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U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OPEN-FILE REPORT 03-204 o o U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 82 82 SHEET 1 OF 4 U REFER TO EXPLANATORY PAMPHLET FOR U SUMMARY TABLES OF LODE DEPOSITS, PLACER PREPARED IN COLLABORATION WITH DISTRICTS, AND METALLOGENIC BELTS o o RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 80 80 MONGOLIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES JILIN UNIVERSITY ea KOREAN INSTITUTE OF GEOSCIENCE AND MINERALS LIST OF MAP UNITS ak Akitkan volcanic-plutonic belt (Paleoproterozoic) al Altai volcanic-plutonic belt (Devonian and Early Carboniferous) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF JAPAN/AIST 1 nw Terranes am Altai-Mongolia intermontane basin (Paleogene, Neogene, and Quaternary) T 1 T as Altai-Sayan back-arc basin (Vendian and Cambrian) EXPLANATION ACH Anui-Chuya terrane (Continental margin turbidite) (Early to Late Paleozoic) ay Alashan-Yinshan plutonic belt (Proterozoic) 3 AI Amil terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Vendian and Cambrian) az Amur-Zeya sedimentary basin (Late Jurassic to Quaternary) TERRANES IN LATE PRECAMBRIAN AND la CONTACTS, FAULTS, AND SYMBOLS AL Alambai terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Vendian and Early Cambrian) ba Biya sedimentary basin (Cambrian and Ordovician) PHANEROZOIC OROGENIC BELTS ANV Aniva terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Middle Triassic through early Late bk Baikal sedimentary-volcanic rift belt (Oligocene through Quaternary) Sedimentary contact bordering Cretaceous) bl Belokurikha plutonic belt (Late Permian through Early Jurassic) (Altai, Mongolia, overlap assemblge AM Akiyoshi-Maizuru terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Carboniferous and China) Cratonal terrane 4 All contacts between terranes are faults 2 sl Permian) bu Bureya sedimentary basin (Early Jurassic to Early Cretaceous) o 76 o AR Argunsky terrane (Passive continental margin) (Paleoproterozoic through late bv Barguzin-Vitim granitoid belt (Late Carboniferous) 76 Paleozoic) bw Beitianshan-Waizunger sedimentary basin (Carboniferous through Permian) Active subduction zone Passive continental margin terrane la AT Altai terrane (Continental margin turbidite) (Precambrian and Cambrian through ca Central Asian plateau basalt belt (Neogene and Quaternary) Devonian) cc Chokhchur-Chekurdakh granite belt (Cretaceous) Post-Accretion Faults ksh 1 BA Beitianshan-Atasbogd terrane (Island arc) (Devonian through Carboniferous) chs Chosun sedimentary basin (Cambrian and Ordovician) BD Badzhal terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Permian through Jurassic) cuk Udokan basin of Chara-Uchur rift system (Paleoproterozoic) Thrust CTC sl Continental margin turbidite terrane BI Birusa terrane (Paragneiss) (Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic) cug Uguy basin of Chara-Uchur rift system (Paleoproterozoic) KR BK Belaya-Kitoy terrane (Metamorphic) (Archean?) db Daebu granite belt (Jurassic) Normal fault S BL Bayanleg terrane (Accretionary wedge type B) (Ordovician to Devonian) dms Damaoqi sedimentary basin (Cenozoic) S 1 KY BM Baikal-Muya terrane (Island arc) (Neoproterozoic) dxs Daxingaling sedimentary overlap assemblage (Carboniferous through Permian) Continental margin arc terrane nw 2 KY BN Baaran terrane (Island arc) (Devonian through Early Carboniferous) dz Dzugdzur anorthositic belt (Paleoproterozoic) 6 Rift 4 pl BR Baratal terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Late Neoproterozoic through Early ea Eurasia oceanic basin (Cenozoic) CTM Cambrian) ed Erduosi sedimentary basin (Triassic through Cretaceous) 2 1 BRG Barguzin terrane (Metamorphic) (Late Neoproterozoic) ej East Jlin plutonic belt (Silurian) Island arc terrane Symbols 3 lch 2 5 1 BY Baydrag terrane (Cratonal) (Neoproterozoic and older) el Erlian sedimentary basin (Late Jurassic through Quaternary) SH CA Central Angara terrane (Passive continental margin) (Neoproterozoic) es East Sikhote-Alin volcanic-plutonic belt (Late Cretaceous through Miocene) 1 lch 2 Astrobleme o 1 sl 72 1 NAT 3 2 o CAL Central Aldan superterrane (Granulite-orthogneiss) et East Tuva back-arc basin (Late Neoproterozoic and Cambrian) Oceanic terrane and oceanic crust of oceans 8 7 3 72 CH Chuja terrane (Paragneiss) (Late Archean through Neoproterozoic) fh Fenhe sedimentary basin (Cenozoic) CHR Charysh terrane (Continental margin turbidite) (Cambrian through Devonian) ga Gazimur sedimentary basin (Late Neoproterozoic through Early Ordovician) (Northwestern Gorny Altai) gh Gobi-Khankaisk-Daxinganling volcanic-plutonic belt (Permian) Accretionary wedge terrane A, Major icefield CTC Central Taimyr superterrane - Chelyuskin terrane (Island arc) (Neoproterozoic) gl Great Lakes sedimentary basin (Jurassic and Cretaceous) dominantly turbidites with lesser or CTM Central Taimyr superterrane - Mamont terrane (Metamorphic) (Mesoproterozoic ha Hasan-Amurian volcanic-plutonic belt (Paleocene to Early Miocene) no oceanic rocks and Neoproterozoic) hb Huvsgol-Bokson sedimentary overlap assemblage (Late Neoproterozoic through Lake R pl DL Daldyn terrane (Granulite-orthogneiss) (Middle Archean) Middle Cambrian) Accretionary wedge terrane B, DN Dongujimqin-Nuhetdavaa terrane (Island arc) (Cambrian through Middle Devonian) hg Hangay plutonic belt (Late Carboniferous and Early Permian) dominantly oceanic rocks with lesser turbidites pl R DR Derba terrane (Passive continental margin) (Late Neoproterozoic) hi Hiroshima granitic plutonic belt (Cretaceous and Paleogene) DZ Dzhida terrane (Island arc) (Late Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian) hlt Hailar-Tamsag sedimentary basin (Late Jurassic and Cretaceous) 1 DZE Dzhebash terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Late Neoproterozoic and Early hr Kharinsk granitic assemblage (Triassic) Lode mineral deposit site with quadrant number 1 Metamorphic terrane Cambrian) ht Hutuo rift basin (Paleoproterozoic) nw 1 KOV 1 1 EBT East Aldan superterrane - Batomga composite terrane (Granite-greenstone) (Late hx Hexizoulang sedimentary basin (Jurassic through Cenozoic) 2 KNG 1 2 1 Archean) ib Izu-Bonin volcanic belt (Miocene through Quaternary) TERRANES IN EARLY PRECAMBRIAN Placer district site with quadrant number 5 2 ED Edren terrane (Island arc) (Devonian and Early Carboniferous) jb Japan basin (Neogene-Quaternary) CRYSTALLINE BASEMENT OF CRATONS AND KN 3 3 o 6 7 KPD EUC East Aldan superterrane - Uchur terrane (granulite-paragneiss) (Paleoproterozoic) jh Jihei volcanic and plutonic belt (Mesozoic) CRATONS WITH MIOGEOCLINAL OVERLAP 68 1 8 tup pp 9 8 4 4 o 1 3 pl GA Govi Altai terrane (Continental-margin turbidite) (Cambrian through Devonian) ji Jihei plutonic belt (Permian) 9 1 1 68 Granite-greenstone terrane U Quadrant row number 32 GL Galam terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Cambrian through Early jl Jilin-Liaoning-East Shandong volcanic-plutonic belt (Late Jurassic and Cretaceous) 7 6 2 DL 1 10 pk 4 2 3 mr 2 Carboniferous) jn Japan Cenozoic sedimentary basin (Paleogene and Neogene) 2 ktk KH 5 8 5 GS Gurvansayhan terrane (Island arc) (Silurian through Early Carboniferous) jq Japan Quaternary sedimentary basin (Quaternary) 44 Quadrant column number 9 4 3 11 7 6 10 zr HD Hangay-Dauria terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Silurian through Late js Jasong volcanic belt (Jurassic) Tonalite-trondhjemite-gneiss terrane 3 4 tup KNG 10 5 1 Carboniferous) jsb Japan sedimentary basin (Mesozoic) 13 5 2 HE Heilongjiang terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Ordovician and Silurian) jv Japan volcanic belt (Quaternary) 12 4 11 3 5 pk HI Hida terrane (Metamorphic) (Jurassic) kb Kalba-Narym plutonic belt (Late Carboniferous through Early Triassic) 14 1 mr Q Q 6 ad 4 1 HL Herlen terrane (Oceanic) (Late Neoproterozoic through Early Cambrian) kbu Khanka-Bureya granitic belt (Ordovician and Silurian) Granulite-orthogneiss terrane 6 2 4 HM Hamar-Davaa terrane (Metamorphic) (Paleoproterozoic through Early Cambrian) kd Kodar granitic belt (Paleoproterozoic) 4 7 KPD 1 8 (Mongolia and Transbaikal) kh Khmelev back-arc basin (Devonian and Carboniferous) 2 HU Hug terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Neoproterozoic) khs Khemchik-Sistigkhem basin (Middle Cambrian through Silurian) 12 Granulite-paragneiss terrane 7 1 4 3 HV Hovd terrane (Continental-margin turbidite) (Neoproterozoic through Silurian) kni Konino-Nimelen sedimentary basin (Neogene and Quaternary) MG 10 6 KOV KOV nw 1 13 KN KPD HX Hutaguul-Xilinhot terrane (Metamorphic) (Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic) ko Khingan-Okhotsk volcanic-plutonic belt (Cretaceous) ktk 2 7 5 6 ID Idermeg terane (Passive continental margin) (Proterozoic and Cambrian) ksh Kara Sea shelf sedimentary basin (Cambrian thorugh Permian) 3 11 9 5 o 8 NAV 7 6 IM Imjingang terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Devonian) kt Kolyvan-Tom back-arc basin (Devonian to Permian) 8 5 14 1 tk Paragneiss terrane 64 2 KN o IS Isakov terrane (Island arc) (Neoproterozoic) ktb Khungari-Tatibi granitic belt (Middle Cretaceous) 5 64 10 7 6 16 15 JI Jiamusi terrane (Metamorphic) (Neoproterozoic and older and Early Cambrian) ky Kyongsang sedimentary basin (Early Cretaceous) 3 9 10 19 JT Japan trench terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (late Tertiary and Quaternary) kz Kuznetsk orogenic basin (Devonian to Early Triassic) NAC KA Kan terrane (Cratonal) (Paleoproterozoic) la Laptev Sea continental slope (Late Cretaceous through Oligocene) Greenschist terrane 11 17 9 1 12 22 8 KBN Kabarga terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Neoproterozoic and early lb Lower Borzja fore-arc basin (Early Carboniferous through Early Triassic) 14 13 9 21 Paleozoic) lch Lenivaya-Chelyuskin sedimentary basin (Vendian through Carboniferous) 1 16 18 15 23 20 KH Khapchan terrane (Granulite-paragneiss) (Paleoproterozoic) ldp Liaodong plutonic belt (Triassic) Craton with miogeoclinal overlap