Occasional Papers in Sociology and Anthropology
OCCASIONAL PAPERS IN SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY Kri.hna B. Bhattachan, Ph.D. nand dit a Cane h M. Gurung, Ph.D. CENTRAL DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY T RIB HUVA NUN IVER SIT Y, 1 9 9 6 r I CONTRIBUTORS Ganesh Man Gurung, Reader: Ph, D, (Sociology), CONTENTS Banaras Hindu University Kailash Nath Pyakuryal. Professor: Ph, D, (Sociology), ETIINICITY AND NATIONALISM IN THE NEPALI CONTEXT Mi chigan State U ru versrty A Perspective from Europe Uwe Kievelitz Krishna Bahadur Bhattachan, Lecturer, Ph, D. (Sociologv)., University of California, Berkeley 17 THE ISSUE OF NATIONAL INTEGRATION IN NEPAL Hari Bhattarai, Lecturer (part-time): M,A ( Anthropology), An EthnorcgionaI Approach Tribhuvan University Krishna B. Bhattachan Kailash N Pyakuryal Surcsh Dha kal, M,k ( Anthropology), Tribh uvan LJ nivcrsitv 38 BHEJA AS A STRATEGIC CULTURAL CONVENTION Community Resource Management in the Barha Magarat Tovc C. Kittc lse n, M,k ( Anthropology), University of Oslo, Norway Suresh Dhakal Uwe Kieve litz. Ph, [) ( Anthropology), Regional Advisor, German Technical Cooperation (OTZ) 52 THE RAJBANSHIS OF RAJGADH Community Adaptation in the Environment ofEastern Terai Hari P Bhattarai 78 KURMA, KOLL AND KURl AS COMMUNITY CONCEPTS Patrilineage Deities, and Inside-Outside Dichotomy among the Rana Tharus Ganesh AI Gurung Tove C Kittelson Uwe Kievelitz n the ntem rary w rid. ethni it)' am nationalism arc burning :0 is u Ev n a urs ry I k into the daily media prove thi point, While ethm trifc w ithin nati nal undari - am often in order to draw new national b undaries - i being d rurncmed daily on the television am i featurinz prominently In the new papers.
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