Food Webs Under Changing Biodiversity – Top-Down Control Report on Effects of Changing Predation Pressure on Benthic and Pelagic Species
BIO-C3 Biodiversity changes: causes, consequences and management implications Deliverable No: 2.2 Workpackage number and leader: 2.2, Monika Winder, P4 Date: 29.02.2016 Delivery due date: 29.02.2016 Month 26 Title: Food webs under changing biodiversity – Top-down control Report on effects of changing predation pressure on benthic and pelagic species. Lead partner for deliverable: Monika Winder (P4) Stockholm University Other contributing partners P1, P2, P3, P5, P7, P8, P11 Authors M Winder, E. Asterhag, M. Bernreuther, T. Blenckner, S. Bonaglia, E. Bonsdorff, V. Brüchert, A. Burian, J. Dierking, A. Downing, J. Dutz, E. Grinienė, DP. Fey, JR. Griffiths, A. Gårdmark, S. Hajdu, C. Hammer, JP. Herrmann, O. Hjerne, L. Hoikkala, K. Hänselmann, M. Järnström, O. Karlsson, M. Kadin, P. Kortelainen, P. Kotterba, H. Kuosa, J. Kotta, U. Larsson, M. Lindegren, K. Lundström, P. Margonski, D. Moll, C. Möllmann, F. Nascimento, S. Neuenfeldt, S. Niiranen, M.C. Nordström, A. Norkko, D. J. Olsson, Peck, J. Peters, J. Renz, P. Polte, S. Šulčius, H. Soinne, D. Oesterwind, A. Szkudlarek-Pawełczyk, T. Tamelander, A. Temming, A. Törnroos, A. Vaniala, B. Weigel, R. Žydelis, Dissemination level (PU=public, PP=Restricted to other programme PU participants, including the BONUS Secretariat, CO=confidential) Nature of the Deliverable (RE=Report, OT=Other) RE Acknowledgements The research leading to these results is part of the BIO-C3 project and has received funding from BONUS, the joint Baltic Sea research and development programme (Art 185), funded jointly from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration and from national funding institutions.
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