International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009, Vol-5, Iss-3, Spl. Issue-1 Aug.-2017 IMPROVEMENT IN PERFORMANCE OF A DOWNSTREAM BARRAGE DUE TO A NEW BALANCING RESERVOIR UPSTREAM 1KASIVISWANADH GORTHI, 2VISWESWARARAO MUKKAMALA 1Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad; 2Mallareddy Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract- Prakasam Barrage is a tail end barrage on Krishna river situated at Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh. Entire delta irrigation is catered by this structure. The flows of about 100 TMC from the catchment between Nagarjunasagar(NSP) a upstream reservoir and Prakasam barrage and regulated releases of 52.2 TMC are to be used for this project. A balancing reservoir at Pulichintala is constructed to utilise the intermediate yield effectively and to stabilise the irrigation under Krishna delta. This paper studies the improvement of Krishna delta system due to Pulichintala. The Integrated operation of NSP and Prakasam Barrage is done without Pulichintala considering the net inflows in to NSP after ultimate development and the demands planned under NSP and Prakasam Barrage using Mike basin and excel . The Pulichintala project is then introduced and the integrated operation of the three components are done. In both cases Standard Linear operation policy adopted. However in the 2ndscenario no releases are made to Prakasam Barrage from NSP if water is available at Pulichintala. The releases from Pulichintala in the 2ndscenario and releases from NSP in the first scenario to Prakasam Barrage are worked out considering the contributions from the respective intermediate catchments namely Pulichintala to Prakasam Barrage and NSP to Prakasam Barrage respectively.