(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0212460 A1 Inoue Et Al

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(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0212460 A1 Inoue Et Al US 20070212460A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0212460 A1 Inoue et al. (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 13, 2007 (54) COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING SUCRALOSE Nov. 25, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1198-333948 AND APPLICATION THEREOF Nov. 30, 1998 (JP). ... 1998-34O274 Dec. 11, 1998 (JP) 1998-3534.89 (75) Inventors: Maki Inoue, Osaka (JP); Kazumi Iwai, Dec. 11, 1998 (JP) 1998-3534.90 Osaka (JP): Naoto Ojima, Osaka (JP); Dec. 11, 1998 (JP). ... 1998-3534.92 Takuya Kawai, Osaka (JP); Mitsumi Dec. 11, 1998 (JP) 1998-353495 Kawamoto, Osaka (JP); Shunsuke Dec. 11, 1998 (JP) 1998-353496 Kuribi, Osaka (JP); Miho Sakaguchi, Dec. 11, 1998 (JP). ... 1998-353498 Osaka (JP); Chie Sasaki, Osaka (JP); Dec. 11, 1998 (JP). ... 1998-3534.99 Kazuhito Shizu, Osaka (JP); Mariko Dec. 11, 1998 (JP). ... 1998-3535O1 Shinguryou, Osaka (JP); Kazutaka Dec. 11, 1998 (JP). ... 1998-353503 Hirao, Osaka (JP); Miki Fujii, Osaka Dec. 11, 1998 (JP). ... 1998-353504 (JP); Yoshito Morita, Osaka (JP); Dec. 11, 1998 (JP) 1998-353505 Nobuharu Yasunami, Osaka (JP); Dec. 11, 1998 (JP) 1998-353507 Junko Yoshifuji, Osaka (JP) Jan. 26, 1999 (JP)......................................... 1999-16984 Jan. 26, 1999 (JP)......................................... 1999-16989 Correspondence Address: Jan. 26, 1999 (JP)......................................... 1999-16996 SUGHRUE, MION, ZINN, MACPEAK & Apr. 6, 1999 (JP). ... 1999-158511 SEAS, PLLC Apr. 6, 1999 (JP). ... 1999-158523 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Apr. 6, 1999 (JP). ... 1999-158529 Washington, DC 20037-3202 (US) Apr. 6, 1999 (JP). ... 1999-158536 Apr. 6, 1999 (JP). ... 1999-158543 (73) Assignee: SAN-E GEN F.F.I., INC Apr. 6, 1999 (JP) 1999-158545 Apr. 6, 1999 (JP) 1999-158550 (21) Appl. No.: 11/745,868 Apr. 6, 1999 (JP). ... 1999-158557 Apr. 6, 1999 (JP). ... 1999-1585.60 (22) Filed: May 8, 2007 Apr. 6, 1999 (JP). 1999-158567 Related U.S. Application Data Jul. 14, 1999 (JP). ... 1999-199770 Jul. 14, 1999 (JP). ... 1999-199773 (63) Continuation of application No. 09/830,654, filed on Jul. 14, 1999 (JP). 1999-199776 Aug. 17, 2001, now Pat. No. 7,229.658, filed as 371 Jul. 14, 1999 (JP). ... 1999-199779 of international application No. PCT/JP99/05962, Jul. 15, 1999 (JP). ... 1999-2O1685 filed on Oct. 28, 1999. Sep. 3, 1999 (JP)...................................... 1999-24954O Sep. 7, 1999 (JP)...................................... 1999-253232 (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Publication Classification Oct. 28, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-307494 Oct. 28, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-307495 (51) Int. Cl. Oct. 28, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-307497 A2.3L I/27 (2006.01) Oct. 29, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-3O8457 A2.3L I/09 (2006.01) Oct. 29, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-3O8458 (52) U.S. Cl. ............................................ 426/268: 426/548 Oct. 29, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-3O8460 Oct. 29, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-3O8462 (57) ABSTRACT Oct. 29, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-3O8463 Oct. 29, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-3O8467 Novel utilization of sucralose which is a high intense Oct. 29, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-3O8468 Sweetener. Compositions containing Sucralose including: Oct. 29, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-3O8470 Sweetening compositions having excellent Sweetness quali Nov. 17, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-327140 ties based on the characteristics of sucralose; foods with a Nov. 17, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-32.7147 masked unpleasant Smell and unpleasant taste; performance Nov. 17, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-327150 food compositions (viscous food compositions, gel food Nov. 17, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-327153 compositions, emulsified food compositions); foods with Nov. 17, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-327157 improved flavors; preservatives and foods with improved Nov. 17, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-32.7164 quality of taste; and flavor compositions with improved Nov. 17, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-3271.65 flavors Novel utilization of sucralose as a Sweetener Nov. 17, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-327170 improver, a masking agent for unpleasant Smell/unpleasant Nov. 25, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-333943 taste, a flavor improver, a function improver (viscosity, Nov. 25, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-33394.4 gelling properties, emulsification properties), a taste char Nov. 25, 1998 (JP)...................................... 1998-3339.45 acteristic improver, and a flavor improver/enhancer. US 2007/0212460 A1 Sep. 13, 2007 COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING SUCRALOSE AND no-calorie and non-cariogenic intense Sweetener which has APPLICATION THEREOF good and about 600 times greater Sweetness than Sucrose (U.K. Patent No. 1543,167) CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS (I) 0001. This application is a continuation of U.S. applica CH2OH tion Ser. No. 09/830,654 which is a National Stage Entry of C CHCI PCT International Application No. PCT/JP99/05962 filed O O Oct. 28, 1999; the above-noted applications are incorporated OH HO herein by reference in their entirety. O CHCI TECHNICAL FIELD OH OH 0002 The present invention relates to various novel utilizations of Sucralose based on the characteristics of Sucralose. 0014. The present invention including various embodi ments mentioned below is based on the finding that the BACKGROUND ART above sucralose exhibits specific properties by itself or in combination with other components. 0003 Sucrose have been widely used as a sweetener because of its characteristics such as good Sweetness, rich 0015. In the below, the present invention will be (full-bodied) taste, water retentivity, ability to give thickness described referring to the embodiments carried out on the and the like. In recent years, however, general health basis of Such properties of Sucralose. consciousness and orientation to low calorie diet are making 0016. In this specification, an oral composition means a consumers avoid Sucrose, which can cause obesity and product which is taken orally (also referred to as an edible decayed teeth, especially in the area of beverages, desserts product in this specification) and also a product which is and other refreshments where low-calorie products are used in the mouth. For example, seasonings, salt cured increasing. products, stewed foods and like food preparations and food 0004 Thus, various high intense sweeteners have been including confections and beverages; oral medicines includ studied and developed as substitute sweeteners for sucrose. ing Sugar-coated tablets, drops, troches, throat sprays and Among the high Sweeteners, sucralose, which is 600 times syrups; and mouth sprays and like oral refreshment, mouth Sweeter than Sucrose, is attracting attention since it is washes, gargles and dentifrices and like quasi-drugs for oral non-carcinogenic and non-metabolize, i.e., having no calo sterilization or oral cleansing. 1. 0017. In this specification, by the term “other sweeten DISCLOSURE OF INVENTION ers' is meant Sweet Substances which are conventionally know or will possibly be known in the future. Examples of 0005 The present invention a composition containing the Sweet Substances include C-glucosyltransferase-treated Sucralose which gives various properties to the composition. Stevia, C.-cyclodextrin, B-cyclodextrin, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, N-acetylglucosamine, arabinose, ali 0006 More specifically, the present invention relates to tame, isotrehalose, isomaltitol, isomaltooligosaccharide the compositions having various unique properties listed (isomaltose, isomaltotriose, panose, etc.), erythritol, oligo below, and the applications thereof. N-acetylglucosamine, galactose, galactosylsucrose, galacto 0007) I. Sweetening compositions syllactose, galactopyranosyl (B1-3) galactopyranosyl (B1-4) glucopyranose, galactopyranosyl (B1-3) glucopyranose, 0008 II. Foods with a masked unpleasant smell and galactopyranosyl (B1-6) galactopyranosyl (B1-4) glucopy unpleasant taste ranose, galactopyranosyl (B1-6) glucopyranose, glycyrrhiza 0009) III. Performance food compositions extract (glycyrrhizin), xylitol. Xylose, Xylooligosaccharide (Xylotriose, Xylobiose, etc.), glycerol, triammonium glycyr 0010) IV. Foods with improved flavors rhizinate, tripotassium glycyrrhizinate, trisodium glycyr 0011 V. Preservatives and foods with improved quality rhizinate, diammonium glycyrrhizinate, dipotassium glycyr of taste rhizinate, disodium glycyrrhizinate, curcurin, glucose, 0012 VI. Flavor compositions with improved flavors gentiooligosaccharide (gentiobiose, gentiotriose, gentiotet raose, etc.), saccharin, Sodium saccharin, cyclamate, BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE Sucrose, stachyose, Stevia extract, powdered Stevia, dulcin, Sorbitol, Sorbose, thaumatin, Theander oligo Saccharide, INVENTION tenryocha extract, trehalulose trehalose, monellin, nigeroo 0013 As represented by the formula (I), the sucralose for ligosaccharide (nigerose, etc.), neotame, neotrehalose, pala use in the present invention has a structure similar to tinit, palatinose, palatinosepalatinose oligosaccharide, Sucrose, specifically, the Sucrose
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