Federal Register

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Federal Register ^ o n a l ^ . FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 2 'Sfc* # 1 9 3 4 ç f ÿ * NUMBER 29 ^ ü N n t o * Washington, Friday, February 12, 1937 PRESIDENT IDF THE UNITED STATES. news Bay, within a line extending from the east shore of Kuskokwim Bay at the parallel of 59 degrees north Executive O rder latitude to Cape Avinof. The mouth of the Kuskokwim REVOCATION OF PARAGRAPH 9, SUBDIVISION HI, SCHEDULE A, CIVIL River shall be considered as at a straight line extending SERVICE RULES from a marker erected for the purpose at Beacon Point WHEREAS by Executive Order o f November 18, 1905, the to another marker at Popokamute. position of one examiner of tobacco in the Customs Service 2. Commercial fishing for salmon shall be conducted at the port of Chicago was exempted from the competitive solely by drift gill nets and set nets: Provided, That this classified service; and shall not apply (a) to the use of purse seines in Kuskokwim WHEREAS the Treasury Department exercised its pre­ Bay, exclusive of Goodnews Bay, between 59 degrees north rogative under section 3 of Civil Service Rule n by filling latitude and 59 degrees 40 minutes north latitude westward that position as competitive classified positions are filled, to Cape Avinof, and (b) to the use of fish wheels in the thus rendering the exemption unnecessary: Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers by native Indians and bona NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of and pursuant to the fide permanent white residents along those rivers for the authority vested in me by the Civil Service Act (22 Stat. 403), capture of king salmon. The extension to any seine in the it is ordered that paragraph 9, Subdivision III, Schedule A way of leads exceeding 25 fathoms in length is prohibited. of the Civil Service Rules, excepting one position of tobacco 3. The total aggregate length of gill nets on any salmon examiner in the Customs Service at the port of Chicago from fishing boat, or in use by such boat, shall not exceed 150 the competitive classified service, be, and it is hereby, revoked. fathoms hung measure. F ranklin D R oosevelt 4. King-salmon gill nets shall have a mesh of at least 8 Ms T he W hite House, inches stretched measure between knots, red-salmon gill February 10, 1937. nets of linen webbing shall have a mesh of at least 5V2 inches stretched measure between knots, and red-salmon [No. 75501 gill nets of cotton webbing shall have a mesh of at least [F.R.Doc. 37-437; Filed, February 11,1937; 12:24 p.m.] 5 V4 inches stretched measure between knots as measured when actually in use. No red-salmon gill net shall be over 28 meshes deep. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE. 5. Commercial fishing for salmon in the Yukon district Bureau of Fisheries. shall be conducted solely by king-salmon gill nets having mesh of at least 8 Y2 inches stretched measure between [No. 251-23] knots as measured when actually in use: Provided, That this A laska F ishery R egulations shall not apply to the use of fish wheels in the Yukon River by native Indians and bona fide permanent white residents F ebruary 8, 1937. along the river for the capture of king salmon. By virtue of the authority contained in the act of June 26, 6. Commercial fishing for salmon is prohibited except in 1906 (34 Stat. 478, 480), as amended by the act o f June 6, the period from 6 o’clock antemeridian June 1 to 6 o’clock 1924 (43 Stat. 464), as amended by the act o f June 18, 1926 postmeridian July 31, in each year: Provided, That such (44 Stat. 752), as amended by the act of April 16, 1934 (48 fishing is permitted in the Kuskokwim district until 6 Stat. 594), fishing areas are hereby set apart and regula­ o’clock postmeridian August 15. tions governing fishing therein are made effective, as follows: 7. The combined take of king and red salmon for com­ I. YUKON-KUSKOKWIM AREA mercial purposes shall not exceed 300,000 fish in any calen­ dar year: Provided, That the take of king salmon in the The Yukon-Kuskokwim area is hereby defined to include Yukon district shall not exceed 50,000 fish, of which not all territorial, coastal, and tributary waters of A laska from more than 25,000 may be taken inside the mouth of the Cape Newenham northward to the parallel of 66 degrees Yukon River, in any calendar year: And provided further, north latitude. That the combined take of red and king salmon in the Salmon fishery.— 1. Commercial fishing for salmon is Kuskokwim district shall not exceed 250,000 fish in any prohibited except within the following-described districts: calendar year. (a) Port Clarence district: Waters within a line ex­ 8. Each gill net in operation shall be marked by a cluster tending from Cape Douglas to Cape York. of floats or corks at the ends, and double floats or corks (b) Yukon district: All waters of the Yukon River and shall be attached to the cork line at 25-fathom intervals. all waters along the coast between 62 degrees north lati­ The clusters of floats or corks at the ends and the double tude and 63 degrees 15 minutes north latitude. floats or corks at the 25-fathom intervals shall be painted (c) Kuskokwim district: All waters of Kuskokwim bright red. The clusters at the ends shall also be legibly River, and waters of Kuskokwim Bay, exclusive of Good- and plainly marked with the initials of the operator. 345 346 FEDERAL REGISTER, February 12, 1937 9. The trailing of web behind any fishing boat is pro­ hibited above the markers fixing closed waters. j f S f K n m 10. The use of motor-propelled fishing boats in catching salmon with gill nets is prohibited. H erring fishery.— 1. Commercial fishing for herring in FEDERALÄBEGISTER the waters of Golofnin Bay within a line from the southern \ 193 4 < R extremity of Rocky Point to the southern extremity of Cape ^ dWlTEO * Darby is prohibited from January 1 to August 19, both dates inclusive, and from November 1 to December 31, both dates Published by the Division of the Federal Register, The National inclusive. Archives, pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. L. 500), under reg­ 2. Commercial fishing for herring in the waters of Golof­ ulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee, with the nin Bay, within a line from the southern extremity of approval of the President. Rocky Point to the southern extremity of Cape Darby, shall The Administrative Committee consists of the Archivist or Act­ be conducted solely by gill nets of mesh not less, than 2% ing Archivist, an officer of the Department of Justice designated inches stretched measure between knots. by the Attorney General, and the Public Printer or Acting Public 3. Commercial fishing for herring, except for bait pur­ Printer. poses, by means of any seine is prohibited. The daily issue of the F ederal R eg ister will be furnished by mail 4. The dumping of offal and dead herring in the waters to subscribers, free of postage, for $1 per month or >10 per year; of any bay in which herring spawn or where they are single copies 5 cents; payable in advance. Remit by money order captured is prohibited. payable to Superintendent of Documents, Government PTinting Office, Washington, D. C. n . BRISTOL BAY AREA Correspondence concerning the publication of the F ederal The Bristol Bay area is hereby defined to include all R egister should be addressed to the Director, Division of the Federal Register, The National Archives, Washington, D. C. territorial coastal and tributary waters of Alaska from Cape Newenham to a point on the coast 3 statute miles south of Cape Menshikof. S almon fishery.—1. Commercial fishing for salmon is prohibited except within the following-described districts: (a) Hagemeister district: Waters of Hagemeister Strait TABLE OF CONTENTS from 161 degrees 40 minutes west longitude to 160 de­ grees 38 minutes west longitude. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: Page (b) Nushagak district: Waters of Nushagak Bay within Payment of interest on deposits, regulation amended__ 370 a line from Point Protection to Etolin Point. Reserves required to be maintained by member banks, (c) Kvichak-Naknek district: Waters of Kvichak Bay supplement to regulation--------------------------------------------- 370 within a line from Etolin Point to Middle Bluff Light on Department of Commerce: the eastern side of Kvichak Bay. Bureau of Fisheries: id) Egegik district: Waters between an east and west Alaska fishery regulations^— ---------------------------------- 345 line 8 statute miles north of South Spit, Egegik Bay, and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: an east and west line 10 statute miles south of South Spit. Regulation relating to the payment of deposits and (e) Ugashik district: Waters between an east and west interest thereon by insured nonmember banks--------- - 370 line 3 statute miles north of Cape Greig and the southern Federal Power Commission: limit of the area at a point on the coast 3 statute miles Order directing investigation and rehearing: south of Cape Menshikof. Niagara Falls Power Co__________ ______ ____________ 373 2. Commercial fishing for salmon shall be conducted solely Federal Trade Commission: Notice of opportunity to be heard, proposed trade prac­ by drift gill nets, set or anchored gill nets, and stake gill tice rules for: nets. The use of all other forms of fishing gear is pro­ Tubular Pipings and Trimmings Manufacturing hibited.
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