Happy Birthday the King of the Netherlands

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Happy Birthday the King of the Netherlands SPECIAL SECTION New vision,Thursday, April 27, 2017 47 NewNew VisionVision Anniversary ADVERTISER SUPPLEMENT Dutch celebrate King’s Day King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands (second-right) with Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden (left), the Director- General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Ahmet Uzumcu (second-left) and foreign affairs minister Bert Koenders (right) after arriving at the Hall of Knights, ahead of the 20th anniversary of the Chemical Weapons Convention, in the Hague, Netherlands, yesterday. REUTERS oday arguably throne in 2013, the royal She says the ambassador officials, diplomats, business Netherlands, the party kicked marks the biggest KING WILLEM- celebrations is now known will host a reception at his contacts and members from off yesterday on the eve of birthday party in as King’s day and falls on residence later today and the Dutch community in King’s Day. the world and it ALEXANDER April 27, the birth date of that the guest list includes Uganda. happens to be waS THE FIRST King Willem-Alexander. ministers and government For those in the Compiled Jackie Achan Ta Dutch affair. April 27 is And to celebrate King’s Day, the birthday of the Dutch MALE DUTCH everyone is donning orange king, Willem-Alexander, today. AFRICAN CENTRE FOR TREATMENT and all Dutch people in ROYAL BABY AND REHABILITATION OF TORTURE the Netherlands and the SINCE THE Why orange outfits world over are celebrating Orange is worn on King’s VICTIMS (ACTV) his birthday in what is Day as a show of pride for the known as the King’s Day. BIRTH OF PRINCE Dutch royal family, the House It is a public holiday in the ALEXANDER of Orange-Nassau, which HAPPY KING’S DAY, KONINGSDAG 2017 Netherlands. has its roots in the French Happy Birthday your Majesty, King Willem-Alexander of the Kingdom of the Netherlands! King Willem-Alexander IN 1851 city of Orange. The House of Willem-Alexander Claus Orange-Nassau is a branch Introduction: (both male and female) fleeing conflict Ratification of OPCAT: George Ferdinand is the of the European House of On this 27th Day of April 2017, ACTV majorly from the Democratic Republic • Benin, Burkina Faso, Rwanda, King of the Netherlands. Alexander in 1851, and the Nassau. as the premier stake holder in the fight of Congo. Psychological methods of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), He is married to Maxima first immediate male heir Nassau is a historical region against torture in Uganda, congratulates torture were also employed. However, Gabon, Liberia, Mali, Mauritius, Zorreguieta Cerruti and since Alexander’s death in in present day Germany, and His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of psychological torture still remains a Nigeria, Senegal, Togo and Tunisia they have three daughters — 1884. the noble family that provided the Kingdom of the Netherlands on his challenge to prove in the formal courts have all ratified the OPCAT 2006. Princesses Catharina-Amalia, He became Prince of its hereditary rulers for many 50th birthday. Long live the King! of law. Recommendations: Freedom from all acts of torture or cruel, • Treatment and Rehabilitation • The Government of Uganda should Alexia and Ariane. Orange as heir apparent upon centuries. ratify the OPCAT 2006 to allow free Willem-Alexander turns his mother’s accession on 30 The present-day royal inhumane and degrading is a human Services in prisons entitlement to all Ugandans under Article and unlimited access to all detention In 2016 a total of 15 prisons were 50 today. He is currently the April 1980, and succeeded her heads of the Netherlands 24 of the 1995 constitution of Uganda, facilities in the country to visiting visited; Central region (3), Western second youngest monarch following her abdication on and Luxembourg are all and a non-derogable right in Article Human Rights bodies. region (4) and Northern region (8). in Europe, after Felipe VI of 30 April 2013. descended from the family, 44(a). During the visits 952 (883 Male and • The process of gazetting the Spain, who is a year younger. called the House of Nassau. The Prevention and Prohibition of 69 Female) clients were reached to and regulations of the PPTA 2012 Willem-Alexander is the From Queen’s Day to Divided into two, the elder should be fast tracked so that they Torture Act of Uganda. (PPTA 2012) offered holistic services. eldest of three children, his King’s Day Walram line gave rise to the criminalises all acts of torture and other are disseminated to all the various • Legal Aid Services: follower was Prince Friso, The royal celebrations in German Emperor Adolf, and cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment stakeholders. This will ease the or punishment. ACTV is formalising the registration implementation of the PPTA 2012 by who passed way in 2013 and the Netherland’s were first the younger Ottonian line legal advocates, judicial officers and his youngest brother is Prince held on 31 August 1885, in and establishment of a legal Aid Clinic. gave rise to the Princes of Through support from the Democratic This is aimed at ensuring that ACTV other actors in the Justice, Law and Constantijn. honour of the birth of Queen Orange and the monarchs of Governance Facility, ACTV has continued can get the legal mandate through the Order Sector. to advocate against torture and provide King Willem-Alexander Wilhelmina. And prior to the Netherlands. law council to represent their clients in • Pass the witness protection bill into was born April 27, 1967 in Willem-Alexander’s accession The House of Orange- treatment to survivors of torture. As a courts of law. result, the following have been realised; law. Fear by witnesses amd torture Utrecht a city in the central to the throne in 2013, King’s Nassau has played a Challenges in realising freedom from survivors to testify in courts of law Netherlands that has been a Day was called Queen’s Day. central role in the politics • Four survivors alleging violation of has frustrated the justice chain. the right to freedom from torture torture religious centre for centuries. It was held on every April and government of the have so far benefitted from Public • Funding gaps in fulfilling the Socio- Happy Kings’ Day, Koningsdag 2017 The city also has a medieval 30, in honour of the former Netherlands and at times Interest Litigation. economic empowerment component and long live the King on your or Livelihoods which affects the total old town, canals, Christian monarch Queen Beatrix, but in Europe. And as a show Seven cases so far have been 50th Birthday! • healing of clients due to the danger of monuments and the respected April 30, was not actually of pride for the Dutch prosecuted utilising the PPTA 2012 Please accept, Your Majesty, the suffering relapses out of frustration or Anti-Torture Law. assurances of our highest esteem. Utrecht University. Queen Beatrix’s birthday, but royal family today, which on what to do after treatment. The Utrecht born, Willem- that of her mother Juliana. is King’s day, everyone is For more information contact: Alexander is the oldest child Beatrix decided to keep wearing orange clothes and Forms of torture: • The Witness Protection Bill 2014 has not been passed into law up to now! African Centre for Treatment and of Queen Beatrix of the Queen’s Day on April 30, in accessories from head to toe. From ACTV statistics in 2016, the most Rehabilitation of Torture Victims Block No. • Insufficient medical evidence to prove common form of torture was physical 39, Plot 113, Owen Road (Off Tufnell Drive), Netherlands and German honour of her mother much psychological torture before formal torture, to include; kicking, beatings Kamwokya | P.O. BOX 6108 –KAMPALA| diplomat Claus van Amsberg. to the delight of the Dutch Celebrations in Uganda with truncheons, canes and specially courts of law.. He is the first male monarch people, since Beatrix’s real Veronica Mukite, an official Tel: 256-0312-263918/620 | Toll Free Line: designed instruments (systematically • The delay to ratify the Optional 0800202791 Email: [email protected] | of the Netherlands in 123 birthday falls on January 31 from the Netherlands and non-systematically) and subjecting Protocol to the Convention against Web: www.actvuganda.org years. Willem-Alexander was during the winter. Having embassy in Kampala, says victims to extreme hard labour. Sexual Torture of 2006 (OPCAT) by the first male Dutch royal succeeded his mother Queen Dutch people abroad share torture was mostly reported by refugees government. “FOR A TORTURE FREE WORLD.” baby since the birth of Prince Beatrix, and ascending the enthusiasm for the day. .
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