Resources for Additional Information Pay-As-You-Throw: An Implementation Guide for Solid Waste Unit-based Pricing Programs: If you would like assistance implementing a UBP system, contact: Rate Structure Design: Setting Rates for a Pay-As-You-Throw Program: Josh Kelly, ANR-DEC, Fair Pricing Strategies Solid Waste Program for Trash in the Northeast Kingdom Pay-As-You-Throw Toolkit: (802) 522-5897 or Act 148, Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law website:
[email protected] act148.htm Paul Tomasi, NEKWMD (802) 626-3532 or Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law (Act 148) requires that all municipalities and Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association UBP website: A family that generated
[email protected] private trash haulers implement a “variable rate pricing system” by July 1, 2015 3 bags of trash a week that applies to the collection of municipal solid waste (MSW) from all resi- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Pay-As-You-Throw website: dences in Vermont. Unit-based Pricing (UBP) is another name for a variable rate found they could easily pricing system.1 This document describes how UBP works and the experiences of recycle a lot of what they Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection SMART website: communities in the Northeast Kingdom that have already adopted it.