Vibrio Cholerae That Produce Enterotoxin 1

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Vibrio Cholerae That Produce Enterotoxin 1 CHOLERA FACT SHEET Agent: Vibrio cholerae that produce enterotoxin 1. Specimen: Feces; Food (outbreak only) (serogroup O1 or serogroup O139) 2. Outfit: Stool culture; None provided for food Brief description: An acute bacterial infection of 3. Lab Form: 3416 for stool culture; 3450 for variable severity ranging from asymptomatic infec- food culture tion to profuse watery diarrhea. If severe disease is 4. Lab Test Performed: Culture of Vibrio not treated, rapid dehydration, acidosis, circulatory 5. Lab: Bacteriology Laboratory, Georgia collapse, hypoglycemia (in children), renal failure, Public Health Laboratory (GPHL) in and death can occur. Cholera is very rare in the Decatur. United States, with an average of 0-5 cases per year; B. Vibrio cholerae typing most of these have been linked to eating seafood 1. Specimen: Pure culture from the Louisiana and Texas Gulf Coast. Cholera is 2. Outfit: Culture referral a major cause of epidemic diarrhea in the developing 3. Lab Form: 3410 world. 4. Lab Test Performed: Vibrio cholerae typing 5. Lab: Bacteriology Laboratory, GPHL in Reservoir: Humans are the primary reservoir. Decatur. Environmental reservoirs are likely copepods and other zooplankton in brackish rivers and coastal NOTE: In outbreak situations, collect and estuaries. refrigerate food specimens for laboratory analysis. The food sample should be sent to the Mode of Transmission: Ingestion of food or water bacteriology lab using Lab Form 3450, through contaminated with stool or vomitus of infected coordination with the Epidemiology Branch persons. Also transmitted through eating raw or (404-657-2588). undercooked seafood that either comes from polluted waters or is naturally contaminated. Case Classification • Confirmed: A clinically compatible case Incubation Period: Usually 2-3 days, but ranges that is laboratory confirmed from a few hours to five days. Period of Communicability: For the duration Laboratory Criteria for Diagnosis: of the stool positive stage, usually only a few • Isolation of toxigenic (i.e., cholera toxin-produc- days after recovery. Occasionally, the carrier ing) Vibrio cholerae O1 or O139 from stool or state may persist for several months. vomitus, OR • Serologic evidence of recent infection (a fourfold Vaccine: A killed whole cell vaccine given change in vibriocidal antibody titer) parenterally is available, but it confers only brief and incomplete immunity. It is not rec- NOTE: Isolation of Vibrio in culture requires special ommended for travelers. As of late 1999, two selective media, so the laboratory must be informed oral vaccines for cholera were not licensed for of the suspicion of cholera infection to assure proper use in the USA. testing of the specimen. Treatment: Immediate rehydration therapy to Diagnostic Testing: repair fluid and electrolyte deficits and mainte- A. Vibrio spp. culture nance therapy to replace ongoing diarrheal losses are central to treating cholera. Patients 36 can be treated with an oral rehydration solution, a Reported Cases of Cholera in Geor- prepackaged mixture of sugar and salts to be mixed gia, 1993-1999 with water and drunk in large amounts. Severe cases also require intravenous fluid replacement. Antibiot- Year Number of Cases ics (tetracycline, doxycycline, or trimethaprim- 1993 0 sulfamethoxazole) can shorten the course and dimin- 1994 0 ish the severity of the illness, as well as shorten the 1995 2 duration of Vibrio excretion. 1996 0 1997 0 Investigation: CDC form 52.79, “Cholera and Other 1998 0 Vibrio Illness Surveillance Report” will help guide the 1999 1 investigation. Obtain history of travel to and from endemic areas, dates of travel, mode of transporta- tion, and foods consumed. Recent travel to and from References and Further Reading cholera-endemic areas is the source for most recent 1. Blake PA. Epidemiology of cholera in the cases occurring in the United States. Explore the Americas. Gastroenterol Clin North Am possibility of infection from exposure to a contami- 1993; 22:639-60. nated body of water or eating seafood. Conduct 2. Centers for Disease Control and Preven- surveillance of companions who shared food and tion. Case Definitions for Infectious Condi- drink from the five days prior to illness onset. Deter- tions under Public Health Surveillance. mine if case is outbreak-related, and notify the Epide- MMWR 1997; 46(RR10): 1-55. miology Branch. 3. Centers for Disease Control and Preven- tion. Cholera Associated with Food Trans- Reporting: Report cases IMMEDIATELY by phone ported from El Salvador - Indiana, 1994. to the local health department, District Health Office, MMWR 1995; 44(20): 385-386. or the Epidemiology Branch at 404-657-2588. If 4. Chin J, ed. Cholera and Other Vibrioses. calling after regular business hours, it is very impor- In: Control of Communicable Diseases tant to report cases to the Epidemiology Branch Manual. 17th ed. Washington, DC: Ameri- answering service. After a verbal report has been can Public Health Association, 2000: 100- made, please transmit the case information electroni- 108. cally through the State Electronic Notifiable Disease 5. Tauxe RV, Mintz ED, Quick, RE. Epidemic Surveillance System (SENDSS) at http:// cholera in the new world: translating field, or complete and mail a GA Notifiable epidemiology into new prevention strate- Disease Report Form (#3095). Complete CDC form gies. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 1995; 52.79, “Cholera and Other Vibrio Illness Surveillance 1:141-146. Report,” and fax to the Epidemiology Branch at 404- 6. World Health Organization. Guidelines for 657-7517 as soon as possible. Illnesses due to strains cholera control. Geneva: World Health of V. cholerae other than toxigenic V. cholerae O1 or Organization, 1993. O139 should be reported as cases of Vibrio infection, not as cholera. 37 Links • CDC cholera – diseaseinfo/cholera_g.htm • CDC travel information – travel/ • WHO cholera – cholera.htm 38.
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