FY12 Statbook SWK1 Dresden V02.Xlsx Bylea Tuitions Paid in FY12 by Vermont Districts to Out-Of-State Page 2 Public and Independent Schools for Regular Education
Tuitions Paid in FY12 by Vermont Districts to Out-of-State Page 1 Public and Independent Schools for Regular Education LEA id LEA paying tuition S.U. Grade School receiving tuition City State FTE Tuition Tuition Paid Level 281.65 Rate 3,352,300 T003 Alburgh Grand Isle S.U. 24 7 - 12 Northeastern Clinton Central School District Champlain NY 19.00 8,500 161,500 Public T021 Bloomfield Essex North S.U. 19 7 - 12 Colebrook School District Colebrook NH 6.39 16,344 104,498 Public T021 Bloomfield 19 7 - 12 North Country Charter Academy Littleton NH 1.00 9,213 9,213 Public T021 Bloomfield 19 7 - 12 Northumberland School District Groveton NH 5.00 12,831 64,155 Public T035 Brunswick Essex North S.U. 19 7 - 12 Colebrook School District Colebrook NH 1.41 16,344 23,102 Public T035 Brunswick 19 7 - 12 Northumberland School District Groveton NH 1.80 13,313 23,988 Public T035 Brunswick 19 7 - 12 White Mountain Regional School District Whitefiled NH 1.94 13,300 25,851 Public T048 Chittenden Rutland Northeast S.U. 36 7 - 12 Kimball Union Academy Meriden NH 1.00 12,035 12,035 Private T048 Chittenden 36 7 - 12 Lake Mary Preparatory School Lake Mary FL 0.50 12,035 6,018 Private T054 Coventry North Country S.U. 31 7 - 12 Stanstead College Stanstead QC 3.00 12,035 36,105 Private T056 Danby Bennington - Rutland S.U. 06 7 - 12 White Mountain School Bethlehem NH 0.83 12,035 9,962 Private T059 Dorset Bennington - Rutland S.U.
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