Minutes UCD COVID-19 Medicine and Public Health Committee
Minutes UCD COVID-19 Medicine and Public Health Committee Meeting No. 23 – 1st September 2020 @ 1230pm Zoom Link: https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/j/96178308943 In Attendance: Professor Cecily Kelleher, College Principal, College of Health and Agricultural Sciences (Chair) (CK) Professor Jason Last, Dean of Students (Vice Chair) (JL) Professor Patrick Wall, Professor of Public Health, School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science (PW) Dr. Peter Coulahan, Director of SIRC (PC) Dr. Sandra Tighe, Director of Student Health (ST) Professor Simon More, Full Professor of Vet Epidemiology & Risk Analysis, School of Veterinary Medicine (SM) Ms. Maeve O’Connell, College of Science/Monitoring Group Support Circulation List: Attendees/Apologies and Dr Derval Igoe, Specialist in Public Health Medicine, HPSC o The Chair welcomed Professor Simon More (SM), UCD School of Veterinary Medicine who accepted the invitation to sit on the committee. Prof More will provide expertise to and feedback on activities by the M&PH Cttee and from other committees he is involved with including that in Veterinary Medicine which he chairs. o The M&PH Cttee typically meets fortnightly, but at the request of JL the cttee is meeting this week, also, to review draft guidance documents being developed. Minutes 1. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising o The Minutes of the previous meeting were considered accurate and were adopted. o No Matters Arising 2. Review of ‘Reopening’ documents o Several draft documents were circulated to committee members prior to the meeting and each was reviewed individually. A) The ‘Return to Campus Guide’ is being prepared by UCD Estate Services, with input from PC and JL.
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