

of the


Registered Charity number 1132388

For the year ended 31 December 2013








St John’s Church, Felbridge

Vicar The Revd Mark Francis, (from 22 October 2013) The Vicarage, 8 The Glebe, Felbridge, East Grinstead RH19 2QT

Independent Examiner: Mr Michael Robinson, FCCA, ACA. Brooks & Co. Chartered Accountants, Hampton House, High Street, East Grinstead, RH19 3AW

Bankers: NatWest plc, 15, London Road, EG, RH19 1GP

The P.C.C. of the Parish of St John's Felbridge is a Registered Charity, number 1132388


The Parochial Church Council (PCC) have pleasure in presenting their report and the Financial Statements of the Charity for the year ended 31st December 2013. The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the policies set out on page 9 and comply with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 and applicable law.


The parish is a charity and has, since September 2009, been registered with the Charity Commission, within the meaning of the Charities Act 2011. Charity registration number: 1132388.

During the year, the following served as members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and as Trustees:

Vicar: Mark Francis (Chairman from 22/10/13)

Wardens: Andy Brown (from Easter Vestry Meeting 2011) Phil Tadman (from Easter Vestry Meeting 2012)

Representatives on the Deanery Synod: Peter Burton (until APCM 2014) Barbara Cottier (until APCM 2014) Don Ely (until APCM 2014) Philip Tadman (until APCM 2014)

Elected members: Joan Bateman (until APCM 2016) Anne Butler (until APCM 2015) Sarah Francis (until APCM 2016) Chris Saunders (until APCM 2015) Jessica Stopp (until APCM 2014) Brenda Wilkinson (until APCM 2014) Gordon Wilkinson (until APCM 2014) Lis Woolley (until APCM 2014)

Secretary: Sheila Drury

Structure, governance and management

Membership of the PCC is determined under the Church Representation Rules and consists of certain ex- officio members (the incumbent/priest-in-charge, curate, lay readers licensed to officiate in the church), the churchwardens and members of the Deanery, Diocesan or General Synods and nine members of the church who are elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). Members are warmly encouraged to stand for election to the PCC, and we try to ensure a balance of skills and experience where possible. The 2013 Easter Vestry Meeting and APCM took place on 24th March 2013.

Objectives and activities

The primary objective of St John’s PCC is the promotion of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the doctrines and practices of the Church of England, and our mission statement is 'to win and build followers of Jesus Christ’. The PCC has the responsibility of cooperating with the Vicar, the Revd Mark Francis in promoting in the ecclesiastical parish the whole mission of the Church pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. The PCC has given consideration to the Charity Commissions general guidance on public benefit under Section 17 of the 2011 Charities Act.

Electoral Roll and Church attendance Following a full revision of the Electoral Roll there were 145 (176) people on the ER at 24th March 2013, 49 (56) of whom were resident within the parish. Six (Two) new member were added during the year. The full revision resulted in a ER which is more reflective of regular commitment to St John’s, as names were removed due to death and members moving since the last full revision in 2008. The average weekly attendance, counted during October and November 2013, was 95 (86) adults and 14 (13) children, but this number increased on special Sundays such as the new Vicar’s first Sunday, and Remembrance Sunday.

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REVIEW OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE PCC (Sheila Drury, Secretary) At the Vestry meeting in 2013 Phil Tadman and Andy Brown were re-elected as church wardens and at the APCM meeting following this, 2 of the 3 vacancies for the PCC were filled by Joan Bateman and Sarah Francis who were each elected for 3 years. This therefore gave a total number of PCC members for the year of 13. Andy Brown and Phil Tadman, in the absence of a Vicar for most of the year, agreed to act as joint Chairmen of the PCC until a new Vicar was appointed. This happened in October when the Rev Mark Francis was appointed as our Vicar. Michael Peach attended the PCC meetings also until he left St John’s in the summer to take up his new post. Other elections made by the PCC were David Legg as electoral roll officer, Chris Saunders as treasurer and Sheila Drury as secretary. The PCC met 6 times with an average attendance of 13.

PCC meetings always begin with a Bible reading and a time of prayer in order to seek the Lord’s guidance in its discussions. A review of the church’s finances takes place at each meeting, and each of the team leaders presents a report of the activities of that team in the preceding 2 months.

The main concern for the PCC over the year until October has been the continued organisation of the church in the absence of a full-time vicar, and the arrangements for the appointment of a new vicar. Discussions took place with the Bishop of Croydon, a parish profile was produced along with a clear description of the type of person it was hoped to appoint, and advertisements were placed. The PCC also organised a day of prayer on 5th July to support the selection of the right person. Eventually, the Rev Mark Francis was appointed to take up the post and his licensing service took place on 22nd October. Various events were arranged to welcome Mark and his family to our parish.

Another item which has preoccupied the PCC, as in previous years, has been the car park. However by the end of December all the permissions had been granted, the finances settled and arrangements were finally in place for the work to be done. This will make the area much safer for the congregation and any visitors, as it will be lit as well as paved.

The future of the parish magazine was discussed at several meetings along with the need to update our methods of communicating with the parish. Greater use of the internet and the church website was seen as the way forward and to this end the website has been updated.

Various new ways forward have also been discussed recently following the survey of the church congregation initiated by Mark in November. It was found that we have a strong congregation but in line with our mission statement we would like to grow in , so the PCC has been considering ways in which we can maximise the use of the church buildings and also free up Mark and others for the task of greater evangelisation. To this end the PCC agreed that a church administrator should be appointed to help with administrative tasks.

Finally, with our quinquennial review due this year, it has been necessary to appoint a new church architect as the architect previously used has now retired. To this end research took place and a new architect has now been appointed.

It has been a very full year for the PCC, who would like to express their thanks to Andy, Phil and Don for all that they did to maintain the smooth running of all the services, as well as the administration of all the other necessary tasks.


St John’s Church has established a Risk Management Process to identify and manage the risks to which the Church is exposed. The PCC supports a four-stage Risk Management Process which involves (1) identifying the potential risks to which St John's is exposed and logging them in a Risk Register; (2) an assessment of the potential impact and probability of those risks crystallising; (3) an agreement that the high-level risks will have appropriate controls or actions plans to mitigate them; and (4) an ongoing Monitoring Process to review the existing/new risks as well as the progress with respect to completing the high-level risk action plans. The key risk groups to which St John’s is potentially exposed are:

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 Financial  Health & Safety  Reputation  Operational  Security  Legal (Statutory Requirements)  People


The report and accounts for 2013 are displayed on the Church notice board prior to the APCM. They record continued stability in the financial position of St. John’s. Below is a summary of the main features of the financial activity during 2013.

Income: 1 Incoming resources for 2013 totalled £118,102 compared with £134,364 in 2012. In 2013 this was made up of restricted £36,819 (2012 £45,574) and unrestricted £81,283 (2012 £88,790) giving. 2 Restricted giving in 2013 of £36,819 (£45,574) in 2012) was therefore £8,755 (19%) less than in 2012 due primarily to commitments to restricted giving for staffing coming to an end in 2013. 3 There were a number of ways in which people made financial contributions, including through cash offerings, the envelope scheme and standing orders. Many of the donations were made tax effectively which enabled tax repayments totalling £16,442 (2012 £19,639) to be reclaimed in relation to Gift Aid donations. The PCC encourages tax-effective giving and recommends all income and capital gains tax payers to review their method of giving to ensure their donations are tax efficient. As from 6th April 2013 St John’s has been eligible to receive extra payments from HMRC for small cash donations as a result of the Small Charitable Donations Act 2012. If any reader is currently giving by non tax-efficient means and wish to consider tax-efficient methods, then please contact one of the team mentioned below. However, less people pay income tax as the tax free allowance is now £10,000

Expenditure: Total expenditure for the year was £112,573 (2012 £276,775). The large extra expenditure item in 2012 was for the church hall refurbishment, a one-off item costing £152,880. The sum of £55,697 (2012 £53,585) was paid to the Diocese under the Fairer Shares Scheme to cover clergy and other diocesan costs. This amount covers the housing, stipend and pension costs of the clergy, and a sum for diocesan central costs, clergy training and a contribution to national church funds. Every three years our contribution is reviewed, and the review in 2011 produced a reduction in the diocesan contribution for 2013.

Net result Net incoming resources for the year of £5,529 (2012 deficit £142,411). The balance of resources (net assets) at the end of 2013 was £193,319 (2012 £187,790).

Funds The undesignated funds available for the general purposes of the church at the end of 2013 were £15,246 (2012 £17,034) the decrease in general funds being partly due to the use of general funds to ensure there were no restricted or designated funds in deficit at the end of 2013. We give thanks to God for being able to fund an Associate Minister, Michael Peach, from July 2009 to September 2013. It is encouraging to report net incoming funds during 2013, a year which included a vacancy for almost 10 months. The level of funds at the end of 2013 will help the parish achieve its mission projects in the future. At the end of 2013 restricted funds totalled £3,884 (2012 £1,391) and unrestricted funds totalled £189,435 (2012 £186,399).

The Future

In January 2014 the PCC agreed budget commitments totalling £114,610 for 2014 (2013 £106,052) excluding restricted items. The budget was agreed by the PCC to progress the work and mission of the church, noting our current commitments, our desire to reach out to the parish and beyond with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and with an expectation that new challenges will be grasped, and projects progressed under the leadership of the new Vicar, the Revd. Mark Francis, following his licensing by the Bishop of Southwark on 22nd October 2013.

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Reserves Policy The PCC review their reserves at most of their meetings, and with effect from 2008 an annual transfer of £5000 has been made from the General Fund to the Fabric/Quinquennial Fund in anticipation of any significant costs, such as resulting from the quinquennial inspections. The survey is due in April 2014.

Investment Policy The PCC invest funds with the CBF Church of England deposit fund as they seek to keep any surplus liquid funds in short-term deposits, which can be readily available.

The PCC are grateful for the work of the Finance Team, being Peter Burton, Chris Saunders (Treasurer), and Phil Tadman (Chairman). The Finance Team appreciate the engagement of the PCC in finance matters, and the support of others with particular roles relating to the finance of the church. These include the Sidespeople, the communications team, fundraising team and church Bookstall, and all who contribute to St John’s, and its stewardship of resources entrusted to the PCC.


Law applicable to charities in England and Wales requires the Trustees to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the Charity’s financial activities during the year and of its financial position at the end of the year. In preparing those financial statements, the Trustees are required to:

a) select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;

b) make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;

c) state whether applicable accounting standards and statements of recommended practice have been followed subject to any departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and

d) prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the charity will continue in business.

The Trustees are responsible for keeping accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Charity and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Charities Act 1993. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

Signed on behalf of the PCC:

Mark Francis Sheila Drury (Chairman) (Secretary)

11 March 2014

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I report on the accounts of the Parochial Church Council (the PCC) of St John’s, Felbridge for the year ended 31 December 2013, which are set out on 7 to 15.

Respective Responsibilities of the PCC and the examiner

The members of the PCC are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The members of the PCC consider that an audit is not required for this year under section 144(2) of the Charities Act 2011 (the 2011 Act) and that an independent examination is needed.

It is my responsibility to:

 examine the accounts of the PCC under section 145 of the 2011 Act,  follow the procedures laid down in the general directions given by the Charity Commission (under section 145(5)(b) of the 2011 Act, and  state whether particular matters have come to my attention.

Basis of Independent Examiner’s Report

My examination was carried out in accordance with general directions given by the Charity Commission and to be found in the Church guidance, 2001 edition, issued by the Finance Division of the Archbishops’ Council. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the PCC and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from the members of the PCC concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently no opinion is given as to whether the accounts present a ‘true and fair’ view and the report is limited to those matters set out in the statement below.

Independent Examiner’s Statement

In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in, any material respect, the requirements:

- to keep accounting records in accordance with section 130 of the 2011 Act; and - to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with the accounting requirements of the 2011 Act;

have not been met; or

- to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached.

Mr Michael Robinson FCCA, ACA Hampton House High Street For and on behalf of Brooks & Co East Grinstead West Sussex East Grinstead Dated: RH19 3AW

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STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES (Incorporating the Income and Expenditure Account) for the year ended 31st December 2013

TOTAL TOTAL Unrestricted Restricted FUNDS FUNDS Notes Funds Funds 2013 2012 £ £ £ £ Incoming resources Voluntary Income 2a 72,547 33,864 106,411 124,217 Activities for generating funds 2b 126 685 811 1,914 Income from investments 2c 910 - 910 2,478 Church activities 2d 7,700 2,270 9,970 4,755 Other incoming resources 2e - - - 1,000 Total incoming resources 81,283 36,819 118,102 134,364

Resources expended Costs of generating voluntary 3a - - - - income Activities for generating funds 3b 331 106 437 - Church activities 3c 66,476 44,796 111,272 275,925 Governance costs 3d 864 - 864 850 Total resources expended 67,671 44,902 112,573 276,775

Net (outgoing)/incoming resources (Net 13,612 (8,083) 5,529 (142,411) Income/Expenditure Movement between Funds (10,576) 10,576 - - Net movement in funds 3,036 2,493 5,529 (142,411)

Total funds brought forward st 186,399 1,391 187,790 330,201 at 1 January 2013

Total funds carried forward st £189,435 £3,884 £193,319 £187,790 at 31 December 2013

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Notes 2013 2012 £ £ Fixed Assets Tangible fixed assets 5 326 191 Investments - - Total fixed assets 326 191

Current assets Debtors 7 19,763 10,707 Short term deposits 159,734 158,824 Cash at bank and in hand 14,346 25,796 193,843 195,327

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 8 850 7,728

Net current assets 192,993 187,599

Total assets less current liabilities 193,319 187,599

Creditors: amounts falling due after one year - -

NET ASSETS £193,319 £187,790

Restricted funds 9 3,884 1,391

General Fund 15,246 17,034 Designated Fund – Quinquennial 10,000 6,212 Designated Fund – Church Building 164,189 163,153 Unrestricted funds 9 189,435 186,399

£193,319 £187,790

Approved by the Parochial Church Council on 11th March 2014 and signed on its behalf:

Mark Francis Chris Saunders (Chairman) (Treasurer)

The accompanying notes on pages 9 to 15 form part of the financial statements

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NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31st December 2013

1. Accounting Policies a Accounting convention The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006, together with applicable accounting standards and SORP 2005.

The Financial Statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the inclusion of investments at market value and by the revaluation of fixed assets. The Financial Statements include all transactions, assets and liabilities for which the PCC is responsible in law. They do not include the accounts of church groups that owe their affiliation to another body, nor those which are informal gatherings of church members. b Funds accounting Funds held by the PCC are: Unrestricted funds - general funds which can be used for PCC ordinary purposes. Designated Funds - monies set aside by the PCC out of unrestricted funds for specific future purposes or projects. Restricted Funds - a) income from trusts or endowments which may be expended only on those restricted objects provided in the terms of the trust or bequest; b) donations or grants received for a specific object or invited by the PCC for a specific object. The funds may only be expended on the specific object for which they were given. Any balance remaining unspent at the end of the year is carried forward as a balance on that fund. Endowment funds - funds the capital of which must be maintained; only income arising from the investment of the endowment may be used, either as restricted or unrestricted funds, depending on the purpose set out in the terms of the original endowment. c Incoming resources All incoming resources are accounted for gross. Voluntary Income Collections are recognised when received. Planned giving receivable is recognised only when received. Income tax recoverable on Gift Aid donations is recognised when the income is recognised. Grants & legacies are recognised when the PCC is legally entitled to the amount due. Income from investments Dividends are accounted for when due and payable. Interest entitlements are accounted for as they are received. All other income All other income is recognised when it is receivable Gains & losses on investments Realised gains are recognised when investments are sold. Unrealised gains and losses would be accounted for on a revaluation as at 31 December in the year of revaluation. d Resources used Resources expended are accounted for on an accruals basis and are accounted for gross. Grants Grants and donations are accounted for when paid over, or when awarded where the award creates a binding obligation on the PCC.

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NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) For the year ended 31st December 2013

Church Activities The diocesan parish contribution is accounted for when paid. Any parish contribution unpaid at 31 December is provided for in these accounts as an operational (though not a legal) liability and is shown as a creditor in the balance sheet. e Fixed Assets Tangible fixed assets Consecrated and beneficed property of any kind is excluded from the accounts by Section10 of the Charities Act 2011. Movable church furnishing held by the Vicar and Churchwardens on special trust for the PCC and which require a faculty for disposal are accounted for as inalienable property unless consecrated. They are listed in the church's inventory, which can be inspected. For inalienable property acquired prior to 1995 there is insufficient cost information available and therefore such assets are not valued in the accounts. Individual items acquired since 1995 have been capitalised in the accounts at cost and depreciated over their useful economic life. All expenditure on consecrated or beneficed buildings and individual items costing under £500 are written off in the year they were incurred. Depreciation Depreciation is calculated to write down the cost of tangible fixed assets, excluding freehold properties, over their expected useful lives. The rates generally applicable are: Fixtures and fittings 25% straight line Computer equipment 33.3% straight line f Current Assets Amounts owing to the PCC at 31 December in respect of fees, rents or other income are shown as debtors less provision for amounts that may prove uncollectible. Short-term deposits include cash held on deposit either with the CBF Church of England Funds, or at the bank

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NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) For the year ended 31st December 2013

2. Incoming Resources

Unrestricted Restricted TOTAL TOTAL Funds Funds FUNDS 2013 FUNDS 2012 £ £ £ £ 2a Voluntary Income Regular giving 42,985 12,835 55,820 59,699 Collections at all services 7,374 1,624 8,998 7,012 Gift days - 8,357 8,357 9,403 Sundry donations & appeals 5,746 11,048 16,794 28,464 Income tax recoverable 16,442 - 16,442 19,639 72,547 33,864 106,411 124,217

2b Activities for generating funds Fund-raising events 126 685 811 1,914 126 685 811 1,914

2c Investment income Interest 910 - 910 2,478 910 - 910 2,478

2d Income from church activities Church hall lettings etc 3,281 - 3,281 2,175 Fees from weddings etc 4,419 - 4,419 1,492 Parish magazine - 2,270 2,270 1,088 7,700 2,270 9,970 4,755

2e Other incoming resources Diocese Youth Grant - - - 1,000 Parish Council Grant - - - - Gatwick Trust ------1,000

Total incoming resources 81,283 36,819 118,102 134,364

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NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) For the year ended 31st December 2013

3. Resources expended

Unrestricted Restricted TOTAL TOTAL FUNDS Funds Funds FUNDS 2013 2012 £ £ £ £ Costs of generating voluntary 3a income Stewardship costs ------

3b Activities for generating funds CCP team and publicity 331 106 437 - 331 106 437 -

3c Church Activities Mission & charitable giving: Mission gift day - 10,513 10,513 11,416 Other mission 165 2,692 2,857 6,275 165 13,205 13,370 17,691

Ministry costs: Diocesan parish contribution 55,697 - 55,697 53,585 Associate Minister & (2,219) 24,408 22,189 36,817 Apprentice Other clergy costs/recuitment 4,194 - 4,194 1,300 Church fabric costs 3,270 264 3,534 4,258 Church hall costs 3,134 - 3,134 3,045 Church centre project costs (4,079) 4,323 244 152,880 Office running costs 1,387 - 1,387 1,064 Wedding/Funeral Fees – costs 990 - 990 468 Communications/Mission team 50 2,596 2,646 150 Worship team 491 - 491 459 Youth team costs 506 - 506 505 Evangelism & pastoral team 421 - 421 1,470 Synod team 60 - 60 60 Church Family lunches/Social 1,505 - 1,505 560 Ministry of Flowers 904 - 904 1,613 66,311 31,591 97,902 258,234

3d Governance costs Independent examination fee 864 - 864 850 Other costs - - - - 864 - 864 850

Total resources expended 67,671 44,902 112,573 276,775

Restricted Church Centre Project Costs amounting to £152,880 in 2012, relate to the refurbishment work carried out on the church hall, including repairs to the roof, kitchen and entrance hall.

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NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) For the year ended 31st December 2013

4 Other financial activity a Wages and salaries During the year the PCC employed 3 members of staff; 2 part time cleaners and an Associate Minister. 2013 2012 Cleaners £1,274 £576 Associate Minister Salary £13,038 £16,006 Employers National Insurance £1,008 £1,190 b Payments to PCC members There were no disclosable transactions in respect of PCC members, nor persons closely connected to them, or other related parties. c Parish News Magazine A separate account was maintained to administer the production of the Parish News. This was not produced in 2013 so the 2013 Parish News income totalled £Nil (2012 £2,931) whilst total expenditure was £Nil (2012 £2,768), resulting in a surplus of £Nil (2012 surplus £163). However, there is an amount of £1,088 (2012 £1,088) in the Barclays Bank account and Cash at 31st December 2013, due to the PCC, after accrued donations of £1,000 are transferred to the main General Fund account of St. John's. d St John's Bookstall An additional account is used to administer the St John's Bookstall account. For the financial year ended 31 December 2013, sales totalled £1,301 (£1,333) with a net income of £73 (£91). Bookstall net current assets at 31st December 2013 were £609 (£710). During the year gifts/appropriations were made totalling £174 (£162) to Mission Partners and Theological Education in various parts of the World through SEAN International. 5 Tangible fixed assets 2013 2012 Church Equipment Church Equipment £ £ Cost or valuation At 1st January 2013 17,936 22,866 Additions 379 - Disposals - (4,930)

At 31st December 2013 18,315 17,936

Depreciation At 1st January 2013 17,745 22,021 Provided in the year 244 654 Disposals - (4,930) At 31st December 2013 17,989 17,745

Net Book amounts At 31st December 2013 326 191

At 31st December 2012 191 845

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NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) For the year ended 31st December 2013

6 Analysis of Net assets by fund

Unrestricted Restricted TOTAL FUNDS TOTAL FUNDS Funds Funds 2013 2012 £ £ £ £ Fixed assets for church use - 326 326 191 Current assets 190,285 3,558 193,843 195,327 Current liabilities (850) - (850) (7,728) 189,435 3,884 193,319 187,790

7 Debtors

2013 2012

£ £ Income tax recoverable 16,435 7,379 Other debtors 3,328 3,328 19,763 10,707

8 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

2013 2012

£ £ Accruals for Ind. Exam fee and other costs 850 850 Other creditors - 6,878 850 7,728

9 Statement of funds

Balance b/fwd Income Expenditure Transfers, Balance c/fwd 1 Jan 2013 other gains 31 Dec 2013 and losses £ £ £ £ £ Unrestricted Fund General fund/Sequestration fund 17,034 80,247 67,457 (14,578) 15,246 Designated funds: Staff 1,212 - 214 (998) - Fabric/Quinquennial 5,000 - - 5,000 10,000 Church centre project fund 163,153 1,036 - - 164,189 186,399 81,283 67,671 (10,576) 189,435 Restricted Fund Mission fund 9 11,510 13,205 1,686 - Church centre project fund - 7,195 4,428 - 2,767 Staff fund - 15,844 24,408 8,564 - Audio Visual fund 1,382 - 265 - 1,117 Felbridge Focus - 2,270 2,596 326 - 1,391 36,819 44,902 10,576 3,884 Total funds 187,790 118,102 112,573 - 193,319

Church Centre Project Funds In 2004 the PCC decided to plan to provide renewed church buildings/centre at some time in the future. To prepare for this the PCC opened a restricted fund and also designated some of its unrestricted reserves for this purpose. The restricted fund is used to receive specific donations for and to pay relevant costs relating to the church buildings.

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NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) For the year ended 31st December 2013

Fabric/Quinquennial Fund The PCC decided to set aside funds in order to be prepared for potential large costs incurred every five years as a result of the Quinquennial Inspections, £5,000 is transferred from the general fund on an annual basis to cover any such expenditure. The fund has been used for significant work since the last inspection, particularly in relation to the bell tower. The next Quinquennial Survey is due in 2014 and the fund balance was £10,000 as at 31st December 2013.

Mission Fund The PCC offer the congregation an opportunity to make donations to a restricted fund for mission outside Felbridge Parish. Donations to this fund are encouraged on a special annual mission gift day. The fund is used to support mission projects and charities approved by the PCC. The mission fund movements show monies received from the Mission Gift Day which was allocated to Church Army, CMS, CPAS, St Catherine's Hospice, SU International, Tearfund, UCCF, WelCare, in accordance with the allocation agreed by the PCC. See also note 3c above.

Staff Fund The PCC agreed to employ an additional member of staff and created a restricted staff fund in 2008 to encourage financial support for this post. The PCC employed an additional staff member from July 2009 until September 2013.

Audio Visual Fund This was created by the PCC for specific funding to improving the audio visual resources of the church.

Sequestration Account The Wardens were required to operate a sequestration account during the vacancy. The balance at the end of the vacancy was £2,681 which is included as part of the general fund in these financial statements.


The late Ivan Donald Margary, the former Patron of Felbridge Parish and a local historian and archaeologist who lived at Yew Lodge and worshipped at St. John's, Felbridge created a Trust on 2nd January 1961 between himself and the Rochester and Southwark Diocesan Church Trust (RSDCT). The Trust was created with some investments (some £6,000 to £7,000 in stocks and shares) and it was the duty of the RSDCT to manage the fund and use the income to augment the stipend of the Incumbent of Felbridge Parish. In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s significant discussions took place involving the Diocese, Lawyers, the Parish and the Incumbent when some agreements were reached. Since 1994 the income from the Margary Trust fund has been paid to the Diocesan Stipends Fund rather than directly to the Incumbent. The income from the Margary Trust remains restricted for the support of the Incumbent, but not all as augmentation, but as part of the Incumbent’s stipend. The income from the Margary Trust is therefore paid to the Incumbent of Felbridge via the Diocesan Stipends Fund, and shown on the Incumbent’s payslips, not as augmentation, but as part of the Incumbent’s stipend. It was agreed that the Incumbent of Felbridge should receive an additional £500 per annum as an attempt to reflect the wishes of the late Mr Margary. During a vacancy the income is added to the capital of the fund, after deduction of specific costs as specified in the Declaration of Trust. For legal reasons The Margary Trust remains in the name of Felbridge, St John’s as managing trustees, but the Fund (number 0359) is held by the Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF) as Custodian Trustee as the RSDCT was dissolved on 14th August 2001. The Margary Trust investments generated income totalling £9,973 during 2013 (2012 £9,730) and the value of the investments as at 31st December 2013 was £254,294 (2012 £227,695). The income during 2013 is to be added to the capital in view of the incumbency vacancy. 11 HALL REFURBISHMENT In order to enhance our contact and service to the residents of the parish and beyond, a major upgrade was made to the church hall during 2012 which included new roofing, a high level of insulation, new heating system, a new entrance, new toilets and an enlarged fully equipped kitchen at a total cost of £152,880.

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Why are we here as a church? Our strapline at St. John’s expresses this clearly: “winning and building followers of Jesus Christ”. But where are we going? Our Church Survey in November has given us a measure of where we are at the moment in a number of key areas, but how does God want to lead us forward? This question is for us to think through as a church and answer over the coming year, and the Diocese are currently encouraging churches in this process (under the heading of Mission Action Planning). However, in the meantime and from initial discussions over this last term following the survey, there are three things we wish to begin to think about and focus on for this coming year:

. Multiplying opportunities for people to engage with the gospel . This flows from the conviction that it is by the gospel that God changes lives (Romans 1:16) . This flows from the fact that our survey revealed very few new Christians at St. John’s . This flows from the statistic that only 1.5% of our parish is part of St. John’s, and the need to be moving outwards with the gospel into our community . Launching and using the Uncover resource is a first step in this direction

. Being a place where people stick and grow . This flows from our commitment to not just winning but building followers of Jesus Christ . This flows from the fact that our survey revealed that over 75% of our congregation had been part of St. John’s for 10+ years – however, there are frequently new people and visitors on a Sunday, so how can we help them to stick with us? . Thinking through what it means to belong to St. John’s, how we introduce newcomers to the church, and how we grow as Christians are places to begin in this area

. Increasingly becoming a church for all ages . This flows from an age profile which is not reflective of Felbridge or East Grinstead . This flows from our strengths lying in the 60+ age bracket and wanting to broaden this to become strong as a church across all age brackets . Building and strengthening the crèche, Out of this World, The Rock and the youth group will be one thing to focus on initially to work towards the goal of becoming a church for all ages May all we are and all we do this year ahead and beyond be glorifying to our awesome God, may he guide us as we think and pray about where we are going as a church, and may we be faithful in our call to winning and building disciples of Jesus Christ.


I would firstly like to thank the fabric team of C Bowes, M Francis, C Grainger, J Grainger, E Harper, D Miller, A Morley, E Woolley and all those who gave us their support this year.

We have had only one meeting of the Fabric Team since the last APCM, on 6th June 2013.

I have to report, with regret, that Eddie Harper felt the time had come for him to retire from the Fabric Team after many years of loyal service. I would like to extend my thanks to Eddie for his practical help on numerous occasions and for his advice over the years that he has been a member of the team. This leaves us with somewhat depleted numbers, and I would like to extend an invitation to any members of the church who would feel able to contribute to our work. The

The P.C.C. of the Parish of St John's Felbridge is a Registered Charity, number 1132388 Page 17 basic duties are not particularly onerous, although we would be always grateful for as much practical help as you could provide.

Church Noticeboard: The noticeboard on the corner of the Glebe has been looking the worse for wear for a number of years. A decision has been made to replace it and to re-site it so that it will be more visible to traffic approaching the church from a northerly direction

Car Park: As I hope everyone can see, there is considerable progress on this issue. After a lack of communication from the Diocese, Andy Brown and Phil Tadman wrote a letter to the Diocesan Surveyor in early September. The result was that it was agreed with him that work would commence shortly to the specification that had been agreed previously with the Diocese. I am pleased to report that work commenced in January and is currently making good progress. This means that this Spring we will have a car park free from the potholes that have plagued it over the previous years. It will have proper lighting and will give all concerned better access to the church and hall.

Churchyard: Tandridge Council are responsible for maintaining the graveyard, and they attend on a monthly basis in the summer months, which continues to be largely satisfactory. We had a churchyard clearance in June last year. One of the main jobs was to clear out the accumulated rubbish in the shed. I plan to have another clearance in the coming Spring and I will be advertising this very soon. Olga Cross supplied us with a compost bin to help deal with the considerable amount of discarded flowers and plants placed on the graves in the churchyard. Should we get more bins to ease the amount of material that has to be disposed of off-site? I am extremely grateful for the work organised and financed by members of the Humpty Dumpty Play School in replacing the retaining log edging around the bed opposite the church hall. A lot of hard work was done over the summer, the sleepers that they have had installed have been a tremendous improvement to the whole area, and I hope they will last for many years.

The quinquennial inspection needs to be organised this year. This is a major inspection of the fabric of the church conducted by a Church architect on behalf of the diocese. David Jewel, our former Church architect, has retired, and a proposal to ask the Diocese to approve the appointment of Tim Gough was passed by the PCC.

I must thank the members of the church who come in to do many essential tasks within the church grounds. I am always most appreciative of all this help, even if I don’t always know who has done which job!

Fabric is one of the largest costs in St John’s budget, and volunteers giving their services and support are an excellent way for us to reduce costs. If there is any way at all in which you feel you could help, please contact myself or any other member of the fabric team. In particular, there are opportunities for volunteering for specific tasks, which we would like to advertise within the weekly notice sheets. Any help that you are able to give, even if your time is limited, would be much appreciated!


Team: Lis Woolley (Chair), Rosie Archer, Cecilia Bliss, Sheila Drury, Don Ely, Olga Cross

The year began with a very enjoyable afternoon tea in the church hall attended by 34 people. The customers enjoyed a selection of sandwiches, scones and cakes served in an atmosphere second only to the Ritz. The event raised £148.78.

At the annual Country Show at the village hall we ran a Chocolate Tombola, Cake Stall, Tin Can Alley and Penalty Shoot Out and raised £289.00.

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In July we held a Scarecrow Competition in the orchard at Whittington College and served a cream tea in the Whittington Room. Five scarecrows were entered and the event raised £116.23.

This year’s Harvest Supper was held in the church hall and raised £165.00 for Crawley Open House.

Our Cake Stall at the village Arts, Crafts and Food Festival in October raised £125.50 and another successful Quiz Night in November raised £350.00.

We are grateful to all those who support our events and welcome suggestions for future fundraising opportunities.


The emphasis on worldwide mission continues to play an important in the life of St John's, and we encourage this by regularly praying for different countries and situations around the world, as well as by highlighting each month one of the nine mission partners and organisations we support with a display on the mission noticeboard at the back of church, and a brief article in the weekly notice sheet. All the details can also be found on the church website.

Our annual World Mission Gift Day was held on Sunday 28th July, 2013, and last year we were very glad to welcome one of our Mission Partners, Andrew Leake, who was just coming to the end of a fairly brief visit to the UK from Argentina. Unfortunately Maria wasn't able to be with him as she was flying back the same day! Andrew was able to tell us about his work of 'Creation Care' and land-right protection on behalf of the local Indian community at the morning service, and show us some pictures during the church family lunch in the hall afterwards. In the evening Phil and Rosemary Tadman were able to share with us the work they do to market 'Siwok Crafts', which help to provide a sustainable income for the Wichi people amongst whom Andrew works. We managed to raise the very encouraging total of £10,513, which was shared out between those we support.

Other mission-related events included our December Toy Service in aid of Welcare, and the annual 'Tree of Light' Service in partnership with St Catherine's Hospice, as well as coffee mornings and sales for Tearcraft and the Church Army, and the Christmas 'Shoebox Appeal'. Many thanks to the mission team for all their support and commitment to this very important part of our church life and service to God, and to all of you who have prayed, given and supported the various events.

PROCEEDINGS OF THE DEANERY SYNOD - Phil Tadman (Godstone Deanery Synod member)

There were three meetings of the Godstone Deanery Synod during 2013, which enabled the representatives of the 19 churches in the deanery to discuss various matters. In February the main topic was the deanery’s next steps in the Bishop’s call to mission ‘Faith Hope and Love’. The discussions considered the diocesan strategy for ministry documents and the desire to develop a collaborative ministry within the deanery, and how this might work in practice. In July the synod explored vocation and how the gifts of the laity are recognised, encouraged and nurtured, as well as the opportunities for licensed and authorised ministry within the diocese. In November we covered a number of business matters, including developments within the deanery, as we considered pastoral re-organisation, such as the proposed Oxted team ministry and the plans for Lingfield and Dormansland to become a united benefice in due course. South Nutfield now has a vicar, who is half-time in the parish and half-time a lay training officer. Eventually South Nutfield will become part of a group ministry with Nutfield and Bletchingley. If you want more information about the Deanery Synod, please talk to one of the present St John’s reps, Peter Burton, Barbara Cottier, Don Ely or myself. We are grateful for your prayers as we seek to fulfil our responsibilities in the deanery.

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WORSHIP – Mark Francis

Many people have given so much of their time and energy each week during the interregnum – and since my licensing – to make our Sunday meetings the best they can be so that God may be glorified, Jesus Christ proclaimed and the church built up. Carol Bagshawe does an excellent job in organising the musicians’ rota, as well as other rotas for those involved in many other aspects of our Sunday services. A particular thanks to Carol for all she has done as she hands over a number of these things to be taken on by Jane Jones in our church office.

Thank you to all who preach and lead services at St John’s, including Don Ely, Andy Brown, Jack Baker, Phil Tadman and Frank Gough. God’s Word has been taught faithfully and passionately – and we believe God when he says that his Word will not return to him empty but will accomplish what he desires and achieve the purpose for which he sent it (Isaiah 55:11). As we seek to expand our team of leaders and preachers going forward, we have begun a monthly meeting for leaders/preachers to review our services, to provide feedback on a Sunday sermon, to discuss future preaching themes and to provide a place to equip others to serve in this way.

We are grateful for those who come specially to play the organ/piano: Muriel Mathers, Nicola Corrie, Barry Lear and Sylvia Lewis. We are also extremely grateful to Karen Hoy, Sue Ogden and Celia Esau for their hard work preparing for and playing at many services over the past year.

We are also very grateful to the team of people who regularly lead the prayers, read the Bible, set-up and operate Larry the laptop, assist with communion and operate the sound desk at our services, as well as those who serve as part of the welcome team and as sidespeople. Their contributions to our services of corporate worship are much appreciated.

Our service pattern includes 3 Sunday services, at 8 am (fortnightly), 10 am and 6 pm (both weekly). This includes a monthly All Age Service at 10 am, with a great deal of input from Diane Francis and Bruno (whose identity I’m afraid I cannot reveal!) each month. The Saunders family have given so much of their time and of themselves to provide the most delicious Sunday lunches for miles around after these services each month. Our service pattern also includes our Sunday@6 services once a month – excellently organised and led by Don Ely.

PRAYER - Anne Butler

Prayer is a vital part of our church life, and there are many ways we can come together to pray – in our Sunday services; at Home Groups; through the weekly Prayer Diary on the notice sheet (or on the website); by receiving the weekly Prayer Chain, either by e-mail or phone; at the monthly Prayer Breakfast or the mid-week monthly prayer meeting. Coming together to pray is so valuable and encouraging, both to the pray-ers and those who are prayed for, and it's been such a privilege to see how God has answered so many of our prayers in such different ways during the past year – not least in bringing Mark to St John's as our new Vicar, together with Sarah, Bethany and Martha! We can look forward in anticipation and expectation for God to continue answering prayer, and for Him to work in amazing – and sometimes unexpected! - ways during the coming months, as we thank and praise Him for all He has done in the past. .


Out of this World (children 3-11) and the Rock (aged 11+) meet every Sunday (except for the All Age Service) in the church hall. We also have the crèche open each of these weeks for children aged 0-3. Numbers were very low earlier this year, but since September numbers have increased. Praise the Lord.

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Out of this World studied Creation, Exodus and the Parables. The Rock have done a Christianity Explored course for teenagers, and looked at Jesus’ Passion and Nativity. The children continue to inspire and delight us and it is a privilege to work with children who have such a wonderful trust in God.

As well as our Sunday meetings we had a Holiday Club last Easter where we invited children from Felbridge School – 30 children came, and it was good to welcome their parents to lunch at the end of the morning. In the autumn we went Rock Climbing at K2. Dan and Suzy Callaway ran a Youth Home group once a fortnight at their home, and organised several social events for the older youth.

Thank you to everyone who has led and helped groups over the past year.

CHILD PROTECTION - Christine Ely (Parish Safeguarding Officer)

A Safe Church The diocesan manual for guidance about issues linked to safeguarding remains in the back of the Church. This is also available on the Southwark Diocesan Safeguarding website. The manual includes procedures and the relevant templates for forms and guidance for activities concerning children and vulnerable adults.

Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) With the anticipated expansion of the children’s and youth activities, more volunteers (10) have completed checks in the last year. Volunteers whose names appear on rotas for children and youth activities are required to complete checks.

Training Mark Francis is to undergo the relevant training for newly appointed ministry staff. Christine Ely is booked to attend Safeguarding Officer updating later this year. Lis Woolley, the second Parish Safeguarding Officer, has completed the required training.

Diocesan Safeguarding Audit. The diocesan audit has been discussed at the PCC and dispatched to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser. The action plan has been agreed for this year to address issues identified in the audit, and as part of this plan the policies and procedures will be reviewed.


We value our partnerships with other churches locally, and St. John’s have continued to be part of the Sussex Gospel Partnership. The SGP is a “Partnership of Bible-centred churches in Sussex working together to train leaders, strengthen and plant churches, and advance the gospel.” Our leadership team has benefitted from and been supported by the partnership meetings and ministry seminars, and the SGP runs training courses for apprentices, youth leaders and children’s leaders as well as for others involved in different areas of church life. In addition to the training and resources provided by the SGP, one of its greatest strengths is the opportunity it provides to meet with, pray with, be encouraged by and seek advice from other church leaders in the area.

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UNIFORMED GROUPS 1st Felbridge (St John’s) Rainbows, Brownies and Guides - Ann and Louise Tucker

2013 was the year of all things new for us all at Rainbows, Brownies and Guides, with a new promise for all and new badge designs for the Guides and Rainbows, as well as a new roundabout for them,

The year started off with a visit to the Sackville School observatory for the Brownies as part of their stargazing badge. With the help of Mr Bush, the Head of Science, and one of the students, the Brownies learnt about the stars and solar system and got to go inside the observatory. Sadly the telescope couldn’t be used due to the snow which started coming down whilst we were there. The Rainbows and Brownies had a visit from Owls about Town, who brought five owls with them. The girls learned about owls and all got the chance to handle the owls, which ranged from Winston, who is a Little Owl, right the way up to the large European Eagle Owl called Hazel. The Brownies and Guides joined together for a weekend away at Blacklands Farm. With the fine weather the girls left a lot of the craft untouched, spending most of the days outside enjoying the weather.

In April all three sections joined in with the other Rainbows, Brownies and Guides from Buckhurst District for a BEE day which was run by the district guiders, with help from Sarah and Lawrence Paton from East Grinstead Bee-Keepers Association, and the East Grinstead Soroptimists, The main highlight of the year was the West Sussex County International camp at Ardingly Showground, where five of the guides, plus Ann, Louise and Louise O, were joined by Ruth and two of her guides from Jersey, our international link unit. Betty and Rona were also part of the support teams at the camp. The camp happens every 4 – 5 years and is a joint event between West Sussex Scouts and the Guides from Girlguiding Sussex Central and Sussex West. The camp was opened by Bear Grylls and David Walliams, which was a great surprise to us all. The girls got the chance to try all sorts of different activities, from crafts, high adventure zone, It’s a Knockout, water sports, bush craft and fire lighting, to bricklaying, The Rainbows joined us on the Wednesday for the visitors’ day and had so much fun that they didn’t want to leave after their dinner and even got the Guides to make room for them in one of the tents, but they will need to wait till 2017 for the next one.

In September 2013 there were big changes for all 3 units as Brownies moved to Fridays and run alongside the Rainbows. This has allowed the 3 units to remain open with the limited number of leaders; the girls have all settled very well with the changes, The Rainbows and Brownies had a pyjama party organised for them by Amelia, one of the Rainbows helpers, as part of her Baden Powell award. As well as a party for the girls it was also a fundraiser for the Children’s Trust Tadworth – where Brown Owl works - and they raised £75.00. The Guides have gained the first of their new style badges by working together on their personal safety badge, The girls across all 3 sections have made great use of the kitchen at the hall, baking from rainbow cakes to Christmas cakes. This was all made possible by using the Active Kids vouchers from Sainsbury’s, which are used to buy ingredients cards, which in turn are used to buy all the things we need to be able to do cooking with the girls. So thank you everyone who gave us their vouchers – they are a great help to us, The year ended with Christmas parties and a trip to see Cinderella at the Hawth in Crawley, and some exciting news from Girlguiding HQ that the Rainbows can have an official flag which has been ordered and should hopefully be here in time for Mothering Sunday 2014. If Brown Owl is brave enough the Rainbows can now join the Brownies and Guides on sleepovers at camp!!! As well as all the fun and excitement of the year, we continued to serve tea and coffee after the family service, and the guides made the posies for Mothering Sunday. We also took part in the Village Fair, and a team of parents took part in skittles competition and won the plate competition.

As we look back at what has been a very busy year, and look forward to another busy year as Girlguiding celebrates 100 years of the Brownies, we are looking for women aged 18-65 who want to have fun and join us, Being a leader or unit helper can be a rewarding experience all

The P.C.C. of the Parish of St John's Felbridge is a Registered Charity, number 1132388 Page 22 round; every woman brings different invaluable skills to being a guider, and that is what makes Guiding great!! We have lots of opportunities for adults, from helping within a unit in either Rainbows (age 5-7), Brownies (7-10), or Guides (10-14), to more of a support role, such as helping with fundraising or with the accounts, or joining us for a one-off evening to teach the girls new skills or share experiences with them. (We also have spaces for Brownies and Guides). If you think guiding is for you then please contact us on 01342 317283 or [email protected].


EVANGELISM TEAM – Andy Brown I took over as acting chair of the Evangelism Team following the departure of Michael Peach at the end of June 2013. Our church motto states our desire to win others for Christ as well as building us as disciples in our faith. There is no doubt that we currently have more events and services directed at the latter than the former. A challenge for us all in the year ahead is to take seriously the mandate given to us all as Christians to take the good news of salvation to lost and needy people in our area.

James Clarke spoke at a well-attended “Back to Church Sunday” in September 2013. Contact was renewed with some who had not attended for some time as well as one or two new faces. Other busy guest services, such as our Harvest Thanksgiving, the Tree of Light service and Christmas events, gave the opportunity for many occasional attenders to hear the gospel invitation. In December we were invited once again to sing carols at the Wiremill. This was an excellent opportunity to invite friends to a relaxed event in a comfortable non-church environment where, as well as hearing the message of the carols, a challenge about the meaning of Christ’s coming was clearly proclaimed.

As an exciting alternative to Christianity Explored we are planning to promote the use of Uncover studies in Luke as a means of one-to-one or small group discussion. These have proved very successful as a means of student evangelism and have now been made available for the wider church to use.


Now into its third year, Connections was established initially to provide a monthly gathering for fellowship for St John’s church members who are retired or semi-retired. The group is open to anyone, not just St John’s members, who is in that age group. As the group has grown we now welcome around 20% who are not regular members of St John’s but have joined the group as a result of friend’s invitation, or through bereavement, and in this way the group is providing outreach.

The group meet on the first Monday of the month except if it is a Bank Holiday, when we meet on the second Monday. The July meeting takes the form of a summer outing, and the December meeting is Christmas lunch. Times are advertised through cards and posters. We currently welcome 35-40 at each meeting and look forward to seeing those numbers grow.

The aim of the group is to provide an opportunity for discussion, board games, craft activities such as such as watercolour, calligraphy and card-making, jigsaws, a newspaper and book table and hand massage. We do not have a speaker as the aim is to encourage interaction.

The 2-hour session concludes with a short 5-minute talk providing a Biblical comment on an item in the news. This is given during the refreshments time when tea and cakes are served.

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The pastoral visiting team has now been in operation for 3 years. The team consists of around 10 members who have joined by invitation. The purpose of the team is to coordinate pastoral visiting activities to church members who, due to ill health or infirmity, are no longer able to attend regular worship or enjoy fellowship. In addition there are a few people on the visiting list who have had connections with St John’s as a result of bereavement.

The aim of the team is to ensure that those in need of contact will feel that they are still within the wider church family.

The team meet on a quarterly basis to update records of who has been visited and plan future visits. There have also been training sessions on listening skills. The group also makes the decisions about who should receive the Christmas, Easter and Harvest gifts.

There are around twenty contacts on the list who are being visited and receive gifts. We are pleased to invite any St John’s members who feel they would like to become involved in this ministry.

BOOKSTALL REPORT – Philip and Rosemary Tadman

We give thanks that sales totalled £1,301 during 2013. Although the internet is a growing channel for making book purchases, both physical books and e-books, there is still value in having a bookstall at St John’s so people can inspect and handle them. 2013 saw a significant interest in a range of Bible reading materials displayed and given away. Book orders can also be taken and processed via the bookstall. The slight margin on book sales via the bookstall benefits St John’s and its ministry. We trust that the bookstall will help in the extension of Christ’s kingdom in the parish and further afield during 2014. If you want more information, please look at the bookstall or contact us. Many thanks.


Podcasts: I am greatly heartened when people new to St John's mention that they first listened to some of our and then decided to come and see for themselves. A huge thankyou to Joe and Ann, who continue to record sermons on a regular basis. More help would be welcome on the sound desk - any volunteers? These are uploaded to a podcast server that can be accessed directly via RSS subscription, for example via iTunes. This will automatically load onto , phones, , etc. Alternately you can listen via the website on your computer.

This month as a new feature, we asked Pure to add the St John’s podcast to their catalogue. I am pleased to say that they agreed, so now you can listen to a sermon via the Pure connect app, or on a Pure device such as an internet radio.

So a huge thanks to those who have provided support or content for our digital media. If you need help to use any of these channels or want to use any of these as ways of reaching out across the world to other Christians or those just looking, do not hesitate to contact me.

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CHURCHES TOGETHER IN EAST GRINSTEAD (CTEG) AND JUSTICE & PEACE (St John’s representatives: Daphne Ayerst, Barbara Cottier, John Dabell) There were many activities organised and supported by the group this year, including:

 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity  Justice & Peace poverty and Homeless Service  Good Friday service on the High Street.  Christian Aid collection  Diamond Jubilee service at St. Swithuns  Sleep-out in East Grinstead, which raised £400 for charities for the Homeless.  Good Friday Walk of Witness  Computerisation of records for CARE, which has made things easier for the Duty Officers  Olympic torch – refreshments served at Moat and Trinity  Welcome Stranger service, which reflected the work of the Gatwick Detainees welfare group  Street Pastors in East Grinstead, set up to assist young people in distress at night.  Tree of Light service for St Catherine’s Hospice. St John’s has been well represented in many of the above activities and has also supported the Foodbank initiative by donating food and serving on the rota. For further information please talk to any of the representatives above.

HOME GROUPS – Lindsey Saunders

Home groups are a great opportunity to get to know each other really well in a relaxed atmosphere, to study the Bible together, encourage each other and pray for each other. It is a place where we can ask questions without feeling stupid, learn from each other and make the space to listen to God, enabling us to go out into our daily lives to be better witnesses for Christ. Home group members say that they value the close friendships which they have developed.

Around 60 members of all ages are currently part of a home group. Most home groups have between 2 and 12 members and usually meet once every two weeks. We have a mixture of daytime and evening groups to cater for various needs. Home group leaders say they have been blessed with new people joining their groups this year, and it has been good for young and old people to learn from each other. A new Wednesday morning group has recently been set up by (Mrs) Sarah Francis and Lynn Viviers for younger women. Dan and Suzy Callaway have been leading a youth home group over the past few years for children in years 8-11, supported by (Miss) Sarah Francis. (This group is not meeting any more due to family commitments. Although numbers were small the young people who attended found the time both fun and helpful.

During the Spring and Summer of 2013 many home groups studied 1 Kings, while other groups finished studying Acts. Over the autumn and winter months most groups have been studying material linked with Keswick ministries: Transforming the Trinity. However the youth home group has been studying the Uncover Bible study material produced by UCCF, based on Luke’s Gospel. Other people in the congregation will have had the opportunity to study this in the home group Central Lent course on Thursday evenings, which Mark has been leading over the past few weeks.

The home group leaders all work very hard to lead the groups, prepare the studies and open up their homes to others, and so many thanks should go to them for their invaluable work and

The P.C.C. of the Parish of St John's Felbridge is a Registered Charity, number 1132388 Page 25 service. Home groups are very valuable for those who are involved, and if you think you would like to join one of the groups, please let us know and we will link you up with a suitable group.

GNATS – God’s Nature Action Team Rowan and Lindsey Saunders

GNATS is a small group of people, mainly families, who get together around once a month to appreciate God’s creation. We also make thing such as bird boxes, bird feeders, hedgehog houses and bug hotels using recycled material where possible. The founder of ARocha UK, a Christian environmental organisation, Dave Bookless, says, Material things are to be celebrated and cherished. It is not disembodied souls that are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’; it is our physical bodies (Psalm 139:14). God made wholes not souls, as Tom Wright puts it. Jesus doesn’t tell us to contemplate philosophical concepts. He encourages us to study birds and flowers to understand God’s Kingdom (Matthew 6:25-34). In fact, matter matters so much to God that in Jesus he entered into his material creation. Jesus, God with us, is the greatest possible ‘Yes!’ to physical, flesh-and-blood life, both human and animal.

Our reasoning behind nature action comes from this Bible verse from Genesis 2:15: The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

There are currently about 6 families who come along most weeks. Anyone is welcome to join us. You don’t have to be a child to join in and you don’t have to be a Christian either.

Things we have done this year:

 Nature walk around Deers Leap Park looking at the sandstone rocks and discovering how they developed over time  Made bird feeders  Put up bird boxes  Big garden bird watch  Pond dipping  Sunrise walk

Things we want to do

 Make kites out of carrier bags and fly them in the wind  Beach trip  Quarry visit  Planting seeds  Cycle ride  Pond dipping in the spring  Nature walk on the Worth Way


Throughout 2013 we have followed the usual custom of sending flowers or fruit to demonstrate that as a church family we wished to share in both happy and sad events, prayerfully and with love. During last year there were about sixteen occasions when we did so.

As always the Guides assembled the posies that were distributed at the Family Service on Mothering Sunday. We are most grateful to them for undertaking this task so willingly each year.

The Easter flowers were converted into small arrangements and were taken to the sick and housebound. The same practice applied after Harvest Thanksgiving, and all tinned, packaged,

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& fresh food was divided between the Open House at Crawley, who desperately needed such items, & the Food Bank. At Christmas we delivered candle arrangements to twenty members of our church family who, through sickness or infirmity, were unable to get to church

There were eight Sundays during the year when the pedestal flowers were donated in memory of someone dear or to celebrate a special anniversary.

May I take this opportunity to thank all those that take an interest in the flowers and continue to give so generously to this aspect of our ministry and fabric. Also a very big thankyou to the small and greatly valued team of flower arrangers and willing helpers.

COMMUNICATIONS – Gordon Wilkinson

Replacing Parish News and On the Move, this year we published four editions of a new 16-page A5 magazine, Felbridge Focus. The 1,500 copies of each issue were hand-delivered to every home in the parish as a means of reaching out to local families with information about people, the church and our community. Thanks to all who helped.

Felbridge Focus offered a great opportunity to convey a Christian message to families who might otherwise not hear one and share stories of St John’s mission work locally and overseas. An article about homelessness and Crawley Open House led to donations of blankets and duvets from families not linked to the church.

We will not be producing Felbridge Focus in 2014. Instead, we will be distributing to the parish Easter and Christmas cards with a strong Christian message. We will also be producing a new publication to support, encourage and inspire our church family.

St John’s website was upgraded and modernised so that it could become the primary source of information about what is happening at church. Online readership of the magazine was far higher than expected and encouraged us to look at ways of developing this with our new publication.

During the year the weekly notice-sheet was revised, simplified and made more relevant to each Sunday service. Mark’s postcard advertising in December was an effective way of promoting Christmas services and events.

Back to Church Sunday on 29th September was advertised with a huge banner outside the church to support other promotional activities. How we use our external notice boards is being reviewed and we are in the process of developing the audio-visual resources in the church and hall to ensure better communication with the church family.

FAIRTRADE – Gordon Wilkinson

This year, 2014, St John’s celebrates ten years of becoming a Fairtrade church. We continue to use Fairtrade tea, coffee and biscuits in our church meetings. Filter coffee, which costs just 4p per cup, is now supplied by Kingdom Coffee, an ethical organisation that uses its revenues to provide charitable partners with funds for social projects such as caring for street children in South America.

WEBSITE – Malcolm Francis

Thanks to several days on Andrews’s time over the Christmas period, we have updated the website to the latest Joomla 3 software. This was a major upgrade from version 2. As a consequence you will need to reapply for a new login and password, should you need one, to be able to add content to the website. The advantage of the new software is an improved admin system, new security etc. which you will not see as it is all in the background. However, the

The P.C.C. of the Parish of St John's Felbridge is a Registered Charity, number 1132388 Page 27 website should now be more mobile-friendly. It should be easier to navigate on your mobile phone or tablet. The pictures should scale to the screen size better and the menus should cope with a narrow screen. At the same time we had a bit of a tidy-up and spring-clean.

Church Rotas: We have moved the church rotas to Google drive as EditGrid comes to the end of its supported life in March. In moving to Google we applied for and were granted a group licence for their applications as a non-profit organization. This provides a series of Google apps and services for free, for example Drive, a place in the cloud for St John's documents to live securely on one of Google's servers. To edit the documents you will need a special username and password. This is effectively a Gmail account. As we are registered with Google we can use our as an email address so for example my account is [email protected] Please contact me if you would like a St John’s Felbridge account. Only people with such accounts will be able to access the Google documents like the rotas. Selected rotas are shared via the website on a read-only basis. Those with phone Google Drive apps and edit rights will be able to access the rotas on these apps for editing etc. You can keep your own St John’s documents on your own workspaces. However, this is just like a company’s intranet where the IT administrators can see everything that is not encrypted. During the next couple of months as we all get use to the facilities Google drive offers, and we will see how best to use this new infrastructure. Tools include Mail, , Documents, Presentations, Drawings, Communication tools and so on.

“Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service provided by Google, released on April 24 2012, which enables user cloud storage, file sharing and collaborative editing.”

“Google Apps is a cloud-based productivity suite that helps you and your team connect and get work done from anywhere on any device. It's simple to setup, use and manage, allowing you to work smarter and focus on what really matters.”

The P.C.C. of the Parish of St John's Felbridge is a Registered Charity, number 1132388 Page 28