Newsletter 25 September 2020 Week 10 Term 3 2020
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NEWSLETTER PĀNUI Week 10 Term 3 2020: 25 September 2020 *** Super Power (SociAl AcDon) of tHe Week *** RelADonsHips - relADng to otHers … recognising different points of view THe formAl opening of RecHArge Aquifer site Students who shared their projects at this site blessing and opening this week: Bess, Tessa, Max C, Xavier, Jack, Mitchell, Ace, Breanna, Saphia, Khloe T, Mischa, Tara, Ariana, Lily and Miyon. RURUHAU The crowd gave a lot of thanks and credit to the fiGeen students growth will flourish will growth who all spoke into the microphone, showing and telling the audience about their project. Special menIon to Bess, who said her mihi and presented a speech on behalf of our school. Kānuka the protector KĀNUKA Listening to Mayor Sam Broughton speaking. Kia maru, kia poipoi, kia puawai kia poipoi, kia maru, Kia GREENDALE SCHOOL SCHOOL GREENDALE y providing shelter and nourishment, the new thenew and nourishment, shelter providing y B The large crowd from many companies aJending the opening. p: (03) 318 8436 text absences to: 021 0220 3710 before 8 30 am e: [email protected] NEWSLETTER PĀNUI a: 187 Greendale Road, RD1 Greendale, Christchurch 7671 w: Week 5 Term 3 2019: 23 August 2019 RURUHAU growth will flourish will growth KĀNUKA Kānuka the protector L. E. A. R. N. Kia maru, kia poipoi, kia puawai kia poipoi, kia maru, Kia GREENDALE SCHOOL SCHOOL GREENDALE y providing shelter and nourishment, the new thenew and nourishment, shelter providing y B Lifelong Learner · Excellence · Actively Involved · Relationships · In and the Future Now Calendar of Events 25 September Term 3 ends 12 October Term 4 starts 15 October Whānau expo, building opening and family picnic. 5 30 pm expo, followed by the opening, and tea to finish the evening. All children will be sharing their Recharge Aquifer Site projects, an official building opening and bring a picnic tea for your family. 18 October Whānau annual working bee - we ask all families to aJend 19 October PTA meeIng at 7 pm at school 23 October Pets Day - everyone welcome! PTA Cake AucIon - every family to provide a cake 26 October Labour Day holiday - school closed 27 October School is open (Teacher-only day rescheduled) 29 October Run, Jump, Throw at Darfield for all Years 1 - 3 students 30 October Water safety lessons 2 November AthleIcs for Y4 - 6 students at Darfield High School field - Greendale, Hororata and Windwhistle Schools (p/p date 4 November) 4 November Board meeIng at 7 pm 6 November Malvern triathlon at Hororata - opIonal for Years 4 - 6 12 November Teacher-only day - school closed (Malvern-wide) 13 November Canterbury Show Day holiday - school closed 16 November Twilight Malvern AthleIcs - qualifying students only 26 November Malvern STEAM - Years 5 and 6 - opt in 2 December Board meeIng at 7 pm 4 December Malvern kapa haka fesIval - tbc 11 December Term 4 ends - to be confirmed Malvern hockey team with Max C and Mitchell The Hororata Highland Games BBQ fundraiser earlier this month went really well. Tēnā koutou katoa Tēnā koutou katoa The PTA would like to say a big thank you to all the families that helped, without Wow, things are really being packed into the last few weeks of whom we could not have been so successful. school. It was nice to see so many families at our whānau night last Thank-you to … Deb, who has been with us for two years seng up many efficient systems week. Feedback was given to me about how lovely and relaxed it was. So we will across the school. The staff and Board have both given her giGs of thanks in appreciaIon of her begin 2020 with a whānau picnic too. hard work. She leaves some great systems for our new office admin person, Nerissa Hicks, to Next Tuesday evening 6 -7.30pm is the last two sessions of the Reading Together pick up when she begins in Term 4. Nerissa comes from the office at Darfield Primary School, programme for all Tūrepo parents. If you missed the frst session, it is stll fne to All interested students have signed up to build a sign from wood in the woodworkso we are very lucky to have a school admin person to fill the gap. Nerissa is working alongside join in for the next session. It is a free DESSERT NIGHT at the Darfeld Library, led container. ChildrenDeb for two days this week to help with the handover. (in by our teachers and Liz Carston, and includes a session with the librarian. There groups of three, under will be a babysiter there if you need one; please rsvp to Helena or Delia if you supervision) are working on need this service. Thank-you, families, for accommodaIng the school being closed last week due to the power this project. Once they are shutdown. The staff held a staff-only day. We had two specialist speakers covering topics such Please see atached a summary of feedback from our Community Survey held last all made, they will sand and term. Some of the actons have already been actoned! paint them with theas memory, oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, and digital technology. names of our fruit trees. Lastly, we have been looking at class groupings for 2020. This year we have We are also moving the relatvely large year groups in Years 1 and 3 (so for 2020, Years 2 and 4). The usual Our new building: The building and project team have really surprised us geng the building arrangement of year groups in classes would mean your children would be in a vegetable garden today,ready for inspecIon this Thursday. We can begin to move furniture in on Friday - brilliant to make way for our new very large class with less teacher tme, which is not ideal - Tūrepo 12 students, Iming - just before the holidays! The bag area and cabinet in the project room will be finished Horopito 24 students, Mataī 36 students. So, in the best interests of your classroom. in the first week of the holidays (which actually won’t affect us moving in). children, we will need to split those students in both Year 2 and Year 4 for their Thank you to our Southfuels sponsors! learning next year. The children will remain in their correct year group, it will just We were excited to see Southfuels when they delivered our sports packs lastWe need enrolments … or to know of future enrolments: week. mean that their learning will take place in To help with geng a fourth a diferent class. (The Year 4s will stll The 18 beautiful leather balls (netballs, rugby balls, soccer balls) and Kī-o-rahiteacher in 2021, we need children enrolled by Week 5 of Term 4 2020, or have 2021 set join Mataī class for sports trips, camps, etc.) I have seen this happen successfully in the past at Greendale School, when year groups have become too large to keep are getting well used. Please if you are able to sign up with Southfuels for yourenrolments on our books. Please speak to Nerissa in the Office, or let Carey-Anne know business, we would love your support. Or if you know of anyone who buys fuel, together. For some students, we have already decided on the best class convince them to swap to Southfuels and sign Greendale School up! asap. placement, but we would like to meet and talk to other parents about their preferences. I will be in touch with all parents of children in Years 1 and 3 to discuss this further, in the next week. (conInued on the next page) Have a happy weekend. Ngā mihi Carey-Anne Hamilton Tumuaki - Principal Wishing our upcoming September/October birthday children a Happy Birthday: * Annalyse, who turns 10 on 29 September * Jacob, who turns 10 on 1 October * Lukas, who turns 10 on 3 October * Keira, who turns 9 on 7 October * Ariana, who turns 7 on 16 October * MaJhew, who turns 8 on 19 October * Tyler, who turns 7 on 21 October * Lachlan, who turns 11 on 23 October * Dylan, who turns 10 on 25 October The Hororata Highland Games BBQ fundraiser earlier this month went really well. Tēnā koutou katoa The PTA would like to say a big thank you to all the families that helped, without Wow, things are really being packed into the last few weeks of whom we could not have been so successful. FourtH teAcHer for Term 4: school. It wasIt is with much excitement that I announce confirmaIon from the nice to see so many families at our whānau night last Board that we will have a fourth teacher for next term. (We’re unsure about 2021; this will be week. Feedback was given to me about how lovely and relaxed it was. So we will begin 2020 with a whānau picnic too. confirmed during Term 4, depending on 2020 and future 2021 Term 1 enrolments). The staff are all very pleased and ecstaIc as we can now make changes for smaller class sizes, which is Next Tuesday evening 6 -7.30pm is the last two sessions of the Reading Together beJer for the students and the teachers. And we can spread out with the extra space!programme for all Tūrepo parents. If you missed the frst session, it is stll fne to All interested students have signed up to build a sign from wood in the woodwork join in for the next session. It is a free DESSERT NIGHT at the Darfeld Library, led container. Children (in by our teachers and Liz Carston, and includes a session with the librarian.