Safety Zones; Coast Guard in Approximate Position 40°34′28.2′ N Captain of the Port New York Fire- 073°50′00.0′ W (NAD 1983), Off Beach Works Displays

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Safety Zones; Coast Guard in Approximate Position 40°34′28.2′ N Captain of the Port New York Fire- 073°50′00.0′ W (NAD 1983), Off Beach Works Displays Coast Guard, DHS § 165.168 These personnel comprise commis- dius of the fireworks barge in approxi- sioned, warrant, and petty officers of mate position 40°30′04″ N 074°15′35″ W the Coast Guard. Upon being hailed by (NAD 1983), about 240 yards east of a U.S. Coast Guard vessel by siren, Raritan River Cutoff Channel Buoy 2 radio, flashing light, or other means, (LLNR 36595). the operator of a vessel shall proceed (5) Coney Island Safety Zone: All wa- as directed. ters of Lower New York Bay within a (4) Vessels equal to or greater than 20 250-yard radius of the fireworks land meters (65.6 feet) in length, carrying shoot located on the south end of Stee- persons for the purpose of viewing the plechase Pier, Coney Island, in approxi- fireworks, may take position in an area mate position 40°34′11″ N 073°59′00″ W inside the safety zone, at least 200 (NAD 1983). yards off the bulkhead on the west (6) Arthur Kill, Elizabeth, New Jersey bank and just off the pierhead faces on Safety Zone: All waters of the Arthur the east bank of the East River be- Kill within a 150-yard radius of the fire- tween the Williamsburg Bridge and works land shoot located in Elizabeth, North 9th Street, Brooklyn. This area New Jersey, in approximate position is bound by the following points: 40°38′50″ N 074°10′58″ W (NAD 1983), 40°42′45.5″ N 073°58′07.4″ W; thence to about 675 yards west of Arthur Kill 40°42′50.4″ N 073°58′23.2″ W; thence to Channel Buoy 20 (LLNR 36780). 40°43′23.1″ N 073°58′12.7″ W; thence to (7) South Ellis Island Safety Zone: All 40°43′21.5″ N 073°57′45.7″ W; (NAD 1983) waters of Upper New York Bay within thence back to the point of beginning. a 240-yard radius of the fireworks barge All vessels must be in this location by in approximate position 40°41′39.9′ N 6:30 p.m. (e.s.t.) the day of the event. 074°02′33.7′ W (NAD 1983), about 260 [CGD01–00–242, 66 FR 20405, Apr. 23, 2001, as yards south of Ellis Island. amended by CGD01–05–017, 70 FR 35536, June (8) Rockaway Beach Safety Zone: All 21, 2005] waters of the Atlantic Ocean within a 360 yard radius of the fireworks barge § 165.168 Safety Zones; Coast Guard in approximate position 40°34′28.2′ N Captain of the Port New York Fire- 073°50′00.0′ W (NAD 1983), off Beach works Displays. 116th Street. (a) New York Harbor. The following (9) Rockaway Inlet Safety Zone: All areas are safety zones: waters of Rockaway Inlet within a 360 (1) Liberty Island Safety Zone: All wa- yard radius of the fireworks barge in ters of Upper New York Bay within a approximate position 40°34′19.1′ N 360-yard radius of the fireworks barge 073°54′43.5′ W (NAD 1983), about 1,200 in approximate position 40°41′16.5″ N yards south of Point Breeze. 074°02′23″ W (NAD 1983), located in Fed- (10) Pierhead Channel, NJ Safety Zone: eral Anchorage 20–C, about 360 yards All waters of Pierhead Channel and the east of Liberty Island. Kill Van Kull within a 360-yard radius (2) Ellis Island Safety Zone: All waters of the fireworks barge in approximate of Upper New York Bay within a 360- position 40°39′18.8″ N 074°04′39.1″ W (NAD yard radius of the fireworks barge lo- 1983), approximately 315 yards north of cated between Federal Anchorages 20–A the Kill Van Kull Channel. and 20–B, in approximate position (11) Midland Beach, Staten Island Safe- 40°41′45″ N 074°02′09″ W (NAD 1983), ty Zone: All waters of Lower New York about 365 yards east of Ellis Island. Bay within a 500-yard radius of the (3) South Beach, Staten Island Safety fireworks barge in approximate posi- Zone: All waters of Lower New York tion 40°34′12.0″ N 074°04′29.6″ W (NAD Bay within a 360-yard radius of the 1983), approximately 800 yards south- fireworks barge in approximate posi- east of Midland Beach. tion 40°35′11″ N 074°03′42″ W (NAD 1983), (12) Wolfes Pond Park, Staten Island about 350 yards east of South Beach, Safety Zone: All waters of Raritan Bay Staten Island. within a 500-yard radius of the fire- (4) Raritan Bay Safety Zone: All wa- works barge in approximate position ters of Raritan Bay in the vicinity of 40°30′52.1″ N 074°10′58.8″ W (NAD 1983), the Raritan River Cutoff and Ward approximately 540 yards east of Wolfes Point Bend (West) within a 240-yard ra- Pond Park. 651 VerDate Mar<15>2010 07:59 Sep 03, 2010 Jkt 220131 PO 00000 Frm 00661 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220131.XXX 220131 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR § 165.168 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition) (b) Western Long Island Sound. The (8) Glen Cove, Hempstead Harbor Safety following areas are safety zones: Zone: All waters of Hempstead Harbor (1) Peningo Neck, Western Long Island within a 360-yard radius of the fire- Sound Safety Zone: All waters of west- works barge in approximate position ern Long Island Sound within a 300- 40°51′58″ N 073°39′34″ W (NAD 1983), yard radius of the fireworks barge in about 500 yards northeast of Glen Cove approximate position 40°56′21″ N Breakwater Light 5 (LLNR 27065). 073°41′23″ W (NAD 1983), about 525 yards (9) Bar Beach, Hempstead Harbor Safe- east of Milton Point, Peningo Neck, ty Zone: All waters of Hempstead Har- New York. bor within a 180-yard radius of the fire- (2) Satans Toe, Western Long Island works barge in approximate position Sound Safety Zone: All waters of west- 40°49′50″ N 073°39′12″ W (NAD 1983), ern Long Island Sound within a 360- about 190 yards north of Bar Beach, yard radius of the fireworks barge in Hempstead Harbor, New York. approximate position 40°55′21″ N (10) Larchmont Harbor, Western Long 073°43′41″ W (NAD 1983), about 635 yards Island Sound Safety Zone: All waters of northeast of Larchmont Harbor (East western Long Island Sound within a Entrance) Light 2 (LLNR 25720). 240-yard radius of the fireworks barge ° ′ ″ (3) Larchmont, Western Long Island in approximate position 40 55 21.8 N 073°44′21.7″ W (NAD 1983), about 540 Sound Safety Zone: All waters of west- yards north of Umbrella Rock. ern Long Island Sound within a 240- (11) Orchard Beach, The Bronx, Safety yard radius of the fireworks barge in Zone: All waters of Long Island Sound approximate position 40°54′45″ N in an area bound by the following 073°44′55″ W (NAD 1983), about 450 yards points: 40°51′43.5″ N 073°47′36.3″ W; southwest of the entrance to Horseshoe thence to 40°52′12.2″ N 073°47′13.6″ W; Harbor. thence to 40°52′02.5″ N 073°46′47.8″ W; (4) Manursing Island, Western Long Is- thence to 40°51′32.3″ N 073°47′09.9″ W land Sound Safety Zone: All waters of (NAD 1983), thence to the point of ori- western Long Island Sound within a gin. 360-yard radius of the fireworks barge (c) East River. The following areas are ° ′ ″ in approximate position 40 57 47 N safety zones: ° ′ ″ 073 40 06 W (NAD 1983), about 380 yards (1) Pier 14, East River Safety Zone: All north of Rye Beach Transport Rock waters of the East River within a 180- Buoy 2 (LLNR 25570). yard radius of the fireworks barge in (5) Glen Island, Western Long Island approximate position 40°42′07.5″ N Sound Safety Zone: All waters of west- 074°00′06″ W (NAD 1983), about 250 yards ern Long Island Sound within a 240- southeast of Pier 14, Manhattan, New yard radius of the fireworks barge in York. approximate position 40°53′12″ N (2) Wards Island, East River Safety 073°46′33″ W (NAD 1983), about 350 yards Zone: All waters of the East River east of the northeast corner of Glen Is- within a 150-yard radius of the fire- land, New York. works land shoot in approximate posi- (6) Twin Island, Western Long Island tion 40°46′55.5″ N 073°55′33″ W (NAD Sound Safety Zone: All waters of west- 1983), about 200 yards northeast of the ern Long Island Sound within a 200- Triborough Bridge. yard radius of the fireworks land shoot (3) Pier 16, East River Safety Zone: All in approximate position 40°52′10″ N waters of the East River within a 180- 073°47′07″ W (NAD 1983), at the east end yard radius of the fireworks barge in of Orchard Beach, New York. approximate position 40°42′12.5″ N (7) Davenport Neck, Western Long Is- 074°00′02.0″ W (NAD 1983), about 200 land Sound Safety Zone: All waters of yards east of Pier 16. western Long Island Sound within a (4) Newtown Creek, East River Safety 360-yard radius of the fireworks barge Zone: All waters of the East River in Federal Anchorage No. 1–A, in ap- within a 360-yard radius of the fire- proximate position 40°53′46″ N 073°46′04″ works barge in approximate position W (NAD 1983), about 360 yards north- 40°44′24.0′ N 073°58′00.0″ W (NAD 1983), west of Emerald Rock Buoy (LLNR about 785 yards south of Belmont Is- 25810).
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