Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, It Is the Largest, Fastest-Growing and Most Popular General Reference Work Currently Available on the Internet

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Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, It Is the Largest, Fastest-Growing and Most Popular General Reference Work Currently Available on the Internet Tomasz „Polimerek” Ganicz Wikimedia Polska WikipediaWikipedia andand otherother WikimediaWikimedia projectsprojects WhatWhat isis Wikipedia?Wikipedia? „Imagine„Imagine aa worldworld inin whichwhich everyevery singlesingle humanhuman beingbeing cancan freelyfreely shareshare inin thethe sumsum ofof allall knowledge.knowledge. That'sThat's ourour commitment.”commitment.” JimmyJimmy „Jimbo”„Jimbo” Wales Wales –– founder founder ofof WikipediaWikipedia As defined by itself: Wikipedia is a free multilingual, open content encyclopedia project operated by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Its name is a blend of the words wiki (a technology for creating collaborative websites) and encyclopedia. Launched in January 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, it is the largest, fastest-growing and most popular general reference work currently available on the Internet. OpenOpen and and free free content content RichardRichard StallmanStallman definition definition of of free free software: software: „The„The wordword "free""free" inin ourour namename doesdoes notnot referrefer toto price;price; itit refersrefers toto freedom.freedom. First,First, thethe freedomfreedom toto copycopy aa programprogram andand redistributeredistribute itit toto youryour neighbors,neighbors, soso thatthat theythey cancan useuse itit asas wellwell asas you.you. Second,Second, thethe freedomfreedom toto changechange aa program,program, soso ththatat youyou cancan controlcontrol itit insteadinstead ofof itit controllingcontrolling you;you; forfor this,this, thethe sourcesource codecode mustmust bebe mademade availableavailable toto you.”you.” GNUGNU FreeFree DocumentationDocumentation LicenseLicense CreativeCreative CommonsCommons LicenseLicense DesignDesign ScienceScience LicenseLicense FreeFree CreationsCreations License,License, FreeFree Art Art LicenceLicence OpenOpen ContentContent LicenseLicense OpenOpen DirectoryDirectory ProjectProject LicenseLicense OpenOpen GamingGaming LicenseLicense OpenOpen PublicationPublication LicenseLicense WikiWiki WikicodeWikicode WikiWiki self-control…self-control… HistoryHistory of of Wikipedia Wikipedia MarchMarch 20002000 JimmyJimmy WalesWales ii LarryLarry SaSangernger launchedlaunched NupediaNupedia priorprior art.:art.: Interpedia,Interpedia, Everything2,Everything2, h2g2;h2g2; writtenwritten byby expertsexperts only,only, 7-level7-level peer-reviewpeer-review system,system, results:results: 2424 acceptedaccepted articles,articles, 7474 inin progress,;progress,; projectproject closedclosed inin 20032003 r.;r.; RichardRichard StallmanStallman fromfrom FSFFSF establishedestablished GNGNUpedia,Upedia, firstfirst encyclopediaencyclopedia thatthat everyoneeveryone cancan edit,edit, butbut notnot inin wikiwiki stylestyle 1515 JanuaryJanuary 20012001 WikipediaWikipedia launchedlaunched firstfirst launchedlaunched asas aa somesome sortsort ofof sandboxsandbox forfor NupediaNupedia that that everyoneeveryone cancan edit.edit. NoNo needneed toto log-log-inin even,even, justjust gogo andand write.write. ItIt waswas basedbased onon ModwikiModwiki software software 1212 DecemberDecember 20022002 WiktionaryWiktionary created created thethe firstfirst multilingualmultilingual dictionarydictionary basedbased onon wikiwiki softwaresoftware –– other other projects:projects: Wikinews,Wikinews, Wikibooks,Wikibooks, Wikiquote,Wikiquote, WikisourcesWikisources 2003, 2003, Comons,Comons, WikispeciesWikispecies 2004,2004, WikiversityWikiversity 2006 2006 2020 JuneJune 20032003 WikimediaWikimedia FoundationFoundation establishedestablished JimmyJimmy WalesWales donateddonated serversservers andand brandbrand namename ofof Wikipedia,Wikipedia, formerlyformerly belongingbelonging toto hishis andand TimTim Shell’sShell’s companycompany „Bomis”.„Bomis”. ProgressProgress overover timetime CurrentCurrent WikipediaWikipedia •Over 2.3 million articles in English Wikipedia • 250 language versions • More than 10 million articles in all versions • Over 2.5 million files in Wikimedia Commons • Database size: around 2.5 TB • 8-10. most popular website in the world (Alexa) • 80 000 – 100 000 unique visits per day • Around 10 000 – 20 000 regular editors • Around 2 million irregular editors • Polish Wikipedia: 480 000 articles, 4-th largest 55 pillarspillars z Wikipedia is an encyclopedia - all articles must follow no original research policy, and strive for verifiable accuracy. z Wikipedia has a neutral point of view, which means we strive for articles that advocate no single point of view. z Wikipedia is free content that anyone may edit. Articles can be changed by anyone and no individual controls any specific article. z Wikipedia has a code of conduct: Respect your fellow Wikipedians even when you may not agree with them. z Wikipedia does not have firm rules besides the five general principles presented here. Be bold in editing, moving, and modifying articles. Although it should be aimed for, perfection is not required. Wikipedia:Wikipedia: AA MillionMillion MonkeysMonkeys TypingTyping ? ? WorkersWorkers VanguardVanguard nrnr 888,888, 1616 MarchMarch 2007: 2007: „In„In thethe periodperiod ofof itsits revolutionaryrevolutionary ascent,ascent, thethe bourgeoisiebourgeoisie foughtfought forfor knowledgeknowledge asas cruciacruciall forfor economiceconomic progressprogress andand asas aa weaponweapon againstagainst feudalistfeudalist clericalclerical tyranny.tyranny. Diderot’sDiderot’s EncyclopedistsEncyclopedists helped helped toto ideologideologicallyically armarm thethe GreatGreat FrenchFrench RevolutionRevolution ofof 1789-93.1789-93. Today,Today, ccapitalismapitalism inin itsits deathdeath agonyagony createscreates aa barrierbarrier toto thethe expansiexpansionon ofof thethe meansmeans ofof productionproduction whilewhile draggingdragging cultureculture backback intointo aa newnew darkdark age.age. WhatWhat qualityquality educationeducation thethe U.S.U.S. bourgeoisiebourgeoisie maintainsmaintains isis increasinglyincreasingly restrictedrestricted toto eliteelite universitieuniversities.s. TheThe growthgrowth andand influenceinfluence ofof WikipediaWikipedia occursoccurs inin aa periodperiod whenwhen publicpublic educationeducation isis inin tatterstatters andand massesmasses ofof ghettoghetto andand barriobarrio youthyouth rotrot inin today’stoday’s Bastilles.”Bastilles.” So,So, whowho really really edits? edits? AaronAaron Swartz,Swartz, WhoWho Writes Writes Wikipedia?, Wikipedia?, RawRaw Thought,Thought, 2006-09-042006-09-04 „When„When youyou putput itit allall together,together, thethe storystory becomebecome clear:clear: anan outsideroutsider makesmakes oneone editedit toto addadd aa chunkchunk ofof information,information, thenthen insidersinsiders makemake severalseveral editsedits tweakingtweaking andand reformattingreformatting it.it. InIn addition,addition, insidersinsiders rackrack upup thousandsthousands ofof editsedits doingdoing thingsthings likelike changingchanging thethe namename ofof aa categorycategory acrossacross thethe entireentire sitesite ---- the the kindkind ofof thingthing onlyonly insidersinsiders deeplydeeply carecare about.about. AsAs aa result,result, insidersinsiders accountaccount forfor thethe vastvast majoritymajority ofof thethe edits.edits. ButBut it'sit's thethe outsidersoutsiders whowho provideprovide nearlynearly allall ofof thethe content.”content.” Comment:Comment: MostMost ofof thethe editorseditors startstart asas „outsiders”„outsiders” toto becomebecome „insiders”„insiders” after after writingwriting aa substantialsubstantial numbernumber ofof articlesarticles WikimaniaWikimania 2006 2006 –– Harvard Harvard LawLaw SchoolSchool PolishPolish Wikipedia Wikipedia editorseditors profile profile •• WikipediansWikipedians •• around around 200 200 newnew per per dayday •• around around 2 2 000000 occasionaloccasional editors editors (5 (5 editsedits per per month)month) •• very very active: active: 350350 (more(more than than 100 100 editsedits per per month)month) •• AgeAge •• from from 10 10 tilltill 71 71 •• 50% 50% 18-27,18-27, 20%20% 28-37,28-37, 20%20% 14-1714-17 •• EducationEducation •• from from primary primary school school pupils pupils till till – – university university professors professors •• majority: majority: undergraduateundergraduate and and PhD PhD students students •• then: then: secondarysecondary school school students, students, andand young young scientis scientis WikipediaWikipedia communitycommunity Everyone can edit, and every user has the same right to decide the final shape of articles, however some users have access to technical features that help with maintenance of the projects: z Unloged users and freshly logged users – can edit existing articles but cannot upload files and start new articles z Loged users – can do everything except deleting and blocking articles and banning other users z Sysops – can delete and block articles, can ban users, can fast-revert articles, can edit blocked articles – they are elected by local community and have to follow all rules and policies. z Bureaucrats – can give sysop status – but must follow the results of elections. They are usually elected by local community but in new or small projects they can get their status „by granted”. z Stewards – can nominate bureaucrats. They are choosen by all Wikimedia community – they take care of small and new projects – they cannot use their power in their mother projects. SisterSister projectsprojects WikimediaWikimedia CommonsCommons http://commons.wikimedia.org/ • Launched: 7 September 2004 • repository of
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