· I ST. BEDE'S MAGAZINE Ytoll on-~lJ·fonour 1939-1946_ Abberton, John Holden, Kenneth Bailey, Basil Hope, Thomas Barry, Thomas Huggins, Kenneth Beard, Hugh Hutton, Andon Bennett, Francis Loftus, John Benson, Fr. Bernard McCormick, Thomas Benson, Ronald McDonough, Joseph Berry, Bernard McEvoy, Joseph Briggs, Edmund McEvoy, Patrick Campbell, Erik McGreavy, Lawrence Caulfield, Bernard Mahon, Eugene Clapham, Cyril Malone, Peter Coghlan, Dermot Morley, James Cook, George Henry Neilan, Joseph Cooper, John Nicholson, Frank Dadd, Francis O'Donnell, Vincent Daly, Dennis Onions, Kenneth Davy, Philip Petty, William Fenton Dempsey, John PoreUi,John Dewse, William Pounder, Thomas Dunn, Leo Price, Terence Egan, John Rogers, Basil Ellis, Michael Rudden, Terence Finnegan, Joseph Scott, Herbert Fisher, Norman Scott, Leslie Flaherty, Kieran Sheard, Bernard Flanagan, Thomas Sowray, John Fleming, jack Spafford, Maurice Fretwell, William Frederick Sullivan, Kevin Gilmartin, Thomas Travers, Thomas Gorman, Thomas Turnbull, John Graham, Mark Walker, John Gubbins, joseph Walsh, James Hall, Charles Willis, Frank Hirst, Leonard Wood, Frederick Hodgson, Peter Wood, George Hogan, john )\. 11. 1.1-. jJ ST. BE E'S MAGAZINE VOL. V.-No. "1 5 SUMMER, 1946. PRICE ad. CONTENTS Roll of Honour School Library 33 1 SchDol Notes 32 3 Prefects' Notes 332 From the Classrooms 32 5 Dance Notes 332 House Notes 326 From the Universities 333 On the Playing Fields 26 3 School Societies 334 With the Patrols 32 8 Examination Results Speech Day 335, 336 328 A Guide to Examinations Awards 2 336 3 9 Farming Camp School Plays 32 9 337 Music Notes 330 Old Boys' Notes 33 8 Swimming 330 Old Boys' Jottings 338 SCHOOL NOTES September, 1945.
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