USAID/OFDA Haiti Earthquake Program Map 3/26/2010

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USAID/OFDA Haiti Earthquake Program Map 3/26/2010 USG HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE TO HAITI FOR THE EARTHQUAKE The boundaries and names used on this CUBA W W KEY Affected Areas 73° 72° map do not imply official endorsement or NORTHWESTNORTHWEST Palmiste acceptance by the U.S. Government. N DoD WFP and NGOs N 20°USAID/OFDA USAID/FFP USAID/OTI a 20° USAID/DR USAID/HAITI DoD HHS Chemonics Port-de-Paix Saint Louis Du Nord NORTH A AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECURITY Implementing DAI Anse-a-foleur Partners CHF JIC Monte Cristi ECONOMIC RECOVERY AND Internews Jean Rabel Le Borgne C MARKET SYSTEMS InterAction NORTHEAST B USAID/DR NORTHWESTNORTHWEST Cap-Haitien Concern VEDUCATION IOM a Bassin-bleu Port-margot C AIR V Quartier EMERGENCY RESPONSE ACTIVITIES OCHA B Limbe Marin Caracol ARD Ia Baie-de-Henne Pilate HEALTH Acul Plaine Phaeton Peace Corps B Anse Rouge Gros Morne Limonade Fort-Liberte Chemonics IA Du Nord Du Nord HUMANITARIAN AIR SERVICE S Plaisance Trou-du-nord b UNFPA G NORTHNORTH Milot Ferrier CHF Co Terre-neuve Sainte Suzanne HUMANITARIAN COORDINATION UNICEF Dondon Grande Riviera Quanaminthe B JFG EDC AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Cok G V Du Nord Perches USAID/DR Gonaives Marmelade INFRASTRUCTURE REHABILITATION a IOM Bahon o Co Ennery Saint-raphael NORTHEASTNORTHEAST USAID/Haiti Vallieres S LIVELIHOODS PADF G Ranguitte USAR ; ARTIBONITE Saint Michel Mont LOGISTICS AND RELIEF COMMODITIES DoD De L'attalaye Pignon Organise REPUBLIC a a DOMINICAN WFP a CHF JIC La Victoire F NUTRITION b ARTIBONITEARTIBONITE WHO PROTECTION Dessalines Cerca G F ro Grande-Saline Carvajal k PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT m Maissade M Cerca-laPort-au-Prince Area ia Petite-riviere- Hinche I SHELTER AND SETTLEMENTS m de-l'artibonite -source i, Saint-Marc F Thomassique ACF L CJa TITLE II EMERGENCY FOOD ASSISTANCE CENTERCENTER to ACTED Po Verrettes a TRANSITION INITIATIVES r CENTER t- N au ADRA JI19°C ;N URBAN SEARCH AND RESCUE -P ARC 19° r JI in ARC c WEST JI J WATER, SANITATION, AND HYGIENE e Mercy Corps C BaptisteElias Pina Caribbean BelladereCARE 03.26.10 CJ WESTWEST IOM a Mirebalais Lac de Sea Magasin a Peligre CHF JI UNICEF J Lascahobas C GRANDE ANSE Pointe-a- Léogâne Saut-d'eau Concern C Raquette Arcahaie Duvalierville Savenette RI J ACTED JICa CRS JI Cornillon Jeremie IRD JCIa Thomazeau FH G JIa Cap Dame- Abricots MENTOR Marie Roseaux WESTWEST GOAL CJI Corail Petit Trou RI Pestel J Carrefour Moron De Nippes Gressier 7 Ganthier IMC F Chambellan Samaritan’s JC Léogâne Î! Jimani Anse- GRANDGRAND ANSEANSE Purse Croix-des-Croiz-des-Croiz-des- MENTOR Dhainault Anse-a-Veau PORT-AU-PRINCE BouquetsBouquets Fond Sources Chaudes Baraderes Parisien PIH Léogâne Fonds- Miragoane MAGNITUDEMAGNITUDE 7.07.0 Les Irois Lasile NIPPESNIPPES Petit Goâve Grand Trouin Verrettes RI J Maniche Petit Goâve Goâve 1/12/101/12/10 21:53:0921:53:09 UTCUTC La Cahouane Camp-perrin Grand Goâve Jacmel Samaritan’s Cavaillon Aquin JC Tiburon Chardonnieres Purse Les Anglais SOUTHSOUTH SOUTHEASTSOUTHEAST Jacmel Marigot Thiote SC/US Port-a-piment G F Coteaux Chantal Saint-louis-de-sud Cotes-de-Fer Belle-anse Les Cayes UN HABITAT I Roch-a-bateau Bainet Grand- Banane Torbeck SOUTHEAST Gosier WCDO IC Petit Goâve Port Salut World JI Saint-Jean ACTED JICa Grand Goâve Medair/SWI CIa Croix-des-Bouquets VisionPedernales C Anse-a-Pitres N CHF ACTED MENTOR World N 18° JIC JICa IOM C18° Vision JIC o 0 10 20 mi MENTOR MENTOR SC/US G F Medishare Samaritan’s Samaritan’s 0 10 20 30 km JC UN HABITAT 74° W Purse JC Purse 72° W PFS #!" 73° W I EARTHQUAKE-AFFECTED AREAS AND POPULATION MOVEMENT IN HAITI CUBAEARTHQUAKE INTENSITY 73° W 72° W The Modified Mercalli (MMI) Intensity Scale* NORTHWESTNORTHWEST Palmiste N N 20° NORTHWEST 20° ESTIMATED MMI INTENSITY Port-de-Paix 45,862 Saint Louis Du Nord LIGHT SEVERE 4 8 Anse-a-foleur NORTH Jean Rabel 13,531 Monte Cristi 5 MODERATE 9 VIOLENT Le Borgne NORTHWESTNORTHWEST Cap-Haitien NORTHEAST 6 STRONG 10^ EXTREME Bassin-bleu Port-margot Quartier 8,500 Limbe Marin Caracol 7 VERY STRONG Baie-de-Henne Pilate Acul Plaine Phaeton Anse Rouge Gros Morne Limonade Fort-Liberte *MMI is a measure of ground shaking and is different Du Nord Du Nord from overall earthquake magnitude as measured Plaisance Trou-du-nord NORTHNORTH Milot Ferrier by the Richter Scale. Terre-neuve Sainte Suzanne ^Area shown on map may fall within MMI 9 Dondon Grande Riviera Quanaminthe classification, but constitute the areas of heaviest Dajabon ARTIBONITE Du Nord Perches shaking based on USGS data. Marmelade 162,509 Gonaives Bahon Source: USGS/PAGER Alert Version: 8 Ennery Saint-raphael NORTHEASTNORTHEAST HAITI EARTHQUAKE Vallieres Ranguitte Saint Michel Mont Organise 230,000 killed ARTIBONITEARTIBONITE De L'attalaye Pignon 196,595 injured La Victoire POPULATION MOVEMENT * 1,200,000 to 1,290,000 displaced CENTER Source: OCHA 02.22.10 Dessalines Cerca 3,000,000 affected Grande-Saline 90,997Carvajal * Population movements indicated include only Maissade Cerca-la-source individuals utilizing GoH-provided transportation *All figures are approximate. Commune Petite-riviere- Hinche and do not include people leaving Port-au-Prince population figures are as of 2003. de-l'artibonite utilizing private means of transport. Saint-Marc SOURCES: OCHA/GoH 02.22.10 Thomassique REPUBLIC DOMINICAN Verrettes N N 19° CENTERCENTER 19° Elias Pina GRESSIER* CARREFOUR* Belladere WESTWEST Mirebalais Lac de 40-50% destroyed 40-50% destroyed Magasin Peligre Baptiste Arcahaie Lascahobas Commune population: Commune population: Saut-d'eau 25,947 373,916 Pointe-a- Duvalierville Raquette Savenette PORT-AU-PRINCE Jeremie Cornillon Thomazeau Commune population: GRANDE 704,776 Cap Dame- Abricots Marie ANSE Roseaux WESTWEST Metro area population Corail Petit Trou NIPPES Carrefour estimate: Over 2,000,000 119,871Moron Pestel De Nippes Gressier 7 Croix Des Chambellan 33,351 ! Ganthier Leogane CarrefourÎ Bouquets Anse- GRANDGRAND ANSEANSE Gressier PORT-AU-PRINCE Petite Rivieres Fond DOMINICAN Dhainault Baraderes Anse-a-Veau Petit-Goave De Nippes Sources Chaudes Léogâne Parisien Jimani REPUBLIC Commune Fonds- Miragoane MAGNITUDEMAGNITUDE 7.07.0 Les Irois Lasile NIPPESNIPPES Petit-Goâve Grand- Trouin Verrettes Uncomfirmed Maniche Commune Goave 1/12/101/12/10 21:53:0921:53:09 UTCUTC La Cahouane Camp-perrin Jacmel Numbers Cavaillon Aquin Commune WEST Tiburon Chardonnieres Les Anglais SOUTHEASTSOUTHEAST 32,253 SOUTHSOUTH Belle-anse La Vallee De Jacmel Jacmel Thiote Port-a-piment Coteaux Chantal Saint-louis-de-sud Les Cayes Cayes- Marigot Bainet Jacmel Roch-a-bateau Cotes-de-Fer Grand-Gosier Banane Torbeck SOUTH Port Salut 88,533 Saint-Jean Pedernales PETIT GOÂVE* LÉOGÂNE* JACMEL* N Anse-a-Pitres N 18° 15% destroyed 80-90% destroyed 50-60% destroyed 18° 0 10 20 mi Commune population: Commune population: Commune population: The boundaries and names used on this 0 10 20 30 km 117,504 134,190 137,966 74° 72° map do not imply official endorsement or #!" W 73° W W acceptance by the U.S. Government..

—— Preview end. ——

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