. Louis, l\Io. Pam...... 1 Historical l\Iusical Exhibition, Boston, Jan., 1902. Cata- logue. Pan1 ...... l Holyoke Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Report, 1901. Pan1 ...... l Horticulture Pratique, .l\lanuel cl.' G. Laroque. Paper. . . 1 Hospital of the Sisters of Charity, Lewiston, Me. An- nual Report, 1900. Pam...... 1 Howard Association: Report, 1877. Pam...... 1 Pamphlets donated by Howard Association : The Bible and Capital Punishment. Countries where Howard Association-Contin11ecl : No. of Vols. Capital Punishment has been abolished or discon-­ tinued. Docs the Capital Penalty prevent or pro-­ duce ::\forder? Franci~ and the Abolition of Cap-­ ital Punishment. Holland and the Abolition of Capital Punishment. Imprisonment of Young Children. Industrial Education versus Crime. Italy and Violent Crime. Magistrates' Clerks and Crime. :Milbank Prison. Modes of diminishing Intemperance. Object, Patrons, Committees, etc., of Howard Association. Outbreaks in Convict Prisons. Prison Congress of London, 1872. Sub­ stitute for Capital Punishment; Gt. Britain and Belgium ...... 15 Howe, Dr. Samuel Gridley, Proceedings at Celebration of rno'th Anniversary of Birth of. 1902...... 1 Hyde, Henry Baldwin; Biographical Sketch, published by Equitable Life Assurance Society of U. S. Donated by Jas. H. Hyde. 2 copies...... 2

Illinois State Bar Association. Proceedings, 1900. Pam. l Imperialism in 1861 and 1898: Paper before Western Division of Army of Potomac, Nov. 14, 1898. Col. C. A. Clark. Pam...... 1 Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pa. Catalogue, 1902. Pa111...... • ...... • I Indian Rights Association : Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 2 Action of Interior Department in forcing Standing Rock Indians to lease their Lands to Cattle Syndi- cates. Pain...... 1 Condition of the Mission Indians of Southern Cali-• fornia. Pam...... I Indian ·wardship. Pam...... I A New Indian Policy; the Red Man's Rights in Jeopardy. Pam...... The Standing Rock Indians and the Grazing Leases. Pam...... 1 Pressing Needs of the Vv arner Ranch and other Mission Indians in So. California. Pam...... I Urgent Case of the Mille Lac Indians. Pam...... I LITIRARlAN'S REPORT. 139 No. of Vols. Indian, The ; the Northwest. Donated by Chicago and Northwestern Railway Co ...... l lndiana Bar Association. Annual Reports, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902 ...... 4 Indiana Historical Society. Descriptive Catalogue of Official Publications of Territory and State, 1800-1890. Donated by Society. Pam ...... Indianapolis and 27th Nat'! Encampment, G. A. R. Pam. Donated by W. E. Henry, Ind. State Library .. l Influence of Climate. J. Disturnell. Pam ...... Information for Riflemen on the Range and Battlefield. Col. J. C. Kelton, U. S. A. Pam ...... l Insurance Economist, Vol. 18. Donated by Me. Insur- ance Co1n'n'r ...... l Insurance Year Book, 1900-01, 1901-02. Donated by Me. Insurance Com'n'r ...... 2 International Association of Factory Inspectors. Pro- ceedings, 1897 ...... l Iowa Masonic Library. Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 1. Pain...... I

Jennings-Mack Debate on Silver Coinage. A. H. ·walker. Donated by L. A. Dyer. Pam ...... l John Bean Association. Proceedings at Annual Reunion, 1900. Donated by Josiah H. Drummond. Pam ..... l John F. Slater Fund. Proceedings of Trustees of, 1901. Pain...... •. • • • • • • • • l

Kansas Bar Association. Proceedings, 1887, '88, '89, '90, 1899-1901 ...... Kennebec Baptist Association. Minutes, 1841, '43, '48, '51, '53, '55, '58, '59, '61. Pam ...... Kentucky Bar Association. Proceedings, 1901. Pam .. Knights of Pythias. Decisions of Supreme Tribunal, 1894-95' ...... l

Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration. Reports, 1897, 1901, 1902. Pam ...... 3 Lake Placid Club Hand Book, 1901. Donated by Melvil Dewey ...... •. • • • • · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · l ::\L\IXE ST,\TE LJI\R.\RY.

I No. of Vols. Land ancl Individualism: a Plea for Area Taxation. Kemper Bocock. Donated by Author. Pam...... r Lawrence Academy, Groton, Mass. Catalogues, 1899- 1900, 1900-or. Pam...... 2 Lawson History of the America's Cup. Donated by J. W. Lawson ...... Lee, Me. Soldiers from, in War of Rebellion. C. J. House. Donated by Author. Pam...... 1 Library Furniture : Metallic Hook Stacks and Furnitnre for Libraries. Donated by Art l\f eta] Construction Co., Jamestown, N. Y...... 1 Steel Stacks and Other Library Equipment: Illus-­ trated Catalogue. Donated by Library Bureau .. Life's Mystery. w·m. T. Thornton. Donated by Author. Pam...... r Lincoln, Abraham. Address at Lincoln Club Banquet, 1901, by Dr. E. E. Holt. Pam...... 1 Lincoln Academy, Newcastle, Me. : Annual Report, 1900. Pam. ( 2 copies) ...... 2 Souvenir. 1898. 2 copies. Pam...... 2 Lincoln County, Memorials of the Bar of. R. K. Sewall. Donated by Author ...... 1 Literacy and Crime in Massachusetts and the Necessity for l\Ioral and Indusiri2J Training in the Public Schools. Geo. R. Stetson. Donatecl by Author. Pam. Lives of the Presidents of United States. E. vV. Chafin. Donated by Author. Pam...... I Louisiana Bar Association. Proceedings, 1902. Pam. . 1

Maine Baptist Convention. ::'vfinntes, 1858, '59, '61, '66, '67, '70, '72, '73, Pam. Donated by Mrs. E. ·watson 8 Maine Central Institute. Catalogue, 1900-01. Pam. . . I Maine Central Railroad Company. Annual Reports, 1863-67, '70, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 8 Maine Charitable Association. Constitution, 1859. Pam. Donated by H. W. Bryant...... I Maine Christian Endeavor Union. Report of Annual Convention, 1890. Pam. Donated by Mrs. E. Wat- son ...... r LIDRARlAN'S REPORT.

No. of Vols. Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary. Annual Reports, 1886- 1901. Parn...... 16 Maine Farmers Almanac, 1844, '-48, '52, '54, '67, '73, '75, '77-'89, '92-'99. Pam. Donated by Mrs. E. Wat- son ...... 33 Maine General Hospital : Act of focorporat10n, By-laws, etc., 1874. Pam. . . I Annual Reports, 1875, '76, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 4 Maine Historicai Society: Act of Incorporation, By-laws and List of Members, 1902. Pam...... 1 Proceedings, 1899-1901. Pam...... 1 Report of Committee appointed to recommend Action in reference to \Vadsworth-Longfellow Property. Pam...... 1 Maine Medical Association: Tra;1sactions, 1895-1900 (Vols. 12, 13), 1901, 1902, (Pam.) ...... 4 Medico-Legal Evidence: Papers before the Medical Association, June 16, 1869. S. H. Tewksbury. Pam...... 1 Maine l\Ieclical Register, 1896...... 1 Maine Ornithological Society. Journal, Vol. I, No. 1; Vol. 3, Kos. r, 2, 3. Pam...... 3 Maine Press Association. Anm1al Report, 1879. Pam. l Maine Savings Banks and the L'.lte Crisis. D. P. Bailey. Pam. Donated by Author ...... 1 Maine School for the Deaf. Report, 1897-98. Pam. . . I Maine Sportsmen's Fish and Game Association. Annual Report, 1893. Pam...... I Maine State Bar Association. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 2 Maine State Grange. Journal of Proceedings, 1888. Pam...... I Maine Sunday School Convention, Bath, 1870. Pam. Donated by Mrs. E. Watson ...... I Maine \Vesleyan Seminary and Female College: Catalogues, 1898-99, 1899-I~XlO, 1900-01. Pam. . . . 3 Kent's Hill Bulletin, Vol. I, Nos. 1, 2, 3. Pam.... 3 MAINF, STA'l'F, LIBRARY.

Marshall, John: No. or Yols. Address before Cleveland Bar Association, Feb. 4, 1901. H. L. Carson. Donated by Association. Pan1...... 1 Proceedings in Observance of "John Marshall Day," by Milwaukee Bar Association...... 1 Address on, by Justice Story, Oct. 15, 1835, before Suffolk Bar. Pam...... 1 Celebration of "John Marshall Day" by Rhode Island Bar Associated. Donated by Association. Pam. 1 Marvel of Nations : Our Country and \i\That the Scrip- tures say of it. Uriah Smith. Donated by Mrs. J. A. Gould ...... 1 Massachusetts Horticultural Society ; Schedule of Prizes, 1889, 1901. Pam...... 2 Transactions, I 879 ( Pt. l ) • l 894 ( Pts. l, 2), l 899 (Pt. 2), 1895 (Pt. 3), 1900 (Pts. 1, 2). Pam... 7 Massachu3etts Institute of Technology: Catalogues, 1900-01, 1901-02. Pam...... 2 Heating and Ventilation of Buildings. Pam...... I Inauguration of Henry Smith Pritchett as President. Pain...... 1 Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture. Cen- tennial Year, l 792- I 892. Pam...... l Massachmetts Total Abstinence Society. Annual Re- ports, 1899, 1900. Pam...... 2 Master Car Builders' Association. Proceedings, 1895-96 2 Mayflower Descendants, General Society of. Meetings, Officers ancl i\Iembe;s arranged in State Societies, Ancestors, etc...... l Medical Pamphlets. Dr. Jno. Lambert. Donated by Author. Pam...... • 7 Menhaden, Short Biography of. G. Brown. Goode. Pam. 2 copies ...... 2 Methodist Episcopal Church, Maine Conference of. Journal, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Military Science and the Art of War, Notes on. Califf. Donated by Me. Adjt. General...... l LIIlRARL'\N'S RitPOR'J'. 143

Military Service Institution: No. of Vols. Constitution and List of Members, July, 1894. Pam. 1 Journal, Sept., 1894. Pam...... J Milwaukee (Wis.) Park Commissioners. Annual Re- port, 1898. Pam...... 1 Minneapolis Board of Trade. Annual Report, 1876, '77. Pam...... _...... 2 Modern \Voodmen of America. Biennial Reports, 1897- 99. Pain...... 1 Monetary Problems and Reforms. C. J. Swan, Jr. Donated by Author ...... 1 Monson, Me., Semi-Centennial of, 1872. Address of Chas. Davison. Pam...... 1 Monson ; Switzerland of America. Pam...... 1 Moravian Historical Society. Transactions, Vol. 4, Pt. 1, 1891. Pam...... 1 Mortgage Exemption and Taxation of Real Estate only. Henry \Vinn. Pam...... 1 Morton, Oliver P., of Indiana, Sketch of his Life and Public Services. Pam...... l Mount Holyoke College. Catalogues, 1899-1900, 1900- 01, 1901-02. Pam...... 3 Mutual Life Insurance' Co., N. Y. Report on Mortality Records, 1843-98 ...... l Mutual Life Underwriters. Proceedings of Annual Con- vention, 1898 ...... I

National Association of State Librarians. Proceedings and Addresses of 4th Annual Convention, 1901...... 1 National Board of Fire Underwriters. Proceedings, 1901. Pain...... 1 National Cathedral School for Girls, \f\T ash., D. C. Year- Book, 1900-01. Pam...... 1 National Civil Service Reform League: Proceedings, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 2 Superannuation in the Civil Service: Report of Special Committee, 1901. Pam...... r National Convention of R. R. Commissioners. Proceed- ings, 1892, 1898, 1899. (2 c0pies of 1899)...... 3 National Divorce Reform League. Report, 1891. Pam. ~ MAINE S'I'ATE LIBRARY.

No. of Vols. National Educational Association. Addresses and Pro- ceedings, 1901 ...... l National Fraternal Congress. Proceedings, 1900. Pam. l National Grange of Patrnns of Husbandry. Proceed- ings, 1874-85 ...... 2 National Stock Growers' Association. Proceedings, 1898 I Negotiable Instruments Act, Defense of. L. D. Brew- ster. Donated by Chas. F. Libby. Pam ...... New Bedford Public Library. Bu1letin, Vol. 1, Nos. 4, 5. (Jan., Feb., 1901.) Pam ...... 2 New England Industrial School, Beverly, Mass. Annual Report, 1882-3. Pam ...... l New Harmony Communitie:,. G. B. Lockwood. Do­ nated by \~/. E. Henry, Indiana State Library. Pam. NE:w Mexico Dar Association. 1forntes 1900, 1901, 1902. Pain ...... • .... • •. • New Paul and Virginia. \V. H. :\lallock. Donated by L. D. Carver. Pam ...... New Race of l\Iicrotus Pennsilvanicns. R. H. Howe. Donated by Author. Pam...... New York (City.) Department of Education: Annual Report of City Superintendent of Schools, 1900, 1901 .. Bar Ass,xiation. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. (1901, Pam.) ...... 3 New York Farmers. Proceedings, 1900-01, 1901-02. Pan1 ...... 2 New York Public Library: Bulletin. Vols. 4, 5 ; Vol. 6, ;',J" o. 6. (Pam.) ...... 3 Check List of American Federal Documents in N". Y. Pub. Lib'y. Pam ...... New York State Bar Association. Reports, 1898, 1900, 1901, 1902 ...... ' ... '' ...... 4 Newberry Library, Chicago, Ill. Reports, HJOO, 1901. Pain ...... 2 Newport, R. L School Department. Annual Report, 1901-02. Pan1...... Nicaragua C.rnal, \Voulcl it pay L. S. to construct it? C. P. Huntington. Pam. Donated by Author ...... North Carolina Bar Association. Report, 1900 ...... LinRARil\N'S RJ!P0R'l'. 145 No. of Vols. Oberlin College: Catalogues, 1899-1900, 1901-02. Pam. 2 Oberlin College Library. Bulletin No. 5. Pam...... 1 O'Brien, Francis vV., \Vhy I do not fellowship, as a Christian l\linister. Rev. D. L. Yale. Pam...... 1 Official Army Register, 1865, '67, '70. '76-'78. Donated by Gen. Selden Connor. Paper...... 6 Ohio State Bar Association. Proceedings, 1899-1901. . 3 Old Colony Historical Society. Collections, No. 3. Pam. 1 Old-fashioned. Winter. Dr. Jno. Lambert. Pam...... 1 Old Plantation Hymns. W. E. Barton. Donated by Author. Paper ...... 1 Old Pownalboro Conrt Honse. C. E. Allen. Donated by Author. Broadside ...... 1 "Old Sixth" Mass. Regiment, Addresses, Reviews and Episodes concenung. B. F. \Vatson. Donated by Author ...... 1 Old Testament Stones. N. C. Buswell. Donated by Author. Paper ...... 1 Opium Habit, Noles on. A. P. Meylert. Pam...... r Our Yellow Poplar. C. A. Schenck. Pam...... 1

Panama Canal, Present Status of. H. L. Abbot. Do- nated by H. vV. Bryant. Pam...... l Parmachenee Club. Report on Operations of Hatchery, 1900. Pam...... 1 Parsonsfield Seminary. Catalogue, 1901. Pam...... I Passenger Traffic of Railways. W. E. W eyl. Donated by Univ. of Pennsylvania...... 1 Patriotism: Oration before Phi Beta Kappa of Harvard College, 1900, by vVrn. Everett. Donated by Peace Association of Friends. Pam...... 1 Patriotism. Rev. Chas. H. Hall. 1885. Pam...... 1 Peabody Education Fund, Trustees of: Memorial. Feb. 19, 1880. Pam...... 1 Proceedings at Inauguration of \Vm. H. Payne as Chancellor of Univ. of Nash ville and Pres't of Normal College, 1887. Pam...... 1 Tributes to Judge I\Ianning and Chief Justice Waite, 1888. Pain...... l l\L\INF, ST.\Tf LIBRARY.

No. of Vols. Pearson ·s Magazine, Aug. IC)OI ( containing Story of the States, No. 6, Maine.) Paper...... 1 Pelham, Mass., Vital Records of. Donated by N. E. Hist. and Gen. Society...... I Penobscot and Kennebec R. R. Co. Annual Meeting, 1860. Pan1...... 1 People's Protection Party, Principles of. M. Koncen. Pain...... : ...... I Peoria (Illinois) Public Library. Annnal Reports, 1897, 1902. Pam...... 2 Perkins Institution and i\Jass. School for the Blind. An- nual Reports, 1857- 1900, 1902. Pam...... 45 Persecution of the Jews in Russia. Issued by Russo- J evvish Committee. Pam...... Phi Beta Kappa; Handbook of Beta Chapter, Colby Col- lege. 2 copies. Pam...... 2 Photographs of Stars, Star-Clusters, and N ebulce. Isaac Roberts. Vol. :z. Donated by Author...... r Physiognomical Sketches by Lavater, Engraved from Drawings by Luffman ...... Picturesque Kineo ...... Plant, Henry Bradley, Life of. G. H. Smyth. Donated by Author ...... 1 Plants and Flowers, Scrap-I:':ook of Clippings on Culti- vation of. Donated by Ernest VI. Emery ...... Portland and Kennebec R. R. Co. Annual Report, 1869. Pam...... 1 Portland and Rumford Falls Railway. Annual Report, 1900. Pam ...... Portland Directory, 1882. Donated by H. vV. Bryant .. Portland Past and Present. Donated by H. W. Bryant. Pam...... Portland Public Library: Annual Report, 1901. Pam .. ,,...... 2d Supplement to Catalogue, 1901. Pam...... r Portland, Me. Chestnut St. M. E. Church. Centennial of, 1895. Pam...... I Portland, Me. First Baptist Church. 100th Anniver- sary, Oct. IO-II, 1901. Pam...... 1 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 147 No. of Vols. Portland Summer School. Prospectus, 1902. Pam.... 1 Preble, Commodore, Copy of Medal presented by Con- gress to. Broadside ...... 1 Presbyterian Hospital, N. Y. City. Medical and Surgical Report, Vol. 5. Jan. 1902...... l Princeton University. Catalogues, 1900-01, 1901-02. Paper ...... 2 Prison Discipline Society: Annual Report, 1850. Pam. l Journal, 1902. Pam...... t Prison Reform in U. S. Proceedings of Conference at Newport, R. I. Aug. 1877. Pam...... l Prophecy of the Twentieth Century, Pt. 3. Cudmore. Don2.ted by Author. Pam...... l Prohibition: Reprint of Letters. Rev. S. Blagden. . . . l Proportional Representation. NL N. Forney. Donated by Author. Pam...... l Prudential Insurance Co., History of. Hoffman...... l Psychic Element in Disease and Suggestion. Arth. Mac- Donald. Parn...... l Public Education, N cccssity ancl Character of. T. F. Barrier. Pan1...... l Public Endowments shouid tend more towards Health and Vigor of Laboring Classes. Geo. W. Egleston. Pain...... : ...... I Public Lands and their Water Supply. F. H. Newell. Pam...... l Putnam, Israel, Life of. vVm. F. Livingston. Donated by .i\uthor ...... I

Reforms in Land Transfer. Dwight H. Olmstead. Do- nated by Author...... I Republic: Monthly l\lagazine. Odd Numbers for 1873- 1876. Pam...... • 17 Republican Campaign Text Book, 1900, 1902. Donated by Repub. N at'l Committee. Paper...... 2 Revolutionary Soldiers of Delaware. Wm. G. Whiteley. Pain...... l Reynolds, Maj. Gen. Jno. F., Address at Unveiling of Statue of, at Gettysburg, 1899. Gen. H. S. Huide- koper. Pam...... •.,. • • • • • • · • · · · I J\L\INJ•; ST,\'l'E LIBRARY.

Rhode Island Bar Association : No. of Vols. Proceedings, 1901. Pam...... 1 Rich L~gacy: _;\frmories of Hannah 'I'obey Farmer. Augustin Caldwell. Donated by Sarah J. Farmer. . . . 1 Ricker Classical Institute. Annual Catalogues, 1894-95, 1896-1902. Pam...... 7 Rough Notes: Monthly Journal of Insurance, Vol. 16. Donated by Mc. Insur. Department...... 1 Royal Arcanum. Supreme Council. Proceedings, 1894 Royal Society of Canada : Proceedings and Transactions, \l.ols. 6, 7 ...... 2 Map Illustrating \Yater Power of Canada ...... Rumford Falls and Rangeley Lakes R R. Co. Annual Report, 1900. Pam...... r Sacramento Valley, Resources of, by Immigration Asso- ciation, California. Pam...... 1 St. Botolph Club, Boston. Constitution and By-Laws, 1895. Pan1...... 1 St. Louis Mercantile Library Association. Annua,1 Re- port, 1901. Pam...... 1 St. Louis Public Library. Annual Reports, 1897-1901. Pam...... 4 Salem Public Library. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. Pain...... 2 Salmonid~, Stocking Rivers, Streams, takes, etc. With. Sir J as. Maitland. Pam...... 1 Savannah; Commercial Relations between the \!Vest and Savannah. Pam...... r School of Industrial Art of Penn. Museum. Circular, 1902-03. Pam...... 1 Sedgwick, Maj.-Gen. Jno., Correspondence of. Donated by Carl Stoeckel ...... l Seth \!Villiams Post, G. A. R. Members, Officers, Com- mittees, etc., 1901. Pam...... I Ship Subsidy Proposal. Edw. Kemble. Pam...... r Sibley,. Charlotte Augusta Langden, Address at Funeral of, also Will. Pam...... 2 Sifted Grain and the Grain Sifters : Address at Dedi- cation of State Hist. Society Building, Madison, Wis., 1900. Chas. Fs. Adams. Pam...... r LIIlRARlAN'S REPORT, 149 No. of Vols. Smith College. Officiai Calendar, 1899-1900. Pam... I Society of Army of Potomac. Report of Annual Re- union, 1901. Pan1...... 1 Sons of Veterans. Maine Division. Proceedings of 14th Annual Encampment, 1896. Pam...... I Southern Historical Association. Official Souvenir. 1900. Pam...... ,,, ...... 1 Sparhawk, Col. Nath 'l, of Kittery. H. S. Burrage. Do- nated by H. W. Bryant. Pam...... I Spectator: Weekly Insurance Journal. Vols. 52-58. Donated by Me. Insur. Dep't...... 6 Standard: Weekly Insurance Paper. Vols. 34-39. Donated by Me. Insur. Dep't...... 6 Stars and Stripes, Origin of, with Account of Washing- ton Genealogy. E. W. Tuffley. Pam...... 1 State of Maine Association of California. Annual Re- union, 1888. Pam...... 1 Statutory Requirements relating to Insurance in U. S. and Canada, 1899. Donated by Me. Insur. Dep't.... 1 Steps to Christ. Mrs. E. G. White. Donated by Pub- lishers ...... 1 Sunshine Gleams from a Sick Room. Susan M. Dane. Donated by Miss Mary Dane...... I

Tacna and Arica Question. Rafael Egafia. 2 copies. Pam...... 2 Taxation in New York : read before Taxation Conference in Buffalo, May, 1901. G. F. Seward. Pam...... l Temperance Question, New View of. Edwin Reed. . . . r Temporary Home for \;Vomen and Children, Portland, Me. Annual Reports, 1898-99. Pam...... r Theological History of an Old Parish : South Parish, Portsmouth, N. H. Rev. Alfred Gooding. Donated by Author. Pam...... 1 Thornton Academy, Saco. Catalogues, 1900-or, 1901- 02. Pam...... 2 Token Coins, Private Issue of. Roland P. Falkner. Donated by Author. Pam...... r


No. of Vols. Trenton, N. J. 20th Century Interstate Fair, 1901. Prize List, Rules, and Regulations, 1901...... I Trusteeship of Literature. Geo. Iles. Donated by Amer. Library Association. Pam...... 1 Trusts, their Uses and Abuses. Donated by Registration and Trust Co. Pam...... 1 Tucker, Payson, Unveiling of Marble Bust of, presented to Me. Eye and Ear Infirmary by Mrs. Tucker. Do- nated by Infirmary. Pam...... 1 Tulane University. Register 1900-01, 1901-02. (2 coples.) Pam...... 3 Turner Creamery. Report, 1900. Pam...... 1

Union Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Maine. Annual Reports, 1877-78. Pam...... 1 Union Veteran Legion. Proceedings of Nat'! Encamp- ment, 1901. Pam...... 1 Umted States Government Publications: a Hand-book for the Cataloguer, Pt. I. A. R. Hasse. Donated by Author ...... I United States "History" as the Yankee makes and takes it, by a Confederate Soldier. Donated by Author ( ?) Pain...... 1 Universe in brief, as I understand it. L. S. Richards. Donated by Author...... 1 University of California: University Chronicle, Vol. 5, No. I. Apr. 1902. Pam...... 1 Dep't of Geology. Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 2. Pam. . 1 University of Chicago. Annual Register, 1900-01, 1901- 02. Paper ...... 2 University of Illinois: Circular of Information, 1901-02. State Library School. Pam...... 1 University Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2. Decline of Com- merce of the Port of N. Y. Pam...... 1 University of Michigan: Calendar, 1899-1900. Pam...... I University Bulletin, New Series, Vol. 3, Nos. 2, 19. Announcements of Courses. Paper...... 2 LIBRARIAN'S RF,POR'I'.

No. of Vols. University of Missouri. Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2. Origin of Covenant Vivien. Pam...... I University of North Carolina. Publications, No. 4. Congressional Career of Nathaniel Macon. Pam.... I G"niversity of Pennsylvania: Provost's Report, 1900 .. 1901. Pam...... 2 Catalogues, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 University of Vermont. Catalogue, 1900-or. Pam.... I University of \,lisconsin. Bulletin 46, Pt. 5. School of Commerce. Paper ...... I

Virginia State Bar Association. Reports, 1893, 1900, 1901,1902. (1893Parn.)...... 4

Waldo and Penobscot Agricultural Society. Report of Treasurer, 1901. Pam...... I War Papers, Vol. 2. :VIilitary Order of Loyal Legion. . I War System of Europe, 1877-8. Published by Peace Society, London. Pam...... I Weekly Underwriter, Vols. 50-52. Donated by Me. Insur. Dep't ...... • 3 Wellesley College. Calendar, 1897-98, 1899-1900. Pam. 2 William. W. \V. Handlin. Donated by Author...... I \,Villiams College: Catalogues, 1900-01, 1901-02. Pam...... 2 President's Report, 1901. 1902. Pam...... 2 Wilmington Institute, Delaware. Annual Report, 1901- 02. Pam...... I Wiscasset Fire Society. Rules and Articles, 1867...... I Wisconsin State Bar Association. Reports, 1886-99... I With Gregg in Gettysburg Campaign. Pam...... I Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Maine: Annual Reports, 1898, 1900. Pam...... 2 Minutes at Annual Meeting, Bangor, 1879. Pam. . I Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania. Annual Announcement, 1883. Pam...... I Woman's Sanitary Association of Indiana, Sketch of. Pam...... I MAINE S'I'ATE LIBRARY.

Worcester, Mass.: No. of Vols. School Reports, 1876-77. Pam...... 2 Free Public Library. Annual Report, 1898-99. Pain...... 1 Town Records, 1789-94. Pam...... I Worcester County Law Library. Annual Reports, 1899, 1902. Pam...... 2

Yacht Designing. Dixon Kemp...... I Yale Law Journal, Oct. 1891. Donated by H. W. Bry- . Pan1...... 1 Yale University: Catalogues, 1701-1901 ...... 1 ,Catalogues, 1900-0 l, I 901-02. Pam...... 2 Librarian's Report, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 2 Obituary Record of Graduates, 1902. Pam...... 1 President's Report, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Studies from Yale Psychological Laboratory, Vols. 1-8. Pam...... 8 Essay on Rise and Fall of Congressional Caucus, by C. S. Thompson. (Jno. Addison Porter Prize in Amer. Hist. First Essay.) . Pam...... 1 Yale Summer School of Forestry. Catalogue, 1901. Pam...... • 1 Yarmouth, Me. First Baptist Church. Centennial Dis­ course by Rev. J. H. Barrows, 1897. Pam. 2 copies. Donated by H. W. Bryant...... 2 Year Book of Unitarian Congregational Churches, 1897, 1899. Donated by Amer. Unitarian Asso'n. Pam. . 2 Yellowstone Park and how it was named. \Vm. T. Hel- muth. Pam...... l Young Men's Christian Association. R. R. Department. Proceedings at 4th International Conference, 1886. Pam...... I Zola, Emile, Further Study of. Arthur MacDonald. Donated by Author. Pam...... 1


Depatiment of Agriculture. No. of Vols. Bureau of Industry Order 33, Amendment 2; Order 56, Amendments IO, 1 I, 12; Orders 80, 93, and 93 Amendments 14, 15, 16, 18, 19; Orders 94, 95, 96. ( Orders concerning Cattle Transporta­ tion, and Inspection and Quarantine of Cattle, etc.) Pam...... 14 Rules and Regulations for Inspection and Marking of Dairy Products for Export, 1901. Pam...... I Circulars (Pam.): No. 8. Co--operative Grass and Forest Plant Investigations with State Experiment Stations. Same Revised ...... 2 No. 9. Collection and Distribution of Grass Seed ...... I Statistics of Oleomargarine, Oleo Oil and Filled Cheese, 1900, 1901. Pam...... I Every Farm an Experiment. Station. Reprint from Yearbook, 1897. Pam...... I List of Bulletms and Circulars issued by the Depart- ment and Available for Free Distribution, Oct. 15, 1900. Pam...... I Regulations governing Appointment to Positions of Mere Unskilled Labour under Department of Agriculture in District of Columbia. (July 2, 1902). Pain...... I Report of Forester, 1898, '99. Pam...... 2 Report of Secretary, 1898. Pam...... I · Report 67. Foreign Markets for American Agri- cultural Products. Pam...... , I Report 68. Cataclase, with Special Reference to the Tobacco Plant. Pam...... I 154 MAINE S1'ATE Lll1l,ARY.

Department of Agriculture-Continue

Department of Agriculture-C0ntinued: No. of Vols. 32. Tuberculin Test of Imported Cattle. Pam...... r 33. Relation of Bovine Tuberculosis to Public Health ...... 1 34. American Breeds of Beef Cattle. . . . . I 36. Apoplectiform Septicemia in Chickens 1 39. Index-Catalogue of Medical and Vet- erinary Zoology, Pt. 1...... I 40. Scabies in Cattle ...... I 41. Mexico as a Market for Pure Bred Beef Cattle from U. S...... I 42. Emergency Report on Surra...... I 43. State and Territorial Laws relating to Contagious and Infectious Diseases of Animals, 1901...... I Circulars: (Pam.) 23 ( 2d Revision). Direc- tions for the lJse of Blackleg Vaccine...... I 3 I. (Revised). Blackleg: its Nature, Cause and Prevention...... I 32. Imperial German Meat-Inspection Law ...... I 34. Notes on Parasites, 55-57...... I 35. Treatment of Roundworms in Sheep, Goats and Cattle...... I 36. Officials, Associations and Educational Institutions connected with the Dairy Interests of U. S., 1902. . . . . I 37. Preliminary Report on as a Market for Cattle from U. S...... I Special Report on History and Present Con- dition of Sheep Industry in U. S., 1892. . . . . I Bureau of Animal Industry. Dairy Division. Circulars (Pam.) : 33. Officials, Associations and Educational Institutions connected with the Dairy Interests of U. S., 1901...... I 25. (Revised). State Standards for Dairy Products ...... 1 Office of Appointment Clerk. Report, 1901. (Revised). Pam...... I MAINE STATE LIRRARY.

Department of Agriculture-Continued: No. of Vols. Division of Biological Survey: Bulletins: (Pam.) r2. Legislation for Pro- tection of Birds ...... I r4. Laws regulating Sale and Transporta- tion of Game ...... I r 5. Relation of Sparrows to Agricnlture. . 1 r6. Digest of Game Laws, r9or...... I Circulars (Pam.) : 32. Directions for Destruc- tion of Prairie Dogs...... I 33. Protection of Birds and Game. Direc- tory of State Officials and Organ- izations, 1901 ...... I 34. Laws for Protection of Birds and Game in D. C...... I 35. Directory of State Officials and Organ­ ization concerned with Protection of Birds and Game, 1902...... r .36. Importation of Reptiles into Hawaii.. I 37. Regubtions for Importation of Eggs of Game Birds for Propagation.... r 38. Interstate Commerce in Birds and Ga111e ...... I Korth American Fauna, Nos. 20-22. Pam... 3 Division of Botany: Bulletins (Pam.) 25. Shade in Coffee Culture...... 1 27. Seeds of Commercial Saltbushes. . . . . I 28. The Chayote ...... r 29. Seed Coats of Certain of Genus Brassica ...... I Circulars (Pam.): 15. Horse-Radish...... I 27. (Revised). The Canada Thistle.... r 29. Chicory Growing ...... I 30. List of Publications of the Division.. I Contributions from U. S. Nat'l Herbarium. (Pam.) Vols. 2; 5, No. 6; 6; 7; 7, Nos. r-3 7 Bureau of Chemistry : Bulletins (Pam.) : fio. The Sunflower Plant I 61. Pure-Food Laws of European coun- tries affecting American Exports .. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 157

Department of Agriculture-Continued: No. of Vole. 62, 67. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, Proceedings of. Annual Conventions, 1900, 1901...... I 63. Exhibit of the Bureau of Chemistry at the Pan-American Exposition, 1901 l 68. Chemical Composition of Insecticides and Fungicides ...... 1 69. Pt. I. Foods and Food Control [I] 1 Circulars (Pam.): 3 (rev.) Proposed Re- forms in Fertilizer Inspection Laws...... 1 7. (Rev.) Amended Methods adopted at 18th Annual Convention of Assoc. of Official Agr. Chemists...... 1 9. Plan for Co-operating in Study of Available Plant Food...... 1 IO. Methods for the Analysis of Insecti- cides and Fungicides...... I Methods for Analysis of Edible Oils and Fats. Pam...... 1 Publications of the Division of Chemistry, 1901. Pam...... r Publications of the Bureau of Chemistry, 1902. Pam...... 1 Division of Entomology. Bulletins (New series, Pam.) : 25. Destructive Locusts ...... I 27. Some Insects Injurious to the Violet, R0se. and other Ornamental Plants I 28. Enemies of the Spruce in the Northeast ...... I 29. The Fall Army Worm and Variegated Cut \Vorm ...... I 30. Some Miscellaneous Results of the Work of the Division. V...... 1 31. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Assoc. of Economic Entomologists 1 32. Insect Enemies of the Pine in the Biack Hills Forest Reserve...... I lvL\INE; S'fATE LIBRARY.

Department of Agriculture-Continued : No. ot Vols. 33. Some Insects Injmious to Vegetable Crops ...... • . I 34. Principal Insects Liable to be Dis- tributed on Nursery Stock...... 1 35. Report on Codling Moth Investiga- tions in Northwest...... 1 36. Index to Bt111e1ins 1-30, New Series.. 1 Circulars ( 2d series) : 9. Canker Worms. . . I IO. The Harlequin Cabbage Bug...... I 2I. The Strawberr:v \Veevil...... I 32. The Larger Apple-tree Borers...... I 34. House ...... 1 36. The True Clothes Moths...... 1 40. How to distinguish the Different Mos- quitos of :\To. America...... I 41. Regulations of Foreign Governments regarding Importation of American Piants, Trees, and Fruits...... I 42. How to control the San Jose Scale... I 43. The Destructive Green-Pea Louse... 1 44. The Periodical Cicada...... 1 46. Hydrocyanic-Acid Gas against House- hold Insects ...... I 47. The Dedbug ...... 1 48. The House ...... I 49. The Silver Fish...... 1 50. The White Ant...... 1 5 I. ...... I Technical Senes, 9. Life History of two Spe- cies of Plant-Lice inhabiting Witch Hazel and Birch ...... I Bibliography of the more Important Contribu- tions to Amencan Economic Entomology. . . . I Office of Experiment Stations : Bulletins (Pam.) : 88, I I 1. Organization Lists of Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Sta- tions in U. S., Jan., 1901, Mch., 1902...... 2 LIBRARIAN'S R!';POR'l'. 159

Department of Agriculture-Continued: No. of Vols. 89, rr7. Experiments on Effect of Mus- cular Work upon Digestibility of Food and Metabolism of Nitrogen.. 2 90. Irrigation in Hawaii...... I 91. Nutrition Investigations at University of Illinois, No. Dakota Agr. Col­ lege, and Lake Erie College, 1896- 1900 ...... I 92. Reservoir System of Cache La Pondre Valley ...... 1 96. Irrigation Laws of Northwest Terri- tories of Canada and of Wyoming.. 1 97, 114. Statistics of Land-Grant Colleges and Agr. Experiment Stations in U. s. 1900, 1901 ...... 2 98. Effect of Severe and Prolonged Mus- cular \Vork on Food Consumption, Digestion and Metabolism...... 1 99, 1 r 5. ProceP.dings of Annual Conven­ tions of Assoc. of Amer. Agr. Col­ leges and Exper. Stations, 1900, 1901 ...... 2 IOI. Studies on Bread and Bread Makingt at Univ. of Minnesota, 1899-1900. . I 103. Evolution of Reaping Machines. . . . . 1 104. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1900 ...... I 105. Report of Irrigation Investigations in California ...... I 106. Results of Investigations on the Roth- atnsted Soils ...... I 108. Irrigation Practice among Fruit Growers on Pacific Coast...... I 109. Experiments on the Metabolism of Matter and Energy in Human Body, I no. Proceedings of 6th Annual Meeting of American Assoc. of Farmers' Insti- tutes' Workers, 1901...... 1 160 MAINE STATE LIDRARY.

Department of Agriculture-Continued: No. of Vols. 112. Agricultural Experiment Stations in Foreign Countries ...... I 113. Irrigation of Rice in U. S...... I 116. Dietary Studies in N. Y. City, 1896, 1897 ...... I 118. Irrigation from Big Thompson River, 1 Circulars (Pam.): 23. Key to Subject Index of Experiment Station Literature...... I 39, 45. Reports of Committee on Methods of Teaching Agriculture...... 2 44. (rev.) Agr. Experiment Stations in U.S...... l 46. Functions and Uses of Food...... 1 47. TheCard Index of Experiment Station Literature ...... 1 48. What the Dep't of Agriculture is doing for Irrigat'ion ...... I 238. (rev.) List of Publications of the Office of Experiment Stations on the Food and Nutrition of Man. Pam., 1 358. List of Publications of the Office on Irrigation. Pam. Same revised. . . 2 Experiment Station Record, Vols. 11, 12, 13. Vol. 14 (No. 1, Pam)...... 4 Alaska Agr. Exper. Stations. Bulletin 1, Sug- gestions to Pioneer Farmers in Alaska. Pam., I Hawaii Agr. Exper. Stations. Bulletin I, Chickens and their Diseases in Hawaii. Pam., I Farmers' Bulletins (Pam.) : 52 ( 2d rev. ed.) The Sugar Beet...... l n9, 122, 124, 133, 144, I49, Experiment Station Work XV-XX ...... 6 123. Red Clover Seed: Information for Pur- chasers ...... I 125. Protection of Food Products from Inju- rious Temperatures ...... 1 126. Practical Suggestions for Farm Buildings, I 127. Important Insecticides ...... l 128. Eggs and their Uses as Food...... I LIBRARIAN'S REP0R'l'. 161

Department of Agriculture-Continued: No. of Vols. 128. Sweet Potatoes ...... 1 130. Mexican Cotton-Boll \;Veevil ...... 1 131. Household Tests for Detection of Oleo- margarine and Renovated Butter. . . . . I 132. Principal Insect Enemies of Growing \Vheat ...... I 134. Tree Planting on Rural School Grounds, I 135. Sorghum Sirup Manufacture...... I 136. Earth Roads ...... , ...... 1 138. Irrigation in Field and Garden...... 1 139. Emmer: a Grain for Semi-Arid Regions, 1 140. Pineapple Growing ...... I 141. Poultry Raising on the Farm...... 1 142. Principles of Nutrition and Nutritive Vaiue of Food...... 1 143. Conformation of Beef and Dairy Cattle. . I 145. Carbon Bisulphid as an Insecticide. . . . . I 146. Insecticides and Fungicides...... 1 147. Winter Forage Crops for the South..... I 148. Celery Culture ...... I I 50. Clearing New Land ...... l I 5 I. Dci.irying in the Sonth ...... I 153. Orchard Enemies in the Pacific North- west ...... I 154. The Home Fruit Garden...... 1 I 55. How Insects affect Health in Rural Districts ...... • I 156. The Home Vineyard...... I 157. Propagation of Plants...... 1 1 58. How to build Small Irrigation Ditches. . 1 160. Game Laws, 1902...... I Sections of Foreign Markets: Bulletins (Pam.) 9. Trade of Denmark. . . . . I 14. Trade of Philippine Islands...... 1 15, 23, 27. Our Foreign Trade in Ag'r'l Products, 1894-98, 1891-1900, 1892- 1901 ...... • . . • • . • . .• 3 162 MAINE S'l'A'fE LIDRARY.

Department of Agriculture-Continued: No. of Vols. 16, 25, 29. Distribution of Ag'r'l Exports of U. S., 1894-98, 1896-1900, 1897- 1901 ... ' ... '...... 3 17, 24, 28. Sources of Ag'r'l Imports of U. S., 1894--98, 1896-1900, 1897-19or, 3 18. Our Tra,le with , China and Hongkong, 1889-99 ...... I 22. Our Trade with Scandinavia, 1890- 1900 ...... I 26. Agricultural Imports of the United Kingdom, 1R96-1900 ...... r Circular 23 (Pam.) Agricnltural Imports and Exports, 1896-1900 ...... I Bureau of Forestry: Bulletins (Pam.) : 6, 8. Timber Physics, Pts. 1, 2...... 2 7. Forest Influences ...... 1 16. Forest Conditions and Interests of Wisconsin ...... r 18. Experimental Tree Planting on the Pl;;,ins ...... I 24. A Primer 0f Forestry, Pt. I. The Forest ...... I 25. Notes on Forest Conditions of Porto Rico ...... 1 26. Practical Forestry in the Adirondacks, I 29. The Forest Nursery...... r 30. Fortst ·working Plan for Township 40, Hamilton Co., N. Y...... 1 31. Notes on the Red Cedar...... I 32. Working Plan for Forest Lands near Pine Bluff, Ark ...... 1 33. The \Vestern Hemlock...... 1 34. History of Lumber Industry in State of N. Y...... I Circulars. 21 (Pam.) Practical Assistance to Farmers, Lumbermen and Others, in Hand- ling Forest Lands ...... I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT.

Department of Agriculture-Continued : No. of Vols. 22. ( rev. ed.) Practical Assistance to Tree l'lanters ...... I 23. Suggestions to Prospective Forest Students ...... I Board of Labor Employment. Instructions to Applicants for Appointment to Positions of Mere Unskilled Laborer in Ag'r Dep't ...... I Library: Bulletins (Pam.) : 35, 36, 39, 40. Acces- sions to the Dep't Library Jan., H)OI-lVIch., 1902.. 4 37. Catalogue of Periodicals and Other Serial Publications ...... I 41. List of References to Publications relating to Irrigation and Land Drainage...... I 42. Catalogue of Publications relating to Botany ...... I List of Duplicates offered as Exchanges, I, 2, Pam., 2 Bureau of .Plant Industry: Bulletins (Pam.) : 1. Relation of Lime and Magnesia to Plant Growth ...... I 2. Spermatogenesis and Fecundation of Zan1ia ...... I 3. Macarnni vVheats ...... 1 4. Range Improvement in Arizona..... I 5. Seed,, and Plants...... I 6. List of American Varieties of Peppers, I 7. The Alg·erian Durum \Vheats...... I 8. Collection of Economic and Other Fungi prepared for Distribution... I 9. No. American Species of Spartina. . . I IO. Records of Seed Distribution and Co­ operative Experiments with Grasses and Forage Plants ...... I 1 I. Johnson Grass ...... I 12. Stock Ranges 0£ Northwestern Cali- fornia ...... I 13. Experiments in Range Improvement in Central Tex:as ...... I MAINE STATE LinRARY.

Department of Agriculture-Continued: No. of Vols. 14. Decay of Timber and Methods of Pre- venting it ...... l l 5. Forage Conditions on Northern Border of the Creat Basin...... I 16. Preliminary Study of Germination of Spores of Agaricus Campestris. . . . 1 17. Some Diseases of the Cowpea...... I 18. Observations on Mosaic Disease of Tobacco ...... 1 19. Kentucky Blue Grass Seed...... I 20. Manufacture of Semolina and Maca- roni ...... 1 22. Injurious Effects of Premature Polli- nation ...... 1 23. Berseem: the Great Forage and Soil- ing Crop of the Nile Valley...... 1 24. Manufacture and Preservation of unfermented Grape Mist ' ...... I 25. Seeds of Rescue Grass and Chess. . . . r 26. Spanish Almonds and their Introduc- tion mto America ...... 1 Plan of Distributing Tobacco Seed and Cultural Directions for the Different Types of Tobacco distributed ...... 1 Division of Pomology. Bulletin (Pam.) Prunes and Prune Culture in Western Europe ...... 1 Office of Public Road Inquiries. Bulletins (Pam.) : 21. Proceedings of International Good Roads Congress, Buffalo, 1901. . . . 1 22. Proceedings of 3d Annual Good Roads Convention of Bel. of Supervisors of State of N. Y., Albany Jan., 1902.. 1 Circulars ( Pam. ) . 23. Money Value of Good Roads to Fanners ...... 1 24. Highway maintenance and Repairs. . . 1 26. Going in Debt for Good Roads ...... LIBRARIAN'S REPORT.

Department of Agricult.ure-Continued: No. of Vols. 30. Repairs of Macadam Roads...... 1 34. Social, Commercial and Economic Phases of the Road Subject...... I 36. List of National, State and Local Road Associations and Kindred Organiza- tions in U. S...... I Publications of the Office. Pam...... 1 Division of Publications. Bulletins ( Pcm1.) : 6. List Ly Titles of Publications of Agr. Dep't ...... 1 7. Jndcx to the Year books of U. S. Dep't of AgT. 1894-1900...... I Circular: r. Organization of Department of Agr., 1901-02. Pam ...... I 443. Speech of Hon. Tames Wilson, July 7, 1902, at School of Agriculture, Columbus, Ohio. Pam ...... r Monthly List of Publications, Nov., 1900-June, 1901; August, 1901-Oct., 1901; Mch., Apr., May, July, Aug., 1902. Pam...... 16 Section of Seed and Plant Introduction. Circulars (Pam.) : r. The Best Horseradish Varieties of Europe ...... I 2. The Cultivation of Znaim Cucumbers, I Inventory 8. Seeds and Plants imported for Distribution in Co-operation with the Agr. Exper. Stations. Pam ...... I Bureau of Soils. Bulletins (Pam.) : 17. Soil Solutions: their Nature and Functions and the Classification of Alkali Lands ...... r 18. Solution Studies of Salts occuring in Alkali Soils ...... 1


Department of Agriculture-Continued: No. of Vols. 19. Capillary Studies and Filtration of Clay from Soil Solutions...... I Circulars (Pam.) : 8. Reclamation of Salt Marsh Lands. . . I Soil Survey around Imperial, California. . I Report 64. Field Operations, 1899, with Maps 2 S. 40. List of Soil Types established by the Division of Soils, 1899, 1900. Pam...... 1 Catalogue of Connecticut Shade-grown Tobacco to be sold at Auction, May 1, 1902, at Hart- ford. Pam...... 1 Division of Statistics. Bulletins ( Misc. ser. ') (Pam.) : 15. (Rev.) Charges in Rate of Charge for Railway and Other Transporta- tion Services ...... I 18. Course of Prices of Farm Implements and l\J achinery for a Series of Years 1 19. Cotton Crop nf 1899-1900...... I 20. Wheat-growing and General Agricul­ tural Conditions in the Pacific Coast Region of U. S...... I 22. Wages of F'arm Labor in U. S...... I 23. Statistics on Fruit Industry of Cali- fornia ...... I Circular 14. Estimates of Russian Crops. ( 1900.) Pam...... 1 Crop Reporter, Vol. 2, Nos. 6, IO, 1 I ; Vol. 3, Nos. 7, 12. Pam...... 5 Report, 1901. Pam...... I Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology. Bulletms (Pam.) 23. Spot Disease of the Violet...... I 24. Basis for Improvement of American vVheats ...... I 25. Some Diseases of N. England Coni- fers ...... l 26. Wakker's Hyacinth Germ...... I 27. Wilt Disease of Cotton and its Control I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 167

Department of Agriculture-Continued: No. of Vols. 28. Cultural Characters of Pseudomonas Hyacinth, Ps. Campestris, Ps. Phase- oli, and Ps. Stewarti...... 1 29. Plant Breeding ...... 1 Circular 18. A New Wheat Industry for the Semi-arid \Vest ...... I Methods of Propagating the Orange and Other Citrus Frmts ...... I Weather Bureau : Bulletins (Pam.) : I. Notes on Climate and Meteorology of Deaih Y alley, California. Pam. . . r 31. Proceedings of 2d Convention of 'vV eather Bureau Officials, 1901. Pam...... r 32. Hurricanes, especially those of Porto Rico and St. Kitts. Pam...... I Eclipse Meteorology and allied Problems. Pain...... I No. 235. Psychrometric Tables for obtain­ ing the Vapor Pressure, Relative Humid­ ity, and Temperature of the Dew Point. Pam...... 1 Oregon Section of Climate and Crop Service: Annual Summary, 1900, 1901. Pam.. . . . 2 Reports, Feb., Apr., July, Oct., 1901. Pam. 4 Attorney General. Official Opinions, Vols. 22, 23. ( 2 copies, Voi. 23) ...... 3 Civil Service Commission. Reports, 1899-1900, 1900-01 2 Congress: Congressional Directory : 56th Congress, 2d Ses- sion, rst Edition ...... r 57th Congress, rst Session, r st and 3d Editions 2 Congressional Documents : 52d Congress, 2d Session : Senate Ex. Docs., Vol. 5...... I 55th Congress, rst Session: Senate Docs., Vol. 6...... r House Docs., Vol. r3...... r 168 MAINE STATE LIBRARY.

Congress-Continued: No. of Vols. 55th Congress, 2d Session : Senate Docs., Vols. 25, 30...... 2 House Docs., Vols. 38, 79 (Pt. 2.)...... 2 House Reports, Vol. 6...... I 55th Congress, 3d Session: House Docs., Vols. I, 3-10, 14, 17-23, 25, 32, 36, 40, 41, 44-48, 50-52, 56, 65-69, 71, 72, 75 81, 85-88, 90-96...... 56 56th Congress, 1st Session: Senate Docs., Vols. 1-46...... 46 Senate Reports, Vols. I-II...... II House Docs., Vols. I, 5-104, 106-109, III- 123 ...... 117 House Reports, Vols. 1 -7...... 7 56th Congress, 2d Session : Senate Journal ...... 1 Senate Docs., Vols. I, 3-6, 8-10, 11, 13, 14, 20 ...... 12 Senate Doc., No. 235. Appropriations, New Offices, etc...... I Senate Reports, Vols. 1 -5...... S House Journal ...... I House Docs., Vols. 1-3, 5-u, 15-17, 23-27, 29-31, 35-37, 39, 42-6o, 62, 63, 65-73, 75-78, 80-87, 90-92, 94-97, 99, lOO, l02- l05, l08-Il0, II5, 122, 123, 125...... 87 House Reports, Vols. I -6...... 6 57th Congress, I st Session. Senate Journal ...... I Senate Document, No. 449. Appropria- tions, New Offices, etc...... I House Journal ...... 1 Congressional Record : Vol. 33, Pts. 4-8...... 5 Vol. 34, Pts. I -4 and Index...... 5 Vol. 35, Pts. 1-8 and Index...... 9 Miscellaneous: Memorial Addresses on Life and Character of Seth L. Milliken ( 55th Congress, 2d Session) I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 16g

Congress-Continued: No. of Vols. Proceedings on Occasion of Reception of Statue of Gen. U. S. Grant, presented by G. A. R., May 19, 1900 ...... 1 Celebration of moth Anniversary of Establish- ment of Seat of Government in D. C...... I Statutes: Statutes, 56th Congress, 2d Session ( 1900-01) Paper ...... r Statutes, 57th Congress, 1st Session (1901-02) Paper ...... I Statutes at Large, Vol. 3 l, 56th Congress...... I Court of Claims. Reports, Vols. 35, 36. ( 2 copies of Vol. 35) · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · • · 3 Fish Commission : The Fresh Water Pearls and Pearl Fisheries of U. S. Pam...... I Statistical Review of Coast Fisheries of U. S. Pam. 1 Check-List of Fishes of Florida. Pam...... I Board of Geographic Names : 2d Report, 1890-99. 2d Edition...... I Special Report relating to Geographic Names in Philippine Islands. Pam...... I Government Printing Office. Superintendent of Docu­ ments: Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 2 Catalogue of U. S. Public Documents, issued monthly, 1901, 1902. (Nos. 73-96)...... 24 Schedule of Volumes of the Documents and Reports of 56th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. Pam.... 2 Tables of and Annotated Index to the Congressional Series of U. S. Public Documents...... I Tables of Pubhc Documents printed annually, or at Regular Intervals, showing the extra and Usual K umber printed and the Distribution of Same, 1901. Pan1...... I House of Representatives. Historical and Legal Digest of all Contested Election Cases, 1st. to 56th Congress, 1789-1901. Rowell ...... I 170 MAINE STATE LIRRARY,

No. of Vols. Industrial Commission: Report, Vols. 1-8. Final Re- port, Vol. 19 ...... 9 Interior Department : Report of the Secretary, 1901. Pam...... 1 Hot Springs of Arkansas : Report of Analysis of the vVaters and Geological Sketch. Pam...... 1 List of Congressional Documents from the 20th to 46th Congress inclusive. Pam...... 1 Official Register of U. S., 1901, Vols. 1, 2...... 2 Report regarding Receipt, Distribution and Sale of Public Documents on behalf of the Gov't, 1900-01, 1901-02. Pam...... 2 Alaska, Governor. Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam. . . . 2 Architect of the Capitol. Annual Report, rgor. Pam...... 1 Arizona, Governor. Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam. . . 2 Census Office : Report of Director of 12th Census, 1900, 1901, 1902. Pain...... 3 Census Bulletins. 12th Census. Nos. Ia, 2, 3, 17, 20 (9 copies), 27 (21 copies), 29, 57-59, 61-77, 80-210, 210a, 2n-232, 234-247, 150 ( 2d ed.) Pam...... 224 Special Bulletins, I, 2. Pam...... 2 Title Pages and Index. Pam...... 5 Population of U. S. by States and Territories, Counties and Minor Civil Divisions, June I, 1900. Pain...... I Cemns Reports. 12th Census. Vols. 1, 2, Population; Vols. ;1, 4, Vital Statistics ; Vols. 5, 6, Agriculture; Vols. 7-10, Manufactures. ( 2 copies each of Vols. 2, 3 ( Pt. 1), 4, 6, 8, IO) ...... I 5 Columbia Institution for Deaf and Dumb. Annual Reports, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Bureau of Education : Reports of Commissioner, 1898-99, 1899-1900.. 5 Annual Statements, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 LIBRARIAN'S RE:PORT.

Interior Department-Continued: No. of Vol•. Annual Report ( ioth) on Introduction of Do- mestic Reindeer into Alaska, 1900. 2 copies 2 Circular of Information, Nos. 1-3, 18q8; Nos. 1-3, 1899; Nos. 1-3, 1900; Nos. 1-4, 1902. Pam...... 13 Circular of Information. International Reports of Schools for the Deaf made to the Volta Bureau, Jan., 1901. Pam...... 1 Rules for a Dictionary Catalogue. Cutter. 3d edition. Pam...... I Commission to Five Civilized Tribes. Annual Re- ports, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 2 Freedman's Hospital. Report, 1901. Pam...... 1 General Land Office: Annual Reports, 1900, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 3 Decisions relating to Public Lands, Vol. 30 ( 1900-01.) Pam ...... I Geological Survey: Annual Reports, 1900-01 (Pt. 6)...... 2 Bulletins 30-33, 82-86, 90-96, II8-122...... S Five-Piace Logarithms of Natural Numbers and Circular Functions expressed in Arc and Time. Pam ...... 1 Geologic Atlas. Folios 6o, 62, 64-80. Paper. . 19 Monographs, Vol. 34...... 1 Topographic Sheets ...... 130 Reconnaissances in Cape Nome and Norton Bay Regions, Alaska, 1900. Pam...... I Government Hospital for Tnsane. Report, 1901, Pan1 ...... I Hawaii, Governor. Reports, 1900, H)OI, 1902. Pam., 3 Hot Springs Reservation. Report of Superintendent, 1901. Pam ...... I Howard University. Report. 1901. Pam...... I Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Annual Report, 1901. Pain ...... I Board of Indian Commissioners. Annual Report, 1901 ...... , ... , . , , . , .. , . . . I 172 MAINE STATE LIBRARY.

Interior Department-Continued: No. of Vols. Superintendent of Indian Schools. Report, 1901. Pain ...... 1 Indian Inspector for Indian Territory. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam ...... 2 Mine Inspector for Indian Territory. Annual Report, 1901. Pam ...... I New Mexico, Governor. Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam., 2 New Mexico, Mine Inspector. Report, 1901. Pam., l Oklahoma, Governor. Reports, r900, 1901. Pam ... 2 Patent Office: Annual Report of Commissioner, 1899, 1902. Pam ...... 2 Official Gazette. Dec. 1900-Dec. 1902. Paper, 104 Specifications and Drawings of Patents, March, 1897-Dec., 19or. ( 2 vols. each month) ..... II6 Pension Bureau : Annual Report of Commissioner of Pensions, 1901. Pain ...... I Decisions in Appealed Pension and Bounty-land Claims, Vol. 11 ...... I Laws of U. S. governing the Granting of Army and Navy Pensions, 1902. Pam ...... I Porto Rico, Commissioner of Interior for. Reports, 1900, 1901. Pam ...... 2 Porto Rico, Commissioner of Education for. Report, 1901. Pam ...... I Railroad Commissioner. Annual Reports, 1898, 1901. (2 Vols. 1 Pam) ...... 3 Sequoia and Gen. Grant Nat'l Parks. Report of Acting Sup't, 1900, 1901. Pam ...... 2 ·washington Hospital for Foundlings. Report, 1901. Pan1 ...... I Yellowstone National Park: Reports of Act'g Sup't, 1900, 1901. Pam ...... 2 Yosemite National Park. Report of Act'g Sup't, 1900, 1901. Pam ...... 2 Interstate Commerce Commission. Annual Reports, 1900, 1902 ...... ' ...... 2 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 173

Labor Department: No. of Vols. Annual Report, 1900, Vols. 1, 2. Wages in Commer- cial Countries. 2 copies...... 4 Annual Report 1901, Strikes and Lockouts...... 1 Bulletins, Nos. 32-44 (1901, 1902)...... 2 Index of all Reports issue

Navy Department: No. of Vols. Allowance of Equipment under Cognizance of the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting, for Vessels of U. S. Navy, 1890...... 1 List and Station of Commissioned and Warrant Offi- cers of the Navy and of the :Marine Corps on the Active List, July I, 1901, 1902. Pam...... 2 Record of Proceedings of a Court of Inquiry in Case of Rear Adm. W. S. Schley, U. S. N...... 2 Bureau of Equipment ; American Ephemeris and Nauticaij Almanac, 1904, (1st & 2d ed.), 1905...... 3 Pacific Coaster's Nautical Almanac, 1902, 1903. Pam...... 2 Hydrographic Office: No. 32. List of Lights of the World, V oL 3. 2 copies. Paper...... 2 No. I 17. Table of Distances in Nautical and Statute :Miles. Pam...... I Naval Observatory: Report of Superintendent, 1900, 1901. Pam ...... 2 Astronomical Magnetic and Meteorological Observations, 1891 ...... 1 Catalogue of Stars observed 1845-97. Paper ...... I Zone Observatinns with Nine-inch Transit Circle. Paper ...... 1 Navigation Bureau: Manuai of Instructions in Ordnance and Gun- nery for U. S. Naval Training Service...... 1 General Information Series No. XX. Notes on Naval Progress, July, 19or. Paper...... I Philippine Civil Service Board. Manual of Information relative to the Philippine Civil Service. Pam ...... I Philippine Commission : Act for providing a Code of Procedure in Civil Actions and Special Proceedings in the Philippine Islands. Pam ...... 1 Public Laws and Resolutions passed during quarters ending Nov. 30, 1900, Feb. 28, Mch. 31, Aug. 31, and Nov. 30, 1901. Pam ...... 5 LIIlRARIAN'S REPORT. 1 75

Porto Rico: Governor. No. of Vols. Annual Report (1st) 1900-01. Paper...... 1 Governor's Message to Legislative Assembly, Jan. 2, 1902. Pam ...... 1 Acts and Resolves, 1901...... 1 Annual Register (1st), 1901. 2 copies. Pam...... 2 Report of Commission to revise and compile the Laws of Porto Rico ...... 2 Post Office Department. U. S. Official Postal Guide, 1882, 1901. Paper.. . . . 2 Postal Laws and Regulations, 1887...... I President: Proclamation in Reference to Collisions at Sea, 1896. Pam ...... 1 Senate: · Revenue-Reduction Law of 1901, Pam...... I Speech of Chauncey M. Depew upon Amendment offered by him, Apr. IO, 1902. Pam...... 1 Speech of F. M. Simmons on Southern Appalachian Forest Reserve. Pam ...... 1 Smithsonian Institution : Annual Reports of the Board of Regents, 1899, 1900, 1901 ...... 3 Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory, Vol. I. Paper ...... I International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. Pt. 1, Botany; Pt. 2, Chemistry. Pam...... 2 Contributions to Know ledge. Experiments with Iomzed Air. Pam ...... l Miscellaneous Collections, Vols. 35-40, 42, 43. . 8 Misc. Collections, Nos. 1174, 1253, 1258, 1259, 1312- 1314. Paper ...... - ...... 7 National Museum: Reports, 1897 (Pt. 2), 1899, 1900 ...... •. 3 Bulletin 50 (Pts. 1, 2). 13irds of North and Middle America. Paper ...... 2 Bulletin ·s 1. List of Publications. Pam...... I Proceedings, Vols. 22, 23...... 2 Directions for Collecting and Rearing Dragon Flies. etc. Pam ...... I 176 MAINE S1'ATE LIBRARY,

Smithsonian Institution-Continued : No. ot Vols. Directions for Collectors of American Basketry. Pain ...... 1 Directions for Preparing Study Specimens of Small Mammals. Pam ...... I American Historical Association: Annual Reports, 1899, 1900. 2 copies, 1900...... 2 Officers, Committees, Act of Incorporation, etc. 2 copies, Pam ...... 2 State Department: Catalogue of the Exhibit of the Dep't of State at the Pan-American Exposition, 1901. Paper...... r The Criminal Insane in U. S. and in Foreign Coun- tries. Report by S. J. Barrows. Paper...... r Documentary History of the Constitution of U. S., Vol. 3 ...... r General Index to Published Volumes of Diplomatic Correspondence and Foreign Relations of U. S., 1861-99 ...... I History of U. S. Dep •t of State...... I Map showing Locat10n of Diplomatic and Consular Offices of U. S. Pam...... I Letter of Secretary of State transmitting Recom­ mendations of International American Conference. Pam ...... I Bureau of American Republics : United States of Brazil: a Geographical Sketch. Pam ...... r Mexico; a Geographical Sketch. Pam...... r Report on Coffee, with Special Reference to the Costa Rican Product. Pam...... r Bureau of Foreign Commerce: Commercial Relations of the U. S. with Foreign Countries, 1900, 190T ...... •...... •....• 4 Consular Reports, Vols. 4, 4J, 64-70 ...... • • 9 Index to Consular Reports, Vols. r-17, 55-63 .. . 2 Special Consular Reports, Vols. 5, 6, Sup. to 16, 19, 20, 21 (Pts. I, 3), 22, 23 (Pt. 2, Pam) .. 8 Trade Guilds of Europe. :Miscellaneous Cons. Rep't, No. 4 ...... • • • • • • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I LIBRARIAN'S REPOR'I'. 177

State Department-Continued: :-.0 of Vols Exports declared for U. S. during Fiscal Years ending June 30, 1900, 1901. Pam...... 2 Exports declared for U. S. for Quarters ended Sept. 30, Dec. 31, 1900: Mch. 31, Sept. 30, Dec. 31, 1901; June 30, 1902. Pam...... 6 Review of the World's Commerce, 1900, 19or. Pam...... 2 Tennessee Centennial Exposition. Board of. Management of U. S. Gov't Exhibit. Report, 1897, l Treasury Department: Annual Report of the Sef:retary, 1901...... l Digest of Decisions of the Treasury Dep't and of the Bd. of U. S. Gen'l Appraisers under Tariff Acts of 1883, 1890, 1894, 1897, rendered during years 1898-1900. Pam ...... I Digest of Decisions of Treasury Dep't and of Ed. of Gen'! Appraisers rendered during r898-1901, under Various Acts of Congress. Pam...... I History of Public Buildings under the Control of the Treas'y Dep't ...... I Laws gover111ng Steamboat-Inspection Service, Dec. 18, 1900. Pam ...... I Coast and Geodetic Survey : Annual Report of Superintendent, 1899 (2 copies), 1900, 1901 ...... 4 Bulletin No. 40. Alaska: Coast Pilot Notes on the Fox Islands Passes, Unalaska Bay, Berhing Sea and Arctic Ocean as far as Pt. Barrow. Pam. 2 copies ...... 2 Special Publications : No. 3. Atlas of the Philippine Islands. Pam. 2 copies...... 2 No. 4. The Transcontinental Triangula- tion and the American Arc of the Parallel, I No. 6. Notes relative to Use of Charts issued by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey. Pan1 ...... I No. 7. The Eastern Oblique Arc of U. S. and Osculating Spheroid. 2 copies. . . . . 2 Tide Tables, 1902, 1903. Pam ...... , 2 178 MAINE STATE LIBRARY.

Treasury Department-Continued: No. of Vols. U. S. Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast, Pts. 5 and Sup., 6-8. Paper ...... 8 U. S. Coast Pilot. Pacific Coast, Pt. 1...... 1 Comptroller of the Currency. Annual Report, 1901, 2 Comptroller of the Treasury: Decisions, Vols. 7, 8. (1900-01, 1901-02) ...... 2 Bureau of Immigration. Annual Report, 1902. Pan1...... 1 Office of Internal Revenue: Compilations of Decisions, 1901. (Vol. 4). Pam ...... 1 Gangers' ·weighing :\fanual, 1900...... l Regulations relating to Taxes imposed on Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, and Cigarettes, Apr. 1901. Pa111 ...... 1 Revised Regulations concerning Oleomargarine, 1901, 1902. Pam ...... 2 Life-Saving Service. Annual Reports, 1900, 1901. . 2 Lighthouse Board : Annual Reports, 1900, r9or. ( 2 copies each.) Paper ...... 4 List of Lights and Fog Signals on Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of U. S., corrected to June 30, 19or. Paper ...... 1 Marine-Hospital Service: Annual Report, 1899. Pam...... l Public Health Reports. Vol. 15, Nos. 3, 5, IO, 12, 16, 21, 23, Sup. to 49, 51; Vol. 16, Nos. 3, 4, 7, 8, and Sup. to 8. Pam...... 14 Report of Commission for Investigation of Plague in San Francisco. Pam...... 1 Bureau of the Mint. Annual Reports of the Director, 1900, 1901 ...... 2 Bureau of Statistics : Foreign Commerce and Navigation of U. S., 1894 ...... l Immigration and Passenger Movement at Ports of U. S., 1894 .. , .. , ...... , ...... ,,,,.. l LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 179

Treasury Department-Continued: No. of Vols. Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance of U. S., Jan., Dec., 1901. Paper...... 2 Statistical Abstract, r9or. Pam...... 1 Supervising Architect of the Treasury. Annual Report, r9or. Pam ...... 1 vVar Department : Annual Report of the Secretary, 1898, 1900. Pam., 2 Annual Reports, Miscellaneous, 1900. Pam...... 1 Customs Regulat10ns for Ports in the Island of Cuba. Pan1 ...... 1 Letter from the Sec'y of \Var transmitting Abstract of Military Force of U. S. Pam...... 1 Military Laws of U. S. 4th eel., 1901 ...... Manual of Bayonet Exercise. 1862...... 1 Regulations for the Army of the U. S., 1895, with Appendix showing Changes to Jan. 1, 1901. (Also App. 2, Pam)...... 2 Regulations for the Army of the U. S., 1901, with Appendix showiug Changes to June 30, 1902..... 1 War of Rebellion. Official Records. General Index and Additions and Corrections...... 1 Atlas to accompany Official Records, Pt. 23. Paper ...... I Additions and Corrections for inserting in Vol- umes. Pam ...... 72 Adjutant-General's Office: Annual Report to the Major-General Command- ing the Army, 1894. Pam...... 1 Annual Report to the Sec'y of War, 1891, 1894. Pam ...... 2 L~gislattve History of the General Staff of the Army of U. S., 1775-1901...... l Official Army Register, 1863, '65, '67-'71, '73- '75, '85, '91, 1902. Pam...... 13 Official Register of Officers of Volunteers in Ser- vice of U. S. organized under Act of Mch. 2, 1899. Pain ...... I Official Tale of Distances for Guidance of Dis- bursing Officers of the Army. Pam...... I 180 MAINE ST.A1'E LIRRARY.

War Department-Continued: No. of Vols. Report of Board of Army Officers upon Claim of Maj.-Gen. \Vm. Farrar Smith, that he. and not Gen. Rosecrans, originated Plan for Relief of Chattanooga in Oct., 1863. Pam...... I Subject Index of G<:neral Orders of \Var Dept., 1861-80 ...... I Publications: No. 31. Explorations in Alaska, 1899. No. 32. Notes of Military Interest, for 1900. Pain ...... z Department of Cuba. Civil Report of Military Governor of Cuba (Maj.-Gen. Leonard Wood), 1899-1900. Paper ...... 12 Department of Cuba. Commissioner of Public Schools. Annual Report (1st), 1900. Vol. I, I Department of the Philippines. Annual Report of Military Governor on Civil Affairs. 1900. Pa111 ...... I Department of Porto Rico. J\filitary Govern­ ment of Porto Rico_. Oct. r8, 1898--Apr. 30, 1900: Rep'ts of the Snperior Board of Health and Board of Charities. Appendices. Paper, z Military Information Division: Nos. 3, 5-13, 19. Paper ...... Ir No. 34. Colonial Army Systems of Nether­ lands, Gt. Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy and Belgium. Paper... I No. 35. Target Practice and Remount Systems Abroad. Paper ...... 1 Returns Div1s10n. List of Military Posts etc., establisheci in U. S. from its Earliest Settle- ment to the Present Time. Pam...... I Director of the Cuban Census. Report, 1899...... I Engineer Department : Maps shc,wing Location of \Vorks and Surveys for River and Harbor Improvement, 1879. Maps ...... 7 Report of Board of Engineer Officers on Testing Hydraulic Cements (Prof. Papers, No. 28.) LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 181

War Department-Continued: No. of Yols. Surveys of Northern and Northwestern Lakes. (Bulletins 12 B. C.) Pam...... 2 Division of Insular Affairs : Coal Measures of the Philippines. Pam...... 1 Customs Tariff for the Philippine Archipelago. Pam ...... 1 Monthly Summary of Commerce of Island of Cuba, July, Aug., Sept., 1900. Pam...... 3 Monthly Summary of Commerce of the Philip- pine Islands, July, Aug., 1900. Pam...... 2 Reports on Law of Civil Government in Terri- tory Subject to Military Occupation by Mili- tary Forces of U. S...... 1 Spanish Public Land Laws in the Philippine Islands and their History to Aug. 13, 1898... 1 Translation of Law of Civil Procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico. Pam...... 1 Translation of Law of Criminal Procedure for Cuba and Porta Rico. Pam ...... I Translation of Law of Eminent Domain ex­ tended to Caba and Porto Rico by Royal Decree 0£ June 13, 188-1-. Pam...... I Translation of Mining Law and Regulations in Force in Philippines. Pam...... 1 Judge-Advocate General. Digest of Opinions. 1901, I Lieut.-General Commanding the Army : Annual Reports, 1900 (Fts. r-7); 1901 (Pts. 1-5). Paper ...... 12 Handbook for Use of Electricians in Operation and Care of Electrical Machinery and Appara- tus of L. S. Coast Defences...... l Ordnance Department : Description and Rules for the Management of the Springfield Rifle, Carbine, and Army Revolvers ...... I Description and Rules for 1\lanagement of the U. S. Magazine Rifle, Model 1898 and Maga- zine Carbine, Model I 899, Caliber 30...... 30


War Department-Continued: No. of Vols. Division of the Philippines. Annual Report of Chief Ordnance O[ficer. Pam...... 1 Director of the Porto Rican Census. Report, 1899. 2 copies ...... 2 Quartermaster-General. l\fanual of Instructions for Quartermasters serving in the Field...... I Record and Pension Division. Report of the Officer in charge, 1890. Pam...... 1 Signal Office. Professional Papers, No. 2. Isother- mal Lines of the U. S. Pam...... 1 Subsistence Department. Doc. No. 129. How to feed an Army...... 1 Surgeon-General of the Army: Report, 1898. Pam...... 1 Abstract of Report on Origin and Spread of Typhoid Fever in U. S. Military Camps dur- ing Spanish War of 1898. Pam...... 1 Index-Catalogue of Librar,v of Surgeon-Gen- eral's Office, 2 ser. Vol. 6...... I Vicksburg National Military Park Commission. Record of Organizations engaged in Campaign, siege and Defence of Vicksburg. Pam...... I


TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 41. l Bonaparte, Napoleon, Life of. P. C. Headley. 2 Jones, John Paul, Life of. James Otis. 3 Darius the Great, History of. Jacob Abbott. 4 Joan of Arc, the maid of Orleans. Jules Michelet. 5 Beauties of nature. Sir John Lubbock. 6 How to know the wild flowers. Mrs. F. T. Dana. 7 Hand-book of nature study. D. Lange. 8 Winners in life's race; or, The great backboned family. A. Buckley. 9 Grandfather's chair. Nath'!. Hawthorne. IO Wing and wing. J. F. Cooper. II Two admirals. J. F. Cooper. 12 Mr. Midshipman Easy. Capt. Frederick Marryat. 13 Gulliver's travels. Jonathan Swift. 14 From the earth to the moon. Jules Verne. 15 Michael Strogoff. Jules V crne. 16 Bravest of the Brave. G. A. Henty. 17 Cat of B1.1bastes : a tale of ancient Egypt. G. A. Henty. 18 Ouc on the Pampas. G. A. Henty. 19 One of the 28tb: a tale of Waterloo. G. A. Henty. 20 Bonnie Prince Cbarlie. G. A. Henty. 21 With Wolfe in Can2.da. G. A. Henty. 22 Under Drake's flag. G. A. Henty. 23 Orange and Green : a Tale of the Boyne and Limerick. G. A. Henty. 24 With Clive in India. G. A. Henty. 25 Budd Boyd's Triumph. William P. Chipman. 26 Aunt Ch.1rlotte·s stories of American history. Charlotte M. Yonge and Horatio H. Weld. 27 Historic towns of the midclle states. Lyman P. Powell. 28 Buildings of the British empire. A. T. Story. 29 Anglo-Boer conflict, its history and causes. Alleyne Ireland. 30 Fight for Santiago, The. Stephen Bonsal Jr. 3r Four Georges, The. W. M. Thackeray. 32 Abraham Lincoln. C. G. Leland. 33 World by the fireside. Mary and Elizabeth Kirby. MAINE STATE LIBRARY.

34 Cruise of the "Antarctic." 35 Song of Life, The. Morley. 36 Among the forest people. C. D. Pierson. 37 Gamekeeper at home. The. Jefferies. 38 Stories Mother Nature told the chil

TRAVE.I.,ING LIBRARY, No. 42. I Transit of civiii,:ation. E. Eggleston. 2 The Golden Horseshoe. S. Bonsal. 3 Among the great masters of literature. W. Rowlands. 4 Among the great masters of music. W. Rowlands. 5 Poetical works. Sir Walter Scott. 6 Great books as life's teachers. N. D. Hillis. 7 Lifo that really is, The. Lyman Abbott. 8 Arts of life. R. R. Bowker. 9 Modern political institutions. S. B. Baldwin. IO Up from slavery. Booker T. Washington. II Story of the 19th century of science. H. S. Williams. 12 Sea beach at ebb tide. Augusta F. Arnold. 13 World of the great fort>st. Paul Du Chaillu. 14 Squirrels and other fur he,iring animals. John Burroughs. 15 Woodpeckers. Fa,my H. Eckstorm. r6 How to know the wild flowers. Mrs. Theodora Parsons. 17 Among the moths and butterflies. Julia P. Ballard. 18 Romance of the heavens. A. W. Beckstorm. 19 Sport with gun and rod. A. M. Mayor. 20 Ball player's career. A. C. Anson. 21 The half back. Ralph H. Barbonr. 22 Woman's book of sports. J. P. Paret. 23 Power through repose. Annie P. Call. 24 Sanity of mind. David M. Lincoln. 25 Green flag and other stories. A. Conan Doyle. 26 Heart of the ancient wood. Charles D. Roberts. 27 Who goes there? B. K. Benson. 28 Under topsails and tents. Cyrus T. Brady. 29 Savrola. Winston S. Churchill. LIDRARIAN'S REPORT.

JO Black Beauty. Anna Sewell. 31 Knight Conrad. Julius Ludovici. 32 Yule tide yarns. G. A. Henty. 33 Running the Cuban Blockade. \Vm. 0. Stoddard. 34 Racing rhymes and other verses. Adam L. Gordon. 35 Journey to natme. J. P. Mowbray. 36 Truth Dexter. Sidney McCall. 37 Silver skall. S. R. Crockett. 38 Her mountain lover. Hamlin Garland. 39 In the hands of the cave dwellers. G. A. Henty. 40 Lobster catchers. James 0. Kaler. 41 Norse stories retold. Hamilton Mabie. 42 Mountain playmates. Helen R. Albee. 43 Dwellers in the hills. M. D. Post. 44 Joys of sport. W. G. Stevenson. 45 Lion's brood. Duffield Osborne. 46 Your Uncle Lew. Charles R. Sherlock. 47 Under the redwoods. Bret Harte. 48 Thoroughbred mongrel. Stephen Townsend. 49 Sailing alone ~.round the world. Joshua Slocum. 50 Helmet of Navarre. Bertha Runkle.

LIBRARIES 43, 44, 4S AND 46. 1 Counsel upon the readings of hooks. H. M. Stephens and others. 2 Jesus Christ and the social question. F. G. Peabody. 3 Gospel of wealth and other timely essays. A. Carnegie. 4. Trust problem. Jeremiah Vv. Jenks. 5 Our presidents and how we make them. A. K. McClure. 6 American working people. Charles B. Spahr. 7 Story of the eclipses. George F. Chambers. 8 Nature's garden. N eltj e Blanchan. 9 Flame, electricity, and the camera. George Iles. IO Guide to pyrography, or woodburning. F. C. Fetherston. II Mr. Dooley's philosophy. Peter F. Dunne. 12 Literary friends and acquaintances. W. D. Howells. 13 An American anthology. E. C Stedman. 14 China, the long-l;ved empire. Eliza R. Scidmore. 15 Woman tenderfoot. Mrs. Grace G. Seton-Thompson. 16 Commodore Paul Jones. C. T. Brady. 17 Alexander the Great: the merging of the East and West in universal history. Benjamin I. Wheeler. 18 Great Boer war. A Conan Dc,yk. 19 Stage coach and tavern days. A. M. Earle. 20 Siege of Peking. W. A. P. Martin, D. D. 21 In circling camps. Joseph A. Altsheler. 22 Eben Holden. Irving Bacheller. 23 Maid of Maiden Lane. Mrs. A. E. Barr. 186 ;',1AIN1\ ST.\TE LIBRARY.

24 Tommy and Grizd. J. :'IL Barrie. 25 The grip o± honor. C. T. Brady. 26 In the palace of the king. F. M. Crawford. 27 Joan of the sword hand. S. R. Crockett. 28 Friend of Caesar. \Villiarn S. Davis. 29 The redempt10n of David Corson. Charles F. Goss. 30 Unleavened bread. Rohert Grant. 3r Cardinal's snuffbo:L Henry Harland. 32 To have and to hold. :\fary Johnston. 33 Ray's Gen. Charles King. 34 Bewitched fiddle and other Irish tales. S. MacManus. 35 Knights of the cross. H. Sienkiewicz. Vol. I. 36 Knights of the cros,. H. Sienkiewicz. Vol. 2. 37 Monsieur Beaucaire. Booth Tarkington. 38 Alice of old Vinccm:es. Maurie~ Thompson. 39 Eleanor. Mrs. Mary A Ward. 40 Love of Parson Lord and other stories. Miss M. E. Wilkins. 4r For the honor of the school. R. H. Barbour. 42 New ideas for American boys. the jack of all trades. D. C. Beard. 43 Century book of the American colonies. E. S. Brooks. 44 Book of saints and friendly heasts. A. F. Brown. 45 Pretty Polly Perkim. G. E. Jackson. 46 Under the great bear. Kirk ?\fonroe. 47 Rita. Laura E. Richards. 48 St. Nicholas book of plays and operettas. 49 Biography of a grizzly. E. S. Thompson. 50 In the hands of the reel coats. E. T. Tomlinson.

TRA VEUNG LIBRARY, No. 47. r Transit of civilization. E. Eggleston. 2 Golden Horseshoe. S. Bonsal. 3 Among the great masters of literature. W. Rowlands. 4 Among the great masters of music. 'vV. Rowlands. 5 Poetical works. Sir Walter Scott. 6 Great books as life's teachers. N. D. Hillis. 7 Life that really is, The. Lyman Abbott. 8 Arts of life. R. R. Bowker. 9 Modern political institutions. S. E. Baldwin. IO Up from slavery. Booker T. Washington. II Story of the r9th century of science. H. S. Williams. I2 Sea beach at ebb tide. Augusta F. Arnold. 13 World of the great forest. Paul Du Chaillu. 14 Squirrels and other fur bearing animals. John Burroughs. IS Woodpeckers. F,wny H. Eckstorm. 16 How to know the wild flowers. Mrs. Theodora Parsons. r7 Among the moths and butterflies. Julia P. Ballard. LIDRARIAN'S REPORT.

18 Romance of the heavens. A. \V. Beckstorm. 19 Sport with gun and rod. A. M. Mayer. 20 Ball player's career. A. C. Anson. 21 Half back. Ralph H. Barbour. 22 Woman's book of sports. J. P. Paret. 23 Power through repose. Annie P. Call. 24 Sanity of mind. David M. Lincoln. 25 Green flag and other stories. A. Conan Doyle. 26 Heart of the ancient wood. Charles D. Roberts. 27 Who goes there? B. K. Benson. 28 Under topsails and tents. Cyrus T. Brady. 29 Savrola. Winston S. Churchill. 30 Black Beauty. Anna Sewell. 31 Knight Conrad. Julius Ludovici. 32 Yule tide yarns. G. A Henty. 33 Running the Cuban blockade. Wm. 0. Stoddard. 34 Racing rhymes and other verses. Adam L. Gordon. 35 Journey to nature. J. P. Mowbray. 36 Truth Dexter. Sidney McCall. 37 Silver skull. S. R. Crockett. 38 Her mountain lover. Hamlin Gariand. 39 In the hands of the cave dwellers. G. A. Henty. 40 Lobster catchers. James 0. Kaler. 41 Norse stories retold. Hamilton Mabie. 42 Mountain playmates. Helen R Albee. 43 Dwellers in the hills. M. D. Post. 44 Joys of sport. vV. G. Stevenson. 45 Lion's brood. Duffield Osborne. 46 Your Uncle Lew. Charles R. Sherlock. 47 Under the redwoods. Bret Harte. 48 Thoroughbred mongrel. Stephen Townshend. 49 Sailing alone around the world. Joshua Slocum. 50 Helmet of Navarre. Bertha Runkle.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 48. I Transit of civilization. E. Eggleston. 2 Golden Horseshoe. S. Bonsal. 3 Among the great masters of literature. W. Rowlands. 4 Among the great masters of music. W. Rowlands. 5 Poetic'-11 works. Sir ·watter Scott. 6 Great books as life's teachers. N. D. Hillis. 7 Individual. N. S. Shaler. 8 Arts of life. R. R. Bowker. 9 Modern political institutions. S. E. Baldwin. IO Memory street. Martha Baker Dunn. II Story of the 19th century of science. H. S. Williams. 12 Sea beach at ebb tide. Augusta F. Arnold. 188 MAINE STATE LIBRARY.

r3 World of the great forest. Paul Du Chaillu. r4 Squirrels and other fur bearing animals. John Burroughs. 15 Woodpeckers. Fanny H. Eckstorm. 16 How to know the wild flowers. Mrs. Theodora Parsons. r7 Among the moths and butterflies. Julia P. Ballard. 18 Romance of the heavens. A. W. Beckstorm. 19 With rod and gun in N. England. Edw. A. Samuels. 20 Ball player's career. A. C. Anson. 21 Half hack, the. Ralph H. Barbour. 22 Woman's book of sports. J. P. Paret. 23 Power through repose. Arinir P. Call. 24 Sanity of mind. David M. Lincoln. 25 Green flag and other stories. A. Conan Doyle. 26 Heart of the ancient wood. Charles D. Roberts. 27 Who goes there? B. K. Benson. 28 Under topsails and tents. Cyrus T. Brady. 29 Savrola. Winston S. Churchill. 30 Black Beauty. Anna Sewell. 31 Knight Conrad. Julius Ludovici. 32 Yule tide yarns. G. A. Henty. 33 Running the Cuban blockade. Wm. 0. Stoddard. 34 Racing rhymes and other verses. Adam L. Gordon. 35 Journey to nature. J. P. Mowbray. 36 Truth Dexter. Sidney McCall. 37 Silver skull. S. R. Crockett. 38 Her mountain lover. Hamlin Garland. 39 Doom Castle. Neil Munroe. 40 Lobster catchers. Jo.mes 0. Ka!rr. 4r Norse stories retold. Hamilton Mabie. 42 Mountain playmates. Helen R. Albee. 43 Dwellers in the hills. M. D. Post. 44 Joys of sport. W. G. Stevenson. 45 Lion's brood. Duffield Osborne. 46 Your Uncle Lew. Charles R. Sherlock. 47 Under the redwoods. Bret Harte. 48 Thoroughbred mongrel. Stephen Townshend. 49 Sailing alone around the world. Joshua Slocum. 50 Helmet of Navarre. Bertha Runkle.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 49. r Transit of civilization. E. Eggleston. 2 Golden Horseshoe. S. Bonsal. 3 Among the great masters of literature. W. Rowlands. 4 Among the great masters of music. W. Rowlands. 5 Poetical works. Sir Walter Scott. 6 Great books as life's teachers. N. D. Hillis. 7 Individual. N. S. Shaler. 8 Arts of life. R. R. Bowker. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT.

9 Modern political institutions. S. E. Baldwin. IO With Preble at Tripoli. James Otis. II Story of the 19th century of science. H. S. Williams. 12 Sea beach at ebb tide. Augusta F. Arnold. 13 World of the great forest. Paul Du Chaillu. 14 Squirrels and other fur bearing animals. John Burroughs. 15 ·woodpeckers. Fanny H. Eckstorm. 16 How to know the wild flowers. Mrs. Theodora Parsons. 17 Among the moths and butterflies. Julia P. Ballard. 18 Romance of the heavens. A. Vv. Beckstorm. 19 Hero in homespun. Wm. E. Barton. 20 Captain Ravenshaw. Robert N. Stephens. 21 Half back, the. Ralph H. Barbour. 22 Woman's book of sports. J. P. Paret. 23 Air, water and food. Richards and Woodman. 24 Bears of Blue Ri,·er. Charles Major, (pseud). 25 Green flag and other stories. A. Conan Doyle. 26 Heart of the ancient wood. Charles D. Roberts. 27 Who goes there? B. K. Benson. 28 Under topsails and tents. Cyrus T. Brady. 29 Savrola. Winston S. Churchill. 30 Black Beauty. Anna Sewell. 31 Knight Conrad. Julius Ludovici. 32 Yule tide yarns. G. A. Henty. 33 Running the Cuban blockade. Wm. 0. Stoddard. 34 Racing rhymes and other verses. Adam L. Gordon. 35 Journey to nature. J. P. Mowbray. 36 Truth Dexter. Sidney McCall. 37 Silver skull. S R. Crockett. 38 Her mountain lover. Hamlin Garland. 39 Doom Castle Neil Munroe. 40 Lobster catchers. James 0. Kaler. 41 Norse stories retold. Hamilton Mabie. 42 Mountain playmates. Helen R. Albee. 43 Dwellers in the hills. M. D. Post. 44 Joys of sport. W. G. Stevenson. 45 Lion's brood, the. Duffield Osborne. 46 Your Uncle Lew. Charles R. Sherlock. 47 Under the redwoods. Bret Harte. 48 Thoroughbred mongrel. Stephen Townshend. 49 Sailing alone ·around the world. Joshua Slocum. 50 Helmet of Navarre. Bertha Runkle.

TRAVELING LIBRARY. No. 50 AND 54. l World by the fireside. ·Mary and Elizabeth Kirby. 2 In the days of Jefferson. Hezekiah Butterworth. 3 Hero tales from American history. H. C. Lodge and Theodore Roosevelt. 4 True story of George Washington. E. S. Brooks. MAINE STATE LIBRARY.

5 True story of Abraham Lincoln. E. S. Brooks. 6 Boys of '76. Charles C. Coffin. 7 Merry adventure of Robin Hood. Howard Pyle. 8 Eric; o~, Little by little.. Frederick W. Farrar. 9 Charles Francis Adams. Chas. F. Adams. IO Story of music and. mt1sicians for young readers. Lucy C. Lillie. II Tales from Shakespeare. Charles and Mary Lamb. 12 Bird Ways. Olive Thorne Miller. 13 Tenants of an old farm. Henry C. McCook. 14 Electricity made easy. Edwin J. Houston and Arthur E. Kennelly. 15 Bee people. Margaret VI/ arm:r Morley. 16 Wild animals I have known. E. Seton-Thompson. 17 Little beasts of field and wooci W. E. Cram. 18 Our common birds and how to know them. John B. Grant. 19 American girls' handy book. Lina and Adelia B. Beard. 20 American boys' handy book. D. C. Beard. 21 Arabian nights entertainments. 22 Ye lyttle Salem 111aide. Pauline Bradford Mackie. 23 German household tales. Grim Brothers. 24 Wonder book and tanglewood tales. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 25 Five mice in a mousetrap. Laura E. Richards. 26 In blue and white. Elbridge S. Brooks. 27 Early days in the m~ple land. Katherine A. Young. 28 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Frances Hodgdon Burnett. 29 Doctor's daughter. Sophi~ May, ( pseud). 30 Red fairy book. Andrew Lang. 31 Strong arm, The. Eli,iah Kellogg. 32 At the back of the north wind. George Macdonald. 33 Water babies. Charles Kingsley. 34 Blue fairy book. Andrew Lang. 35 Little lame prince and his traveling cloak. Miss Dinah Maria Mulock. • 36 Little maid of Concord town. Margaret Sidney. 37 Treasure Island. Robert L. Stevenson. 38 Bird's Christmas carol. Kate Douglas Wiggin. 39 Three little

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 51. I Frederick the Great of Prussia. Thomas Carlyle. Vol. r. 2 Same vol. 2. 3 Same vol. 3. 4 Same vol. 4. S Same vol 5. 6 Same vol. 6. 7 History of Prussia 1111der Frederick the Great. Herbert Tuttle. Vol. 1. 8 Same vol. 2. 9 German life in town and country. William Harbutt Dawson. IO Bismarck at home. Jules Hoche. II Franko-German war of 1870-71. Count Helmuth von Moltke. 12 Thirty years· war in Germany. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller. 13 Rhine from its source to the sea. Vol. I. Karl Stieler and others 14 Same, vol. 2. 15 Life of Prince Bismarck. William Jacks. 16 Travels 111 Italy, France and Switzerland. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 17 Germanic origins. Francis Gummere. 18 Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. Ephraim Emerton. 19 Philip Melanchthou. James William Richard. 20 Martin Luther, the hero of the Reformation. Henry Eyster Jacobs. 21 Huldreich Zwingli: the reformer of German Switzerland. Samuel Macauly Jackson. 22 German, Flemish and Dutch painting. H. J. W. Buxton and Edward J. Poynter. 23 My autobiography. Friedrich Max Muller. 24 Borodin and Liszt. Alfred Habets. 25 Mozart. Heribert, Rau. ( tr. by E. R. Sill). 26 Wagner. Charles A. 1,idgcy. 27 Bach. C. F. Abdy Williams. 28 Handel. C. F. Abdy Williams. 29 Beethoven. Frederick J. Crowest. 30 Poems. Friedrich von Schiller. 31 Huguenots. Samuel Smiles. 32 Faust. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 33 Faust; a prose translation: also Clavigo, Egmont, and The wayward. lover. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 34 Myths of northern lands. H. A. Guerber. 35 Selection of tales. Gottfried Keller. 36 Goethe and Schiller. Louisa Muhlbach, (pseud). 37 Fairy tales and household stories. Grimm Brothers. MAINE S'rA'l'E LI!lRARY.

38 Fairy tales. Hans Christian Anderson. 39 Frederick the Great and his court. Louisa Muhlbach, (pseud). 40 Old Fritz and the new era. Louisa Muhlbach, (pseud). 41 Elizabeth and her German garden. Anon. 42 In the desert. George Ebers. 43 Question, A. George Ebers. 44 In the Blue Pike. George Ebers. 45 Cleopatra. George Ebers. 46 Cleopatra. George Ebers. 47 Barbara Blomberg. George Ebers. Vol. I. 48 Same. Vol. 2. 49 Quintus Claudius. Ernest Eckstein. Vol. I. 50 Same. Vol. 2.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 52. I China and the allies. A. Henry S. Landor. Vol. r. 2 China and the allies. A. Henry S. Landor. Vol. 2. 3 Judea from Cyrus to Titus. Elizabeth W. Latimer. 4 Rulers of the South. F. M. Crawford. Vol. I. s Rulers of the South. F. M. Crawford. Vol. 2. 6 Sailor's log. Robley D. Evans. 7 American with Lord Roberts. Julian Ralph. 8 Empresses of France. Helene 11. A. Guerber. 9 Sir \\Talter Scott. Wi!Eam H. Hudson. IO William Penn. George Hodges. II Women of the New Testament. Walter F. Adeney. 12 Italian cities. E. H. Blashfield and E. Wilbour. Vol. r. 13 Italian cities E. H. Blashfield and E. Wilbour. Vol. 2. 14 New way around an old world. Francis Clark. 15 Substitutes for the saloon. Raymond Calkins. 16 Improvement of towns and cities. C. M. Robinson. 17 Strenuous life. Thdr. ·Roosevelt. 18 Education of the 'American Citizen. Arthur T. Hadley. 19 Ten months a captive among the Filipinos. A. Sonnichsen. 20 Flowers and ferns in their haunts. Mabel 0. Wright. 21 Life of the bee. Maurice Maeterlinck. 22 Pleasures of the telescope. Garrett P. Serviss. 23 Moths and butterflies. Mary Dickerson. 24 Poor boys' chances. John Habberton. 25 With Roberts to Pretoria. G. A. Henty. 26 Old Fort Schuyler. Everett Tomlinson. 27 Penelope's Irish experiences. Kate D. Wiggin. 28 White Christopher. A. T. Slosson. 29 'Tilda Jane. Marshall Saunders. 30 Geoffrey Strong. Laura E. Richards. 31 Arrows :Jf the Almighty. Owen Johnson. 32 With Porter in the Essex. James Otis. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 1()3

33 Tory lover. Sarah 0. Jewett. 34 Talcs of the cloister. Elizabeth G. Jordan. 35 King's fawn. Hamilton Drummond. 36 Seal of silence. A. R. Conder. 37 Th~ crisis. Winston Churchill. 38 Cinderella. S. R. Crockett. 39 Lovers of che woods. Wil!iam Boardman. 40 Lem, A New England village boy. Noah Brooks. 41 Souls of passage. A. E. P.arr. 42 King's End. Alice Brcwn. 43 Sack and shakmgs Frank T. Bullen. 44 D'ri and I. Irving Bacheller. 45 Sir John and the American girl. Lillian Bell. 46 Wilderness road J. Altsbeler. 47 Boy general, The. Mrs. Elizabeth Custer. 48 Bears of Blue Rinr. Charles Major. 49 How they succeeded. 0. S. Marden. 50 Dariel. R. D. Blackmore.

TRAYEUNG LIBRARY, No. 53. 1 Short history of our own times. J. McCarthy. 2 Stories of the American revolution. Everett Tomlinson. 3 Tea years' war. Jacob A. Riis. 4 Border wars of New England. S. A. Drake. 5 Lincoln, ALraham. ,ind the downfall of American slavery. N. Brooks. 6 Jeanne D'Arc; her life and death. Mrs. 0. W. M. Oliphant. 7 Julius Caesar, History of. Jacob Abbott. 8 Mary, Queen of Scots, History of. Jacob Abbott. 9 Napoleon Bonaparte, Life of. lda M. Tarbell. 10 Shakespeare's trage

25 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. A. Conan Doyle. 26 Silas Marner, Scenes from clerical life, and other storie~. G. Eliot. 27 Sky pilot. Ralph Connor. 28 Bob. son of Battle. A. Ollivant. 29 Tom Brown's school days. Thomas Hughes. 30 Luck of Roaring camp. Bret Harte. 31 Man without a country. E. E. Hale. 32 Good old times. Rev. Elijah Kellogg. 33 Plain tales from the hills. Rudyard Kipling. 34 Through the turt smoke. Seumas Macmanus. 35 Noble life. Dinah M. Mulock. 36 Fur-seal's tooth. Kirk Munroe. 37 Snow-shoes and sledges. Kirk Munroe. 38 Prose tales. E. A. Poe. 39 Camping out. C. A. Stephens. 40 Lynx-hunting. C. A. Stephens. 41 Treasure Island. R. L. Stevenson. 42 Uncle Tom's cabin. H. B. Stowe. 43 Talisman, The. Sir Wal'tt:r Scott. 44 Red cockade. S. J. Weyman. 45 Tales of an engineer with rhymes of the rail. Cy. Warman. 46 Ten months a captive among the Filipinos. A Sonnichsen. 47 Fisi1erman's luck. Henry Van Dyke. 48 World's rough hand. H. P. \Vhitmarsh. 49 Bears of Blue River. Charles Ma_ior. 50 Do'.lm Castle. Neil Munroe.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 55. 1 Land of Pluck. M. M. Dodge. 2 Faith Gartney's girlhood. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. 3 Stories of the American revolution. E. T. Tomlinson. 4 Jack of all trades. D. C. Beard. 5 Five little Peppers, Midway. Margaret Sidney. 6 Wild animals in captivity. Edward Bartlett. 7 Five little Peppers grown np. Marg?-ret Sidney. 8 Fairy-land of science. A. B. Buckley. 9 Prince and the pauper. Mark Twain. IO Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there. L. Carroll. II With Perry on Lake Erie. J. Oti,. 12 Robinson Crusoe. Daniel Defoe. 13 Ten boys who lived on the road from Long ago to Now. J. Andrews. 14 Twice--told tales. Nath'! Hawthorne. 15 Timothy's quest. Kate D. Wiggin. 16 Julian Home. Frederic W. Farrar. LILRARIAN'S REPORT. 195

17 Little women. L. M. Alcott. 18 Crooked trails. F. Remington. 19 Biography of a grizzly. E. Seton-Thompson. 20 Jed. W. L. Goss. 21 Five little Peppers and how they grew. Margaret Sidney. 22 Good old times. Elijah Kellogg. 23 Letters from a cat. H. H. Jackson. 24 Winning his way. C. C. Coffin. 25 Campmates. Kirk Munroe. • 26 Fur and feather tales. Hamblen Sears. 27 Bird World. J. H. Stickney. 28 St. Nicholas. M. M. Dodge. 29 Captain Bayley's heir. G. A. Henty. 30 Franklin, BenJamin, Tne story of. E. S. Brooks. 31 Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Howard Pyle. 32 Days of chivalry. W. H. D. Adams. 33 United States of 1\merica, True story of. E. S. Brooks. 34 Eye spy. WiJliam H. Gibson. 35 Sharp eyes. Willian, H. Gibson. 36 Zigzag journeyB in the British Isles. H. Butterworth. 37 Child life: a collection of poems. John G. Whittier. 38 Giovanni and the others. F. H. Burnett. 39 Standish of Standish. Jane G. Austin. 40 Short stories of onr shy neighobrs. Mrs. M. A. Kelly. 41 Young colonist. G.. A. Henty. 42 Flock of girls and their friends. Nora Perry. 43 Greek heroes. Rev. Charles Kirigsley. 44 Child life in prose. J. G. Whittier. 45 Will Shakespeare's little lad. Imogen Clark. 46 Little maid of Coucord town. Margaret Sidney. 47 Heart; a school-boy's journal. Edmondo de Amicis. 48 Story of Marco Polo. Noah Brooks. 49 Story of Kmg Alfred. Walter Besant.

TRAVELING LIBRA RY. No. 56. l Germany. Sabi11e B. Gonld. 2 Germany, her people and their story. A. H. Gifford. 3 Thirty years' \,Var. Samuel R. Gardiner. 4 Peasants' War in Germany. Ernest B. Bax. 5 Holy Roman Empire. James Bryce. 6 German struggles for liberty, History of. P. Bigelow. Vol. I. 7 German struggles for liberty, History of. P. Bigelow. Vol. 2. 8 Lectures. Vol. 6. Berlin-Vienna- St. Petersburg-Moscow. J. L. Stoddard. 9 Bismark and the foundation of the German Empire. J. w. Headlam. IO Frederick the Great and the seven years' war. F. W. Longman. MAINE Sl'A TE LIil RARY.

II :Madame Therese. Emile Erckman and Alexander Chatrian. 12 Charles XII and the collapse of the Swedish Empire. R. N. Bain. 13 Louisa of Prussia and her times. Louisa Muhlbach. 14 German life m town and country. William H. Dawson. 15 Christian life in Germany as seen in the State and Church. E. Williams. 18 Counter-reformation, The. A W. Ward. 17 Martin Luther. Henry E. Jacobs. 18 Melanchthon, Philip. James W. Richard. • 19 German socialism and Ferclinand Lassalle. W. H. Dawson. 20 German, Flemish, and Dutch paintings. H. J. W. Buxton & E. J. Poynter. 21 Common-school in Germany and its lessons to America. L. Seeley. 22 High school days in Harbortown. Lily Wesselhoeft. 23 Makers of music. R. Farquharson Sharp. 24 German literature as determin~d by ,;ocial forces. K. Francke. 25 Great copies of mediaeval Germany. G. T. Dippold. 26 Schiller, Friedrich. Life of. Thomas Carlyle. 27 Dramatic works: \Vallenstein and \Vilhelm Tell. F. Schiller. 28 Goethe's life. Story of. George H. Lewis. 29 Faust. Goethe, Johann vV. von. 30 Wilhelm Meister's apprenticf'ship and travels, J. W. von Goethe. Vol. r. 31 \Vilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and travels. J. W. von Goethe. Vol. 2 32 Age of Charlemagne. Charles L. Wells. 33 Legends of the Rhine. H ..A. Guerber. 34 Charlemagne or, Romance of the Middle Ages. Thomas Bulfinch. 35 Nuremburg, Story of. Cecil Headlam. 36 In the olden time. Margaret Roberts. 37 Burgomaster's wife. Georg. Ehers. 38 Doctor Claudius. F. M. Crawford. 39 Dove in the eagle's nest. Charlotte M. Yonge. 40 Albrecht. Ario Bates. 41 My Lady Rotha. Stanley Weyman. 42 PriP.ce and the page. Charlotte M. Yonge. 43 Otto of the Silver Hand. Howard Pyle. 44 Schonberg-Cotta family, Chronicles of. Mrs. E. R. Charles. 45 Wonder tales from Wagner. Anna A. Chapin. 46 Benefactress. Anon. 47 Household talcs. Vol. r. Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm. 48 Household tales. Vol. 2. Takob and Wilhelm Grimm. 49 Old Fritz and the new era. Louisa Muhlbach. 50 Cloister and the hearth. Charles Reade. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 197

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 57. I History of Maine. John S. C. Abbott. 2 Border wars of N cw England. Samuel Adams Drake. 3 History and civil government of Maine. William W. Stetson. 4 Customs and fashions in old New England. Alice Morse Earle. 5 Life and times of Hannibal Hamlin. Charles Eugene Hamlin. 6 Henry Knox; a soldier of the Revolution. Noah Brooks. 7 Country of the pointed firs. Sarah Orne Jewett. 8 Pine tree coast. Samuel Adams Drake. 9 Girl's life eighty years ago. Eliz. Southgate Bowne. IO All among the lighthouses. Mary Bradford Crowninshield. II Maine woods. Henry David Thoreau. 12 Sea beach at ebb-tide. Augusta Foote Arnold. 13 Lion Ben of Elm Island. Elijah Kellogg. 14 Tales of the Mame coast. Noah Brooks. IS Deerslayer. James Fennimore Cooper. r6 Young ship-builciers of Elm Island. Elijah Kellogg. 17 Ark of Elm Island. Elijah Kellogg. 18 Fo!Iowing the Greek cross. Thomas W. Hyde. 19 Love and roch l.,aura E. Richards. 20 Dr. Latimer. Clara Louise Burnham. 2I One summer. Blanche Lo11ise Howard. 22 Boy farn:ers of Elm Island. Eliiah Kellogg. 23 Tales of Bowdoin. John Clair Minot and Donald F. Snow. 24 Modern instance. William D. Howells. 25 Hard-Scrabble of Elm Island. Elijah Kellogg. 26 Under pine and palm. Frances L. Mace. 27 Elsie Venner. Oliver \V enc.Jell Holmes. 28 Pearl of Orr's Island. Harriet Beecher Stowe. 29 Charlie Bell, the waif of Elm Island. Rev. Elijah Kellogg. 30 Up in Maine. Holman F. Dav. 31 Story of Old Falmouth. J ;irnes Otis. 32 Lynx-hunting. C. A. Stepbens. 33 Camping out. C. A. Stephens. 34 Island refuge: Ca,co BcJ.y in 1676 James Otis. 35 Stories of Maine. Sophie Swett. 36 Uncle Terry. Charles Clark 1Iunn. 37 Tory Lover. Sarah Orne Jewett. 38 And the wildernes, blossomed. Almon Dexter. 39 Colby stories. Herbert Carlyle Libby. ed. 40 Fox-hunting. C. A. Stepbens 4 I Channing Sally. Jarnes Otis. 42 Old Jed Prouty. Richard Caolden and Mary C. Francis. 43 Pocket Island. Charles Clark Munn. 44 Lias's wife. Martha Baker Dunn.


45 Miss Pritchard's weddmg trip. Clara Louise Burnham. 46 Deafness and cheerfulness. A. W. Jackson. 47 But a Philistine. Virginia Frances Townsend. 48 Politician's daughter. Myra Sawyer Hamlin. 49 Memory Street. Martha Baker Dunn. 50 Old gentleman of the black stock. Thomas N. Page.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, NO. 58. 1 New England legends of folk-lore. S. A. Drake. 2 Four great Americans; \,Vashington, Franklin Webster & Lincoln. James Baldwin. 3 Four American nayal heroes. Mabel B. Beebe. 4 James Russell Lowell; a biography, Elisha H. Scudder. Vol. I. 5 James Russell Lowell; a biography, Elisha H. Scudder. Vol. 2. 6 Education of the American cilizen, The. Arthur T. Hadley. 7 Story of King Alfred. Walter Besant. 8 Up from slavery, an autobiography. Washington, Booker T. 9 Multitude of counsellors: a collection of codes, precepts & rules of life from the wise of all ages. J. N. Larned. IO Seen in Germany. Ray S. Baker. l l Making of an American, The. Jacob A. Riis. 12 Our devoted friend, the dog. Sarah K. Bolton. 13 Insect book. The. Leland 0. Howard. 14 Secrets •'.)f the woods. Wm. J. Long. 15 Life everlasting. John Fiske. 16 Life of the Master. John Watson. 17 Masters of music; their lives and works. Anna A. Chapin. 18 The story of Books. Gertrude B. Rawlings. 19 Talks on writing English. Ario Bates. 20 lnsh pastorals. Shan B. Bullock. 21 God wills it; a taJe of the first crusade. W. S. Davis. 22 Ber;efactress, the; by the anthor of Elizabeth & her German garden. 23 Cavalier, The. Geo. W. Cable. 24 Circumstances. Silas Weir Mitchell. 25 Flood-tide. Sarah P. McLean Greene. 26 Frigate's aamesake, A. Alice B. Abbot. 27 God of his fathers, & other stories. Jack London. 28 Young Barbarians. Ian Maclaren. 29 Tristram of Blent. Anthony Hope. 30 Shacklett; the evolution of a statesman. Walter Barr. 31 Secret orchard. Egerton Castle. 32 Right of way. Gilbert Parker. 33 Puppet crown. Harold MacGrath. 34 Punishmenl of the stingy: & other Indian stories. 35 Our lady vanity. Ellen 0. Kirk. 36 Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch. A. C. Hegan. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT, 199

37 Morgan's men. J. P. True. 38 Man from Glengarry. Ralph Connor. 39 Making of a marchioness, The. Frances H. Burnett. 40 Lion's whelp; a story of Cromwell's time. Mrs. A. E. Barr. 41 Lighthouse village. L. L. Sibley. 42 Lazarre. Mary H. Catherwood. 43 Laird's luck, the; & other fire-side tales. A. T. Quiller-Couch. 44 Katherine Day. Anna Fuller. 45 Masters of men ; a romance of the new navy. M. Robertson. 46 1'faking his mark. H. Alger. 47 Lord of the sea, The. M. P. Shiel. 48 Last rebel, The. J. A. Altsheler. 49 Kim. Rudyard Kipling. 50 Friend with the countersign, A. B. K. Benson.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 59. 1 Building of the British Empire. A. T. Story. 2 Cameos from English history. C. M. Yonge. 3 Glimpses of England. Moses Coit Tyler. 4 Life in early Britain. C. A. R Windle. 5 Source-book of English history. E. K. Kendall. 6 Transit of civilization. Edwar

31 Stratford-on-Avon. Sidney Lee. 32 Roundabout rambles in modern Europe. Chas. F. King. 33 Her majesty's tower. V/m. Hepworth Dixon. 34 London memories. Chas. W. Heckethorn. 35 English villages. P. H. Ditchfield. 36 Among English hedgerows. Clifton Johnson. 37 Looker-on in L<)lldon. Mary H. Krout. 38 New Canterbury tales. Maurice Hewlett. 39 Tramp trip; how to see Europe en fifty cents a day. L. Merri- wether. 40 History of art in British Isles. J. Ernest Pythian. 41 History of English literature. George Saintsbury. 42 Short history of English literature. George Saintsbury. 43 Victorian prose masters. W. C. Brownell. 44 Aristocracy in England. Adam Badeau. 45 Folk-lore and legends. Ireland. 46 Folk-lore and !egemls. Scotland. 47 Anglo-Boer conflict. A. Ireland. 48 Irish pastorals. Sham F. Bullock. 49 Roundabout papers. W. M. Thackeray. 50 Virginians, The. W. M. Thackeray.

TRAVELING UBRARY. No. 60. I American Revolution. J. Fiske. Vol. 1. 2 American Revolution. J. Fiske. Vol. 2. 3 Tudors and the reformation. Mandell Creighton. 4 Early Tudors. C. E ..Moberly. 5 Mexico, California and Arizona. W. H. Bishop. 6 United States in the Orient. Chas. A. Conant. 7 Dutch life 111 town and country. P. M. Hough. 8 Armed ship, America. James Otis. 9 Sparks American biography. Vol. 7. IO Sparks American biography. Vol. 8. 11 Franklin, Benjamin, Autobiography of. 12 Representative men. Ralph W. Emerson. 13 Story of King Alfred. Walter Besant. 14 Nests and eggs of North American birds. 0. Davie. 15 Fox-hound, forest and prairie. Capt. P. Elmhirst. 16 Seen in Germany. R. Stanwood Baker. 17 Among my books J. R. Lowell. 18 Among my books 2d ser. J. R. Lowell. 19 Landmarks of Engli,h literature. Henry J. Nicoll. 20 Within the gates. E. L. Phelps. 21 Life Everlasting. John Fiske. 22 and their ways. Margaret Marley. 23 Science sketches. David Starr Jordan. LIBRARIAN'S REPOR'I'. 201

24 Our new prosperity. R. S. Baker. 25 Pilgrims progress. J. Bunyan. 26 Pendennis. W. M. Thackeray. 27 Pickwick papers. Chas. Dickens. 28 Three musketeers. Alexander Dumas. 29 Little minister. J. M. Barrie. 30 Scarlet letter. Bli:hedale romance. N. Hawthorne. 3r Tom Grogan. F. H. Smith. 32 Marsh isiand. S. 0. Jewett. 33 Casting away of Mrs. Leeks & l\frs. Aleshine. Frank Stockton. 34 Vanity fair. W. M. Thackeray. 35 John Halifax, gentleman. Miss D. M. Mulock. 36 David Harum. E. N. \,Vestcott. 37 In his steps. Chas. M. Sheldon. 38 Country doctor. Sarah 0. J cwett. • 39 Marcella. l\frs. H. Ward. 40 Vicar of Wakefield. Oliver Goldsmith. 4r Lucid intervals. E. S. Martin. 42 Brave lady. Miss D. M. Mulock. 43 Bef! Hur. Lev, ·wallace. 44 Westward ho l Chas. Kingsley. 45 Penelope's Irish experiences. Kate D. Wiggin. 46 Cathedral court ship. K~.te D. Wiggin. 47 Princess of Thule. W. Black. 48 Benefactress. Anon. 49 King Noanett. F. J. Stinson. 50 Les miserables. Victor Hugo.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No, 6r. r Discovery of America. J. Fiske. Vol. r. 2 Discovery of America. J. Fiske. Vol. 2. 3 Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century. F Parkman. 4 Pioneers of France in the New World. F. Parkman. S Expansion of the American people. E. E. Sparks. 6 r-lty'scrap-book of the French RP,volution. E. W. Latimer. 7 Historical tales: Russi,in. C. Morris. 8 Nicaragua canal. W. E. Simmons. 9 Ralph W. Emerson, J. L. Motley. 0. W. Holmes. IO Anne Bradstred and her time. H. S. Campbell. II New England poets, The. \V. C. Lawton. r2 Winthrop, Margaret. A. M. Earle. 13 Josephine, History of. J. Abbott. 14 Shakespeare, William. Life of. Sidney Lee. 15 Corona and Coronet, being a narrative of the Amherst eclipse expedition to Japan. Mabel L. Todd. r6 Story of a young man: C. Howard. 202

17 Lectures, Vol. IO. J. L. Stoddard. 18 Oriental Days. L. A. Palmer. 19 Makers of literature. G. E. \Voodherry. 20 Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship. J. W. Goethe. 21 Etchingham letters. Sir F. Pollock, and Mrs. Fuller Maitland. 22 First book of birds. 0. T. Miller. 23 How women m::iy earn a liYing. H. C. Candee. 24 My winter garden. Maurice Thompson. 25 Henry Esmond. W. M Thackeray. 26 Under the red robe. S. J. \Veyman. 27 Modern instance. W. D. Howells. 28 C:ount Robert of Paris. Sir \\T alter Scott. 29 Redgauntlet. Sir Walter Scott. 30 Deet slayer. J. F. Coop~r. 31 Pioneers. J. F. Cooper. 32 Charles O'Malley. Chas. Lr;ver. Vol. I. 33 Charles O'Malley. Chas. Lever. Vol. 2. 34 House behind the cedars. C. Vv. Chesnutt. 35 Making of a marchioness. F. H. Burnett. 36 My Lady Rot.ha. S. J. Weyman. 37 Daughter of Fife. A. E. Darr. 38 Cucljo's cave. J. 1'. Trowbridge. 39 Ramoi1a. Helen Jackson. 40 Bleak house. Chas. Dickens. 41 Little pilgrim. 42 Lane thar had no turning. Gilbert Parker. 43 MarJorie Daw. T. B. Aldrich. 44 Luck of Roaring camp. Bret Harte. 45 All sorts and conditions of men. ·waiter Besant. 46 My new curate. P. A. Sheehan. 47 Whilomvillc stories. Stephen Crane. 48 Donald Marcy. E. S. Phelps. 49 Daisy Milicr. Henry James. 50 Marquis of Lossie. Geo. Macdonald.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 62. 1 American commonwealth. J. Bryce. Vol. I. 2 Americ,in commonwealth. J. Bryce. Vol. 2. 3 Establishment of Spanish rule in America. M. Bernard. 4 Boers in war. H. C. Hillegas. 5 Who's who in America. J. \V. Leonard. 6 Europe in the middle ages. 0. J. Thatcher & F. Schwill. 7 Bismarck, Prince Otto von, Life of. F. P. Stearns. 8 Pericles and the golden age of Athens. E. Abbott. 9 George Washington. H. C. Lodge. Vol. I. ro George Washington. H. C. Lodge. Vol. 2. II Alfred the Great. Thomas Hughes. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 203

12 Rembrandt; a romance of Holland. vV. C. Larned. 13 Ballads of American brayery. Clinton Scollard. 14 Nests and eggs of North American birds. OJiyer Davie. 15 Among the moths and butterflies. J. P. Ballard. 16 Lectures, Vol. 3. J. L. Stoddard. 17 In the Levant. C. D. Warner. 18 Bicycle of Cathay. Frank R. Stockton. 19 Under the great bear. Kirk Munroe. 20 Darwinism and other essays. J. Fiske. 21 My study windows. J. R. Lowell. 22 Parables for school and home. W. P. Garrison. 23 Practical idealism. W. DeW. Hyde. 24 Complete poetical works. J. G. Whittier. 25 Sir Walter Scott. Poetical works with biographical and critical memoir by Fs. T. Palgrave. 26 Don Quixote of La 1fancha. M. de Cervantes. 27 St. Ronan 's well. Sir Walter Scott. 28 Rob Roy. Sir Walter Scott. 29 Newcomes. vV. M. Thackeray. 30 Quibernn touch. C. T. Brady. 31 Saracinesca. F. Marion Crawford. 32 Prairie. J. F. Cooper. 33 Peg W offington and other stories. Chas. Reade. 34 Dr. Thorne. Anthony Trollope. Vol. I. 35 Dr. Thorne. Anthony Trollope. Vol. 2. 36 Dombey and son. Chas. Dickens. 37 Winsome womanhood. Margaret Sangster. 38 Bow of Orange Ribbon. A. E. Barr. 39 Heart of toil. Octaye Thanet. 40 Monsieur Beaucaire. Booth Tarkington. 41 Mr. Dooley's opinions. P. F. Dunne. 42 Fair god. Lew Wallace. 43 Mill on the Floss. George Eliot. 44 Dorchester towers. Anthony Trollope. Vol. I. 45 Dorchester towe~s. Anthony Trollope. Vol. 2. 46 Roden's corner. H. Seton-Merriman. 47 Auto-biography of a tom-boy. J. L. Gilder. 48 Eleanor. Mrs. H. Ward. 49 Farringdons. E. T. Fowler. 50 Mayor of Casterbridge. T. Hardy.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, ~o. 63. I American Revolution. J. Fiske. Vol. I. 2 American Revolution. J. Fiske. Vol. 2. 3 Beginnings of New England. J. Fiske. 4 Montcalm and \Volfe. F. Parkman. Vol. r. S Montcalm and Wolfe. F. Parkman. Vol. 2. 204 MAIN~'. S'fA '!'I\ LinR.\RY.

6 In old New York. T. A. Janvier. 7 Among the Isles of Shoals. Celia Thaxter. 8 Imperial Germany. Sidney Whitman. 9 Christian life in Germany as seen in the State and the Church. Edward F. Williams. IO Lectures, Vol. 7. J. L. Stoddard. II Jerusalem the Holy. E. S. Wallace. 12 Fall of the Congo Arabs. S. L. Hinde. 13 Life of Dwight L. Moody. W. R. Moody. 14 Henry W. Longfellm\", Life of. S. Longfellow. Vol. I. 15 Henry W. Longfellow, Life of. S. Longfellow. Vol. 2. r6 Henry W. Longfellow, Life of. S. Longfellow. Vol. 3. 17 Julius Caesar, History of Jacob Abbott. r8 Marie Antoinette, History of. John S. C. Abbott. 19 William the Conqueror, History of. Jacob Abbott. 20 Florence. Edmund G. Gardner. 21 Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge. J. Fiske. 22 Art in needlework. Lewis F. Day. 23 American prose: selections. G. R. Carpenter. 24 Odes of Horace, translated into English. W. E. Gladstone. 25 Judith Shakespeare. W. Black. 26 Mythology for moderns. J. S. Metcalf. 27 Golden treasury. F. 'I'. Palgrave. 28 Heart of Midlothian. Sir Walter Scott. 29 Anne of Geierstein. Sir Walter Scott. 30 Fair maid of . Sir Walter Scott. 31 Nicholas Nickleby. C. Dickens. 32 Tale of two cilie,. C. Dickens. 33 Harold. Edward Bulwer-Lytton. 34 Moonstone. W. Collins. 35 Pathfinder. J. F.Cooper. 36 Last of the Mohicans. J. F. Cooper. 37 Uncle Tom's cabin. H. B. Stowe. 38 From the land of the shamrock. Jane Barlow. 39 Hard cash. Chas Reade. Vol. r. 40 Hard cash. Chas. Reade. Vol. 2. 41 Lady of the Aroostook. W. D. Howells. 42 Noble life, A. Miss D. M. Mulock. 43 Hoosier schoolmaster. Ed. Eggleston. 44 Warden. Ant. Trollope. 45 Tales for Christmas and other seasons. F. Coppee. 46 Betrothed. A. :Manzoni. 47 Silas Marner.. George Eliot. 48 Christian. Hall Came. 49 Neighbor Jackwood. J. T. Trowbridge. 50 House of seven gables & other stories. Nath'! Hawthorne. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 205

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 64. I England's story. Eva March Tappan. 2 Thirteen colonies. Helen A. Smith. Vol. 1. 3 Thirteen colonies. Helen A. Smith. Vol. 2. 4 Child's history of England. Charles Dickens. 5 New England legends and folk-lore. Samuel A. Drake. 6 Colonial dames and goodwives. Alice Morse Earle. 7 Alfred the Great. Sir Walter Besant. 8 Abraham Lincoln. Noah Brooks. 9 American Lands and letters. Donald G. Mitchell. Vol. I. IO American Lands and letters. Donald G. Mitchell. Vol. 2. II World beautiful in books. Lilian Whiting. !2 of nature. John Burroughs. 13 Secrets of the woods. W. J. Long. 14 Home life of wild birds. Francis H. Herrick. 15 Black Beauly. Anna Sewell 16 Up from slavery. Booker T. Washington. 17 Life everlasting. John Fiske. 18 Age of fable; or. Beauties of mythology. Thos. Bulfinch. 19 Story of 19th century science. H. S. Williams. 20 Education of the American citizen. Arthur T. Hadley. 21 Following the equator. Mark Twain. 22 Our journey aro1.111d the world. F. E. and H. E. Clark. 23 Sailor's log. Robley D. Evans. 24 Little minister. J. M. Barrie. 25 Helmet of Navarre. Bertha Runkle. 26 Lazarre. Mary H. Catherwood. 27 Tanglewood tales. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 28 Ivanhoe. Sir Walter Scott. 29 Truth Dexter. Sidney McCall. 30 Tom Sawyer abroad. Mark Twain. 31 Tales from Shal<-espeare. Charles and Mary Lamb. 32 In spite of all. Edva Lyall. 33 Pickwick papers. Charles Dickens. 34 The Cavalier. George W. Cable. 35 The Crisis. Winston Churchill. 36 Kim. Rudyard Kipling. 37 Cardigan, the. Robert W. Chambers. 38 My Lady of Orange. H. C. Bailey. 39 Camp venture. George Cary Eggleston. 40 Portion of labor. Mary E. Wilkins. 41 Her mountain lover. Hamlin Garland. 42 Right of way. Gilbert Parker. 43 The Virginians. Wm. M. Thackeray. 44 King's end. Alice Brown. 45 Lem. Noah Brooks. 46 Sir Christopher. Maud Wilder Goodwin. 206 MAINE ST \'rE LIBRARY.

47 Hoosier Schoolmaster. Edward Eggleston. 48 Hard cash. Charles Reade. 49 Hedged in. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. 50 Westward ho! Charles Kingsley.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 65. r Dutch life in town and country. P. M. Hough. 2 Romance and reality of the Puritan coast. E. H. Garrett. 3 Norse stories. H. W. Mabie. 4 German life in town and country. W. H. Dawson. S Men who made the nation. E. E. Sparks. 6 Touring Alaska & the Yellowstone. Chas. M. Taylor. 7 Maids and matrons of New France. M. S. Pepper. 8 Walks in London. Angnstns Hare. 9 Frenchman in America. Max O'Rell. ro Dream children. Eliz. R. Rrowriell. II Flowers and ferns in ,heir h;mnts. M. 0. Wright. 12 Walks and talks in the geological field. Alex. Winchell. 13 Our foes at home. H. H. Lusk 14 Bird life. F. R. Chapman. 15 Woodpeckers. Fannie H. Erkstorm. 16 Women of Homer. Vv'. C'. Perry. 17 New Canterbury tales. Ma11rice Hewlett. 18 Studies of trees in winter. A. 0. Huntington. 19 Pro patria. Max Pemberton. 20 Nikola Farewell. Guy M. Boothbay. 21 Marietta; a maid of Venice. F. M. Crawford. 22 Deborah. James L. Ludlow. 23 Flood-tide. S. F. McLear. Greene. 24 Tory lover. Sarah 0. Jewett. 25 Wooing of Sheila. Grace Rhys. 26 Lion's whelp. A. E. Barr. 27 Helmet of Navarre. Bertha Runkle. 28 Orloff & his wife. Maxim Gorky. 29 Traitor's way. J. L,evett-Y eats. 30 Garden of a commuter's wife. Anon. 31 House with the green shutters. Geo. Douglas. 32 Count Hannibal. Stanley J. Weyman. 33 Forest lovers. Maurice Hewlett. 34 Captain Bluitt. Chas. H. Clark. 35 Fisherman's luck. Henry Van Dyke. 36 Careers of danger and d2.ring. Cleveland Moffat. 37 Tower of Wye. W. H. Babcock. 38 Eternal City. Hall Caine. 39 Dream of empire. Ww. H. Venable. 40 Heart of the ancient wood. Chas. G. D. Roberts. 41 Tristram of Blent. Anthony Hope. 42 Circumstances. S. W. Mitchell. LIBRARL\N's REPORT.

43 Kim. Kipling, Rn

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 66. 1 History of Maine. J. S. C. Abbott. 2 Our presidents and how we make them. A. K. McClure. 3 Robespierre; a study. Hilaire Belloc. 4 Sailor's log. R. D. Evans. 5 Financial crisis. T. E. Burton. 6 Evolution of the English novel. F. H. Stoddard. 7 Light of . Edwin Arnold. 8 World beautiful in books. Lilian Whiting. 9 Story of famous songs. S. _T. A. Fitz-Gerald. Vol. I. IO Story of famous songs. S. J. A. Fitz-Gerald. Vol. 2. l l Shooting. A. I. Sh2.nd. 12 Days and nights of salmon fishing in the Tweed. Wm. Scrape. 13 Sea children. "\,V alter Russell. 14 Musings by camp-fire and wayside. Wm. C. Gray. 15 Neighbors of field, wood and stream. Morton, Grinnell. 16 Lives of the hurited. E. Seton-Thompson. 17 Municipal engineering and sanitation. M. N. Baker. 18 Sunday legislation. A. H. Lewis. 19 Making of a country home. J. P. Mowbray. 20 Life's little things. C. Lewis Hind. 21 Day with a tramp and other days. W. A. Wyckoff. 22 Man from GlePgarry. Ralph Connor. 23 Desert, The. J. C. Van Dyke. 24 Colonials, The. Allen French. 25 Fifth string. J. P. Sousa. 26 Crisis. W. Churchill. 27 In search of mademoiselle. Geo. Gibbs. 28 Sentimental journey through France and Italy. Lawrence Sterne. 29 Captain Bluitt. Chas. H. Clark. 30 Cloistering of Ursula. C. Scollard. 31 Ten thousand a year. S. Warren. Vol. I. 32 Ten thousand a year. S. Warren. Vol. 2. 33 Ten thousand a year. S. Warren. Vol. 3. 34 Mrf. Caudle"s curtain lectures. D. Jerrold. 35 Man in the iron mask. Tighe Hopkins. 36 When a witch is young, by 4-19-69. 2o8

37 House divided. H. B. M. Watson. 38 Three young ranchmen. Ralph Bonehill. 39 Express mE;ssenger & other stories of the rail. Cy. Warman. 40 Quality corner. C. L. Antrobus. 41 Shipmates. Morgan Robertson. 42 Fair god. Lew "Wallace. 43 Cinq-Mars; or, J\ conspiracy under Louis XIII. Alfred de Vigny. 44 Short story masterpiece,.. M. E. Wilkins & others. 45 Mr. Isaacs. F. M. Crawford. 46 Shacklett. Walter Barr. 47 Woman in white. W. Collins. 48 Secret orchard. Agnes & Egerton Castle. 49 Hero of the hills. G. Waldo Browne. 50 Lazarre. Mary H. Catherwood.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 67. I History of Maine. E. Abbott. 2 History of the Boer war. Richard Danes. 3 American traits. Hugo Munsterberg. 4 Dames and daughters of the young republic. G. Brooks. S Colonials, The. Allen French. 6 Swiss life in town and country. A. T. Story. 7 Russian life in town and conntry. F. H. E. Palmer. 8 French life in lown and country. Hannah Lynch. 9 With Greeks in Thessaly. IO James R. Lowell. a biography. H. E. Scudder. Vol. I. II James R. Lowell, a biography. H. E. Scudder. Vol. 2. 12 Alexander the Great. B. I. Wheeler. 13 In the ice world of Hirnalay2.. F. B. & W. H. Workman. 14 Lectures. Vol. 4. J. L. Stoddard. 15 Lectures. Vol. 8. J. L. Stoddard. 16 American fight and fighters. C. T. Brady. 17 On the great highway. James Creelman. 18 Sailing alone arounc. the world. Joshua Slocum. 19 First across the continent. Noah Brooks. 20 How to get strong and how to stay so. Wm. Blaikie. 21 Familiar features of the roadside. F. S. Mathews. 22 Journey to natnre. J. P. Mowbray. 23 Wonders of nature described by great writers. E. Singleton. 24 Every day birds. Bradford Torrey. 25 Second book of birds. Olive 1'. Miller. 26 Victorian literature. C. K. Shorter. 27 Little pilgrimage among the women who have written famous books. E. F. Harkins & C. H. L. Johnston. 28 Masters of English music. Chas. Willeby. 29 Westerners. S. E. White. LIBRARIAN'::' REPORT.

30 Cry of the two-thirds. Mrs. S. R. G. Clark. 31 Fortunes of Nigel. Sir Walter Scott. 32 Kenilworth. Sir Walter Scott. 33 Pirate. Sir Walter Scott. 34 David Copperfield. C. Dickens. 35 Midst the wild Carpathians. Maurus Jokai. 36 Short rails. Cy. Warman. 37 Westward ho! Chas. Kingsley. 38 Marrow of tradition. Chas. W. Chesnutt. 39 Desert, the. J. C. Van Dyke. 40 Fool's year. E. H. Cooper. 41 Oregon trail. F. Parkman. 42 Victors. Robert Barr. 43 Backwoodsman. H. A. Stanley. 44 Washingtonians. P. B. Mackie. 45 Cloistering of Ursula. Clinton Scollard. 46 Mr. Dooley's opinions. Finley P. Dunne. 47 Foma Gordyeeff. Maxim Gorky. 48 Shoes of fortune. Neil Munro. 49 Summer hymnal. J. T. Moore 50 Graysons, The. Edward Eggleston.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 68. 1 History of Maine. J. S. C. Abbott & E. H. Elwell. 2 Oregon trail. F. Parkman. 3 Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century. F. Parkman. 4 Mississippi valley in the Civil War. J, Fiske. 5 Imperial Germany. S. Whitman. 6 Life of vVillia1.n Shakespeare. S. Lee. 7 Lectures. Vol. 9. J. L. Stoddard. 8 Under friendly eaves. 0. E. Dana. 9 Contributions to the science of mythology. F. M. Muller. Vol. r. IO Contributions to the science of mythology. F. M. Muller. Vol. 2. II Household of Sir Thomas More. Anne Manning. 12 Manxman. Hall Caine. 13 Maids and matrons of New France. M. S. Pepper. 14 Woman in the golden ages. A. G. Mason. 15 With the wild flowers. Maud Going. r6 First book about birds. 0. T. Miller. 17 Japanese nightingale. Onoto Watanna. r8 Exemplary novels. Miguel de Cervantes. Vol. I. 19 Exemplary novels. Miguel de Cervantes. Vol. 2. 20 Before the dawn. L. L. P. Nc-ble. 21 Personal recollections of Joan of Arc. Mark Twain. 210 MAINE S'l'ATE LIBRARY.

22 Odd and even. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. 23 Beyond the dreams of avarice. \Valter Besant. 24 The forest, the shore, the ocean. C. P. Ilsley. 25 Boy; a sketch. Marie Corelli. 26 Down the ravine. C. E. Craddock. 27 Tale of three cities. Henry James. 28 Black rock. Ralph Connor. 29 Hitherto. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. 30 Treasure island. R. L. Stevenson. 3r Guild court. Geo. MacDonald. 32 Red rover. J. F. Cooper. 33 Fur country. N. D'Anvers. 34 Water witch. J. F. Cooper. 35 He;i.rt of the ancient wood. Chas. D. G. Roberts. 36 Diomed. J. S. Wise. 37 Son of the old dominion. Mrs. B. Harrison. 38 Waverly novels. Sir Walter Scott. 39 Out of the sunset sea. Albion W. Tourgee. 40 Beauty and the beast. Bayard Taylor. 4r Building of the city beautiful. Joaquin Miller. 42 Gentlemen of France. Stanley J. Weyman. 43 Master of the magicians. E. S. Phelps & H. D. Ward. 44 Mar who was guilty. F. H. Laughead. 45 Heart of Mid-Lothian. Sir ·walter Scott. Vol. r. 46 Heart of Mid-Lothian. Sir Walter Scott. Vol. 2. 47 St. George & St. Mitchell. Geo. MacDonald. 48 That lass o' Lowrie's. F. H. Burnett. 49 Lily of the cross. James De Mille. 50 Colonel's daughter. Ch3s. King.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 69. r History of MaiTJe. J. S. C. A hbott & E. H. Elwell. 2 Newest Englanti. H. D. Lloyd. 3 Our rlevoted friend the clog. Sarah K. Bolton. 4 Secrets of the woods. vV. J. Long. S Sunday legislation. A. I-I. tewis. 6 Oregon trail. F. Parkman. 7 With "Bobs" & Kruger. F. W. Unger. 8 The colonials. A. French. 9 Face to face with Napnleon. 0. V. Caine. IO Charge! A story of Briton and Boer. G. M. Fenn. II Maids and matror:s of New France. Mary S. Pepper. r2 True stories of girl heroines. E. Everett-Green. r3 Mr. Dooley's opinions. J. P. Dunne. r4 Heroines offiction. W. D. Howells. Vol. I. IS Heroines of fict1011. W. D. Howells. Vol. 2. r6 The outcasts. W. A. Fraser. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 211

17 Behind Manhattan gables. E. A. Rand. 18 Among the Himalayas. L. A. Wad dell. 19 Lectures, Vol. r. J. L. Stoddard. 20 Dragon of Pekin. F. S. Brereton. 21 A woman tenderfoot. G. G. Seton-Thompson. 22 Prairie schooner. W. E. Barton. 23 The

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 70. r Hisory of Maine. J. S. C. Abbot & E. H. Elwell. 2 Oregon trail. F. Parkman. 3 Old Regime in Canada. F. Parkman. 4 American traits. Hugo :VIunsterberg. 5 Marrow of tradition. Chas. W. Che,nutt. 6 Robespierre. Hilaire Belloc. 7 Neighbors of field, wood and stream. Morton Grinnell. 8 A ~ailor's log. R. D. Evans. 9 On the great highway. James Creelman. IO Lectures. Vol. 2. J. L. Stoddard. II Sea children. ·walter Russell. 12 Night-side of nature. Catherine Crowe. 212 i\1AINF, STA1'E LIBRARY.

13 In Portia's garden. W S. Kennedy. 14 The desert. J. C. Van Dyke. 15 Crisis. W. Churchill. r6 Sport indeed. Thomas l\fartindale. 17 Among the mushrooms. E. M. Dallas & C. A. Burgin. 18 Cloistering of ursula. Clinton Scollard. 19 Christopher in his sporting jacket. J. \\Tilson. 20 In the year of Waterloo. 0. V. Caine. 21 At Aboukir & Acre. G. A. Henty. :22 Land birds & game birds of New England. H. D. Minot. 23 Ev0lutiou of the English novel. F. H. Stoddard. 24 A summer hymnal. J. 1'., Moore. 25 The Graysons. Edward Eggleston. 26 Secret orchard. Agnes & Egerton Castle. 27 Shacklett. Walter Barr. 28 When a witch is young, hy 4-19-69. 29 Shipmates. Morgan Robertson. 30 Mr. Isaacs. F. i\!I. Crawford. 31 Mat1 in the iron mask. Tighe Hopkins. 32 Mrs. Candle's curtain lectures. Douglas Jerrold. 33 Express messenger & other stories of the rail. Cy. Warman. 34 Cinq-Mars. Alfreci de Vigny. 35 Captain Bluitt. Chas. H. Clark. 36 Three young rar;chmen. Ralph Bonehill. 37 Victors, The. Robert Barr. 38 House divided. H. B. M. \Natson. 39 La,:hmi Bai Rani of Jhansi. Michael White. 40 Short story masterpieces. Mary E. Wilkins and others. 41 Life's little things. Lewis C. Hind. 42 Light of Asia. Edwin Arnold. 43 Sentimental Journey. Lawrence Sterne. 44 Antiquary. Sir Walter Scott. 45 Guy Mannermg. Sir Walter Scott. 46 Time and chance. Elbert Hubbard. 47 Your Uncle Lew. Charles R. Sherlock. 48 Dr. North and his friends. S. W. Mitchell. 49 My strangest case. Guy Boothbay. 50 What happened lo Wigglesworth. 0. W. Fuller.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 7r. r Hi5tory of Maine. J. S. C. Abbott & E. H. Elwell. 2 War and ir:ipcrialism. Balzac Library. 3 Cathedral church of Salisbury. G. White. 4 Science, philosophy and religion. 5 Lectures, Vol. 5. J. L. Stoddard. 6 Our presidents and how we make them. A. K. McClure. 7 America, the land of comrasts. James F. Muirhead. LIBRARIAN'S RF,POR'I'. 213

8 American authors and their homes. F. W. Halsey. 9 Black Douglas. S. R. Crockett. IO Dutch life in Lown and country. P. M. Hough. II Costume of coionial times. A. 1\L Earle. 12 Christopher in his sporting jacket. John Wilson. 13 Land birds & game birds of New England. H. D. Minot. 14 American mural painting. Pauline King. 15 Wild fowlers. Chas. Bradford. 16 Art, criticism an,i biography. 17 Art for art's sake. J. C. Van Dyke. 18 Political theories of the middle ages. Otto Gierke. 19 First principles. H. Spencer. 20 Before the dawn. L. L. P. Noble. 21 Pocket Island. C. C. Munn. 22 Via crncis. F. Crawford. 23 Up and down the sands of gold. Mary Devereux. 24 Old mortality. Sir Walter Scott. 25 Hitting vs. Missing. S. T. Hammond. 26 Reign of law. J. L. Allen. 27 Q1.1isante. A. H. Hawkins. 28 Pine knot. William E. Barton. 29 Tristram of Blent. Anthony Hawkins. 30 Conspirators. R. \V. Chambers. 31 Consequences. Egerton Castle. 32 Crystal Sceptre. P. V. Mighels. 33 Knights in fustian. Caroline Brown. 34 Lane that had no turning. Gilbert Parker. 35 Babs the impossible. Sarah Grand. 36 Mistress Brent. Lucy M. Thurston. 37 Autobiography of a quack. S. W. Mitchell. 38 Captain Dieppe. Anthony Hope. 39 Exemplary novels M. de Cervantes. Vol. I. 40 Exemplary novels. M. de Cervantes. Vol. 2. 41 Martin Chuzzlewit. C. Dickens. 42 History of Caliph Vathek. W. Beckford, W. 43 Tales from Munchausen. E. E. Hale. 44 Wcverly. Sir \V2.lter Scott. 45 Flood-tide. S. P. McLean Greene. 46 The Firebrand. S. R. Crcckett. 47 Hunting tnps of a ranchman. Thdr. Roosevelt. 48 Mountain playmates. H. R. Albee. 49 Cavalier, The. G. W. Cable. 50 Striking hours. Eden Phillpotts.

14 214 UAIKl'. ST.\TF, LIRRARY.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 72. I Beginnings of New Engla11d. J. Fiske. 2 Pioneers of France in the New Vv orld. F. Parkman. 3 Critical period of American history. J. Fiske. 4 Lectures, Supplementary volume. 5 French life in town and country. H. Lynch. 6 New tales of old Rome. R. Lanciani. 7 Woman in the golden ages. A. G. Mason. 8 Education of the American citizen. A. T. Hadley. 9 Judicial puzzle. J. Paget. IO Colonials. Ailen French. II History of American art. Hartmann. Vol. r. 12 History of American art. Hartmann. Vol. 2. 13 Stories of the Tuscan artists. A. Wherry. 14 W. H. Gibson. J. C. Adams. 15 Authors of to-day in their homes. F. vV. Halsey. 16 World beautiful in books. L. Whiting. 17 In Portia's garden. W. S. Kennedy. 18 Nature's garden. Nelt_ie Blanchan. 19 Night-side of nature. C. Crowe. 20 Songs of nature. J. Burroughs. 21 American big game hunting. Thdr. Roosevelt. G. B. Grinnell. 22 Fishing tackle. J. H. Keene. 23 Ruling passion. Henry Van Dyke. 24 New Canterbmy tales. Maurice Hewlett. 25 Musings by camp-fire and wayside. W. C. Gray. 26 Fifth string. J. P. Sousa. 27 In the fog. R. H. Davis. 28 Policeman Flynn. Elliott Flower. 29 Crisis. W. Churchill. 30 W olfviJle. A. H. Lewis. 31 If I were king. J. H. McCarthy. 32 Giant's gate. Max Pemberton. 33 Time and chance. Elbert Hubbard. 34 Striking hours. Eden Phillpotts. 35 Captain of the Gray-horse troop. Hamlin Garland. 36 Leopard's spots. Thos. Dixon. 37 Lily of France. C. A. Mason. 38 Cavalier. G. W. Cable. 39 In the footprints of the padres. C. W. Stoddard. 40 Tom Sawyer, Adventure of. Mark Twain. 41 Mr. Isaacs. F. M. Crawford. 42 Elizabeth and her German garden. 43 Audrey. Mary Johnston. 44 Cruise of the Comet. 45 Little book of profitable tales. Eug. Field. 46 Tales from Blackwood. 2d ser. Vol. 2. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 215

47 Tales from Blackwood. 2d ser. Vol. I. 48 Tales from Blackwood. 2d ser. Vol. 3. 49 Flood-tide. S. P. McLean. 50 Wounds in the rain. Stephen Crane.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 73. 1 Maine, History of. J. S. C. Abbott. 2 Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. Francis Parkman. 3 True William Penn, The. Sydney Fisher. 4 Many-sided Franklin. Paul L. Ford. 5 Lincoln, Abraham. Non'nan Hapgood. 6 . Hezekiah Butterworth. 7 Philippine Islands and their people. D. C. Worcester. 8 Boys of '76. C. C. Coffin. 9 Great Salt Lake trail. Col. H. Inman & Wm. F. Cody. IO Our system of government. Allen E. Rogers. II Tales from Shakespeare. Charles & Mary Lamb. 12 Musical studies and silhouettes. Camille Bellaigne. 13 Fly rods and fly tackle. H. P. Wells. 14· Scarlet letter. Nath'! Hawthorne. 15 Half-back, The. Ralph H. Barbour. 16 St. Nicholas, 1900, Pt. 2. Mary Mapes Dodge. 17 Richard Carvel. W. Churchill. 18 Land of pluck. M. E. M. Dodge. 19 Ruling passion. H. Van Dyke. 20 When knighthood was in flower. Edwin Caskoden. 21 D'ri and I. Irving Bacheller. 22 Swiss family Robinson. 23 German fairy talcs. Wilhelm Grimm, Karl and Jakob Ludwig. 24 A mountain woman. Elia W. Peattie. 25 Cadet days. C. King. 26 David Harum. Edw. N. \IVestcott. 27 Son of the Revolution. E. S. Brooks. 28 Workers, The. \Va. A. Wyckoff. 29 John Halifax, Gentleman. Miss Mulock. 30 Young volunteer in Cuba. E. Stratemeyer. 31 Under Dewey at Manila. Edward Stratemeyer. 32 Story of a Yankee Boy. H. E. Hamblen. 33 Mammy Tittleback and her family. Helen Hunt Jackson. 34 Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore. L. M. Alcott. 35 Prince and the pauper. Mark Twain. 36 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Fcs. R Burnett. 37 Mercy Philbrick's choice. 38 Prisoner of hope. M. Johnston. 39 Janet, a poor heiress. Sophie May. 40 Midshipman Sttrnrt. Kirk Munroe. 216 "'lAJNF, ST,\TE LIBRARY.

41 Beside the bonnie brier bush. Ian Maclaren. 42 Spy, The. Ja. F. Cooper. 43 Rough shaking. G. Macdonald. 44 Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. T. W. Hig- ginson. 45 Uncle Terry. Charles C. Munn. 40Under friendly eaves. OliYe E. Dana. 47 Sowers, The. H. S. Merriman. 48 Queen Hildegilrde. Laura E. Richards. 49 Hugh Wynne, free Quaker. Sil. W. Mitchell. 50 Hugh Wynne, free Quaker. Sil. W. Mitchell.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 74. 1 History of Russia; from earliest times to 1882. Alfred Ram- baud. Voi. I. 2 History of Russia; from earliest times to 1882. Alfred lfa•n- baud. Vol. 2. 3 History of Russia; from e

30 Slavonic literature. W. R. Morfill. 31 History of Russian literature. K Waliszewski. 32 Krilof & his fables. W. R. S. Ralston. 33 Great masters of Russian literature in 19th century. Ernest Dupoy. 34 Kriloff's original fabks. I. H. Harrison. 35 Epic songs of Russia. Isabel Florence Hapgood. 36 Myths & folk-tales of th~ Russians. Jeremiah Curtin. 37 Traditional poetry of the Finns. Domenico Comparetti. 38 Stories by foreign authors. Rus:

TRAVELING LIBRARY No. 75. r Critic'll period of American history. J. Fiske. 2 Story of the Civil war. J. C. Ropes. 3 Puritan, The, a,, a colonist and reformer. E. H. Byington. 4 Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. Francis Parkman. 5 Hancock, John; his book. Abram English Brown. 6 Problems of the East. George N. Curzon. 7 Liberty in the nineteenth century. Frederic May Holland. 8 Contemporaries. Thomas vV entworth Higginson. 9 Crockett, David. Life of. David Crockett. 10 Stanley, Henry M .. The African explorer. Arthur Montefiore. II Ralph \Valdo Emerson. 0. W. Holmes. 12 ln India. G. vV. Steevens. 13 Along the Bosphorus and other sketches. Susan A. Wallace. 14 Northward over the ·'Great Ice." Rob. E. Peary. Vol. I. 15 Northward over the "(~reat Ice." Rob. E. Peary. Vol. 2. 16 Toby Tyler; or, Ten weeks with a circus. Ja. Otis. 17 Out on the pampas. George Alfred Henty. 18 Latimers, The. H. C. McCook. 19 In connection with the DeWilloughby claim. Frances H. Burnett. 20 Seats of the mighty. Gilb. Parker. 218 l\L\INF. SI' \TB LIDR,\RY.

21 New rector, The. Stanley J. \Veyman. 22 Tales of unrest. Jos. Conraci. 23 Pnsoner of Zenda. Anthony Hope. 24 Rupert of Hentzan. Anthony Hope. 25 Phroso. Anthony Hope. 26 Richard Carvel. W. Churchill. 27 People of the mist. H. Rider Haggard. 28 Gentlemen of France. S. J. \Veyman. 29 Lady with the rubies. E. Marlitt. 30 Hugh Wynr,e, free Quaker. Sil. W. Mitchell. Vol. r. 31 Hugh Wynne, free Quaker. Sil. W. Mitchell. Vol. 2. 32 Lot 13. Dorothea Derard. 33 Wreck of the Grosvenor. vV. C. Russell. 34 Agatha Page. Isaac, Henderson. 35 SoP of the Revolution. E. S. Brooks. 36 Cbister & the hearth. Charles Reade. 37 Murder of Delicia. Marie Corelli. 38 Summer in a canon. K. D. Wiggin. 39 Story of an untold love. Pl. L. Ford. 40 Mrs. Cliff's yacht. F. R. Stockton. 41 Under Dewey at Manila. Edward Stratemeyer. 42 Marion Darche. F. M. Crawford. 43 Wide, wide world. Elizabeth Wetherell. 44 Wrecker, The. R. L. Stevenson. 45 Amos Judd. J. A. Mitchell. 46 Doctor Hathern's daughters. Mary J. Holmes. 47 Captain Kodak, a camera story. Alex Black. 48 Janice Meredith. Pl. L. Ford. 49 Aulnay tower. Blanche W. Howard. 50 Uncrowned king. Grier.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 76. I Captain January. Laura E. Richards. 2 Little girl in old Detroit. Amanda M. Douglas. 3 Four little Indians. Ella Mary Coates. 4 Guert Ten Eyck. William 0. Stoddard. 5 American history stories. Mara L. Pratt. 6 Cruise of the Enterprise. James Otis. 7 In the land of cave and cliff dwellers. Frederick Schwatka. 8 Lincoln, Abraham, Children's life of. M. Louise Putnam. 9 Pilgrims and Puritans. Nina Moore. IO Two thousand years ago. Alfred John Church. II Under colonial colors. Everett T. Tomlinson. 12 Pickett's Gap. Homer Greene. 13 Pilot 0£ the Mayflower. Hezekiah Butterworth. 14 In the days of Queen Elizabeth. Eva March Tappan. 15 Stories of colonial children. Mara L. Pratt. LIBRARIAN'S RE;PORT. 219

16 Gutta-percha Willie, History of. George Macdonald. 17 What a girl can make and do. Lina & Adelia B. Beard. 18 Editha's burglar. Frances H. Burnett. 19 Dorothy Damty. Arny Brooks. 20 Catharine's proxy. Myra Sawyer Hamlin. 21 Toby Tyler. James Otis. 22 lncaland. Clande H. W etrnore. 23 Saint Nicholas. :Mary 112.pes Dodge. 24 Birds; a mon1hly serial. 25 Emmy Lon. George Madden Martin. 26 Tales from Henty's worb. George Alfred Henty. 27 Stories from anin1al land. Annie E. Chase. 28 Seven little sisters. Jane Andrews. 29 Boy and the haron. Acieline Knapp. 30 Boy of a thonsand years ago. Harriet T. Comstock. 31 Little girl next door. Nina Rhoades. 32 Treasury of fairy tdes for little folks. 33 Janet Ward. Margaret E. Sangster. 34 Story of Patsy. Kate Douglas Wiggin. 35 Champion. Charles Egbert Craddock. 36 Hortense-a difficult child. 37 Junior cup. Allen French. 38 Cuckoo clock. Mary Louisa Molesworth. 39 Sir Marbrok. Allen French. 40 Grandma's girls. Helen Morris. 41 Children of the cold. Frederick Schwatka. 42 Quicksilver Sue. Laura E. Richards. 43 Bale marked Circle X. George Cary Eggleston. 44 Jungle book. Rudyard Kipling. 45 Young ship builders. Sophie Swett. 46 Play away! Willis Boyd Allen. 47 In His name. Edward Everett Hale. 48 Play days. Sarah Orne Jewett. 49 Lucky Ned. Edward S. Ellis. 50 Tom Winstone-"Wide Awake." Martha James.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 77. 1 History of our own times. Just. McCarthy. Vol. I. 2 History of our own times. Just. McCarthy. Vol. 2. 3 History of our own times from 18tlo to the Diamond Jubilee. Just. McCarthy. 4 Pioneers of France in the new world. Francis Parkman. 5 Children of \~Testrninister Abbey. Rose G. Kingsley. 6 American lands and letters. Donald G. Mitchell. 7 Colonial fights and fighters. Cyrus Townsend Brady. 8 German life in town & country. W. H. Dawson. 9 Russian life in town & country. Francis H. E. Palmer. 220 MAIXI<' S'L\TE LITIRARY.

IO Heart of Asia. F. H. Skrine & E. D. Ross. II Isle of the shamrock. Clifton Johnson. 12 American girl abroad. Adeline Trafton. r3 ·wild life near home. Dallas Lore Sharp. r4 School of the woods. William J. Long. rs Our devoted friend the clog. Sarah Knowles Bolton. r6 Dog of Flanders. Louise de la Rame. r7 Wild animals I have known. Ernest Seton Thompson. r8 Nature stories for youngest readers. Anna Chase DaYis. r9 In the fairyland of AmPrica. Herbert Quick. 20 Prince D2.rling. Andrew I ,ang. 2r Pink fairy book. Andrew Lang. 22 German fairy tales. Grimm Brothers. 23 Ark of Elm Island. Rev. Elijah Kellogg. 74 Mr. Rabbit at home. Joel Chandler Harris. 25 Stories of American life and adventure. Edward Eggleston. 26 Norse stories; retoly. 28 Lester's luck. Horatio Alger, Jr. 29 Jan of the windmill. Juliana Horatia Ewing. 30 Autobiography of ,1 tramp. J. H. Crawford. 3r Larry Hudson's ambition. James Otis. 32 Boys at Chcquasset. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. 33 Prince and the pauper. Mark Twain. 34 Soldier Rigclale. Beulah Marie Dix. 35 Richard Carvel. Winston Churchill. 36 Red Rock. T. N. Page. 37 Vultures. Henry Seton Merriman. 38 An Enemy to the king. R. N. Stephens. 39 Donovan Pasha. Gilbert Parker. 40 Uncle Bernac. A. Conan· Doyle. 4r Girl and the gnarclsman. Alexander Black. 42 Under the red rohe. S. J. ,Neyman. 43 Dark o' the moon. Samuel R. Crockett. 44 Master of his fate. Amelia E. Barr. 45 From kingdom tc colony. Mary Devereux. 46 Christian, The. Hall Caine. 47 Madelon. Mary E. Wilkins. 48 Young moose-hu11ters. C. A. Stephens. 49 St. Nicholas. 50 Children's book. Horace E. Scurlder.

TRAVELING LIBRARY, No. 78. r History of State of Mc J. S. C. Abbott & E. H. Elwell. 2 Heroine of the strait. Mary Catherine Crowley. 3 Short history of the English people. J. R. Green. 4 Richard the First. Jacob Abbott. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 221

5 William the Conqueror. Jacob Abbott. 6 Henry IV. Jacob Abbott. 7 Queen Elizabeth. Jacob Abbott. 8 Alfred the Great. Jacob Abbott. 9 Franklin, Sir John. A. H. Beesly. IO Whittington, Si.- Richard. Sir Walter Besant & James Rice. II Air, water & food. E. H. Richards & A. G. Woodman. 12 Treasure island. R. L. Stevenson. 13 D:wid Harum. E. N. \Vestcott. 14 When a man's single. J. l\1. Barrie. 15 Mexico. M. E. Blake & M. F. Sullivan. 16 Tom Brown's schooldays. Thos. Hughes. 17 Thaddeus of Warsaw. Jane Porter. 18 The Abbe Const,wtine. Ludovic Halevy. 19 Jolly fellowship. F. R. Stockton. 20 La,i days of Pompeii. Sir Bulwer-Lytton. 21 Covnt of Monlc Cristo. Alex Dumas. 22 Uncle Tom's Cabin. H. B. Stowe. 23 When all the woods are green. S. Wier Mitchell. 24 Lion of St. Mark. G. A. Henty. 25 Hew tales frmn American history. H. C. Lodge & Theo. Roosevelt. 26 In pirate waters. Kirk Munroe. 27 Sn yarns for boys. W. J. Hen


Abbott, Jacob ...... Hannibal. Abbott, .Jacob ...... The history of Genghis Khan. Abbott, John Stephens Cabot ...... History of Madame Roland. Abbott, Jacob...... King Philip. Abbott, Jacob ...... Nero. Abbott, Jacob ...... Peter the Great. Adams, Mary...... Confessions of a wife. Arnim, May ...... The benefactress. Atherton, Mrs. Gertrude •...... The splendid idle forties. Babcock, William Henry ...... The tower of Wye. Bates, Ario ...... The diary of a saint. Begbie, Harold ...... Fall of a cnrtain. Bennett, Arnold ...... T. Racl

Hobbes, John Oliver .••.•...... Love and the son! hunters. Holmes, Mrs. Mary Jane ....••...•..The Cromptons. How. Lonie ...... The penitents of San Rafael. Hulbert, Archer Butler •...... •...... The queen of Quelparte. Hnme, Fergus W ...••.•...... ••...••. The crimson cryptogram. Hutton, Bettina, Countess von ...•.. our lady of the beeches. Isham, Frederic s ...... The strollers. Jacob, William W . ...•••.•••..•••.... The lady of the barge. Jerome, Jerome K ...... •.....•. Paul Kelver. Kauffman,. Reginald Wright •...... rhe things that are Caesar's. Kingsley, Florence Morse ...... The needle's eye. Lang, Andrew .....••...... •. The disentanglers. Laut, Agnes c ...... Heralds of empire. Lewis, Alfred Henry .••..•...••..••. Wolfville days. Lichtenstein, Joy ..•..••••..•...... l<'or the blne and gold. London, Jack ...... l)hildren of the frost. Luther, Mark Lee ...... The henchman. Marchmont, Arthur w ...... Miser Hoadley's secret. Meldrum, Davids ..•.•...••.....•••••The conquest of Charlotte. Merriman, Henry Seton ..•....•..... The velvet glove. Merriman, Henry Seton .....•..... The vultures. Modern Antaeus. Moore, Frank Frankfort .••.•..•..•• According to Plato. Morris, Clara .•••.....•....•....•..... A pasteboard crown. Morris, Gouverneur ..••...... •...... Aladdin 0' Brien. Munn, Charles Clark ..•.•...... Rockhaven. Mnrray, Charles Theodore ...•.... Mlle. Fouchette. Parker, Gilbert ...•...••....•..•...•.. Donovan Pasha. Paterson, Arthur •..•....•.....•..•... The king's agent. Payne, Will .••.•.....•.••.•••....•.•.The storv of Eva. Pemberton, Max ..•...•..•...... ••.. The house under the sea. Phillips, David Graham ...... •...•. A woman's ventures. Phillpotts, Eden ...... •.•..•...... The river. Phillpotts, Eden ....••....•...... The striking hours. Pidgin,CharlesFeltou •• ·••"'·•· ••. The climax. Potter, Margaret Horton .•.•..•..•.•. Istar of Babylon. Price, Eleanor c ...... Angelot, a story of the First Empire. Prince, Helen Choate ...•.•...•.•... The strongest master. Pullen, Elizabeth ....•....•..•..•.•.. .. Mr. Whitman. Putnam, Israel ..•..•.....•..•..•..•. Daniel Everton, volunteer.regular. Raine, William MaeLeod ..•...... A daughter of Raasav. Rowe, Henrietta C •.••...... •....•. A maid of Bar Harbor. Runkle, Bertha .....••.....•••....•.. The helmet of Navarre. Sainte-Foi, Charles .•.•.•...... •.. The perfect woman. Sibley, Edwin Day .••...••...... •. ,Stillman Gott, farmer and fisherman. Sinclair, Upton B., Jr ...... King Midas. Spearman, Frank H ...... Doctor Bryson. Stephens, Robert Neilson ...... An enemy to the king. Stephenson, Henry Thew •.•••.•.•.•.. The fickle wheel. Steuart, John A .•••..•.••...... ••..•. A son of God. Stevens, Sheppard . . • ...... In the eagle's talon. Stevenson, Burton Egbert .•...... •. The herit!lge. Sturgis, Julian...... Stephen Calinari. Tarkington, Booth •..••...... •..•. The two Vanrevels. Twells, Julia II., .Jr ...... By the higher law. Van Dyke, Henry, D. D ...... The blue flower. ·ward, Josiah M ...... •...... •come with me into Babylon. Watanna, Onoto., ...•...••.....•...... The wooing of Wistaria. 224 MAINF, STATF, LIBRARY.

Webster,'.Henry Kitchell ...... Roger Drake, captain of industry. Wells, Henry G ...... The sea lady. Weyman, Stanley John ...... In kings' byways. White, Michael ••...... Lachrni Bai, rani of Jahnsi. White, Stewart Edward ...... The blazed trail. Wilson, Mrs. Augusta ...... A speckled bird. Wister, Owen ...... The Virginian.

SliMMARY. Books purchased ...... 3,190 Exchanges ...... 3,360 Donations ...... 933 U. S. Documents ...... I,932 Books purchased for traveling libraries ...... 2,II9


ART CLUB. Organized, 188o ...... Members, 50 Secretary, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Peables, Auburn.

AUBURN ART AND LITERATURE. Organized, 1890 ...... Members, 30 Secretary, Mrs. Chas. 0. Holway, Auburn.

NINETEENTH CENTURY CLUB. Organized, 1896 ...... Members, 16 Secretary, Mrs. Henry Sabine, Lewiston.

OUR NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB. Organized, 1896 ...... Members, 24 Secretary, Mrs. Ada B. Renwick, Auburn.

PARLOR CONGRESS CLUB. Organized, 1895 ...... Members, 29 Secretary, Mrs. Lena M. Oliger, Auburn.

CURRENT EVENTS CLUB. Organized, 1892 ...... Members, 50 S~cretary, Mrs. Mary C. Neal, Augusta.

ATHENE CLUB. Organized, 1892 ...... Members, 100 Secretary, Miss Lilian Marie Barker, Bangor.

BANGOR KlNDERGARTEN CLUB. Organized, 1895 ...... Members, 31 Secretary, Miss Mary Farnham, Bangor. 226 MAIN£ S'I'A'I'.8 LIBRARY.

MOTHERS' CLUB. Organized, 1898 ...... Members, 90 Secretary, Mrs. A. C. Wright, Bangor.

NINETEENTH CENTURY CLUB. Organized, 1892 ...... Members, so Secretary, Helen A. vVyer, Bangor.

NORUMBEGA CLUB. Organized, 18g2 ...... Members, 36 Secretary, Miss S. M. Phillips, Bangor.

FORTNIGHTLY CLUB. Organized, 1889 ...... Members, I so Secretary, Miss Annie L. Palmer, Bath.

BETHEL FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS. Organized, 1897 ...... Members, 75 Secretary, Mrs. H. H. Beane, Bethel.

COLUMBIAN CLUB. Organized, 1892 ...... Members, 23 Secretary, Miss Anme M. Frye, Bethel.

THURSDAY CLUB. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 63 Secretary, Ella E. Small, Biddeford.

MONDAY CLUB. Organized, 1895 ...... Members, 18 Secretary, Mrs. Natalie H. Nickerson, Boothbay Harbor.

MUSTARD SEED CLUB. Organized, 1883 ...... Members, 12 Secretary, Miss Harriette M. Otis, Brunswick.

SATURDAY CLUB. Organized, 18g5 ...... Members, 223 Secretary, Miss Ellen Wyman, Brunswick.

NEZINSCOT CLUB. Organized, 1897 ...... Members, 36 Secretary, Mrs. Julia Packard, Buckfield. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 227

OCTOBER CLUB. Organized, 1895 ...... Members, 50 Secretary, Mrs. Minnie L. Snow, Bucksport.

SHAKESPEAREAN CLUB. Organized, 1897 ...... Members, 6 Secretary, Miss Jessica Lewis. Camden.

SOCIAL CLUB. Organized, 1898 ...... Members, 12 Secretary, Mrs. G. C. Shaw, Caribou.

WOMAN'S LITERARY CLUB. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 50 Secretary, Mrs. Willis L. Oak, Caribou.

SHAKESPEARE CLUB. Organized, 18g3 ...... Members, 20 Secretary, Miss Lucy Emery, Cherryfield.

WOMAN'S LEAGUE. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 30 Secretary, Mrs. Esther C. Sproul, Cherryfield.

WOMAN'S LITERARY CLUB. Organized, 1880 ...... Members, 50 Secretary, Miss Mary H. Hamilton, Dex:ter.

COSMOPOLITAN CLUB. Organized, 1897 ...... Members, 39 Secretary, Miss Mary E. Sampson, Dover.

CLIONEA CLUB. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 17 Secretary, Harriet E. Lawry, Fairfield.

DIAL CLUB. Organized, 1893 ...... Members, 12 Secretary, Mrs. Fannie L. H. Mayo, Fairfield.

PAST AND PRESENT CLUB. Organized, 1896 ...... Members, 13 Secretary, Mrs. Marion E. Freeland, Fairfield. 228 l\IAlNI, S'f.\TE LTDRs\RY.

EVERY l\10NDAY CLUB. Organized, 1892 ...... Members, 45 Secretary, Mrs. J. vV. Nichols, Farmington.

PHJLOMATHIAN CLUB. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 32 Secretary, Mrs. Nicholas Fessenden, Fort Fairfield.

WOMAN'S LIBRARY CLUB. Organized, 1890 ...... Members, 30 Secretary, Miss Mary E. Warr en, Fryeburg.

CURRENT EVENTS CLUB. Organized, 1892 ...... Members, 25 Secretary, Mrs. Daniel Longfellow, Gardiner.

COS::.\iOPOLITAN CLUB. Organized, 1896 ...... Members, 20 Secretary, Miss Jennie Pierce "Whitney, Gorham.

CURRENT EVENTS CLUB. Organized, 1893...... Members, 15 Secretary, Mrs. Orilla McGilvery Beane, Hallowell.

FACT AND FICTION CLUB. Organized, 1896 ...... Members, 25 Secretary, Mrs. M. M. Clark, Houlton.

RICKER TRAVEL CLASS. Organized, 1897 ...... Members, 24 Secretary, Mrs. Elbridge Kidder, Houlton.

COSMOS CLUB. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 27 Secretary, l\irs. Mi1Iic Emerson, Lewiston.

CURRENT EVENTS CLUB. Organized, 1896 ...... Members, 20 Secretary, Mrs. J. C. Lord, Lewi5ton.

LEWISTON READING CIRCLE. Organized, 1895 ...... , ...... Members, 20 Secretary, Mrs. F. M. Hacker, Lewiston. LIBRARIAN'S REPOR'l'. 229

MT. DAVID SHAKESPEARE CLUB. Organized, 1889 ...... Members, 12 Secretary, Mrs. Ezra H. White, Lewiston.

MURRAY CLUB. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 47 Secretary, Miss Ellen G. Ham, Lewiston.

'97 PARLIAMENTARY CLUB. Organized, 1897 ...... Members, 16 Secretary, Mrs. C. T. Fitzgerald, Lewiston.

P. C. P. SOROSIS. Organized, 1892 ...... Members, 64 Secretary, Mrs. :Woodbury Pulsifer, Lewiston.

WOMAN'S LITERARY UNION. Organized, 1892 ...... Members, 510 Secretary, Mrs. Orland S. Ham, Lewiston.

HISTORY CLUB. Organized, 1892 ...... Members, 25 Secretary, Mrs. Emma Dow Armstrong, Lewiston.

PARLIAMENTARY CLUB. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 20 Secretary, Mrs. Julia Morrell. Lewiston.

SPINET CLUB. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 40 Secretary, Miss Mary A. Stevens, Lewiston.

SHAKESPEARE CLUB. Organized, 1897 ...... Members, 20 Secretary, Mrs. D. F esscnden, Lisbon Falls.

URSliLA PENNIMAN CLUB. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 25 Secretary, Miss L. Annie Hunter, Machias.


SOROSIS. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 35 Secretary, Mrs. Clara E. Powers, Madison.

STUDIU:M CLUB. Organized, 1897 ...... Members, 25 Secretary, Miss Mary Stratton, Mattawamkeag.

IGNORAMUS CLUB. Organized, 1898 ...... Members, 40 Secretary, Mrs. Estelle L. Sands, Mechanic Falls.

COCHNEWAGON CLUB. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 15 Secretary, Winnie Gott, Monmouth.

VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. Organiled, 1892 ...... Members, 50 Secretary, Mrs. Blanche T. Ward, Norridgewock.

NORWAY LAKE WOMAN'S CLUB. Organized, 1895 ...... , ...... Members, 26 Secretary, Miss Ellen Partridge, Norway Lake.

TUESDAY CLUB. 01 ganized, 1888 ...... Members, 25 Secretary, Mrs. Myra E. Holmes, Oakland.

OLD ORCHARD CLUB. Organized, 1895 ...... Members, 40 Secretary, Mrs. Lilzie E. Colley, Old Orchard.


ISLAND READING CLUB. Organized, 1882 ...... Members, 9 Secretary, Mrs. E. W. H. Crowell, Orono.

WOMAN'S. CLUB. Organized, 1887 ...... Members, 25 Secretary, Mrs. H. N. Shaw, Orono. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 231

WHITTIER CLUB. Organized, 1893 ...... Members, 22 Secretary, Miss Frances Buck, Orono.

CURVO CLUB. Org~nizcd, 1898 ...... Members, II Secretary, Mrs. J. vV. Brackett, Phillips.

TUESDAY CLUB. Organized, 1893 ...... Members, 25 Secretary, Bertha A. Maxfield, Pittsfield.

WOMAN'S LITERARY UNION. Organized, 1889 ...... Members, 569 Seu-etary, Mrs. Joseph H. Day, Portland.

A. B. C. KLASS. Organized, 1892 ...... Members, 14 Secretary, Mrs. Frederick A. Kimball, Portland.

BRUSH AND THIMBLE CLUB. Organized, 1896 ...... Members, 9 Secretary, Miss Mary L. 'vVatson, W oodfords.

CONE CLUB. Organized, 1895 ...... Members, 1 I Secretary, Miss Mabel L. Waterhouse, Portland.

CONKLIN CLASS. Organized, 1898 ...... Members, 50 Secretary, Mrs. Everett J. Thompson, Portland.

CURRENT EVENTS CLUB. Organized, 1890 ...... Members, 25 Secretary, Mrs. lrving Kimball. Portland.

GEORGE EUOT CLUB. . Orgamzed, 1895 ...... Members, 13 Secretary, Mrs. Geo. L. Swett, Portland.

MONDAY CLUB. Organized, 1877 ...... Members, 16 Secretary, Mrs. Georgiana A. Millett, Portland. 232 MAI.NT STXI'E LJnRARY.

MUTUAL l!vIPROVEl\IENT CLUB. Organized, 1895 ...... Members, 29 Secretary, Miss Sarah F. Colburn, Portland.

SA VOIR FAIRE CLUB. Organized, 1890 ...... Members, 12 Secretary, Mrs. Harry Thomas, Portland.

TRAVELLERS' CLUB. Organized, 1882 ...... Members, 15 Secretary, Mrs. Fred'k W. Robinson, Portland.

PIERIAN CLUB. Organized, 1900 ...... Members, 18 Secretary, Mrs. Blanche \V. Roberts, Presque Isle.

METHEBESEC CLUB. Organized, 1895 ...... Members, 95 Secretary, Miss Gay, Rockland.

SHAKESPEARE CLUB. Organized, 188g ...... Members, 40 Secretary, Miss Elizabeth Jameson, Rockland.

TWILIGHT LITERARY CLUB. Organized, 1896 ...... Members, 25 Secretary, Mrs. Annie \Villiams, Rockland.

FORTNIGHTLY CLUB. Organized, 1898 ...... Members, 16 Secretary, Mrs. Clara Prior, Round Pond.

EDUCATIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL UNION. Organized, 1888 ...... Members, IOI Secretary, Mrs. Cornelia Hill, Saco.

SEARCHLIGHT C'LUB. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 16 Secretary, Miss Maud Spinney, Sanford.

SOROSIS. Organized, 1886 ...... Members, 57 Secretary, Miss Gertrude S. Weston, Skowhegan. LIBRARIAN'S REPOR'l'. 2 33

TOWN IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. Organized, 1896 ...... Members, 70 Secretary, Mrs. Emm,t L. Bickford, Skowhegan.

WOMAN'S CLUB. Organized, 1882 ...... Members, 75 Secretary, Mrs. Hattie H. Fogler, Skowhegan.

CURRENT EVENTS CLUB. Organized, 1895 ...... Members, 17 Secretary, Miss Alice Hichborn, Stockton Springs.

THOMASTON ART CLUB. Organized, 1893 ...... Members, II Secretary, Mrs. Nellie A. Gardiner, Thomaston.

WOMAN'S LITERARY CLUB. Organized, 1893 ...... Members, I IO Secretary, Mrs. Carolyn M. L. Johnson, Waterville.

AMMONCONGIN CLUB. Organized, 1892 ...... Members, 50 Secretary, Miss M. Elizabeth Griggs, Westbrook.

CURRENT EVENTS CLUB. Organized, 1898 ...... Members, 25 Secretary, Mrs. J. L. Horr, Westbrook.

WINTHROP LITERARY CLUB. Organized, 18g2 ...... Members, 27 Secretary, Mrs. Winnie A. Gale, Winthrop.

FORTNIGHTLY CLUB. Organized, 1895 ...... Memb_rs, 25 Secretary, Miss Gertrude S. Richard~, Yarmouth.

Mi'I.INE STATE CLUB. Organized, 1894 ...... Members, 41 Secretary, Miss Sarah E. Ridlon, Gorham.

Total ...... 4,397 234 MAINE S'fA'flt LIBRARY.

Towns I>rawing Money from the State for Support of Free Public Libraries, I90I and I902.

1901. 1902.

Andover ...... 1 $15 00 $12 50 Aubmn ...... 140 00 140 00 100 00 100 00 125 00 125 00 !~!3UZ::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1 77 07 87 39 130 00 130 00 100 40 120 09 50 00 60 00 ~~[i;?':': :::-;~;:;:) :-) ;;::-;:; :;: :.: ) ; ;; ; ; ; ; ) > >:; H 23 59 24 65 Cherryfielcll ...... • ...... ! 5 00 5 00 Clinton ...... 1 25 001 44 82 43 M 75 00 75 00 ~1~i~?::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, 83 44 Eastport ...... ' 60 00 60 00

Eden ...... 1 10 00 \}0 04 73 76 35 (10 20 00 20 00 l~~:Zf}\i~~:;;; ~ ~:;:::;:;;; ~ ~: ~ ~ ::. : ; : ; : ~;;:::; ~ ~: !; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:: : I 70 00 100 00 Graston ...... 1 50 Hallowell ...... 15 00 Hiratn ...... , ...... 15 00 Houlton ...... 30 00 Jonesboro ...... ag ~cil 2 50 Jonesport ...... 10 001 Kennebunk...... 20 00 20 00 Lebanon ...... 20 23 00 l\lacbias ...... 591 45 00 • Mechanic Palls...... 45 70 28 14 l\lonrnontll ...... 50 ool 38 07 New Gloucester ...... 33 50 Newport ...... 1530 85100 20 Oil New 8l1aror1 ...... , .... . 9 00 5 Sil Norri(lge,vock ...... 35 00 Nor\Vtty ...... 63 30 45 00 Olll Orchard ...... 89 71 M 24 Oaklanrl...... 21i 00 Old Town ...... 31i 00 25 00 Orono ...... 30 00 25 00 Oxford ...... 10 00• Pal1r.1:yra ...... - ...... 5 10 8 56 Phillips ...... , ...... 19 so Pittsfield ...... 40 00 46 57 Portlnnrl ...... 565 82 600 00 Rangeley ...... 5 00 Readfield ...... 9 00 Ripley...... Rockland ...... lg ~~I 164 39 Sanforrl ... , ...... 30 00 Searsport...... 12 00 Stetson...... , ...... 10 10 Tremont ...... 2 50 Vinalhaven ...... 44 45 44 44 Wate,ville ...... ,, ...... 50 00 Westbrook ...... 1:0 001 297 62 Wilton ...... 20 00 Winterport ...... 5 00 1 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 235

MAINE STATE l;IBRARY. Financial Statement, xgox.

I Books, I Labor. [ Material. [Expenses.I Totals. I

Appropriation...... • ...... • ...... $4,925 CO April 2...... $1,0~4 10 $42 00 $20 00...... $1,116 10 May 9...... • ...... 264 38 89 42 ...... $ 50 354 30 June 11 • ...... • ... .. 1,103 49 85 10 31 00 58 40 J,277 99 July i5...... 58 85 ...... 133 oo rn1 85 August 22...... 363 82 75 81 22 50 9 05 471 18 October 4...... • ...... 1,039 57 34 30 ...... 1,073 87 November 1...... !15 93 . . 18 15 13 62 127 70 November 25...... 283 60 ...... 283 60 December 20.... ----9 62 ---...... ----18 79 _____.. • ...... • ,___ 28 _41 $4,214 51 $351 18 $144 74 $214 57 $4,925 00 $4,925 00

Financial Statement, Igoz.

Appropriation ...... $4,925 00 Fees deposited ...... 302 50 January 24 ...... $1,854 92 $69 23 ...... $1,924 15 February 28 ...... 418 76 325 .50 $60 00 $3 (JO 807 26 March 25 ...... 3:l2 37 .. , • .. .. . 47 50 ...... 379 87 April30 ...... 359 53 ...... 8 75 36S 28 May 26 ...... 4:J4 79 ...... 434 7W June 27 ...... 31Z 17 ...... 3 75 109 00 424 92 June 27 ...... 3110 00 August 21...... 64 72 ...... 23 82 ...... 88 54 September 12 ...... 154 75 ...... 17 15 171 90 December 15 ...... 325 011 ...... 325 00 $4,557 01 5:194 73 $135 07 $137 90 $5,224 71 Balance unexpended...... 2 79 $5,227 50

TRAVELING LIBRARIES. Financial Statement, xgox.

Appropriation ...... $1,000 00 Fees deposited ...... 230 50 June 11 ...... • .. . $445 71 ...... $4!5 71 August 22 ...... 15 :i3 ...... 15 33 October 4...... nil 23 ...... \l9 23 November 1...... 238 04 $63 46 $41 00 342 50 2 gifi~gi~ it:::::::::: ~~L~ .. ·• : ~:1 ·::: :: :: :: : : ;: :: : : : -~~:~'. __2_!l_-~!l ___ $1,(\38 10 $88 541 ...... ', $103 77 $1,230 41 Balance 1-1nexpendecl ...... I 1 ...... OU $1,230 50 ------~- Financial Statement, xgoz.

Appropriation ...... , .... $1,000 00 January 24 ...... $396 61 ...... $14 15 $410 76 February 28...... /!85 14 .. • ...... $36 00 ...... 421 14 March 25 .. .. • ...... 152 70 ...... 152 70 December 15 ...... 3 00 ...... 12 35 15 351 $!137 45 ...... $36 00 $26 50 $@99 95 Balance unexpended...... 05 $1,000 00 MAIN"E STATE LIBRARY.

FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES, Financial Statement, r90:r.

Appropriation...... -...... $3,000 00 Augnst 22, Warrants No. 1366-1413...... $2,700 98 Decern ber 20, Warrants No. :1233-2237 ...... • ...... 148 44 Dece'!lber 30, Warrants :-;ro. 2321-2322...... 150 58 ---- $3,000 00 $3,000 00

Financial Statement, r9oz.

Appropriation ...... $3,000 00 May 26, Witrrants No. 797-826...... $2,333 97 August 21, Warrants No. 1439-1449 ...... 417 64 December 15, Warrants No ...... 214 73 Balance unexpended ...... 33 66 $3,000 00 $3,000 00

FOUNDING FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Financial Statement, r9or.

AppropriMion...... $500 00 June 11, books for town of Hiram ...... • ...... • $75 00 August 22, books for town of J<'airfield,...... $99 93 books for town of Stetson ...... 52 05 books for town of Jonesport...... 74 92 226 90 November 1, books for town of Norridgewock.... 100 07 books for town of Sanford...... 71 6S 172 73 December l!O, books for town of Sanford...... 25 00 .Balance unexpended ...... 37 $500 00 $500 00

Financial Statement, 19oz.

Appropriation ...... $700 00 March 25, books tor Island Falls...... $90 00 June 27, L. D. CarvPr, for books pnrchasell ...... •...... • 2fl7 80 July 22, books for Oakland ...... 99 95 October 29, L. D. Carver, !)ooks for Islesboro, etc ....•..•..•••. 216 25 Decem!)er 15, L. D. Carver, for books purcbase


Financial Statement, 1901.

October 4, warrant .....•...... •...... •.•.••...... •.... $131 08 November 25, warrant ...... •...... •...... 72 92 December 20, warrant ...... •...... •..•...... 41 00 December 30, warrant...... •...... 50 0~ Total...... $295 00

Financial Statement, 1902.

Febrnary 28, warrant ....•...... ••..... $113 81 March 25, warrant ...... • • . . . . • • ...... 85 81 April 30, warrant ...... • ...... 116 54 May 26, warrant ...... ••.....•...... 13U 23 June 27, warrant ...... •...... •...... •..•..... 109 04 July 22, warrant ...... 60 00 Augn8t 21, warrant ...... 128 36 September 12, warrant ..• ...... 74 62 October 29, warrant . . . .. • ...... 153 86 November 21, warr,mt ...... 79 50 December 30, warrant ...... 86 81 Total ...... $1,138 57 MAINE S'I'ATE LIBRARY.

BOWDOIN COLLEGE LIBRARY. The library of Bowdoin College, the oldest as well as one of the largest collections of books within the State, has had the unusual experience of waiting mo years for a building which it could call its own, and which ,vas definitely planned for its use. This delay has been more than rewarded in the size and char­ acter of the fire proof structure that will be dedicated to its use in June, 1903. General Thomas H. Hubbard and his wife of New York City have presented this building to Bowdoin. Henry Vaughan, Esq., of Boston, the architect, has spared neither time nor money in securing every material facility for making the library the true centre o:f the college, a rendezvous for both instrnctors and under­ graduates, a place for study and investigation, for instruction and literary recreation. In completing the college quadrangle by the\ gift of this building, General Hubbard has secured to his alma niater fireproof accommodations for its rare and valuable collec­ tion of books that could never be replaced, if once destroyed, save ;ii enormous expenditure. The building is quite symmetrical in its outline. The main part, which faces the north, is 146 :feet long by 46 feet wide. To this is attached at the centre a wing o:f equal length, which extends 90 feet to the south. The feature of the facade is the battiement tower 30 feet square, rising to the height of 100 feet. The materials of the constructure o:f the building are Harvard brick, native granite from the local quarries, and Indiana limestone, the last being used for trimmings and interior decorations. Within, the library contains on the first floor a main hall 56 feet by 24 feet, with a delivery desk and card cata­ logue cases, clerk's room, newspaper room, reception room and librarian's room. There are also two large rooms for study, in which are accommodations for 60 readers and for about 20,000 books, with open shelves within easy access of the students. The second floor 1s given to administrative rooms. The present shelving capacity of the store room will accommodate 180,000 volumes, which can be easily increased to 250,000. General Thomas H. Hubbard, the donor of this building, is the son of the late ex-governor, Dr. John Hubbard of Hallowell, LIBRARIAN'S Rl!;PORT. 239

Maine. General Hubbard and his brother gave their services to their country in the war of '61. General Hubbard, on his return from that duty, settled in New York and entered upon the pro­ fession of law. Subsequently he became connected, as attorney, with C. B. Huntington, the railroad millionaire. His gift to Bowdoin will not cost less than $300,000, and the General, with characteristic generosity at all stages of the work on the same, has ordered the purchase, without regard to cost, of every thing that seems necessary to make his gift perfect in all its parts. MAINE; S'rA'l'E; LIBRARY.

THE LA WREN CE LIBRARY. The first movement towards a public library in Fairfield was made in 1895, when the Fairfield Book Cluh was organized with a membership of twenty-four women. At the end of the year a bookcase, containing the forty-eight volumes owned by the Book Club, was placed in one of the stores; and thus a circulating library was established. In July, 1899, as the books, 'now num­ bering two hundred, had outgrown the bookcase, two pleasant rooms were secured 111 the bank building, and a reading room was added to the circulating library. In July, 1901, six years after the Book Club was formed, the circulating library, increased to one thousand volumes by the books of the club and various gifts, was transferred to the Fairfield Library Association. Early in the history of the Book Club a library fund was started, which amounted in the six years to $400. In 1'.fay, 1900, Mr. Edward J. Lawrence, who had watched with interest the efforts of the Book Club, made known his inten­ tion oi presenting the town with a public library builcling. A large and beautiful lot on Lawrence avenue was donated by Mrs. Louise E. Newhall. Opposite this lot is Monument Park, with its soldiers' monument and handsome fountain. Mr. Lawrence is one of Fairfield's most respected citizens. He has always lived in this town where he was born. He com­ menced the business of manufacturing lumber in 1862, and is to-day one of the most prominent lumbermen of the State. His success is due to his hard work, and honest and conservative business methods. This beautiful library, so highly valued by the people of his town, is a fitting testimonial of the love and esteem which he bears them. The building, of which a cut is shown, was begun in Septem..: ber, 1900. It is built of native stone, a slate of different shadings of gray and yellow, with gray granite trimmings. The roof is covered with green slate, arni the dormer windows present a beautiful appearance through the introduction of gray granite corners, which are topped with carved finials. On the right of the entrance is a tower. The delivery room is fourteen feet square, and has a domed ceiling supported by eight Corinthian pilasters. Around the LIBRARIAN'S REPOR'I'. base of the dome: are inscribed the names of nine New England authors. On the right of the delivery room is the stackroom, which contains four double stacks, capable of holding 5,000 books. This room has a capacity of I 5,000 volumes. On the left 1s the reading room, which is of the same size as the stack­ room. Over the fireplace hang·s a fine pastel portrait of Mr. Lawrence. It is the work of Mrs. Flora Cross Clark, and was presented to the library by the Fairfield Book Club. Opposite the delivery room is the catalogue room. In this room are two stained glass windows, containing the portraits of Mr. Lawrence's two daughters. Opening off the stackroom is a commodious librarian's room. The interior of the building is finished in beech, birch, and sycamore. The building is well lighted with electricity. Of the 4,000 books which the library now contains, 1,100 vol­ umes, including 2.n excellent reference library, were the gift of the Book Club; and the remaining volumes were donated by Mrs. Newhall and Mr. Lawrence. The architect of the building was Mr. W. R. Miller of Auburn; the builder, Mr. Horace Purinton of Waterville. The library was dedicated July 24, 1901.