Third exchange of experiences, February 25 ‐ 27, 2015, Zurich, & St. Gallen, Switzerland

Wednesday 25.2.2015, Zurich

Timetable item Program 14.45 A Arrival of the Finnish delegation by flight AY 2859, Zurich AP

15.15 B Visit to REGA (www.rega.ch) – The Swiss private air rescue organization – home and abroad, Zurich AP Discussion

16.30 C Train to Zurich city

17.15 D Guided city tour

18.15 E Welcome and aperitif, Mr. Hans‐Jürg Käser, police minister of the Canton of and president of the conference of all cantonal police ministers (KKJPD) and Mr. Mario Fehr, police minister of the Canton of Zurich Location: Zunfthaus zur Meisen (www.zunfthaus‐zur‐meisen.ch)

Political and strategic developments in public security 2013‐2020 – Finnish and Swiss perspective 18.30 Finnish perspective: a strategic overview, Aino Maija Luukkonen and the Finnish delegation 19.00 Swiss perspective: a strategic overview, Mr. Hans‐Jürg Käser and Mr. Roger Schneeberger, General Secretary KKJPD

19.30 F Dinner Location: Zunfthaus zur Meisen

21.30 G Bus to conference centre – Kartause Ittingen (www.kartause.ch )

23.00 H Check‐in Kartause Ittingen


Thursday 26.2.2015, Ittingen TG / Stein am Rhein

Timetable item Program 07.00 Breakfast

08.00 I Short presentation of the Kartause Ittingen

08.15 J Theme 1: Developing preparedness in Switzerland and in Finland Introduction to the workshop, Mr. Hans‐Jürg Käser 08.30 Switzerland in the dark, exercise and experiences, evaluation and conclusions, André Duvillard, Delegate of the Swiss National Security Network 09.15 National Emergency Supply Agency – supporting national and regional preparedness, Veli‐Pekka Ihamäki, Chief Fire Officer, Länsi‐Uusimaa Department for Rescue Services 09.45 Coffee break 10.15 Preparedness on the regional and cantonal level . Finnish experience, Veli‐Pekka Ihamäki . Swiss experience at cantonal level, Stephan Zellmeyer, Office for Civil Protection, Sport and Defence / Emergency Staff of the Canton of Bern . Discussion

12.00 End of the morning session / visit of the Kartause Ittingen

12.30 K Lunch, Kartause Ittingen

14.00 L Theme 2: Maintaining safety and quality of life in town centers (urban and suburban environments) New challenges – new approaches, Mr. Fritz , President of the Conference of City Police Organisations 14.30 Introduction of good practices – what works? . Keeping Helsinki safe, Police Chief Lasse Aapio, Helsinki Police 15.30 Coffee break 16.00 . Anchor in Pori – young people to the right track, Aino‐Maija Luukkonen . Good practice from the canton of Zurich, Mr. Reinhard Brunner (ZH) and Mrs. Angela Guldimann, Clinical Psychology, Legal Psychology Zurich . Good practice from the city of St. Gallen, Lieutnant Philipp Sennhauser . Discussion

18.30 M Bus to Stein am Rhein

19.00 N Individual visit of the city Stein am Rhein (www.steinamrhein.ch)

19.30 O Wine and cheese tasting Location: Florin’s Weingut (www.weingutflorin.ch/)

20.15 P Dinner Location: Rother Ochsen (www.rother‐ochsen.ch/)


22.30 Q Bus to Kartause Ittingen und Übernachtung

Friday 27.2.2015, St. Gallen

Timetable item Program 07.00 Breakfast

08.00 R Bus to St. Gallen

09.00 S Theme 3: New challenges – new leadership Location: Sicherheits‐ und Justizdepartement, Oberer Graben, St. Gallen, Conference room (1st floor) Developing know how and professionalism in the police and rescue forces, Director Tarja Mankkinen 09.15 Swiss perspective, Hanspeter Uster, president of the board of the Swiss Police Institute 09.30 Creating new leadership to the Police, Director Kimmo Himberg, Police University College 10.00 Swiss perspective, Pius Valier, director of Swiss Police Institute 10.30 Coffee break 11.00 Workshops: . Developing preparedness in Switzerland and in Finland . Maintaining safety and quality of life in town centers . New challenges – new leadership Task of the workshops is to develop common recommendations – takeaways from the seminar ‐ based on the presentations and discussions.

12.30 U Visit of the UNESCO World Heritage Abbey of St. Gallen with its Library (www.stiftsbezirk‐sg.ch)

13.15 V free time in the city of St. Gallen

14.15 W Lunch Location: Restaurant Schlössli (www.schloessli‐sg.ch/)

15.30 X Bus to Zurich AP

16.30 Y Presentation of the results of the workshops – recommendations for future work, representatives of the workshops 17.15 Conclusions, Dr. Bernhard Prestel, TC Team Consult Goodbye, Mr. Hans‐Jürg Käser 17.30 End of afternoon session

19.05 Z Departure flight AY 264

For urgent matters during the conference: Sandra Fisch, Police Canton Zurich, +41 079 702 15 17


List of the participants:

Finnish delegation

Aino‐Maija Luukkonen Mayor, Pori, head of the delegation Tarja Mankkinen Director, Ministry of the Interior Tomi Vuori Deputy National Police Commissioner, Police Board Lasse Aapio Chief of the Police Helsinki Police Kimmo Himberg Director, Police University College Veli‐Pekka Ihamäki Chief Fire Officer, Länsi‐Uusimaa Department for Rescue Services Pasi Vainio Risk manager, Pori

Swiss delegation

Hans‐Jürg Käser Police minister of the Canton of Bern and president of the conference of all cantonal police ministers (KKJPD) Mario Fehr Police minister of the Canton of Zurich and member of the KKJPD Fredy Fässler Security and justice minister of the canton of St. Gallen and member of the KKJPD Matteo Cocchi Chief of Police, Canton Tessin member of the board of the KKPKS Thomas Würgler Chief of Police, Canton Zurich and member of the board of the KKPKS Fritz Lehmann Chief of Police, City of Winterthur and president of the Conference of City Police Organisations and member of the board of the KKPKS Kurt Blöchlinger Chief of Police, Canton and member of the KKPKS Roger Schneeberger General Secretary of the KKJPD Robert Gerber Chief of Police, City of Grenchen Pius Valier Director of Swiss Police Institute and member of the KKPKS Vladimir Novotny General Secretary of the KKPKS Christian Aldrey Substitute of the Chief of Police, Canton St. Gallen André Duvillard Delegate of the Swiss National Security Network Philippe Sennhauser Police city of St. Gallen Reinhard Brunner Police canton of Zurich Angela Guldimann Clinical Psychology, Legal Psychology Zurich Hanspeter Uster President of the board of the Swiss Police Institute Stephan Zellmeyer Office for Civil Protection, Sport and Defence / Emergency Staff of the Canton of Bern Pascal Lüthi Chief of Police, Canton Neuchâtel and member of the KKPKS Pälvi Pulli General Secretariat of the Federal Department of Justice and Police Luoto Jari Petteri Finnish ambassador in Switzerland Bernhard Prestel TC Team Consult Sandra Fisch Police canton of Zurich

Status: 24 february 2015