Onset and Evolution of the Imperial Sassanid- Twelver’s Shiite Conspiracy • This Presentation is a summary of our of the motives of criminals and benefactors from the assassinations of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Al Rashidun Caliphs following the conquest of the Persian Zoroastrian Sassanid Empire and capture of members of their Imperial family in 642 AD by the Muslim Army of the 2nd Caliph Umar ibn Al Khattab (RA).

• Our review revealed an evolving conspiracy that began by the assassination of the 2nd Al Rashidun Caliph Umar ibn Al Khattab (RA) by the Persian Abu Lu’lu’ah, up to present-day “Taqiyya” of Twelver’s Shiite Sect as advocated by the expansionist Faqeeh Empire of .

• The assassination of Umar ibn Al Khattab (RA) was planned by Hormizd VI (Al-Hurmuzan) the Vizier of the Sassanid ex-Empress Purandukht, and executed by the Persian Abu Lu’lu’ah (Piruz Nahawandi a Zoroastrian ex-Sassanid Imperial Guard, and one of the conspirators).

• The list of benefactors from the assassination of Caliphs Umar and ' (RA) includes ex-Empresses Purandukht and (daughters of Persian Emperor Khosrau II).

2 • The initial conspiracy evolved over the years from assassination of the Muslim Arab Caliphs to conquering Muslims by Persian Twelver's Shiite Sect in the name of “Al Mahdi”: 1. Assassinating the 2nd Caliph and reviving the Zoroastrian Sassanid Persian Empire. 2. Taking over of Al- by reconstituting the Imperial Sassanid-Imams bloodline by the two captive Empresses. 3. Inventing the immortal “Al Mahdi” for the Twelver’s Shiite Cult following the “death?” of the 12th Imperial- Imam in 874 AD. 4. Present-day Al Mahdi’s Deputy-in-Occultation Ayatollah Khamenei, the “Faqeeh” of the Republic of Iran.

• Evolution of the Persian Imperial Sassanid conspiracy can be divided into 9 stages before and 7 stages after the “death” of the 11th Imperial Sassanid “Shiite” Imam in 874 AD, and the invention of the 12th “Al Mahdi” Imam (Slide 4). This abridged presentation is addressing main events up to current Twelver’s Shiite Cult and Persian Faqeeh Empire.

3 1. Onset and Evolution of Sassanid Conspiracy I. 642-644 AD: Assassinate Caliph, destabilize Muslim Caliphate Empire and revive the Zoroastrian Persian Sassanid Empire under fugitive Emperor Yazdegerd III. II. 644-656 AD: Takeover plan of Al-Rashidun Islamic Caliphate Empire, (Death of Yazdegerd). III. 656-661 AD: Takeover of Al-Rashidun Caliphate Empire in-progress, (Murder of ‘Uthman (RA)). IV. 661-680 AD: Takeover of Islamic Caliphate Empire delayed, (Ali (RA) Murdered & Muawia is Caliph) V. 680 Ad: Takeover of Al-Rashidun-Umayyad Trans-Caliphate Empire failed, (Battle of Karbala). VI. 680-750 AD: Imperial Sassanid “Imams” bloodline generated by the birth of Jaa’far Sadiq (RA). VII. 750-833 AD: Umayyad Islamic Empire destroyed by Pro-Imperial Sassanid-Alawits “Imams” Abbasid Empire established (Al-Barmakides, Al-Kadhim and Al-Rida (RA)). VIII. 750-790 AD: The rise and fall of the Barmakides. IX. 833-874 AD: Pro-Imperial Sassanid “Imams” Abbasid rule ends, Imperial Sassanid “Imams” Blood-line dies, and the “Twelver’s” “Al-Mahdi” myth invented, (Death of Child 12th Imam) X. 874-1099 AD: Establishment of Shiite Al-Buyid Sultanate (934-1062 AD) in Iran and Iraq and Fatimid Sultanate (874-1099 AD) in Egypt and North Africa. XI. 1099-1250 AD: Crusaders invasion, Shiite during their expulsion by Salahaddin (RA) XII. 1250-1258 AD: A follower of Twelver’s Shiite Sect helps Mongol to occupy and destroy Baghdad and Abbasid Muslim Empire, (Al-Alqami). XIII. 1261-1517 AD: North African Fatimid Shiite ruled North Iraq. XIV. 1501-1736 AD: Twelver’s Shiite Safavid occupy Iraq. ( Ejected by Othman’s who ruled Iraq until 1919 AD). XV. 1924-1979 AD: Pahlavi Persian Empire annexes Ahwaz and Arabian Gulf Islands. XVI. 1979 AD-: Neo-Persian Faqeeh Twelver’s Empire created. Ahwaz, , Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen subjugated. Next: Expand Persian Empire until Time Ends. 2. Discussion 3. Conclusions 4. Recommendations

4 1. Onset & Evolution of the Sassanid Conspiracy I. 642-644 AD: Assassinate Caliph, destabilize Muslim Caliphate Empire and revive Zoroastrian Persian Sassanid Empire under fugitive Emperor Yazdegerd III. • The plan of the Imperial Zoroastrian Sassanid conspiracy was hatched when the two daughters of the dead Persian Sassanid Emperor Khosrau II, brought as POWs to the 2nd Al-Rashidun Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab (RA) in Medina.

• Both daughters were historically acknowledged Empresses during the final decade of the Zoroastrian Sassanid Empire. Their Nephew Yazdegerd III was the Sassanid Emperor at the time of Islamic conquest. He avoided capture and remained fugitive for few years.

• Instead of marrying Purandukht to merge the two empires and pacify conquered Persian nation as expected, Umar (RA) gave (as concubines) the youngest daughter ex-Empress Azarmidokht to the 11 years old Muhammad ibn Abu Baker Al-Siddique (RA) and the eldest daughter ex-Empress Purandukht to the 16 years old Hussain ibn Ali (RA) the youngest maternal grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) by his daughter Fatima (RA).

• This was a fatal underestimation of their cunning; for Umar Al Farooq (RA) practically gave his venomous enemy (ex-Empress Purandukht daughter of Emperor Khosrau II and relative of the escapee Emperor Yazdegerd III) the 16 years old orphan to raise him as she desires.

5 V. 680 AD: Takeover of Al-Rashidun-Umayyad Trans-Empire failed, (Battle of Karbala).

• After the assassinations or Al-Rashidun Caliphs Umar, 'Uthman and Ali (RA) and abdication of the 5th Al-Rashidun Caliph Hassan ibn Ali (RA), Muawia’s (RA) became the acknowledged Caliph. Before his death in 680 AD, he nominated his son Yazid as the 2nd Umayyad Caliph.

• Hussain ibn Ali (RA) the master of ex-Empress Purandukht and the only living son of the 4th Caliph received numerous letters from Persian-Iraqi Zoroastrian new-/pseudo-converts to offering their support in deposing Yazid and setting him as 6th Al-Rashidun Caliph.

• Hussain ibn Ali (RA) travelled from Medina (in Saudi Arabia) to (in Iraq) with all his family (except the Ex-Empress of Persia and her son Ali (Zain al Abedin)) in order to topple Yazid and be inaugurates as the 7th Al-Rashidun Caliph. Alas, Hussain (RA) was deceived by his Persian-Iraqi pseudo-Muslim pen pals, and he was martyred with most of his family, brothers and companions in the Battle of Karbala by the superior Yazid Army in 680 AD.

• No one knows how genuine was the conversion to Islam of the two Persian Zoroastrian Empresses, or if they remained as Zoroastrians. What is known is that Hassan ibn Ali (RA) did not announce his marriage to Purandukht and he probably kept her as concubine.

• A clue to the Imperial Persian cunning of Purandukht appeared when I asked a Shiite friend, “If Hussain (RA) took all his family and tribe with him to Iraq, then how come that Ali (Zain Al- Abedin) and his mother the ex-Empress of Persia survived the Battle of Karbala?”

• He answered “the child was sick, and left behind with his mother in Medina”. Another

explanation: “the child was there, but Zainab (RA) saved him from execution in Damascus6 . Chart 1 is the published Twelver's Shiite Emams Family Tree.

It does not explain why the Imams line was confined to the descendants of the concubine (Purandokht daughter Emperor Khosrau) and why the lines of all other descendants of Hassan and Hussain (RA) ignored.

Notice that there is no daughter of Hassan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib called “Um Abdullah”, which this family tree claims that Ali Zain Al-Abedin ibn Hussain Ibn Ali (RA) has married.

According to our research Ali (Zain Al-Abedin) was 23 years old married “Child” with a child son of his own at the time of Hussain’s (RA) death in Karbala (see the chronology in chart 2 in the next slide). 7 According to our research; the 6th , 7th ,8th , 9th ,10th and 11th Imams were the bloodline descendants of Sassanid Emperor Khosrau II. They are not direct descendents of Ali ibn Abi

Talib, nor Fatmah (RA) the Empress Azarmidokht given to 11 years old Muhammad Ibn Abu Bakr in 642 AD Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh).

(Zain Al Abedin probably conceived when 3rd (See Family Tree of the 11 Caliph Othman (RA) was ?being killed in 656 AD) Shiite Imams in Chart 2).

Purandokht ? 8 IX. 833-874 AD: Pro-Imperial Sassanid “Imams” Abbasid rule ends, Imperial Sassanid “Imams” Blood-line dies, and the “Twelver’s” “Al-Mahdi” myth invented, (Death? of infant 12th Imam)

• Chart 2 illustrates the reason for selecting the 4th to 11th Twelver’s Shiite Imams which is because they carried the Imperial Sassanid's bloodline. Non-Sassanid descendants of Hussain (RA) or Hassan ibn Ali (RA) are called “Sayed” or “Shareef” by Twelver Shiites, and cannot become Twelver's Imams.

• The 874 AD death in a Abbasid military camp of the 11th Imam terminated the Imperial Sassanid Khosrau II blood-line, and ruined Twelver’s takeover plan of Abbasid Caliphate.

• However, to keep the life style which Imperial Sassanid bloodline Agents grew accustomed to by claiming “Khums” (1/5th of annual earnings of Twelver’s Shiite followers) and to finance the underground Zoroastrian-like Persian Twelver’s Shiite Sect, Agents of the 11th Imam claimed the discovery of a child 12th Imam born to the 11th Imam earlier in 869 AD.

• Soon after the death of the 11th Imam in 874 AD, one of his Agents claimed that the [Unborn or 4-5 years old Dead] 12th Imam revealed to him in a letter of his intention to disappear in Occultation [Ghaeba].

• Seventy years later (at his death bed) the same Agent claimed that the [Unborn or Dead] 12th Imam confided him in another letter that he is the “Al-Mahdi”, and he is going into a long Occultation [Al-Ghaeba Al-Kubra] to re-appear afore Doomsday to set all thing right!

[Seriously!!!!!]. 9 XVI. 1979 AD-: Neo-Persian Faqeeh Twelver’s Empire Created. Ahwaz, Syria, Iraq and parts of Lebanon and Yemen subjugated. Next: Expand Persian Faqeeh Empire until Time Ends.

• Secular Pahlavi Empire and Twelver's Shiite Sayeds partnership ended by the 2nd Iranian revolution, and the establishment of the ‘Islamic” Republic of Iran in 1979, headed by the Al Mahdi Deputy-in-Occultation AyatoAllah Khomeini as the Persian “Faqeeh” Emperor.

• Following the occupation of the USA Embassy in , and series of threats to the government of Iraq, Iraq lunched a pre-emptive strike against the Persian Faqeeh Empire in 1980 which escalated to the useless Iran-Iraq Gulf War which ended in 1988.

• Seeking rewards for services rendered, the USA Ambassadress in Baghdad mislead the Iraqi leader into occupying Kuwait in 1990, which provided justifications for the 1st. Gulf War in 1991 and the USA occupation of Iraq in the 2nd Gulf War in 2003.

• Successive governments of the Persian Faqeeh Empire capitalized on the need for allied by the USA during it’s invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq to gain favours, and establish pro-Iranian governments in southern Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, and secure a pro-Iranian Shiite enclave in northern Yemen.

10 2. Discussion 1. Al-Mahdi myth evolved from an End-of-Time Messiah (hence there is no point in fighting End-of-Time Mongol invaders -which is by the way part of the Zoroastrian sect believe) to an immortal Al-Mahdi-in-Occultation who eats, sleeps and walks about in (Dishdashah).

2. The Al-Mahdi-in-Occultation has consistently issued fatwas to Arab Shiites (via Al-Hakims, Al Sistani of Najaf and Jalal Al-Saghir of Beratha Mosque, Baghdad) to “surrender to American invaders and wait for Al-Mahdi’s deliverance”! (Document A).

3. The support of political front of Persian Faqeeh Empire in Iraq (Al-Dawa Party and its paramilitary Bader Brigade) for the 1991 and 2003 American invasions of Iraq is typical behaviour of the Persian Zoroastrian pseudo-converts to Islam Twelver Shiites in Iran and neighbouring Muslim countries (e.g. Al Alqami betrayal of Abbasid Caliph during the 1250- 1258 AD Mongol Invasion of Iraq).

4. Syn-2003 American invasion Dawa Party literature reveals betrayal of their country, deep hatred and false accusations against the Muslim majority of Iraq; as being the sole members of Iraqi Baath Party, while post invasion deBaathification proved that >80% of the Members of the Baath party and >60% of its grass-roots (Naseers) were Iraqi Shiites.

11 12 2. Discussion (Cont.)

5. The 2003 provocative Fatwas (such as the one in document of Al Dawa Party) were catastrophic to THOUSANDS OF Muslim Arabs of Iraq. More than 100,000 Iraqi Muslim men and women and more than 5000 high ranking army officers and members of the pre-2003 government of Iraq have been imprisoned indefinably without legal proceedings.

6. Since 2003 the death squads of the American Army and Pro-Faqeeh Twelver’s Shiite Dawa Party Government of Iraq have systematically been torturing and executing Muslim Arab men, and raping Muslim Arab women in Abu Ghraib and other prisons in Iraq.

7. Since the American invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003, thousands of Iraqi academics, scientists, engineers, doctors and air-force pilots were kidnapped and murdered by the American, Israeli and Shiite Paramilitary Death Squads, and millions of highly educated Iraqis were threatened with similar fate and forced to flee Iraq. (Aljazeera Program).

8. , Muslim Arabs are being massacred and their women being raped in Iraq, Syria, Iran and Lebanon by Twelver’s Shiite Faqeeh militias in revenge for the death of Hussain (RA) who was let down by Zoroastrian pseudo-Muslims Persian-Iraqis some 1300 years ago.

13 3. Conclusions

1. Our research nullifies the solitary discontented Abu Lulua’h of Umar’s (RA) verdict in favour of his employer Almughirah Ibn Shua’bah as the motive for assassination of Caliph Umar (RA) in 644 AD, and proved that the assassin of the 2nd Caliph Umar Ibn Al Khattab (RA) was an ex-Persian Sassanid Imperial Guard who pretended to convert to Islam.

2. Our research revealed the presence of a group of Imperial Sassanid conspirators which include one or both of the captive daughters of Emperor Khosrau II, their advisor (Vizier) Hormizd VI and the Assassin of Umar Ibn Al Khattab (RA) Piruz Nahawandi (Abu Lulua’h).

3. The Persian-Iraqi pseudo-Muslims Twelver's Shiites started to perform street plays of the Karbala tragedy, self lashing and self mutilation to express sorrow for their betrayal of Al Hussain every year. Over the years this ploy precipitated psychological agitation in the minds of simple Shiites minority against their fellow Muslims majority.

4. Thanks to the fraudulent Khums collecting Sayeds, Shiite Twelver’s Sayeds accumulated and are cumulating wealth, properties and monopolizing regional businesses across Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Arabian Gulf States, Turkey, Europe and especially in the UK.

14 3. Conclusions (Cont.)

5. It is not a coincidence that most contemporary Twelver’s Shiite Scholars are Persian, or of Persian decent, speaks Farsi as native language and practice Pagan Zoroastrian rituals like:

A. Hold public enactment of the Battle of Karbala, self lashing and self mutilations to entice hatred towards fellow Muslims (see child in Slide 17). B. Temporary marriage (Muta’ah) to adult and paedophilic females (Ref. in Slide 17). C. Practice hypocrisy “Taqiyya” with fellow Muslims. D. Celebrate ancient Zoroastrian Nowruz as semi-Islamic Eid. E. Laid in cellars in Najaf rather than buried when they die (Zoroastrian do not cremate nor bury their dead but lay their dead on high ground for animals and birds to devour them).

6. The clear blasphemy (Takfeer) fatwas issued by local Twelver’s Persian Faqeehs against fellow Muslims, entices simple Twelver's Shiites to rape, rob and murder their fellow Muslims (see Document A in slide 11).

7. All the above makes one suspects a Zoroastrian Persian nationalistic core to Twelver’s Shiites Sect. Recent events in Iraq and Syria proved our suspicion of a Racialist, Anti- Muslim core to Twelver’s Shiite Sect as propagated by the Faqeeh “Islamic” Republic of Iran.

15 4. Recommendations

1. The present Persian Faqeeh Empire is hiding its Imperialistic ambitions in Muslim lands in Ahwaz, Bahrain, Iraq, Arabian Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and even Libya, Pakistan and Afghanistan behind a Zoroastrian-like Twelver’s Shiite Sect.

2. In view of obvious recent shift in global political winds (2014 Testimony of Dubai’s Police Chief ) and the extent of past Persian Empires, the Arabian Gulf States are now at the top of the hit list of the new darling of Global Superpowers (the Persian Shiite Faqeeh Empire).

3. The relaxed immigration laws of Iraq, Bahrain, Syria, Lebanon and Arabian Gulf States created sizable Persian Twelver’s Shiite immigrants, loyal to their mother country. They are probing the tolerance of hosting Muslim governments with corrupt practices, such as self lashing, self mutilation, and (Muta’ah) Marriage to needy and paedophilic females.

4. To defend threatened Muslim States against the new Twelver’s Shiite Faqeeh Empire scheme, Muslim scholars must argue publicly against Twelver’s Shiite absurdities, and defend true Islam, Muslims States, Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) and his family by:

16 4. Recommendations (Cont.)

A. Closing local Twelver’s Faqeeh Imperialists political front parties, libraries and organizations which incite contempt, murder, rape and robbery of fellow Muslims.

B. Scrutinising and reducing the number of Iranian and Iraqi Embassies members which can be used to supply local Twelver's or Houthis Shiites with money and weapons.

C. Disallowing fraudulent Khums Twelve’s Tax (which probably seeps into Twelver’s Faqeeh Persian Empire) that created a regional Twelver's State inside Arabian States. Also, criminalizing giving and receiving Khums, and recovering Khums scam money and returning the monies to the simpletons who paid them.

D. Criminalizing Twelver’s Shiites men abuse of child and adult females through temporary “Muta’ah” marriages, and ban self flogging and mutilation and street plays of Karbala tragedy that entice hostility against Muslims.

E. Increasing the number of multilingual Islamic TV satellite stations to enlighten Afghans, Arabs, Kurds, Pakistanis, Turks, Iranian, American and European Muslims of the misconceptions of Twelver’s Sect, Khums scam, and other non-Islamic practices and introduce Muslim and non-Muslims to true Islam.

F. Immunizing Muslim students against Twelver’s false claims, by educating them at early age of the history, principles, practices and values of true Islam, and exposing Twelver’s vindictive contempt towards Muslim majority, racism towards Muslim Arabs, historical forgeries, false arguments, practices and Khums scam.

G. Affirming the fact that Muslim States have an obligation to provide decent standard of living to their citizens, including citizens who are genuine descendants of Fatimah (RA) the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh).