

U REFER TO EXPLANATORY PAMPHLET FOR U SUMMARY TABLES OF LODE DEPOSITS, PLACER PREPARED IN COLLABORATION WITH DISTRICTS, AND METALLOGENIC BELTS o o RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 80 80 MONGOLIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES JILIN UNIVERSITY ea KOREAN INSTITUTE OF GEOSCIENCE AND MINERALS LIST OF MAP UNITS ak Akitkan volcanic-plutonic belt (Paleoproterozoic) al Altai volcanic-plutonic belt (Devonian and Early Carboniferous) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF JAPAN/AIST 1 nw Terranes am Altai-Mongolia intermontane basin (Paleogene, Neogene, and Quaternary) T 1 T as Altai-Sayan back-arc basin (Vendian and Cambrian) EXPLANATION ACH Anui-Chuya terrane (Continental margin turbidite) (Early to Late Paleozoic) ay Alashan-Yinshan plutonic belt () 3 AI Amil terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Vendian and Cambrian) az Amur-Zeya sedimentary basin ( to Quaternary) TERRANES IN LATE AND la CONTACTS, FAULTS, AND SYMBOLS AL Alambai terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Vendian and Early Cambrian) ba Biya sedimentary basin (Cambrian and Ordovician) PHANEROZOIC OROGENIC BELTS ANV Aniva terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) ( through early Late bk Baikal sedimentary-volcanic rift belt ( through Quaternary) Sedimentary contact bordering Cretaceous) bl Belokurikha plutonic belt (Late Permian through ) (Altai, Mongolia, overlap assemblge AM Akiyoshi-Maizuru terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Carboniferous and China) Cratonal terrane 4 All contacts between terranes are faults 2 sl Permian) bu Bureya sedimentary basin (Early Jurassic to ) o 76 o AR Argunsky terrane (Passive continental margin) (Paleoproterozoic through late bv Barguzin-Vitim granitoid belt (Late Carboniferous) 76 Paleozoic) bw Beitianshan-Waizunger sedimentary basin (Carboniferous through Permian) Active zone Passive continental margin terrane la AT Altai terrane (Continental margin turbidite) (Precambrian and Cambrian through ca Central Asian plateau basalt belt (Neogene and Quaternary) Devonian) cc Chokhchur-Chekurdakh granite belt (Cretaceous) Post-Accretion Faults ksh 1 BA Beitianshan-Atasbogd terrane (Island arc) (Devonian through Carboniferous) chs Chosun sedimentary basin (Cambrian and Ordovician) BD Badzhal terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Permian through Jurassic) cuk Udokan basin of Chara-Uchur rift system (Paleoproterozoic) Thrust CTC sl Continental margin turbidite terrane BI Birusa terrane (Paragneiss) (Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic) cug Uguy basin of Chara-Uchur rift system (Paleoproterozoic) KR BK Belaya-Kitoy terrane (Metamorphic) (?) db Daebu granite belt (Jurassic) Normal fault S BL Bayanleg terrane (Accretionary wedge type B) (Ordovician to Devonian) dms Damaoqi sedimentary basin (Cenozoic) S 1 KY BM Baikal-Muya terrane (Island arc) (Neoproterozoic) dxs Daxingaling sedimentary overlap assemblage (Carboniferous through Permian) Continental margin arc terrane nw 2 KY BN Baaran terrane (Island arc) (Devonian through Early Carboniferous) dz Dzugdzur anorthositic belt (Paleoproterozoic) 6 Rift 4 pl BR Baratal terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Late Neoproterozoic through Early ea Eurasia oceanic basin (Cenozoic) CTM Cambrian) ed Erduosi sedimentary basin (Triassic through Cretaceous) 2 1 BRG Barguzin terrane (Metamorphic) (Late Neoproterozoic) ej East Jlin plutonic belt (Silurian) Island arc terrane Symbols 3 lch 2 5 1 BY Baydrag terrane (Cratonal) (Neoproterozoic and older) el Erlian sedimentary basin (Late Jurassic through Quaternary) SH CA Central Angara terrane (Passive continental margin) (Neoproterozoic) es East Sikhote-Alin volcanic-plutonic belt ( through ) 1 lch 2 Astrobleme o 1 sl 72 1 NAT 3 2 o CAL Central Aldan superterrane (Granulite-orthogneiss) et East Tuva back-arc basin (Late Neoproterozoic and Cambrian) Oceanic terrane and oceanic crust of oceans 8 7 3 72 CH Chuja terrane (Paragneiss) (Late Archean through Neoproterozoic) fh Fenhe sedimentary basin (Cenozoic) CHR Charysh terrane (Continental margin turbidite) (Cambrian through Devonian) ga Gazimur sedimentary basin (Late Neoproterozoic through Early Ordovician) (Northwestern Gorny Altai) gh Gobi-Khankaisk-Daxinganling volcanic-plutonic belt (Permian) Accretionary wedge terrane A, Major icefield CTC Central Taimyr superterrane - Chelyuskin terrane (Island arc) (Neoproterozoic) gl Great Lakes sedimentary basin (Jurassic and Cretaceous) dominantly turbidites with lesser or CTM Central Taimyr superterrane - Mamont terrane (Metamorphic) ( ha Hasan-Amurian volcanic-plutonic belt ( to Early Miocene) no oceanic rocks and Neoproterozoic) hb Huvsgol-Bokson sedimentary overlap assemblage (Late Neoproterozoic through Lake R pl DL Daldyn terrane (Granulite-orthogneiss) (Middle Archean) Middle Cambrian) Accretionary wedge terrane B, DN Dongujimqin-Nuhetdavaa terrane (Island arc) (Cambrian through Middle Devonian) hg Hangay plutonic belt (Late Carboniferous and Early Permian) dominantly oceanic rocks with lesser turbidites pl R DR Derba terrane (Passive continental margin) (Late Neoproterozoic) hi Hiroshima granitic plutonic belt (Cretaceous and Paleogene) DZ Dzhida terrane (Island arc) (Late Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian) hlt Hailar-Tamsag sedimentary basin (Late Jurassic and Cretaceous) 1 DZE Dzhebash terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Late Neoproterozoic and Early hr Kharinsk granitic assemblage (Triassic) Lode mineral deposit site with quadrant number 1 Metamorphic terrane Cambrian) ht Hutuo rift basin (Paleoproterozoic) nw 1 KOV 1 1 EBT East Aldan superterrane - Batomga composite terrane (Granite-greenstone) (Late hx Hexizoulang sedimentary basin (Jurassic through Cenozoic) 2 KNG 1 2 1 Archean) ib Izu-Bonin volcanic belt (Miocene through Quaternary) TERRANES IN EARLY PRECAMBRIAN Placer district site with quadrant number 5 2 ED Edren terrane (Island arc) (Devonian and Early Carboniferous) jb Japan basin (Neogene-Quaternary) CRYSTALLINE BASEMENT OF CRATONS AND KN 3 3 o 6 7 KPD EUC East Aldan superterrane - Uchur terrane (granulite-paragneiss) (Paleoproterozoic) jh Jihei volcanic and plutonic belt (Mesozoic) CRATONS WITH MIOGEOCLINAL OVERLAP 68 1 8 tup pp 9 8 4 4 o 1 3 pl GA Govi Altai terrane (Continental-margin turbidite) (Cambrian through Devonian) ji Jihei plutonic belt (Permian) 9 1 1 68 Granite-greenstone terrane U Quadrant row number 23 GL Galam terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Cambrian through Early jl Jilin-Liaoning-East Shandong volcanic-plutonic belt (Late Jurassic and Cretaceous) 7 6 2 DL 1 10 pk 4 2 3 mr 2 Carboniferous) jn Japan Cenozoic sedimentary basin (Paleogene and Neogene) 2 ktk KH 5 8 5 GS Gurvansayhan terrane (Island arc) (Silurian through Early Carboniferous) jq Japan Quaternary sedimentary basin (Quaternary) 44 Quadrant column number 9 4 3 11 7 6 10 zr HD Hangay-Dauria terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Silurian through Late js Jasong volcanic belt (Jurassic) Tonalite-trondhjemite-gneiss terrane 3 4 tup KNG 10 5 1 Carboniferous) jsb Japan sedimentary basin (Mesozoic) 13 5 2 HE Heilongjiang terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Ordovician and Silurian) jv Japan volcanic belt (Quaternary) 12 4 11 3 5 pk HI Hida terrane (Metamorphic) (Jurassic) kb Kalba-Narym plutonic belt (Late Carboniferous through ) 14 1 mr Q Q 6 ad 4 1 HL Herlen terrane (Oceanic) (Late Neoproterozoic through Early Cambrian) kbu Khanka-Bureya granitic belt (Ordovician and Silurian) Granulite-orthogneiss terrane 6 2 4 HM Hamar-Davaa terrane (Metamorphic) (Paleoproterozoic through Early Cambrian) kd Kodar granitic belt (Paleoproterozoic) 4 7 KPD 1 8 (Mongolia and Transbaikal) kh Khmelev back-arc basin (Devonian and Carboniferous) 2 HU Hug terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Neoproterozoic) khs Khemchik-Sistigkhem basin (Middle Cambrian through Silurian) 12 Granulite-paragneiss terrane 7 1 4 3 HV Hovd terrane (Continental-margin turbidite) (Neoproterozoic through Silurian) kni Konino-Nimelen sedimentary basin (Neogene and Quaternary) MG 10 6 KOV KOV nw 1 13 KN KPD HX Hutaguul-Xilinhot terrane (Metamorphic) (Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic) ko Khingan-Okhotsk volcanic-plutonic belt (Cretaceous) ktk 2 7 5 6 ID Idermeg terane (Passive continental margin) (Proterozoic and Cambrian) ksh Kara Sea shelf sedimentary basin (Cambrian thorugh Permian) 3 11 9 5 o 8 NAV 7 6 IM Imjingang terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Devonian) kt Kolyvan-Tom back-arc basin (Devonian to Permian) 8 5 14 1 tk Paragneiss terrane 64 2 KN o IS Isakov terrane (Island arc) (Neoproterozoic) ktb Khungari-Tatibi granitic belt (Middle Cretaceous) 5 64 10 7 6 16 15 JI Jiamusi terrane (Metamorphic) (Neoproterozoic and older and Early Cambrian) ky Kyongsang sedimentary basin (Early Cretaceous) 3 9 10 19 JT Japan trench terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (late Tertiary and Quaternary) kz Kuznetsk orogenic basin (Devonian to Early Triassic) NAC KA Kan terrane (Cratonal) (Paleoproterozoic) la Laptev Sea continental slope (Late Cretaceous through Oligocene) Greenschist terrane 11 17 9 1 12 22 8 KBN Kabarga terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Neoproterozoic and early lb Lower Borzja fore-arc basin (Early Carboniferous through Early Triassic) 14 13 9 21 Paleozoic) lch Lenivaya-Chelyuskin sedimentary basin (Vendian through Carboniferous) 1 16 18 15 23 20 KH Khapchan terrane (Granulite-paragneiss) (Paleoproterozoic) ldp Liaodong plutonic belt (Triassic) Craton with miogeoclinal overlap 1 17 KK Kizir-Kazir terrane (Island arc) (Cambrian) (Southwestern Eastern Sayan) lg Lugyngol volcanic-sedimentary basin (Permian) P tuv and craton margin 18 P KI Kanim terrane (Island arc) (Late Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian) ly Laiyang volcanic -sedimentary basin (Cretaceous) 3 2 3 2 1 5 2 KN Kular-Nera terrane (Continental margin turbidite) (Permian through Early Jurassic) ma Mana sedimentary basin (Late Neoproterozoic through Middle Cambrian) 2 3 4 11 4 NAV oc 1 KNG Nagondzha terrane of Kolyma-Omolon superterrane (Continental margin) mb Main granite belt (Late Jurassic) Major melange zone 3 6 4 11 7 8 (Carboniferous through ) mn Minusa molasse basin (Middle Devonian through Early Permian) 9 KOV Omulevka miogeoclinal terrane of Kolyma-Omolon superterrane (Passive mr Moma rift sedimentary basin (Miocene and ) 10 continental margin) (late Neoproterozoic through Triassic) mt Mongol-Transbaikal volcanic-plutonic belt (Late Triassic through Early Cretaceous) tup 12 OVERLAP AND STITCH ASSEMBLAGES 5 KPD Polousnyi-Debin terrane of Kolyma-Omolon superterrane (Accretionary wedge, nm North marginal plutonic belt of North China Platform (Carboniferous and Permian) (Assemblages shown by lighter hues according to age; tup 13 type A) (Jurassic) np North Tarimu plutonic belt (Permian) o 1 1 1 16 for overlap assemblages with long age span, 60 2 15 OH o KPR Kyushu-Palau terrane (Island arc) (Paleocene) nr Nohi rhyolite volcanic belt (Cretaceous) the color of the oldest major unit is shown. 3 2 14 60 KR Kara terrane (Continental margin turbidite) (Late Neoproterozoic) nw Northern, Eastern, and Western Siberia sedimentary basins (Mesozoic and 6 oc KRT Kurtushiba terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Late Neoproterozoic and Early Cenozoic) 1 nw 1 Cenozoic 7 Cambrian) ob Okhota sedimentary basin (Late through Miocene) ob1 KUV Kuvai terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Neoproterozoic) oc Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic-plutonic belt (late Early Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous, 4 8 17 KY Kotelnyi miogeoclinal terrane (Passive continental margin) (Late Neoproterozoic and Paleocene) OH through Late Triassic) os Offshore sedimentary assemblages (Mainly Cenozoic) Mesozoic (Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous) 7 1 KZ Kuzeev terrane (Granulite-orthogneiss) (Paleoproterozoic) pb Pacific Ocean basin (Cretaceous through Cenozoic) O 5 9 10 2 3 LA Laoling terrane (Island arc) (Late Ordovician through Silurian) pk Post-amalgamation assemblages of the Kolyma-Omolon superterrane - 1 ud oc O 2 1 3 4 LG Laoyeling-Grodekov superterrane (Island arc) (Late Carboniferous and Permian) UyandinaYasachnaya volcanic belt and IlinTas back arc basin (Late Jurassic) 6 4 2 LK Lake terrane (Island arc) (Late Neoproterozoic and Cambrian) pl Primorsk lowland and Laptev sea shelf sedimentary basin (Pliocene through Middle and Late Paleozoic (Devonian through Permian) 2 5 5 vch 16 14 8 WAG 6 LN Lan terrane (Continental margin turbidite) (Devonian through Triassic) 2 7 nw 15 MC Mino Tamba Chichibu terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Permian through Early pp Popigay astroblem (Late Eocene) 18 2 1 9 Cretaceous) sa Sayan collisional granitic belt (Paleoproteroterozoic?) Late Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic 8 NAV 6 17 9 10 MG Magan terrane (Tonalite-trondhjemite-gneiss) (Paleoproterozoic) sab South Aldan sedimentary basin (Jurassic) (Vendian through Silurian) 12 1 12 11 MK Malokhingansk terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Neoproterozoic and sal South Altai back-arc basin (Middle Devonian through Early Carboniferous) o 10 NAC 15 31 13 56 1 13 11 Cambrian) se Selenga sedimentary-volcanic plutonic belt (Permian through Jurassic) IS 6 ud o 2 5 NAC 14 MM Manyn terrane (Passive continental margin) (Archean?) sg Sinegorsk volcanic-plutonic assemblage (Devonian and ) Neoproterozoic through 42 1 3 16 7 56 2313 CA3 MN Mandan terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Devonian) sgg Shangganhe sedimentary basin (Cenozoic) 38 NAC ta 17 os MO Mandalovoo-Onor terrane (Island arc) (Middle Ordovician through Early sj Sanjiang sedimentary basin and Yishu graben (Mesozoic and Cenozoic) 20 1 3 27 11 8 7 4 18 oc Carboniferous) sh Shikoku back arc basin (Neogene and Quaternary) 4 30 12 NSC 2 MR Maralikha terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Middle Devonian or older) sk South Sakhalin sedimentary basin (Cenozoic) Mesoproterozoic 9 2 9 1 14 22 NAV MS Muya terrane (Metamorphic) (Late Archean? and Paleoproterozoic?) skc Sino-Korea platform sedimentary cover (Proterozoic through Triassic) 3 vch 2517 15 23 20 19 34 18 2 EBT NA Nadanhada terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Middle Triassic through Middle sl Sedimentary basin of Laptev Sea shelf (Early Cretaceous through Cenozoic) 43 40 26 16 12 21 2928NAE24 10 13 2 24 Jurassic) slj East Shandong-East Liaoning-East Jilin rift basin (Paleoproterozoic) N 36 39 37 19 2 TF 1 dz Paleoproterozoic WAG 32 2 NAB Nabilsky terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Late Triassic through Early sm South Mongolian volcanic-plutonic belt (Middle Carboniferous through Late Triassic) 44 35 22 11 10 4 EUC N 42 3331 21 6 tuv 3 Cretaceous) snw Sangwon sedimentary basin (Proterozoic) 2 9 3 3 25 oc 41 5 NAP 3 26 5 ND Nora-Sukhotin-Duobaoshan terrane (Island arc) (Neoproterozoic through Early sol Songliao sedimentary basin (Jurassic through Cenozoic) YN 87 5 3 ul TT 6 1 4 CAL 28 1 Carboniferous) ss South Siberian volcanic-plutonic belt (Early Devonian) nw 1 9 am 5 4 30 27 1 1 8 1 cug 7 29 2 NN Nankai terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Miocene through Quaternary) st Stanovoy granite belt (Jurassic and Early Cretaceous) 2 8 3 o KZ 14 4 NR dz 6 GL NR Nechera terrane (Granulite-paragneiss) (Archean? and Proterozoic) ta Tatarka-Ayakhta collisional granitic belt (Neoproterozoic) 10 sab 7 75 14 46 tup sab 5 NRS North Sayan terrane (Island arc) (Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian) tbr Tyrma-Burensk granitic assemblage (Permian) kt 6 5 3 4 19 51 47 9 WAD 11 6 9 8 1 1 OD Olokit-Delunuran terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Paleoproterozoic through tg Tamirgol sedimentary basin (Permian) 3 4 ss 1 3 tr st 2 58 15 6 5 1 2 Neoproterozoic) te Tes volcanic-plutonic belt (Devonian through Late Triassic?) 54 10 9 KUV 45 7 MS BM bk 4 o o 46 28 24 8 12 sab ud ko nw 7 5 2 50 48 OD tr 52 OG Ogcheon terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Late Paleozoic through Early tk Tas-Kystabyt magmatic belt (Jurassic) 52 56 tn12 15 7 st 48 17 18 18 22 kl st 13 st 10 Mesozoic) tl Telmen plutonic belt (Middle Cambrian through Early Ordovician) 57 47 11 6 1 49 7 1 dz es 34 13 6 9 11 cuk10 1 OH Okhotsk terrane (Cratonal) (Archean through Jurassic) tn Tannuola plutonic belt (Cambrian and Ordovician) 68kh 61 52 KI16 CH 12 3 21 8 12 13 1 11to 55 30 mn nw bv 14 2 st sk OI Orhon-Ikatsky terrane (Continental margin arc) (Late Neoproterozoic through to Torom sedimentary basin (Late Triassic through Early Cretaceous) 60 23 20 2 ua 16 17 1 14 4 ag ak 20 21 CAL 15 GL UN Silurian) tr Taraka collisional granitic belt (Paleoproterozoic) ETALL KBN 65 kz45 25 ma 8 GL 3 , M OG 79 39 26 26 5 bv 19 st 17 OL Oldoy terrane (Passive continental margin) (Silurian through Early Carboniferous) trb Trans-Baikalian-Daxinganling sedimentary-volcanic-plutonic belt ( ES E AL 41 31 22 TZ bk TY 18 la C N nw 32 ss 1 BM 1 vz kni16 OM Ondum terrane (Island arc) (Late Neoproterozoic through Ordovician) through Early Cretaceous) R E M 36 29 41 2 2 NAB U S 82 42 22 161014 3 2 2 CAL LN 19 OS Ononsky terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Neoproterozoic? or Silurian?) tup Tungus plateau basalt, sills, dikes, and intrusions (Permian and Triassic) - Plutonic- I 35 45 21 20 es O S 42 27 33 as 40 30 15 18 13 sa UB 1 2 , MR 71 69 46 17 8 3 kd 3 M QT Qinghe-Tsel terrane (Metamorphic) (Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic) rich part S 84 70 37 7 ss 6 se TD 25 22 E T 13 17 SAL 74 63 43 38 52 31 21 11 KA 3 2827 23 3 RA Rudny Altai terrane (Island arc) (Late Silurian through Early Carboniferous) tuv Tungus plateau basalt, sills, dikes, and intrusions (Permian and Triassic) - Volcanic- E 67 62 36 9 uo1 24 3 2 TR R o 87 75al 40 49 23 9 1912 NAC BRG se 3 TD 2 C 21 73 51 44 64 25 KK 26 29 SA Sangilen terrane (Passive continental margin) (Paleoproterozoic or rich part L 78 29 1415 76 bl 56 53 43 20 5 BM se 3 31 ha T 31 53 50 27 5 30 Neoproterozoic) tv Tuva molasse basin (Middle Devonian through Late Carboniferous) A 31 1910 57 mn 4 O as 5 33 25 9 7 6 5 10 83 77 49 55 28 DR bv 1 kbu 32 R 20 UL 59 38 29 4 4 SAL Salair terrane (Island arc) (Early Cambrian through Early Ordovician) ua Upper Angara carbonate sedimentary basin (Late Neoproterozoic through Middle N 34 24 18 2 9 85 tn72 60 58 WST 3 2 1 WSA E CHR16 4 12 7 88

I 30 22 15 86 66 51 32 bv 4 uo 5 4 SG Sergeevka terrane (Island arc) (Cambrian? and Ordovician?) Cambrian) C 54 33 N 23 8 80 61 34 19 4 trb 4 I 32 26 22 14 64 OI MM SH Shalaurov terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Permian and Triassic) ub Upper Borzja marine molasse basin (Early Jurassic)

S RA 27 ACH 3 17 bv 6 1 28 as NRS NRS24 10 nw OL js 7

M 12 5 62 AL 35 4 KBN 4 81 59 39 8 6 BD 2 SHA Sharizhalgay terrane (Tonalite-trondhjemite gneiss) (Archean through ud Uda volcanic-plutonic belt (Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous) 28 11al 27 13 78 DZE 37 as bk 9 7 6 3 3 4 R 18 7 bk js 8 o Paleoproterozoic) ul Ulkan plutonic belt (Paleoproterozoic) S 31 18 1 63 KRT 21 A 36 ba 48 20 6 8 bu 5 48 SHM Shimanto terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Early Cretaceous through uo Umlekam-Ogodzhin volcanic-plutonic belt (Cretaceous) G NAP 8 7 S S al al 2 tn BI 11 , WSY UO 10 6 Miocene) us Ussuri sedimentary assemblage (Early Cretaceous through Quaternary) M , U 46 5 50 UK AR 5 ca wsa A J kb bl 25 44 ss 4 12 AR AR 2 hr ko 9 SK South Kitakami terrane (Island arc) (Silurian through Cretaceous) vch Vorogovka-Chapa basin (Late Neoproterozoic through Cambrian?) S S 47 BK HM 1 14 10 , G 49 UC 17 23 1 13 11 5 tbr SL Solon terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Late Carboniferous through Permian) vl Vladivostok sedimentary and magmatic assemblage (Permian) JU, M, 44 khs 2 trb az 3 es SS N KIGA 16 10 6 4 22 12 bv 3 2 15 11 3 SMA Samarkina terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Late Permian through Middle vz Verkhnezeya sedimentary basin (Cenozoic) O IA 23 2 1 3 ga gh R S BR 19 nw3 et HU 14 SHA 5 18 trb 6 Jurassic) wsa West Sakhalin sedimentary basin (Paleocene through Quaternary) THEAST A TK 7 15 13 sj OM 16 1 SS Sosunay-Langeri terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Jurassic through xa Xinjiang Altai plutonic belt (Silurian) 37 21 19 6 13tv 12 8 ss 1 4 19 17 2 29 22 2 16TU gh Paleogene) yc Yong-il sedimentary basin (Late Cretaceous) o sal 48 8 14 trb ha 8 7 sk 84 43 20 24 56 TO 4 9 1 4 24 16 11 4 1 13 trb 2 kbu ha L SW Sambagawa terrane (Metamorphic) (Cretaceous) yj Yanji-Jixi-Raohe overlap sedimentary assemblage (Mesozoic and Cenozoic) 17 1415 ANV 51 al 15 6 3 3 4 UR TD Tukuringra-Dzhagdy terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Silurian through yl Yanliao volcanic-sedimentary basin and plutonic belt (Jurassic through Cretaceous) 44 39 34 HM 5 16 22 8 7 26 25 hb se 33 19 23 5 4 Permian) ys Yinshan volcanic-sedimentary basin (Jurassic through Cretaceous) am 28 5 tl bv 24 17 6 2 4 sol 4 12 40 30 34 11 9 31 2 25 ND 3 1 WSA TF Tonod terrane (Greenschist) (Paleoproterozoic) zbl Zhangbei-Bayan Obo-Langshan metasedimentary and metavolcanic rock unit 1 37 27 tn 7 ca 37 26 20 10 1 ZRA 47 44 41 58 27 SA 30 trb 39 28 21 7 5 6 es 1 AT 33 36 35 29 9 3 trb 2 trb 1 ub 11 12 trb ko MK 2 2 TG Tsagaan Uul-Guoershan Terrane (Continental margin arc) (Paleoproterozoic (Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic) 53 35 32 37 4844 4132 26 18 14 8 29 27 3 4645 32 29 25 131110 OS 36 8 9 os through Permian) zg Zhangguangcailing plutonic belt (Early Silurian through Late Ordovician) 41 38 35 38 lb38 34 30 18 SMA 3 52 45 33 21 40 45 39SA te 12 ags ji 11 10 TH Taukha terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Late Jurassic through Early zh Zag-Haraa turbidite basin (Middle Cambrian through Early Ordovician) o 42 52 59 47HV 38 30 57 47 15 AR 45 50 46 42 16 9 se 32 14 kbu12 sj 2 Cretaceous) zhs Zhangguangcailing sedimentary overlap assemblage (Paleozoic) 48 53 40 39 23 43 17 DZ 16tl 13 44 am gh ca ca 15 13 1 51 2018 20 14 10 43 42 35 31 ji 4 o TK Terekta terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Late Neoproterozoic through Early zr Zyryanka sedimentary basin (Late Jurassic through Cenozoic) 50 54 43 42 tl 51 36 19 23 14 16 4 44 2 LK 21 13 45 40 zhs 17 6 7 5 5 6 Cambrian) zs Zhangguangcailiang sedimentary overlap assemblage (Mesozoic) 55 48 26 BY 50 23 22 30 12 46 1 10 9 jn 7 82 82 1 53 34 48 11 8 al te 3 47 5 8 9 1 2 TN Tokoro-Nemuro terrane (Island arc) (Late Cretaceous through Paleogene) 1 49 OI 11 8 6 tl 50 41 jh ZA 57 BY 7 10 3 49 ca jh 12 TO Tannuola subterrane (Island arc) (Cambrian and older?) Cratons and Craton Margins 3 7 1 6 7 4 51 ko TN 80 80 31 19 2 zg 13 3 54 52 34 19 5 55 1 TR Terpeniy terrane (Island arc) (Late Cretaceous) 4np 5 24 se 15 17 9 61 54 gh 3 HE 14 1 jn 28 49 33 27 18 12 gh 5 jh NA 15 TT Telbes-Kitat terrane (Island-arc) (Neoproterozoic through Devonian) NAC North Asian Craton (Archean through Mesozoic) 33 40 17 5 1 8 56 zhs jq al 58 37 36 tl 18 gh 59 57 5253 2 4 17 TU Tunka terrane (Island arc ) (Ordovician? and Silurian?) NAE North Asian Craton Margin (Angara fold and thrust belt) (Late Neoproterozoic se 38 21 6 15 11 16 5 tl 55 22 hg 62 ji 8 6 es 25 24 20 trb 58 TY Tynda terrane (Tonalite-trondhjemite-gneiss) (Archean and Paleoproterozoic) through Cambrian) 76 Karal Sea Laptev Sea 76 L tl 4 56 tl 4 42 OS 60 hlt JI 7 2 gl te hg zh 29 28 2 16 2 jn 5 K TZ Tumanshet terrane (Paragneiss) (Proterozoic) NAP North Asian Craton Margin Patom-Baikal fold and thrust belt (Passive continental 23 15 3 2 39 31 26 3 AR 4 trb trb yj 18 SHM 18 20 8 7 4 UB Uniya-Bom terrane (Continental margin turbidite) (Late Triassic and Early Jurassic) margin) (Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic) 7 10 32 mt 20 19 9 24 QT 16 6 gl te 41 35 23 22 10 13 6 UC Ulus-Cherga terrane (Island arc) (Cambrian) NAV North Asian Craton Margin - Verkhoyansk fold and thrust belt (Passive continental 11 BY 21 kbu 24 12 14 8 12 8 se zh 12 MO vl 21 25 26 11 16 72 22 10 1 16 UK Urik-Iya terrane (Greenschist) (Proterozoic) margin) (Carboniferous through Middle Jurassic) 72 28 HV se 4 3 15 8 7 HL 5 zhs 29 1415jv 17 9 2 5 1 HD gh18 9 2 gh ca gh JI 30 31 28 27 UL Uimen-Lebed terrane (Island arc) (Cambrian through Ordovician) NAT North Asian Craton Margin - South-Taimyr fold belt (Passive continental margin) WB 117 4 14 15 1 1 11 19 18 OS OS 17 13 3 sol 10 34es 21 21 2 33 32 3 21 20 UN Ulban terrane (Continental margin turbiditie) (Late Triassic through Middle (Ordovician through Triassic) 20 13 3 20 14 4 1 ZN 9 sg 4 LK 24 2 14 ji 35 22 Jurassic) SCG South China (Yangzi) Craton - Gyenggi terrane (Granulite-paragneiss) 19 19 17 HD mt8 9 3 12 bw 26 25 20 hg 6 MO 11 36 24 23 UO Ulugo terrane (Island arc) (Early Cambrian) (Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic and older) 68 68 12 23 1 7 mt 6 2 dxs ji LG13 37 jn hx 25 5 GA10 1 19ji 1 o 27 am 29 27 13 11 1 22 gh 19trb DN 3 38 3 2 26 25 UR Urmi terrane (Passive continental margin) (Archean through Middle Triassic) SCJ South China (Yangzi) Craton - Jilin-Liaonan Ultra-High Pressure terrane 90 se 9 OI 13 trb 21 12 15 39 5 o VS Voznesenka terrane (Passive continental margin) (Cambrian through Permian) (Metamorphic) (Paleoproterozoic) 31 hg am 17 VS 27 40 28 tg 4 6 trb 1 jh ZN yj 16 4 28 5 WAD West Aldan terrane (Granite-greenstone) (Archean) SKA Sino-Korean Craton - Alashan terrane (Granulite-paragneiss) (Paleoproterozoic) tl BY 25 23 zs jb 29 64 sm ca ji ktb WAG West Angara terrane (Passive continental margin) (Neoproterozoic) SKE Sino-Korean Craton - Erduosi terrane (Granulite-paragneiss) (Archean) 64 10 15 14 26 5 3 zhs vl 6 30 33 trb 2 TH WB Waizunger-Baaran terrane (Island arc) (Ordovician through Permian) SKJ Sino-Korean Craton - Jilin-Liaoning-East Shandong terrane (Tonalite-trondhjemite- 16 gh DN 31 am 11 29 27 18 ji 8 36 34-37, WB BN mt ID 31 28 ID MO 10 39-41jv 32 WD Wundurmiao terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Mesoproterozoic through gneiss) (Archean) Yakutia 32 yj 2 1 7 37 33 GA ID 16 30 4 5 1 jn 44 Middle Ordovician) SKL Sino-Korean Craton - West Liaoning-Hebei-Shanxi terrane (Granulite-orthogneiss) 30 22 18 34 trb 6 us 11 9 45 38 60 trb am 18 sm 3 SG 2 MC 1 WSA West Sakhalin terrane (Accretionary wedge, type A) (Cretaceous) (Archean) 60 23 trb GA SL 4 14 9 7 LG 42-43 bw 19 el trb 3 jh 10 8 3 WST West Stanovoy terrane (Metamorphic) (Archean through Mesoproterozoic) SKM Sino-Korean Craton - Machollyong terrane (Granulite-paragneiss) (Archean to 26 24 7 ZN jh ji 12 46-47 YAKUTSK 46 hx 34 ED 22 GA dxs 6 15 11 39 WSY West Sayan terrane (Continental margin turbidite) (Late Neoproterozoic through Paleoproterozoic) BL GA 17 35 32 1 16 13 6 MO DN 8 18 LA 4 7 5 J WB 2829 26 20 37 8 9 11 Devonian) SKR Sino-Korean Craton - Rangnim terrane (Granulite-paragneiss) (Archean) RUSSIA 38 19 56 WB GS 27 24 MO 36 33 9 21 SK XC Xichangjing terrane (Metamorphic) (Proterozoic) SKYE Sino-Korean Craton - Yeongnam terrane (Granulite-paragneiss) (Late Archean to 56 30 nm SKJ 20 ej 10 Russian Far 31 25 40 39 ca trb 22 23 17 12 13 YN Yenisey terrane (Paragneiss) (Paleoproterozoic?) Paleoproterozoic) 32 MN 21 trb dxs 1 24 np 2 2 jh ZA Zavhan terrane (Continental margin arc) (Late Neoproterozoic) SKYS Sino-Korean Craton - Yinshan terrane (Granite-greenstone) (Archean) BA 1 1 NOVOSIBIRSK 4 GS skc db JT ZN Zhangguangcailing superterrane (Continental margin arc) (Neoproterozoic through Eastern Siberia 3 trb 6 trb yl LA 14 6 ca 3 ca os 75 1 8 el nm 25 15 Devonian) Major Melange Zones 52 sm el 4 26 jv 52 Southeastern 6 HX 4 6 28 slj 19 ZO Zoolen terrane (Accretionary wedge, type B) (Ordovician(?) and Devonian) ZO sm HX 7 skc 11 5 3 27 18 16 17 trb 6 dxs 9 29 ZRA Zhuravlevsk-Amur River terrane (Continental margin turbidite) (Late Jurassic and am Amga tectonic melange zone Siberia and o 2 7 10 jl 8 30 np BA 9 5 20 o Early Cretaceous) kl Kalar tectonic melange zone 78 K 96 TG 3 lg 2 SL 8 20 12 31 32 22 21 36 4 23 21 slj yj hi ktk Transbaikalia 10 9 14 13 jn 23 Kotuykan tectonic melange zone 48 BA 2 trb 4 SL 1 10 24 skc SKM tr yl 16 33 os 25 24 Overlap Assemblages Tyrkanda tectonic melange zone Baikal 5 12 3 15 11 26 sol IRKUTSK 7 7 12 18 SKR 2 KHABAROVSK ys 5 13 26 84 8 WD 27 25 17 db trb 5 lg 9 SKL 22 19 27 ab Abinsk plateau basalt (Early and Middle Triassic) East XC 1 11 nm 15 jv 28 29 Ulaangom ULAN UDE WD zbl 30 28 30 ad Adycha intermountain sedimentary basin (Miocene and Pliocene) 48 Hatgal nm 31 32 44 13 dms 26 20 14 42 32 db jsb 33 31 ed trb 36 1 41 33 slj 29 chs ag Agul (Rybinsk) molasse basin (Middle Devonian to Early Carboniferous) NORTHEAST nm 1 22 21 18 17 45 38 2 14 25 16 37 36 35 34 ags Argun sedimentary basin (Early Paleozoic) ULAANBAATAR CHINA 10 ca 38 40 SKL 19 47 44 35 34 MC 47 SKA 12 ay SKE 33 24 40 37 jq 56 yl 43 39 36 38 1 I 17 59 54 31 27 2 23 46 SKA zbl SKE 44 47 57 55 41 35 28 48 HI 1 MONGOLIA Khanka 40 13 34 32 2 jn 90 nm 45 58 53 1 3 zbl skc 37 42 29 ldp 4 NORTHWEST o 19 18 16 15 SKE 49 SKL 39 30 jn 5 MC CHANGCHUN VLADIVOSTOK 51 yl 43 52 2 db 6 1 CHINA 40 SKYS yl skc50 48 46 1 7 1 skc 6 8 nr NN 1 pb 1 3 36 nm SKJ SKR snw 96 CHINA 2 2 5 4 hi 23 sgg 5 3 7 0 500 1000 KM KOREA TSUKUBA ay SKA 3 chs 8 4 ed 9 4 jq PENINSULA TOKYO 1 3 2 6 jv o 40 NORTH-CENTRAL SKL db 11 8 MC CHINA SEOUL skc 23 4 710 jn 9 10 32 BEIJING 5 2 snw IM 20 16 SKYE 14 12 JAPAN 32 o 12 14 15 13 21 22 13 15 11 International boundaries are approximate 102 102 3 SCG 32 18 10 4 18 17 19 hi 1 19 16 and do not indicate endorsement by TAEJON SKL 1 23 24 17 nr hi20 os 6 2 25 23 22 21 participating countries. 144 26 24 AM H 108 114 6 4 5 OG 26 25 120 Pacific Ocean skc 12 SKL 5 4 3 jq ht nc 10 7 27 31 30 SHM J 13 11 9 7 29 28 1 28 27 32 hi MC SKJ 2 SCG 30 31 29 GENERALIZED GEOGRAPHIC MAP FOR 138 8 9 jl8 3 yc 2 33 126 11 os 6 nr fh 4 7 39 34 os 15 12 SCJ 10 9 NORTHEAST ASIA 132 18 22 skc ky AM 5 35 19 5 18 14 8 41 37 SW 20 16 13 16 15 12 43 39 o 17 89 11 144 48 21 14 11 10 7 6 ly jl 17 45 40 38 ib o 21 20 19 44 42 108 o SKYE 22 jn 46 NN 114 o 23 1 MC 49 50 120 48 24 jn 47 35 SHM db hi 25 jv 27 26 29 28 MC sh 54 31 30 PRELIMINARY METALLOGENIC BELT AND MINERAL DEPOSIT MAPS 13 32 51 jn 36 34 o 1 AM 37 138 Geologic base map is generalized version of Northeast Asia Geodynamics 39 1 SHM RussianAcademy of Sciences, Khabarovsk 38 jv Map (Parfenov, and others, 2003). 2 FOR NORTHEAST ASIA: 2 RussianAcademy of Sciences, Novosibirsk 3 4 3 o Mineral deposits and placer districts numbered within quadrants bounded MongolianAcademy of Sciences, Ulaanbaatar 126 5 os KPR by 4 degrees of latitude and 6 degrees of longitude. Refer to companion 4 7 6 1 summary tables of lode deposits and placer districts for additional Mineral ResourcesAuthority of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar 53 5 Korean Institute of Geology, Mining, and Materials, Taejon SHEET 1 - LODE MINERAL DEPOSITS AND PLACER DISTRICTS jn information. Some deposits occur on islands too small to depict on map. 6 8 o RussianAcademy of Sciences, Vladivostok 132 This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American 7 Specific regions for these maps were compiled by the following persons. Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, firm, or product names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement Geological Survey of Japan/AIST,Tsukuba 2141358 52 8 U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park Compiled by Alexander A. Obolenskiy , Sergey M. Rodionov , Gunchin Dejidmaa , Ochir Gerel , Duk Hwan Hwang , Robert J. Miller , Region or Country Contributors by the U.S. Government. 9 8791110 Eastern Siberia Elimir G. Distanov, Alexander A. Obolenskiy, Nikolay V. Popov, Vitaly I. RussianAcademy of Sciences,Yakutsk Sotnikov This map was printed on an electronic plotter directly from digital files. Dimensional calibration may vary between electronic plotters and 10 Warren J. Nokleberg , Masatsugu Ogasawara , Alexander P. Smelov , Hongquan Yan , and Zhan V. Seminskiy SCALE : 1:7,500,000 Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk Transbaikalia Anatoliy P. Kochnev, Mikhail I. Kuzmin, Sergey A. Letunov, Galina D. Malceva, between X and Y directions on the same plotter, and paper may change size due to atmospheric conditions; therefore, scale and proportions 11 may not be true on plots of this map. Jilin University, Changchun 0 200 400 600 800 1000 MILES Zhan V. Seminskiy, Alexander V. Spiridonov, Lydia M. Zorina1 12 YakutianState University,Yakutsk 391892 Yakutia Gennandiy V. Biryul'kin, Yury V. Davydov, Valeriy Yu. Fridovskiy, Gennadiy N. For sale by U.S. Geological Survey, Information Services, Box 25286, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225, 1-888-ASK-USGS 13 With compilations on specific regions by Sodov Ariunbileg , Gennandiy V. Biryul'kin , Jamba Byamba , Yury V. Davydov , Elimir G. Distanov , Gamyanin, Alexei V. Kostin, Valeriy M. Nikitin, Leonid M. Parfenov, Andrei V. 1000 KILOMETERS Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Ulaanbaatar 18 9 12 17 16 6 0 200 400 600 800 Prokopiev, Alexander P. Smelov, Valeriy V. Stogni y, Valeriy M. Supletsov, Digital files available on World Wide Web at This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey 14 RussianAcademy of Sciences, Irkutsk Dangindorjiin Dorjgotov , Gennadiy N. Gamyanin , Valeriy Yu. Fridovskiy , Nikolai A. Goryachev , Ayurzana Gotovsuren , Alexander I. Khanchuk , Vladimir F. Timofeev, Oleg A. Tyan, Valeriy G. Vetluzhskikh, Yakov V. editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, firm, or product names in this publication is for descriptive 15 10 9 14 14 11 11 10 9 Yakovlev, Vladimir I. Zhizhin, Nikolay N. Zinchuk purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. RussianAcademy of Sciences, Blagoveschensk Lambert Azimuthal equal-area projection 16 Anatoliy P. Kochnev , Alexei V. Kostin , Mikhail I. Kuzmin , Sergey A. Letunov , Jiliang Li , Xujun Li , Galina D. Malceva , V.D. Melnikov , Russia Far East Alexander I. Khanchuk, Nikolai A. Goryachev, V.D. Melnikov, Vladimir Ratkin, Central longitude 110 degrees East This map was printed on an electronic plotter directly from digital files. Dimensional calibration may vary between electronic plotters and Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Mongolia 12 9 2 9 6 17 2 Sergey M. Rodionov, Vladimir I. Shpikerman, 17 Central latitude 60 degrees North between X and Y directions on the same plotter, and paper may change size due to atmospheric conditions; therefore, scale and proportions RussianAcademy of Sciences, Magadan Valeriy M. Nikitin , Leonid M. Parfenov , Nikolay V. Popov , Andrei V. Prokopiev , Vladimir Ratkin , Vladimir I. Shpikerman , Vitaly I. Sotnikov , Geographic base from Miller and others (1998, 1999) Mongolia Sodov Ariunbileg, Jamba Byamba, Gunchin Dejidmaa, Dangindorjiin Dorjgotov, may not be true on plots of this map. 18 Mongolian National University, Ulaanbaatar 14 12 7 11 11 11 99 Ochir Gerel, Ayurzana Gotovsuren, China Jiliang Li, Xujun Li, Fengyue Sun, Aihua Xi, Qiusheng Zhang, Hongquan Yan 19 Alexander V. Spiridonov , Valeriy V. Stogniy , Sadahisa Sudo , Fengyue Sun , JiapengSun , Weizhi Sun , Valeriy M. Supletsov , Vladimir F. Timofeev , For sale by U.S. Geological Survey, Information Services, Box 25286, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225, 1-888-ASK-USGS ALROSAJoint Company, Mirnyi 9 9 7 11 9 12 19 14 South Korea Duk Hwan Hwang, Oleg A. Tyan , Valeriy G. Vetluzhskikh , Koji Wakta , Aihua Xi , Yakov V. Yakovlev , Vladimir I. Zhizhin , Nikolay N. Zinchuk , and Lydia M. Zorina Japan Masatsugu Ogasawara, Sadahisa Sudo, Koji Wakita Digital files available on World Wide Web at http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov