How to get to Mellerud

From Malmö and Göteborg to Mellerud

From Malmö you stay on the E6 towards Göteborg-Oslo. From Göteborg there are two possible routes: Via (about 145 kilometres, driving time 1 hour 40 minutes): 1. In stay on/turn onto the E6 towards Uddevalla-Oslo. 2. Just before Uddevalla, at the traffic junction Lerbomotet you take the exit towards Vänersborg-Trollhättan- and towards road numbers 44 och 172. 3. This road will change automatically to the 44 and you keep following the signs for Vänersborg and Trollhättan. 4. 26 kilometres after leaving the E6 you come to the traffic junction Båberg. Here you take the exit towards E45N in the direction of Båberg-Vänersborg-Karlstad. 5. At the end of the exit turn to left onto the E45 and follow this road for about 46 kilometer until you come to Mellerud. If you want to continue to Sunnanå. 6. Should you travel further towards Sunnanå Hamn (the harbour), continue on the E45 in both the roundabouts and leave Mellerud northwards on the E45. 7. Two kilometers after the second round about, turn right towards Sunnanå. 8. Continue on this road for about three kilometers passed the golf course to come to Sunnanå marina.

Via Trollhättan (about 130 kilometres, driving time 1 hour 45 minutes: 1. In Gothenburg turn onto the E45 towards Trollhättan-Karlstad. 2. Follow the E45 for about 130 kilometres until you come to Mellerud (Please note: Shortly after Trollhättan you have to turn onto two exits to stay on the E45, which is slightly confusing.) 3. If you want to go to Sunnanå: Continue these directions under the directions ”Via Uddevalla” from point 6. PLEASE NOTE: If you should arrive to Göteborg on one of the ferries, please be aware that in the city of Gothenburg some of the traffic signs are placed very shortly before you need to switch lanes or turn onto an exit. It is advised to stay in the right side lanes as much as possible, if not indicated otherwise.

From the Netherlands to by car

Route 1: NL – Mellerud You drive through Germany, via Bremen, Hamburg and Flensburg to Denmark. In Denmark you drive through Jutland and from here you cross the Danish island Fyn and via the Stora Bælt bridge Sjaelland. Between Sjaelland and Sweden you cross the Øresundbridge. You enter Sweden slightly south of Malmö and travel via the west coast via Göteborg to Mellerud. DISTANCE: (from Utrecht) 1 355 km. ADD. COSTS: Toll bridges cost €32 and €45 single way. ADVICE: In general the cheapest route, rather strenuous. Without traffic jams (usually some with Hamburg or Bremen) and without children, about 12-13 hours. Not a suitable journey with (young) children). Route 2: NL – ferry Helsingør/Helsingborg - Mellerud The same route as route 1, but on the island Sjaelland you drive northward passing Köbenhavn and take the ferry from Helsingør to Helsingborg. From Helsingborg you follow the west coast to Göteborg and continue to Mellerud. DISTANCE: (from Utrecht) 1 300 km. ADD. COSTS: Toll bridge costs €32 and the ferry €42 in high season and €39 in low season (when booked on the internet). ADVICE: An attractive alternative route if you like to drive. Like route 1, slightly less suitable for a journey with (smaller) children. Route 3: NL – ferry Puttgarden/Rødby – ferry Helsingör/Helsingborg – Mellerud You travel through Germany via Bremen and Hamburg to Puttgarden. Here you take the ferry to Rødby. From Rødby you travel over the Danish islands Lolland and Sjaelland to the north end of Sjaelland, where you take the ferry from Helsingør to Helsingborg. From Helsingborg you travel via Göteborg to Mellerud. DISTANCE: (from Utrecht) 1 140 km. ADD.COSTS: For the ferries you can purchase a combined ticket that is valid for both trips provided you take both ferries at the same date. This ticket costs €100 if booked through the internet. ADVICE: Especially when travelling with children and you still want to travel in one day, this is a recommendable route. Both ferries provide fun and natural stops during the journey. Route 4: NL – ferry Kiel/Gothenburg – Mellerud You travel through Germany via Bremen, Hamburg and Kiel. From Kiel you take the night ferry to Göteborg, which always leaves at 18.45 and arrives at 09.15. Then you drive to Mellerud. DISTANCE: (from Utrecht) 675 km. ADD.COSTS: Depends on the season, the day of the week and the number of people you are travelling with. It is cimpulsory to book a cabin. Pets can be taken on board. (But there are special rules for taking pets into Sweden.) ADVICE: A very comfortable route, especially because you should be able to be on time in Kiel for the departure of the ferry from most places in the Netherlands with exception of the most southern part of The Netherlands. In general, this is the most expensive route, but especially if you are planning to spend the night at a hotel on your journey to Sweden, the difference could be relatively small. Route 5: NL – ferry Fredrikshavn/Gothenburg – Mellerud You travel through Germany via Bremen, Hamburg and Flensburg to Denmark. Here you drive through Jutland to Fredrikshavn in the north. From Fredrikshavn you take the ferry to Gothenburg. It takes about three hours. From here you travel to Mellerud. DISTANCE: (from Utrecht) 1 100. ADD.COSTS: The costs of the ferry depends on both the season and the day of the week. ADVICE: This route is pleasant when you consider even booking a hotel room on the way. It is quite a long drive to make it in time to the ferry, which can be rather stressful considering possible traffic jams.

Flying from the Netherlands to Sweden

Option 1: Via Gothenburg Landvetter Airport You can fly to Gothenburg Landvetter Airport and rent a car here or take public transportation to Mellerud and rent a car there. Renting a car at the airport costs about €170 per week for a small car. Renting a car in Mellerud costs about €43 per day for a smaller car. Mileage is included in Sweden. There is public transportation from Landvetter to Mellerud. First take the airport bus to the railway station. This costs about €9 per adults and €6,5 per child from the age of 8. You buy the ticket on the bus or book it in advance on the Internet. ( Then take the train to Mellerud (slightly more than an hour). Prices can vary depending on the day and time. It is always cheaper to book well in advance than on the travelling date. Book on

Option 2: Via Oslo Rygge, Norway When travelling with RyanAirthe only option at the moment is to fly to Oslo Rygge airport in Norway. At Rygge Airport you will need to rent a car. The drive to Mellerud takes about 2 hours 20 minutes. In case you want to take public transportation, you will have to travel to Dals-Ed by train and continue your journey to Mellerud by bus. However, travelling with public transportation might be hard to combine with the arrival and departure times of RyanAir.

From the Netherlands to Sweden by train

You can travel from The Netherlands to Mellerud by train. In general, you will be travelling to Köbenhavn with a night train. There you change to a train to Göteborg and there you changeagain to a train to Mellerud. Prices depends on the travelling date. Total travelling time from Utrecht CS is about 22 hours.

From the Netherlands to Sweden by coach

During certain periods of the year you can book a journey by coach (Eurolines) to Göteborg Central Station. From here you continue your journey by train to Mellerud. There are six stops in The Netherlands: Eindhoven, Rotterdam, Den Haag, Amsterdam, Utrecht and Groningen. During the trips you will have to change coaches a few times, but in general you continue your trip within half an hour and from the same bus stop. A single ticket costs about €100 (different rates for different ages). From Utrecht the trip takes about 20 hours. These trips can usually be booked two months in advance at the earliest.

Please note All prices, travelling distances and travelling options can differ slightly from the mentioned figures. The information is to give you an indication of what to expect, and a possibility to compare and plan your journey.