List of Notifications of Payment Institutions
LIST OF NOTIFICATIONS OF PAYMENT INSTITUTIONS 13 August 2021 List of notifications of payment institutions Payment institution Competent national Method of Payment services1 Date of receipt of authority providing payment the notification services in Slovenia Chase Paymentech Central Bank of Ireland direct provision of 3., 5., 7. 30/10/2009 Europe Ltd (IRL) payment services Western Union Central Bank of Ireland via agents: 6. 06/11/2009 Payment Sfervices (IRL) Nova Ljubljanska Ireland Lt banka d.d,2 Ljubljana, Nova Kreditna banka Maribor d. d.3, 02/12/2015 TOBAČNA 3DVA, trgovsko podjetje, d. o. o. Trust Pay, a. s. National Bank of direct provision of 3., 5. 01/02/2010 Slovakia (SVK) payment services via agent: SUMUP LIMITED 3.,5. (PSD2) 23/04/2019 SIX Payment Commission de direct provision of 3., 4., 5., 7. 12/07/2010 Services (Europe) Surveillance du Secteur payment services S. A.4 (LUX) and via branch: SIX Payment Services (Europe) 5. 03/09/2018 S. A., Austrian Branch Global Collect De Nederlandsche Bank direct provision of 3., 5. 05/01/2011 Services B.V. (NLD) payment services B+S Card Service Bundesanstalt für direct provision of 3., 4., 5. 07/02/2011 GmbH5 Finanzdienstleistungsau payment services fsicht (DEU) HOBEX AG Financial Market direct provision of 5. 05/05/2011 Authority (AUT) payment services Lufthansa AirPlus Bundesanstalt für direct provision of 1., 2., 3., 5. 06/05/2011 Servicekarten GmbH Finanzdienstleistungsau payment services fsicht (DEU) EVO Payments Bundesanstalt für direct provision of 1., 2., 3., 5. 18/05/2011 International GmbH6 Finanzdienstleistungsau payment services fsicht (DEU) 1 Payment services as cited by number of payment service in first paragraph of Article 5 of ZPlaSS which implements the Directive 2007/64/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 November 2007 on payment services in the internal market amending Directives 97/7/EC, 2002/65/EC, 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and repealing Directive 97/5/EC.
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