Antimicrobial resistance in , cholera and David A. Sack, Christine Lyke, Carol McLaughlin and Voravit Suwanvanichkij

Copies can be obtained from the CDS Information Resource Centre World Health Organization World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland fax: +41 22 791 42 85 • email: [email protected] WHO/CDS/CSR/DRS/2001.8 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH DISTRIBUTION: GENERAL

Antimicrobial resistance in shigellosis, cholera and campylobacteriosis David A. Sack, Christine Lyke, Carol McLaughlin and Voravit Suwanvanichkij Johns Hopkins University School of and Baltimore, MD, United States of America

World Health Organization

A BACKGROUND DOCUMENT FOR THE WHOFOR GLOBAL CONTAINMENT STRATEGY OF ANTIMICROBIALRESISTANCE Acknowledgement The World Health Organization wishes to acknowledge the support of the United States Agency for Inter- national Development (USAID) in the production of this document.

© World Health Organization 2001 This document is not a formal publication of the World Health Organization (WHO), and all rights are reserved by the Organiza- tion. The document may, however, be freely reviewed, abstracted, reproduced and translated, in part or in whole, but not for sale or for use in conjunction with commercial purposes. The views expressed in documents by named authors are solely the responsibility of those authors. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document, including tables and maps, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the secretariat of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by WHO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. Designed by minimum graphics Printed in Switzerland WHO/CDS/CSR/DRS/2001.4 DRUG RESISTANC IN


Summary of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial enteric 1 Interventions 2 Research 5 Review of cholerae 8 Introduction 8 Microbiology 8 9 Spectrum of illness 9 Disease incidence and trends 10 Regional resistance trends 11 Causes of resistance 14 The question of prophylaxis 17 Potential vaccines 17 Recommendations 18 Research priorities 19 Conclusion 20 Review of Shigella spp. 21 Introduction 21 Organisms and syndrome 21 Geographical distribution 22 Diagnosis and resistance detection 22 Pathogenesis 23 Therapy 23 Drug resistance and trends 25 Mechanisms of resistance 26 Intervention strategies and research needs 29 Conclusion 30 Review of 31 Introduction 31 Microbiology 31 Transmission 31 Spectrum of illness 32 Pathogenicity 33 Diagnosis and identification 34 Therapy 34 Antimicrobial resistance 35 Mechanisms of resistance development 38 Prevention 39 Intervention strategies 40 Conclusion 40 Conclusion 42 Bibliography 43



Summary of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial enteric pathogens

Important enteric pathogens are becoming in- view was clearly incorrect, as resistant strains caused creasingly resistant to the major that large in the United Republic of Tanza- are needed for optimal treatment of patients. The nia and in the late 1970s. Since then, three bacterial pathogens chosen for this review resistance patterns have varied widely at (, Shigella spp. and Campylo- different times and in different places, with multi- bacter jejuni) are very different from one another. ply antibiotic-resistant strains commonly found They quite different clinical syndromes; during epidemics. Unlike Shigella spp., however, their ecology, and modes of trans- strains of V. cholerae frequently revert to antibiotic mission are distinct; and they are widely sepa- sensitivity. An example of reversion to resistance rated genetically. The fact that three such occurred with the new serotype, O139. Initially all different organisms are becoming increasingly strains of this new were resistant to antibiotic-resistant underlines the pervasiveness trimethoprim, but now most strains are sensitive. of the pressures that lead to the emergence and The reversion to sensitivity is probably best ex- spread of resistance. plained by the ecology of the vibrio. Being prima- rily an environmental organism and only Shigella spp. show a pattern of steadily increasing secondarily a human pathogen, it must adapt to resistance to antibiotics. Among the four species, the conditions of its primary ecological niche, in S. dysenteriae 1 (Shiga’s bacillus) is generally the first which antibiotic resistance does not provide a to develop resistance to a new antibiotic, but then major benefit to the . the other Shigella species follow. Rarely does sus- Campylobacter jejuni has yet another ecological ceptibility reappear once resistant strains have niche, being primarily adapted to animals, in par- become endemic in a region. In order to ensure ticular to birds. The industrialization of poultry appropriate treatment, continual surveillance is production has provided an environment in which required to determine which antibiotics are still resistant bacteria flourish, and these strains are then active. This strategy of “trying to keep one step easily spread to humans. Especially worrisome is ahead” implicates the continual development and the routine use of fluoroquinolones for growth pro- testing of new antibiotics, which inevitably are more motion in poultry. Generally, antibiotics used in expensive. After extensive use of these new antibi- animals should be different from those used for otics, their prices do fall, but not to the level of the humans, but in this instance an antibiotic class with older, previously effective antibiotics. In this race unique benefits for humans is, for economic rea- between the development of new antibiotics by the sons, being used in animals, with resulting loss of pharmaceutical industry and the development of its effectiveness for treating human disease. This resistance in Shigella, it seems that the bacteria are would seem to be a matter for government regula- winning, and we face the prospect of having no tion. However, the difficulties are illustrated by the effective antibiotics for future epidemics of shigel- example of the United States of America, where losis. Expecting the pharmaceutical industry to different agencies regulate drugs for human and develop a novel and cost-effective antibiotic every animal use. The loss of the fluoroquinolones as few years is unrealistic over the long term. effective therapy for C. jejuni means that Vibrio cholerae, the agent that causes cholera, has will no longer be efficacious in the a much different history of antibiotic resistance. syndromic treatment of . A question that For many years it was thought that cholera epi- is not yet answered is the extent to which the demics caused by antibiotic-resistant strains were genetic determinants of fluoroquinolone resistance unlikely to occur because the bacteria seemed to can be transferred from C. jejuni to other enteric lack the ability to retain resistance plasmids. This and nonenteric bacteria. If this were to occur, the


spread of resistance originating in antibiotic-treated Factors involved in the emergence animals would represent an even more serious threat. of antibiotic resistance Among the common bacterial infectious agents, With all three organisms, the primary factor is the Neisseria gonorrheae and C. jejuni, which were once overuse of antibiotics; i.e. antibiotic pressure selects generally sensitive to most antibiotics, are now for resistant strains. Antibiotic pressure may be ex- becoming increasingly resistant to ciprofloxacin. erted directly (e.g. use of an antibiotic for shigello- sis to which the bacteria are resistant, thus favouring Clinical consequences of resistance the very bacteria one is attempting to eliminate). However, antibiotic pressure on an organism may The clinical consequences of antibiotic resistance occur indirectly, i.e. from using the antibiotics for vary among the three bacterial diarrhoea agents. entirely different reasons. Examples of inappropri- For shigellosis, antibiotics are the primary treat- ate uses of antibiotics that exert selective pressure ment. Patients treated with an ineffective antibi- for resistance in various bacteria are: administering otic may have more complications than if they had them to patients who have viral upper respiratory not been treated, because the antibiotic is likely to tract infections; feeding them to farm animals to affect the normal intestinal flora, thus actually enhance their growth. favouring the growth of the resistant shigella. In treating cholera, antibiotics have been shown to reduce the duration of illness and the fluid loss, Relationship between duration of treatment and but they are not considered to be a “life-saving” development of antibiotic resistance treatment. If the hydration status is maintained with Several studies have found that patients frequently adequate rehydration fluids, patients will recover do not finish their prescribed course of antibiotic without antibiotics; however, the illness will per- treatment. This is considered a factor in the devel- sist about twice as long, lengthening the hospital opment of antibiotic-resistant strains of some bac- stay and increasing the resources used (about dou- terial species, but there is no evidence for this in ble the amount of rehydration fluids). As long as enteric pathogens. In enteric infections the strat- skilled manpower and adequate supplies are avail- egy is shorter courses of treatment, providing suffi- able, case-fatality rates should remain stable, but cient antibiotic to treat the illness but no more. cholera epidemics generally occur in areas where Giving an excessively long course of treatment (e.g. there is a shortage of services. Thus, in the “real a ten-day course for shigellosis) simply adds to the world” where cholera epidemics occur, antibiotic antibiotic pressure, and favours the development resistance means higher costs, a greater need for of resistance. Some clinicians favour treatment supplies, and more deaths. schedules that completely eradicate the bacteria The consequences of antibiotic resistance in from the stool, on the theory that this will stop C. jejuni are more difficult to predict. Most cases that patient from transmitting the organism to are self-limited, and antibiotic treatment is needed others. In fact, once clinically well the patient rep- only for severe cases. In developing countries, resents a very small risk to others. There are many antibiotics are not normally recommended for the more infected persons (or animals), treatment of diarrhoea due to C. jejuni. However, who represent a much greater risk than a recovered some infections are severe, with high fever and patient with some residual bacteria in the stool. bacteremia, and these cases do require antibiotic treatment. Interventions Antibiotic resistance in vulnerable populations The interventions listed below are based on the following assumptions: Both shigellosis and C. jejuni infections are more Firstly, the only way to reverse antibiotic resist- severe among vulnerable populations, such as those ance is to relieve the antibiotic pressure in the who are malnourished and those with HIV/AIDS. bacteria’s environment (the human gut in the case Thus, one would expect a much greater propor- of Shigella spp., the human gut and environmental tion of adverse outcomes among these groups than water in the case of V. cholerae, and animal reser- among those who are healthy. voirs in the case of Campylobacter spp.). While there are laboratory methods to “cure” bacteria of plasmids, these are not practical for public health


use. However, some bacteria seem to rid themselves and to train the staff in their use. Individual of “genetic baggage” that is not useful to their sur- providers need the information in order to vival and growth. Thus, antibiotic resistance give their patients the best possible treat- are less likely to be maintained in the absence of ment. antibiotic pressure. 2. Regulating and monitoring antibiotic use. Pro- Secondly, interventions that decrease overall rates grammes aimed at reducing inappropriate use of morbidity and mortality (by targeting the over- of antibiotics require cooperation between all burden of disease) will also decrease the spread government agencies and pharmaceutical com- of resistant organisms. panies. Thirdly, there need to be programmes at local, national and regional levels. Resistance develops in 2.1 Government agencies should develop meth- specific habitats and patterns differ among geo- ods for monitoring antibiotic use in their graphical areas. country in order to measure the level of Finally, because antibiotic resistance genes move antibiotic pressure. among bacterial species, programmes must aim at 2.2 The monitoring programme should include preventing resistance not just in certain specific all antibiotics in use: for humans and animals; pathogens, but in all of the gut flora, especially for therapeutic use as well as for animal . feeds, on farms and in aquaculture. Interventions aimed at antibiotic resistance in enteric bacteria include: 2.3 Government agencies should restrict the use of antibiotics to those that are appropriate Surveillance 1. . Patients must receive the best avail- and essential. Antibiotics used in animal able treatment for acute illnesses. Determining feeds should be different from (and not the susceptibility of individual isolates is not closely related to) those needed for human cost-effective, nor would the results be available therapeutic use. rapidly enough to be clinically useful. Therefore, a surveillance system is needed to determine the 2.4 A single government agency should control predominant patterns of resistance in a given all antibiotic use within a country, whether locality. for human therapy or for agriculture.

1.1 The surveillance system must use a repre- 2.5 The choice of antibiotics for use by govern- sentative sample. While random sampling ment health agencies should be based on is generally best, it is not as practical as sys- data generated by the surveillance programme tematic or periodic sampling. The patients in order to ensure that the antibiotics avail- included in the sample should be screened able match the sensitivity patterns of the for recent antibiotic use; otherwise, the sam- pathogens being treated. ple might include an excess of patients who 2.6 Promotional materials for antibiotics should failed antibiotic treatment, resulting in an be screened by and approved by the agency overestimate of the proportion of antibiotic- regulating antibiotics. Unwarranted claims resistant organisms. and promotional strategies should be elimi- nated. 1.2 Susceptibility testing should include only those antibiotics that are clinically effective 3. Training health care providers in proper anti- against the organism. Some antibiotics are biotic use. not clinically useful, even though they may 3.1 In countries where antibiotics are available have in vitro activity. Testing for suscepti- only by prescription, providers need to be bility to these antibiotics should be avoided informed about their appropriate use for because it may lead providers to prescribe common illnesses, and also need training inappropriate antibiotics. in counselling patients whose illness does 1.3 Antibiotic resistance patterns should be not require an antibiotic. Frequently, patients readily available both to policy-makers and “expect” (and providers feel pressured to providers. Policy-makers need the data to prescribe) an antibiotic even when they have formulate drug policy for their programmes, a viral that will not respond to to obtain the most appropriate antibiotics, antibiotics.


3.2 Readily available “standards of care” may cooked. are particularly likely to help to reinforce good prescribing behav- be contaminated with during the iour on the part of providers. warm season. 3.3 In countries where antibiotics are freely 5.3 For enteric agents, is the most available, unqualified providers, as well as effective of the low-tech, low-capital inter- patients themselves, prescribe them. The use ventions. Several studies have shown that an of antibiotics is thus difficult to control, and effective hand-washing programme (soap, the choice of a particular drug may be de- education, and motivation) decreases the termined more by the profit motive of the rates of cholera and shigellosis by about drug retailer than by guidelines for appro- 30%. In spite of its demonstrated effective- priate treatment. Even in these circum- ness in small, community-based studies, stances it may be possible to train providers hand-washing campaigns have not been in the appropriate use of antibiotics. This scaled up to the national level. will require cooperation among drug com- 5.4 Leftover foods should be kept refrigerated panies, distributors, detail salespeople, and if possible. If this is not possible, they should drug retailers. It will also require more care- be recooked before being eaten. ful preparation of package inserts and pro- motional materials for antibiotics. 5.5 Dishes or utensils that have been used to handle raw meat, especially poultry, should 4. Standards of care in hospitals. not come into contact with food that is ready Resistant bacteria often emerge in the hospital to eat. It is very easy to contaminate food in environment. Due to the number and proxim- this manner. ity of very ill patients, who receive antibiotics 6. Interruption of transmission of infectious agents for extended periods, antibiotic-resistant strains using vaccines. is independent of can emerge and spread to other patients. When antibiotic-sensitivity patterns; thus, vaccination the patients return home, they carry the antibi- reduces the incidence of illness due to both sen- otic-resistant strains with them. sitive and resistant strains. Training in the prevention of nosocomial infec- 6.1 An effective vaccine would be expected to tions is needed, as are adequate supplies and reduce cholera rates in endemic areas. Pre- facilities for hand washing, laundry, and other liminary evidence from studies of a killed basic hygienic measures. oral vaccine suggests that it interrupts trans- 5. Interruption of transmission of infectious agents: mission of the vibrio organism and that hygiene and public education. Interventions that communities may develop . interrupt transmission of shigellosis, cholera and 6.2 Vaccines for Shigella are being developed but C. jejuni infections will effectively stop the spread are not yet ready for wide-scale use. Because of both sensitive and resistant strains. Such inter- Shigella spp. are the most resistant of the ventions, which are not antibiotic-specific, are enteric pathogens, and also the ones for attractive because they are broad-spectrum, which antibiotics are the only effective covering all bacterial enteric pathogens. therapy, a vaccine would be of great value. 5.1 Water and . Most enteric organ- 6.3 Vaccines for Campylobacter are being devel- isms are spread by the faecal-oral route; oped, but their future is not certain, since hence, food and water should be from clean the burden of disease may not warrant large- sources, or should be purified or cooked. scale vaccination. Improvement in management of faecal waste 7. Short-course antibiotic regimens. (use of sanitary latrines, central sewers, etc.) is at least as important as pure water in pre- 7.1 When antibiotics are needed, the shortest venting transmission of enteric bacteria, but effective course of treatment should be programmes to implement this have not given. Additional studies of the newer anti- been adequately funded. biotics are required in order to determine 5.2 Poultry and are especially likely to optimal schedules. carry enteric pathogens and should be well 7.2 Antibiotics should be packaged in a man-


ner that facilitates the correct dosing (i.e. Research packages should contain the correct number Considerable research is needed if there is to be a of pills for the course of treatment). reversal of the trend towards increasing antibiotic 8. Avoidance of antibiotic use for illnesses that do resistance in enteric pathogens. In principle, revers- not require them. ing antibiotic resistance is relatively simple: pro- grammes can be implemented to reduce antibiotic 8.1 The only acute diarrhoeal illnesses for which pressure and to reduce overall transmission (by pro- antibiotics are indicated are cholera, shigel- moting personal hygiene, safe community water losis, severe campylobacteriosis, amoebiasis, supplies, and the development and use of vaccines). giardiasis, severe travellers’ diarrhoea, and In practice, reducing the amount of antibiotics used Cyclospora infection. Antibiotics do not ben- is difficult because of the economic interests of efit patients who have viral pharmaceutical companies, drug retailers and agri- (e.g. rotavirus infection), and the use of culture, as well as the desire of providers and antibiotics in these cases increases antibi- patients for antibiotics. While an effective pro- otic pressure. gramme must aim to decrease the overall use of 8.2 Upper respiratory tract infections without antibiotics, patients who require an antibiotic for do not require antibiotic treat- treatment of an illness should not be denied the ment. Antibiotic use in these illnesses best available treatment. increases antibiotic pressure on enteric 1. Surveillance methods. pathogens. 1.1 Simple and robust standard methods and 9. Alternative treatments for enteric infections. computer databases are needed to monitor 9.1 Not all patients require antibiotics. Many the agents that cause enteric infections and enteric infections can be successfully treated their antibiotic sensitivities. The research without them. methodology includes the development of 9.2 Clear guidelines are needed to identify those epidemiological and sampling strategies, as patients who do not need antibiotic treat- well as laboratory procedures. An unbiased sample should cover individuals who have ment. significant enteric infections, but exclude 9.3 Drugs other than antibiotics are being de- those who have recently taken antibiotics. veloped and may be useful in the future. Since antibiotic resistance patterns may vary For secretory diarrhoea, these may function by geographical area, the sampling should by enhancing absorption or decreasing use sentinel sites that reflect the various re- secretion, thus lessening purging. They in- gions being studied. clude new oral rehydration solution (ORS) formulations (such as rice ORS), new 1.2 Because patient history is frequently unre- antisecretory drugs, and short-chain fatty liable, assay of the patient’s urine is prob- acids (which increase fluid absorption in the ably the most reliable field test for recent colon). These antisecretory drugs need fur- antibiotic use. ther study before they can be widely used. 1.3 The laboratory methods must be able to 9.4 For shigellosis, drugs that decrease the reliably detect Shigella spp and Campylo- excessive inflammatory response are being bacter spp. These are the most difficult organisms to culture of the enteric bacteria. evaluated; these may have utility in decreas- ing the severity of the disease. They will Thus, the laboratory should be close to the likely have to be used in combination with sentinel clinic/hospital. an antibiotic, but they might make it possi- 1.4 Sample sizes should be sufficient to detect ble to decrease the amount of antibiotic pathogens if they occur with a rate of 2 to used. 5% of all cases of diarrhoea. This will gen- erally be about 500 stool specimens per quarter. 1.5 Sampling may be systematic (e.g. every 50 patients) or periodic (e.g. all diarrhoea


patients during a two-day period every two understand why, and by whom, antibiotics weeks). are purchased for use in national health pro- 1.6 Some patient information (e.g. age, sex, grammes. geographical location, evidence of malnu- 4.3 Similarly, information is needed on antibi- trition, type and duration of symptoms) otic procurement policies of hospitals in must accompany the sample for correlation order to determine how to set and enforce with the laboratory results. standards of care for antibiotic use. 2. Methods for monitoring antibiotic pressure 5. Impact of various water and sanitation improve- nationally and regionally. ments on antibiotic resistance. 2.1 At the national level, pharmaceutical com- 5.1 Latrines (as well as modern systems) panies should be required to report the are an effective way to limit transmission of amount of each antibiotic sold, itemizing enteric pathogens. To quantify their impor- its intended use (human therapy, treatment tance, the antibiotic-sensitivity patterns of of animals, nontherapeutic use in agricul- faecal bacteria in areas with good and poor ture). sanitation should be compared. This could 2.2 Before this can be accomplished, the regu- be followed by an intervention study to de- latory environment needs to be understood. termine whether improvement of latrines Research is needed into the policies both of lowers the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant the companies and the regulatory agencies, organisms. in order to understand their motivations and 5.2 Hand washing is another effective way to constraints and encourage mutual coopera- limit transmission of enteric pathogens. tion. Comparative and intervention studies (as 2.3 Methods are needed to quantitate, inde- above) are proposed to quantify its impor- pendently of data provided by the manu- tance. facturers, the amount of antibiotic that is 5.3 Pilot programmes are needed to determine being used in animal feed, veterinary medi- how best to promote hand washing and the cine, aquaculture, and human treatment. proper handling of food and utensils. 2.4 Potential indicators of antibiotic pressure 5.4 Computer models are needed to determine need to be evaluated. These might include the impact of these interventions on the surveillance of antibiotic resistance in E. coli prevalence of resistance. from normal stool specimens. 6. Evaluation of the effect of vaccination on anti- 3. Educating providers in order to change their biotic resistance. prescribing patterns. 6.1 During efficacy studies of cholera and Shig- The aims are understanding how best to: com- ella vaccines, efforts should be made to municate to providers the information gained quantitate their impact on the prevalence of from surveillance; monitor prescribing and us- antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The prevalence age patterns to determine whether they have should be measured in terms of persons in- changed; decrease the demand for antibiotics by fected with antibiotic-resistant organisms patients; decrease pressure from drug retailers. (not the proportion of isolates that are 4. Educating policy-makers to help them implement resistant). rational drug policies. 6.2 Computer models are needed to estimate 4.1 The aims are understanding how best to: the impact of vaccination on the prevalence transmit the information from surveillance of resistance. so that it is useful in decision-making; determine whether, and to what extent, the 7. Short-course antibiotic regimens for common surveillance data were used in the decision- illnesses. making process. 7.1 Additional studies are needed to examine 4.2 Information is needed on antibiotic pro- the effectiveness of short-course antibiotic curement procedures and policies to help treatment.


7.2 Pre-packaged standard regimens should be 9.2 The ability to test frozen or otherwise pre- evaluated to determine whether they are served faecal samples would be useful in cost-effective and if they improve compli- surveillance. The tests might use PCR, ance. with primers for specific resistance genes. 7.3 The effect of short-course regimens on the 9.3 Such tests would be useful in developing emergence of antibiotic-resistant faecal flora epidemiological methods to monitor the needs to be compared to that of traditional spread of particular resistance genes. Re- longer course therapy. Whether treatment sistance determinants may be transmitted is for enteric or respiratory illness, the emer- in a variety of ways (plasmids, phages, etc.) gence of antibiotic-resistant E. coli should and among a variety of bacterial species. be the parameter monitored. Detection of specific genes will help us understand their individual ecology. 7.4 The effect of different antibiotics on the emergence of antibiotic-resistant faecal flora 10. Understanding how antibiotic-resistance needs to be determined. For example, there plasmids spread among enteric pathogens. is little information about the comparative 10.1 Antibiotic resistance in normal faecal effects of sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) versus E. coli needs to be validated as a surrogate ciprofloxacin on the emergence of antibi- marker for resistance in pathogens. otic resistance. 10.2 The mechanism of transmission of resist- 7.5 Especially important are studies to discern ance among different species needs to be which patients with shigellosis require established. For example, C. jejuni are now antibiotics and which will recover with no frequently resistant to ciprofloxacin, but antibiotic. Simple clinical parameters are the generally remain needed to minimize antibiotic use without sensitive. If the resistance genes were to compromising treatment results. spread to Shigella a major treatment op- 8. Alternative approaches to prevention and treat- tion will be lost. ment of enteric infections. 10.3 Certain plasmids containing mutator Alternatives to antibiotics might include probiotics genes have been found in shigellae. When (such as lactobacilli and/or bifidobacteria) and transferred to other bacteria they enable prebiotics (such as inulin), certain amino acids the recipient to develop resistance more such as L-histidine, as well as improved ORS quickly by means of chromosomal muta- formulations (e.g. rice ORS or ORS formula- tions. Thus, plasmids can influence the tions that utilize short-chain fatty acids to im- development of chromosomal resistance. prove fluid absorption), anti-secretory drugs and More work is needed to develop methods anti-inflammatory drugs. The potential advan- for recognizing mutator genes. tage of these treatments is that, since they do In summary, antibiotic-resistant enteric bacte- not directly kill bacteria, their effect will likely ria represent a major problem, which is becoming be independent of antibiotic resistance. Addi- increasingly complex. Great effort will be required, tionally, some of these agents may potentiate the both in basic and applied research, but there is much effect of antibiotics, making possible even shorter that can be done in the meantime. Programmes to courses of treatment. Some of these alternatives control resistance in enteric pathogens should might be used as treatment; others might be focus on public health approaches that reduce the useful as prophylaxis during high-risk periods, number of infections by targeting transmission. e.g. for prevention of travellers’ diarrhoea, or in family contacts of cholera or shigellosis patients. 9. Development of rapid diagnostic tests to detect certain patterns of antibiotic resistance. 9.1 Rapid and inexpensive tests would help guide therapy and rationalize drug treat- ment.


Review of Vibrio cholerae

Introduction Microbiology Cholera, caused by infection with the toxigenic Cholera is caused by strains of V. cholerae O1 or bacteria V. cholerae O1 or O139, continues to cause O139. V. cholerae has many serotypes, but only toxi- severe outbreaks of dehydrating diarrhoea in much genic strains (which produce , or CT) of the developing world. Historically, cholera has belonging to these two serotypes have caused been one of the major -type” dis- diarrhoea. V. cholerae belongs to the fam- eases, capable of spreading and devastating large ily of bacteria, which are normal inhabitants of fresh populations in epidemics, as well as occurring during and salt water; thus, an understanding of cholera regular seasons in endemic areas. Its traditional requires an understanding of the bacteria’s role in home is the delta area of India and Bangla- the environment as well as in the human host. desh, but over the last two centuries cholera has Other species of Vibrio cause diarrhoea or systemic spread in waves throughout the world. Since its illness, and some may even produce cholera toxin, spread to Latin America in 1991, nearly all devel- but they do not cause epidemic diarrhoea. oping countries have been threatened by it. Although Patients with cholera excrete large numbers of cholera is a reportable disease, its global incidence the bacteria in their faeces. The bacteria are easily is not known because cases are not reported from cultured using special media for their isolation those countries in Asia where it is most common, (TCBS or TTGA), and their presence can also be and because of underreporting in African and Latin detected using rapid immunoassay methods at the American countries where it occurs more sporadi- bedside (SMART Test or coagglutination tests). cally. Based on sample reporting, the United States Specimens for culture should be placed in trans- Institute of Medicine in 1986 estimated the global port medium (e.g. Cary Blair) if they cannot be disease burden from cholera at about 6 million cases cultured immediately; they are then stable for sev- annually, with over 600 000 hospitalizations and eral days and can be sent to a regional laboratory. 120 000 deaths. This was before cholera spread to After isolation, standard tests, including aggluti- Latin America. However, the World Health Organi- nation with specific O1 or O139 antiserum, are zation (WHO) received reports of only 293 121 available to confirm identity. V. cholerae is a motile, cases in 1998, with 10 586 deaths; most of the re- curved, Gram-negative rod. If trained technicians ports came from (WHO, 1999). In recent and the proper microscope are available, motility years, global climatic change (e.g. the effects of El is helpful for rapid diagnosis, since the bacteria can Niño and Hurricane Mitch) is thought to have con- be readily visualized. tributed to increasing rates of cholera in some Serogroup O1 has been subdivided into 3 regions. serotypes (Ogawa, Inaba, and Hikojima) based on Case-fatality rates should be close to zero because differences in factors A, B, and C of the O antigen, treatment is simple and inexpensive. However, and also into two biotypes (classical and ). many cases occur in areas lacking adequate treat- An individual of O1 V. cholerae will thus have ment, so that fatality rates are commonly about 3% both a serotype and a biotype designation (for ex- and are often greater than 10%. The highest fatal- ample a strain might be serotype Ogawa, biotype ity rates occur in refugee or displaced populations El Tor). All recent isolates of serotype O1 belong and in remote areas. Global death rates are diffi- to the El Tor biotype, but there is frequent switch- cult to estimate, but during peak years (e.g. the ing between Ogawa and Inaba serotypes in various Goma epidemic in 1994) have likely exceeded the locations. Hikojima strains are very rare and are 120 000 estimate of the Institute of Medicine. not important from a public health standpoint. The clinical illnesses caused by Ogawa and Inaba strains are indistinguishable.


In 1992, a new serogroup (O139) of epidemic dration and metabolic . Rehydration is the cholera emerged in Bangladesh and India. It has mainstay of cholera treatment, but antibiotics have the potential to become the eighth pandemic strain. been shown to be important and cost-effective ad- It has many similarities to El Tor cholera; it pro- juncts in severe cases and in epidemic situations. duces the same toxin (CT) and appears to be as Under optimal treatment conditions, antibiotics are virulent as El Tor strains. However, populations not considered life-saving, since individual patients with immunity to O1 cholera are not immune to can be adequately treated with only appropriate the O139 strains, since immunity is serogroup-spe- intravenous and oral rehydration fluids. However, cific (WHO, 1996). In the laboratory, the strains antibiotics are part of the standard treatment of are recognized by agglutination with O139 antise- cholera because they reduce by about 50% the rum and by antibiotic sensitivity pattern; otherwise, duration of illness, the diarrhoea volume, and the the two serogroups appear to be identical. rehydration requirements. Shortening the duration and moderating the symptoms are particularly Transmission important when treating large numbers of cases; antibiotic treatment reduces the cost and effort Transmission of cholera is predominantly through required to deal with an outbreak. faecally contaminated food and water; thus, it is There are few data correlating rates of antimi- usually a disease of developing countries or areas crobial resistance with treatment failure, morbid- where clean and adequate sanitation ity and mortality. Since treatment failures due to are lacking. Person-to-person transmission is ex- antimicrobial resistance occur mainly in remote tremely rare, probably because the inoculum needed areas where data are not collected, the impact of 5 to cause disease is high (>10 in most cases). In resistance is difficult to determine. There is evi- endemic areas such as Bangladesh, water appears dence, however, that resistance to first-line antibi- to be the major vehicle, but in other regions food otics was a contributing factor in the extraordinarily has been implicated. In fact, it is very difficult to high death rates during the 1994 cholera epidemic separate the two mechanisms, since the water often in the Rwandan refugee camps in Goma, Zaire contaminates the food. The bacteria are able to (Goma Epidemiology Group, 1995). In a prospec- multiply in food, increasing the number of bacte- tive study of epidemiological characteristics of ria ingested and the probability of illness. resistant and sensitive cholera strains in Bangladesh, While contamination of water due to poor sani- secondary infection rates were higher and the tation is largely responsible for transmission, this duration of illness was longer in patients infected does not explain the seasonality of cholera. For ex- with resistant strains (Khan et al., 1986). There were ample, the sanitation in rural Bangladesh is con- no adverse clinical complications in patients treated sistently inadequate, yet cholera is highly seasonal. with inappropriate antibiotics, but among patients If lack of sanitation were the only factor, the dis- treated with , those infected with tetra- ease should occur year-round, whereas its incidence cycline-resistant strains had more severe, longer- varies predictably during the year, suggesting a lasting diarrhoea than those infected with sensitive major role of the seasons and the environment in strains (WHO, 1980). its transmission pattern. V. cholerae is known to In addition to the human health impact of drug persist for years in aquatic reservoirs such as shell- resistance, the loss of effective first-line drugs fish and , and the ecological changes carries a significant economic cost. Before wide- associated with these reservoirs may explain the spread resistance developed to tetracycline and seasonality of the disease, the initiation of outbreaks, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ), and the emergence of apparently new strains. Eco- these were inexpensive, widely available, effective logical reservoirs of cholera and their contribution drugs for treating cholera. In some countries of the to the epidemiology of the disease require further developing world, V. cholerae isolates are now study. sensitive only to expensive drugs such as fluoro- quinolones, which are unavailable to local health Spectrum of illness centres. Without effective antibiotics, the length The disease is characterized by a short incubation of hospitalization and of rehydration treatment for period (8 to 72 hours) followed by acute watery severe cases (and the associated cost) is more than diarrhoea, often associated with , muscle doubled. The cost of the illness, in terms of treat- , and complications related to severe dehy- ing the patient, lost wages for patient and family


members, and salaries of health care personnel can has since spread throughout Asia and Africa, and be substantial. While the concept that antibiotics in 1991 to Latin America. The spread to Peru and are not life saving may thus be true for the individual other Latin American countries was noteworthy patient, it is not true in the real world, where sup- because they had previously been free of cholera plies of rehydration fluid may be limited and for over 100 years. Additionally, an endemic focus healthcare personnel may not be sufficiently skilled. of cholera persists in the Gulf of Mexico area of the The severe and prolonged fluid losses that charac- United States, apparently related to a marine reser- terize cholera challenge the ability of caregivers to voir of V. cholerae. Transmission to humans from provide the correct rehydration fluids. Addition- this reservoir occurs via contaminated seafood. In ally, the increased resources needed to manage epi- 1992, a new stain of serotype O139 was recognized demics may exhaust clinical supplies, resulting in in Bangladesh and India, and it has spread to other shortages and inadequate treatment for many countries in Asia. It is thought that it may eventu- patients. ally spread beyond Asia and become the eighth pandemic strain. Disease incidence and trends Prior to 1977, there were no reports of wide- spread, clinically significant resistance in cholera, In areas with endemic cholera, such as the Ganges although there were sporadic reports of plasmid- delta, cases appear regularly during predictable mediated resistance to tetracycline from several parts cholera seasons. The highest attack rates occur in of the world. Strains with transferable, multiple children who lack acquired immunity to the drug resistance were first isolated in 1964-1965 in organism. In contrast, epidemic cholera occurs in the Philippines (Kobari, Takakura & Nakatomi, areas where populations have little or no previous 1970; Kuwahara et al., 1967). Multiply drug- exposure, and infection rates are more evenly dis- resistant strains of cholerae O1 were isolated in the tributed across age groups, although adult males United Republic of Tanzania (Mhalu, Muari & are often preferentially affected. Ijumba, 1979) and Bangladesh (Glass et al., 1980). Historically, cholera is believed to have origi- Although in both cases resistance was mediated by nated in the Ganges delta region. Although it may conjugative plasmids, the resistance patterns dif- have occurred in other parts of the world starting fered. As the local epidemic subsided over time in in ancient times, from 1817 until recent years chol- Bangladesh, the resistant strains were replaced by era has spread from the Ganges delta to other con- sensitive strains. It has been hypothesized that wide- tinents in successive waves termed spread prophylactic tetracycline use in Tanzania and (Pollitzer, 1959). However, the current seventh its availability over-the-counter in Bangladesh pandemic, involving V. cholerae O1 biotype El Tor, generated the selective pressure for these multiply began in 1961 in Sulawesi (Celebes), and resistant stains. Since the late 1970s, strains of V. cholerae O1 isolated from various locales (India, Bangladesh, East Africa, Thailand, Latin America) FIGURE 1. PREVALENCE (%) RESISTANT V. CHOLERAE 01 ISOLATES, ICDDR, B: , 1992–1996 have shown plasmid-encoded high-level resistance to tetracycline, ampicillin, kanamycin, streptomy- 100 cin, sulfonamides, TMP and gentamicin. Such multiply antibiotic-resistant V. cholerae have been 80 given the acronym MARV. With the exception of data from several surveil- lance centres in Bangladesh and India, data on 60 resistance rates in cholera are limited to cross-sec- tional studies performed during large epidemics.

% Resistant 40 Resistance patterns for both O1 and O139 sero- types vary greatly depending on region, antibiotic 20 use pattern, and point in time. In fact, the appear- ance of O139 was recognized, in part, by the change 0 in the sensitivity pattern of the prevalent V. cholerae TET TMP-SMX FUR from tetracycline-resistant, to tetracycline-sensitive. Longitudinal surveillance studies at the Interna- 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 tional Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research,


Bangladesh (ICDDR,B) reveal that susceptibility FIGURE 2. PREVALENCE (%) RESISTANT V. CHOLERAE 0139 ISOLATES, ICDDR, B: DHAKA, 1993–1996 patterns fluctuate from year to year (see Figures 1 and 2). In some regions, resistance has emerged 100 quickly to each new antibiotic used as the drug of choice for treating diarrhoeal disease. In Calcutta, resistance to TMP-SMZ quickly emerged over the 80 course of a year during which it was heavily used; this was followed by an explosion of resistance to 60 nalidixic acid (NA) when it became the first-line drug (Jesudason & Saaya, 1997). In several instances,

% Resistant 40 such as in Bangladesh in 1979, rates of resistance to certain antibiotics rapidly increased concomi- tant with their use, but then declined without any 20 change in antibiotic use patterns (Glass et al., 1983[1]). Currently, we lack an understanding of 0 why such resistant strains should appear and then TET TMP-SMX FUR rapidly disappear while the antibiotics are still being intensively used. However, these phenom- 1993 1994 1995 1996 ena suggest that there is an extensive pool of resist- ance genes and that strains with various resistance selective advantage and may continue to reappear profiles will continue to appear, disappear, and and disappear on their own time”. Dramatic reappear. One must also keep in mind the limited increases in resistance to both tetracycline and reliability of published data describing such events; TMP-SMZ were noted over the course of 1991 and they may not accurately reflect resistance rates in a 1992, rising from 2% to 90% for tetracycline and region since there is a publication bias towards from 18% to 90% for TMP-SMZ (Khan et al., 1995). observations of high resistance rates. With these In another survey, tetracycline resistance among El limitations in mind, the available data on resist- Tor strains rapidly increased from 1.9% in 1990 to ance rates are presented by region. 7.6% in 1991, 61.1% in 1992, and 85.4% in 1993. As of 1994, all isolates in Dhaka were still sensitive Regional resistance trends to , NA, pivmecillinam and the newer quinolones, although more than 90% of isolates Bangladesh. Since the mid-1960s, the ICDDR,B were resistant to tetracycline, ampicillin, and TMP- has maintained surveillance of cholera at its field SMZ (Bennish, 1994). stations in Matlab and Dhaka. Prior to 1979, no O139, a novel variant of cholera that was sensi- resistant strains were found. In 1979, strains of tive to tetracycline, erupted in Bangladesh and In- V. cholerae O1 resistant to tetracycline, ampicillin, dia in 1993 and has since spread to Thailand, kanamycin, streptomycin and TMP-SMZ were Pakistan, and eight other South-East Asian nations. isolated (Glass et al., 1980). The abrupt emergence Fortunately, it has not spread beyond Asia. O139 of suggested that an R- strains from Bangladesh were found to be highly plasmid was involved. Evaluation of 10 isolates resistant to streptomycin and TMP-SMZ (although revealed 3 distinct R-plasmids of the C incompat- subsequently some isolates have been sensitive), ibility group mediating the resistance (Threlfall, moderately resistant to and fura- Rowe & Huq, 1980). The strains disappeared after zolidone, and susceptible to , cephems, 5 months, without major changes in antibiotic use penems, , and the newer fluoro- patterns (WHO, 1980). Two years later, in August quinolones (Yamamoto et al., 1995). In a prospec- 1981, a different MARV strain (ampicillin, kan- tive study in Dhaka and Matlab comparing O1 and amycin, sulfonamides, tetracycline and gentamicin) O139 strains, researchers found all O139 isolates caused a small outbreak in Dhaka that quickly sub- to be sensitive to ciprofloxacin, all but one strain sided (Threlfall & Rowe, 1982). Glass et al., sensitive to erythromycin and , and 1983[1]) hypothesized that “the appearance and most (95% of O1 and 97% of O139) resistant to rapid disappearance of the strain in the second TMP-SMZ. However, the resistance patterns of O1 outbreak confirms the laboratory finding that, isolates seemed to fluctuate from year to year. without antibiotic pressure, these strains have no Researchers attributed this fluctuation to the


instability of plasmids in V. cholerae (Sack et al., These findings are evidence for substantial mobil- 1997). ity of genetic elements in V. cholerae (Mukho- India. TMP-SMZ had been widely used in India padhyay et al., 1995). Continued surveillance since it became available there in 1974. Subse- revealed the resurgence of O139 in August 1996 quently, resistance emerged in a variety of patho- in Calcutta, but with resistance patterns different gens, including Salmonella typhimurium in 1987 from the O139 strains from 1993. Unlike the 1993 and Shigella spp. in 1988. Plasmid-mediated resist- strains, the strains isolated in 1996 were sensitive ance to TMP-SMZ in V. cholerae appeared in Vellore to TMP-SMZ, chloramphenicol and in the summer of 1987. A rapid increase in resist- but were more frequently resistant to tetracycline ance was documented, rising from 4.5% in July (25%), ampicillin (100%), and gentamicin (10%) 1987 to 18.5% in August/September and 81.5% (Mitra et al., 1996). The more recent O139 isolates by October 1987 (Jesudason & John, 1990). With were found to have acquired an extra rrn (ribos- resistance to TMP-SMZ, NA became the drug of omal RNA) operon, demonstrating that rapid choice for the empiric treatment of gastroenteritis genomic changes are occurring in O139 strains (when laboratory facilities were unavailable). How- (Khetawat et al., 1999). Resistance patterns of non- ever, V. cholerae O1 strains resistant to NA appeared O1, non-O139 serogroups isolated from patients abruptly in 1994, and have since increased in in Calcutta during 1993–1995 were very different number in southern India (Mukhopadhyay et al., from those of O1 and O139 strains, and included 1996). resistance to norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin Along with fluctuations in antibiotic resistance, (Mukhopadhyay et al., 1996). Trends towards serogroup fluctuation has been well documented fluoroquinolone resistance have also been noted in in India. Epidemic V. cholerae O139 sensitive to patients hospitalized with acute diarrhoea in Cal- tetracycline replaced the endemic strain of O1 in cutta; a steady decrease in the size of the inhibition Calcutta between January and June of 1993. O1 zones for norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin has been reappeared in July 1993 and has subsequently pre- noted since 1996 (Mukhopadhyay et al., 1998). dominated in this endemic area. There was marked Africa. El Tor cholera appeared in Africa in the variability in susceptibility patterns in O1 strains early 1970s and rapidly spread to more than 30 both before and after the epidemic of O139, countries on that continent. Since then, acute although a higher proportion of MARV strains have watery diarrhoea caused by V. cholerae O1 has become been reported since the appearance of O139, with endemic in the region, with seasonal outbreaks. A increasing resistance to TMP-SMZ, , dramatic increase occurred in 1998, with 29 coun- and NA (Mukhopadhyay et al., 1996) (see Figure 3). tries reporting cholera (WHO, 1999). Transmis- The appearance of resistance to NA has been linked sion of cholera has been linked to the migration of to its widespread use in treating multiply resistant refugee populations, food- and waterborne outbreaks, S. dysenteriae type 1 in Calcutta (Sen et al., 1988). and cultural practices such as the preparation of





% Resistant 40


0 Tetracycline TMP-SMZ Furazolidone Ampicillin Chloramphenicol Nalidixic Acid Streptomycin

El Tor–1992 El Tor–1993 El Tor–1994 El Tor–1996 0139–1993 1039–1996



Kenya Sudan Rwanda Un. Rep. of Tanzania Somalia

Tetracycline 0–20% 0–20% 100% 100% 10–35%

Chloramphenicol 15–>90% 30% 100% 100% 15–>90%

TMP–SMZ 15–>90% 20% 100% 100% 15–>90%

Nalidixic Acid <5% <20% <5% <20% <5%

Erythromycin <20% <5% <5% <20% <20%

Ampicillin ~100% ~80% ~100% ~100% ~100%

Furazolidone ~100% ~25% ~100% ~100% ~100% bodies for burial. Surveillance during 1994–1996 was resistant to tetracycline, doxycycline, TMP- revealed the resistance patterns shown in Table 1 SMZ, ampicillin, and NA, but sensitive to furazo- (Materu et al., 1997). lidone, erythromycin, and ciprofloxacin (Goma An eight-year surveillance study in Somalia pro- Epidemiology Group, 1995). The high case-fatality vided information about strains isolated before, rate early in the outbreak was attributed to inad- during and after a 1985 epidemic that occurred in equate use of (ORT), in- an area bordering Ethiopia. Both tetracycline and appropriate use of IV fluids, and insufficient TMP-SMZ were used to treat patients and their experience of the health care workers. In addition, contacts, and TMP-SMZ was also used in mass several treatment centres prescribed tetracycline or prophylaxis to control the epidemic at an early stage. doxycycline, which were not indicated given the Widespread use of these drugs may have influenced sensitivity patterns in the region (Siddique et al., the emergence and spread of two resistant strains. 1995). The neighbouring country of Tanzania re- However, despite continued use of these antibiot- ported 100% resistance to tetracycline, ampicillin ics, the prevalence of resistant strains began to and chloramphenicol (Materu et al., 1997), sug- decrease in early 1996 outbreaks. There is evidence gesting that awareness of the prevalent antibiotic that the decline in resistance over time was due to resistance patterns could have been used to predict displacement of the resistant strain by susceptible the need for alternative antibiotics. strains rather than to loss of R-plasmids. Research- Latin America. In January 1991, epidemic chol- ers found no evidence for an evolutionary link era emerged in Peru and rapidly spread to other between strains having two distinct R-plasmids, Latin American nations (but, surprisingly, not to suggesting rather that “V. cholerae O1 may acquire the Caribbean Island nations). From 1991 to 1994 not only a resistance (R) plasmid locally, but also there were over 1 million cases of cholera and different R-plasmids in independent events very 10 000 deaths. The source of the original outbreak near in space and in time” (Coppo et al., 1995). in Peru remains unclear, but it was likely imported After a 14-year hiatus, epidemic cholera hit from Asia by way of ship’s ballast and/or travellers. Burundi in 1992. Transmission was linked to bath- Molecular characterization studies have failed to ing in and drinking contaminated water from the find precisely the same strain in other parts of the Great Rift Valley lakes. Most of the O1 isolates were world (Wachsmuth et al., 1993). Case-control stud- resistant to chloramphenicol, doxycycline, TMP- ies linked transmission of cholera to waterborne SMZ, tetracycline, and ampicillin, and two isolates mechanisms, food contamination (street vendors, were resistant to NA (Birmingham et al., 1997). leftover rice, unwashed vegetables) and seafood (un- The events of July 1994 in Rwanda led to one cooked and cooked crab) (Tauxe, Mintz & of the most noteworthy cholera outbreaks of this Quick, 1995). decade. Hundreds of thousands of refugees from Although the original isolates in Peru were sensi- Rwanda had fled to neighbouring Zaire. A cholera tive, MARV strains appeared in Guayaquil, Ecuador outbreak began on 20 July and peaked at 6000 cases later in 1991. A proportion of 36% of isolates from on 26 July. The diarrhoeal disease case-fatality rate stool samples were resistant to multiple antibiot- reached 22% at its peak, with about 40,000 people ics, including chloramphenicol, doxycycline, kan- dying of cholera. The epidemic strain of O1 El Tor amycin, streptomycin, sulfonamides, tetracycline


and TMP-SMZ (Weber et al., 1994). There was V. cholerae is due to exchange of genetic informa- no clear cause of MARV emergence, but it may tion among bacterial strains via plasmids and have been due to prophylactic use of antibiotics in transposons. Laboratory experiments have shown this region. The recommendation was for adult fam- that such exchange of bacterial genetic material can ily members of patients to receive 500 mg tetracy- take place by conjugation, transduction or trans- cline every 4 hrs for 5 days and pregnant women and formation (Ogg, Shrestha & Poudayl, 1978). In children to receive erythromycin or TMP-SMZ clinical settings, plasmid-mediated transfer has (Weber et al., 1994). Additional environmental accounted for the emergence and dissemination of pressure may have come from the use in the area of resistance genes in cholera. antimicrobials to control other bacteria in hatch- Most plasmids isolated from V. cholerae O1 are ing shrimp, since fish, shellfish, and conch were cryptic, but some encode antibiotic resistance de- implicated as vehicles of transmission. MARV terminants (R-factors). These R-plasmids are large strains of V. cholerae were also reported in Argen- (110-170 kb), self-transmissible, and usually of the tina and Honduras (Rossi et al., 1993; Dubon et C incompatibility group. In the 1970s it was al., 1997). reported that, in the laboratory, R-plasmids were United States and . Most cholera cases unstable in V. cholerae and were easily eliminated reported in the United States in the last four decades in drug-free conditions (Yokoto et al., 1972). A have been contracted during foreign travel. While, similar observation had been made earlier by in 1992, 97% of imported strains were sensitive to Kuwahara et al. (1963) after in vitro transmission all antimicrobial agents tested, resistance increased of plasmids from Shigella spp. to V. cholerae. How- in 1993 and 1994, with the majority of isolates ever, stability of certain R-plasmids was reported some being resistant at least to sulfonamides, streptomy- years later (Rahal, Gerbaud & Bouanchaud, 1978). cin and furazolidone. Since 1973, an endemic focus V. cholerae O1 R-plasmids have been found that of V. cholerae O1 has emerged and caused sporadic carry genes encoding resistance to ampicillin, chlo- cases in states bordering the Gulf of Mexico. These ramphenicol, gentamicin, kanamycin, spectino- domestically acquired cases have remained suscep- mycin, streptomycin, sulfonamides, tetracycline tible to all antimicrobial agents tested (Mahon et and TMP, with up to seven resistance determinants al., 1996). Europe has had outbreaks of MARV on a single plasmid (Threlfall, Rowe & Huq, 1980). cholera, with reports in southern Italy and Albania It is thought that most of these genes were acquired in 1994 of strains resistant to TMP-SMZ, from Enterobacteriaceae. Plasmids of the C incom- chloramphenicol, tetracycline, doxycycline and patibility group are found in a wide variety of bac- streptomycin (Maggi, Carbonara & Santantonio, terial genera, including Pseudomonas, Proteus, 1996). Klebsiella, and Serratia. Bacteria may acquire resistance genes from other species of the normal Causes of resistance intestinal flora under the selective pressure of anti- microbial use. V. cholerae R-plasmids have been The emergence and maintenance of drug resistance shown to carry resistance determinants (e.g. for in cholera is governed by a complex series of bio- ampicillin and TMP) that are common in enteric logical, environmental, and behavioural factors. bacteria (Young & Amyes, 1986). When Rahal, Transposons, plasmids, mobile cassettes and Gerbaud & Bouanchaud (1978) examined the integrons mediate the rapid and broad dissemina- transferability and maintenance of plasmids, they tion of genetic information across species lines. found that although plasmids of most incompat- Thus, we cannot look simply at resistance within ibility groups could be transferred from E. coli to the V. cholerae species, but rather consideration must V. cholerae, only those of groups C and J were main- be given to the relationship of vibrios with the en- tained. vironment and with other bacterial species in the In recent years, light has been shed on the im- environment. portant role that transposons play in resistance. It has been found that the resistance of El Tor strains to TMP, spectinomycin, streptomycin and the Microbiological mechanisms of resistance. vibriostatic agent 0/129 is due to a transposon in- Although antimicrobial resistance can result from serted into the chromosome (Goldstein, Gerbaud the accumulation of chromosomal point , & Courvalin, 1986). This was demonstrated by the vast majority of clinically relevant resistance in transferring the resistance determinants to a trans-


missible plasmid and then into the chromosome of Osornio & Ceron, 1996). There is, in fact, evidence E. coli. In V. cholerae O139 strains, resistance de- for the local acquisition of R-plasmids by V. cholerae. terminants for SMZ, TMP and streptomycin are Most V. cholerae resistance plasmids are transfer- carried on a 62-kb self-transmissible, chromo- able to E. coli in vitro (Rahal, Gerbaud & Bouan- somally integrating genetic element that is similar chaud, 1978) and these plasmids can be transferred to conjugative transposons found in Bacteroides back into V. cholerae from laboratory strains of E. (Waldor, Tschape & Mekalanos, 1996). In the same coli (Finch et al., 1988). E. coli and V. cholerae with study, it was found that El Tor O1 strains that re- identical resistance plasmids have been isolated from emerged after the O139 strain had declined had the same patient (Haider & Huq, 1986). Studies similar self-transmissible transposons carrying in Bangladesh demonstrated that family contacts resistance genes, suggesting that these elements are of individuals infected with MARV were more likely widely disseminated in Vibrio spp. and confer some than controls to have other multiply antibiotic- selective advantage to the bacteria. resistant bacteria, carrying the identical resistance plasmid, in their intestinal flora (Glass et al., Environmental determinants of resistance 1983[1]). To summarize, there is evidence supporting the Because V. cholerae can readily exchange genetic in- hypothesis that resistance genes in V. cholerae can formation among strains and with other bacterial be acquired locally from enteric flora such as E. species, controlling the emergence of resistance re- coli. If this is the case, antibiotic use for any pur- quires an understanding of the source of R-plasmids. pose (other diarrhoeal disease, respiratory illness, The gut and other environments (soil, sewage, etc.) STD control) will affect the reservoir of resistance contain a variety of organisms that cannot be cul- genes in E. coli that are potentially transferable to tured. This makes it impossible to precisely track V. cholerae should an outbreak occur. the transfer and dissemination of resistance genes There has also been increasing interest in the in nature. Although not definitive, most available data role that non-O1, non-O139 serogroups may play suggest that other enteric bacteria, such as E. coli and in the shifting dynamics of V. cholerae and its non-O1, non-O139 V. cholerae serogroups in the en- resistance patterns. On the basis of gene sequence vironment have been the intermediate hosts. variation analysis, Karaolis, Lan & Reeves (1995) Resistance genes are common and plentiful in suggested that the last two cholera pandemics were normal bacteria in the environment, such as E. coli. likely caused by independent clones that emerged Some of these genes may have first appeared mil- from environmental, nontoxigenic, non-O1 lions of years ago. Since E. coli spend time cycling V. cholerae. Because there is a high rate of genetic through animals, humans, sewage, water and soil, exchange among different Vibrio strains in the one can hypothesize that E. coli may have acquired environment, non-O1, non-O139 strains may be resistance genes that evolved to provide protection important reservoirs of resistance elements. This is against antibiotics produced naturally by soil bac- especially important since non-O1, non-O139 strains teria. In the antibiotic era there is environmental are increasingly resistant to ciprofloxacin and other selective pressure for the development of resistance. fluoroquinolones, the only widely used drugs to which A longitudinal community-based survey of children V. cholerae O1 remain universally sensitive. from urban Mexico found persistent (13 weeks) faecal shedding of ampicillin-, tetracycline-, and Behavioural and economic factors in resistance TMP-SMZ-resistant E. coli in the majority of the cohort of healthy children, as well as some chil- Because selection for resistance is thought to be a dren that shed E. coli resistant to chloramphenicol, function of total antibiotic pressure in an area, drug gentamicin, nitrofurantoin, and norfloxacin. The use pattern is an important factor. In most devel- fact that the three most commonly used antibiot- oping countries there is uncontrolled use of inex- ics in this Mexican community are ampicillin, pensive broad-spectrum antibiotics. There is often TMP-SMZ and tetracycline suggests that overuse inappropriate prescribing by clinicians, or misuse of these drugs for common illnesses exerts a selec- by unskilled health workers or by traditional heal- tive pressure on the normal bowel flora, which then ers. A majority of the public may purchase antibi- become an important reservoir of resistance genes otics, without a prescription, from local pharmacies, that can potentially be transferred to pathogenic as well as from street vendors or drug stalls. Be- organisms such as V. cholerae (Calva, Sifuentes- cause the unofficial retailers are not guided by any


regulatory criteria for rational antibiotic use, there period of lost wages). Inexpensive, effective antibi- is considerable inappropriate self-medication otics are very cost-effective as adjunct therapy in (Okeke, Lamikanra & Edelman, 1999). severe cases, since they reduce the hospital stay and As a public health measure, antibiotics are often decrease the volume of intravenous fluids and ORS prescribed on a large scale for prophylaxis during needed for rehydration. While antibiotics rapidly epidemics. This is controversial since, under such eradicate organisms from the stool, they probably intense selective pressure, the benefit to individu- have minimal impact on the dynamics of cholera als is usually offset by the rapid emergence of re- transmission in the community, as there are envi- sistance. Experiences with mass prophylaxis in three ronmental reservoirs and because a large propor- different epidemic situations are described below. tion of asymptomatic, or only mildly ill, infected individuals, who would not normally receive anti- 1. United Republic of Tanzania. When mass tetra- biotics, shed vibrios. cycline prophylaxis of close contacts was used Tetracycline traditionally has been the antibi- for cholera control in 1977, widespread multi- otic of choice (adult dose 500 mg every 6 hours for ple drug resistance appeared within six months. 48 to 72 hours; children’s dose 50 mg/kg/day in 4 During the first month of the epidemic, all iso- divided doses for 2–3 days), but resistance to this drug lates were sensitive to tetracycline, but after 5 is widespread. Many authorities, such as WHO, now months of extensive tetracycline use for therapy recommend doxycycline as the first-line drug, since and prophylaxis (1788 kg used by the Ministry a single 300 mg dose is effective for adults (Alam et of Health [MOH]), 76% of the isolates were al., 1990; Sack et al., 1978) and guarantees compli- resistant to tetracycline and 52% to chloram- ance without the need for follow-up, a significant phenicol (Mhalu, Muari & Ijumba, 1979). logistical advantage. Strains that are sensitive to 2. Cameroon. Mass prophylaxis with sulfadoxine tetracycline are also sensitive to doxycycline, so there (fanasil) was used during a large outbreak in is no need to test specifically for doxycycline resist- 1983. Multiply drug-resistant strains (sulfa- ance. In fact, in vitro susceptibility to doxycycline may doxine, tetracycline, chloramphenicol and TMP- not correlate well with its in vivo activity, owing to SMZ) were isolated in 1984–1985 (Garrigue et the variable expression of inducible tetracycline re- al., 1986). sistance determinants (Khan et al., 1996). 3. Kenya. Mass tetracycline prophylaxis campaigns TMP-SMZ is recommended as the first-line were carried out from 1981 to 1988. Strains re- drug for children and furazolidone (100 mg) for sistant to tetracycline, ampicillin and TMP-SMZ pregnant women. Other effective drugs include were isolated in 1982 (Ichinose et al., 1986). ciprofloxacin, erythromycin and chloramphenicol. Resistance was found to be mediated by a single Sulfadoxine (fanasil), single dose, has also been used, plasmid that differed from the plasmids found but resistance is increasing in Africa and the drug in other regions (United Republic of Tanzania, may have serious side-effects (Stevens-Johnson syn- Nigeria, Bangladesh) (Finch et al., 1988). Stud- drome). ies of isolates from 1982 to1985 have demon- In a study in Bangladesh, erythromycin and strated the persistence of the resistant strain. The ciprofloxacin were both shown to be effective al- fact that distinct plasmids persist in different ternatives for the treatment of MARV strains. It geographical areas suggests that resistance was suggested that NA and pivmecillinam should plasmids are acquired locally as a result of local be reserved for the treatment of shigellosis, since antibiotic pressure (Finch et al., 1988). they did not have significant efficacy in sympto- matic cholera (Khan et al., 1995). Treatment choices and development of resistance Short- vs. long-course therapy The primary treatment for patients with cholera is rehydration with oral or intravenous fluids. Anti- A three-day course of tetracycline has been the biotics are given to decrease the volume of purging antibiotic regimen of choice for cholera although, and the duration of diarrhoea, and thus to decrease as discussed above, doxycycline has some advan- the cost of treatment (Lindenbaum, Greenough & tages. In a randomized double-blind study at Islam, 1967) by sparing limited supplies and per- ICDDR,B, single-dose ciprofloxacin (1 g) was ef- sonnel, shortening hospital stays and returning the fective in treating both V. cholerae O1 and O139 patient to normal function sooner (i.e. shorter and was more effective than single-dose doxycy-


cline (Khan et al., 1996). Single-dose regimens are average, at least one household member in five less effective in achieving culture-negativity of the becomes ill after the first case has appeared” (WHO, stool (Islam, 1987). However, in cholera, antibiot- 1992[2]). However, cholera outbreaks frequently ics are used to accelerate the clinical improvement occur quickly and in regions where such epidemi- of the individual patient, not to control the spread ologically based decision-making is impractical. of cholera, a purpose for which they are not effec- The only situation in which prophylaxis seems tive. For this reason, the evaluation of antibiotic warranted is during an epidemic of tetracycline- regimens should be based on clinical improvement sensitive cholera, when a single dose of doxycycline of patients (decreased duration and volume of purg- can be given to immediate household members (e.g. ing) rather than on eradication of vibrios from the those who share the same kitchen) within a two- stool. day period after the case is diagnosed. Situations in Some clinicians are of the opinion that single- which this can be accomplished are extremely rare, dose or short-course regimens will increase resist- and attempts to follow this procedure frequently ance. More research is needed to thoroughly lead to wide-scale antibiotic use and abuse. evaluate this. However, data for V. cholerae suggest Mass antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended that resistance does not develop in an individual because it has not been shown to be effective and patient but rather that there are shifting populations because it contributes to the emergence of resist- of sensitive and resistant strains that are affected by ant strains. Additionally, there are problems such overall antibiotic use. For these reasons, single-dose as delays in beginning prophylaxis, the fact that its or short-course regimens which are clinically effec- effects last for a short time, non-compliance, and tive (e.g. doxycycline or ciprofloxacin) are preferred the occurrence of side-effects (especially with to longer course (3–5 day) regimens which are more sulfonamides) (Hernborg, 1985). It is very diffi- likely to upset the enteric bacterial ecology of the cult to selectively treat high-risk contacts without patient and to favour resistant over sensitive strains. dispensing large amounts of antibiotics in the com- Additionally, the lower cost and ease of adminis- munity; this generates selective pressure for resist- tration of short-course therapy outweigh the risk ant strains, and thus the possibility of being unable of slower eradication of vibrios from the stool. to effectively treat severe cases of disease. It is important to realize that “prophylactic” an- The question of prophylaxis tibiotic administration does not actually prevent infection. Rather, in the case of cholera, prophy- During epidemics, there is often pressure to pro- laxis is intended to kill the bacteria at an early stage vide prophylactic antibiotics to household contacts of infection; i.e. it is assumed that a large percent- of cholera patients, or even to entire communities. age of the contacts are already infected and are in- Early studies showed that tetracycline or doxycy- cubating the disease. Thus, these are not “secondary cline could prevent secondary cases and reduce cases” infected by contact with the index case, but vibrio excretion in household contacts (Gupta et are rather “co-primary cases” who have not yet al., 1978; Joint ICMR-GWB-WHO Cholera Study exhibited symptoms. Finding and treating them Group, 1971). McCormack et al. (1968) described rapidly, appropriately and specifically is not practi- the efficacy of 5 days of tetracycline prophylaxis in cal in most cases. reducing secondary infection within the families of cholera patients. Khan (1982) later demonstrated Potential vaccines that two 250 mg doses of tetracycline (short-course therapy) decreased the number of severe cases of Injectable vaccines for cholera have been used since diarrhoea and the hospitalization rate among con- the late 1800s, but with little lasting benefit. The tacts during a cholera epidemic in Dhaka. Treat- currently available killed injectable vaccine is not ment of close contacts has been considered more recommended, since studies in the 1960s showed appropriate than mass chemoprophylaxis, since 10– it to be only 60% effective for a period of 4–6 25% of household contacts may become vibrio months (WHO, 1996). The recent availability of excretors as compared with less than 1% of com- improved oral cholera vaccines, such as the recom- munity contacts. However, transmission rates are binant oral B subunit killed whole-cell (rBS-WC) highly dependent on the local situation. WHO rec- vaccine and the live attenuated CVD 103-HgR ommends that “selective chemoprophylaxis be con- vaccine has led to renewed interest in the use of sidered only when surveillance has shown that, on vaccines during cholera epidemics.


A recent analysis of results in sub-Saharan refu- to be made based on antibiograms of locally gee camps showed that mass vaccination could be representative strains. cost-effective in controlling cholera if the price of 5. If most strains are resistant to all recommended the vaccine was sufficiently low (Naficy et al., 1998). antibiotics, then treatment must be based on This study did not consider the potential role that rehydration alone, and plans must be made to a vaccine might play in preventing the occurrence manage the most severe and refractory cases. of antibiotic-resistant infections. A vaccine that is Occasionally, ciprofloxacin is the only clinically effective in lowering the total number of cases will effective antibiotic. An analysis of cost-effec- also lower the number of resistant infections and tiveness should guide the choice of this antibi- could thus represent an effective intervention meas- otic, but in most areas it will be cost-effective. ure to control antibiotic resistance in cholera. Ciprofloxacin should be used in a single-dose Additional research is necessary to define the role regimen. of vaccines as preventive measures in endemic regions such as the Ganges delta. 6. Antibiotic pressure leads to the development of resistant V. cholerae; thus, inappropriate an- Recommendations tibiotic use for any illness can lead to resistant cholera. Antibiotics should be carefully targeted 1. Antibiotics that are known to be clinically ef- to those conditions that truly warrant their use. fective, and to which the bacteria are suscepti- 7. Antibiotics should not be used to prevent chol- ble in vitro, are appropriate and cost-effective era, except in certain very unusual circum- in the treatment of patients with moderate or stances. severe cholera. In epidemics, antibiotics are likely to be life saving, providing better treat- 8. The use of antibiotics in agriculture should be ment to more patients. limited to the treatment of individual animals; they should not be added to feed to promote 2. If the predominant cholera strain is known to the growth of animals and should not be added be resistant to an antibiotic, that antibiotic to environmental for fish or seafood should not be used, as it would not be effica- farming. In particular, the use of tetracycline cious and is potentially harmful. Antibiotics and fluoroquinolones in agriculture should be that are not clinically effective for treating chol- controlled. era (e.g. cephalosporins or gentamicin) should not be used even if in vitro tests show the strain 9. MOHs, nongovernmental organizations to be sensitive. (NGOs) and others should base their antibi- otic use and procurement policies on data from 3. A surveillance system is needed to collect a rep- established surveillance systems. Policies and resentative sample of strains, determine sensi- procurement procedures need to be sufficiently tivity patterns in a region, and continually flexible to adapt to changes in antibiotic sus- monitor changes in sensitivity patterns. Sus- ceptibility patterns. ceptibility testing should be carried out in an established laboratory with stringent quality 10. Information on antibiotic sensitivity generated control (QC) standards. Strains with unusual by surveillance systems should be readily avail- susceptibility patterns should be sent to refer- able in the form of hotlines, web pages, bulle- ence laboratories for confirmation. The results tins, etc., so that it can be easily consulted by of surveillance should be used to guide antibi- those responsible for drug policy and procure- otic treatment of patients with suspected chol- ment decisions. era. It is neither practical nor wise to base the 11. Ongoing epidemics, as well as expected chol- choice of antibiotic on the sensitivity pattern era seasons, need to be posted in the same sites, in the individual patient, since antibiotics must since the number, timing and severity of the be given early in treatment if they are to be cases affect the urgency with which the health effective. care system must prepare to treat patients with 4. If most strains are tetracycline-sensitive, then cholera. A geographical information system single-dose doxycycline is the preferred treat- (GIS) format may be useful for reporting ment. If the predominant strains are resistant seasonal occurrences and antibiotic suscepti- to tetracycline, then alternative choices need bility patterns.


12. Cost-effectiveness analyses for alternative an- areas with high and low antibiotic use. The tibiotics must consider the total cost of illness utilization of antibiotics in agriculture and and not simply the cost of the antibiotic. Over- aquaculture appears to be another impor- all costs include the price of the drug per tant issue requiring investigation. patient treated (not per tablet), hospital time, 2.2 Studies are needed to document the reap- nursing care, lost wages, etc. pearance of sensitive cholera strains, follow- 13. Cholera control programmes that successfully ing epidemics caused by resistant strains, in limit the number of cases will also limit the order to identify parameters that correlate number of antibiotic-resistant infections. with this phenomenon. Similarly, in areas Improved water, sanitation, and hygiene pro- where sensitive strains have not reappeared, grammes, as well as the use of oral vaccines, explanations should be sought. all help to decrease disease incidence and anti- 2.3 Surrogate parameters that correlate with re- biotic resistance, especially in high-incidence sistance in V. cholerae should be sought. It areas. seems that V. cholerae follow the sensitivity 14. Representative strains having multiple anti- patterns of Enterobacteriacae, so it is possi- biotic resistance should be characterized in ble that surveillance of resistance patterns molecular biology laboratories in order to in normal E. coli will predict the patterns in better understand the mechanisms. V. cholerae. 2.4 Antibiotic susceptibility trends of environ- Research priorities mental non-O1, non-O139 V. cholerae need to be monitored in order to determine whether 1. Epidemiological surveillance and communica- these will be predictive of patterns in O1 V. tion of findings cholerae and whether resistance genes are ex- 1.1 Establishment of a simple and inexpensive changed among the different serotypes. surveillance system for monitoring cholera 3. Studies of constraints on appropriate antibiotic use incidence and antibiotic resistance patterns. One of the systems in use at the ICDDR,B 3.1 Case reports related to inappropriate antibi- may be adapted for other geographical otic policy should be studied to help us locations. Any new surveillance system understand why inappropriate antibiotics should be field-tested in two or three chol- were recommended or used. era endemic areas. 3.2 The influence of non-medical factors (e.g. 1.2 The utility of rapid diagnostic tests (e.g. procurement methods, pharmaceutical sales Smart Test or coagglutination tests) in sur- methods, storage and distribution problems) veillance should be studied. Such tests, if on the choice of antibiotics and on essential used appropriately, could help identify those drug programmes should be determined. specimens that should be sent to the cen- 4. Intervention studies tral laboratory for further testing. 4.1 The impact on resistance trends of control- 1.3 Centralized or regional resource centres for ling antibiotic use should be quantitated and cholera epidemiology and susceptibility test- analysed in terms of lives saved and cost ing need to be established so that MOHs reduction. and NGOs can have access to current infor- 4.2 The impact of water and hygiene interven- mation about resistance patterns. A resource centre should field-test its communications tions on the incidence of antibiotic-resist- methods in order to optimize their effec- ant cholera should be determined. tiveness. 4.3 The impact of effective cholera vaccines on the incidence of antibiotic-resistant cholera 2. Factors affecting antibiotic resistance should be studied. 2.1 Studies are needed to document the effect 5. Basic studies of antibiotic resistance of inappropriate antibiotic use on cholera sensitivity patterns, for example comparing 5.1 The molecular mechanisms of antibiotic the susceptibility patterns of geographical resistance need to be determined and the


different genes responsible for resistance Conclusion catalogued. V. cholerae can become multiply antibiotic-resist- 5.2 The molecular mechanisms of transmission ant via the acquisition of plasmids. Multiply resist- of resistance genes (plasmids, transposons, ant strains have repeatedly caused epidemics. phages, etc.) need to be studied in order to Antibiotic resistance patterns change from time to better understand how transmission occurs time and place to place, requiring continual sur- and to which other bacterial species. veillance in order to provide optimal treatment. Susceptible strains sometimes reappear when anti- 5.3 A better understanding of receptor mecha- biotic pressure is lifted, suggesting that cholera may nisms for transmissible genes is required in be one disease in which we might expect relatively order to comprehend the range of bacterial rapid reversion to sensitivity if antibiotic use is con- species that contribute to resistance in trolled. V. cholerae. Because epidemics due to antibiotic-resistant strains remain a threat, effective antibiotics are needed to reduce costs and treatment time, shorten the duration of illness, and save lives.


Review of Shigella spp.

Introduction term has become synonymous with all clinical pres- Like Campylobacter spp. and V. cholerae, Shigella entations of shigellosis, although these presentations spp. have managed to survive the antibiotic era via range from asymptomatic carriage to mild, watery ingenious mechanisms of resistance. Unlike diarrhoea diarrhoea to overt dysentery (Levine et al., 1973; due to C. jejuni, shigellosis may occur in epidemic Levine, 1991). form, causing considerable morbidity and mortal- Dysentery is a syndrome characterized by frequent, ity in developing nations. Shigellosis is primarily a but small volume, loose stools, consisting largely disease of resource-poor, crowded communities that of blood and . Fever, pain, and tenesmus do not have adequate sanitation or safe water, and (unproductive straining) are frequently present. where disease rates may be high. Because shigellae Unlike secretory diarrhoeas, this syndrome is a re- have acquired multiple antimicrobial resistances, sult of invasion of the distal small bowel and/or the challenge for clinical management is identify- colon by bacteria. Because is not as ing which drugs retain their activity and clinical severe as in secretory diarrhoeas, oral rehydration effectiveness. In the United States, the Centers for therapy does not significantly reduce the case- Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have rec- fatality rates for shigellosis (Keusch & Bennish, ommended that sensitivity testing be performed to 1989; Bennish et al., 1990[2]). guide selection of appropriate antimicrobial therapy Community data on shigellosis are incomplete, for shigellosis (CDC, 1987). However, testing but most hospital-based studies suggest that the requires several days to complete, resulting in treat- case-fatality rate is highest among children less than ment delay, and is generally not feasible in developing 5 years of age, particularly if there is . countries. Because antimicrobial susceptibility pat- In epidemic situations a mortality rate as high as terns of shigellae may vary greatly in different geo- 3.9% in children under age 1 and 19.3% for infants graphical areas and over time, monitoring resistance under 4 months of age has been reported. The case- patterns is needed to guide selection of appropri- fatality rate declines with increasing age (Bennish ate empiric treatment (Jesudason, Lalitha & Koshi, et al., 1990[2]; Bennish, 1991). An unusual find- 1985; Munshi et al., 1987; Ashkenazi et al., 1995). ing from recent studies of epidemic shigellosis in Central Africa was high mortality rates in young adults. This region also has high HIV rates, so an Organisms and syndrome interaction between the two infections is possible, Shigella belongs to the family Enterobacteriacae. It but has not yet been studied. The most common is a small, unencapsulated, non-motile Gram- acute complications, particularly in settings with negative rod. There are four species of Shigella, clas- limited health care services, include sepsis (caused sified on the basis of biochemical and serological by Shigella or other enteric organisms), intestinal differences: S. dysenteriae (Group A), S. flexneri perforation, toxic megacolon, dehydration, hypo- (Group B), S. boydii (Group C), and S. sonnei natraemia, encephalopathy, haemolytic-uraemic (Group D). The first three are further divided into syndrome, and pneumonia. Shigellosis may also be multiple serotypes; thus, the genus contains a large followed by persistent dysentery, -losing number of different pathogens. S. dysenteriae sero- enteropathy, and rapidly worsening malnutrition. type 1 (also known as the Shiga bacillus) deserves Because shigellosis often occurs in settings where special note because it is more likely to produce treatment for some of the complications is not avail- severe disease, to spread in epidemics, to be par- able, reducing mortality from this disease hinges ticularly antibiotic-resistant, and to produce Shiga upon its prevention (Bennish, 1991). toxin. Because organisms of the genus Shigella are the most common cause of , this


Geographical distribution Diagnosis and resistance detection Shigella is highly adapted to man, with humans and The physical of shigellosis in- primates in captivity being the only known natural clude abdominal cramps, fever and chills, malaise, hosts. The minimal infective dose is less than 200 diarrhoea and/or dysentery, and abdominal tender- cells, facilitating transmission in areas where there ness. Examination of the rectal mucosa shows it to are crowding, poor sanitation and poor hygiene be inflamed and friable, with ulcers present in (Levine, 1991; DuPont et al., 1989). In endemic severe cases. Blood and mucus in the stool are areas of the developing world, shigellosis is predomi- frequent manifestations of shigellosis, and abun- nantly a paediatric disease, with the urban poor dant faecal leukocytes are generally noted on ex- being hardest hit. In developed countries it occurs amination due to the inflammatory and invasive more commonly where there is overcrowding or poor characteristics of the organism. Diagnosis is con- sanitation (e.g. in institutionalized individuals, firmed by culturing a stool specimen, although the children in day-care centres, prisoners, military organism may also be cultured from blood in some recruits and residents of Native American reserva- cases. tions) (Keusch & Bennish, 1998; Keusch, 1998; Media that inhibit the growth of Gram-positive Pickering, Bartlett & Woodward, 1986; Rosenberg bacteria, such as MacConkey, Shigella-Salmonella et al., 1976). Although these groups have higher (SS) agar, or xylose-lysine-deoxycholate (XLD), are rates of disease than the population at large, necessary for isolation of Shigella from clinical speci- foodborne infection frequently occurs among in- mens. After overnight incubation at 37 °C shigel- dividuals who are not in high-risk groups. lae appear as pale, lactose-non-fermenting colonies Shigella transmission is by the faecal-oral route, and on MacConkey agar and as pink colonies on XLD may be via food or water, as well as by person-to- medium (Shears, 1996). The identity of suspect person spread. Contaminated hands often contami- colonies can then be confirmed using standard nate food that is then served to others; hand washing methods, including agglutination with species- decreases rates of transmission. In some regions, specific antiserum. disease rates increase somewhat during the mon- Shigellae remain viable for a limited time out- soon season, perhaps due to increased faecal con- side the human body; therefore, stool specimens tamination of drinking-water (Hossain, Albert & should be processed within a few hours after col- Hasan, 1990). There is also evidence that flies, par- lection (Shears, 1996; Levine, 1991). If this is not ticularly Musca domestica, the common , possible, buffered glycerol saline or Cary-Blair may serve as vectors for the transmission of shigel- medium can be used as a transport medium. losis owing to the low inoculum needed to cause Delayed detection of shigellosis epidemics has oc- disease (Watt & Lindsay, 1948; Levine & Levine, curred in the past as a result of poor transport con- 1991). ditions or inadequate laboratory facilities. Because The geographical distribution and the patho- of this fragility during transport, more rapid and genicity of the four species of Shigella are different; sensitive techniques for detecting Shigella have been the reasons for this are still unclear (Keusch & developed. These methods utilize gene probes or Bennish, 1998; Keusch, 1998). S. flexneri is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers directed most commonly isolated species in the developing towards genes such as the invasion plas- world and the most frequent cause of morbidity mid locus (ipl) or that encoding the IpaH antigen and mortality. S. dysenteriae infections also occur . Although more sensitive than the in less developed countries, often in epidemics, with conventional diagnostic methods, these techniques periodic pandemic outbreaks. In industrialized require a sophisticated laboratory and are not widely countries (i.e. those with good water and sanita- used in clinical laboratories (Keusch & Bennish, tion) the predominant species is S. sonnei. In gen- 1998; Keusch, 1998). eral, the illness caused by S. sonnei is less severe, Antimicrobial susceptibility testing most often but individual cases of infection with any of the uses the disc diffusion (Kirby-Bauer) method due Shigella species can be severe (Acheson & Keusch, to its simplicity and to the possibility of testing a 1995). Infection with Shigella protects against sub- series of antimicrobial agents in one experiment sequent infection with the same serotype; however, (Bauer et al., 1966; Williams, 1990; Shears, 1996). because there are multiple serotypes, individuals The agar and broth dilution methods are also widely may become infected several times. used. In these assays the medium contains fixed antibiotic concentrations, and a standard inoculum


of bacteria is used (Ackerman & Dello Bueno, of Shigella spp. and may be responsible for many 1996). Several newer methods are also available, of the systemic symptoms of shigellosis, such as including the epsilometer strip method (E-test), in fever, malaise, and body aches. S. dysenteriae type 1 which a plastic strip is impregnated with a series of produces a potent protein cytotoxin known as Shiga antibiotic concentrations. Once the strip is placed toxin. Studies in primate models and human vol- on agar, diffusion creates a concentration gradient. unteers have demonstrated that Shiga toxin is not Lines printed on the plastic strip permit accurate needed to cause disease, although toxin-producing determination of the minimum inhibitory concen- strains are more pathogenic than toxin-negative tration (MIC) (Ackermann & Dello Buono, 1996; type 1 strains (Fontaine, Arondel & Sansonetti, Brown & Brown, 1991; Olsson-Liljequist, 1992). 1988; Levine et al., 1973; Keusch & Bennish, 1998; The E-test is comparable to other methods for de- Keusch, 1998). Shiga toxin has a subunit structure termining the MICs of antibiotics for a variety of consisting of functional (A) and binding (B) pathogens, especially multi-resistant Gram-negative subunits. The B subunit mediates binding to a bacilli, including Shigella species (Huang et al., specific cellular receptor known as glycolipid Gb3 1992; Kruse et al., 1992). However, it has several (globotriaosylceramide) (Jacewicz et al., 1986; drawbacks, the most important of which is its high Acheson, Donohue-Rolfe & Keusch, 1991). Bind- cost (Huang et al., 1992). ing is followed by receptor-mediated endocytosis of the toxin. Once in the cytoplasm, the A subunit Pathogenesis catalyses hydrolysis of the 28S RNA of the 60S ribosomal subunit, resulting in irreversible block- Several features of Shigella contribute to its inva- ade of protein synthesis and cell death (Acheson & siveness and pathogenicity. The bacteria are able to Keusch, 1995; Keusch & Bennish, 1998; Keusch, invade enterocytes in colonic and rectal epithelia 1998). Shiga toxin appears to mediate the haemo- and to lyse intracellular phagocytic vacuoles, thus lytic-uraemic syndrome and thrombotic thrombo- escaping into the cytoplasm where they multiply cytopoenic purpura, which are also associated with and then invade adjacent cells (Shears, 1996; infection by serotypes of E. coli that produce Keusch & Bennish, 1998; Keusch, 1998; Bernar- homologous toxins, but not toxin-negative strains dini et al., 1989). The ability to invade epithelial (Acheson & Keusch, 1995; Hofmann, 1993; cells is associated with the presence of large plasmids Keusch & Bennish, 1998; Keusch, 1998). The (120–140 Mdal) that encode outer membrane pro- mechanism of these pathogenic effects may involve teins such as invasion plasmid antigens or invasins binding of the toxin to endothelial cells, leading to (Ipa). Strains lacking this plasmid are avirulent microangiopathic haemolysis and glomerular (Sansonetti, Kopecko & Formal, 1982). The Ipa lesions (Keusch & Bennish, 1998; Keusch, 1998). are involved in recognition of epithelial cells and induce a signal transduction cascade. Actin is Therapy polymerized in the cell, resulting in a bacterium- directed endocytosis of the organism (Sansonetti As with other infectious diarrhoeal diseases, treat- & Phalipon, 1996; Keusch & Bennish, 1998; ment of shigellosis includes both rehydration and Keusch, 1998; Shears, 1996; Adam et al., 1995). antibiotics. Fluid losses in shigellosis are not as Intracellular movement is associated with IcsA, a dramatic as in the secretory diarrhoeas, and dehy- protein linked to the formation of an actin tail dration is not usually as significant a problem. It behind the bacterium. Organisms with mutant IcsA can usually be managed with oral rehydration are considerably less virulent (Sansonetti & therapy. Most controlled clinical trials of antimi- Phalipon, 1996; Keusch & Bennish, 1998; Keusch, crobial chemotherapy have demonstrated that ef- 1998). The ability of Shigella to colonize the epi- fective antibiotics shorten the duration of symptoms thelial layer protects the bacteria from exposure to and eradicate shigellae from the stool more quickly the extracellular environment. Intracellular growth (compared to placebo or to ineffective antibiotics) and multiplication ultimately result in the death of (Salam & Bennish, 1991). Therefore, adequate epithelial cells, with resultant ulceration and mu- treatment for shigellosis depends upon the avail- cosal inflammation (Keusch & Bennish, 1998; ability of effective antimicrobial agents. Keusch, 1998). A variety of antibiotics are effective for treat- In addition to the virulence factors discussed ment of shigellosis, although options are becom- above, endotoxins contribute to the pathogenicity ing limited due to globally emerging drug resistance.


Originally, both sulfonamides and tetracycline were an oral pro-drug that is rapidly hydrolyzed to effective, but Shigella strains rapidly developed re- mecillinam (Kabir et al., 1984). Resistance to this sistance to these agents. Ampicillin and TMP-SMZ antibiotic will likely occur if it is widely used, since were then used and continue to be effective in many the development of resistance during treatment has industrialized countries. Unfortunately, in many been reported. parts of the world strains of all species of Shigella Various antibiotics, as well as the optimal dura- have become resistant to these low-cost agents, and tion of therapy, have been carefully evaluated. Most neither can now be confidently used as empiric controlled studies have used 5 days of treatment, therapy for shigellosis (Tauxe et al., 1990; Haltalin although shorter courses of therapy have also been et al., 1967; Nelson et al., 1976; Chang et al., 1977; explored (Salam & Bennish, 1991). An early study DuPont & Steele, 1987; DuPont et al., 1987; by Gilman et al. (1981) demonstrated that single- Bennish & Salam, 1992; Bennish et al., 1992). dose ampicillin achieved rates of clinical cure com- One of the few remaining, relatively inexpen- parable to the standard 5-day course of treatment sive and effective drugs for shigellosis is the with ampicillin, although rates of bacteriological quinolone NA. In clinical trials, NA-treated groups cure were lower. A subsequent study demonstrated achieved rates of clinical cure (absence of fever and of that a single dose of norfloxacin was as effective as unformed stools by day 5 of treatment) and bacte- 5 days of TMP-SMZ therapy for outpatient treat- riological cure (absence of Shigella from the stool ment of mild shigellosis (Gotuzzo et al., 1989). An by day 3 of therapy) comparable to the rates in Israeli study comparing two and five days of individuals with ampicillin-sensitive infections ceftriaxone for the treatment of severe shigellosis treated with ampicillin (Salam & Bennish, 1988). demonstrated comparable clinical and bacteriologi- Unfortunately, resistance to NA is also common; cal cure rates (Eidlitz-Marcus et al., 1993). Addi- in regions where it was introduced to treat epidemic tional studies are needed to further evaluate various shigellosis due to Shiga bacillus, resistance developed regimens and their cost-effectiveness (Keusch & within six months (Munshi et al., 1987). Although Bennish, 1989). there is concern about the use of fluoroquinolones in There is not a complete correlation between in children, because they cause arthropathy in imma- vitro antibiotic susceptibility and clinical efficacy. ture animals, no evidence of arthropathy has been Although the infecting organism must be sensitive observed in children treated with NA (Corrado et to the antibiotic being used, several antibiotics that al., 1987; Salam & Bennish, 1988). For a life-threat- were active in vitro have been ineffective clinically, ening infection like shigellosis, where no other treat- including the first-generation cephalosporins and ment may be available, this potential side-effect is gentamicin. Using an ineffective antibiotic, that is considered to be a very small risk. Newer fluoro- one to which the organism is resistant or that is quinolones, such as norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin, clinically ineffective, may pose a risk. In addition are more active than NA, with more rapid eradica- to any potential systemic side-effects of the drug, it tion of organisms (including NA-resistant strains) may affect the normal intestinal flora. There is evi- from the stool. (Rogerie et al., 1986). These anti- dence that the normal flora compete with the biotics are more expensive, and emergence of re- infecting shigellae; thus, an ineffective antibiotic sistance even to these drugs is likely if they are widely may actually exacerbate the disease by selectively used; thus, there are few antibiotic options (Bennish promoting the shigellae. In a rabbit model of shigel- & Salam, 1992; Bennish et al, 1992; Rogerie et al., losis, animals must first be treated with tetracycline 1986; Munshi et al., 1987; Hoge et al., 1998). in order for orally administered tetracycline-resist- Clinical trials in Israel demonstrated that third- ant bacteria to cause illness. In this model, tetracy- generation cephalosporins, such as cefixime and cline apparently reduces the normal flora and ceftriaxone, have better rates of bacteriological and encourages the growth of the shigellae, resulting in clinical cure than ampicillin or TMP-SMZ and that a lethal infection. It is not known whether admin- they are safe for use in children (Ashkenazi et al., istering inappropriate antibiotics exacerbates infec- 1993; Varsano et al., 1991). However, in a Bangla- tion in humans, but case reports suggest that it may desh trial, Salam et al. (1995) failed to confirm the do so. Thus, giving an antibiotic “just in case the effectiveness of cefixime in shigellosis. The reason organism is sensitive” may be a dangerous strategy. for this disparity is unclear, but may involve the design of the clinical trials. Another agent that may be used in children and adults is pivmecillinam,


Drug resistance and trends the drug of choice for treatment of shigellosis Analyses of disease incidence and resistance trends (Haltalin et al., 1967). However, by the early 1970s for shigellosis have faced difficulties because many the prevalence of ampicillin resistance had mark- cases are asymptomatic or present with atypical fea- edly increased in the United States. In Washing- ton, DC it increased from 5% to 95% over the tures such as watery diarrhoea. Additionally, in period 1964 to 1971 (Ross, Controni & Khan, developing countries, laboratory services, appropri- 1972). Similar increases, with concomitant treat- ate transport of specimens, and access to health care ment failures, were seen elsewhere in the country services remain problematic (Keusch & Bennish, (Torrence, Owens & Cho, 1973; Lerman, Waller 1989; Keusch & Bennish, 1998; Keusch, 1998; Ries & Simms, 1973). Many of these strains were multi- et al., 1994). Data may be subject to bias, as informa- resistant (Ross, Controni & Khan, 1972). As a result, tion often comes from hospital-based surveillance the combination antimicrobial agent TMP-SMZ and therefore may reflect the more severe infections. became the drug of choice for treating shigellosis Similarly, the data from epidemics may not reflect (Lexomboon et al., 1972; Nelson et al., 1976; the situation during non-epidemic periods (Keusch Chang et al., 1977). Currently, TMP-SMZ is fre- & Bennish, 1989; Keusch & Bennish, 1998; quently used, but increasing resistance to this drug Keusch, 1998). The most comprehensive longitu- is being seen. A history of travel outside the United dinal data on drug resistance in Shigella are from States and Europe is an important predictor of an- the ICDDR,B. As considerable geographical vari- tibiotic resistance, reflecting the dramatic rise in ation exists, these data may not reflect the situa- antimicrobial resistance in developing countries tion in other countries (Keusch & Bennish, 1989; (Tauxe, et al., 1990; Heikkila et al., 1990; Gross et Keusch & Bennish, 1998; Keusch, 1998; Murray, al., 1984; Materu et al., 1997). Rensimer & DuPont, 1986). Antimicrobial resist- In November 1979 an epidemic of multiply ance patterns vary even within Bangladesh, for ex- drug-resistant S. dysenteriae type 1 began in north- ample between Matlab and Dhaka, which are only eastern Zaire and quickly spread to Rwanda, 30 miles apart (Sack et al., 1997). Clearly, addi- Burundi, and the United Republic of Tanzania. The tional community-based longitudinal studies, initial isolates were resistant to ampicillin, chloram- using standardized laboratory and diagnostic meth- phenicol and tetracycline, necessitating the use of ods, are needed to generate more meaningful TMP-SMZ in July 1981. By September 1981, resistance rates. strains resistant to TMP were increasingly isolated In the United States, sulfonamides were first used (Frost, Rowe & Vandepitte, 1982). In November to treat shigellosis in 1945 (Hardy, 1945), followed 1981, some regions introduced NA as first-line by tetracycline; both agents were widely used until therapy for shigellosis, which reduced the case- 1965. By 1967, due to high levels of resistance to fatality rate. Predictably, by April of 1982, the first sulfonamides and tetracycline, ampicillin became S. dysenteriae type 1 strains resistant to NA were




40 % Resistant isolates 20

0 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991

All S. dysenteriae Other Shigella species





40 % Resistant isolates 20

0 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991

All S. dysenteriae Other Shigella species

reported (Frost et al., 1985; Malengreau, 1984). Shigella isolates, and from 4% to 83% of By 1985, 31% of strains isolated in southern S. dysenteriae. Rwanda were resistant to NA (Mutwewingabo & Mets, 1987). Mechanisms of resistance At the ICDDR,B, Islam et al. (1995) specified several laboratory and clinical tests to be used to Having recognized that many strains of Shigella were identify patients who received ineffective therapy. multiply resistant to antimicrobials, Ochiai et al. Persistent fever (rectal temperature >37.8 °C), (1959) found that drug resistance could be trans- abdominal pain or tenderness on days 3 to 5 of ferred from Shigella to E. coli and vice versa by con- therapy, and continuing anorexia on days 3 to 5 jugation. In addition, it was noted that drug were significantly more frequent in these patients. resistance did not segregate during the transfer and In particular, continued fever, visible blood in the that there was no exchange of chromosomal DNA. stool, and an insignificant reduction of shigellae in This led to the initial descriptions of “resistance the stool were the best predictors of treatment failure. factors” or R-factors (Watanabe & Fukusawa, 1961; A simple, predictive laboratory test was a repeat Mitsuhashi, 1969). R-factors were also found to microscopic examination of the stool; patients with be transferable to other enteropathogens such as faecal leukocytes >50/high power field (HPF), Salmonella, either directly or indirectly via other erythrocytes >50/HPF, and macrophages >5/HPF enteric organisms such as E. coli (Watanabe & on day 5 of therapy were likely to have been inad- Fukusawa, 1961; Mitsuhashi, 1969). Transfer of equately treated. TMP-SMZ or ampicillin was used antimicrobial resistance was thus determined to be for empiric therapy at the ICDDR,B in the 1980s. mediated by mobile plasmids that encoded resist- If there was no clinical improvement by 48–72 ance and efficiently disseminated this information hours, NA was substituted (Bennish et al., 1985). (Tanaka, Hashimoto & Mitsuhashi, 1983). Since However, widespread NA resistance in S. dysenteriae the initial discovery of transmissible antibiotic re- type 1 occurred after NA replaced ampicillin as the sistance via R-plasmids in Shigella, similar plasmids drug of choice for shigellosis in 1986 (Bennish et have been described in other Gram-negative bacilli al., 1992[1,2]). (Datta et al., 1971; Datta, 1965; Anderson & Datta, The ampicillin and TMP-SMZ resistance rates 1965). Rapid acquisition of R-factors by Shigella in Shigella obtained from the ICDDR,B are shown spp. has been documented during epidemics; ini- in Figures 4 and 5. Ampicillin resistance increased tially sensitive organisms acquired R-factors medi- from 10% of all Shigella isolates in 1982 to 57% in ating resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents, 1991; the resistance rate for S. dysenteriae increased including TMP-SMZ and other sulfonamides, β- from 4% to 83% during the same period. For TMP- lactams, tetracycline, and streptomycin (Gangarosa SMZ, resistance increased from 1% to 56% of all et al., 1972; Olarte, Filloy & Galindo, 1976; Bremner,


1978; Chun et al., 1984; Kaliyugaperumal, Gupta & mechanism for SMZ resistance in Gram-negative Mohapatra, 1978; Adeleye, 1992). organisms is the acquisition of plasmids encoding TMP resistance in Enterobacteriaceae was first an altered DHPS with reduced affinity for SMZ. found to be mediated by R-factors in 1972 (Fleming, Fortunately, fewer variants of this enzyme have been Datta & Gruneberg, 1972). TMP is a diamino- identified than for DHFR (Hickey & Nelson, pyrimidine compound that exerts its antimicrobial 1997). Resistance to both TMP and SMZ implies effect by selectively inhibiting bacterial dihydro- resistance to the combination. Although the chance folate reductase (DHFR); this enzyme catalyzes the of a susceptible strain acquiring multiple resistances is reduction of dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate, a small, the probability is markedly increased when a cofactor required for the synthesis of nucleic acid reservoir of transmissible plasmids exists (Then, 1982). precursors. Although TMP resistance can be Once sulfonamide resistance became widespread chromosomally mediated, the most common in Shigella species, β-lactam antibiotics became the mechanism in Enterobacteriaceae, including Shig- drugs of choice. β-lactam antibiotics target peni- ella, is acquisition of an additional, plasmid- cillin-binding (PBPs), which carry out encoded, variant DHFR enzyme. The most com- enzymatic functions essential for cell-wall structure. mon of these is known as DHFR I (Heikkila et al., The binding of β-lactams to essential PBPs in 1990; Huovinen, 1987; Burchall, Elwell & Fling, susceptible species results in bactericidal activity 1982; Haider et al., 1990). Several plasmid-encoded (Georgopapadakou, 1993; Eliopoulos, 1988; Hickey DHFR variants have been characterized, all of & Nelson, 1997). Although resistance to β-lactams which have reduced affinity for TMP (Huovinen, may arise in Shigella as a result of mutations that 1987; Hickey & Nelson, 1997). These enzymes are reduce the affinity of PBPs for the antibiotics, the also produced at much higher levels than chromo- most common and most clinically significant somal DHFR, effectively overwhelming the native mechanism of resistance to this class of drugs in enzyme (Amyes, 1989). DHFR I is often associ- Gram-negative bacteria is the production of β- ated with transposons. Transposon 7 (Tn7), the first lactamases (Ghosh, Kar & Kundu, 1998). These to be described, can transpose efficiently and spe- enzymes hydrolyze the β-lactam ring, inactivating cifically into the E. coli chromosome. The ability the drug. Since the introduction of ampicillin in to transpose to this ubiquitous enteric organism 1962, β-lactamase genes have increasingly been may explain its rapid and widespread dissemina- found on bacterial plasmids, facilitating the rapid tion (Lichtenstein & Bremner, 1982; Fling & dissemination of resistance among bacterial species Richards, 1983). Tn7 also encodes resistance to (Anderson & Datta, 1965; Amyes, 1989). β- streptomycin and spectinomycin, and therefore lactamases are a diverse group of enzymes first rec- multi-drug resistance is common among isolates ognized in E. coli in 1940 and later evolving in resistant to TMP (Heikkila et al., 1990; Amyes & response to the development of new β-lactam anti- Towner, 1990). Tn7 can jump from plasmid to plas- biotics (Abraham & Chain, 1940; Eliopoulos, mid or onto the bacterial chromosome, leaving 1988; Hickey & Nelson, 1997). The genes may be behind antimicrobial resistance determinants even located on chromosomes, plasmids, or transposons after the plasmid it was initially carried by is spon- and may be constitutively expressed or inducible. taneously lost (Amyes & Towner, 1990; Barth et β-lactamases vary in their spectrum of activity al., 1976; Towner, Venning & Pinn, 1982). Further- against penicillins and cephalosporins, as well as in more, genetic material may also be transferred to their susceptibility to clavulanic acid inhibition species outside the Enterobacteriaceae family. In (Hickey & Nelson, 1997). In Europe, Asia, and 1984, high level TMP-resistant V. cholerae strains Africa the most common plasmid-encoded β- from an epidemic in the United Republic of Tan- lactamase in resistant Gram-negative bacteria, in- zania were shown to have acquired a 113-kb resist- cluding Shigella, is TEM-1 (Amyes, 1989; Schumacher ance plasmid that contained Tn7 encoding the same et al., 1992). This enzyme can hydrolyze a number of DHFR-I enzyme found in Shigella (Young & penicillins and cephalosporins and is easily transferred Amyes, 1986). to other members of the Enterobacteriaceae family as SMZ blocks another enzyme involved in folic well as to V. cholerae (Amyes, 1989; Threlfall, Rowe acid metabolism, dihydroopterate synthase & Huq, 1980). (DHPS). Synergy between SMZ and TMP is based Tetracycline resistance is common in many on their blocking sequential steps in this pathway. Gram-negative bacteria, including Shigella, the first Similarly to TMP resistance, the most common organism in which it was described. Although the


precise mechanism of action of the antibiotic is still cholerae and C. jejuni, selective pressure due to not well understood, tetracycline binds reversibly excessive use of antimicrobial agents, whether mis- to the 30S subunit of the bacterial ribosome, pre- use by health care providers (e.g. for childhood venting binding of aminoacyl-tRNA and inhibit- gastroenteritis or viral respiratory infections) ing protein synthesis (Roberts, 1996). Shigella was (Thamlikitkul, 1988; Okeke, Lamikanra & Edelman, also the first organism in which tetracycline resist- 1999; CDC, 1991; Guyon et al., 1994; Bojalil & ance determinants were linked to R-plasmids and Calva, 1994; Nizami, Khan & Bhutta, 1996; Paredes shown to be transferable to susceptible bacteria by et al., 1996; Hui et al., 1997; Reyes et al., 1997), or conjugation (Roberts, 1996). Genes carried on unrestricted access to them, are responsible for much transposons and/or plasmids encode transmem- of the resistance seen in Shigella (Okeke, Lamikanra brane proteins that export the drug by an energy- & Edelman, 1999; Haider, Malek & Albert, 1993). dependent process (Hickey & Nelson, 1997; Speer, In many developing countries antimicrobial Shoemaker & Salyers, 1992). agents are readily available without a prescription. Particularly in developing countries, fluoro- In Nagpur, India, despite prohibition by the quinolone-resistant Shigella is increasingly preva- Indian Pharmaceutical Act, self-prescribing of lent. Initially, low-level resistance to NA was seen. antimicrobials was common, primarily for minor Later, chromosomal mutations were discovered that respiratory infections and non-specific complaints conferred greater resistance (Turnidge, 1995). The such as fever, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain (Dua, mutations affect either DNA gyrase (bacterial Kunin & White, 1994). In another study, in rural topoisomerase II) or the uptake and accumulation Bangladesh, 95% of the drugs consumed by the of quinolones (Turnidge, 1995; Yamagishi et al., subjects were obtained from local pharmacies, with 1981; Sato et al., 1986; Hooper et al., 1986; Hirai physicians having prescribed only 8% (Hossain, et al., 1986). Although quinolone resistance is not Glass & Khan, 1982). In addition, antimicrobial mediated by transferable plasmids, the acquisition agents may be of poor quality, due to degradation, of certain plasmids can contribute to quinolone counterfeiting, or lack of bioequivalence in the case resistance by increasing the spontaneous of generic drugs. Use of such products results in rate (Ambler et al., 1993; Ashraf, Ahmed & Sack, sub-optimal serum concentrations, which promotes 1991). These plasmids encode gene products in- selection for resistance (Okeke, Lamikanra & volved in error-prone DNA repair responses, such Edelman, 1999). as the SOS response in E. coli, which is induced by An increasingly mobile population provides op- DNA damage. The organism’s DNA is repaired, portunities for the rapid spread of multi-resistant but with incorporation of a higher than normal organisms in regions where unrestricted antibiotic number of incorrect bases. Populations of bacteria use is common, particularly in settings where many harbouring such plasmids may have an evolution- individuals may asymptomatically harbour patho- ary advantage. gens such as Shigella (Bennish et al., 1985; Guerrero Many socioeconomic and behavioural factors et al., 1994; Calva, Sifuentes-Osornio & Ceron, contribute to increasing antimicrobial resistance. 1996). Overcrowding and improper sewage disposal Shigellosis is more prevalent in individuals of low promote the spread of resistant organisms among socioeconomic status and education level in devel- individuals and provide increased opportunities for oping countries, where there are frequently inad- genetic exchange among bacteria, facilitating the equate treatment and poor compliance (Haider, dissemination of antibiotic resistance determinants Malek & Albert, 1993; Okeke, Lamikanra & (Okeke, Lamikanra & Edelman, 1999). In many Edelman, 1999). In developing countries, healthy countries armed conflicts, corruption and misman- people commonly harbour resistant bacteria as part agement threaten the public health infrastructure, of their normal flora (Okeke, Lamikanra & Edel- favouring the spread of infections and of drug man, 1999; Calva, Sifuentes-Osornio & Ceron, resistance (Okeke, Lamikanra & Edelman, 1999). 1996) and this resistance can be transferred at low Lack of facilities and resources for susceptibility frequency, via plasmids and transposons, to Shig- testing and surveillance, particularly in developing ella (Tauxe, Cavanagh & Cohen, 1989; Platt, countries, results in inappropriate clinical decision- Chesham & Kristinsson, 1986; Bratoeva & John, making, inappropriate treatment, and thus antibi- 1994; Murray, Rensimer & DuPont, 1982; Levine otic resistance (Okeke, Lamikanra & Edelman, et al., 1983; Hickey & Nelson, 1997; Petrocheilou, 1999; Hughes & Tenover, 1997). In some cases, Grinsted & Richmond, 1976). As is the case for V. even when most strains are known to be resistant,


inappropriate antibiotics are used under the mis- ant strains. Much progress has been made apprehension that any antibiotic is better than towards an effective vaccine for shigellosis, none. Regular, continuous surveillance is required but none is yet available for public health since resistance rates, particularly in Shigella, vary use. Vaccine development should be encour- geographically and also over time within a single aged, as this will likely be the most effective country (Sack et al., 1997). When available, the way to achieve a significant reduction in results of accurate surveillance should be used to transmission. Even if we need five more guide policies for antibiotic use. years to develop a successful vaccine for S. flexneri and S. dysenteriae, this is still shorter Intervention strategies and than the time needed to achieve significant research needs improvements in water and sanitation sys- tems. However, vaccine development and 1. Programmes aimed at decreasing the total water/sanitation improvements should not number of infections. have to compete for attention or resources; 1.1 Resistant organisms thrive where rates of shig- both programmes need to proceed simulta- ellosis are highest; thus, programmes target- neously and be implemented appropriately. ing the overall rate of infection will also reduce Since current evidence suggests that vaccines the number of infections with resistant strains for shigellosis must be serotype-specific, and the spread of such strains. Shigellosis is priority must be given to those organisms primarily a disease of crowded communities that represent the principal public health that do not have adequate sanitation or safe problems, i.e. S. dysenteriae and S. flexneri. drinking-water. Therefore, the long-term strat- 1.4 Is interrupting transmission by patients fea- egy for control of this disease is still improve- sible? Antibiotic treatment of patients eradi- ment of water, sanitation, and socioeconomic cates the organism from the stool. However, status (Shears, 1996; Bennish et al., 1990[2]). this may not be an important factor since, Theoretically, these public health measures are in most instances, only a small proportion the most effective means of disease reduction, of infected patients actually receive antibi- but practical considerations have limited their otics. Individuals with asymptomatic or implementation. Development projects, such mild infections are responsible for most of as the WHO Water and Sanitation Decade, the faecal contamination, and treatment of are needed to improve the quality of water these individuals is both unrealistic and supplies and sanitation globally (Shears, 1996). unwise. Thus, treatment of patients should 1.2 Targeted interventions which have proved ef- be aimed at clinical cure rather than clear- fective in reducing Shigella infection include: ance of the organism. a) hand-washing programmes which make 2. Limiting treatment to only those patients who soap available and teach people how to use it really need the antibiotic. Because shigellosis is effectively; b) encouraging breast-feeding of often a self-limited illness, more research is infants and small children (Ahmed et al., needed to help identify those at greatest risk of 1992); c) latrine programmes to reduce envi- dying; newer antimicrobial agents should be re- ronmental contamination; and d) pro- served for treating those individuals (Ries et al., grammes to reduce the density of flies, which 1994). There is little information available con- can deposit infectious inocula of Shigella on cerning the optimal duration of treatment, food (Ahmed et al., 1992; Levine & Levine, appropriate target populations, or the cost- 1991; Acheson & Keusch, 1995; Watt & effectiveness of different therapeutic options. Lindsay, 1948). In a community-based trial Further research is needed in this area (Keusch in Bangladesh, Ahmed et al. (1992) demon- & Bennish, 1989). strated that breast-feeding protects children up 3. Limiting the duration of treatment. In those in- to 3 years of age against shigellosis, particu- stances when antibiotics are needed, short but larly against disease due to multi-resistant effective courses of treatment may be prudent. organisms. This would limit the environmental pressure for 1.3 An effective vaccine would prevent Shigella selection and dissemination of resistance genes infections due to either sensitive or resist- among bacterial populations (O’Brien, 1997).


4. Enforcement of appropriate antibiotic use Conclusion policies . Unfortunately, legislation has not always Shigellosis is the most difficult of the three enteric been effective in developing countries. In India, organisms being reviewed, in terms of steady trends for example, pharmacists continue to sell drugs towards multiple resistance. Once they have become without requiring a prescription, despite the fact resistant, epidemic and endemic strains of Shigella that they are forbidden to do so under the Indian have remained resistant; there have only been a few Pharmaceutical Act (Dua, Kunin & White, instances in which a sensitive strain has reappeared 1994). In addition, there is often overzealous in a region. Additionally, shigellosis is one of the promotion of antimicrobials by pharmaceutical diseases most difficult to prevent because only a companies; measures to prevent this unethical small number of bacteria are required to cause dis- practice should be implemented (Dua, Kunin ease. Thus, intensive water and sanitation pro- & White 1994; Couper, 1997). grammes and vaccine development would seem to 5. Education. Continuing education of health care be critical. It is not realistic to continue relying on providers and development of standard treat- the introduction of a new antibiotic every few years. ment guidelines for gastroenteritis and viral infections may reduce the inappropriate use of antibiotics, thus reducing the pressure that con- tributes to selection for resistance in Shigella (Couper, 1997).


Review of Campylobacter jejuni

Introduction Microbiology C. jejuni and related species are increasingly recog- Campylobacters are slim, Gram-negative, curved nized as important causative agents of enterocoli- rods. Located at one or both ends of the cell is a tis. Although relatively recently (1972) recognized polar , making the organism highly mo- as a significant human pathogen, C. jejuni is now tile. C. jejuni and C. coli are microaerophilic and the bacterial pathogen most commonly responsi- thermophilic, growing best at 42 °C and requiring ble for diarrhoeal illness in the United States (Blaser, oxygen concentrations of 3–15% and carbon 1997; Griffiths & Park, 1990). According to the dioxide concentrations of 3–5%. The thermophilic CDC, 46% of culture-proven bacterial gastro- characteristic is thought to be an adaptation to the enteritis in the United States in 1996 was due to environment of animal and bird intestines. Campylo- Campylobacter spp. Salmonella, Shigella and E. coli were bacter spp. have a small genome of 1.6–1.7 Mbp, less frequent causes of enteric disease (Altekreuse which may partially explain their complex nutri- et al., 1999). Campylobacter is also a common cause tional requirements in laboratory culture (Griffiths of endemic diarrhoeal illness worldwide, although & Park, 1990). Campylobacters use products of there are regional differences in the characteristics the Krebs cycle and amino acids for growth since of the illness and the population affected (Taylor, they are incapable of fermenting carbohydrates. C. 1992) The extent to which campylobacteriosis is jejuni can be distinguished from other species by responsible for travellers’ diarrhoea varies regionally; its ability to hydrolyze hippurate, benzoic acid and this appears to be more common in Asia. glycine. Extrachromosomal elements (plasmids) The bacteria now known as Campylobacter were have been found in Campylobacter spp. and encode first described in cattle and sheep, and were named antibiotic resistance (Bopp et al., 1985; Taylor et Vibrio foetus because they caused abortion. V. foetus al., 1981; Tenover & Elvrum, 1988; Prasad et al., was isolated from immunocompromised patients 1994; Tenover et al., 1985). as early as 1947, although its role in acute diar- rhoea was not recognized until 1972 (Dekeyser et Transmission al., 1972). Based upon cell wall and DNA differences from other members of the genus Vibrio, V. foetus Campylobacter spp. are part of the normal intesti- was reclassified in 1973 in the genus Campylobacter. nal flora of wild and domesticated animals and This genus comprises an increasing number of spe- birds. Of particular importance to humans is their cies, but C. jejuni and C. coli are responsible for colonization of animals used in food production the majority of cases of human enterocolitis; C. including poultry, cattle, sheep and swine (Blaser, jejuni accounts for 80–90% of enteric disease. 1997). Poultry comprise the most significant reser- Recent studies by the CDC found that in the voir worldwide; Campylobacter spp. can be isolated United States, 99% of cultured Campylobacter spp. from 30–100% of the birds in many domestic and were C. jejuni. (Tauxe, 1992). The incidence of in- wild avian species (Blaser & Reller, 1981). House- fection by C. upsaliensis, C. lari, C. foetus, and C. hold pets such as dogs, cats and birds are additional hyointestinalis is unknown, but these organisms animal reservoirs. Although excretion of Campylo- seem to be much less common (Ketley, 1997). bacter is not associated with symptoms in poultry, However, antibiotic-containing agar is used for diarrhoeal illnesses have been documented in mam- primary isolation; this may select for C. jejuni and malian pets and livestock, and this contributes to thus bias the frequency of isolation towards this the contamination of surface water. Post-slaughter species. processing does not reduce the extent of coloniza- tion of poultry and may, in fact, lead to cross- contamination of previously uncontaminated


carcasses. In one study in , the organism Curiously, the characteristics of the disease are was isolated from 48% of randomly cultured fresh different in different populations. In industrialized chickens (Hood, Pearson & Shahamat, 1988). countries, where infection is relatively rare, its mani- Freezing the carcass does not eradicate the bacte- festations are more severe; in developing countries, ria. of contaminated water, interaction infection is more common but symptoms are with colonized pets (especially puppies and kittens), milder. Patients in industrialized countries usually and consumption of unpasteurized milk or under- experience an inflammatory diarrhoea with severe cooked poultry or meat are all associated with human abdominal cramping and fever. Most (60%) stool disease (Blaser et al., 1978; Blaser & Reller, 1981; samples from symptomatic, culture-positive Blaser, 1997; Deming et al., 1987; Robinson, C. jejuni gastroenteritis episodes contain blood and 1981). Human-to-human transmission, while un- 78% of these have polymorphonuclear leukocytes common, has been documented via faecal expo- (Blaser et al., 1979). Campylobacter infections are sure, particularly from young, incontinent children seasonal, peaking in late summer and fall. Sporadic (Blaser, 1997). A history of foreign travel is illness and epidemic outbreaks associated with food- frequently documented in citizens of industrialized or waterborne exposures have been described, nations who contract Campylobacter enteritis. Al- suggesting a general lack of immunity in the popula- though enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) is generally tion. There is a bimodal age distribution, with one the most common pathogen in travellers’ diarrhoea, peak in children under the age of 1 year and the sec- Campylobacter species represented 17% of the ond peak in young adults between the ages of 15 pathogens isolated from travellers to Thailand and 34 (Blaser, 1997; Ketley, 1997). At present, (much lower percentages are found in travellers to rates of infection are rising, apparently linked to other countries) (Black, 1990). increased poultry consumption (Blaser, 1997; Deming et al., 1987). Spectrum of illness In contrast, Campylobacter infection appears to be hyperendemic and non-seasonal in developing Clinical illness ranges from mild, self-limiting, non- countries. The illness is characterized by watery, inflammatory diarrhoea to severe, inflammatory, non-inflammatory, relatively mild diarrhoea. Infec- bloody diarrhoea with high fever and bacteraemia. tion rates are typically highest during the first two In immunosuppressed patients, particularly those years of life and decrease with age (Taylor et al., 1988; with HIV, the diarrhoeal illness may be relapsing Blaser, 1997; Glass et al., 1983[2]). There is also or unremitting and may be accompanied by bacter- attenuation of the symptoms and reduction in aemia and extraintestinal illness (Tee et al., 1995; convalescent-phase bacterial excretion with increas- Tee & Mijch, 1998; Wang & Blaser, 1986). In an ing age. Convalescent excretion occurred for 14 ± analysis of 24 isolates from extraintestinal campylo- 2 days in Thai children less than 1 year of age and bacter illness, these appeared to be similar to those for 8 ± 2 days in children between the ages of 1 and that cause intestinal disease. However, 52% of 5 years (Taylor et al., 1988). These children experi- patients with extraintestinal disease had underly- enced reinfection with different Campylobacter ing immunosuppression (Blaser et al., 1986). serotypes at a rate of 15% per week, demonstrat- Although asymptomatic bacterial shedding has ing that the infection rate is high among children been documented, a chronic carrier state has not in developing nations. In Bangladesh, Glass et al. been described in immunocompetent individuals. (1983[2]) found that healthy control patients had (Blaser & Reller, 1981) The annual incidence of nearly the same frequency of Campylobacter infec- C. jejuni diarrhoeal infection was estimated by the tion as did patients presenting with diarrhoea. CDC to be 5–6 per 100 000 persons in the United Asymptomatic infection rates may therefore be States, although population-based studies suggest quite high in developing countries as compared to that it may be closer to 1000 per 100 000 (Blaser, industrialized nations (Glass et al., 1983[2]; Black, 1997). Due to the broad range of clinical symptoms 1988). and the specific laboratory media and techniques Although efforts have been made to character- required for culture, Campylobacter infections are ize strains isolated in different regions in order to thought to be underreported worldwide. The total account for the differences in the symptoms, there number of infections in the United States could be is little evidence to suggest that Campylobacter close to 2.4 million/year, with 120–360 deaths strains isolated in developing countries are differ- (Taylor, 1992). ent from those found in industrialized nations with


respect to virulence factors (Taylor et al., 1988; Asrat eradication of polio, it seems likely that some cases et al., 1997). Travellers to developing countries of acute paralysis that would previously have been develop an illness typical of their own country. Resi- diagnosed as polio will turn out to be GBS instead. dents of developing nations average more than five Thus, Campylobacter-associated GBS may be even infections with C. jejuni lifetime, as compared with more important in developing countries, even an average of none to one in developed countries though the diarrhoeal disease tends to be mild. It (Blaser, 1997). Therefore, the weight of the evidence seems likely that GBS will be recognized as an is that immunity accounts for the attenuation of “emerging disease,” even though these new cases symptoms with increasing age in developing coun- will probably represent disease that was previously tries. Consistent with this interpretation are stud- misdiagnosed. ies in Thailand and Bangladesh demonstrating that serum levels of C. jejuni cell surface-specific im- Pathogenicity munoglobulin A (IgA) rise with increasing age, implying acquisition of protective immunity with The after ingestion of C. jejuni specific mucosal IgA (Blaser et al., 1985; Blaser et is thought to average 24–72 hours, but periods of al., 1986; Blaser, Taylor & Echeverria, 1986). In ≥1 week have been documented. The precise in- each age group, and for each immunoglobulin sub- oculum is unknown, but as few as 800 organisms class (IgA, IgG, and IgM), serum antibody to C. have been shown to cause illness (Black, 1988). The jejuni was found in significantly greater amounts rate of illness increases with increasing numbers of than in Americans (Blaser et al, 1986; Blaser, Taylor organisms ingested. Fever, chills, headache, and & Echeverria, 1986). Thus, geographical differences myalgia may precede diarrhoea symptoms. Acute in the nature of campylobacteriosis appear to be abdominal pain coincides with diarrhoea and may related to acquired immunity in developing nations be severe enough to mimic appendicitis. The diar- (due to the hyperendemic nature of the disease) rhoea may be severe, with frequent bloody bowel rather than to strain differences. However, much movements, upwards of eight per day have been remains to be learned about the molecular biology reported. The symptoms generally peak by 24–48 of Campylobacter pathogenesis. hours and subside over a period of a week. Colono- There is strong evidence linking Campylobacter scopy may reveal friable mucosa with oedema and infection to the development of Guillain-Barré petechial haemorrhages consistent with a diffuse Syndrome (GBS). Following intestinal infection, colitis. Ileal and jejunal involvement have been some patients develop an acute peripheral neuropa- noted as well. thy, starting with ascending weakness or paralysis The molecular pathogenesis of C. jejuni infec- of the extremities and sometimes progressing to tions is multifactorial and complex, and seems to paralysis of the trunk and interference with breath- involve motility, adhesion, invasion, and toxin pro- ing. The mechanism of this is thought duction. Campylobacters have the unusual ability to be related to a , found on the surface to change from a thin, curved form to a spherical of certain strains of Campylobacter, which mimics or coccoid shape. Along with this structural change, a ganglioside present on nerve cells. This “molecu- they become non-culturable. This viable, non- lar mimicry” is thought to trigger an autoimmune culturable state (referred to as the VNC state) may response, leading to GBS (Moran, Appelmelk & be a dormant state induced by environmental stress Aspinall, 1996). Certain Penner serotypes (e.g. (Rollins & Colwell, 1986). It is not known if the O19) are more commonly associated with GBS, VNC form is transmissible to humans (Ketley, but other serotypes may also lead to its develop- 1997). ment (Aspinall, McDonald & Pang, 1994). The true Their cell shape and flagella give campylobacters virulence marker is not known. Rapid methods for motility in the viscous environment of the gut. The detecting Gm1 ganglioside on Campylobacter (Sack flagellum loci have been well characterized and et al., 1998) may help identify strains more likely mapped to adjacent genes, flaA and flab (Guerry et to induce GBS, but more work is needed to deter- al., 1991). Mutations in these genes affect the abil- mine whether Gm1 is actually the virulence marker. ity of C. jejuni to colonize the gut (Nachamkin et In the United States about 40% of GBS is asso- al., 1993), indicating that motility plays a role in ciated with a prior Campylobacter infection the pathogenesis of the organism. (Altekreuse et al., 1999). GBS has not been well The roles of adhesion and invasion are incom- studied in developing countries; however, with the pletely understood. Fimbriae have recently been


described, and non-fimbriated mutants produce cially for non-jejuni species that may be inhibited attenuated disease (Doig et al., 1996). The inflam- by the antibiotics used in standard isolation media. matory nature of many Campylobacter infections Enrichment broth is not normally used for faecal suggests that the bacteria invade cells, but there is samples; however, it may be used when isolating little in vivo evidence for this. C. jejuni from contaminated liquids such as sur- The role of toxin production in Campylobacter face water or milk (Griffiths & Park, 1990). Stand- pathogenesis is highly debated. Cholera-like tox- ard blood culture broth will recover Campylobacter ins (CLT) have been reported, and they may play a from blood specimens without the need for role in the enterotoxigenic, noninflammatory specific selection or enrichment. Techniques for the diarrhoea typical in the developing world. identification of species and the typing of strains Enterotoxins are secreted proteins that are able to of Campylobacter are described in standard micro- penetrate eukaryotic cells and trigger intracellular biology texts. cyclic AMP production, leading to ionic changes Additional experimental methods for character- that result in watery diarrhoea. There is immuno- izing strains may be useful for specialized purposes. logical cross-reactivity among CLT, cholera toxin The most common technique is serotyping, using (CT) and E. coli heat-labile toxin (LT) (Wassenaar, either the Penner or the Lior system. The Penner 1997). A study in Costa Rica linked the produc- system identifies a heat-stable somatic (O) antigen tion of CLT to non-inflammatory diarrhoeal symp- and the Lior system a heat-labile flagellar (H) anti- toms, but studies performed elsewhere have gen. Both systems can type over 90% of human produced inconsistent and conflicting data (Florin and animal Campylobacter spp. (Lior et al., 1982; & Antillon, 1992). Multiple cytotoxins, including Penner & Hennessy, 1980). cytolethal-distending toxin (CLDT), haemolytic The use of DNA probe analysis is limited by cytotoxins and Shiga-like toxins have also been complicated protocols, the need for specialized described in Campylobacter. Cytotoxins are proteins equipment, and the short shelf-life of reagents that kill eukaryotic cells; E. coli Shiga-like toxin is (Griffiths & Park, 1990). PCR fingerprinting meth- an example. Although, theoretically, these toxins ods using the gyrA and pflA genes hold promise for may play a role in the inflammatory type of diar- determining the relatedness of C. jejuni isolates and rhoea commonly seen, this is incompletely under- streamlining the tedious restriction fragment length stood (Ketley, 1997). While there have been polymorphism (RFLP) analyses and pulsed field gel significant advances in the molecular pathogenesis electrophoresis (PFGE) methods that are currently of C. jejuni, additional research is required to in use to characterize Campylobacter strains (Ragim- understand its ability to cause disease. beau et al., 1998). Thus, while a number of techniques are available to speciate and type Campylobacter, their Diagnosis and identification usefulness is limited by the technical requirements, and they must be performed by reference laborato- A confirmed diagnosis requires culture of the or- ries. ganism from faeces or blood. Faecal samples should If both acute and convalescent sera are available, arrive in the laboratory within a few hours after serodiagnosis of Campylobacter infection is possi- collection or, if a delay is likely, should be inocu- ble using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay lated into a transport medium (e.g. Cary-Blair (ELISA) with a glycine extract providing the anti- medium). In the laboratory, rich but selective me- gen (Blaser et al, 1986; Blaser, Taylor & Echeverria, dia (containing antibiotics to reduce the growth of 1986; Griffiths & Park, 1990). Antibody response other species), microaerophilic incubation condi- to C. jejuni antigens may include the production tions (typically, a GasPak jar conditioned with a of IgA, IgM or IgG. Testing only a convalescent tablet to lower the oxygen concentration), and an serum sample is not useful because an elevated titre elevated temperature (42 °C) are required. A vari- may reflect previous rather than current infection. ety of Campylobacter-specific media are produced commercially, including Skirrows medium, Therapy Butzler’s Medium, and Campy BAP media. A tech- nique for isolating Campylobacter spp. from faeces In immunocompetent individuals, Campylobacter using antibiotic-free media involves allowing the enterocolitis is generally self-limited, with mild to bacteria to migrate through a microporous filter. moderate symptoms, and antibiotic therapy is not This method appears to be more sensitive, espe- required for most patients. Supportive care with


oral rehydration is the preferred treatment. When Antimicrobial resistance antibiotics are used to treat severe or invasive ill- In the past, Campylobacter strains were rarely tested ness, the definition of cure, by convention, is relief for antibiotic sensitivity because this was technically of diarrhoea. Shedding of organisms may continue difficult, and because resistance was infrequently for 2–4 weeks or longer (median <3 weeks) (Blaser, encountered. Due to increasing antibiotic resist- 1997). Antibiotics have been shown to reduce the ance, susceptibility testing is becoming more excretion of Campylobacter; erythromycin reduces important. Susceptibility can be determined using its duration from 16.8 to 2 days (Pai et al., 1983) microdilution methods, agar dilution methods or and azithromycin eliminates excretion within 24 the E-test (Baker, 1992). Agar dilution and the hours (Kuschner et al., 1995). Whether antibiotics E-test give comparable results; broth microdilution actually reduce the duration of diarrhoeal symp- is inaccurate, particularly for tetracycline (Baker, toms is subject to debate. Pai et al. (1983) found 1992). The tests performed better when incuba- no change in the duration of diarrhoeal symptoms tion was at 42 °C for 16–18 hours. The need for when American children received erythromycin for microaerophilic and thermophilic conditions, and Campylobacter enteritis. Goodman et al. (1990) for including rigorous controls, limits the use of found that, in patients in , empirical cipro- these assays to a few laboratories where Campylo- floxacin treatment for diarrhoea reduced the dura- bacter testing is routinely performed. tion of symptoms from 3.4 days (with placebo) to Worldwide, a complex interplay of factors has 2.4 days. Others have found that antibiotic treat- created an environment fostering the rapid emer- ment reduced the duration of symptoms from an gence of resistance in C. jejuni (see Table 2). Re- average of 90 hours to 30 hours (DuPont et al., sistance to fluoroquinolones and has 1987). In severe cases, and in immunosuppressed rapidly reduced the efficacy of these drugs in many individuals (particularly those with HIV), relaps- parts of the world (Sanchez et al., 1994). Major ing or unremitting inflammatory diarrhoea requir- factors exerting selective pressure have included the ing antibiotic administration may develop. C. jejuni introduction of fluoroquinolones into veterinary bacteraemia occurs at rates in the order of 0.7% to medicine and the extensive and sometimes indis- 2% in immunocompetent hosts (Tee, Kaldor & criminate use of antimicrobials to treat a variety of Dwyer, 1986; Wang & Blaser, 1986). In contrast, conditions. Antibiotics have long been used as sup- 8.3% of 121 HIV-positive patients with Campylo- plements in animal feed, to promote growth and bacter enteritis became bacteremic and this was to prevent infections associated with the crowded associated with 33% mortality (Tee & Mijch, conditions in which mass-produced livestock are 1998). Thus, antibiotic administration should be raised. Nearly 45% of the 2.5 million kilograms of on a case-by-case basis, with antimicrobials reserved antibiotics consumed in the United States is used for serious infections. in animal feed (DuPont & Steele, 1987). This heavy C. jejuni is sensitive to several classes of anti- selective pressure leads to the carriage of resistant microbials. The drug of choice for Campylobacter organisms by livestock, and there is concern that enterocolitis is generally a macrolide. Erythromy- this leads to resistant infections in humans (Endtz cin has traditionally been the first-line therapy, et al., 1991). After the introduction of tetracycline- although newer macrolides such as azithromycin supplemented feed, tetracycline-resistant bacteria are quickly gaining popularity (Tee & Mijch, 1998; were found in the stools of 80% of farm personnel. Sanchez et al., 1994; Kuschner et al., 1995). Bac- Much lower rates (7%) were found in neighbours tericidal fluoroquinolones have become the drugs not exposed to these animals (Levy, FitzGerald & of choice for treating travellers’ diarrhoea and are Macone, 1976). More recently (1987), enrofloxacin, therefore used as first-line therapy of Campylobacter a fluoroquinolone, entered the animal husbandry infections contracted abroad. Tetracycline, doxy- market. cycline and TMP-SMZ have been used as second- Campylobacter infections are especially linked to line agents, although increasing resistance limits poultry. Enrofloxacin has been used in broiler chick- their use. Gentamicin, kanamycin, imipenem and ens, reproductive chickens and egg-laying hens to ampicillin-clavulanic acid are reserved for systemic, prevent enteritis and respiratory disease. Velazquez refractory illness. et al. (1995) has shown that antibiotic concentra- tions in poultry feed are high enough to select for NA resistance in vitro. Extensive studies in the Netherlands (Endtz et al., 1991) have documented



% resistant

Location Authora Year Tet Eryc Az Amp Amp- Clinda Chlor Nal Cipro clav acid

North America Canada Gaudreau & 1988 55.7 0 – ––––13.9 12.9 Gilbert Lachance et al. 1990 – – – 60 0 – – – – USA Bopp et al. 1984 42 0 – 16.1 – 0 6.5 – – Tenover et al. prior to 43 2 – – 0 – 0 – 0.003 1985 Europe North Sweden Sjogren, 1989 12.7 6.4 – 20.9 – 3.6 2.7 – 0.9 Lindblom & Kaijserb Norway Kapperud et al.c 1990 Imported 23.8 0 – 57.1 – – – – 0 Domestic 0 0 – 39.5 – – – – 0 Finland Rautelin, 1990 17 3 – –––––9 Renkonen & Kosunend South Spain Ruiz et al.c 1994 45 5.3 – 76 2.6 5 2.6 88 88 Velazquez 1993 44.3 – – 18.9 0 – – – 30.4 et al. c Sanchez et al. 1994 – 3.1 3.1 ––––56.8 49.5 Tajada et al. 1995 – – – 40 1 – – – – Asia Thailand Kuschner et al. 1993 – – 0 –––––50 N. Thailand Murphy et al. 1995 – – 31 –––––69 Thailand Hoge 1995 – – 7 –––––84 India Prasad et al.c 1994 6.7 2.2 – 22.2 – – – 4.4 4.4 (Province Li CC et al. 1988 95 10 – – – 10 – 79 52 of Taiwan)

a Unless otherwise noted, resistance breakpoints are those of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards for agar dilution methods: Eryc ≥8 µ/ml, Tet ≥16 µ/ml, Cipro/Nal. Acid ≥4 µ/ml, Amp ≥32 µ/ml. b Breakpoint for resistance as defined by Reference Group for Antibiotics in Sweden 1988-89 Eryc ≥8 µ/ml, Cipro ≥8 µ/ml, Doxy ≥4 µ/ml, Clinda ≥4 µ/ml, Amp ≥16 µ/ml, Chlor ≥16 µ/ml. c Resistance criteria not given. d Breakpoint for resistance as defined by Reference Group for Antibiotics in Sweden, March 1990: Eryc ≥8 µ/ml, Cipro ≥8 µ/ml, Doxy ≥4 µ/ml.

a significant rise in fluoroquinolone resistance (de- ciprofloxacin resistance in 1991 and 88% in 1994. fined as MIC ≥4 (µ/ml) in Campylobacter isolated In Quebec, Canada, resistance rose from 0% in from poultry and human stools, coinciding with 1983 to 12.6% in 1997 (Gaudreau & Gilbert, the introduction of norfloxacin and enrofloxacin, 1998), and in China (Province of Taiwan), 52% respectively into human and veterinary medicine. resistance has been reported (Li CC et al., 1998). In the period from 1982 to 1989, resistance in Campylobacter resistance is quite low in Scandina- Campylobacter isolates from poultry increased from via. This is thought to be due to strict regulation of 0 to 14%. During the same period, resistance in the use of antimicrobials in livestock (Kapperud et human isolates went from 0 to 11%. Increased re- al., 1992; Rautelin, Renkonen & Kosunen, 1991). sistance has also been seen in Spain; Sanchez et al., The few resistant isolates found in Sweden were (1994) documented an increase in rates of resist- mainly in travellers (particularly to Thailand) ance to ciprofloxacin from 8.6% in 1990 to 50.7% (Sjogren, Lindblom & Kaijser, 1997). in 1991. Over the same time period, resistance to In developing countries, the prevalence of norfloxacin rose from 10.8 to 52.3%; to ofloxacin fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter varies, and from 8.7 to 47.6%; and to NA from 17.4 to 57.7%. its relationship to use in agriculture is less certain. Other Spanish investigators have confirmed this In Thailand, ciprofloxacin resistance in C. jejuni phenomenon. Ruiz et al. (1998) reported 47.5% was reported to be as high as 84% in 1995 (Hoge


et al., 1998). In contrast, as of 1994, a low fre- Tetracyclines were once effective in the treatment quency of resistance was reported in India (4.4% of campylobacteriosis, but resistance has now rel- of human isolates and 0% of poultry specimens) egated this class of drug to second-line therapy. (Prasad et al., 1994). In humans, ciprofloxacin is Taylor et al. (1988) reported that Campylobacter frequently used to shorten episodes of travellers’ species caused 50% of the travellers’ diarrhoea in diarrhoea; however, the contribution of this use to United States military personnel in Thailand, who the overall antibiotic pressure in a given region were taking doxycycline as prophylaxis for malaria. would seem to be marginal. However, this use may Tetracycline resistance is also increasing in non- bias samples of isolates by selecting for resistant malarial regions of the world, with 55.7% resist- strains; this may have been the case in the Swedish ance (MIC ≥16 (µ/ml) in Quebec, Canada in 1997 study cited above. Nevertheless, all antibiotic use (Gaudreau & Gilbert, 1998). The resistance rate exerts selective pressure and contributes to the emer- in Spain is approximately 45% (Ruiz et al., 1998; gence of resistance; inappropriate use should be Velazquez et al., 1995). In 1996, Taiwanese inves- avoided. tigators, using the E-test, found 95% resistance in In summary, quinolone resistance is emerging isolates from human stool specimens (Li et al., globally in Campylobacter. The heavy antibiotic 1998). pressure, both from the veterinary arena and from Kanamycin, gentamicin, chloramphenicol and unregulated antibiotic use in humans, has severely various β-lactams are also active against C. jejuni. reduced the effectiveness of this class of anti- Recently, multi-drug resistance has been observed, microbials for the treatment of Campylobacter with case reports documenting the development of enteritis. resistance over the course of prolonged, unremit- Although the quinolones are frequently used, ting, HIV-associated enteritis. Tee et al. (1995) re- macrolides are the recommended first-line therapy ported on three HIV-infected patients in whom the for Campylobacter enterocolitis. Erythromycin con- bacteria progressively acquired resistance to the tinues to be active, with only low-level resistance antibiotics used during treatment (macrolides, reported. Although erythromycin does not provide quinolones, gentamicin and chloramphenicol). Al- empirical coverage for travellers’ diarrhoea, new though multi-drug resistance is still uncommon, macrolides such as azithromycin appear to be prom- when it does occur it poses problems in managing ising for this use, as they are active against E. coli, severe cases of campylobacteriosis. Salmonella spp., Shigella, and V. cholerae (Kuschner In summary, because of regional variations in et al., 1995). Not unexpectedly, azithromycin re- susceptibility and increasing resistance in Campylo- sistance (MIC ≥8 (µ/ml) has now been reported in bacter spp. the choice of antibiotic therapy requires Thailand, with up to 31% of Campylobacter iso- careful consideration. Empirical antimicrobial lates resistant in some areas (Murphy et al., 1996). therapy is not recommended; therapy should be Nevertheless, an evaluation of azithromycin for the reserved for patients with evidence of invasive ill- treatment of travellers’ diarrhoea in United States ness, such as unremitting or severe diarrhoea military personnel in Thailand noted no treatment accompanied by fever and the presence of failures with a three-day course of therapy. Addi- leukocytes and red blood cells in the faeces. tionally, clearance of Campylobacter occurred within Fluoroquinolones should be avoided as first-line 24 hours after a single dose of azithromycin, sug- therapy in much of Asia and Europe. Macrolides gesting that short-course therapy might be feasible appear to have maintained their activity and there- (Kuschner et al., 1995). Azithromycin is charac- fore remain the first-line therapy for culture-proven terized by a long half-life and high tissue levels, and campylobacteriosis throughout most of the world. it appears to adequately penetrate the intestinal Life-threatening illness, particularly in HIV-posi- mucosa. In Spain, susceptibility of Campylobacter tive patients, may require a different approach; in to macrolides has remained relatively stable, with vitro susceptibility testing should be used to guide approximately 2.6% resistance to erythromycin and therapeutic decisions in these cases. Ampicillin- azithromycin in l988 and 3.1% in 1992 (Sanchez et clavulanic acid, aminoglycosides and imipenem al., 1994). Resistance to erythromycin is also low in appear to be effective for systemic illness, although India (1.3% in 1994) (Prasad et al., 1994). No resist- treatment failures have been reported (Tee et al., ance has been reported in Quebec, Canada as of 1997 1995; Molina et al., 1995; Perlman et al., 1988; (Gaudreau & Gilbert, 1998) and in the United Tee & Mijch, 1998). States resistance is negligible (Tenover et al., 1985).


Mechanisms of resistance development dependent system. Charvalos et al. (1996) found There are various mechanisms by which Campylo- evidence that efflux pumps represent a mechanism bacter spp. become resistant to antimicrobial agents of multi-drug resistance in C. jejuni. (see Table 3). Because a large number of genetic Transmissible plasmids are thought to play an sites may be involved, a genetic approach for de- important role in mediating high-level tetracycline µ tecting resistance is too complex to be practical. resistance (MIC >64 ( /ml) in Campylobacter spp. Fluoroquinolone antimicrobials inhibit DNA (Bopp et al., 1985; Tenover et al., 1985; Taylor et gyrase activity by binding to the A subunit of the al., 1981). Bopp et al. (1985) evaluated the anti- enzyme, interfering with the DNA supercoiling microbial susceptibility, plasmid profiles and process and thus blocking DNA replication. High- serotypes of outbreak strains of Campylobacter . All level resistance to fluoroquinolones in Campylobacter strains that were resistant to tetracycline contained spp. is associated with a nucleotide substitution near 38-MDal plasmids having common nucleic acid the 5' end of the gyrA gene (Charvalos et al., 1996; sequences. Other investigators have also reported Ruiz et al., 1998). By direct sequencing, restric- 38-MDal plasmids mediating tetracycline resistance tion fragment length polymorphism, and sequence- (Taylor et al., 1981; Tenover et al., 1985). In addi- specific oligonucleotide probe hybridization, the tion, a smaller plasmid was associated with tetracy- point mutation determining an change cline resistance in Indian isolates (Prasad et al., from Thr-86 to Ile in the quinolone-resistance de- 1994). One-third of the outbreak strains of C. jejuni termining region (QRDR) of gyrA was shown to evaluated by Bopp et al. (1985) and the CDC had be responsible for high-level fluoroquinolone plasmid-mediated tetracycline resistance, suggest- resistance (ciprofloxacin MIC ≥16 (µ/ml). Low- ing that analysis of plasmid profiles may be useful level ciprofloxacin resistance has been selected in in outbreaks. A high degree of DNA homology has the laboratory with mutations at Ala-70 or Asp-90 been noted among plasmids of Campylobacter spp., (Ruiz et al., 1998). Charvalos et al. (1996) detected but there is no homology with plasmids of ciprofloxacin resistance mutations by non-radioiso- Campylobacter that mediate tetracycline resistance topic single-strand conformation polymorphism (Tenover et al., 1985). Tetracycline resistance and by direct DNA sequencing. The emergence of plasmids of Campylobacter cannot be transferred high-level ciprofloxacin resistance (MIC ≥32 to E. coli (Taylor et al., 1981). It is important to (µ/ml) during the course of treatment has been note that, while not all plasmid-containing documented (Segreti et al., 1992). Additional Campylobacter isolates are resistant to tetracycline, mechanisms of resistance to fluoroquinolones in all tetracycline-resistant Campylobacter strains carry Gram-negative bacteria include reduced outer plasmids (Tenover et al., 1985). membrane permeability and efflux pumps that re- Kanamycin resistance is also plasmid-mediated. move antimicrobials from the cell via an energy- There are at least two different resistance genes in


Antibiotic class Mechanism of action Mechanism of Campylobacter resistance

Fluoroquinolones Inhibit DNA gyrase subunit A and prevent Point mutation of Thr86 to Ile nucleotide in QRDR* supercoiling of DNA

Tetracyclines Inhibit 30 S ribosomal subunit Plasmid-mediated; 38 mDal and 23 kb plasmids described

Kanamycin Inhibits 30 S ribosomal subunit Likely plasmid-mediated

Macrolides and Clindamycin Inhibit 50 S ribosomal subunit Chromosomally mediated

Trimethoprim Inhibits dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) Endogenous Possibly transposon-borne dfr gene

β-lactams Inhibit transpeptidation step in cell-wall Multi-factorial: Reduced affinity of penicillin binding construction proteins; porin mutations limit entry by charge and MW°; and β-lactamases selectively inactivate

* QRDR: Quinolone resistance determining region ° MW: Molecular weight


Campylobacter spp. Kanamycin resistance plasmids resistance with spiramycin, lincomycin, show considerable size variation, ranging from 41 clindamycin and azithromycin (Taylor, 1992). to 132 kb, with a high proportion of them also Neither enzymes capable of modifying macrolides encoding the tetO gene (Tenover & Elvrum, 1988). nor efflux mechanisms appear to contribute to re- Campylobacter spp. are resistant to most β-lactams sistance. Fortunately, erythromycin resistance appears (Tajada et al., 1996). Resistance appears to be mul- to be rare in C. jejuni, although resistance rates are tifactorial in nature, including reduced affinity of higher in C. coli isolates from livestock. penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), β-lactamase Trimethoprim, although used as empirical treat- production, and reduced penetration into the cell ment of travellers’ diarrhoea, is ineffective for the due to changes in porins (Lachance et al., 1991; treatment of C. jejuni enteritis since all strains are Tajada et al., 1996). According to Tajada et al. resistant. Studies in Sweden reported a high preva- (1996), resistance in Campylobacter is primarily lence of foreign genetic material encoding a resist- mediated by PBPs. Penicillin G and most narrow- ant dihydrofolate reductase. The genes in question spectrum cephalosporins do not bind to the PBPs are known as dfr1 and dfr9. There is evidence that of Campylobacter but imipenem, amoxicillin (par- they were acquired by transposon-mediated genetic ticularly when combined with clavulanic acid) and exchange. Heavy trimethoprim use in agriculture cefepime (a broader spectrum cephalosporin) are was hypothesized to exert pressure leading to the active against Campylobacter spp. in vitro, which emergence of resistance (Gibreel & Skold, 1998). may reflect increased binding to PBPs. Reportedly, In summary, antibiotic resistance is a global 83–92% of C. jejuni isolates produce a β-lactamase threat to the ability to effectively treat C. jejuni (Lachance et al., 1991). β-lactamase-positive organ- gastroenteritis. The complex interplay of veterinary isms are significantly more resistant to ampicillin, antibiotic use, unregulated human antibiotic use, amoxicillin and ticarcillin than are β-lactamase- and the erosion of geographical barriers to micro- negative bacteria. Among β-lactamase inhibitors, bial migration due to the ease of international travel, tazobactam was the most potent in inhibiting the have contributed to the emergence and spread of enzyme, followed by clavulanic acid and sulbactam resistance, a process which is unpredictable and (Lachance et al., 1991). Susceptibility testing, in continually evolving. Vigilant monitoring of resist- contrast, showed clavulanic acid to perform the best ance is required worldwide. WHO, recognizing the in combination with amoxicillin, ampicillin or impact of antimicrobial use in animal feed, met in ticarcillin (Lachance et al., 1991; Tajada et al., 1996). Berlin and formulated recommendations to address The activities of piperacillin, most cephalosporins, this global problem (WHO, 1997). International and imipenem are not affected by the Campylobacter cooperation by a variety of organizations is needed β-lactamase. Imipenem is highly active against the to address it. majority of isolates; where resistance to this agent occurs in C. jejuni it has been linked to changes in Prevention porins (Page et al., 1989). The outer membrane of Gram-negative bacte- Campylobacteriosis is a disease that occurs world- ria is an effective barrier to antibiotics. The main wide, costing millions of dollars per year in the route for penetration of many antibiotics is via pores United States alone (Skirrow & Blaser, 1992). in the outer membrane. C. jejuni pores are thought Childhood diarrhoea globally, travellers’ diarrhoea, to be smaller than those of E. coli and therefore to and epidemic and sporadic diarrhoea in the indus- limit passage to solutes with a molecular weight of trialized world could be dramatically reduced by 340 Dal or less. Additionally, the charge of a mol- appropriate intervention. Campylobacter-associated ecule affects diffusion through the pores; molecules GBS may be the most important factor in terms of that are uncharged or have zero net charge diffuse cost, at least in industrialized countries, because of better. Molecules smaller than 360 Dal and with the severe and prolonged nature of this complica- neutral charge are the most likely to penetrate the tion. The incidence of GBS in developing coun- C. jejuni pore (Page et al., 1989). Imipenem, ampi- tries remains to be determined. Research continues cillin, amoxicillin, quinolones and nitrofurans all on many fronts, but simple hygiene remains the penetrate the C. jejuni outer membrane well. most effective means of preventing Campylobacter Data regarding the mechanism of erythromycin enteritis. resistance are sparse, but it is believed to be chromo- The reservoirs of C. jejuni are well described and somally mediated in Campylobacter. There is cross- include contaminated surface water, pets and, most


importantly, livestock (including poultry, swine and travellers’ diarrhoea. In the latter infections, anti- cattle). Primary prevention of Campylobacter biotic resistance is emerging. For these reasons, ef- enteritis involves improving personal hygiene, pro- forts are under way to develop a vaccine. Progress viding clean supplies, and improving has been limited by the antigenic variability of food processing and handling. Poultry figures Campylobacter spp. and the lack of information prominently in human illness, so its production and about its pathogenicity. A whole-cell killed vaccine handling have been a focus of efforts to reduce and live attenuated vaccines are being studied Campylobacter colonization and transmission. (Scott, 1997). The oral route of administration is Attempts to limit contact between farm personnel being targeted, with the rationale that stimulation and chicken flocks, to introduce hygienic measures of intestinal immunity should provide adequate to limit campylobacter transmission within flocks, defence against Campylobacter enteritis. Since in- or to modify slaughtering methods to reduce cross- fection with Campylobacter spp. is associated with contamination have made little impact on the reactive arthritis and GBS, the vaccines must not frequency of colonization. Chlorinating their drink- trigger immune responses that would lead to these ing-water did little to reduce the extent of coloni- complications. More information is needed about zation of broiler flocks (Stern et al., 1995). the specific antigens that trigger GBS in order to Irradiation of poultry carcasses is effective, but has eliminate them from vaccines. not been widely used due to concerns on the part of the public about its safety. Thus, measures short Intervention strategies of vigilant culture and destruction of infected flocks have done little to curb the ubiquitous coloniza- As is the case for V. cholerae, well-located regional tion by Campylobacter in large-scale poultry farms. reference laboratories with standardized methods Colonization of poultry occurs quickly and uni- of data collection are needed to create a worldwide formly; this may be due to the fact that the birds surveillance network. The ramifications of antimi- are coprophagic. Introduction of Campylobacter crobial use in animal husbandry are only begin- spp. into 4 chicks resulted in 100% of the flock ning to be understood, although it appears that the becoming colonized within 2–3 days (Jacobs- level of fluoroquinolone resistance in humans can, Reitsma, 1998). Interventions could, therefore, in part, be directly linked to additives in poultry involve prophylaxis to prevent colonization or treat- feed and water. The ease of acquisition of anti- ment once colonization occurs. Tsubokura et al. microbials and the great amount of air travel mean (1997) administered anti-Campylobacter antibod- that regional initiatives would offer little more than ies orally to chicken flocks and studied the effect stopgap measures of prevention. A global surveil- on colonization. Feed was supplemented with bovine lance network with the authority to monitor trends and chicken immunoglobulin preparations (derived on a worldwide scale and to recommend guidelines from the milk or eggs of immunized livestock). In for human and veterinary antibiotic use worldwide uncolonized flocks, this treatment produced a would be a means of combating the rapidly increas- greater than 99% reduction in colonization upon ing resistance in enteric organisms. subsequent oral challenge with Campylobacter. However, these preparations did not eliminate Conclusion Campylobacter from pre-colonized flocks, produc- ing only a transient reduction, by 50–80%, in the In 25 years, C. jejuni has progressed from a newly number of bacteria, as compared to controls. This recognized pathogen to being understood as the difference disappeared within 3 days after treat- most significant cause of diarrhoea in the industri- ment. Reduction in Campylobacter colonization of alized world. It is a common cause of diarrhoea in poultry will, presumably, lead to reduction in its children and travellers internationally, causes transmission to humans. Passive immunity may endemic diarrhoea and outbreaks of diarrhoea in reduce the bacterial load without selecting for re- industrialized countries, and appears to be the most sistance, in contrast to the use of feed supplemented common cause of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a dev- with antimicrobials. astating and costly illness. Despite the large amount There is a significant incidence of locally ac- of information available, the mechanisms of patho- quired Campylobacter infection, both in industri- genicity in Campylobacter are still unclear. Thus, alized and developing countries and, additionally, molecular pathogenesis studies represent the next campylobacteriosis represents a large proportion of research frontier. Controlling the spread of the or-


ganism in livestock, ensuring appropriate food han- dling practices, and limiting the use of antibiotics in agriculture are critical to reducing overall dis- ease incidence and resistance. The development of vaccines, both for humans and animals, will greatly enhance our ability to contain the spread of Campylobacter. Emerging drug resistance is a glo- bal problem; therefore, international cooperation will be required to address it.



In order to develop comprehensive policies, any developing countries. Without regulation of anti- strategy for controlling antimicrobial resistance biotic availability there is little hope of implement- must consider ecological factors and be based on ing rational and effective guidelines for antibiotic data for a wide variety of pathogens. Given the high use. rate of genetic exchange among species, interven- Implementation of recommended actions should tions aimed at a single enteric organism will be fruit- take place under the umbrella of infectious disease less. The United States Agency for International control and surveillance programmes. There is an Development (USAID) Infectious Disease Initia- urgent need to set up low-technology regional labo- tive intends to use data generated for individual ratories throughout the developing world to deal organisms to create a more general global strategy with diagnosis and surveillance; these structures to combat antimicrobial resistance. V. cholerae, should also serve other infectious disease control Campylobacter and Shigella are but pieces of a larger programmes. Local antimicrobial resistance initia- puzzle. In many regions, financial and technical tives could be assisted by the “Surveillance Stand- resources are needed to establish adequate labora- ards for Antimicrobial Resistance” currently being tories and to network them within the areas they prepared (WHO, 2001) and the WHONET soft- serve as well as with international centres. Support ware (WHO, 1999, developed by the WHO from WHO, CDC, and other donors will be Collaborating Centre for Surveillance of Antimi- essential in providing resources, training local health crobial Resistance). Regional centres could collect care workers and laboratory personnel, and edu- samples, routinely test these for antimicrobial sen- cating the public. sitivity, and log the data into a regional laboratory The greatest obstacles to implementation will sample survey system. Such surveillance systems be at the local level. Changing the antibiotic pre- would be useful for the early detection of epidem- scribing behaviour of health care providers and their ics and in choosing antimicrobial therapy based on use by lay people is a daunting task, requiring com- prevalent resistance patterns. These programmes munication strategies specific to the particular re- would allow laboratories to analyse and share anti- gion’s culture, habits and socioeconomic situation. microbial resistance data and facilitate the coordi- Additionally, there are currently no policies in place nation of control efforts (Institute of Medicine, to control the unregulated sale of antibiotics in 1998).



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