History and Antiquities of Stratford-Upon-Avon
IL LINO I S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2009. UNIVERSrryOF ILLINOIS-URBANA ' 3 0112 079790793 C) c)J U0 CI 0F 622-5 CV157 111STORY & ANTIQUITIES STR4TF RkDi U]PO~A I1 ONA"r III c iI1Pir . i r M t a r HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF 5TJRATFORDJPONAVON: fO MPRISI N C A DESCRIPTION OF THlE COLLEGIATE CHURCH,7 THE LIFE OF SJL4KSPEAJRJ, AN Copies of several Documents relating to him anti his Pamniy never before printed; WITH A 13IOGt4PII1C4L SKETCH OF OTHER -V MJNENT CILIRACT2PS , Natives of, or who have resided in STRITFORD, To which, is added, a particular Account of THE- JUBILEE, Celebrated at Stratford, in Honour of our immortal Bard, BYT R. B. WIIELER. 0 gratum Musis, 0 nornen. amabile Plwcbo, Qtam sociarn adsciscant, Minicius atque Meles. Ac tibi, cara hospes, si mens divinior, et te Ignea SiKSPEARI muss ciere queat; Siste gradum; crebroquc oculos circum undique liectas, Pierii lae inontes, hec tOb Pindus erit. &ttatfouYon5ivbon: PRTNTED AND~ SOLD BY J. WARD; SOLD ALSO BYVLONGISAN AND CO.PATERNOSTERa ROW, LONDON'S WILKS AND CO. BIRIMINGHAM, AN!) BY MOST OTHER BOOKSELLERS IN TOWN AND COUNTIRY W2,2. Z3 cws;-7 PREFACE., FIE want of a work in some degree sifilar to the. res sent undertaking eatcouraged the publication of the follow4 ilig sheets, the'offspring oft afew leisure hours; and it is hoped that the world will, on an impartial perusal, make aflowanees for the imperfections, by reflecting as well upon the inexperieace of the Jiuvenile author, as that they were originally collected for"his own private information.
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