Natural Language Engineering 1 (1): 1{33. Printed in the United Kingdom 1 c Cambridge University Press New Treebank or Repurposed? On the Feasibility of Cross-Lingual Parsing of Romance Languages with Universal Dependenciesy M A R C O S G A R C I A, Universidade da Coru~na,LyS Group Departamento de Letras, Facultade de Filolox´ıa Campus de A Coru~na,15071, A Coru~na,Galicia, Spain e-mail:
[email protected] CARLOSG OMEZ-RODR´ ´I G U E Z and M I G U E L A. A L O N S O Universidade da Coru~na,LyS Group Departamento de Computaci´on,Facultade de Inform´atica Campus de A Coru~na,15071, A Coru~na,Galicia, Spain e-mails: fcarlos.gomez,
[email protected] ( Received ) NOTICE: this is the final peer-reviewed manuscript that was accepted for publication in Natural Language Engineering. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version will be published in Natural Language Engineering (DOI: 10.1017/S1351324917000377). Abstract This paper addresses the feasibility of cross-lingual parsing with Universal Dependencies (UD) between Romance languages, analyzing its performance when compared to the use of manually annotated resources of the target languages. Several experiments take into account factors such as the lexical distance between the source and target varieties, the impact of delexicalization, the combination of different source treebanks or the adaptation of resources to the target language, among others.