Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Scrapbooks Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Scrapbooks Collection

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Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Scrapbooks Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Scrapbooks Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Scrapbooks Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Scrapbooks Collection By all-night hiking that he with Jack Martin a big smile and asks for a n and a PETER J. Bar- clean bed." t h a I o m e o But, if Bartholomeo doesn't have chases young- trouble, he does experience grief. Once i until they chasing a particularly-elusive skipp, r, he* catch him. found himself on a railroad trestle. Bartholomeo is a YOU 'TO "skipper chaser," Trains seemed to be coming at him from holder of a title be- all directions, although in reality there * to wed on him by were only two, trapping him neatly be­ boys at the State tween them on the single set of tracks. Agricultural and In­ MEET••- There was only one place to go and dustrial School at Industry. More for­ Bartholomeo went. He emerged moments mally, he is the later, soaked with ice water and shiver­ transfer officer of ing with cold. He got the skipper. the parole division of the school. The young, round-faced skipper chaser Among his tasks is that of apprehend­ does his hunting by auto but he's ready ing youngsters who go AWOL from the for anything. If a fugitive veer* off into state-maintained institution. Twelve years of experience in skipper-chasing have en­ a swamp, for Instance, Bartholomeo promptly jerks on a pair of boots and abled him to evolve a procedure calling follows. It takes him between two hours for a minimum of waste motion. Often and two days to climax 98 pei cent of he luik.' near the boy's home and waits his expeditions, a week for 1 pei cent until the fugitive "catches him." and over a week for the test. Of course, it isn't always so simple as Bartholomeo wouldn't care for a re­ that, but that's an example of the science turn of the "horse-and-buggy" days. To -Bartholomeo has brought to his vocation. him they are synonymous with a time When the alarm goes out he embarks on a course that he has found highly ef­ when the school's predecessor; the West­ fective. ern House of Refuge on the site of pres­ ent Edgerton Park,. Was a grim place "Before beginning my chase," Barthol­ with walls 20 feet high. Runaways then omeo explains, "I generally go to the easily could elude officers hampered by record office of the parole division to inability to get around rapidly. the background of the boy I'm •m that I can beat tell what His years of tracking fugitives haven't hardened this former athlete, Rochester- or what mode of travel he likely to use." born and bred and once outstanding in Traveling in hot pursuit of fugitives. amateur baseball, basketball, football and Bai tUolooaeo has come iato contact with boxing circles. nearly every sheriff, police chief and "Ninety-five per cent of the boys are village mod town enforcement agent in good boys and the other 5 per cent are the state. He has plucked his quarry from freight carat, coal ears, stolen auto­ just unfortunate," he says. "None of mobiles, moving vans, stores, farm them is so tovgh and bad that I can't houses, closets, grain mills, rivers, lakes, handle them." creeks and many another biding place. He isn't even surprised when a T8un- ' r has he had any trouble with his day-morning quest winds up in a church. quarry, Bartholomeo. who scorns hand­ "More than once in the last year when cuffs or manacles, says. "Ordinarily, by boys 'took a breeze' early on a Sunday the time I catch up with a boy he's so morning I've found them in their home ^^f^W^P'w A»WWS>^WwaPwS«"W^Ss1S^WS' * * • *fi#S^B>pSX8lyPSJSrpl wrMSnSVr* hungry, exhausted from lack of *l«ep and town church, listening to sermons." J, ft C.MAY 12 1348 esi :nrplU pitv 7or Crash Victim CHattis\ Hffearker Dies, r D. >arnes Last rites for Ralph W. Baker, 27,) Former Rochesterian Milan. David Barnes, son of Mr. |of 120 Saxton St.. victim of an aut West! and Mrs. George M. Barnes of . {crash near Hamlin Sunday, will Englewood. N. J., former Roche*-! Grand Ave., today was enrolled . conducted at 300 Cumberland St.] tertan and once active in South! ,a cadet in West Point Militar it 2 p. m. tomorrow with burial| egational Church, St. An-! | Academy. in Mt. Hope Cemetery.^V^. 30 'Ho drews Brotherhood and the IOOFj Barnes, 19, was graduated Baker's wife, a passenger wkhj here, died recently in his horn* In! iyear from Hobart College and lim in the auto, was reported re- ;,Iewood, according to I Ion* of six Monro* County cam jvering from injuries today m[ word yesterday. Mr. dates for appointment to W« ^Municipal Hospital, where her hus- :ker resided here from 1906 to t>»nt Iband died early yesterday. IBB H* ia s graduate of Public She arid their two children,! *---- -• CaJJp S4U lool 33 and East High School! Irene May. 7. and Ralph Baker] " I* a member of St. Mark's Ir., 3. both of whom escaped in-j KuqLig_i^auio accident, aurvtva. a. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Scrapbooks Collection KUNEKAL SJlT Joseph Baiter, 1861 Recruit, OPENED* MISTAKEN FOR OFFICIAL H*ad!s Grand Arniy at 92 Joseph Bauer was 16 when he enlisted as a member of Canadian border. JB**4n UuJsitiL.* Mr. and Mrs. Babcock. who the 8th New York Cavalry Regiment in Rochester in 1861 were married In Christ Church SO your* going to be married and went to the Civil War. by Dr. D'Orville Doty, wer* a 1 CAR CRAS again? That, In itself, la no moat adventuresome young coupl* Today, at Albany, Rochester's best known Civil War •hock to me; lot* of* my beat becaus* they did not go to veteran, at 92, he was elected 1938 commander of the New friend* have don* th* earn* Niagara Fall*, on their honey­ 0. * CrdU'- '939 thing York State Department of the Grand Army cJ the Republic. moon . they went all th* But. my dear, married to th* His service in the Civil War was way to Quebec and took a boat c lives at 66 Sidney Street. SAME man! It'* just as trite a* trondequoit Cler long. At 18, at the expiration of up the Saguenay, a favorit* trip a dog biting a man, only more his first enlistment period, he Mr. Bauer was unanimous choice for ncwlyweds today. sentimental. signed again, of 28 veterans attending the depart­ And they not only went up the Killed, 4 Others this time with What's th* matfi * I« the Saguenay, but they stopped off ment's 71st annual encampment. the 5th New first knot getting a littl* frayed In the Whit* Mountains on their He and comrade veterans pre­ with time or are von both going? Requiem InjureMas* ford Raymond; York Indepen­ wny home and climbed Mt. pared this afternoon for a parade' all romai e * uer, 40, popular Irondequoitj dent Battery. Annually now, to be held tonight with 1,700 auxil­ In th* deputy town clerk, killed yesterday] he is grand mar­ iary delegates participating. morning In an auto accident near I that It will be n very shal of Roches­ Other officers named were Nelson impressive ceremony, because, ** Pembroke, will be celebrated at ter's Memorial as th*t Journey info what was St. Salome's Church, Sea Breeze, E. Rowe, Binghamton, senior vice- your brother Rill St the time almost "unknown" Day parade. He at 9 a. m., Wednesday. commander; John W. Hays, Al­ was only a third assistant r. country. has been assem­ (wasn't he") when he married Also injured in the fatal crash, blyman, labor bany, junior vicecommander; the The golden wedding anni­ you the flr*t time. And now th* Price Palmer, 00, 100 Ave. A., Point 1 • a d e r, local versary was celebrated at a Rev. Martin V. Stone, Jamestown,: dear boy is a bishop and v»u e*n Pleaaant, was In fair condition tn GAR official. family luncheon at Wyoming • chaplain, and Josiah C. Read, New do th* business up in »• * St. Jerome's Hospital. Batavia, last and commander Inn. and can you imagine a raor* I night, with severe facial lacera-i York, medical director, And. pleas* don't t*ll m* that of E. G. Mar­ perfect setting for such an affair, j ttoaa, a fractured nose and body! you can get Into your wedding shall Post. He Joseph Bauer with Its old time atmosphere'* ! bruiae*. dress. It would be more than > Mr. and Mrs. Babcock ar* ! Two others in th* car. Arthur could bear, although N would fortunate in having all their chll- | Magin. 48, of 158 Ave. B.. Point! OU-DM JON 9 193J be worth going mile* to see you dr*n close by . their daughter, Pleasant, and Howard Denk. 38,: tnak* the *ffort. Mrs. Eleanor Elliott lives in Of 228 Titus Ave., were discharged Sorrv I can't be there to hold Tracy Street. th* William j yesterday aftar treatment for their Babcocks in Harvard 8tr*et. tnjurle*. yi-Year-uidLeadei ives Picture th* Ralph Babcocks in Pittsford, Death Declared Instant catch your bouquet. Be*i«1 and the Emerson Jrs. in Rose- Coroner Peter J. DiNatale. Gen- don't want another husband. dale Street. ! c*«* Count)*, who investigated the This : do quit* nicely.
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