בס“ד Devarim Issue 542 6 Av, 5774, August 2th, 2014 שבת מציון Shabbat MiTzion Mazal Tov to Eli (Washington 5770) and Shira Katzav on the birth of Reut - first grandchild of Uri & Einat Katzav, parents of 3 TMT shlichim - Eli, Yehuda (Memphis 5774) and Yosef (leaving for Montreal)

Who wrote Sefer Dvarim? Birkat Haderech Rabbi Dov Zemel - Former Rosh Kollel, TMT Atlanta 2002-2006. Ceremony Quality Assurance Administrator at Vernet Technologies

It’s almost seems sacrilegious, ques- third to first person in Sefer Dvarim is tioning whether Hashem authored Sefer simply a matter of degree. We find dif- Dvarim or Moshe himself. However, that ferent protagonists talking in the other is the exact question Rabbi Yitzchak of the books of the Torah; however, Abarbanel z”l asks in his they do not do so in a continuous flow introduction to Sefer Dvarim. throughout the bulk of any book. Ra- Zeev Schwartz and Solly ther, their words are embedded in the Sacks, Director General of Though the Talmud guarantees a por- storyline, where their views are usually World Mizrachi Organization tion in the world to come to each Jewish presented in short quotes. The first four person, it excludes from that treasured books, for example, include statements fate anyone lacking belief that each from Avraham, Bilam, Lavan, and verse of the Torah was Moshe among others. Other voices are a u t h o r e d b y H a s h e m . heard throughout, just not uninterrupt- edly. ,Professor Chaim Sukenik כל ישראל, יש להם חלק לעולם הבא... ואלו Quotes of various individuals are includ- President of JCT שאין להם חלק לעולם הבא... ואין תורה מן .ed by Hashem in the text of each Sefer השמיים.... As the narrator, Hashem simply includ- So what caused Rabbi Abarbanel, a ed others’ words in his text. Moshe then revered Torah commentator, to pose transcribed the words as he was in- such a controversial question? structed to do so by Hashem. Similarly, in the text of Sefer Dvarim, Hashem be- When studying Sefer Devarim, it is in- gins the book by introducing a quote Duvdev, Chairman of the structive to note the clear distinction in from Moshe. In this case, however, the World Zionist Organization the literary style used in Sefer Dvarim quote from Moshe is a series of speech- from that of the previous four books. In es that proceed throughout the greater the first four books of the Torah, it part of the book. seems like a uninvolved narrator is speaking. Rabbi Abarbanel counters his own ap- parently irreverant question by sug- However, through almost the entire gesting that after Moshe’s speeches Rabbi Yitzhak Neria, Rosh book of Sefer Dvarim, Moshe is speak- had been compiled and presented, Ha- Yeshivat Torah Betzion ing to the children of from the first shem elected to employ Moshe’s orato- person point of view. Instead of the of- ry as the text for the large majority of Sefer Dvarim. Thus, while in reality וידבּר ה׳ אל משׁה לאמר ten repeated verse “And God spoke to Moshe to say” found Sefer Dvarim appears to utilize a differ- in the former books of the Torah, the ent literary point of view, it is akin to the Book of Dvarim employs the verse other sfarim; it is written from Hashem’s And God spoke to me perspective quoting Moshe as another Nechama Porat, Roshat“ וידבּר ה׳ אלי לאמר to say.” It is that blatant contrast of voice within Hashem’s narration. Admit- Midrasha, Washington voice that led Rabbi Abarbanel to ask tedly, however, in Sefer Dvarim, the his provocative question. quotation is significantly longer, encom- passing almost the entire book. Shabbat Times

In searching for a solution to the dilem- ma, Rabbi Abarbanel notes that the ap- Rabbi Abarbanel further elaborates the Begin 19:00 parent shift in literary point of view from rationale for these lengthy soliloquies. End 20:14 בס“ד Devarim Page 2

As Moshe understood the proximity of both his ing that they were derived from Moshe’s soliloquies? death and the Jewish people’s immigration to the Why not simply include the content and refrain from Holy Land, he recognized the consequence of misleading some to think that possibly Moshe wrote concentrating on particular relevant matters of sig- the book? nificance to the Jewish people at that time. Hashem viewed the speeches Moshe intended for that Hashem may very well have concluded that coming unique period as being relevant for future genera- from Moshe to the children of Israel, the message tions and appropriate to include in the Torah. would have more influence. Though the content of Moshe’s speeches are true, when they were con- Still there is one gnawing doubt. Beginning as it veyed from a Being who cannot help but be perfect, does with Moshe’s quotation, Sefer Dvarim can they would lose some of their impact. However, easily create a mistaken impression. Why give the when a fallible man, a man like you and me, reach- option for a doubter to in fact conclude, as Rabbi es the highest levels of righteousness and divine Abarbanel seems to at the onset, that Moshe in fact knowledge through the use of his free-will, as wrote the book of Dvarim singlehandedly? Moshe did, those concepts of the capacity for man to self-improve and strive for perfection are pro- Obviously, Hashem chose this presentation for a foundly underscored.Thus, since Sefer Dvarim is reason. To answer that question, we ask ourselves, focused on our free will to choose Hashem’s path or “What would have been lacking if the book included to follow our evil inclinations, it is appropriate that the same speeches in smaller quotes, instead of the style of the book reflect the content. almost the entire book as a quote?” As we learn these next several Torah portions to- Or alternatively, if Hashem concluded that the gether, allow us to not simply learn from the content words that Moshe presented in his speeches to that of Moshe’s speeches, but also from the speaker of generation entering the Holy Land were appropriate those words himself. to include in the Torah for all future generation, why did Hashem not simply use those words without cit- Shabbat Shalom

Award of Recognition to Solly Sacks, Director General of the World Mizrachi Organization, for his steadfast support of Torah MiTzion

Torah MiTzion shlichim 5775 בס“ד Devarim Page 3 ISRAtag

Arik Speaker

The Bridge was built over the Lakhish River (Wadi Suk- rir/Wadi Fakhira) during the Roman period, and re-built at the end of the 19th century by the Turks. A parallel railway bridge was added when the coastal railway between and was laid. During the 1936–1939 Arab revolt that witnessed many armed raids in the region, the British authorities set up a series of pillbox guard posts, one of them next to the bridges. The bridge was destroyed during the War of Independence only to be the re- built afterwards. Today the north-south crosses over the bridge.

Ad Halom ("up to here") refers to the northernmost point reached by the in Operation Pleshet in 1948, one of the most important battles of the War of Independence. Since then, the term is used in Hebrew to emphasize the last line of defense that must not fall to the enemy.

On May 29, 1948, the fledgling Israel Air Force (IAF) sent 4 Avia S -199 airplanes, flown by , Modi Alon, Lou Lenart, and Eddie Cohen, to attack the Egyptians between the Arab vil- lage of Isdud and the bridge over the Lachish River. Cohen, a volunteer Machal pilot from South Africa, was shot down by anti- aircraft fire, becoming the first casualty of the IAF. The Givati Bri- gade eventually blew up the bridge and defended the river bank from a pillbox during Operation Barak. The Egyptian Army later took up positions at the site, which witnessed two battles in mid- 1948. The Egyptian forces were later defeated in ; www.tsahal-pizza.com The pillbox and defensive wall remain as memorials to these events.

In 1990,as a result of the , a memorial to the fallen Egyptian soldiers from 1948 was erected. If it were not for the courageous battles fought by the IAF and the , these soldiers would have reached and changed the face of history. Dedicate an issue of To advertise in Shabbat Shabbat MiTzion on the MiTzion contact: Yasher Koach to occasion of a yoretzeit Israel Jaakovi Ph. 02 620 9022 Ph. 02 620 9022 for providing the Shabbatmitzion shabatmitzion@ correct answer @torahmitzion.org torahmitzion.org

Where was this photo taken? Please send answers to [email protected] The answer, further information about this location as well as the name of the first person to recognize this site will be published in next week‘s edition.

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