Managing Water as a Constraint to Development with Decision-Support Tools That Promote Integrated Planning: The Case of the Berg Water Management Area C. Pengelly, H. Seyler, N. Fordyce, P. Janse van Vuuren, M. van der Walt, H. van Zyl & J. Kinghorn Report to the Water Research Commission and Western Cape Government by GreenCape Sector Development Agency WRC Report No. TT xxx/xx December 2017 Obtainable from Water Research Commission Private Bag X03 Gezina, 0031 South Africa
[email protected] The publication of this report emanates from a project entitled Towards Sustainable Economic Development in Water Constrained Catchments: Tools to Empower Decision Making (WRC Project No. K5/2453) DISCLAIMER This report has been reviewed by the Water Research Commission (WRC) and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the WRC, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. ISBN XXXXX Printed in the Republic of South Africa ii Executive summary There is increasing recognition that the combined effects of climate change, population growth and continued urbanisation are exerting pressure on limited water resources. At the same time, economic growth remains vital for alleviating poverty. Therefore, growth is required in spite of significant water resource constraints. At issue then is how to allocate water optimally to enable economic growth, while also ensuring that human needs are met and ecological systems maintained. Understanding of the economic impacts of water access is limited, and there is a lack of tools available to address the trade-offs that may be required when allocating water in a water scarce system.