St. John's Law Review Volume 84 Number 2 Volume 84, Spring 2010, Number 2 Article 2 Wikipedia in Court: When and How Citing Wikipedia and Other Consensus Websites Is Appropriate Jason C. Miller Hannah B. Murray Follow this and additional works at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at St. John's Law Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in St. John's Law Review by an authorized editor of St. John's Law Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. 84 St. John’s L. Rev. 633 (2010) WIKIPEDIA IN COURT: WHEN AND HOW CITING WIKIPEDIA AND OTHER CONSENSUS WEBSITES IS APPROPRIATE JASON C. MILLER† & HANNAH B. MURRAY†† I. INTRODUCTION In Bourgeois v. Peters, resolution of the controversy required a classic balancing of liberty and security.1 In rejecting a claim that the Department of Homeland Security’s elevated threat level justified more intrusive police procedures, the Eleventh Circuit became one of the first courts to rely on the expertise of Wikipedia.2 Wikipedia reported that the country had been at “yellow alert” for almost three years, an amount of time, the court reasoned, that weakened the government’s claim that the War on Terror necessitated extreme measures.3 Since then, courts throughout the country have looked to Wikipedia for geographic information,4 to establish which days are “business days,”5 to explain the meaning of common phrases,6 to define † Associate at Sherman & Howard L.L.C.; Law Clerk to the Honorable Deborah L.