COUNTY OF SOMERSET NEW JERSEY PO Box 3000 – 20 Grove Street COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING SOMERVILLE, NJ 08876-1262 PURCHASING DIVISION PHONE: (908) 231-7188 Karen McGee Fax: (908) 575-3917 Purchasing Agent, QPA
[email protected] NOTICE TO BIDDERS #2-SOCCP Sealed bids will be received by the Purchasing Agent for the County of Somerset on December 4, 2015 at 2:30 PM prevailing time in the Purchasing Division, County Administration Building, 20 Grove St., Somerville, NJ 08876 at which time and place bids will be opened and read in public for: Open End Co-Operative Pricing Bid Ammunition & Related Police Supplies Contract #: JCC-0014-15 Proposals must be made on the standard proposal forms, be enclosed in a sealed package bearing the name and address of the bidder and the “BID TITLE NAME & CONTRACT #” on the outside, addressed to Karen McGee, Purchasing Agent, at the address above. We are now storing all responses electronically; therefore submit all pages of the response on a CD in addition to the printed copies. The Ammunition & Related Police Supplies spreadsheet can be included on the same CD in a separate file in Excel format (not PDF) Bid Addenda will be issued on the website. Therefore, interested bidders should check the website from now through bid opening. It is the sole responsibility of the respondent to be knowledgeable of all addenda related to this procurement. Specifications and instruction to bidders may be obtained at the Purchasing Office or the County website at Bidders shall comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A.