160 Cash Activities

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160 Cash Activities Haiti: Ouragan Matthew 3W - Cash Transfer Programming ( November 2016) 160 Cash Activities ACTIVITIES BY SECTOR Food Security 77 Early Recovery 45 Cash Activities Shelter 26 per commune 0 WASH 8 1 - 3 4 - 6 MODALITY 7 - 9 > 10 Cash for 80 Work Unconditional 57 Vouchers 23 Creation date: November 16 2016 Sources: Organization parters and sectors sugestions : [email protected] Infos: unocha.org/hurricane-matthew reliefweb.int/disaster/tc-2016-000106-hti humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/haiti The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Haiti: Ouragan Matthew 3W - Cash Transfer Programming ( November 2016) Food Security Anse A Veau CFW Welthungerhilfe Anse A Veau Uncondi�onal BND, Welthungerhilfe Arnaud CFW Welthungerhilfe 77 Cash Activities in Food Security Arnaud Uncondi�onal BND, Welthungerhilfe L'Asile CFW Welthungerhilfe Nippes L'Asile Uncondi�onal BND, Welthungerhilfe Miragoane CFW Welthungerhilfe Miragoane Uncondi�onal Welthungerhilfe Cash Activities Paillant CFW Welthungerhilfe per commune Paillant Uncondi�onal Welthungerhilfe 0 Pe�t Trou De Nippes Uncondi�onal BND Pe�te Riviere de Nippes CFW Welthungerhilfe 1 - 3 Pe�te Riviere de Nippes Uncondi�onal Welthungerhilfe 4 - 6 Baie de Henne CFW ACF, Welthungerhilfe 7 - 9 Baie de Henne Uncondi�onal Welthungerhilfe Bassin Bleu CFW ACF > 10 Bombardopolis CFW ACF, Welthungerhilfe Bombardopolis Uncondi�onal Welthungerhilfe Nord Ouest Jean Rabel CFW Welthungerhilfe Jean Rabel Uncondi�onal Welthungerhilfe Mole Saint Nicolas CFW ACF, Welthungerhilfe Mole Saint Nicolas Uncondi�onal Welthungerhilfe Port De Paix CFW ACF Anse A Galet CFW Concern Worldwide Cornillon/Grd Bois CFW FLORESTA Fonds Verre�es CFW FLORESTA Ouest Ganthier CFW FLORESTA Grand-Goave CFW FLORESTA Leogane CFW FLORESTA Pointe A Raque�e CFW Concern Worldwide Aquin CFW CESVI Camp Perrin CFW AVSI Camp Perrin Uncondi�onal AVSI Chantal CFW AVSI, UNASCAD Chantal Uncondi�onal AVSI Chardonnieres CFW CESVI Coteaux CFW BIT Ile a vache Ar�bonite Grande Saline CFW ACF CFW UNASCAD Les anglais CFW BIT, UNASCAD Abricots CFW Ac�onAid, CESVI Sud Port-a-Piment CFW BIT, UNASCAD, CESVI Abricots Uncondi�onal CESVI Port-Salut CFW BIT Beaumont CFW Ac�onAid Roche-A-bateau CFW BIT Corail CFW CESVI St. Jean du Sud CFW AVSI Corail Uncondi�onal CESVI Grande Anse St. Jean du Sud Uncondi�onal Arbeiter-Samariter, AVSI Jeremie CFW Ac�onAid St. Louis du Sud Uncondi�onal Arbeiter-Samariter Pestel CFW CESVI Tiburon CFW UNASCAD Pestel Uncondi�onal CESVI Tiburon Uncondi�onal Arbeiter-Samariter Roseaux CFW Ac�onAid, CESVI Torbeck CFW AVSI Roseaux Uncondi�onal CESVI Torbeck Uncondi�onal AVSI Bainet CFW FLORESTA, UNASCAD Sud-Est Cotes de Fer CFW UNASCAD Thio�e CFW FLORESTA Haiti: Ouragan Matthew 3W - Cash Transfer Programming ( November 2016) Early Recovery 45 Cash Activities in Early recovery Ar�bonite La Chapelle CFW HELVETAS Ar�bonite Verre�es CFW HELVETAS Grande Anse Abricots Uncondi�onal Ac�onAid Grande Anse Beaumont Uncondi�onal Ac�onAid Grande Anse Les Irois CFW HRC/ IFRC Grande Anse Les Irois Vouchers HRC/ IFRC Grande Anse Roseaux Uncondi�onal Ac�onAid Nippes Anse A Veau CFW Mercy Corps 0 Nippes Anse A Veau Uncondi�onal Mercy Corps 1 - 3 Nippes Anse A Veau Vouchers Mercy Corps 4 - 6 Nippes Arnaud CFW Mercy Corps 7 - 9 Nippes Arnaud Uncondi�onal Mercy Corps > 10 Nippes Arnaud Vouchers Mercy Corps Nippes Baraderes CFW HRC / German Red Cross Nippes Baraderes Uncondi�onal HRC / German Red Cross Nippes Baraderes Vouchers HRC / German Red Cross Nippes Fonds Des Negres CFW Mercy Corps Nippes Fonds Des Negres Uncondi�onal Mercy Corps Nippes Fonds Des Negres Vouchers Mercy Corps Nippes L'Asile CFW Mercy Corps Nippes L'Asile Uncondi�onal Mercy Corps Nippes L'Asile Vouchers Mercy Corps Nippes Pe�t Trou De Nippes CFW HRC / German Red Cross Nippes Pe�t Trou De Nippes CFW Mercy Corps Nippes Pe�t Trou De Nippes Uncondi�onal HRC / German Red Cross Nippes Pe�t Trou De Nippes Uncondi�onal Mercy Corps Nippes Pe�t Trou De Nippes Vouchers HRC / German Red Cross Nippes Pe�t Trou De Nippes Vouchers Mercy Corps Nippes Plaisance du Sud CFW HRC/German Red Cross, Nippes Plaisance du Sud Uncondi�onal HRC/German Red Cross, Nippes Plaisance du Sud Vouchers HRC/German Red Cross, Ouest Arcahaie CFW Mercy Corps Ouest Arcahaie Uncondi�onal Mercy Corps Ouest Arcahaie Vouchers Mercy Corps Ouest Gressier CFW Mercy Corps Ouest Gressier Uncondi�onal Mercy Corps Ouest Gressier Vouchers Mercy Corps Sud Arniquet Uncondi�onal Caritas Suisse Sud St. Jean du Sud Uncondi�onal Caritas Suisse Sud-Est Belle Anse CFW HELVETAS Haiti: Ouragan Matthew 3W - Cash Transfer Programming ( November 2016) Shelter WASH 26 Cash Activities in Shelter 8 Cash Activities in WASH 0 0 1 - 3 1 - 3 4 - 6 4 - 6 7 - 9 7 - 9 > 10 > 10 Abricots Uncondi�onal Ac�onAid Anse d'Hainault CFW HRC/ IFRC Uncondi�onal Grande Anse Beaumont Ac�onAid Chambellan CFW HRC/ IFRC Les Irois CFW HRC/ IFRC Sud Arniquet ADRA Vouchers Roseaux Uncondi�onal Ac�onAid Baraderes CFW HRC / German Red Cross Sud Arniquet Caritas Suisse Uncondi�onal Cash Nippes Pe�t Trou De Nippes CFW HRC / German Red Cross Plaisance du Sud CFW HRC / German Red Cross Sud Les Cayes ADRA Vouchers Ouest Uncondi�onal Port-au-Prince JP/HRO ADRA Arniquet Vouchers ADRA Sud Maniche Vouchers Uncondi�onal Cavaillon MOFKA UNEP Chantal Uncondi�onal MOFKA Sud Port-Salut Cash for work Coteaux Uncondi�onal MOFKA ADRA Les Anglais Uncondi�onal MOFKA Sud Roche-A-Bateau Vouchers Les Cayes Uncondi�onal CRF, MOFKA Caritas Suisse Les Cayes Vouchers ADRA Sud St. Jean du Sud Uncondi�onal Cash Sud Vouchers Maniche ADRA Sud Torbeck ADRA Vouchers Port-a-Piment Uncondi�onal MOFKA Roche-A-Bateau Uncondi�onal MOFKA Roche-A-Bateau Vouchers ADRA Tiburon Uncondi�onal MOFKA Torbeck Uncondi�onal MOFKA Torbeck Vouchers ADRA.
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