EPTA European Piano Teachers Association XIII INTERNATIONAL PIANO WEEK with Master Classes and Concerts July 22. – 28. 2012 Ollerup, Denmark Master Classes for young pianists (age 14 – 24) Piano Week with musical experiences for all ages Supported by Augustinus Fonden, Dansk Solist Forbund, Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond, Juhl - Sørensen A/S, Solistforeningen af 1921, Svendborg Kommune EPTA Danmark Carit Etlars Vej 4, DK- 2840 Holte Tel: +45/45 42 29 63 - +45/ 28 39 01 07 e-mail:
[email protected] www.epta.dk XIII INTERNATIONAL MASTER CLASSES FOR YOUNG PERORMING PIANISTS and for non performing participants of all ages. July 22. – 28. 2012 in Ollerup Efterskole Fyn Denmark The master classes are for young pianists age 14 - 24 years, who want to work seriously with the piano, to improve their skills and to get inspiration from the three international professors and famous pianists: EUGEN INDJIC, Schola Cantorum, Paris MURRAY MCLACHLAN, Royal Northern College of Music Manchester JACOB LEUSCHNER, Staatliche Musikhochschule Köln The performing participants will have individual lessons in open class, opportunity to listen to other lessons, time for practising, ensemle playing, concerts as well as a musical and friendly getting together in this beautiful place in Denmark. Non-performing participants of all ages, music lovers, teachers, students can attend the classes as well as concerts and all other arrangements including taking part in 4-8 hand piano, musical understanding, lectures and dancing. Ollerup is beautifully situated about 2½ hour from Copenhagen. The school has a nice concert hall, well equipped class-rooms and rooms for practising. All bedrooms have a private bath, and the kitchen is first class!.