CHURCH OF ENGLAND ST JOHN’S CHURCH, FELBRIDGE ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ANNUAL REPORT and FINANCIAL STATEMENTS of the THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL PARISH OF ST JOHN'S FELBRIDGE Registered Charity number 1132388 For the year ended 31 December 2013 _____________ CONTENTS ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL, ................ 2 ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION ...................................................... 2 REVIEW OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE PCC ................................ 3 RISK ASSESSMENT ........................................................................... 3 FINANCIAL REVIEW ........................................................................... 4 STATEMENT OF THE PCC’S RESPONSIBILITIES ............................. 5 INDEPENDENT EXAMINER'S REPORT ................................................... 6 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES ................................................ 7 BALANCE SHEET......................................................................................8 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS..........................................9-15 St John’s Church, Felbridge Vicar The Revd Mark Francis, (from 22 October 2013) The Vicarage, 8 The Glebe, Felbridge, East Grinstead RH19 2QT Independent Examiner: Mr Michael Robinson, FCCA, ACA. Brooks & Co. Chartered Accountants, Hampton House, High Street, East Grinstead, RH19 3AW Bankers: NatWest plc, 15, London Road, EG, RH19 1GP The P.C.C. of the Parish of St John's Felbridge is a Registered Charity, number 1132388 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL of ST JOHN'S FELBRIDGE, FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2013 The Parochial Church Council (PCC) have pleasure in presenting their report and the Financial Statements of the Charity for the year ended 31st December 2013. The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the policies set out on page 9 and comply with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 and applicable law. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION The parish is a charity and has, since September 2009, been registered with the Charity Commission, within the meaning of the Charities Act 2011. Charity registration number: 1132388. During the year, the following served as members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and as Trustees: Vicar: Mark Francis (Chairman from 22/10/13) Wardens: Andy Brown (from Easter Vestry Meeting 2011) Phil Tadman (from Easter Vestry Meeting 2012) Representatives on the Deanery Synod: Peter Burton (until APCM 2014) Barbara Cottier (until APCM 2014) Don Ely (until APCM 2014) Philip Tadman (until APCM 2014) Elected members: Joan Bateman (until APCM 2016) Anne Butler (until APCM 2015) Sarah Francis (until APCM 2016) Chris Saunders (until APCM 2015) Jessica Stopp (until APCM 2014) Brenda Wilkinson (until APCM 2014) Gordon Wilkinson (until APCM 2014) Lis Woolley (until APCM 2014) Secretary: Sheila Drury Structure, governance and management Membership of the PCC is determined under the Church Representation Rules and consists of certain ex- officio members (the incumbent/priest-in-charge, curate, lay readers licensed to officiate in the church), the churchwardens and members of the Deanery, Diocesan or General Synods and nine members of the church who are elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). Members are warmly encouraged to stand for election to the PCC, and we try to ensure a balance of skills and experience where possible. The 2013 Easter Vestry Meeting and APCM took place on 24th March 2013. Objectives and activities The primary objective of St John’s PCC is the promotion of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the doctrines and practices of the Church of England, and our mission statement is 'to win and build followers of Jesus Christ’. The PCC has the responsibility of cooperating with the Vicar, the Revd Mark Francis in promoting in the ecclesiastical parish the whole mission of the Church pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. The PCC has given consideration to the Charity Commissions general guidance on public benefit under Section 17 of the 2011 Charities Act. Electoral Roll and Church attendance Following a full revision of the Electoral Roll there were 145 (176) people on the ER at 24th March 2013, 49 (56) of whom were resident within the parish. Six (Two) new member were added during the year. The full revision resulted in a ER which is more reflective of regular commitment to St John’s, as names were removed due to death and members moving since the last full revision in 2008. The average weekly attendance, counted during October and November 2013, was 95 (86) adults and 14 (13) children, but this number increased on special Sundays such as the new Vicar’s first Sunday, and Remembrance Sunday. The P.C.C. of the Parish of St John's Felbridge is a Registered Charity, number 1132388 Page 2 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL of ST JOHN'S FELBRIDGE, FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2013 REVIEW OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE PCC (Sheila Drury, Secretary) At the Vestry meeting in 2013 Phil Tadman and Andy Brown were re-elected as church wardens and at the APCM meeting following this, 2 of the 3 vacancies for the PCC were filled by Joan Bateman and Sarah Francis who were each elected for 3 years. This therefore gave a total number of PCC members for the year of 13. Andy Brown and Phil Tadman, in the absence of a Vicar for most of the year, agreed to act as joint Chairmen of the PCC until a new Vicar was appointed. This happened in October when the Rev Mark Francis was appointed as our Vicar. Michael Peach attended the PCC meetings also until he left St John’s in the summer to take up his new post. Other elections made by the PCC were David Legg as electoral roll officer, Chris Saunders as treasurer and Sheila Drury as secretary. The PCC met 6 times with an average attendance of 13. PCC meetings always begin with a Bible reading and a time of prayer in order to seek the Lord’s guidance in its discussions. A review of the church’s finances takes place at each meeting, and each of the team leaders presents a report of the activities of that team in the preceding 2 months. The main concern for the PCC over the year until October has been the continued organisation of the church in the absence of a full-time vicar, and the arrangements for the appointment of a new vicar. Discussions took place with the Bishop of Croydon, a parish profile was produced along with a clear description of the type of person it was hoped to appoint, and advertisements were placed. The PCC also organised a day of prayer on 5th July to support the selection of the right person. Eventually, the Rev Mark Francis was appointed to take up the post and his licensing service took place on 22nd October. Various events were arranged to welcome Mark and his family to our parish. Another item which has preoccupied the PCC, as in previous years, has been the car park. However by the end of December all the permissions had been granted, the finances settled and arrangements were finally in place for the work to be done. This will make the area much safer for the congregation and any visitors, as it will be lit as well as paved. The future of the parish magazine was discussed at several meetings along with the need to update our methods of communicating with the parish. Greater use of the internet and the church website was seen as the way forward and to this end the website has been updated. Various new ways forward have also been discussed recently following the survey of the church congregation initiated by Mark in November. It was found that we have a strong congregation but in line with our mission statement we would like to grow in numbers, so the PCC has been considering ways in which we can maximise the use of the church buildings and also free up Mark and others for the task of greater evangelisation. To this end the PCC agreed that a church administrator should be appointed to help with administrative tasks. Finally, with our quinquennial review due this year, it has been necessary to appoint a new church architect as the architect previously used has now retired. To this end research took place and a new architect has now been appointed. It has been a very full year for the PCC, who would like to express their thanks to Andy, Phil and Don for all that they did to maintain the smooth running of all the services, as well as the administration of all the other necessary tasks. RISK ASSESSMENT St John’s Church has established a Risk Management Process to identify and manage the risks to which the Church is exposed. The PCC supports a four-stage Risk Management Process which involves (1) identifying the potential risks to which St John's is exposed and logging them in a Risk Register; (2) an assessment of the potential impact and probability of those risks crystallising; (3) an agreement that the high-level risks will have appropriate controls or actions plans to mitigate them; and (4) an ongoing Monitoring Process to review the existing/new risks as well as the progress with respect to completing the high-level risk action plans. The key risk groups to which St John’s is potentially exposed are: The P.C.C. of the Parish of St John's Felbridge is a Registered Charity, number 1132388 Page 3 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL, ST JOHN'S FELBRIDGE, FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 2013 Financial Health & Safety Reputation Operational Security Legal (Statutory Requirements) People FINANCIAL REVIEW The report and accounts for 2013 are displayed on the Church notice board prior to the APCM. They record continued stability in the financial position of St. John’s. Below is a summary of the main features of the financial activity during 2013. Income: 1 Incoming resources for 2013 totalled £118,102 compared with £134,364 in 2012.
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