ILSP Islamic Legal Studies Program Harvard Law School Remembering Joseph Schacht (1902-1969) by Jeanette Wakin Occasional Publications January © by the Presdent and Fellows of Harvard College All rghts reserved Prnted n the Unted States of Amerca ISBN --- The Islamic Legal Studies Program s dedcated to achevng excellence n the study of Islamc law through objectve and comparatve methods. It seeks to foster an atmosphere of open nqury whch em- braces many perspectves, both Muslm and non-Mus- lm, and to promote a deep apprecaton of Islamc law as one of the world’s major legal systems. The man focus of work at the Program s on Islamc law n the contemporary world. Ths focus accommodates the many nterests and dscplnes that contrbute to the study of Islamc law, ncludng the study of ts wrt- ngs and hstory. Frank Vogel Director Per Bearman Associate Director Islamc Legal Studes Program Pound Hall Massachusetts Ave. Cambrdge, MA , USA Tel: -- Fax: -- E-mail:
[email protected] Website: Table of Contents Preface v Text, by Jeanette Wakin Bblography v Preface The followng artcle, by the late Jeanette Wakn of Columba Unversty, a frend of our Program and one of the leaders n the field of Islamc legal studes n the Unted States, memoralzes one of the most famous of Western Islamc legal scholars, her men- tor Joseph Schacht (d. ). Ths pece s nvaluable for many reasons, but foremost because t preserves and relably nterprets many facts about Schacht’s lfe and work. Equally, however—especally snce t s one of Prof.